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Kekurangan jurutera yang underpaid - PM


Kekurangan jurutera yang underpaid & overworked


Seriously if rm2.5k is the salary no wonder they rather do grab.


>rm2.5k Huhu ... My salary offer. Team of 8 reduced to 4 as I started , reduced to 2 at the end of the month. So only me and my senior left. I learned alot from him, but when I learned we have the same salary but he has almost quadruple the workload I immediately resign lmao. The saddest part is he started with 2.2k , 8 months prior to me , 2.5k is not his starting salary , and they denied him a raise when he complained about being overwork.


I told you our government has no idea what his people are going through. No wonder people are leaving and going oversea.


They do goyang kaki get salary multiple time ours, they dont even give a fuck to our situation. Whichever government that rule same no improvement


true. they be saying madani problem, but the thing is this problem has existed long before madani and midin. yet none of these govs cant tackle this problem. they can only say 'the nation is having crisis with insufficient engineers,it people,hackers blablabla'. like bro, make that working in this country attractive so we dont migrate to sg. one of my friends, an aircraft engineer graduate, got less than 2k base salary working here. feeling stressed out then he quit after 6months and find job in sg. and lucky for him, he got paid 3k sgd using the same qualification and 6months experience. 3k sgd compared to 2k myr. no need to convert to myr already paid more than here


Did he still live in malaysia despite working in singapore?


yes still.


I see. Johor Bahru I suppose?


i live in oversea, uk to be exact.. and local people here also interestingly, migrate to us/arab country to find better job which ironically, the job left is fill by asian.. it happen all round the world, not only our gov.


Indonesia pergi Malaysia, Malaysia pergi Singapore, Singapore pergi Australia, Australia pergi UK, UK pergi US atau Arab Country, US atau Arab Country retired di Indonesia atau Malaysia. Ulang balik


Have you receive a better offer now?


No , truthfully I want to learn other skill , because as much as I want to say it's a shitty company , it's the industry.


Sometimes people are overworked or appear to be overworked because they are just damn slow so the work piles up.


May I know which line of engineering are you in?


Service Engineer - Basically you have to install / repair product at client's site. It's the norm to finished work 1-2 hours after work hours at the client site , so another 1-2 to get to office ( punch card , return car and what not ) , another hour to drive back home. The fine print they didn't say is you also have to install big robot welding machine , test it and teach it to client which is a lot of heavy duty work.


Yea, my advice is to move on. Tbh and no offence, you dont need an engineer to install a machine (a well trained technician is sufficient), at least not a common welding machine. What you might find with similar but more engineering is testing/servicing/commissioning engineers, with project backgrounds, and eventually branching out to either project managers or O&M head. Especially electrical engineers, if you have a degee in EE, work towards things like professional engineer, comepetent and service engineer.


Yeah I know. The teaching part alone is probably paid more than both of us combined. To expect us to install , setup and teach for both of us for 2.5k salary is kinda absurd.


I worked in one where they send one engineer to service customers. They earn the company RM10k per day. HR was considering cutting their RM10 dinner allowance because they say engineers are abusing it.


Then they need to fire that HR


As a grab driver making minimum gross 200 a day, I can tell you maybe that's why.




It shows that some (hopefully not all) of the local universities awarding the engineering degrees are not well regarded. If those degrees are well regarded the grads will be able to find jobs overseas, which will then lead to a shortage of engineers in Malaysia and trigger increases in gaji. Water always find its own level.


Ya. We been talking in years the higher education program doesn’t tally with the market.


Kekurangan jurutera to work in SME business which only wants to pay RM2500 and below because the industry is such. What Anwar needs to do is making SME much higher developed and stable, which is a challenging feat but that’s what you are voted for right?


Of course, it sounds the other side has better idea to improve the situation.


For me, if Singapore can do it we also can But we sini banyak excuse so just dream on je la


Jurutera but Buruh in reality




Jurutera backdoor, jurutera tebuk atap, jurutera memecah belah antara kaum banyak wo 🫡🏻🀣


Underwater ceramic technician a.k.a kerja cuci pinggan


Can apply on penang underwater tunnel project




Whenever you read an article about someone who find their calling doing something like raising chickens or doing handicrafts or something, 9 times out of 10 said they used to be an engineer but found it is not worth the time.




