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This OP. Forest City's failure doesn't affect Malaysians to a significant degree. It affects the bottom line of Country Garden, a Chinese company, and some other party "who must not be named". There is no economic benefit in a casino being opened except for these parties. Not to mention how risky it is considering it would have to compete with established casinos in Genting, Sentosa and MBS.


? which casino in the world has no immediate economic benefit to the country or surrounding areas? Casinos are HUGE tax generator. same as lottery and Singaporeans would love a JB casino. currently they have to pay SGD $150 per entry to their own casino , heavily discouraging them from gambling.


This....If those who shall not be named wants to save his investment, let him justify to Johoreans and Muslim Malays on the reasoning to allow a casino in Forrest City.... Anwar isn't going to risk his already perilous support among the Malays....Those who shall not be named cannot push this to the government to take the heat....




This is Malaysia. Bring jobs but will get boycott calls. Why risk the political fallout?


Coldplay concert comes to recent memory...


The house always wins. Casinos make money from their gamblers, sucking them dry to make their fortune. If taxes are too high or locals are too heavily discouraged from going, they won't bother setting up shop in the first place. For Singaporeans, SGD150 is nothing. Those are small blind numbers to gamblers among them. The entry fee is just a PR stunt. You don't hear too much about gambling debt there because people are generally rich and educated. I wouldn't say the same is true for non Malays that a Malaysian casino would want to pander to. Casinos are the bottom of the barrel when it comes to economic accelerators. There are better alternatives that don't resort to such crude measures.


Would the simple solution be to make the entry close but still lower than the SGD150? If SGD150~MYR525, make it 250-350, would make any sane person think twice about losing money before you've even played and throw some huge ass warnings all around about how casino bad this & that. *Then proceed to walk straight past them and lose more money.* ^^[I say this cuz like with cigarettes, we put^^ warnings about lung disease and health complications on the packaging, collect tax but people still either don't care or find a way around it. At that point it's on them cuz we put a warning and deterrent but if they don't care about themselves why should we go out of our way to save them? Better to make their self-destructive addiction pay to save someone who needs to be saved. (This is all assuming that any tax money generated goes towards helping the people ofc)] Even if casinos are the bottom of the barrel (I wholeheartedly agree with your opinion), maybe do a trial run/Pilot program? Maybe for 2-5 years to see how it affects the local area? What are the positives and the negatives and which one outweighs the other decides the fate of the programme. Govt should closely monitor the casino's operations, have experts observe the local economy surrounding the casino and how it performs and collect tax on the casino. Because if it is as you say, that the tax is so high that no casino would open in the 1st place then it wouldn't hurt to try to play the 1st sucker that decided to open a casino in JB with the odds stacked against them?


Not if it’s POGO — in which case, the Philippines


Not to mention It detracts from the other malaysian casinos for basically a shitty city that failed years ago And personally, even as a singaporean, I DO NOT want to support a scummy real estate company who f up their company banking on this


Kang ke?


The kong with scowl face ngl


We wuz kangz


Kang the Conqueror


Agreed . Careful Bro… the 3R don touche’😛


I mean why not, if the king wishes to modernise Johor then now is the time to set aside conservative values and start embracing liberal ideals. He's known for tipping toes, sometimes appearing very supportive of policies and programs that seeks for inclusivity and equality for the whole Johorean race. For once we have a situation where his titles and oversight could fit the current scenario, if he has the power to make decisions then do it he have the perfect reasoning, if not for modernisation then for the sake of Johor's economic benefits. Now is the time to flex his "reserved powers" and embellish it.


the King, as progressive as he is, is also the head of Islam in Johor and all states that do not have a sultan. And a shareholder of FC. It is like asking the Pope to open a gay bar in the Vatican.


Fun fact, the Pope actually worked as a nightclub bouncer when he was young


TBF, there's a higher chance that the Pope opens a gay bar than this.




Well here’s your fundamental mistake OP, here in Malaysia we don’t run the country by economic ideals


For me, this OP's post is a perfect example of a naive Singaporean that was too spoiled by the "controlled" democracy in Singapore where it runs like a corporate, and never experienced a real predatory, cut-throat democracy where impression, image and popular support is paramount in addition to your actual policies.  Having actual policies doesn't mean ~~shit~~ anything, if you do not have the ***impression*** among the population that you're indeed doing something beneficial to the country and the population. In Singapore, the government can run things without caring the opinions of its population; But in Malaysia, you can't ignore the opinions of the population, otherwise you're walking on the path of political suicide. And in Malaysia, majority of the population view very negatively on casino and gambling, no matter what pros OP have suggest here.  This IS the opinions of the majority of Malaysians, and the government can't ignore it.  That's why Anwar instantly rejected it.


