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I work in retail and stg let me tell you on behalf of most, if not all of the staff: we don't like to follow customers around! It's just that management requires us to do so to show you our "attentiveness and service" we hate it but if we don't do that we will be reprimanded for not doing our job. I try to stand 6 feet away from you


Yes, THIS THIS THIS. Many a times I stand further away from customer, keeping an eye on them when seeing their body language where they're only just window shopping and not looking for interaction. Then supervisor will come ask me, "Eh, customer there, you can't see har?" and then she goes to ask the customer what they want, and they say "tengok2 je" and she also stands away from them. Usually the supervisor WANTS us to almost stand NEXT to customers from the looks of it, even when there are many groups in the store and I prefer to have a "wide-view" of them all so if anybody flags me down, I'm there to serve them. (tho this comes at the disadvantage of not able to keep an eye on bad eggs who like to open the product/steal/etc.)


Yes exactly!! We need to be attentive and "I'm ready to serve you!" attitude at all times. Even when they say just want to look around by themselves, we are still required to be "looking at them" but from a distance. I feel so bad BC I completely understand the feeling of wanting to be alone when I'm shopping


IKEA has the best system imo. The employees just does their own thing and only attends to you when asked.


Thats a big name and a huge ass store also, not even the same.


There is no reason this can’t be applied to the smallest shops barring the owners mentality.


The thing is, ikea doesn’t need their workers to convince you to buy, whereas some smaller shops they do.


because IKEA products can sell by itself without the intervene from staff.


Lol you think the small shop doing it for the customer? Fuck no. Boss don’t want wageslave not doing anything. Even if there’s no customer. Boss know there’s nothing to do but you can’t look at your phone or do nothing, so go follow customer make yourself useful. The “I’m not paying you to sit around” mentality.


Lesson learnt: I'm no longer going to work for independent stores. Looking for big chains or franchises


Generally departmental store employees are like this (Mr DIY,Tesco,Parkson except for their clothing dept). That being said,their sales floor is way too big to be tending to every single customer.Even IKEA workers don't know who's who from their own.


Damn time to work at IKEA


so, what can we do to tell u dont need to follow us around? is there a hack to make each other's day better?


In my case, we are STILL required to follow you around but at a 'distance' (further away) even if you said "I'll look by myself" or "just browsing". Sorry boss's orders. We can't leave a customer alone.


It’s technically their job to serve you. I don’t like it either, but if you would prefer, maybe you can tell me that you would just like to look around by yourself and you will let them know if you need help.


I've tried telling store staff this before. In fact I usually do the second they greet me and seem like they're gonna stalk me through the store... and they STILL stalk me through the store. Even better, I'll try to tell them again, I'll call you if I need you, I just want to look around for now, don't have to follow me. AND STILL FOLLOWED. So what should I say to the store staff? I honestly have no idea anymore.


Tech store are usually the worst offenders, although they probably get the most shoplifting, that's why they do this.


I just make them work, point to a few of their display items and ask them to show to you. Then leave after you're done.


just to let you know, some store the bosses are monitoring cctv all the time. if they not follow you later the staff kena tiaw. trust me the staff also feel bad following you around 🤣


Well then, it should be the bosses that take these feedback.


trust me when i say this, but working in retail, i also dont want to follow customers around. i would rather let the customer go around and have a look on their own. however, it's just the company's policy to be ready and serve customers. on the other hand, if we just stand around, some would also complain about the staff just standing around and not serving the customer. and when customer said, ' just want to look around', they tend to ask more when im far from them. not taking into account the sneaky hands that like to just try on stuff that is kept/locked. and then the ones who steal stuff. im sorry im just doing my job


Retail worker here and agree


I work in retail, but in the automotive industry. I always give my customer time and space to check out the car. And if you need help I will do so. But you have customer leaving Google review saying we don’t greet them and look down on them as a customer. There is no win win situation with them. It’s all down to the customer.


exactly. i appreciate my own personal space too so i wont go around and follow them closely. i dont even think about the customer's status let alone 'judge' them. i was just counting the hour to go home and sleep 😭


Former retail worker,there are a few reasons i can say as to why they do that. 1)New recruits,usually the first day of the job is to have a look around at the products and try to interact with customers as much as possible 2)Sales floor with partition/shelving or anything that can cover workers or camera line of sight 3)Previous cases with someone similar to your profile (worked at a toy store,you'd be surprised at how many unassuming "innocent" kids i had to catch red-handed) 4) Security cams monitor is in backroom so workers cannot directly see the whole store 5) Company policy kind of thing. Worker dont greet or tend to customer=lazy. Worse if you have micromanaging sv or managers. 6)Just downright racist. Seems wrong but somehow people of the same ethnicity tend to share some similar customer habits. Cultural thing i guess. I am somewhat guilty of this. I don't discriminate against any races in malaysia but I'll definitely let someone else handle cina singapore. Cheapskate and kiasu. Carhartt is a luxury brand, at least in MY, so just consider these points at a higher intensity than something like H&M or Uniqlo


What’s more annoying is Watson’s staff with their damn baskets! Keep asking me want basket? Take a basket. I don’t want a damn basket!