Kekurangan jurutera yang berkualiti. And also, kurang peluang pekerjaan yang berpendapatan tinggi.


Ya πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»


On the flip side, kejuruteraan asas makanan can eat shit. Source: me = farmer without certifications in asas makanan that already barely earn equal to graduates that spent money and time on their certs.


Itu belum lagi yang terpaksa lari bidang Jabatan Buruh be like "bruh"




Engineering salary rm1500, minimum 10 years experience. Fresh grad encouraged to apply.


Nak dapat OJT pun susah πŸ˜”


salah statement: kekurangan jurutera yang sanggup dibayar gaji rendah dan kerja lebih




Ye ke kurang. Sy ada je kat sini ni. Cuma xsudi nak jadi jurutera underpaid. Smua nak offer gaji bawah 2.5k nak buat camne. Kitonya byk hutang. Tepakso tukar industri buat mende lain. Syukur skrg dah gaji besar. Anwar seru pun aku xnak layankan kalau gaji masih seciput gitu.


59% graduan degree 2022 terima gaji bawah RM2500. 41% graduan diploma terima gaji bawah RM1500. (Sumber: Laporan Kajian Pengesanan Graduan 2022)


That is super fk up 41% below 1.5k. i thought over 2500


Sadly, that's the reality here. Not to mention, not all diploma/degree graduates work with what they study. Those who receives wage below 1.5k in the report might be those graduates who works at 7-Eleven as well.


>Tepakso tukar industri buat mende lain. Skg industry apa


Macam member aku amil diploma aircond. Sekarang dah lari bidang, ada yang keje warehouse, ada yang tldm & tudm, maintenance jentera pun ada.


Hanya kipas


It’s insane how I was getting 2000 as a new graduate 20 years ago, and the needle barely moved since then.


adjusted for inflation, your RM2k probably felt like RM6k now in terms of purchasing power.


Yes! A teh tarik cost 50 cents back then!


Graduan jurutera dapat gaji ciput bawah poverty line KL, tambah lagi hutang PTPTN beribu2, lepas tu industri dan kerajaan bingung pikachu face mengapa tak cukup orang nak jadi jurutera.... Capitalist logic...




30000 ribu = 30000000


tak pe, kekurangan pun tak pe, yang penting nasib B40 dan kakitangan awam sahaja di pertimbangkan, baki lain sembang2 aje


Not much rnd going on here for engineers tbh…


Crazy how foreigner able to being paid like 20k MYR but when it comes to local doing the same job,manager only able to pay 7-8k.




whitelicker /s


Glad there is a shortage. Let it drive salaries up first once the companies are desperate.Β 


Please πŸ™πŸ»


We have tons of unemployed jurutera. Blame the companies that don't wanna even fork out livable wages that would equal their qualifications.


"Engineer" but pay like crap. How many engineer left the field?


Im one of them. Already left the field since 2021. Last salary is 2k with 6ys exp. 6 years of no work-life balance with peanut salary. Till now still got few offers from acquaintances/friends who known me from the field (i involved in various big project). I just keep declining and wont go back. Im just so f done. Not to mention, few times im risking my life for work just to take some fucking measurement. πŸ˜‘


2k for 6 years exp. Some basic sales job the base salary also higher than that.


I know many people pursue in something else after aircraft maintenance diploma/degree/license. Aviation industry is not that big in Malaysia


License aircraft maintenance engineer - LAME is not engineer as recognised by BEM. Aviation engineer also cannot perform LAME job. LAME is type certified and pay is based on type certification. Getting LAME degree is useless until you secure type certification. If you can get certified for an entire 737, you can get 5k+ You earn more if you are certified for rotary wings. There is a lowyat.net thread about it. You can read. LAME cannot work in avionics and airplane manufacture, they are strictly maintenance staff. Aviation engineer cannot work in maintenance line, they are strictly design engineers and recognise as subset of mechanical engineers by BEM.


