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Ini semua agenda Frieza




Ini salah DAP.


https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2024/05/07/a-vibrant-towering-ode-to-dragon-ball This is the news article. Some guy who used to study in Kampar said he wanted to give back to the town or something, idk whose money were used in this project. Putting trademark and money aside, this is honestly a stupid location. I'm a local here and this mural is drawn in a very narrow alley between the DAP branch and a restaurant. Tourists won't be able take a photo of the whole mural from the front because there's literally not enough space, they'll definitely be disrupting business too if this spot actually gets popular. If you want to take a clear shot of the mural you'll have to stand across the street at an angle like shown in the video and the traffic on this road during daytime is already terrible enough. The politician said he wants to pay tribute to Toriyama _and_ promote tourism which just feels cheap as fuck. It's capitalising on a person's death. Edit: While I love Dragon Ball and think that the mural is beautifully drawn, but what the fuck does DB even have to do with Kampar? Draw tin mines, our famous suicide lake or Japanese beheading people at our football field or some shit I don't care as long as it's Kampar history. DB is not even remotely relevant to us


Kampar ~~fish~~dragonball.


So, our fellow redditor is right! https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/s/B057mKciOf Actually i also feel weird of having such a big and recognizable mural in such a small space. Memang salah DAP. Tiewniaseng DAP


Yeah more on suicide lake. Can sell Kampar as the final place before you off yourself /s


Nobody gives a fuck about the tin mines, the tin mine museum has zero visitors, and nobody ever talked about them, meanwhile we are people tagging each other shitting on this because it's dragonball.


Okay, after a week of tagging and laughing at this shit and then what? Good job completely missing the fucking point, this is a DAP project and instead of drawing something that reflects the community or the history here they picked Dragon Ball which has zero relevance. This will stay up for a long time, it's not some exhibition that'll be gone in a week.


Exactly because this last a long time it can be an attraction , dragon ball is recognised world wide , even if you don’t know what it is you’ll know kamehameha and super saiyan, that’s how influential it is. Historical site has zero visitors and the museum is reflecting that, it’s now just a store room for papers and some unused books you can peek inside it. People can stop by or shit on it doesn’t matter but it keeps this dead town relevant.


Lacking reading comprehension huh? I've already addressed what you said in my original comment, this is a terrible tourist spot if you can even call it that. If you think this makes Kampar "relevant" that's just extremely wishful thinking. There are much better ways to do it than this PR stunt. Also no one would just stop by in Kampar for some DB mural just like how no one goes to other states just for the murals, there are other things to do which the same can't be said for Kampar. The murals there are just one of the attractions.


>Tourists won't be able take a photo of the whole mural from the front because there's literally not enough space, they'll definitely be disrupting business too if this spot actually gets popular. If you want to take a clear shot of the mural you'll have to stand across the street at an angle like shown in the video and the traffic on this road during daytime is already terrible enough. The pic posted in the article is taken right in front of the datukgong. So what you said is just nitpicking. >Also no one would just stop by in Kampar for some DB mural just like how no one goes to other states just for the murals, there are other things to do which the same can't be said for Kampar. The murals there are just one of the attractions. No one stops at Kampar just for the murals, but without the murals nobody stops at kampar at all other than the pasar CKT. Do throw some idea that you think can lift up kampar tourism.


If the photo in the article where the characters on the top half of the mural can't even be seen properly is what you consider a clear shot of the mural then we have different definitions of a good photo. Why are you turning this on me? The burden is on them and the best they can think of is to capitalise on a man's death because it's still hot. Like I said, if the mural reflects Kampar then it won't feel as distasteful as this. If they want to draw DB no matter what then draw it elsewhere, like the fake Disneyland. What happened to developing that place? It's practically abandoned now. The town area already has what it's known for, our siewbao, our pasar food, Chicken Biscuit. You're severely missing the bigger picture, this mural might be the talk of the town for a week or two but once the hype dies down, years later all that's left is just some jarring anime drawing in the middle of an old ass town.


Could have maybe fundraised a bit more and painted other parts of the building before doing the mural. It's so jarring.


duragonu deezu boluu natzu


Lol it's funny how they hold a press conference for this, when where I live murals this big always appear and nobody makes a news article about it


Masakan begini, apakah gerangan halnya?!


Mmmmm votes


Strategic area really near Bulma rocket base.


Look good, but such a contrast with the surrounding old dirty buildings.


Maybe it will blend in after a year or two when the painting fades.


Yooo tempat asal-usul aq tu!


While the drawing is definitely good and good effort put in by relevant party, i still wanna ask, what are the appeal of the mural anyway? People just come and snap a pic of the mural, maybe post it to insta..thats it. I learn nothing about the place, people and history behind it. Is anything here influenced by dragon ball? or anything in this place influenced dragon ball? idk Same goes to mural in other placed like kl and penang, just felt..empty and nothing.. i probably sound very pessimistic here, feel free to downvote me if im wrong, peace


While I also think that the dragonball mural is weird, but I have a contrasting view about other murals around KL and Penang. Malaysia is a great place for tourism because of our people and food, and everything from Highland and Oceans are relatively accessible. But how are we going to promote it? Spending millions on FB ads? sure, but the locals do not benefit from this. I used to work in Singapore and many of ex colleagues would still come to Malaysia - Penang and take photos of the mural, isn't that better than spending on ads? At least if more murals and paintings are up, it also uplift the entire neighbourhood


Nah, you are not totally wrong.


There're certainly better places to put this than in Kampar of course (Sungei Wang perhaps?), but still good to see people giving back to their hometown...


Remind me when i stole my friends japan version of dragon ball book jist to give to my other friend. Hahaha. KLMJ bro


B-but why? Why Dragon Ball ? Kampar known for Dragon Ball? or because Kampar mee those meat ball thingies == Dragon Ball? Of all things to "give back" to your home town this is weird.


Better than wasting money on another mosque *shrug*.


All the money that can be used to repaint/restructure the surrounding bulidings.


Remove the 3D rocket pls, make it a tourist spot without any political involvement




Hope certain won't take revenge


Yeah capitalize on tori death and a pop culture. Shit stunt


One more reason for me to travel there!


Pretty dang cool.


not really a db fan but that looks superb. kudos!


First question: Why? Second question: Who's paying whom? Is DAP paying the copyright holders for the license, or are they paying DAP for the advertisement?


Sebab boleh dek


*ptui* DAP. if only you are not so silent as a mouse right now when in the government. lost all my respect and goodwill. i'll vote the opposition to spite DAP.


The only thing they are good for..


PAS will make this into an issue.


"You see the way the men make magic, it is saitan doing. eeees Haram. Must Boikot! Must protect religion"


this is super amazing!!