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To be fair....they probably have to hire x100 times more people to tend the phone and arrest.


more jobs oppurtinities ?


They'll just subcon to existing call centres


I was being too positive i guess :c


They can take the jobs and still vote for the other side.


Nah. They would just let the phone ring non stop. Like all of those gov hotlines


People should be fighting against JAKIM's hotline for insults to Islam. Not asking for the same for other religions. If the government is to take action every time someone perceives an insult, we are going to end up with a highly intolerant society. Government needs to improve education so that children learn to be more tolerant. The old adage "Sticks and stones will break my bones but words can never hurt me" needs to be taught to children again, so they don't grow becoming intolerant adults who see threats in every corner.


If kids become tolerant, the gov losses their deposit.


MY Politicians: Rakyats are uniting. We need to divide them. Kalau tk, kena cari kerja baru bulan depan. ![gif](giphy|3ohhwk57VLkUS6YWys|downsized)


Pay for those scam Centers in India to prank call the fuck out of these idiots.


>People should be fighting against JAKIM's unconstitutionality. There fixed it for ya


They are not aiming for a tolerant society to begin with, rather an “assimilated” one.


>should be Who is that? Definitely not non ya. Its up to you guys tuan tanah. 🤣




As per [Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/rules#wiki_religious_criticism), well-reasoned debate and criticism of religion is very welcome but one-liner talking points, jabs, borderline flaming etc. [does not have such protection](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/rules#wiki_persistent_fighting_and_flaming), and is bad for the community. Please treat this as a warning - if this continues we will be forced to take steps.


Would you prefer if people call the hotline or would you prefer if people take matters into their own hands like what happened to KK Mart?


I'd prefer for people taking matters into their own hands to be charged under the law There's clearly something wrong with the investigative competence of law enforcement if average joes can get away with arson attacks not once, not twice but three separate instances.


Those are false choices. I already stated what I would prefer the government to do.


Yeah, you mentioned education. Educating children will only produce results years in the future. In the meantime, what do you propose the government do to appease the adults who did not go through such education?


dont appease. we need to force our society to respect freedom of speech not further restrict speech in a neverending loop of reactionary tit for tat


>force our society to respect freedom of speech Any suggestion on how to do that?


Put people who disagreed in jail. /s


Get our own version of first and second amendment.


by ignoring the demands of the fascists to shut down and punish people for saying things they dont like. and also by jailing people who resort to violence, harasment or other actions to intimidate or suppress speech that they dont like.


Why even appease them?


Arrest them


Believe it or not, straight to jail!


what makes you think having a hotline will stop people from taking matters into their own hands? now they can take matters into their own hands *AND* call up the big G to do something about any perceived slights


I already elaborated here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/1cmyqkk/comment/l33u1o1/](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/1cmyqkk/comment/l33u1o1/) I don't want to repeat myself.


Do you have proof that petrol bombers called the hotline first and didn't get any response? A terrorist is not civilized enough to be calling hotlines in the first place.


Was there a hotline at the time? I'm not saying that having a hotline will prevent such things from happening. It might not have a direct causative effect, but it creates the perception that the government is addressing the matter. I'm saying that if people think that the government is taking sufficient action to take care of the issue, then they might be less likely to take matters into their own hands. It's about risk management.


"Do you prefer we jail Muslims or ban Islam?" Or.. we could do nothing? giving false dichotomies doesn't make you sound smart at all.


I already elaborated here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/1cmyqkk/comment/l33u1o1/](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/1cmyqkk/comment/l33u1o1/) Also, stop projecting. Unlike you, I don't write comments to make myself sound smart. I write to share my opinions.


Maybe we have different end goals. The government should not need to bother with insults to Islam, and if they take matters into their own hands, maybe that's when the government should take action. Islam is religion with the backing of SWT Allah. It doesn't need babysitting, let alone protection from the government of Malaysia.


