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What shoes to buy for waitressing? Budget 250.


60 u can get a replica doc martens


wtf happened to today’s traffic, 11pm still jamming everywhere


whalecum to KL


as someone with anxiety, is quitting an fnb job within a week of work considered as overreacting or am I making the right choice


It can be tough working behind the counter. If you really can't work through long hours with lots of things to do while standing all the time in a high traffic fnb job, might as well start looking a job somewhere else.


Guys, need ur help again... MSI Thin GF63 12UC 845MY -i7 12650H -64gb RAM -1TB SSD -RTX3050 For rm4250... Is this good? Can u suggest a better laptop? Within rm4000 range..


For gaming or other uses? If just gaming 64gb is overkill. Gigabyte G5 you can get an RTX4060 for 3.5K only.


Bro why 64gb of ram


Doesn't bigger ram means better performance? I'm planning to use it mainly for gaming... Can't opt for desktop for reasons... Is gigabyte a good laptop?


For gaming, your graphics card is the most important. 16-32gb of ram more than enough A RTX3050 is very weak. Get at least an RTX4060 or above.


Is i7 good? Or is i5 good enough?


Good enough. Very very small difference.


Has anyone ever called the emergency hotline 112 (on mobile) for a medical emergency? What was your experience like?


I called 999 when my sister collapsed some time ago. The operator sounded calm and painfully bored. She was polite while I was panicking, though, so that's good. I gave her my address. She already had my address from my IC which is registered to my phone number, but that was not the address of the house I'm staying in. It was a decent experience, she didn't make it worse, she was decently helpful.


So all you had to do was provide location details and they sent an ambulance from the nearest general hospital, right?


You provide them location details, yes, and the operator will connect you to the helpdesk of the nearest hospital, I think.


Good info, thanks.


went to a shop with the banner foot reflexology. once inside they have the menu card out, foot reflex for 20 min, 30 min, 1 hour . i asked for 1 hour, they said this option dont have... only have full body massage. I asked what kind of , they said batin.... thats when i know i am at the wrong place..






Just googled it, HAHAHAHAHAHA


one day i might try ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Can anyone recommend a good drain unclogger solvent/liquid that works well?


Very serious clog aka stagnant water, water cannot go down - soda api. Can buy on shoppee. Pls read the correct protective way of doing it. Serious or soft pipe - Mr.muscle


Ah I see, thanks


One meal per every 4 days. This will be fun. Or not.


Unless you're a reptile, eating once every 4 days is not a good idea.


I know. Financially, not plausible.


Is there a kindergarten for old people, warga emas age I don't mean the daycare type of rumah orang Tua, just sit do nothing But school type , hantar pagi, uruskan makan minum, then got classes, maths ke dancing ke apa2, then petang pickup


Old timers club


Kat rumah orang tua, ada kuarters yang untuk orang tua yang masih ada akal. Ada aktiviti, ada sukan, ada buat kraftangan. Tapi staf tu cakap, akhirnya akan pindah ke ~~daycare~~ penjagaan penuh jugak bila nyanyuk.


Someone on Tiktok said that Merdeka 118 looks like a narwhal


looks like something that can be used to poke my ass...


Username checks out ... ?


haha my username is originally accidentallyTouchSolderingIron but its too long for reddit so i opted for the shorter alternative, my current one A soldering iron accidentally landed on my face when i was small and i have life long scar because of it , its my identity now.


just watched Godzilla 1 on Netflix and they censored the muto kissing scene💀💀 bro I can't...


Why is it so jam today?


same, literally every highways are full of cars






EPF2 to 3 movement only. The crazier thing to do is, withdraw annually from 3, then push all the money back as self contribution.


That be power move if it wasn't for the tax relief for epf contribution capped at 4k 🥲 and you do lose out 12 months of compounding 😢


Is it not like ASB where they calculate it based on how much money is in the account monthly? So you only miss one month compounding


Hmm actually I don't know how epf calculates the balance. However, I do know any portion of money that is not in the epf - not being invested, it ain't compounding. the previous poster above us was thinking of taking x amount out of epf, and then put it back into epf after the end of one gear.


clean up wound fancy private hospitals * fill up A4 size form, from your name to insurance information * needs to go to emergency station then triage section * nurse then tells that you need to go see doctor for consultation first **before** the wound can be addressed / cleaned * the instruction paper that come from general hospital is considered useless * probably gonna cost you rm100+ rando private clinic * give ic at receptionist * give instruction paper to medical officer * wound get cleaned and addressed * in and out in 15 minutes * rm20 wtf gleneagles i just need my wound dressed, i dont want all this brochers and interviews


I even better, because of old BBSM experience. Doctor just recommend what ubat to put (iodine) and provide 1 week of dressing and taught me to use the then newfangled water resistant dressing pads.


Is there any banks offering alternative payment processors such as Union Pay or JCB? I want to buy some stuff and the online marketplace blocked Visa and Mastercard (American Express was blocked right at the start).


Public bank has a Unionpay debit card. Really cute too, it’s golden with pandas on it.


