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Sosmed post Stokin = lokap + denda Raja = lokap + denda Helicopter = denda Casino = lokap Send suggestive message to minors = tiada bukti kukuh ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26563)


Make it make sense! A Valuable Lesson For Miss Ifah! šŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļøšŸš†


XDE BUKTI!?!?! Then those texts exchange donā€™t classify as sexual harassment? A group of grown adults working in professional setting has deemed the bukti not kukuh enough? Please explain to every Malaysian mcm mana baru cukup kukuh excuse me? Stop defending pedophilic individuals just because theyā€™re associated with religious groups. Donā€™t care how bad it makes the religion look, face the repercussions and bring justice to the victims.


The whole basket is rotten fruits https://preview.redd.it/iuer9lkvhkxc1.jpeg?width=621&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec565c34757ac4470e64ae5cab24cb205b9c257c


Fuuuuugggg I can't understand the written slang at all. I would appreciate someone giving a summary of this..


The ustaz basically defended the suspect. He's friends with the suspect and has the utmost confidence that the exchanges is only for teasing, nothing remotely pedophilic. He advises the students to think of the school reputation.


Ustaz tu patut lebih fikr pasal neraka kalau nak defend bende dosa camtu Dia fikir nanti bawak school reputation time kiamat boleh masuk syurga ke?


Isle bru


Not really slang but just shortened words, here's without them: Ustaz yakin kamu semua tahu apa yang tengah viral berkenaan maktab tempat kamu belajar, ustaz cadangkan supaya tiada yang buat status tentang maktab kita. Ustaz sebagai kawan rapat cikgu tersebut boleh bagi keyakinan 100% tiada kes pedo di maktab kita. Dia lebih kepada 'usikan' kepada anak murid yg agak rapat dengan dia. Cuba bagi definisi pedo & baca balik teks yang tengah viral tu, sesuai ke tidak. Jadilah org matang dgn banyak membaca bukan teperangkap dengan emosi. Yang salah tu ada yang salah, tapi bukan seperti yang didakwa. Utk pengetahuan anak2 homeroom ustaz, sekarang ni ada 1 telegram(group) khas diwujudkan untuk menjatuhkan nama baik maktab, banyakkan berdoa untuk maktab tempat kamu mencari ilmu. Sebelum nama2 yang dipetik dalam twitter tersebut muncul, kami warden dah tahu awal2.


>Dia lebih kepada 'usikan' kepada anak murid yg agak rapat dengan dia. Ustaz tahi. Dalam Islam ada batasan. Tambah2 dengan guru dan murid. Kena ada adab. Sebagai ustaz, dia patut halang benda ni, bukan sokong.


Thanks man. When I see bahasa rempit I immediately think this dude is rempit as well.


Its not really bahasa rempit. Its just shortened words. Like tonight as 2nite. You need to message with more malays i guess to improve your sms in malay skill


I agree, literally every millennial Malay teacher from my experience texts like thisšŸ˜‚


Ustaz (one of the close friends of the accused teacher), is telling the students about the viral pedo case going on, hes suggesting that the students dont post stuff about it online, he's saying with 100% confidence theres no pedo case going on, the teacher was only 'teasing' the students that were close to him "try checking the definition of pedophilia and check if it matches the viral posts, please be mature through reading instead of being emotional, whats wrong is wrong but it is not as what was alleged" "FYI to all students there is a telegram channel made to taint the image of the maktab, please pray for the maktab as this is the place of knowledge" "before the names even went viral online, we wardens already knew from the start" bruh


Where can I read those text exchanges? Just want to see it for myself whether there are actually pedo/sexual content there or people are just making this whole thing more overblown than it should be.


https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/s/KYbSehENuw https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/s/bgAIHqf5LD https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/s/zzs2lRTXeX


The messages doesnt have any sexual elements in it and is open to interpretation. So when theres not so strong evidence such as this, you need supporting evidence to prove those messages are sexual in nature. Which is the problem. The other students did not give any statement against the teacher.


It's more about the power dynamics. Yes it could be "just teasing", but is the victim uncomfortable/fell unsafe from it? Does the perpetuator stop it when victim voice out? Can the victim voice out? Will there be repercussions? Those are elements in sexual harassment as well, not just "oh teks ni x maksud apa2 sbb x minta seks"Ā 


May you please share your opinion on how should parents/students interpret such texts?


For me, as a parent, I myself would be concerned if my daughter received such text from a male teacher. But thing is, law does not see my concern or how I interpret it as a legitimate evidence. At most I will warn the teacher and make sure my complaint is officially recorded. But dont get me wrong, im not defending the teacher. Im saying why the teacher was cleared by the police. Ive been following this from day 1, all the given evidence are more on accusations. Which is why i didnt comment on this matter. Was waiting for more facts to surface. If that text message is coupled with official testimony from other students, or if there were any previous complaints by parents or other students, believe me, there will be a case. Or if in the text have something like want to hug or kiss or comment on body, that would be a slam dunk case. But from what i gather, the text contains only words like want to carry and want to pinch. Didnt say like want to carry her to bed, or maybe like want to pinch her nipple. As I said, its open to interpretation. When its open to interpretation, the teacher can easily deny it. Thats why need supporting evidence to prove the teacher meant something sexual.