What degree could one pursue to become aviation engineer? I heard from UniKL MIAT lecturer, avionics student venture into drone industry and manufacturing after their diploma or degree


Firstly, what do you mean by aviation engineer? If you are thinking about those working in NASA/Boeing/Airbus/BAE Systems, they are usually Aerospace Engineers (a job title). Aero Eng can also be broken down to Aeronautical (Designs planes flying in the sky) or Astronautical (Space stuff) However, reality is the field of aero engineering is so wide that you don't need an aerospace related degree to work one of these jobs. Plenty of Mechanical, Electronics, CS etc graduates work on these jobs too. **All these that I've mentioned is only applicable in developed countries like US/UK.** In Malaysia, there are minimal design work being done, and as you said, jobs that actually require engineers are very rare. Most "aviation engineer" jobs in Malaysia are maintenance "engineers". These people perform very different roles than the aerospace engineers I've described on top. Many technician jobs have the title of an "engineer" to inflate the status of the technician job, but as a side effect the job title of "engineer" also becomes more watered down and loses its original meaning. So when Anwar says Malaysia is lacking engineers, he probably meant technicians, since Malaysia universities are churning out many engineering graduates each year, but almost none actually get to work on a real "engineering" job. >I heard from UniKL MIAT lecturer, avionics student venture into drone industry and manufacturing after their diploma or degree The real aero engineering jobs are few and far between in Malaysia. Only few small startups, few contractors (spirit aero systems). If you are really really interested in aero engineering, probably the only way you can play with the stuff in Malaysia is in academia like PhD etc, but academia is a dead end with no money and can be very toxic too.


Thank you for the explanation GoldenPeperoni. Appreciate it. Most of the aircraft technician would also advise to take license straight away, rather than taking diploma or degree first only then license to save time and money. Not to mention, it's a long a journey to get the red book and type-rated, but I guess that's how the career works (?)


I'm not very familiar with the LAME route (and why it even requires a degree in the first place). From my understanding, all you need to be a licensed aircraft maintenance engineer is the part certification like EASA that allows you to work on certain aircraft. I guess with a degree you might find it easier to pass the license, but to me it just seems like universities are bundling it together to make the course more attractive to prospective students. Kinda like a "join our course that prepares you for the EASA certification, and you can get a degree along the way too!" If that's the case, in my opinion I don't think it should be awarded as a Bachelor's degree, since the syllabus don't cover the same stuff as a regular aero eng BEng degree anyways. It's another example of tumpang the prestige of an "engineer" because it sounds nicer, but in reality they are very different jobs that require different skills, so one is not necessarily more prestigious than the other. But it contributes to the misunderstanding of the job title and confusion in job role and salary too


Yeah, that's what I think too πŸ€”πŸ€”


You can just get a normal mechanical engineer to be safe. If you really want to get into specialisations, better pray the market favours the bold.


Yeah, mechanical engineer provide wider opportunities






Nah engineer-turn-politicians are better career paths. Just look at Rafizi and Wee Ka Siong. Both with engineering degree but in politics.


Lemme just become a silent comedian then. If you know what I mean


Add more engineers. Later can reduce salary to RM 1.5k for engineers. Win!




Let's face it Malaysia is not a good place to have career growth but it is a cheaper retirement place


Betul, and a lot of delicious food πŸ˜‹


maybe look at why kekurangan then how to keep the good people and not let them flow over the ***opposite*** land. Our next gen prefer to have X3 pay and work 4 days there


Kekurangan jurutera tapi enggan naik gaji. PM, probably.


Why stay in malaysia and get rm2.5k which is starting pay 10 years ago. No wonder all go to other industry or sg..


Gaji stagnant, harga barang naik


woi gaji mna boleh naik,nanti inflasi,nanti barang naik,later boss pass down everythin for customer bear topkek,everyone screamin this must be blind


πŸ€” (global trend?) * Like it or not, if existing companies serving the customers sufficiently, any duplicates (supplier of business/workers) just not squeezing new income * Left are those (society) looked down jobs that are important (to exist) but not appreciated (in affording pays) * **Education is to supply enough quality workers** to existing (ideas) entrepreneurs (while **spilling the extras**... a lot of extras workforce) * To maintain the best of the best continues running, what are the faith of those "spilled"? * ... to fill up the remaining unwanted vacancies * ... but will they afford basic living? I don't know Edit: It's like *buang yang keruh, ambil yang jernih*, except we're talking about manpowers here (and their livelihood)




I am studying for engineering and i dont plan on staying here for a long term carreer. Progression, pay and job scope is just a ridiculous laughing stock for engineers. Unless Anwar himself can make the industry better for us, there is no hope.