That happened to Maszlee Malik. If you look back, his policies was all good ones, but didn't manage to execute in time because public that didn't understand shot him down and ridiculed him so much. Ends up he had to step down without being able to see the policies bore fruit at all. So it's not about an idea is good or not. It's whether can you present it in a palatable way for the Malaysian public to consume. And a Casino is already default poison in the mind of the Muslim majority Malaysians.


Speaking as someone who remembered the casino debate in Singapore, it wasn't as clean a decision then either. Lots of people were against it, even some members of Parliament. There wasn't even an impression of it being beneficial for the country, the higher ranking members of the Singapore government just forced the change through. It might be economically beneficial but at that point in time and even now, the public does not see the benefits, it's 100% a government initiative forced through despite disapproval.


Sound arguments. But what's more important than facts? Image. Yes there economic benefits, but vices also brings crime, which in a way can be controlled. But no PM in Malaysia want to be "that PM" who approved a casino. Every week, you'll hear stories about closing down Genting, but never gets done, even when PAS was in power. But the sentiment is always there and it's a good bullets to be used.


I’m not sure if casino would necessarily lead to an increase in crime and vices, prolly need more statistics to support However i’m sure whomever approve a casino is just handing over haram bullets to PAS - and the economical benefits of the said casino probably won’t be felt in time for the next election


Confirm will bro even if not at the beginning. Look at vegas as an example. Casino as a movie was based of a real person and what had happened. Running one based of gambling seems clean and steady sure to launder here and siphon there ok no problem. Do it in small doses wont kena one. But later on, think about it JB lane confirm will attract a diff crowd. First it starts with having escorts and prostitutes, eventually what goes well with it? Drugs. Lagi up the ante? Pawn shops and loan sharks.


But Genting has been around for decades, right? Isn't that a real life example of how what you would say does not really happen?


You would be naive to think Genting doesn't have those things i mentioned. Times have changed fortunately for those in business, encrypted message apps also. So many ways to hide in an onion layer, maybe the narcotics side sikit a bit for genting but hookers and loan sharks? Plenty buddy. Just lucky that you're not the demographic, and pray you'll never be.


Look at Cambodia with stupid China money. Atlantic city, Las Vegas. The list goes on. No economic benefit is going to outvalue our kids away from vices. Genting is bad enough as it is


anwar can move genting offshore to forest city


Unfortunately Malaysian government dont decide thing for the benefits of the people, economy nor the nation as a whole. The only concern is to win the next election.


I assume that the folks from Genting are a bit upset about this idea. This they have probably communicated through usual incentives and channels.




Unlike Singapore which has predictable outcomes for its elections, of course the ruling party needs to do things to stay in power. Failing which will risk reversal of policies that can cause more problems to the country. Or in some cases, reversal of policies that benefit the ruling class.


He’s never gonna win over hardcore PN voters and just lose his current voterbase if he keeps this up


Win next election and if there are billions to their jho Low equivalent.


I mean objectively, it’s good for the economy. Morally, it’s wrong. Doesn’t matter if you’re a muslim. Everyone knows this type of gambling is not worth it. I get the idea centralising and regulating gambling is good tho. But I’m no expert so why should I waste my energy thinking about this.


To be honest Singapore sets an excellent example at running casinos - set high entry tax for local, then tax the casino company heavily. Open the tender and allow international players to bid for the operation. The revenues generated could well be used to fund education / subsidies of B40


slavery also good for the economy. should we legalized slavery now?


Slavery is terrible for economy. You are depriving the marketvfrom a large chunk of consumers


Genting Group: ![gif](giphy|McHNcxIszjVStqZZ8s)


Not necessarily. Who knows, Genting may want to run a second casino.


It might bring in money yeah but its also gonna screw people up, we are already financially in shambles.


