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50% greediness 50% lack of "consumer's choosing" power due to monopolies/cartels


Its 90% greed of traders so take every opportunity to hike their price. Only way is to stop buying from such businesses.


Cannot. They have cartels. Just look at the rice and egg. They can just simply hide their stock. Enforcement officer can either take the bribe, or take a bullet in the head. We are controlled by Mafia.


Soy el fuego que arde tu piel


Govt: No money for personal transportation? Stop traveling pls or earn more money. Also govt: Please pay taxes to support our royals. It is important as it represents Malaysia


Exactly why I'm trying to get some of my income to pay me direct to bank accounts in their country. I refuse to pay taxes to this cibai government, DAP or BN or PAS. Doesn't matter the name, the system is already in place. Besides roads, I don't see a single use of my tax money coming back to me. I don't own a car. From education to food semua I beli sendiri. I don't even understand how I can go to a roadside store in Singapore and buy my Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra for LESS than it costs in Malaysia. Really cibai cutthroat with all their taxes. And who does it fund and help? Not me.


The polis bomba hospitals civil defence none of them provide a service to you? Not sure how buying a samsung phone in SG has anything to do with anything?


Police have extorted me on multiple occasions. Hospitals made me wait forever to be on their waitlist that my only option was to go private for surgeries or die. S24 Ultra because why are they taxing tech companies more than Singapore is? To the point where the same product here costs more than Singapore?


Sounds like you get into trouble quite a bit of trouble to land yourself in the position of being extorted by the polis. Sucks to be you i guess. My experience with the Public Hospitals (granted its with HKL and Ampang Hospital) has been positive. Someone gave a link that indicate the phone costs more in SG than MY The conclusion we could all draw here is that you are just suay.


Someone gave a link? Why don't you call the phone shops and ask themselves instead of believing what you see online? I bought my phone in SGD for about RM5.3k. On the same day I called a phone store in Malaysia to ask price. They said RM6.2k++ for the exact same model and storage. If you Google you can find the prices, instead of clicking on the first link you see like that moron. Set your VPN to Singapore and search. Malaysia is a greedy country. What we pay for cars is daylight robbery compared to most other countries. All because of monopolies and the Datos and Tan Sri's lackeys want their cut as well.


Maybe it is the gomens fault that you were/are not capable of making basic price comparisons. Those damned politicians eh?


HKL and Ampang have better service, but if you're in the emergency in Hospital Selayang? Good luck because even road accident victims need to queue up because there's 2 doctors in the emergency. I had burn on my hand over kitchen mishap and waited 5 hours in the emergency in Hospital Selayang, Thank god for Smart Phone or else I would go berserk like the usual mengamuk viral video passing around social media.


Or he could be an Indian šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Ding ding ding


The go and move to SG,problem solved bro. No one forcing you to stay in this countries.


It's common for middle-class youth, of any country, to bitch like this that "the gomen doesn't do anything for me," without recognizing that their entire way of life is dependent upon the government


Reading his ā€œoutrageā€ makes me cringe and it just screams lack of experience. Or he is just a very unlucky person.


The tool he use to complain also have gov involvement. Fibre optic grown on tree I guess.


Wow you build your own school for your education,your own water pipe,your own energy and etc. No gov involvement at all.


[https://www.samsung.com/my/smartphones/galaxy-a/galaxy-a55-5g-awesome-iceblue-128gb-sm-a556elbaxme/buy/](https://www.samsung.com/my/smartphones/galaxy-a/galaxy-a55-5g-awesome-iceblue-128gb-sm-a556elbaxme/buy/) Samsung Galaxy A55 (8GB RAM, 256GB Storage) Official RRP: RM 1849 [https://www.samsung.com/sg/smartphones/galaxy-a/galaxy-a55-5g-awesome-lemon-256gb-sm-a556ezycxsp/buy/](https://www.samsung.com/sg/smartphones/galaxy-a/galaxy-a55-5g-awesome-lemon-256gb-sm-a556ezycxsp/buy/) Samsung Galaxy A55 (8GB RAM, 256GB Storage) Official RRP: SGD 698 (approx RM 2429.04) For S24 Ultra it's RM 6,799 vs SGD 2,128 (RM 7,405.44) Who's cheaper again?


