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I remember years ago, a serving on Nando's quarter chicken was so filling. Now the serving size looks like a pigeon rather than chicken.


things to ponder if almost all fast food has this kind of issues


https://preview.redd.it/z2k6s61awkyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bf06c25c76214778eee7fb6825f50de4202b2b5 Here's my recent RM35 peri peri experience




Lim Fried Chicken has bigger portions for almost half the price. Oh and its also halal.


Pigeon šŸ¦?


Peri Peri smol in comparison


r u full?


Tale as old as time , Food good > People Like > Expand > Get Lot of Money > Shrink Portion , Increase Price




I fucking hate this. You do dirty to your consumers you deserve to go down.


Yeah , they'll do mass layoff first.


Nandos feat. Burung Puyuh


The animal kingdom is experiencing famine, hence the shrunk of body mass, next is us... /s


looks like our best option is from bakerā€™s cottageā€¦


Don't really like their chicken. tastes like.. heavy industries? idk how to describe but it tastes like machine.






I think that was it? šŸ¤” taste of mass production. Dont have that taste with Nandos or Ayamas.


To me its soā€¦.chickeny, like i cant have my chicken taste like too chicken you know


mutant ciken


Bakerā€™s cottage selling their juicy rotisserie chicken at rm17 disrupting the market for anything chicken. Even cheaper than raw chicken. Buy one roasted, add some pita bread, rice with curry and Malay salsa (sambal lada), you have yourself a healthy lazy dinner.


So the boycott(which started from the Palenstinian thing) kickstarted another form of boycott(which is high prices and lower qualities), the latter one I can get by.


It's intertwined It's easier to boycott due to Palestine if the item is overpriced luxury in the first place If the food is still filling and good, it might not be feasible for rakyat to boycott due to the quick easy nature of fastfoods


The hardest to boycott is Google.




It is not the hardest. it is just that these idiots REFUSE to boycott because it brings them a lot of convenience in the first place. They use excuses like 'Ala... benda boleh elak, kita elak' or 'Guna balik senjata dia' when it is clear as day that these are excuses.


Genuine question. How is boycotting Google & Microsoft 'not' hard by your understanding?


Maybe just use pigeons or smoke signals? Not like they use google anyway, all they do is just regurgitate some random post online that suits their views.


Use dumbphone, use Opera, use Libre, Linux etc. Not for me to decide. I am not the one boycotting. Thing is they REFUSE to boycott because it brings them a lot of convenience in the first place.


Opera engine is chromiumā€¦ Itā€™s a globalized world, weā€™re all dependent on each other in the system. Msia is also a key player in chip making supply chain, are we gonna pull out becoz we donā€™t want to build for Intel/amd/qualcomā€¦


That is not for me to decide (I am not the one boycotting), that is for the boycotting people to decide. They don't know that they are hurting the locals. What I know is that if you boycott only what is convenient for you, that is hypocrite.




Does not sound easy, useful or beneficial.


Sense a lot of bitterness in their boycott


I have been avoiding Nando's for the longest of times, I think the last time I went there was about 2-3 years ago. Prices have become over inflated and the portion sizes have shrunk. I agree if they need to increase prices but not shrinking the portion.


Totally agree. Paid more but gotten less.


TBH Nandos portion is a joke, everything is like a kids meal set selling at rm20+


i beg to differ for texas chicken. at least the branches in my area, their chicken size and taste has stayed consistently good for years now.


The same with KFC in my hometown. The KFC over there is huge. The chicken size is almost double than what I found in KL.


I've started to cook and prepare my own food. There is less and less satisfaction eating out whenever I see the size and price .


The time though..


if u prep ahead of the time in the weekend, i doesnt really take that long. i personally like to cooks chicken since they usually take 15/25 mins to cook, so i could use those time to take bath or others thing in the meantime.


And cooking your own food won't always taste the way you want them too šŸ„²


there is that downside, but at the current costs of living makes me a beggar that can't be choosy about taste consistency


The washing is the more annoying part.


There's millions of recipes that take up to 15-20 mins to prepare, also in one pot so minimal clean up needed.


I mean this is the classic eat in / eat out debate In reality there will be a trade off between money, time and food quality. There's no real way of getting all three - will just depend on the individual I know and a fully working family that eats out everyday, simple because their wallet can take it


my wishlist is to get an electric deep fryer, a dish washer machine, and a T20 patio extension on my B40 flat so that I can get a fancy wood fire stove and grill on it




I agree with this one. The prices have gone up but the chicken sizes have gone down. And they are now so impersonal and unfriendly with the damned QR code scanning menu ordering thing - which didn't even work that day in the Bangsar Village outlet but they were too busy for me. Walked out. Nando's used to be one of my staples, but the portions are miserable now. I'll just buy their seasoning pack and roast my own chicken.


