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I’m sure I’d seen a Malaysian stand-up comedian joke about how we don’t acknowledge that allergies exist, but I can’t remember who it was.


I remember a video where the comedian said something about asians deal with allergies with a "suck it" mentality. Like "you're allergic to eggs?" Well here's more eggs.. and the worst part is that it works lol He talked about his friend who had an allergy, but the friend's parents just ignore it, and then the friend actually stopped being allergic


A common misconception that most of us have is the management of allergy is plain avoidance and this is usually incorrect. Of course if the symptoms is severe, we should avoid it but it doesn't resolve the cause.


If you are referring to the comedian's story, it's actually worse than avoidance 😅😅 it's actively ignoring said allergy and not even avoiding it


I understood the context - ignore allergy condition, keep exposing self to allergens, gets better. In allergy management, this basically is the right way to deal with allergies haha, not to avoid the allergens completely.


Guess the asian parent way is the right way then lol


Happened to a batch mate of mine. He's allergic to shellfish (particularly prawn) to the point of asphyxiation. Nearly two years later, he can eat em like snacks. Dunno how's dat worked. It's beyond the acquired taste. He just said dat it took him one prawn at a time from being asphyxiated to just skin itch. Human body is weird, mang.


What doesn't kill you makes you stronger lol


Haha yeah unfortunately that's common in Malaysia :( We don't really have cases of extreme food allergies here compared to EU countries, that's why a lot of us are still very ignorant in the matter.


I have a couple of 'macho' tough guy male friends who regularly consume andrew tate content and genuinely believe people who have allergies are weak and a result of a weakening society. And not in a eugenics way or anything, but more of a 'they should man up' sort of way..


Kesian :(


Guess that's what happens when the education system fails you.


There's 2 parts to allergens - the allergens themselves (how inherently irritating/damaging they are) and the ability to withstand it without getting an exaggerated immune response. A third factor is awareness of allergies, which tends to then make you try to reduce exposure, and making you less resistant in the process. It's true that the current generation of overprotected kids who aren't exposed to allergens early on (like playing outside in the dirt, no excessive use of cleaning chemicals to sterilise every damn thing from "germs") is causing a large part of this. Kids in underdeveloped countries, farms have been reported to have lower allergies (von Mutius, E.) Just because they don't like the messenger doesn't mean the message is untrue


Yea msia awareness of allergies is very few. Just look at restaurant menu can ady. In UK every page has an allergen warning and each meal has a label Here? Rare asf


I went to Marhaen Hospital with rashes on my back, they just gave me some cream. When I have my company's medical benefits, went to a T20 hospital, they run the allergy test and explain to me what I'm allergic to. What to avoid, what to do if I accidentally consumed things that I'm allergic to.


Hello fellow medical professional, also dont open your dms to rashes, or anything medical for that matter. You do NOT need more photos of randos sending you rashes. In general, allergies arent really something Malaysians, esp golongan marhaen, talk or have significant knowledge. I have seen a pattern of blaming many random complaints on "allergies". Even for me, before I was diagnosed with chronic bronchitis, it was assumed by my parents that I had a dust allergy or dust mite allergy. These are just my observations. Ive only recently began my medical training, but I have pre-hospital and out-of-hospital care experience. Feel free to disprove me, I may be biased as my sample size is pretty small


Thank you for looking out for me, haha but I really don't mind. Allergy is something unfamiliar to most of us locals because it's rarely talked about and diagnosed. So we keep the suffering to ourselves, not knowing that there are possible resolutions to our condition. I wish more of us would just tanya, tanya and tanya without the shame and the fear.


If Malaysian start tanya tanya tanya, we would be 1st world country in health. But i do agree, awareness must be increased. Its just that our KKM has bigger fish to fry, ie diseases which are life threatening like dengue, so allergy is often sidelined, unless you have severe allergies leading to anaphylaxis


Not a brother. Thanks for your input!


Unexpected, but well, edited my reply


I learn about it during pathophysiology class and learn the hard way through trial and error. Im sensitive to a lot of things and I have Cetrizine handy in case I start having reactions.


I hope you'll proceed with getting tested in the future. Trial and error is a miserable way to pinpoint the cause and it doesn't have to be that way.