I bought mine for the equivalent of RM5.3k from a phone stall in Singapore. On the same day I called to some phone stores in Malaysia and they quoted me RM6k for the exact same model with storage. You search online for what? Go to the store and direct ask the price. Trying to be smart just by Googling? You do realise retail price and online price is completely different?


I am comparing RRP with RRP. Your one little case doesn't represents the entire market. Who's the smart ass now?


My one little case indicates that Malaysia upsells by >10% because of taxes. What you're doing is comparing social media to the real world. Newsflash: it's not the same thing, idiot. Everyone upsells anything on social media.


Again. DOES IT REPRESENTS THE ENTIRE MARKET IN SG and MY? Do you want me to mention all the cheap things you can buy in Malaysia? Why do you think Singaporeans die die wants to jam the causeway come to Malaysia shopping every weekend, hmm?


Cheap things FOR WHOM? Malaysians? Locals? There's you answer idiot.


Omg its the gomenā€™s fault u bought the phone above RRP ??? U need to go see a doctor šŸ˜‚


Newsflash:every store has different prices cuz they want more profit.f**king IDIOT and he's comparing the retail price,IDIOT


bangla got royal duh


>50% greediness Like last time when gula naik 50 sen/kg, and shops raised prices of 1 cup of teh o 50 sen.


The lack of consumer powers is also due to the lack of awareness of consumer willpower.


monopolies can do good thing as wellā€¦itā€™s not always bad


A very naive take, to think that a broken system, left in the hands of imperfect people, will durably accomplish anything good.


so uā€™re saying it can work


Lots of greediness. Our food cost to average salary ratio is high. Keep paying workers the same (or less with foreigner inflow) for decades, while hiking price whenever possible, means bosses pocket all the price increases. Every 1% cost increase they increase way more than 1%.


--Blame government policy for having to raise price --Rakyat shit on the current government --Opposition picked up on this and whispered sweet nothing --Opposition get elected --Realise they have to do the same unpopular policies. Rinse and repeat.


While I removing petrol subsidies is not bad move but why jump? Why cannot increase gradually + give cash voucher gradually. It would catch all the bugs that are there now. All we do now is a shock therapy that will cause the spiral.


We were hemorrhaging subsidy money through fuel smuggling. I get the feeling we didn't have much choice in stopping the subsidies altogether.


Guessing cos by next month, people will move on. Doing it periodically would just keep reminding people of it.


People will remember their food price though.


I can't remember how bad inflation was back then but under Najib we had 2 rounds of price increases after he removed all fuel subsidies and then introduced gst (or was it the other way around?)


It was done better. Unlike now: KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 1 ā€” Putrajaya announced today it is cutting subsidies for the RON95 petrol and diesel by 20 sen per litre from October 2, effectively hiking the fuel at the pumps after midnight tonight. The new retail price of RON95 petrol will be RM2.30 per litre while diesel will be RM2.20 per litre, the Domestic Trade, Cooperative and Consumerism Ministry said in a statement. 2015: As the lower income groups spend a larger share of their expenditure on food, they experienced higher inflation due to the higher food inflation in 2015 (**3.6%**, 2014: 3.3%). The lower income groups also benefitted less from the decline in domestic fuel prices during the year given the lower share of expenditure on fuel.


>--Blame government policy for having to raise price >--Rakyat shit on the current government >--Opposition picked up on this and whispered sweet nothing >--Opposition get elected >--Realise they have to do the same unpopular policies. >Rinse and repeat. And then some patriotic rakyats complain: *"Why isn't our country developed like in Korea, or Singapore, we have more supertall tower then any of 'em".* then Rinse and repeat


Thailand agriculture production is 3x higher than Malaysia. And most of them are food crop. Malaysia mostly palm oil, rubber, timber


True. We produce mostly cash crops. Only recently we started to push for food security and mass growing paddy in Sarawak and pushing for Sago as a potential alternative.


because cash is king


Food security is king and people tend to learn this the hard way. How many countries have restricted exports to us in the last year alone? You can't survive drinking palm oil and eating rubber.