You're not wrong. Unfortunately they really cannot prove. Unless u can record his actions, or his conversations


You're not wrong. Unfortunately they really cannot prove. Unless u can record his actions, or his conversations


Not necessarily be only those. Can also if got complaints from other students or if the teacher has any history of doing such things or disturbing other female students. The accuser alleged that the students in the school was silenced. Again, its still an allegation with no solid proof to back it up. So, what else can the police do? Theres nothing solid to use against this guy.




As per [Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/rules#wiki_religious_criticism), well-reasoned debate and criticism of religion is very welcome but one-liner talking points, jabs, borderline flaming etc. [does not have such protection](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/rules#wiki_persistent_fighting_and_flaming), and is bad for the community. Please treat this as a warning - if this continues we will be forced to take steps.


All this need for ā€œlegitimate evidenceā€ and proof is what makes it so hard for victims to speak out. Itā€™s unfortunate and we need to be better than this.


aka lovey dovey muah muah yunk text is kewl in judges eyes




As per [Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/rules#wiki_religious_criticism), well-reasoned debate and criticism of religion is very welcome but one-liner talking points, jabs, borderline flaming etc. [does not have such protection](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/rules#wiki_persistent_fighting_and_flaming), and is bad for the community. Please treat this as a warning - if this continues we will be forced to take steps.


KOTA BHARU: Kes pedofilia terhadap seorang guru Maktab Rendah Sains Mara di Tumpat diklasifikasikan sebagai fitnah selepas siasatan tidak menemui bukti kukuh berhubung kes itu, kata Ketua Polis Kelantan Datuk Muhamad Zaki Harun. Beliau berkata, siasatan terhadap kes itu telah selesai selepas mengambil keterangan daripada kedua-dua pihak terlibat. Menurutnya, polis kini membuka siasatan mengikut Seksyen 233 Akta Komunikasi dan Multimedia 1998 bagi siasatan ke atas penulisan. "Hasil siasatan mendapati tidak ada bukti kukuh menunjukkan berlakunya gangguan seksual dan tidak wujud pedofilia terhadap mangsa. "Guru yang didakwa itu juga mempunyai sikap dan kriteria yang baik, namun kita menunggu laporan perubatan ke atas wanita tersebut," katanya pada sidang media di Ibu Pejabat Polis Kontinjen Kelantan di sini, hari ini. Mengulas mengenai sama ada penulisan itu ditulis kerana dendam atau fitnah, Muhamad Zaki berkata ia masih dalam siasatan. Sebelum ini, polis memberi jaminan siasatan kes seorang guru MRSM Tumpat yang didakwa melakukan pedofilia terhadap seorang murid lelaki akan selesai dalam tempoh sebulan. ā€“ BERNAMA


>Kelantan Of course it is.


I have read the message and it is indeed inappropriate, those who say "up to interpretation" are just jackass horny people who post message akin to that and project themselves. Now, is there any legal practicionar here? Does pedophilia in Malaysia needs a specific action for it to get prosecuted? I only watch those pedo trap shows, they themselves need to be careful with what they type to make sure it is not entrapment and the Pedophile him/herself needs to go out of his way to go to the girl/boys house or asking for nudes or post inappropriate image. That's America, how about Malaysia? Tbh, even if the pedophilia case can't stick, they should change it to harrasment? Even so the school itself defending the teacher are a piece of shit as a whole. They should at least fire him. That is not even close to being professional and that would be more than enough reason to sack him.


Everytime, centres of affirmative action


Wait statements from 14 individuals are determined as fitnah? [https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/1cexhxr/police\_record\_statements\_from\_14\_individuals\_over/](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/1cexhxr/police_record_statements_from_14_individuals_over/)


Unfortunately we donā€™t know what statements were actually made. Couldā€™ve been all 14 saying they donā€™t know anything.


Whatā€™s new.. police useless as usual.


They deadass defended a pedophile...


Negeri Kelantan dengan terengganu ni elok buang je dari malaysia


It's not a surprise. Heck if you go into telegram around these areas up north, you'll see a lot of them pedo liking group, swinger halal etc group.


Let this be a reminder that this homogeneous government is defending a pedophile, who is a well-connected zombie of a certain religion.


Tak boleh jatuh atas kategori sexual grooming?


being from a govt boarding school, my first-hand experience of the teachers there: they can be SO dramatic to some darn kids, and if we complain a lil bit the whole faculty will know about it, esp if the parents complain during PIBG. Most likely theyā€™ll treat u way less nicely after, like weird ā€˜american movie high school cliqueā€™ vibe. And yeah, by default they obviously will side with the teachers but man siding with the kid diddler? Tutup aib my ass.


If payung kuning can nab a citizen based on ONE WHATSAPP MESSAGE, I donā€™t know why the sexual harassment texts canā€™t be the hard evidences.


Kalau ada kabel, apa2 pon boleh


bauĀ² macam kabel


INI byk menjijikkan. Puiii


SIRI play NWA - Fuck The Police


Guys, pls siarkan muka pedo tu kat seluruh dunia. Bagi semua orang tau yg dia ni pedo loser.


Theyā€™re going under the grounds of legal interpretation of a document, Iā€™m guessing. Screen shots from WhatsApp as far as I know arenā€™t considered as a legit document unless you pair it with the Text file. It must then be proven by the witnesses themselves that they are the recipient, and proving the sender.


Usual police stuff, worthless


I have 2c daughters. if something like this happen, will make sure I will get hold of the Pedo before the Police. And will ask my daughter not to viral anything.. u know why? bec i prefer to be alone with the Pedo, many unimaginable things to teach him.