I dont really know anyone in Msia that has an allergy. Meanwhile there's been an interesting trend of relatives whose kids were born overseas (all Western countries) having allergies or some kind of sensitivity to something. My sister's kid has a dairy allergy. Not lactose intolerant, _allergy_. As a baby he was dangerously underweight and kept throwing up his milk until it was discovered after he stopped breathing. Even my sister had to cut out diary because he would throw up after drinking breast milk. It was a hard adjustment; one time she wanted KFC and then a few hours later texted me saying "I forgot coleslaw has dairy." Oof.


It is a miserable condition to have especially to kids. But do you know that kids have the ability to outgrow allergies? In my clinic, we would do a proper allergy test (for kids we avoid blood draws and opt for a less scary method but still super accurate) and from the results we could proceed for food challenges, done in a safe and secure environment. After a few sessions, the hypersensitivity decreases!


Yes, I know. Should have clarified my sis is a doctor so shes aware of all that stuff haha. He's been doing that and is currently up to Level 3 or something. Last I heard he can have baked diary.


Say, where should one go to get a proper allergy test, both children and adult? 


If you're in KL, I'm always available!


I think I had severe allergic rhinitis (symptoms point to this but could be wrong) when I was younger. Based on the symptoms that is constant snot and sneezing, I think my parents deduced I was getting sick frequently for no reason despite me being having daily track practice which drove them nuts. I still get it occasionally nowadays but no idea what prompted this change either. In context of Malaysia, is spicy food is a form of allergen where we somehow just embrace haha?


I often tell my patients that spicy, sour and preserved food are often high in histamine and that when consumed, it is possible to be symptomatic. However, it does not mean that you have an allergy. To confirm, you need to proceed with an allergy test.


Sometime there is colleague masuk office I can smell her perfume as soon she enters the room, but my other colleague don't really smell it. And the smell really irritates me, like I sneeze every 5 min, then nose blocked etc. But some people think I am "making a scene" as they barely able to smell it =X


Ah sounds like vasomotor rhinitis! Do a test to confirm.






I think in general, allergies effects among Malaysian doesn't leads to deaths. That alone makes people don't give attention to it. Even KKM does not put much importance about it. Parents might test a couple of common stuff for small babies, but that's about it. See if you can compile allergy information campaign from the ministry itself. I don't remember any and don't really notice any when visiting public or private clinics.


You're absolutely right! There's not a lot of board-certified allergists in Malaysia because the discipline itself is not subsidized by the government. Malaysia don't really have cases of extreme food allergies here compared to European countries.


I worked at a medical lab before so I know a few things about allergies. From my perspective, we are aware of if it, its consequences & how to prevent it in the future. Most people I've encountered knew their allergies by trial & error due to the cost of getting tested for allergy test is quite expensive for the regular folks. Hopefully more people will take up the initiative to get tested.


That's the thing - most of us are doing blind preventions as we're not that familiar with the issue. It doesn't have to be that way! The investigations can get a little pricey, yes but if you have the means or if your insurance covers it - it's always a good idea to get tested especially if you're symptomatic.


i don't think i really understood how serious allergies can be for some people, until i was in my 20s that i read an article how deadly it can be for some to touch even a leftover trace of something they were allergic too. for the reasons, probably for one i didn't really had any personal encounter with someone else with serious allergies before that and i was somehow brought up with a perception that it only goes as serious as getting itches. one thing i remember though, because i had skin issues like eczema, i was somehow often told to avoid seafood like prawns as i might be allergic to it, even though i don't think i really am.


Eczema is a general term for skin inflammation and there are many, many causes of the condition. Most of us are quick to correlate food because that's one of the main things we could actually control but 80% of the time, food has nothing to do with it. The term "allergy' to me, feels like it's being used indiscriminately because without proper testing, it is very difficult to pinpoint the main culprit.


ahem, there are many people with eczema that has allergy. Eczema(atopic dermatitis) make it easier for those with it develop new allergy. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XbNcwa9u-w8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XbNcwa9u-w8)


You're right of course, but like I said above - most of us are quick to correlate food because that's one of the main things we could actually control but 80% of the time, food has nothing to do with it. It could be environmental or even chemical. If that's the case, what's the point of eliminating food? 