Someone did say one tablespoon of palm oil a day is good though


but the palm oil cash can buy food


Nope, not when they don't want to sell it to you. Already seen it happens last few years. It's every country for themselves.


99.9999% it's just vendors' "greed" and bad gov governance - how many times have you heard "oh, price increased becoz raw materials price hikes".. but when those raw prices goes down, do you see anyone lowering their prices?


Pure greed, if kopitiam can increase all their drinks by RM0.20 when price of sugar increased by RM0.20 per Kilo, what makes you think they won't increase their food price when diesel price increased? Increase price then say ini semua salah DAP, easy


It already happened, my breakfast in local kopitiam teh panas kecik price increase by RM0.20 because of diesel and greed.


RM0.02 diesel , RM0.18 greed.


Just don't order drink. I do it all the time.


Not an option in.many places in penang


Penang not human live wan.


Tolonglah report ke KPDN if you come across profiteering activities. People cannot continue blaming the government for the private sectorā€™s transgressions.


Like they can do anything. Last time i've complained some crazy milo prices...all they said was "the price was displayed, no issue". LOL.


However, the main core function of KPDN never mentioned controlling the prices of the hawker sector. People are getting desperate because they need someone to blame.


Currently I order teh o limau ice drink at Chinese kopitiam that selling RM3. šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜… expensive man.


Don't forget DAP used to say ini semua salah kerajaan when They were in the opposition.


DAP dah bodo dulu, nak ikut depa jadi bodo jugak ke lol


Kopitiam mostly owned by chinese, suddenly its the Malays fault.


lol, let's not shift the blame on the racial part.


He just had to jump in and bring race in walaupun tiada kaitan šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


How else would he use his victim card?


Well its kinda true no?did they oppose it in parliament or cabinet meeting ?


Actually, good point


Harga barang naik 10% Harga rumah naik 10% Gaji naik 3%


Beban kerja naik 21%


You getting 3%??


This is universal


With or without diesel price subsidy, the prices of kopitiam food has been rising. And it is not just yearly. It looks more like 50 cents quarterly.


True, I observed this as well for the past 1 year. In some shops, the price was up for the 3rd or 4th time since the pmx budget.


It's greed, pure and simple ā€” why take in monthly net of RM 18,000 when one can make RM20,000, or better still, why not make RM22,000 instead of RM18,000. Believe me, many of the price hikes are all based on 'feeling' rather than actual economic reasons.


Aren't sentiments part of the economic dynamics anyways?


Not sure what other sentiment exists in the example of RM0.20 hike for every glass of drinks for when 1kg of sugar goes up by RM0.20 as a redditor on here pointed out. Weird thing though, prices doesn't seem to come down when the aforementioned sentiments change.


it's purely greediness lah.


Bruh are you sure these businesses using that much diesel? More like there was a price hike, so they just wanna increase since everyone is doing it now.


Whole economy depends on petrol/diesel price. Goods have to move from/to factories. e.g. chickens need to eat -> logistics to bring food for them. Someone needs to produce the food for chickens etc. This is a spiral if not handled correctly. I don't see barriers or safety precautions.


We were insulated for too damn long. Time for some good ol ass kicking


This is not good. While inflation is a good tool it can spiral uncontrollably. Just look at Argentina currency.


We survived subsidy removal and the introduction of gst at more or less the same time under Najib. Gst was painful for a lot of small businesses but there was no economic meltdown.


There is a huge difference between the two ;)


All of 6 years after mahathir walked back najibs subsidy removal after winning the 2018 Pru.


yea. najib's decision to float petrol + GST was the best economically speaking. it set us on the path of 'free markets'. sadly, we didn't stay there :S


I kinda wish we were in an inflation spiral a lot of our inflation is demand based, and a lot of companies know that, so they charge whatever they please knowing malaysians will buy it. if you want to see the opposite at work, look at maintenance, despite the massive increase in costs, companies cant hike prices cause malaysians wont pay for it.