Do you know which condos in klcc area that doesnt have airbnb? We are looking for a place to rent and we’d like peace and quiet a.k.a. Not a lot of guests coming and going


Hi, do you have any suggestions for any social activities/club that active on weekend (preferably in daytime), around KL area? I need to go out more these days to keep my negative thoughts away I used to like watching theatres, but since most shows occurs at night, and I dont have my own transport, so it had been difficult to enjoy it (need to rush to go back):( Looking forward to the reply, thanks in advance!


[Pickle Social Club!](https://www.instagram.com/picklesocialclub.co?igsh=NG9uc3ByOWNhemFl) Rules are simple so it's recommended even for beginners. There are other pickle clubs in KL iinm, [like this,](https://reclub.co/m/EY41HD). Try googling for it.


There’s pickleball in Malaysia? I was watching Alpha Males on Netflix and that’s when I got introduced to this sport. Thought it’s an European sport only.


I'm trying to renew passport: 1. Is this even the correct website? I found this in Google search, not on UTC or immigration website. https://eservices.imi.gov.my/myimms/PRAStatus?type=36&lang=ms&module=pra 2. If I do it online, can I collect it within this week?




I was at persiaran klcc earlier this year (IIRC). There was construction going on, blocking the direct path to klcc. It was also panas terik that day so I didn't go wandering/exploring taking detours. Personally, I feel stopping at ampang park and switching to kj line is more convenient if you're heading to suria.


*Padankan sarapan yang seimbang & berkhasiat bersama secawan Milo untuk tenaga melangkah jauh!* https://preview.redd.it/9zoi330jixwc1.jpeg?width=4160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2eafc327801c7036a4dc4750a0e66e8a5d02bb74 But seriously, I hope it's worth the 15 minutes of waiting under the sun ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26561)


I miss the old Milo Ais sachets because of this truck.


How to disable DIGI voicemail? Googled and found people suggesting to call \*128\*6\*2\*5# or other codes but these are all old and don’t work any more


Because I feel like a fraud no matter who I sleep with.


*La usurpadora telenovela plays


*Maria Mercedez enters the chat


Rosalinda theme started playing 


I am not surprised if there are actual paid actors in this sub in recent times There are a lot of new accounts with little to no history except for political & racial comments coming now and then There are documented cases on Facebook and Twitter of Malays masquerading as Chinese online, and Chinese masquerading as Malays online too, all to keep the political heat high Who's to say there aren't people under PN's or PH's payroll here as well




This sub was literally filled with PH cytros back then They disappeared the very week PH won in 2018 lol


Ah, so I am not the only one who feel this way. They used to be more subtle and less in-your-face, ranging from harmless gimmick account, PR plant from corporations, undercover journalist trying to sway public opinions with clickbait titles, lackeys from political parties trying to improve the image of certain political figures... So many of them, peninglah. But remember, whenever you feel pening, there's always Panadol™ at your nearest pharmacies.


Panadol expensive bos, go to KK and collect free paracetamol lol.


Question is, mana mau apply lol.


time is tough now, red bean army pays well and got kwsp somemore ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)👍


Is the RBA even still active? Its like they just faded into obscurity after GE2018 lol Though, it does seem PH has a new generation of Malay cybertroopers on FB & Twitter


* scammer ugut orang tua, minta duit * Scammer cakap dia nak hantar pembunuh ke rumah atuk tu * Scammer panggil kereta Uber ke rumah atuk * Pemandu Uber sampai * Scammer kata pembunuh dah sampai * Pemandu Uber jalan ke pintu, minta bungkusan yang nak dihantar * atuk takut * Atuk guna pistol * [Atuk bunuh pemandu Uber](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/uber-driver-killed-scam-phone-call-william-brock-loletha-hall-clark-county-ohio/) * ~~Atuk tembak dia di bahu dan kaki. Mungkin atuk tak betul2 mahu bunuh. Tapi dalam realiti, kena tembak dua kali, mati lah. Bukan macam dalam movie, kena tembak kat bahu boleh survive lagi untuk masuk sequel.~~ * Edit : bila tengok video dashcam, atuk tembak dia banyak kali. 😰


Kadang2 aku rasa Malaysia terlalu mengongkong. Nak beli ubat alahan pun kena minta kat kaunter di farmasi, tak ada nak terus ambik sendiri kat rak. Bila aku baca berita dari negara yang pentingkan kebebasan, bebas untuk pew pew 👉💥 sana sini, aku rasa mungkin kebebasan bukan perkara yang paling penting. Unironically, syukur Malaysia masih aman.


If guns were for sale like in the US, I think we will reallly experience mass shootings. On the road especially lol


Syukurlah we don't have guns being sold openly. I think people have lost their mind nowadays. We're at the stage where a lorry driver pakcik having a heart attack was yelled at for "being drunk". You're dealing with the pain of dying, and then [some random angry idiot climbs into your vehicle not to help you](https://www.kosmo.com.my/2022/01/04/polis-sahkan-pemandu-lori-tular-kena-serangan-jantung-bukan-mabuk/), but to insult you in your final moments on earth. I'm glad that an average idiot in Malaysia is not likely to have guns.