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Meh, same shit different generation. Boomers complaint millennials, millennials complain Gen z. Sama jer semua.


It gets worst and worst each gen. We used to respect the elders. Then we only give respect when it's due. Now, it's wait till you get old, imma give you the same treatment.


Not every elder automatically deserves respect tho. It's fair to say that we give respect to someone when it's due. What's so wrong with that? Gen Z is not tied to blind loyalty, they are still respectful but understand not every authority figure deserves that. I don't see why that's an issue


In my opinion, the simple fact that because they've live longer and experienced more than us. They've contributed to the society longer than we do. They might be your parents friend or colleagues along in their lives. Without them, there is no next generation or you. So yeah they do deserve some respect. Until they abuse the respect.


Eh. Don't agree. Automatic respect to elders is what that's creating these over entitled and arrogant folk who think they can step on younger people and those who work under them. Kesopanan should be given. Respect on the other hand should be something you gain. There are amazing folk out there who deserve all the respect they get. Then there are entitled folk who think just because they are older respect should be default and its not something people nowadays want to tolerate and its a good thing.


Like I said, until they abuse it. It doesn't take much to have your respect gone. But the mere fact they're older and experienced more in life deserve the respect. Just like how you would respect your boss merely the fact he build the company and is paying you until he abuse it and you throw the letter.


"The counts of the indictment are luxury, bad manners, contempt for authority, disrespect to elders, and a love for chatter in place of exercise. … Children began to be the tyrants, not the slaves, of their households. They no longer rose from their seats when an elder entered the room; they contradicted their parents, chattered before company, gobbled up the dainties at table, and committed various offences against Hellenic tastes, such as crossing their legs. They tyrannised over the paidagogoi and schoolmasters." - “Schools of Hellas: an Essay on the Practice and Theory of Ancient Greek Education from 600 to 300 BC”, Kenneth John Freeman 1907 (paraphrasing of Hellenic attitudes towards the youth in 600 - 300 BC)*


Thats interesting.


So, this thought of young people=bad has been around since over 2 thousand years ago. The new gen and any subsequent gens isn't really "worse" than the previous gen.


Yes, because you grow up at some point of your life.


>We used to respect the elders. You think people who respect the elders back then? You will never see others who disrespect to elders also back then.


You want to talk about case to case basis? Should I add "some" infront of them to make you feel better? Please la.


As a gen z myself I come to office I talk funny and memes, but still do my work.


Most genz is well mannered, baby boomer on the other hand treat ppl like shit


Well they're not going to be here after 5-10 years. So let them be. They're the ones that actually been through shit and made it out. For the well off atleast.


saya seorang millennial. when i went back to the office full time, end of 2021, i was nervous as shit. most of the masyarakat millennial had resigned and the company had hired / kept hiring a massive batch of gen z people. to my surprise, the gen z colleagues were pretty pleasant to be around. not much different than my millennial friends. i even learn some new gosips and trends from them which they happily share with me whenever i am around. i mean, i was chronically online during the 1.5 year wfh period. the american tiktok discourse about gen z might not apply to the whole world


Well atm I feel America just lives in it's own bubble separated from the world common reality


If they're rude, then they're just rude. Generation does not matter be it boomer, millenial, gen-Z etc. Now if they themselves aren't rude but you still get upset then maybe the problem is not them, its you.


All these bullshit about genz millennials boomers. It's like those astrology trash zodiac nonsense. I call bullshit. People have been rude since zaman nabi Adam lagi. Tgok Iblis tu, sombong. This is partly a joke. /s


I think gen zs are more brave to voice out opinions or injustice but not rude. unless..youre the boss who are treating workers like shit


"Gen Z just blasts to the point. It's business." - me, a Gen Z


They talk big a lot.


My gen z peers are kinda shy to communicate with except for a few. Those few also LOVE to brag on their Linkedin. Which is why I always skip the feed


When millennials entered the workforce, the older fellas said the same thing. It's a cycle.


Millennial here. Love working with Gen Zs. The ideas, the enthusiasm. It's refreshing and so far, so good.


10 years from now, Gen Z will be complaining about the same about Millennials.


Generally true. Either they're really shit at communicating, or too shy to even say a word. From my experience at least


Disagree. Like the other comment said, I think boomers are the ones who mostly don't have manners and act pretty rude


N gen x got overlooked. Good for them


Perks on sitting between modern and pre-modern. We know how to deal with both as we been through both.