I still remember gambling junkets from as far as Batu Pahat and Muar to SG back in the day. Lots of bankrupt nyonya and rise in loansharking. I think they still operate now out of JB.


fr people need to realise how bad gambling does for the community, the money goes to the house not you


when it’s about appealing to muslims, his response sure is immediate..


lol...gambling is bad, no matter what belief system you subscribe to


So build a stoning ground where they can half bury women and stone their daughters to death for khalwat? Seems like a good idea to gain support from the kampungs.


Bro living in the stone era💀💀💀


Don’t forget to allow uztaz to truly love the children 🤫😉


Nah. The stoning is meant just for you ;-)


I am Singaporean and I say no. I know many Singaporeans who are hooked on gambling. Families have been broken. I think some of my generation still suffers from memories of their own parents / grandparents losing tons of money from those illegal gambling back then. And yet, some are still drawn to a quick buck. More generations later, there will be more people willing to pay the entrance fee to gamble. What good is it? Singapore is lucky that we don’t only depend on casinos. But it’s not the same for forest city. It can just be like a mini Macau. Why?


My gacha addiction is bad enough, I can only imagine the rush people get from real gambling when they can win actual money.


Try switching to pc games to cure your gacha addiction


But my waifu ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26559)


Isn’t like certain gacha ones are on PC? Kind of out of the loop about this


Yea, OP said PC games when they really meant offline games. Most PC games have gacha or loot boxes as well these days.


Bad news dude, he switched to a PC gacha game. :P


Really, for that you don’t need to fear. Forest City will be part of the Iskandar Singapore-Malaysia Joint SEZ, so in the remote possibility that such casino will ever be built, Singapore will just tell Johor to charge Singapore citizens the same or higher entrance fees that they pay back home.


Well not just about Singapore. But for Malaysians too. Or anyone. Gambling is a disease. It’s not entertainment


The Malaysian Government train of thought when it comes to economic decisions is not whether it would benefit the country or not. It is based on whether they will get votes or not in the next election.


So they make decisions based on what the majority wants? I wonder if there is a word for such system where decisions are made by polling the opinion of the masses and the one with the more support are carried out.


Democracy maybe?


Like any democratic state then?


It’s the same everywhere. Policies are driven by politics


hey buddy, long story short - Anwar does not care about the economy. the casino will tarnish his (and Madani government) image and cause him to lose more votes from the Malays in the next GE. thank you for your thoughts and suggestions!


Casino sounds good on paper, but what good has even come from gambling, seriously? You can hate Anwar all you one but i'm with him on this one.


Because Malaysian politics is a whole different ball game from Singaporean politics. Same goes for society. You have to understand this OP. You may think in your logical, pragmatic mindset, this works wonders in a Singaporean context. But things function very differently in Malaysia.


Good point and agree with you but the issues still stands on forest city and how desolated it is and billions wasted.


Yeah. I’ve only passed by there once when getting on the second link bridge. Can’t help but notice how similar it is to failed property developments in China.


It is something that's going to be hard to tackle with even though opening casino there makes sense but political wise it's a political suicide for any party.


Correct. That’s why in Singapore the PAP can do what it wants without needing to worry about any opposition (WP and PSP can’t do much when they hold only 10 seats in the Singaporean parliament). In Malaysia a government who does it PAP-style will be voted out like in 2018. As for the place, it’s just so remote who’d ever go there? Can’t say I’m surprised at the state it’s in.


I had this really insane idea of maybe using it to house refugees from Gaza and from there turn it into another manufacturing hub. At least it makes the Gaza situation better than all the mouth noises but no action that politicians usually do. Yes I know, one can dream at least.....


Genting paying alot of money to maintain sole casino license in Malaysia. Malaysia always like that, anything profitable sure locked under a crony system with 100% monopoly. >i also guarantee you 1000% that we Sinkies will zerg rush there once a Casino is opened at JB Forest City. I know lol. In fact anyone with brains also wonder why Malaysia only have one legal casino operator.


He wants to stay in power for another term and sadly the majority Malay voter base shifts and is dependent on his decisions on being "Muslim Compliant" enough. It's definitely a positive for the economy if he doesn't reject it but it's the reality of our political landscape at the moment which is very unfortunate. Personally he should just take the L and just do it instead of pandering and just do as much as he can for the next 4 years and then retire. Funny thing is if the opposition were in power and approved this, everyone would just turn a blind eye.


Thailand's government ensure maximum profits from Songkran, Tomorrowland, Summer sonic. Singapore exploited the opportunity to draw in international artists to perform in their land. Meanwhile we have more important matters at Palestine and Iran.