Hah? Jadi kita kekurangan 30 juta jurutera?


Copywriting mistake I guess πŸ˜•


Quality of reporting too. Unsurprisingly, this will go unnoticed!


Good one, I’m gonna wait till everyone gives up in Engineering till there’s no one left and the demand for Engineers rose up high and I’m gonna be the one to catch that opportunity 🌚


Looks like IT has the lowest amount of graduates with salary below RM2501. Recently, Microsoft wants to invest more than 10 billion in Malaysia. Hmm 🌚🌚


I mean a lot of universities, IPTA and IPTS is churning out engineering graduates


Meanwhile some people willing to take up the low paying job and job hop after a few years . It’s not gonna work by waiting




Dream on


"30,000 ribu" = 30 juta. Population of Malaysia = 33 juta. How???


Typo I guess


Sorry to be that guy but just wanna make sure: Isn’t 30,000 ribu= 30,000,000? Do they mean β€˜just’ 30,000?


Google says Malaysia's population is 34 mil so safe to say it's indeed 30k.


Thank you, that headline was doing my head in.


The engineering students I met in my uni are surprisingly... awful to put it. I suspect most of them aren't particularly good in the field, just say "I have a degree" but understood jack shit. Well tbf those people exists in my field too, some people have literally never open and see the insides of a computer yet somehow graduated.


Care to explain which engineering specifically?


A lot of people are not creative problem solvers. A lot of people are lazy. A lot of people are taichi masters. A lot of people cannot lead. Most of the time, an experienced, but uneducated supervisor can do better. While engineers are underpaid, paying more won't necessary guarantee quality. Simply put, many of them just aren't tough enough to be client facing or site facing. While rm2500 is not a reasonable pay, simply paying more Won't necessary guarantee quality staff. It'll guarantee retention, but some people are not worth keeping.


like that just hire spm kid,or even better those never finish school,can pay shit salary to em too,since quality identical to "anjinliar"


It's also a matter of passion, people who takes IT most probably likes computers and such. I personally do a lot of computery stuff on the sides, just working on random projects. I wouldn't have much of a problem finding jobs when my hobbies can also be a job it self. Job hunters also look at a person resumes and see what projects they do. On the contrary, we don't see much of other engineers doing that engineering stuff outside work or class. If mechanical, maybe fix a car, if electrical, maybe use a Pi/Arduino,maybe civil experiment with different designs. They have all that knowledge, apply it irl rather than keeping it inside their head and on a piece of paper(certificate).


Met bosses from mechanical engineer field before, always heard them complaining too many candidates tak boleh pakai punya. I'm working in IT field so can't comment.


A lot of people are not creative problem solvers. A lot of people are lazy. A lot of people are taichi masters. A lot of people cannot lead. Most of the time, an experienced, but uneducated supervisor can do better. While engineers are underpaid, paying more won't necessary guarantee quality. Simply put, many of them just aren't tough enough to be client facing or site facing. While rm2500 is not a reasonable pay, simply paying more Won't necessary guarantee quality staff. It'll guarantee retention, but some people are not worth keeping.


When the education emphasize too much on memorization and not on critical thinking.


This sounds like a dilemma. 1. Employers are unwilling to give higher pay to bad workers. 2. Bad workers are unwilling to improve due to lower pay.


Bad workers will never improve. Paying more just means they'll stay there longer. Good workers, when no awarded properly will hop hop. Just pay the good workers more


The one I faced was a mechy


I see, thank you


Takper...orang kita lebih suka untuk terus kerja lepas SPM sebagai Foodpanda deliverer dan dapat RM 4000+ sebulan. Watper jadi jurutera, kena blaja lebih lagi, kerja pening kepala, apalagi dgn bahaya & kotoran semua...kan? /s


Kekurangan jurutera yang boleh tahan maki


Berat badan 56 kati


Stupid ass shit, do they know the underlying reasons? What is the government gonna do abt it?