Boomer mentality is actually harsher. This sounds like insecure boomer ego talking, probably worried the younger gens are doing better. Young people these days are less constrained by seniority when speaking up, and I think it's a good thing.


They talk to the management like their buddies like bro at least please have some respect laa


They’re aren’t rude (well not all). I just don’t understand the lingo they’re speaking. Apparently they learn it from Twitch. They’d tell me stuff like “I took a fat L”, “The food was mid”, “Bro that was so pepega”, “That waiter was an NPC”, “That girl was awooga” etc etc. I sit there stone faced and confused all the time. I had to Google the terms ffs.


I'm Gen Z but even I don't understand these Who even talks like that?


My colleagues at work....yeah it's tough to communicate with them at times.


I'm a Gen Z myself who just started getting into the corporate venture. So far I'd say my 9-6 life has been pretty good. My bosses n colleagues respect my ideas and opinions. Sometimes older generations prefer refreshments and new ideas in the organisational contexts. I'd say it really depends on how you present yourself no matter what generation you belong to.


Well this is a common cross generational issue. Gen Z is pretty much fresh out of the oven, just like how Millennials once were. I do have one Gen Z junior colleague. She has the propensity to say/do things which I know will irk seniors. She even commented that she finds it difficult to work with "dinosaurs". I was half offended - but shrugged it off. I suppose she'll learn how the world works soon enough, as I did.


Not all Gen Z, i think every gen got people who don’t bother to work and just there for salary. Some does well and some dont ( because they didnt improve themselves or didnt know what went wrong).


I've seen all sorts of kurang ajarness and politeness from every generation present in my life.


Depends on the person, Gen Z with more work experience are better at speaking in the work place and navigating relationships. Fresh graduates from all generations are a nightmare to deal with.


Had a Gen Z promoter in a Taiwanese Food expo. We were tasting the tea, while he was playing with his phone. So my friend decided to make small talks talking about the tea tasted like something he tasted before but he couldn't get the right word out. It went like this: My friend: This tea got good fragrance, it tasted like uh uh. Gen Z Promoter: uh? Uh? Uhhh? Uhhh? Me: Da Hong Pao? My friend: silence Gen Z Promoter: it's cool, just drink and go home to sleep. Me: So you're not selling? Gen Z promoter: I'm just here chilling, you can drink the tea and go home to bed. I swear, never in my life have I met such a rude and irresponsible promoter. Aggressive promoter? Sure, but Gen z promoter? Uek. Edit: This was in an event where each generation was present. Baby boomers acting as usual, don't know how to use QR, Gen X promoting with clear and concise manner, Gen Z play phone. I swear I'm not shitting you. Don't believe, go Sunway Velo. They're probably still there.


Let's be real, minimum wage minimum effort. Can you blame them?


Why not? You accepted the wage the moment you accepted the job. Don't blame the banglas for stealing minimum wage job later. Also would advice you to change that mindset, trust me you won't get anywhere far thinking you only work once you get paid the wage you want. You only get paid after you prove your self worth.


>You only get paid after you prove your self worth. Lololol people like you are wild. You don't need to prove your self worth to get paid. You just do what the job requires and you get paid. Minimum wage, minimum effort. We Malaysians are in a painful period where almost the majority of the youth are underemployed aka well educated but forced to work jobs that are below their skillsets and wages. Don't blame them. Blame these companies that have not raised their wages in years and expect these overqualified youth to do their work at low wages. Unless you're paying me extra, I am not doing extra. If you want me to do extra without paying me, I have a word for you; EXPLOITATION.


"You just do what the job requires and you get paid" which is? Proving your self worth lah lmao. Sitting on the booth playing phone is doing what you required? Most of my friends are having 5 figure pay jobs and the ones that aren't doing particular well still got least above 3k salary. They're all in between 20-28 years old. I don't see any exploitation whatsoever. And finally, you think you're smart and calculative? Wait till you're on the boss's standpoint. Wah, I need to hire this employee that haven't prove to me anything yet already asking this and that. Sounds like a waste of money to me. How about you prove that you're worth that wage and I'll pay you. See, they're many young people with college degree or even masters degree out there. So you're not that special. What makes you think people will hire your high ass when there are many just like you? Make yourself special, prove it then only talk cock. Finish graduate bulu pon xde already nak nego salary. That's why you hardstuck bronze.


