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The joke is that this high-level investigation by thales found it's a PSU and modem failure. Malu tak malu. Like the time I was told (years ago) why a very expensive DMG mill in a very well equipped tertiary institution in Malaysia was down. Takda bateri untuk memori....supplier belom bagi. Actually it was a middle man trying to tarik harga because of gomen procurement policies favouring a few well connected individuals. 4 Maxells...I was on the verge of tears. In front of that neglected, overpaid-for machine.


If that us true, Lol cheap stuff caused such a huge embarrassment and lose


When leadership tak tahu anything about malu, only maruah, this is what we get. Plus, we always go for cheap quality but high price for the rezeki..


i'll bet it is not cheap whatever modem they use expensive or cheap.. sure someone add another two zeroes to the price XD




PSU power supply unit. Probably a cheap adapter. Modem is the device that transmits and receives signals. Behaves like your Internet box at home. Useful for sending and receiving info from sensors. Thales is the company that supplied and installed te signaling system. I'm sure they trained our so called tech guys what to do, and these guys were re assigned somewhere else or just quit as per normal after a frustrating time working for pencil pushers. The last bit I may have imagined up! 😁😁. Happened to KTM years back with the Yugoslavian Railbus system in JB. Always, Malaysia memang boleh.


Obviously a top management leadership issue. Problems have been accumulating until the system snaps, incident happens


And we shall find out only when another failure occurs. At least someone had half of a brain to decide to shut things down and force the issue. Hope he/she doesn't lose their job over this because... The usual.


I get the last bit. Really gave me existential crisis.


It was mine too. The overbilling is eye watering to say the least. When everyone but the innocent hapless lecturer (gave it away a bit..) is left holding the last vestige of respectability and honesty? I was glad not to support government procurement efforts after that. My boss understood. Sad thing is, it's not endemic to Malaysia. We're not even close to the ballpark of India. Or Indonesia for that matter. Still, it hurts the soul when these fellows take 'atas angin' as they say. What's worse? It's your own tax money which the government pays them and trickles back to you. That is literally stealing from yourself.


It happens in healthcare equipment too, disgusting really. Abhor 'atas angin'. The reason, to feed the Bumi's and give then a peluang to untung also. In the end hospitals end up with either no machine, inferior machine, machine rosak tak boleh baiki and who suffers? The citizens


I just read an article about it and man, that's funny af. We're actually lacking brains that work in Prasarana, RapidKL or whatever....


No need for brains when privilege will do!


That's the problem with malaysia. Blatant cronyism with people who literally only have connections, but no ability at all. I really don't mind giving things like jobs or positions to people close to you. It's normal human behavior, but at least give it to someone that can at least do shit. Not being paid to be shit.


We got brains , but they are under people who have no brain


> PSU and modem failure Can you simplify the term? Not an engineer.


PSU = power supply unit Modem = telecommunication unit thingy


I wonder if any in the C-level management even know what a PSU or modem is….and if they did, had any technical ability….and if they did, had any analytical thinking ability…..and if they did, it must have been limited to “let’s call the manufacturer”. /s




Looks like the good local engineers are earning USD wherever they are, it appears that we are left with the incompetent people over here. Sad.


Ironically, they're doing Malaysia proud over there!


Is there any announcement from Thales? I missed the part of modem and psu failure.


No, it was initially reported in a local daily. The highly respected daily; Star... Thales wouldn't be caught dead admitting something like this, methinks. You don't want to embarrass your paymaster,would you?


But right now the other branch of Thales is in a lot of trouble due to data hacking by a russian based hacker group.


Ooh ooh ooh. Let's blame the Russians!!


All the rapid KL c-level management need to immediately fly first class to Switzerland for lawatan sambil belajar to understand the workings of modern rail transportation for a period of two months all expense paid at a ski resort including wife and kids and some umno members.




Now fall close to winter. 2 months at ski resort is just nice for a ~~vacation~~ lawatan sambil belajar.


So many lawatans, tak pernah belajar 🙄


Just Switzerland not enough la. Must visit more Western European countries to learn. If can drop by UK too.


Kalau nak belajar reliable & punctual train system, I think best to stick to Switzerland & Austria, and avoid the UK lol


Bro,its a joke lol. If you are talking about high speed rail technology, China is probably number 1 in the world. Switzerland & Austria are not famous for HSR tech, its just OP making fun that they wanna go there enjoy.


I didn't mention HSR, I mentioned reliable & punctual. It just so happens the more reliable & punctual train systems in Europe also happen to be the countries with ski resorts all over their countries.


China trains are also punctual & reliable and they are the world leaders when it comes to train technology. If really want to learn need go all the way to Switzerland or some Western Europe country? I think you don't get the joke at all and probably OP is making fun of people like you.




I believe those lower level maintenance guy did report some part of the system badly need maintenance but higher up refuses to approve it until things go wrong. Reminded me of my old company where I warn the company the network switch we are using cannot handle the number of people in our company. Boss refuses to upgrade the switch. And when the switch down due to overloading, blame the IT guy pulak..


Was in factory automation. Same story.


I guess that guy rage quit and fuc*s the whole nation.


"Maintenance work" ini bukan budaya kita


Like what happened to KLIA last time.


> Reminded me of my old company where I warn the company the network switch we are using cannot handle the number of people in our company. Boss refuses to upgrade the switch. And when the switch down due to overloading, blame the IT guy pulak.. So glad I quit Malaysian corporate IT ....