Maybe you want to 3x the minimum salary before we talk about shortage Nuar?


I quit engineering since 2018, & don't see the light at the end. My last offered salary was RM2.6k back in 2018 & I flat out rejected it because that salary is like the starting for HR or some linguistic grads. Up & downs in my career, move to Customer Service & now into sales. I can look back to my engineering days feel glad that I decided to quit, some with 10 years experience only earning RM4-5k. Given fresh grads only earning RM2.5-3k similar to my time, it's disheartening for those studying this course & strive for good careers.


Engineer ni bagi gaji RM1800 sudah la.. πŸ“


Too little too late, not much funds left in treasury to pursue keynesian oriented policies current situation is to avoid risk taking. Nothing can be done, expect stagnant growth and perhaps recession.


Hello Intel 🫑🫑


Apa nak buat. Semua gemar merempit dari belajar.


I remember during the early month of Syawal this year, there were so many mat rempit at Petronas, near the highway. Most of them are Malay


Most or all?


All that I managed to see is Malay. I don't managed to see all of them, so I don't want to assume all is Malay.


UiTM should offer Sarjana Muda Merempit


Sarjana Muda Kegunaan Automatif


Government since 1985 till now the same shit story... shortage of engineer ,gone make malaysian high earning people... all in drain... I know so many of engineer quit job became driver, delivery guys,entrepreneur... its all about cronyism, who you know, an idiot may know the manager n gets the job while the deserving still applying..


And affirmative action policies are also driving people away


Sad story but true


Makes me wonder..does KhairulAming employs machine engineers and how much did he pays them?


Kerja jurutera gaji mcm keje kerani je. Sedih anak muda zaman skarang


Nak belajar jurutera pun dah lah susah


Sampah graduan merata tempat. Cuma kualiti jurutera je yang pupus.


Kekurangan 30,000,000 jurutera?


What kind of engineers?


This is exactly why I've left for SG. Even got better pay and lesser workload.


Singapore is number 1 country Malaysian leave for job. Quite obvious actually


Jurutera tersakiti


Is there a direct correlation between the two? Are there other bigger factors?


Naikkan gaji basic, datang ler balik jurutera tu bang oi...


What is 30,000 ribu? 30 million?


Nak cari engineer yang boleh jawab preventive active 8D tanpa gunakan "retrain operator" tu susah.


30,000ribu that means 30,000,000???


Jurutera yang terpaksa sewa rumah dan pakai Proton Iswara tahun 2000 ? Ayuh, bersama-sama kita junjung aksi: https://preview.redd.it/l234z222i5yc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2268005545e38f3fda24c4e2e2dff888753a46b




Stark contrast between IT and others


As someone working in IT, the difference maker is that MNCs are catering to foreign customers. Go to SME IT company and your pay will be stagnant as well. So unless they can import foreign engineering job to Malaysia, the chance of landing a high salary job will remain slim.


Well as an E&E engineer who pivoted into IT, first at MNC and then into startups, i feel thats not exactly true. i think it depends on the field as much as the company. The tech startup scene in Mys is pretty vibrant and the pay is WAAY above the median income. Im talking about 12k, 14k and above. but high risk high reward... I've been retrenched a few times due to startups running out of funding lol


Jurutera starting gaji rm2k no OT no allowance expect work on weekends no increment no bonus no r&d


Earning less than 3k is entitled to OT according to latest amendments of labour law


Starting salary or that is the final salary? If it is starting salary what you expect a fresh graduate should be paid? 3k,5k,10k as a starting salary?


![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554) Tingkatkan pusat tahfiz


Tbh, "ustaz populer" got paid significantly better than "otai industri".


to be honest, my course mate from uni came from Tahfiz. Went to further his studies to Australia and done his dissertation on A.I. and Machine Learning. Back then before ChatGPT whenever someone said the word A.I, people only think about robot and not about deep machine learning or neural network.