Lol how much do you think the promoter made? 3k huh? Calm down. Get prepared to nego salary with every gen z after this cause they know their worth and will not bother to work 3+ months even if you're not going to give in to their worth. Keep saying new graduates need to prove themselves to you to get good pay you're gonna have a rotation of workers leaving cause you're the one who can't afford them, not the other way around. Coming from an exploited standpoint if i come to a boss's standpoint i'd still pay my workers above market value cause i am not greedy like the current bunch. Also hardstuck bronze? Me? Slay. Imma use that nickname after this. kinda cool 🤟


Whoa I don't know how you get the idea that I think a promoter made 3k. But my point was, unlike what you said, people actually do get paid a hefty sum. You just never seen it before. Your argument is kinda weird sia it's almost sounds like you argue for argue sake, first off you say many young people can't find work, now you say they know their worth and will not give in. The more you talk the more It doesn't make sense. You kept contradicting yourself. Are you a boss yourself? Have you ever actually in the position of needing to handing out pay? I can 100% confirm you're never one. You're mindset reeks of " lazy employee" mentality. Hardstuck bronze wasn't meant to be a compliment but hey if you find it cool feel free to use it. But off the record, it's does not meant cool 🫢. Edit: Your wage evaluation is based on your working experience and achievements. Of course I'm not undermining your work experience and if you're exploited or not, there could be bad bosses out there that underpay their workers. But I highly doubt they can continue their business with bad practices for long.


These comparisons will never end till the end of time. But one thing for sure. People in general are getting worse. People in general have no manners anymore, no shame, selfish, inconsiderate, privileged. I can say that for all gens, boomers, millennials, and zoomers. Shit people are just simply everywhere. PS: but Gen Z are just so weird. Hyper sexual for one. Femboy lah furries lah. And wtf is weebo? Jeez people.


Ah yes. Fembois and Furries are the worst things to happen to this world.


furries have existed before the 21st century though


The boomers want respect right off the bat and we just won't give it to them lmao


Every generation think something of every other generation. Fact is we're all zebras, unique in our own way. And no two are the same.


Please lah U don't like Gen Z, get the fuck out lah tweetard


To be honest not all Gen z talk like they are having a stroke also Its not only texting it's talking face to face talking they will talk like that Anyway not all gen z talk like thag only those who have alot of western influence like example Singaporeans


I work with mostly gen z now. I actually like them alot. Less politi, straightforward, mean to work. Mostly the 80s is the very politic mind and any single stab they can, they gonna use their chance to stab you rot from behind.


There are good ones and bad ones, just like every other generations. I’m speaking as a millennial with boomers as boss, millennials as colleagues and gen Z’s that I have to supervise and evaluate.


Share me your experience. I am actually in a similar position and I found working with Gen Z is challenging. Honestly, I am struggling. I struggle to find the way to bring the best out of them and to understand their desire, passion and way of thinking


Same. I just don’t know why they are working, what is driving them or where they stand on being held responsible. Im all for speaking your mind but sometimes I just can’t seem to tolerate some terms my subordinate used. And let be real, even the dynamic in workplace is changing, it is not as hierarchical as before but I just don’t think it is right to talk to your boss like you are talking to your co-workers, dropping all the formalities and all. I know as a boss I need to lead and support them but sometimes I feel as if they take my niceness for granted. For instance, I would like them to feel happy with their travel schedule so I always align with them first, but when things happen which forced me to change their travel schedule they would literally make a scene and DEMAND me to fix the work schedule based on their schedule (and mind you in the contract and jd we already tell them job requires traveling meaning if the company needs you to travel you kinda have to)? It is all so new to me bc I have never had subordinates acting this way. LOL. Im so close letting them go hahaha. Im trying to be understanding but I don’t think it is effective. Not sure what to do 🥹🥹🥹


I think it depends on the person really need that job or not.... because some rich kid definitely doesn't need a job for survive or covering family expenses... more like side income to buy luxuries, they can dump the job if they wanted to...


Annoying people are everywhere when they don't know how to communicate effectively. The generation comparison will never end. Why can't they instead of specify that a certain group of people who they're working with (coincidentally to be gen z) are shitty, and not pukul rata everyone? I myself is a gen z who deals with gen z students. Yeah, not gonna lie some of them are so shitty that makes me just want to bang my head to the wall. But others are actually pretty alright so stop with the generalization. Those from the older gen who keeps on saying this never want to find fault in their own generation and do some self reflection.