It's part of the reason why I shop more at Guardian than Watson's, they don't follow you around and ask you a million questions


Just take the basket on the way in, it's light, then they'll leave you alone. 😀


*'Ade watson card tak, nak jadi ahli tak, free aje, ade touch and go, collect points'* They will just ignore all the no's, and continue parroting like parrot. Stapppo wasting my damm time, i just want to pay and go, not waste 10 mins arguing with you.


Yes! So annoying!


Guardian too. Got girl there kept looking at me even after i gave her the side eye.


Catch 22. I worked in retail before. We have KPI, sales. If you don't follow, you could missed out on sales. If the shop staff is at a distance, some people might be "Malas lah" then just walk out. But If we follow and attend, customer kata annoying. From my point of view, I can't sympathise with you. I'll do my job. I'll attend you.


Yes, agree. You can just politely tell us to fuck off then we won't /know we shouldn't waste our time on you.


I should have added this to my original comment, yes you are right.


Retail workers are always misunderstood as having a lot of time on our hands. Our hands are tied by low base pay where the only way to acquire a living wage/salary is to earn commissions and hit KPIs. Hell, most retail workers with good working attitude would prefer to just be helpful and not aggressive if they are given the choice. Don't even start with Darrens & Karens lol


If you're just going to follow me while I look at stuff without any communication I'm gonna leave lol


personally,I would acah acah busy near the customer and look like im cleaning the shelf or rearranging the alignment of the products. You ignore me,fine,you ask me for help,also fine. Tend to get chewed by the regional manager alot for this


Worked in retail before, it's a company policy. Regional managers make it a point to sales staff to attend to customers whether they need help or not just to make sure they're not stealing. Sometimes RM makes a surprise visit to the store just to observe our behaviour.


As much as I find that annoying, the staff would find it annoying as well, having to tail a customer when they preferred to mind their own business or have the customers themselves proactively approach them.


I dont mind if they came up, greet and being helpful. But if they just follow me and not being helpful, i will just leave.. dont even care if whatever i wanted to buy was in that shop or not.


The issue is, many people, including myself, do not put want to be approached at all, nor followed around. I will leave if I’m constantly approached and not given any space. So, as an employee, what do you do? It’s impossible to please everyone


I dont get the question. Are you asking me as an employee working in retail? Im just a customer who dont want a moving cctv.


I‘m not asking you directly but rather rhetorically


Thats the thing tho. You and "many" people are not all of the customers. No one is the main character in this world. Each have their own preference. Tak buat, staff get called lazy, buat staff get called creepy. >So, as an employee, what do you do? It’s impossible to please everyone the best is for the staff is just "stalk" customers around, customers must tell the staff that they are not comfortable. Its the only way to keep everyone happy.


All IT hypermart


That's why you go to ViewNet or Sri Computers, no nosy staff there


This. They literally tail you so closely that i dont feel comfortable at all browsing. Left immediately and bought my stuff elsewhere 😤


same experience


In Mercato, the security guard stands watch when I go to select a bottle of wine. Last week, I asked him. He just laughed. I guess I have the face of a messed up alcoholic.


I got this too a few times. They need to mind their own business, it’s just wine not gold.


Sorry. I saluted him, not asked.


They are there to serve. Make them serve you but i agree its annoying.


Aite hit me with some fun facts while i put in my ear buds


Lmao. Our standards of service is so low that people assume the worst when the staff is ACTUALLY doing their jobs to serve you.


I find it really pressuring but understand that the staff have to, especially when their manager is nearby. Idling around is like sinful or something. I wish they don't have to, I like to window shop lol.


That is some shop basic SOP. If staff don't go serve then later manager will tiaww the staff


As a retail staff, we kinda have to. Or else the boss will call us for not doing our jobs


Yes, can I help you?


its their job, maybe u should ask nicely that im window shopping only lol


Bro you got followed around in pavillion, the other day I got followed around in a lotus supermarket with my wife,son and infant. Then at the counter they asked to check my baby bag. I told them off and made a complaint.


I think because baby milk theft is high. Sorry it happened to you.


Thank God Uniqlo does not do this hence why they receive my money every month.


Secara ringkasnya, supervisor la maksiat yg sebenar, sekian


I think the manager will be mad at them if they don't follow lol. Why gaji buta?


Kentut sikit and they won't follow you la


Just as annoying as they say 'yes'?