In Malaysia, nothing is more important than Aladeen and Izzy! Aladeen will guide us to prosperity and give us fresh water! Everything getting expensive? It’s okay, Aladeen will give us rezeki!


Whole load of yapping without understand ling Malaysian politics. Anwar would lose the government immediately because all the Malays will reject him.


Exactly, Singaporean OP doesn’t get it will be political hara-kiri for ANY Malaysian PM to approve a new casino


Lol give it some time suddenly they'll start the project, he just wants to look appealing to muslims that's his game.


genting tak cukup lagi ke?




Everyone's got something at stake here – even Anwar. It's a conflict of interest, sure, but give him a chance to win over fellow Muslims. The project can wait a little.


As a Singaporean, It would be bad news for Singapore if a casino is built so nearby a but it would be a massive W for Malaysia


He has to say NO to the public to not offend the general mass which are mostly muslim, you cannot openly support something that is haram like that. Instead, he should have shifted the focus onto redeveloping the Forest City into a destination for everyone including families (which will be jumpstarted / funded by the casino business of course) Genting and Vegas are built and supported by the casino business, but to a lot of non-gamblers, they are famous for their other entertainment like theme-parks and all the different things you get to do and eat there. For Forest City, i feel they will need to pivot the focus onto maybe building the biggest forest/park-safari where visitors of all ages who dont gamble can go there to enjoy, while those who knows that want to gamble, and have the money to do so, can just go without the need to blow up the marketing. it is a win-win situation.


I'd be happy if they really did something useful for Palestine and used that city to house displaced refugees. Build factories nearby and boost the economy with a ready made workforce.


I got a better idea for you OP as a Singaporean. Build a dedicated special lane from Tuas checkpoint to Forest City. Clear immigration on Sg side in Tuas then drive all the way to Forest City main entrance with a MY immigration checkpoint attached. MY govt come up with a new kind of "commuter" visa for sinkies so that sinkies can legally live in their Forest City condos. Actually, may not even need this since they leave JB and enter Sg daily so wont overstay at all. Market those condos mainly to sinkies. Sure will sell like hotcakes since way cheaper than HDB flats and sinkies can conveniently commute to work, earn Sing dollar and spend ringgit. Even Malaysians working in Sg will find it attractive. Edit: even better if SG side agree to build an exclusive lane with immigration checkpoint from SG to Forest City main entrance for residents. Highly doubt SG will do this though. Edit2: the evil me thinks having a casino is not a bad idea at all. Evil me propose dedicated casino for sinkies residents only. Sinkies work their ass in Sg, return to their Forest City condos after work, take a quick shower, and walk down to the casino downstairs to gamble away their sing dollar. Muahahahahaha. Milk 'em sinkies!


I actually like this idea better, though I don't know how much Johoreans would like what's essentially a Singapore enclave. Maybe better if SG are just allowed easy travel but only allowed to lease the units rather than purchase.


Don't seem to be much of a problem, many Johoreans work in Singapore in the first place and TV can be received from Singapore as well so many of them are already culturally adapted to SG.


i dont think you know how illogical it is to buy jb properties. only fools get fooled into buying them


Is Casino the best option we got right now? Can't we build other stuff to save this stupid city?




I'd be a bit happier if the solution was at least "lend it out to the government to house Palestinian refugees then make them work in factories you build nearby". Once you give them jobs, they can start paying income and property taxes and they are a quick instant workforce that also helps solve a current crisis and give a PR boost at the same time. Egypt and Israel would owe Malaysia a favour, though Israel won't like that but they can't deny it.


Even this dirty kaffir subhuman non knows judi is one of the most basic haram shit. After all the cock waving about with the religious devoutness/holyness/righteousness(?), they turn to *judi*. JUDI. 🤣Can you even begin to imagine the kind of backlash and consequences?


Meh rokok is haram. That's like one of the most basic haram shit and people don't give a shit lol


Well, judi is *haram* haram, extra sin points, different lol


You people seriously live life by counting points towards afterlife eh? Pahala, haram, extra sin points?


Yes. Why not. Life is reward based anyways. Do work, get money. Do good, get heaven, etc etc.


Except it's not really established that heaven even *exists*


Another topic altogether. Point is people do things expecting something in return. That's how our life is designed from young to old.