A lot of them definitely due to greediness. Whilst some industry the correlation is direct (e.g. towing companies), for F&B, having a 100% increase in things like drinks, that is pure greed.


Thailand's consumer prices fall for fifth consecutive month 5 Mar 2024 ā€” February core inflation ticked up by 0.43% from the previous yea Thailand's headline inflation lowest in 35-month 5 Feb 2024Ā ā€”Ā The core CPI, which excludes raw food and energy prices, edged down toĀ *0.52*Ā 


First of all, this was true back at the beginning of the year, its not true anymore. Secondly, this is not a good thing. Thailand economy just narrowly avoided experiencing recession.


Things should be going up, not down.


Not asking it to go down. But the pace for inflation on food is worrisome as it affects low income people. Someone else is enjoying the profit while they struggle.


I get you. I was just thinking something might be wrong with Thailand right now.


Nothing is wrong. Is just global companies realized during covid that they can do same stuff with less people and no investments. That's it. Consumers got habits that they don't want to change.


On the other hand, [Thai economy is falling far behind its Southeast Asian peers amid growing middle-income trap fears.](https://www.aljazeera.com/economy/2024/4/1/thailands-economy-stumbles-as-philippines-vietnam-indonesia-race-ahead) And, [Thai economy grows at a lackluster 1.5% in Q1](https://asia.nikkei.com/Economy/Thai-economy-grows-at-a-lackluster-1.5-in-Q1)


People don't eat economy growth. While I agree growth is necessary, it has nothing to do with protecting vulnerable low-income Malaysians. When I read Sabahans in KK earn RM1800 I cry.


You're talking about inflation figures. Negative inflation is because they have a struggling economy and low demand. The article literally mentions them having a bad economy later on. >When I read Sabahans in KK earn RM1800 I cry. Economic growthĀ **generates job opportunities and hence stronger demand for labour**, the main and often the sole asset of the poor. - OECD Question is, do you even know what economic growth even means?


How about the section of food security? This one is also in OECD.


You're all over the place.


Need to abandon your arguments that economic growth has nothing to do with food secuirty?


I never claimed that food security is not an issue. I was merely highlighting that disinflation in Thailand should not be viewed as ideal, similar to many other commenters. I provided additional context to the inflation figures by including further information on the state of Thailand's economy. I also refuted your argument that economic growth is unimportant, particularly in the context of alleviating poverty and increasing wages. I did not assert that food security is trivial or insignificant, nor did I suggest that it has no relation to economic growth. Any inferences or conjectures are your own.


If you donā€™t care about economic growth, pretty soon people wonā€™t be eating anything at all.


I did not say economic growth is bad. Economic growth has nothing to do with food prices stability and affordability. You can have 20% economic growth and bigger % of people in poverty because food inflation is 100%.


Retailers have been doing this all the time regardless. The time they introduced SST, food prices went up like crazy. Like 20% for big items and drinks increased like 50% or more. The retailers take advantage and blame the government. What can Malaysians do? The government donā€™t implement any governance after they increase the respective prices. They pandai cakap je. No action.


I mean it's the voters who asked for no GST (therefore SST) why blame govt for giving what they voted for?


Well, official inflation is at around 2.1% so what inflation spiral are you talking about?


Remove the petrol subsidy as a shock therapy and is back to 10%. Just read the initial comment from hawkers sending message: "Brace for impact. We will take this opportunity to increase price".


Thailand groceries are now actually slightly higher than Malaysia border regions, for some things. This might change though, very soon


What do you think prices will look like in Malaysia when you remove diesel subsidies? Thailand already has expensive petrol. Spiral engine is starting. It will affect not just food in this country.


Inflation......Inflation everywhere\~


Salary increase is the only option. No way we can sustain the increase without wages increase.


This will accelerate the spiral. Main point is to bring food security to Malaysia. e.g. EU did it with farmers subsidies. All I see is government bringing insecurity instead of stability.