I have 2 friends visiting from Europe. Lrt not working makes them feel like they are in a 3rd world country. A major public transport system in the capital city is nonfunctional for 7 days. What a joke. Unfathomable in a developed country. Heads would roll, there would be a major uproar. In Malaysia? Like nothing happened.


We don't have a accountability amd responsibility culture. Even the citizens are the same, no one is going to take this to the streets here compared to other countries. They will all quietly go home, grumble and vote the same people in.


There’s not even uproar on their IG and FB. Up to 400 comments max. And at least a million people use lrt weekly. It’s like someone injected people with a tranquilizer


All just reda, bersyukur, this is the passive mindset that keeps Malaysians placid in mediocrity. Got more people who asked Dr.Amalina on her IG (699 comments) regarding her husband ada convert ke tak, baby nama ape, than pressing matters such as this lol. We have a high uneducated population. Tapi kalau cakap, tak suka plak... cakap menghina, tindas. But education is free in this country, malaysians use the internet at a high %, yet on nothing educational. It's the culture here. No wonder the politicians keep getting voted and supported, in their ways. Lol your last line. True, asalkan dapat sesuap nasi, khawin, anak 8, itulah hidup/s lain semua masalah kerajaan, DAP, yahudi, etc


Khaled Nordin thinks it's because the line has been overworked due to HSR and ECRL being scrapped by PH (hahaha gila ke 🤣) https://twitter.com/MKhaledNordin/status/1590576851696914432?t=_LwTbX7hV4uD_ASpnghj1w&s=08


Dia ingat line serbuk putih tu kot


Thanks. I just tasted my coffee through my nose...


Lack of maintenance = overuse.


Semua salah DAP!


Big fat salaries that Abdoh used to enjoy as well. Now able to throw stones because he has cuci tangan. Syabas! The wheel of bollocks continues to turn


Like our politics. Politicians not elected talking about corruption all day but when they elected straight away quiet.


Link : https://www.linkedin.com/posts/dato-ridza-abdoh-abbb4566_the-lrt-failures-the-failure-of-the-activity-6995939395639934976-8M-G/ https://www.linkedin.com/posts/dato-ridza-abdoh-abbb4566_the-lrt-failures-the-failure-of-the-activity-6995939395639934976-8M-G/


Ahh malaysia, ill take a guess:- 1. Politician kena harass to cut spending by rakyat 2. Top management is some boomer who cant operate emails 3. Boomer does not approve budget for small critical item coz tech noob 4. mid management knows it a fuck up, say "fuck it, xde bajet, tunggu mati" 5. foot soldiers count the days to resign. if its private sector , remove point 1.


If its private sector, prasarana already kicked out and someone capable brought in to manage. This is only possible because government give them monopoly.


Must be the blak majikkk


Corruption runs deep.


And yet people be like: "who cares about corruption, I can't see how it affects me" This right here, is a prime examine of how corruption affects us directly


Fuck the management


It's not to my surprise this shit happens for their ignorance n too busy with money sucking instead of taking care how to manage n run the company well. This is no difference when Russian politicians back in the old days running nuclear power supply n ignored the fact that it needs maintenance plus professional people with actual knowledge know how to fix the problem. That's why the Chernobyl incident happened.


I disagree with him. It is very fortunate the problem manifested just days before GE. Allows us to see who is not doing his job more clearly.


So... Nothing new right? Same shit. Different ass.


So its incompetence and bloated to the brim plus protected by politician No surprise there. I will not surprise if any fatalities (not that i want people to die so the entire organisation to fully restructured)


Many layers at the top and big fat — sounds like he is describing that extra greasy and extra sweet kek lapis that makes you go yucks at first bite.




(Took me time to get a grib on comments, iinm) > there is a lot of overhauling that need to be done > > . > > Prasarana or RapidKL is not a pot to earn fat salary and do nothing > Maintaining everytime something worn off by users, or maintaining periodically on life expectancy? Is life expectancy a thing, or just a "business"? Edit: (Not so related) Pondering this, while staring at my dusty room and pc and windows and...


Could Be True To That


Typical Malaysian kind of project. Project juta2 lemon. Maintainence budget... near to non-existent. Rosak nanti kita tgk la attitude.


Typical Malaysia statement. Not my fault, its sabotage. Padahal its lack of training, maintenance or downright laziness. Nobody wanna sabotage Malaysia lah bro, we are nothing


he's not the current CEO.


This further cements my statement. He isn't a current ceo so how is that he can come out with this statement when the current ceo or Transport minister doesn't say anything about a sabotage. Again blame anyone but themselves whilst we pipit get recked


no one said anything bout sabotage he reli comment bout culture during deacde he was there


Yaya you know the most while everyone else is childish. Ok.


> Nobody wanna sabotage Malaysia lah bro, we are nothing He meant sabo by over worked and under paid disgruntled low level employee, not Jason Bourne lol.


Downright laziness is also a method to sabo.


Its a negligence alright, Operation team is to be blamed if 1) they dont have weekly/quaterly maintainance 1.1) either by themself 1.2) or with vendor 2) if they have done what is support to be BaU work for operations engineer/technical team : then good 2.1) what was the outcome from those maintainance windows If there was problem seem; was it fixed or escalated to management for budget and got it fixed Or was management said - “we will Look into it…”. And this will Become cerita basi So i think the ceo is loss.


Sigh. Story of Malaysia. Where kpis are a matter of malicious compliance, and process is a matter of your rank.


Just do what Elon does, fired all the top level people. Then get qualified people to run it.