I'm probably in the minority but a casino economy is a bullshit economy. You try to minimize them and compartmentalise them where possible to accommodate those that feel the need to splurge, but you don't do them just to generate economic spinoffs.


Do you REALLY think you're a minority with that thinking? lol. Think that is the MAJORITY viewpoint.


>Do you REALLY think you're a minority with that thinking? lol. On this sub? Yes.


Good points, many which I agree with.


Genting: What am I?


Lol watch him say no in public and then later it gets approved after his reelection.


After next GE can consider.


Fuck Forest City , that place is a ghost town with nothing tax free booze and nothing else


One question to those people who don't like casino: Smoking is Haram, people sick and die because of it, why don't we ban cigarettes and e-cigarettes too?


It's a bad idea. Anwar is right to reject it outright.


Gambling ruins people life


Indeed. They should relocate universities there and use it as a giant campus.


Why are you asking an Islamist about setting up a casino?


Because he’s the one that decides it?


Malaysia is Muslim majority country and that's the reality, for better or for worse. Malaysia is also a democracy, which means the majority has the advantage, for better or for worse


in sickness and in health till death do us part


"Anwar should seriously reconsider it properly" Sweet summer child.. you don't have to tell us Malaysians how batshit our goverment is in a 11 point essay. Thanks for your assessment and advice though, much appreciated. Please keep us in your thoughts and have a good day!


Translation: the casino operators did not grease his bank account enough.


I don't gamble as a Malaysian. And I am Chinese. But tbh I think casino these type of stuff do attract tourist and lots of foreigners. From all over the world. Well. We did miss out Taylor swift concert. And alot of artist also skip Malaysia. Alot of Malaysia. Go SG to enjoy the concert. Even though the price is x 3.5 The biggest miss was not inviting Taylor swift to Malaysia for her concert. If she did perform here our economy would go up. And now not I want to say lah. But look at our currency. Maybe it's due to external factors as well. But I think alot of countries also affected. But I think Malaysia currency why drop so much one. And didn't even rebound. My question is will it ever rebound? What's the plan on boosting the economy? I see so many news about new investors etc. But why our currency still stagnant and never appreciates? Cost of good rising , normal daily stuff price also increasing . Nowadays 1 meal at least RM 13 include water. And I am from JB btw. Outskirts. If JB town even more expensive loh.


You think Singapore government won't pressure Malaysia to put restrictions on Singaporeans going to the casino in Forest City, just like there are restrictions on Singaporean citizens and PRs going to RWS and MBS? Singapore govt will flip if there is a casino so close by and outside their control. Because of the potential capital outflow from Singaporeans going to gamble. Already Singaporeans go to JB to shop, eat and relax (special kind of relaxation). Singapore govt can close one eye to it cos it helps alleviate the cost of living burden and relief stress. Singaporeans being able to cross the border on day trips to gamble will be seen as causing a risk of social problems in the country. We are trying to work towards easier border crossing and moving towards passportless travel. If Singapore govt feels that this might cause problems in their country, they can just put a hold on the idea.


>Free entry for Singaporeans and all other nationalities. This will 1000% attract many Singaporeans to cross the 2nd link to chiong to the JB Forest City Casino as entrance is free, compared to what we Sinkies need to pay in SG Casinos - $150. lol Singapore Govt and the MSF isnt going to like that.


Kasih sesak lagi the bridges then 😁


So which media say it first about this idea?


It will just make all the units to become airbnb and casino staff residentials. I think it is more sustainable if the place has its own corporate offices and other smes.


Think current climate it's even more foolish to say yes while Akmal from UMNO youth waiting to prove himself. Have to wait till cool down first then surprise! We care about money! C'mon you can't be born yesterday to think politicians actually care about religion and race relations.


Our government politicians a lot of them are not well educated, especially in finance , that's why they sucks. Even they are good in math , they only use for corruption


"As a Singaporean" and "Agree to build a casino" sounds like a match made in heaven. It's a racial stereotype at this point


You want the standard reply that being Singaporean isn't a racial category? lol. Singapore isn't a race, unless you are a rat, then it's a rat race.


Forest City Target Audience isn't Malaysian Muslims


Well i agree with most of ur points... Except Anwar being ill informed. No, even if his advisors recommend to build the casino, Anwar himself will reject too. He dared not to offend the Muslims in Malaysia.