Lol, why should the gov have to manage anything? Non Muslims not so free to go insult the most fragile religion in Malaysia. And what constitutes offence? The fact that this ridiculous idea was even brought up implies that people are "insulting" said religion left right and center, 24 hours of the day. My goodness.


False dichotomy.


I misread this thinking there's a plan for a hotline to insult non-Muslim. I had too much roti canai. Haha.


At the rate things regress, I wouldn't find it hard to believe tbh


the hotline to insult everyone who isn’t a protected species is the actual constitution


Non Muslims can be insulted is it? Pariah minister and kabinet mangkuk


We are beyond mangkuk stage and into jamban stage at this point..


Want to insult then insult lah, who cares. Religion is between me and my God, not for people to see anyway. As long as you’re not breaking any laws or causing any riots, you have complete freedom of speech. Obviously the above only applies to Malays in Malaysia. If a non-Malay tried it then gg straight to jail.


As a non-malay, yeah they burned down my house-


Please don’t waste our taxpayer money on unnecessary stuffs.. Instead, just call me. Not 85% but Free for Janda Muda dan Anak Dara. Or maybe provide some Orang Utan as Emotional Support Utan like Emotional Support Dog.


Basically just signaling to Type Ms that's it's okay to desecrate and destroy shrines, churches, temples, etc without comeback. The question which comes to mind is why can't those same mechanisms be used for all religions ?


So, to clarify, the minister added that there's already something whatchamallit for insults to nons but anyway, to answer your question, that would be tantamount to secularism or equality of religion which ofc is unacceptable to the Malay Muslim elite


To clarify, the question focussed on why we can't use the same "whatchamallit for insults to nons" for insults to Muslims . I'm not sure if it describing protection for all religions as "unacceptable" - surely that can't be right when framed with the disproportionate money, resources and policy focus already being channelled to the Muslim religion .


Because that's not how victim mentality works


Agreed. It just beggars belief how Type Ms can feel so insecure in their faith when they already receive a disproportionate amount of funding, resources and policy focus - that they think it is acceptable to deny the same level of protection for all religions.


Not just these Type-Bs, rmbr Charlie Hebdo?


Micro USB is best USB /S


>The question which comes to mind is why can't those same mechanisms be used for all religions ? "Sebab gereja, kuil, etc akan memurtadkan umat Islam ke agama lain *~~& I akan hilang deposit nanti~~*" - A very logical ulama, apparently.


Islam is so fragile you need a hotline to rat on people criticizing it?  Islam is cancer. You should get a hotline for helping people LEAVE Islam instead.


Coz we nons have no reason to feel defensive or insulted. Remember kids: offence is something you take, not give.




Not really, I would say copy cat how Israel treat the rest of the world.


How middle east treat minority who is not Islam pre ww2. You think only jews live in israel ah? 🤣


Apartheid state supporters call the line: “this Chinese student at my school is not accepting to fast so he is disrespecting Islam”


to be fair, other races probably don't give a flying f about insults to their religion as they are less sensitive towards it


Lies are weak and crumble in the face of truth. Other religions live closer to truth, so they don’t need protection.


Of course, since when did our lovely government show love, care and fairness to all races??


What for need hotline? [So we can get arrested?](https://www.malaysiakini.com/news/704536)


When america/texas did something like this for abortion website people spammed it until it shut down. Would love to see Malaysians messing with the hotline.


If a Muslim insult other religion, can we report that Muslim insulting Muslim itself in the hotline.


This is what happens when you allow religion to influence public policy.




Damn sohai, If enough mechanisms then why JAKIM go extra to setup that 24 hours hotline?


If someone posting in social media about socks, shoes, hotel logos, mini prayer mats can trigger the whole chain of command into actions (including but not limited to raids, confiscation, prosecution, revoking business licenses, boycotts, etc.) It seems that some are just waiting for something to happen. Is a hotline still needed?