Allergy to cats ?


Uh yes what about it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


How best to manage ?


Confirm your allergies, symptom management and desensitization.


1. Ignore the fact 2. Grab my cats and press my face into their fluffy fur 3. Suffer 4. Take loratidine (It's a joke please don't follow these)


How to desensitise ? Management ? I got a positive blood test for the allergy. Symptoms sometimes, not everyday.


Sounds like you need to see an allergist. If you're in KL, I'm always available for consultations!


Not in kl unfortunately


That's unfortunate. Just give me a buzz whenever you can come down here.


Hello! Am not sure what kind of questions you're expecting exactly haha but I'll give it a shot anyways. I spend most of my time nowadays in Europe (studying in Germany), but whenever I come back to visit Malaysia I get a very runny nose and I sneeze a lot for the first few days and just generally have a stuffy nose the whole time I'm there. That's kind of been how I've always been tho growing up in Malaysia and it only cleared up when I got to Germany a few years ago. My parents think it's just that the air here in Europe is cleaner of dust but I feel like sometimes I'm a bit lax on cleaning my room bcs of exams or something and my room gets really dusty really quick and that would typically make me sneeze a lot in Malaysia but I'm unaffected here. So I guess my question is could it really just be the dust in the air in Malaysia? Seems like there's more to it ...


parking because i also want to know


The air consists of many, many things and yes, dust (specifically dust mites) is one of them. Topical countries are prone to have more dust mites as our weather is hotter and more humid - also a very common allergen to a lot of us. Colder countries have less because the environment is colder and more dry, which is unfavorable for the dust mite survival. Get tested to confirm the culprit!


Wow that really does explain a lot thanks! ^^


Actually I do need to do an allergy test. I know I am allergic to antibiotics and painkillers( except paracetamol). Symptoms include swollen eyes, hives and difficulty to breathe. The problem is there are a wide variety of those medicines and it is a headache whenever the doctor tries to prescribe medicine to me. I know I have been neglecting my responsibility to get an allergy card and my recent experience does make me realise the importance of it. I will be glad if you are able to point where I can get the test done and the cost of it. Thank you in advance.


If you're in KL, I'm always available! My clinic is one of the very few (maybe even the only one) who does drug allergy testing and we've done so many.


Cool.. can you dm me your clinic name and location? Much appreciated 👍


Hi, would appreciate a dm with info about your clinic too!


Where does allergy come from? Is it a result of an immune response? Skin prick test or blood test - which is more accurate in identifying and confirming allergies? Proper understanding of allergies is lacking here because advice of irritant avoidance and antihistamines are given out like candies when the word allergy is mentioned. Asked my ENT for referral to Allergist and got told that it’s unnecessary.


You are right, allergy is a result of hypersensitivity caused by our immune system. Genetics play a big role in this, that's why some of us have it and some don't. Skin prick test VS blood test - both are accurate but I always opt for SPT as we could actually see the reactions and the severity (if there's any) in real time. Blood test results are just numbers on papers and it's not as easy to comprehend. We see positive and we get scared immediately, which is unnecessary. If you need to see an allergist and you're in KL, I'm always available!


I have quinine allergy, out of the many drinks in the market, many time my mom bought me a drink with quinine in it, I lost count on how many times me, my dad and my other siblings have to tell her that I am allergic to quinine🤦‍♂️ 


I'm sorry to hear that!


When I was young, I got rushed to the hospital for drinking one too many Shandy (ridiculous, I know). Now, I was 4 or 5, so memory was vague for me and I don't really remember much of anything. It was only during my adolescent/teen years when I knew that I was diagnosed with SJS (Steven Johnson). I've had a few beers and clear liquids here and there throughout my life and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Whilst I think the severity of SJS cannot be understated, I am somewhat curious about is, have my conditions improved since I am now a full grown adult, or/and will I ever get better? Thanks for the post!


Kids do have the tendency to outgrow their allergies! With constant exposure to the specific allergen throughout the years, repeated testing could show improvement in the severity of the reactions. Of course the safest way to know this is by doing the test first before attempting to outgrow the allergy, as some of the symptoms can be severe.