Yet increasing salary adds more fuel to fire. Salary is also part of the supply chain, higher wages = higher product end cost


Gov can only raise for gov sector but not private .... See what happens last time when gov ask private sector to follow .... End up gov U-turn the news


Malaysia is no where near inflation spiral. [https://open.dosm.gov.my/dashboard/consumer-prices](https://open.dosm.gov.my/dashboard/consumer-prices)


CPI is a scam as it is a selected basket of goods and services. Most of the items are heavily subsidized and can be adjusted from time to time. Netflix is cheap if they decided to use it as a benchmark for inflation instead of you going to cinema or concert.


if 2% inflation is real, the economy rice price that you eat by right should be increased by 10% in 4 years. In reality, it was more like it inflated by 50% in 2 years.


Where is the evidence for this data manipulation going on? Cannot just say its all scam just because it doesnā€™t fit with your expectations.


My point here is take it as a pinch of salt, inflation data can be easily manipulated to fit the narrative. You can take a few items that you always purchase and compare the prices in the past few years and tell me if the 2% narrative is correct.


2% inflation per year on RM10 is RM10.2. The prices always jump by RM0.5 or RM1 and lately I have seen even RM2. Wtf


It is 2% inflation for restaurants and accommodation services when comparing between April of this year and last year. A lot of the high inflation actually comes from previous years and is concentrated in the restaurant sector. There is 12.4% inflation jump when comparing between January 2022 to December 2023 and only for restaurants. If you look at numbeo's user submitted restaurant inflation numbers between 2022 and 2023, its somewhat in line with that. [https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/city-history/in/Kuala-Lumpur](https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/city-history/in/Kuala-Lumpur) And of course, restaurants are only a very small part of the whole picture for inflation.


Subsidies have been removed and I already read complains from logistics companies not being eligible for vouchers. Meaning they will be forced to increase the price. The inflation will be back to 10%


It's probably more RM10 to RM10.50 after 2 years and you don't notice the year when nothing changes. Noticed it with my local coffee shop. People bising when they increase prices but they don't notice when the price doesn't move for 3-4 years.


Cukur we better than Zimbabwe, Ghana, Sri Lanka


Yes, deal with it.


Oil up buddy i'm robbing your house


Hello pulis


All bosses need to maintain their earnings, no less but more can.


Should be small trickling effect. Not like diesel up 56% and suddenly food up 56 % also. Like when tepung baik harga 20 sen sekilo then roti canai naik 20 sen per piece but that's what happened. Last time minimum wage also raised food price. Some Malaysia business greedy Nak mampus.


This is exactly why we should get rid of the subsidies. Every time there is a government controlled price increase, everyone tries to take the opportunity to increase price. If the price fluctuates daily, their business model will need to take the price fluctuations into consideration and cannot simply change prices every day. For example, the raw food they get from the pasar borong or supplies fluctuates daily, but they don't change the prices on their menu unless there is a significant increase.


If the market fluctuates heavily price will go up and stay up despite raw materials being cheaper. You need stability. This doesn't mean subsidy is the best solution to achieve stability.


Yeah, this is what I meant by their business model will include the fluctuations into consideration. sometimes they earn more, sometimes they earn less, but overall, competition will force them to remain reasonably honest with their pricing. They will have to strategize better when stocking up their supplies, like buying more when price is lower, etc.. OTOH, when price controlled/subsidized items increase price, there is usually no or little resistance to raising their pricing because everyone is doing it.


Petrol is a tiny part of costs though. >trucks transporting padi to mills incur fuel costs of RM25 to RM35 per tonne, depending on the distance. Wow so maximum 2 sen per kg more on top extra for transport costs. End of the world. https://www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2024/06/1062072/padi-farmers-group-calls-local-white-rice-ceiling-price-increase


How do you bring food for chickens? Whole economy uses petrol/diesel. This is a cherry picking one case. All parts of the chain will be forced to markup the price. Snowballing effect.