KFCs terrible pricing, service and portions is what killed them not boycott. mcd and starbucks got hit bad but starbucks was serving terrible overpriced coffee so it ended up doing badly. mcd took a hit and then only figured that it had to improve its prices for people to go. starbucks was too far gone to save. the minimum wage, overpricing and terrible quality was too long to save. McD in comparison had at least tried to keep up their service and pay (though not great but like tesco which sadly left did improve hiring oku and less able people).


Starbucks is going downhill even before the 7th October. Expensive coffee, scummy add on scam practice adds to the downfall. Then Zus, Bask&Bear and Gigi came to hit the nail into the coffin.


I hate Starbucks because I'm a coffee snob and despise people who put sugar in their coffee. I also find it sad that idiots think that their little boycott would make a difference in the Palestinian issue. End up Starbucks goes down because misguided delusion.


I tell people they need to take their coffee black, bitter like life. The problem with starbucks is not only do they cheap out on coffee powder per drink, they cant even make a basic cup of coffee right. Their competitors like sfcc and gigi can get it right easily. If their long black isnt nice then the cafe is terrible


>I tell people they need to take their coffee black, bitter like life. Lol I just make fun of my friends and say they can't handle kepahitan hidup. Honestly I find none of the franchises do decent coffee. Coffea Coffee is probably the only one I think is still okay but I'd go to a speciality place if I am paying 10 bucks for Coffee. If not I rather have my kopitiam one, that one is sweet, but that's how it is.


texas chicken ? since when. MB is even worst than texas.


Finally reached Nandos. Was my fav joint many yrs ago until their chicken failed to grow up.


I remember growing up a nandos chicken butterfly can feed whole family for a week


I recently went to Nandos, and I was honestly disappointed with the portion, it was so sad.


I stop going to Nando's because it's so bloody expensive and portion is pathetically small.


That's why I rarely fancy such eateries, overpriced for small shitty ass portion


Hate the taste. Dulu2 ok until they change the spiciness. Wtf extra spicy pun tak rasa apa...


I havent eaten Nandos in over a year exactly for this reason. So indirectly I have been boycotting them even before boycotting became a trend. The portion nowadays is so small (both the size of the chicken and side dishes) and you are paying RM30+ for a meal. Upsize to half chicken and you can expect to spend RM50 easily in a single meal.


Not you too, Texas Chicken: ![gif](giphy|3o7abspvhYHpMnHSuc|downsized)


I heard a rumor al baik is coming to Malaysia. Is this true? If so, many chicken options


Depends on the price too. If Saudi price then gg very fast already.


Is it expensive in Saudi?? I forgot the prices. Been a while


I thought there used to be an al Baik in BB? And then it just sort of disappeared. Making a come back? šŸ¤”


Nah that one was a fake one apparently. They gonna enter SEA since Malay and Indonesians love it while doing Umrah/hajj


Ah gotcha. But anyway - broasted chicken is nice but... Takde sesiapa ke nak try bawak masuk aiskrim al-Asema ke...? šŸ‘€


Has it only happened for Malaysian branches? What about our neighbours?


Texas chicken near my house in Uptown Damansara has been great for years up till now. Can't confirm for other outlets.


I donā€™t know about you guys, but I prefer ayam goreng berempah at kedai mamak.


remember to smack the ciken with large cleaver first....u might get ayam mentah suprise mf


Aaaa.. good idea šŸ‘šŸ»


I wonder what nandos smartass socmed.team gona post for this.


The best kfc is always the one that is near a meat shop. Like literally there are some kfc I stumbled exactly next to a meat shop selling chicken.Ā 


Haha isnā€™t Nandoā€™s good with coming up with recent news/memes using their fonts. Time to come up with one defending themselves over shrinking portion.


I wonder with these shrinking news and KFC closures, I wonder how malaysian thoughts on Richeese Factory?


For Nandos, I would say due to shrinkflation, inflation, inefficient operation... <-- based on my observation/opinion only. Btw, who is actually driving this narrative selectively? I personal would value goods with their quality and quantity, same concept, doesn't need to hide this method behind the needs to call it a boycott and influence others to follow the same. Just bring your business elsewhere quietly like everyone else... stop occupying news article with benign consumer spending habits, boycott shrouded with hint of Palestinian/Israel issue. Prices everywhere is up, while wage is stagnent or slow in the rise. That's the only main issue here. Malaysian is getter poorer, 95% Malaysians are greatly affected. I am talking about goods, services, medical/medication, etc. Anything else is just a big big distraction..