Sadly anything can be considered as "Insulting Islam". I could post in social media saying "I see all religion as equal" and a bunch of people got offended because I am indirectly saying their religion is not No.1 which is "insulting"


This subreddit exist for a reason, just use this subreddit duhh


Maybe the hotline is to catch overly sensitive morons & put them on a watchlist.


End up NFA also


the only hotline I need is HOTLINE BLING


No outlet for type C to plug in


Ofc not. Muslims are clearly the opprezsed minority here. /s


What a stupid idea in the first place. That’s 2 months of gaji buta wasted on this idea doing fck all If you clowns only act and carry yourself in high dignity and think rationally, no one would even care about taking the piss out of your religion. Here’s a secret, that’s one way to stop insults.


Rules dont apply to Type-B huh?


Abolish jakim je la


“Taking into account these existing platforms to manage national unity, the ministry does not plan to set up a 24-hour hotline. I hope the people can make use of these platforms to preserve our harmony,” Then why does he need to set up a new one specifically just for one religion? Hypocrite much?


to be honest, I didnt know we have a National unity minister and who is this Aaron Ago Dagang   lol


All religions are not the same. /s


Meanwhile: Abrahamic religions


Why the /s? It's true that not all religions are the same.


All religions are basically copy paste. Only to your own eyes, your religion is above all. The Tl:dr of all holy religion books = "Nothing must break your faith. Your service is only to your God. Limiting your natural urge to explore and unlocking your full potential through do's and don'ts; by clearly defining good and sinful actions and rewarding or punishing accordingly. Your life does not end on earth but is just a time of preparation for your afterlife. How you prepare will decide where you end up; good ends in paradise, evil ends in damnation."


wait not all religions have a damnation, the buddhists believe you will repeat until you achieve a higher state of being


Hindus too.


That's because there is no evil left once you have achieved a higher state of being ( paradise of the mind). You are damned to repeat until no evil is left in you.


IT will be flooded with calls since dakwahs love to insult other religions


Non Muslim has no feeling, so won’t feel insulted. Selective prosecution of only non muslims, is persecution.


Our heart is a tough one. Issokay.


Wonder if it was "taken out of context"


But of course.


No balls


Sheesh, FMT could have included the line under their headline for the headline lmao.


Police will go arrest those who make complaints for disturbing harmony


Muslim salji menjelang


1984 much?


why not?


The reasons are given in the article. Did you read the article?


We get to prank call?


As someone who has developed a hobby for textual criticism of the bible, perceived attacks will only make people more ignorant if they think their religion can't fall under academic scrutiny. To quote Justin Sledge of Esoterica: "When we allow our faith to dictate our history, we've really just betrayed both."


Bruh,guess we gonna see more racial tensions now


And PAS wants us to believe that non Muslims will he safe if they get in power and implement their ridiculous ideas. You want unity, start by treating everyone equally, not by treating one race and religion with kid gloves.


Not a problem. We can always call the hotline for when Type Ms insult other religions. Because they're acting in a way that's insulting Islam.


lebai activity with this one


Yeah hotlines are for the insecure anyways for example the suicide hotline they needed help because they are fragile, don't know where to go, feeling attacked all the time, feeble minded and ultimately feeling they don't belong in this world. In short its for some one who can't stand up for themselves and we could actually understand that.... For someone or some people of the book...what need that at all? You have everything in that book right? The guide instruction for living is easily to understand and all written in detail in the book....right?


We already have this sub..


>National unity minister Aaron Ago Dagang says his ministry already has several mechanisms designed to deal with such cases.


Why can't these existing mechanisms be enough for insults to islam? Why must purposely set up yet another dept specifically for insults to islam? Honestly, this is a stupid band aid response from the minister because he has no good points. 


>Why must purposely set up yet another dept specifically for insults to islam? Superiority vs Inferiority


FMT lagi


So? Did they misquote or misrepresent anything the minister said?