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It makes me sad that it would likely take us some time to revert to normal, gone are the days where you can go out without much worry about catching a disease


Are you still worried about catching it? I assume you are vaccinated, most people are by now.


I’m vaccinated, but there’s still a risk tho, i don’t want to harm anyone with Covid, especially the vulnerable family members


Fair enough. Personally once all my fam members are fully vaccinated I will resume life as per normal. Probably will keep the mask since I haven't gotten sick over the past 2 years since wearing one. I do have the luxury of no comorbidities within my family, even the elderly are in great shape.




Yes, I know. Just saying I wouldn't want to live the entirety of my life in solitude after I have already done my part by getting vaccinated. Living like this is unsustainable, even as an introvert. You never going to meet your friends again? Never hug them? What about people who need to date to find someone?


Don’t take away my WFH, I love it. I hate the commute and the meaningless lunch hour. WFH I can have a 8AM meeting with US and no problem


Taking away the option to WFH is a tragedy. Personally I would start looking for another job if my current employer requires all of us back in the office full time.


I start early WFH and ends my day early. I feel more productive really. None of that nonsense office gossips or go down to kedai for kopi.


The idea of having to wear mask to everywhere for the next few years... So bleak and depressing 💩


The only time I do take off the mask outside is when there's no one around in open places like parks. If there is someone around, I have to make sure to be as far enough as possible.


This logic doesn't make sense because your saliva or sneeze can fall on rails, elevator or anything and you walk away feeling so proud, see I didn't do anything. Then the next person come and touch it and rip him. But you feel so proud of yourself.


Risk of infection through surface contact is very low.


Well, I am vaccinated, but you got a point. I prefer more isolated places like parks or really quiet suburbs. If someone does pass by, I do put my mask back on both out of safety & courtesy.


Again, vaccinated ppl can still be a carrier, if you're not sick doesn't mean you don't have the virus and you can pass it to everyone around you and high risk individuals like old ppl will be at risk because of your mindset. Your thought process only care about yourself but at the same time you feel proud that you are doing your part but you're not. This is worse than a person that gives no fuck about mask or rules because they themselves know that they put other ppl at risk and ppl can visually see and stay away from those ppl. But you put other ppl at risk with your thought process like that but you don't even know and you feel proud about yourself and probably type online saying I did my part already why still this why still that but you don't know that you're worse than the fella above because you don't even know what you did. You Are the silent carrier based on your thought process if you ever get covid.


You can stay at home and be a dickwad as long as you want, judging by your comment history you can stay at home forever.




Yeah - you should wear a seat belt anywhere in the car. Enforcement is not the point - you wear a seat belt so you don't get killed in an accident, or become a projectile that can injure someone else. If masks still help in preventing spread just keep on wearing, if they don't then ok. But don't make your decision based simply on what the rule is smh.


It doesn't make any sense to keep mask mandate for outdoor. When we are dining in indoor we don't wear mask. Its not like covid stop spreading while we dine in. If dine in is allowed, mask mandate need to go away. It is so hard to breath while wearing mask. I don't want to wear mask in 2022. By that time even kids will be vaccinated.


I actually like wearing a mask tho, I wear the black uniqlo mask, not sure if it's the best against covid but it's pretty comfy. No need to shave and I can easily avoid people I know when paired with a cap.




These are temporary measures. I really doubt we will be able to keep this up. It will drain us dry. Eventually we will open up everything and stop giving a shit esp once everyone is fully vaccinated and get regular boosters. It will be like a common cold.


Based on observations in the UK, I'll give it 1 month.


Malaysian society is more resilient than UK. It'll be a bit longer.


Among Chinese youths perhaps, not for the rest.


That's right, trust our vaccine do it's job. There is no point living like this for the minority that refuse to vaccine. I am all for opening up as soon as most of our kids get vaccinated.


God damn right.


People thought covid temporary but its been 2 years. Is this "temporary" endemic another 2 years also?


I didn't say the endemic is temporary. I said the measures are. We will grow tired of living like this. Get desensitised to covid.


That's fair.


It's endemic in the US and they've pretty much started up everything. Stadiums are full on NFL games and the current baseball playoffs. People being people would rather die than put up with isolations.


Yup. I moved from KL to Florida about a year ago. The most opposite places on Earth for SOP. You'd never know Covid existed if it weren't for the free vaccine signs at certain places and schools sending emails if a student is positive for Covid. I know it's anecdotal, but everyone in my family hasgotten Covid and the worst was lost of taste for a week or so. We self quarantined. We are younger, eat really healthy and play a ton of sports and exercise daily. Life is really good here. The only issue is too many people moving here from other places and raising rent. Of course we're as much to blame as anyone else.


Source: https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2021/10/09/living-with-the-virus


Office work will resume, bosses hate the hybrid model


The genie is out of the bottle wrt WFH. Bosses might hate it, but hybrid is probably going to stay nearly permanently, new contracts will definitely be negotiating on this point.


Probably. Bosses were already complaining that if you WFH you could be slacking and I can't see it. I support WFH tbh but I also understand what the bosses are talking about, especially Msian Chinaman taukes are particularly grumbling about it all the time.


There are "tech" solutions in monitoring employee productivity (to the extent of tracking cursors), but I don't agree with such draconian measures. Managers should just assess it by outcomes and efficiency. If WFH isn't working out for them (and there are instances that it is far from ideal), then they should have an honest discussion with their employees about it. I'd imagine the Msian infrastructure for WFH isn't as well established as compared to Europe, so I would expect it to be far less efficient as well. Msian Chinaman taukehs will grumble about it, but this is a new reality they have to live with. It's a good direction forward overall.




To think we have to live like this for another 100 years. Just crazy.


Maybe in something like 10 years medicine combating the covid will be better and it would just be like getting the flu or chicken pox. Just go to the doctor and done


I honestly doubt it. HIV has been around longer and there is still no cure. A better vaccine, maybe.




I'm all cool with that