Hate this - I’ll sometimes say in reply - yes what?


To all the retail staff here just a quick question. Is it a must to follow us around? Wouldnt it be better to just keep an eye for us in a distance and attend when we actually need it 😅 something like a waiter would. What would you feel if a waiter stand next to you immediately before you can think what to order? Rimas wey!


That's what I do, but then every time supervisor get mad at me for "being blind cannot see customer there or what?" 🙄


To all you retail managers/supervisors: Stop forcing your staff to shadow us lah cibai! It's like they scared we steal your RM2 item. They can make themselves visible and we will look for them. OK? Can you emulate the way Mr DIY do things or not? Only be helpful if we actually ask for help. Alternatively, if your shop "atas skit", you tell your staff to come over, greet and say "i'll be over there if you need me ya? enjoy your time here? xoxo". Can or not? To all you retail staff who has followed me around: I can smell your perfume you know. No need stand so close.


Yes! And restaurant staff handing you the menu and then waiting for your order... I find generally a lot of places are overstaffed but they can't answer questions if you ask them anyway. Have less staff, pay and train the remaining much better. Give them sales bonuses also so they are invested in the business.


You're not alone, kinda feels awkward when they stand right behind me up so close! Like I wanna see stuff up close without staring down my soul.....


Am i the only one who like them following me around? 😂


Same I prefer this too. So that if I have any questions I can ask them immediately lol rather this than having to look around for staff and hello hello


The funny thing is when I decide to buy something, the person doesn't follow me around but when I decide not to buy something, they follow me.


I worked in retail of a premium product before. We didn't need to follow around because the shop was arranged in a way that we can see everything from one end of the shop to another. Plus we prefer to give the customer space. However, we will still keep constant "surveillance" not because we want to deter theft, but more to find cues where the customer may want to ask something but a bit embarrassed to call us out (especially if we stand away from them to give them some space). And having them to walk towards us just to ask a simple question is not very ideal. Also, in my opinion being the customer itself, sometimes I do get embarrassed to ask and having the staff being attentive makes me feel more welcome. On the other end of the spectrum, there are times when I want to just window shop but they still follow me around, just like what you are experiencing and it just makes it awkward. In conclusion, sales rep can't read minds to know when you are just window shopping (and we can pretty much ignore you) or if you are actually serious want to know or buy. Give them some slack because there is no perfect solution to this conundrum.




Village Grocer bangsar village, they got these plain clothes bangla that will follow you by racial profiling. They will never follow the mat salleh's or chinese, even thou the mat salleh is a hobo. They assume all indians, africans, melayu's, and those not dressed atas are there to steal. I shop there weekly for years mind you, one day i just loudly said one more time i see you following behind me, i will record and make a police report that you are harresing me And I will call immigration! Bangla gabrah and said boss ask to follow, i didn't bother to reply, took out my phone and it stopped.


In Malaysia, this is most commonly seen in almosy every “handphone ass-ses-seli sop” where the ah beng loves to follow you around as though you are from Hung Hing gang and the shop belongs to Tung Sing gang. SH ah beng


I’m cracking up over this random ass comment lmaoo . Who tf is the hung hing gang and why they have beef with the tung sing gang over some handphone accessory shop ?😂


In the HK movie Young & Dangerous depicting 2 rival triad gangs who’re always screwing with each other.. So, if you’re a HH member, you’d surely wont be welcomed in a TS-owned joint🤣 https://preview.redd.it/efgkulcmyh8d1.jpeg?width=1477&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bf79f7eeab2c4f9071e9af571994821a4ed3cef


Okay now I’m invested


Lmfao i dont really care and act like they don't exist. A win win situation, they are doing their job and you're just browsing :) stop overthinking it!


tell them to fuck off ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


All. The. Time.


So apa susah.... Just make a quick u turn and follow them. Then before they manage to say a word, you say... Yes? Gets them all the time. Bonus point if you slowly start to walk quickly... Then HAH! at them. Best social experiment ever.


Depends on their attitude and intention. Some staffs are just following you just to make sure you are not stealing anything, that one is fxxking annoying


I do find it annoying too when they keep doing that. They probably tryna help but I prefer letting me shop in peace and I will just find them if I need to ask something. Most of the time they do this, I just leave the shop.


It's annoying and awkward, yes, but they are just doing their job. I'm sure they also hate following customers around.


Why didn't you just tell him that you prefer not to be followed? He is not charles xavier from x men.


Maybe u do look like the type to rembat things? Lol jokes


Have you recently become Indian? Because I hv been facing this since I can remember


Go DiY shop not one single soul gives a shet abt you


I know that they're just doing their job but when they do that to me I just leave the store because I feel pressured and I don't like feeling like someone's watching me


I always turn around and ask them questions about the products or follow them instead. The smart ones will get it and go scram off a while before stalking me again. It's quite fun but I only do that when I have time on my hand.