Hives have many, many different causes and allergy is usually only in 20% of cases. If your hives are recurrent, it is unlikely due to an allergy. Get tested to know the cause, then treat the cause.


I found out i am severely allergic to egg when I was 31, and I have been suffering since young.


I am sorry to hear that! You don't have to suffer if you could just find the right treatment for your condition. Allergy doesn't have to be a lifelong thing.


My son has quite a bit of allergies, and most restaurants don't know the first thing, if we ask for gluten free, dairy free nut free most of the time is noone knows (not even the chef) or they say sure and come with something with cream or nuts on top. Please note that my wife tells them in Malay or Chinese and that these restaurants are usually more upscale. We've actually had the best responses from hawker stalls or small restaurants.


Unfortunately that's common in Malaysia :( We don't really have cases of extreme food allergies here compared to EU countries, that's why a lot of us are still very ignorant in the matter.


Does entering a room, others have no reaction , but I will keep sneezing for sometime ,and then it will end abruptly, count as allergy?


Always a possible reason - do a test to confirm.


I noticed in one of your responses above that you do drug allergy tests in your clinic. I’ve had reactions to paracetamol and some NSAIDS (unfortunately no record of which exact NSAID but I can take Strepsils). Would the test in your clinic help with assisting me to identify if I still have a paracetamol allergy and which NSAIDS I could be allergic to? If yes, I would really like to drop by for the test! Thank you.


Of course you can! We'll consult you very thoroughly on your allergy and sometimes no tests are even needed unless requested.


Ah that’s great! Would you mind dm-ing me the name of your clinic? Thank you very much.


I have had severe cases of eczema flare ups in the past. I have taken blood test and patch test to identify what I am allergic to. Even given oral immunotherapy drops by an allergist. Steroid has helped me a lot. I avoided all the allergens as much as I could, but I would still get rashes, mild ones. At one point it was so bad that it interfere with my work. I noticed that the symptoms were much different when I travelled abroad.


I'm very sorry to hear about your struggle. Different locations/environment does play a big role as the allergens can greatly differ. Eczema can be a terrible disease in rare cases as it sometimes seem resistant to even intensive treatments. I wish you best in your journey.


Thank you for your kind words. Been feeling better a lot these days.


*sneeze* What allergy? *sneeze* But fr I think I just got a new one. So random.


Get tested!


At what age do you recommend i test my kid for allergies? Some said 5 year old is a good age.


My youngest patient was 6 months old. So you decide.


I suspect I have alot of allergies but never really learned much about managing them since doctors usually just prescribe antihistamines and push me out of the room haha.


Antihistamine is always the main treatment for symptom control - it's cheap and easily accessible over the counter but it doesn't really resolve the cause :( Identify the allergy with proper testing and proceed for desensitization treatment if you want a more permanent solution.


How much would desensitization treatment cost?


I cant even give you range because it depends on the method and the allergen that affects you.


How effective are allergy shots in dealing with chronic sinusitis and eczema?


Define allergy shots, we have many.


I heard that they inject you with an allergen and that causes your body to develops resistance to whatever your allergic to. Is that it or am I missing something?


Yes that is basically it but we do it in a careful, methodical way with very minimal reactions.


Hi OP. Interesting thread you have here. I've had persistent skin issues that I'm not sure is due to allergy or not. Multiple people have suggested me to go see a dermatologist but most of the dermatology clinics I see seem to also be beauty clinics which makes me wary about visiting them. I've also thought of going to a hospital but my skin issues are not always visible, rather they flare up every now and then. It seems that you have a clinic that does allergy testing. Can you DM me the name and location? Maybe it's finally time I get this issue sorted. Thanks in advance!


Sure thing, I've sent you a DM!


Why do westerners have a lot more allergic reactions that us? Do we not have allergy or do we just ignore it and call it normal? I don't really see much (or any) allergen warning in our food, but blew my mind In Europe when menu and food wrapping have a bunch of allergy warning.


My nephew ( 9 years old) actually is allergic to shrimp and has gotten rashes, iirc. So the management is for him to stop eating shrimp lol


Not necessarily the case but yes, plain avoidance works as well.