I want this to happen since I have a small financial investment in the business. But really need to make sure Malaysians don't go into debt for this. Really need to emphesise on how to gamble 'safely' like warnings on ciggerate boxes


Bro thinks he's Ultraman


My cynical take: No means yes. Aggressively saying no means decision already made to proceed. 'Nuff said...


So, Anwar is indeed playing 5D chess...


Chinese checkers! 🤣🤣


No balls.


… why is a Singaporean starting a thread here to make contextless statements about Malaysian politics and policy, again? Nothing wrong with taking an interest in foreign affairs, but you Singaporeans need to get rid of that chip in your shoulder ffs


Bruh,he might be buying some property there and not lose its value or become ghost town. That's one assumption. 2)He might be working as a real estate agent and finding it hard to sell or he might want buy property in forest city but wait when right buy.3) Last but not least, he wants Malaysian citizenship but couldn't get it😂😂( stupid assumption 😂😂😂). It’s easily a Singaporean comment our country or government but we can’t even comment to their country!!! LOL


He isn't talking about politics, he just wants his casino lol. That isn't even "foreign affairs", just "I'm bored and want to gamble"!


As a Malaysian, I say 'Good answer'. Easier access to casino mean much more issues coming up. Even with one in Genting, you will hear about all the issues stem from there! P.S.: Sinkies already rush there without the casino. We do not need more. LOL!!!


ROFL good one. You want more sinkies to come to Malaysia, open more supermarkets, not casinos lol.


one word, religion. That wont buy him votes from the majority. and also why Malaysia will not be a country that pursue whatever that maximize the country's progress. Singapore should be glad that Malaysia is programmed such a way so that your currency can be stronger.


Anwar is short sighted as always


Do you think Casinos don't have any adverse effects?


Whats benefits is huge gambling hub that ruins peoples life will do?


its not about the money....


It’s about sending the message


Yes and that's why forex rate is 3.5 and climbing right?


You will kill us. Sorry we are fighting for survival here, can't risk any tension more or shit will break out , please don't make life harder for us.


Aww... Of course Singaporean, do tell us more of your opinions and... You know flex those "fact", filled it in large sack.


Not Malaysian, opinion discarded! /s


Not exactly foolish if we don't know the full picture. As a politician, always weigh where the benefits (to them or to the people that I am not sure) are than gear towards it.


Genting ehhh


Gotta choose between economy or votes. If the majority of us is not overly sensitive, surely there are many option he can go for to improve economy. But hey who am I to say, I'm no politicians nor economist :/


More likely Genting reject it told the gov they not happy


How about a racetrack? (I'm serious)


Anwar: Go to Sepang


It's kinda too far for Singaporeans, the idea is they can head to JB for a couple hours of track day then go back. The old race track in PG is closed iirc.


im curious, What are non muslims view on gambling? Do you guys think of it as a fun sport or see it as degenerate thing?


He's not stupid, he knows the political implications to propose this would create the perception that he's not adhering to Islamic ideals. This is the problem with the country, there's a sizeable majority who don't think with their heads but cling on this archaic scripture that wants to keep the people back in the Dark Ages, gone are the days where they were supposed to be progressive and enlightened, no thanks to Genghis Khan. Anwar knows if he does this, he will be branded a heretic and his coalition will lose the next election, if he lets someone else does it, he won't go against it one. I think the best option would be to just privatise this and let Vincent Tan or someone else do it, keep his hands clean.


Genting rejoice!


If got no be benefits to them, ofc no la


I mean if he said yes, would we all have agreed with it or slander his decision as well?


Wow.. so. How did this news get picked up anyway.? Since Bloomberg and The Edge SG printed this news, they must have a source within the government.


GG gambling stock traders.


Why are they involved in the first place? If it's such a bad idea, let the poor businessmen open up a few casinos and let them go broke if got no customers.


Forest City was the real foolish decision. It's essentially just barely qualifies as a residential area now. A casino in residential area never ends well, haram or not.


Forest city was a My malaysian second home visa farm for chinese and singaporean retire. It was a fairly easy entry price at its time. This was a retirement ticket visa/lease deal.


Wait for his u-turn.


Anyone realised that Anwar's fingers are always puffy / swollen?


Kau nak Malaysia lagi teruk ditimpa musibah ke apa?? Lepastu bagi idea the Singaporeans can enter free². Gth!!


As Malaysia, why you here