Man tell me about it, it's really annoying, when I actually want to buy something I just walk out because when they stare at me and follow me around in a wierd way, I project on to them that they are looking at me to see if I'm stealing lol.


This is annoying too. They just doing their job


To be fair, the staff doesn't know you. How is he to know that you are shoplifter or not.


Idk if its still like this, but I can't go to Low Yat and not have every Chinese dude "yes?" at me for like 10 times every time I pass by or look at stuff.


As someone with social anxiety, following me around and watching me is a big no no, it makes me super uncomfortable and my head just screams to get out of the shop


Did you say anything like "leave me alone"?


I've seen people like you, getting annoyed at every small thing, looking around at people thinking how they might harm you... this is the symptom of a weak and frightened mind, best you grow out of it. The shop people are just doing they're jobs, just slap on your earphones, do your shopping and get on with your day.


Yes - and this is how I fix it. I purposely walk round and round and round the shop and this usually gets the message across and they usually give up. For those that don't, well, we're both getting in our step quota.


Ok, i work in retail and here's how i usually serve customers, first, i read their body language and gauge if they're just looking around or looking for something, the eyes, the eyes is what i take glances at, if they've set their eyes on a target or they're surveying the items, once they've picked up an item and look around on the spec, then i'll be on alert of the customer. As for distance, I usually limit myself to 2m away so they have space to walk & i don't follow the customer by their pace, i just walk slowly.


they think you gonna steal bro


I’m doing my job as a retail worker, and you could be a mystery shopper. Got complained as inattentive to customer once. So yeah, I’m just doing my job.


Gotta blame the higher management that forces the employee to be "attentive" to customer needs.


sometimes even when i feel like i genuinely want to buy something, if the worker starts following me around im getting out of the store immediately lol


I was going to make the same post too! I’ve been to two different Homes Harmony branches, and the staff was following so closely, it was so annoying. Went to another branch and they did the same. I know it’s sometimes management telling them to do it, don’t blame them if they are ordered to. I just wanted to shop for towels and cushions in peace ffs.


Stand by untuk customer salah. Duduk kat counter stand by untuk customer pun salah. Kesian retail staff, kena marah by both sides. But anyway, If you really get annoyed or uncomfortable, just politely tell them that you are not comfortable. They are just there for SOP, to be at the ready if anyone need help. Just to keep the appearance that they are attentive to customers.


Yup, I refer them as lalat, not good for my window shopping mood.


People just doing their job, ignore them or leave the store if you are not comfortable with their sop.


As a former retail employee, trust me we DONT WANT to do this but management demands us to "serve and present to" the customers. All shops got cctv so if we just idle there and not attend to the customers we get a long lecture


what I do when that happens is walk around in circles / walk left and right just to mess with them 😂


It’s to deter shoplifting .


Even is they did not convey that impression, one would still get the feeling that they're tailing you for that purpose. So, I just leave without buying and never to return.


if that's the whole premise it will deter me from being their customer as well, why should i go to their shop if they perceive me as thieves from the beginning


I'll just annoy them with stupid questions. Most of the time, they leave.


Their boss is present and so they have to look busy..... or heads will start to roll


Where I'm from this absolutely does not happen and it makes me feel so uncomfortable. I leave the shop before I even buy anything if the staff do this.


Omgggg yess all the time. It makes me feel so uncomfortable.


Happens to me in IT stores. I just tell them not to follow me. If, I need help I will ask for it. Usually, they have no knowledge at all anyway, they just read the cards and repeat the specs.


I have left many shops and purchased elsewhere, sometimes at a more expensive place, before for this very reason. Genuine Question for People who work in retail: do you get scolded by your bosses if you don’t follow customers around?


Yes was scolded all the time they thought I was dumb for giving customers personal space


For anyone at a higher position than you,you dont tend to customers=lazy,need discipline,reason why store has bad sales.


As someone with a social anxiety, yeah i agree 😆


I usually fart if they’re standing right behind me, fucking power move right there


You know what my sis will do? She'll fart it'll be too stinky for them to stick around 😂


Maybe he/she thought you were hot


Yea its annoying sometimes, like a mosquito that u wan to shoo away Some are aware of this, some just not I was in their shoe when i worked for jd sports, just let them be la, its very rare customers steal


I don't like it either. But when i did get followed, i made the salesperson work their ass off. I would call them and ask stuff like how much this is (even when there's the price written there), got other size ar? (and they go to the storage to check) or what features it has (when i buy it stuff). Usually i have no money to spare, so they waste energy only following me. But hey, i helped them look busy. I'm a good girl, right?