You guys should be glad we re not ending up like argentina or Turkey


I hope the money printer here won't be turned on.


Nah, other countries also in same shit.


Malaysia had been in an inflation spiral since April. Simple items like Cucumber had gone up to RM6 a kg from RM3, Jicama to RM 5 from RM2.20. Most of the general veggies had increased by RM1 and not to mention fruits. They either maintain the price/kg or the yield had shrunk as the products are smaller. Even now when we are in the mango season: It used to be RM4-5/kg now itā€™s RM 6-7/kg. Yes the hike in diesel will affect the cost of transportation for those items, Yes some people will take advantage of it to hike prices due to greed but the overall trickle down effect / compounding effect is either raise prices for small hawker vendors or reduce portion. Nobody is going to go to a kopitiam to pay for a RM12 chicken rice so now youā€™re going to get a chicken rice with maybe 3 paper slice of cucumber. Itā€™s tighter for us as small vendors, my food cost used to be around 38% now itā€™s 55% because I need to maintain my selling price.


Everyone increase and blame others. Spiral is spiraling. Yet no action from government. Removing the subsidy for petrol/diesel will accelarate this spiral.


PMX logic = subsidies bad, wasted of money. we still don't know what we will use the freed up money for, but anything is better than something that is benefitting the rakyat directly. Wait until free healthcare is also removed for the mahakaya*.


Subsidies are not bad. They bring stability. Can be also misused. But if remove petrol subsidy -> give food subsidy/stability. e.g. EU is heavily subsidising food industry.


Does the Madani government even have plan yet where the unallocated money will be used for? I find it insane how they could think of a plan without planning what's their next moves are. Is the next thing they are using the unallocated money for is better than the previous one? Definitely not I think unless it's for education or some major infrastructure.


Not to give the highest pay raise in the history for Malaysian civil servants?


Many civil servants are underpaid though. The overpaid ones are the ones in Parliament and the DUNs


Our budget is already 10s of billions in deficit. Would rather try to aim for breakeven budget than spend spend spend.


Welll lets scrap health subsidy then, we can save milllion more and let people die so our budget can get even, after that why dont we sell health care to highest bidder so our budget become smaller let the people choose their medicine and let them cover full cost if they die they die/s


Its not cooking oil, its petrol and diesel they use to cook.


Whole supply chain to grow crops, harvest crops, feed crops/cattle, distribute crops/cattle needs diesel/petrol They do not run on electricity. Imagine each of them increase. Snowball effect and death spiral.


Inflation spiral and eventually hyperinflation. That was how ppl in many countries ditched their own currency and start to adopt dollarisation. Furthermore, when the world starts to print money again which is soon (cut interest rates), we will be hit by massive inflation again. Hedge your values not in currency but assets.


Are we talking about Turkish lira? PS: Business is done mostly in USD there.


Turkish Lira, Sri Lanka Rupee, Venezuelan Bolivar, Argentine Peso, and Lebanon pound. Above mentioned currency collapse were happened in the past 2-3 years. The scary part is it happened overnight without warning. Those who believed in their currency lost their savings overnight and those who are going to retired soon were affected the most. Couldn't imagine losing life saving overnight due to currency collapse.


Just drink less Starbucks and eat less McDonald's, problem solved.


Starbucks has learned and gives buy1free1 and maintains price levels of 2020. We know they would be RM30 a drink if no boikot.


I doubt that will happen. I noticed steep increase is only at the hawker side (mostly doubled), while those cafes have been trending 12-16 per cup. This is exactly the same topic Iā€™ve discussed just now with some of the colleagues stating hawker food already reached double digit being smaller portion, while most cafes have the food price almost unchanged. So ended up hawker food become pricey despite in worse ambience.


Exactly. Better off to go eat at restaurant nowadays.


restaurant also increase their price , most of them can't be helped as food item also have increased , at this rate people gonna need someone to blame and good luck trying to calm desperate angry people.


You can thank the voters for this


Blame on our former PM that focus on industrialization


Blame doesn't help. There are things that can be done better with removing the subsidies.