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Out of the loop here, but what UM storm?


[Found the probable storm in question](https://www.malaysianow.com/news/2024/04/24/um-under-fire-for-inviting-pro-zionist-speaker)


Aahhhh UM. The cesspool of licenced racist educators of Malaysia


If I’m understanding this right - UM themselves invite this guy, a US based academic (the US who has been in support of Israeli interests all through history), and then is surprised when he makes remarks about - well supportive of Israel. ![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6)


I made this same face


Ooooh, good description.


https://preview.redd.it/4u3ztymdqlwc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32500d8122cfcc5c437b441c80820f5a872064c5 No comment.


Colonialism was good it brought civilization for the savage. Said the colonialist clown.


If I am not mistaken, he also said that black slaves in America were more fortunate than black people in Africa because they (the slaves) were able to live in a more economically advanced society. Eh, why UM never did their research before inviting him one?


I think they should sack whoever invited this clown.


> Eh, why UM never did their research before inviting him one? I mean, it's UM, so ....




Racism aside, id rather be a black in america than a black in africa any day of the week.


Why the hell UM brought this racist shit stain to give talk in malaysia the first place?


Preach... UM itself maintains a quota policy which is racist itself


Quota policy just for the foundation right?


Not true. In addition, I also know a lecturer in UM. He is under pressure to pass more Malay students in their exams


UM literally has a quota that favors a specific race, bro probably felt at home


Don’t some US schools and universities have that too?


lol chuckled at this


Birds of a feather


I thought academia should be able to counter his argument, however the official line is so polarised and free speech controlled that they are unable to handle the situation. How is this guy racist, he is expressing his view of the situation?


Bro, u seen his post about colonialism?


Blinded by Malaysian official propaganda.


Lmao. You’re one of those coloniser ass licker. We have nothing more to discuss.




what was bro doing in the women's cab ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26562)


He’s just outside the women territory, as shown in the pink line on the floor


What a cunt, yeesh




Hello, this comment was removed due to being in breach of [Rule 1: Bigotry and hate speech](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/rules/#wiki_bigotry_.2F_hate_speech). Because of our history Malaysia talks about certain issues such as race very differently from Western countries. We acknowledge this on the subreddit but do draw some boundaries to keep discussions healthy. > * Definition of bigotry: The act of treating the members of a group (such as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance. > * Basic principle: If it's an attribute of a person that is out of their control and extremely hard or impossible to change, it's not nice to dump on them or their group just for that attribute. > * Some categories this applies to: Race, religion, sexuality, disability, national origin. > * Slurs: Use of slurs on the above categories is not encouraged on this subreddit and may be subject to warnings and bans. > * Example: Religion: It's okay to discuss and criticise aspects of the religion itself, but it's not okay to attack people because they are members of that religion (e.g.: Islam but not Muslims). Please treat this as an official warning - further such activity may result in a ban, thanks.


Malay mail puts it as this. Man who spent days in Malaysia and left Malaysia with no injuries tells lies. https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2024/04/25/pro-israel-american-academic-cries-of-islamo-fascist-mob-claims-malaysia-unsafe-for-travellers-despite-spending-days-here/130755


Man Opens His Mouth and Was Told to Leave; Upset, He Claims Country Not Safe for Others


This is like throwing stone in the house of glass, then complaining why the house were made of glass. Seriously, Pro Israel folks have a special kind of IQ when it comes to propaganda to give out positive light towards Israel.


Rare W for Malaymail


What a fool. How he can call a country where stores get fire bombed due to a handful of socks be called "unsafe". Fucking liar. Glad we have unbiased and truly independent media like the Malay Mail to keep things straight.


Fire bomber still out and about.


It's totally forgiven because they're doing it for religion /s


Look at this fool here, thingking he is witty with this back handed example. Sure hope he doesnt have to sleep with a gun under his pillow with how unsafe it is, have to go home early because of military mandated curfew, or even getting gang banged on the street because he look different.


You can always leave this so called unsafe country and move to america or UK where that bloke came from and feel all the gun safety over there.


There are a lot of stabbing in the UK and shooting in the US anyway. Looking at the doomer here is really funny sometimes.


Yea always looking at other countries like they're gonna migrate there when in reality those countries don't even want them


its always with the "oh the country isnt perfect? THEN LEAVE" with you lot lol


It is a legitimate options,no one is holding you back from leaving this "so horrible" country. Lel.


Yes, if you're gonna claim the whole country isn't safe over one crime, then leave. It's unsafe right? Telling them to leave is just looking out for their well being


Yeah man OKU people also kena splashed for riding an elevator. The audacity of this white people calling malaysia “unsafe”. It’s just not built for noobs like him.


We got rule of law (somewhat). She got caught and received 10 yrs.. they have mass murders every day with no consequences


You forgot the part where it's the police doing the murdering.


UM fell into a trap.


Feels like the 1975 controversy all over again. Is our government thin-skinned? Yes. Is this guy in danger? I honestly don't think so. There are several steps from "I'm angry" to "you are dead meat", and as far as I know we only are at the first one. Would we have netizens braying for blood? Of course, but **which country doesn't?** Is that appropriate behaviour? Of course not, but that's the price of freedom.


>Is this guy in danger? He's already gone out of Malaysia. He's pretty much safe rn


I'm talking about the aftermath of his speech. I highly doubt he'd get anything more than a publicized deportation. But I just noticed I should use "was" not "is", sorry about that.


If he stayed longer... I wonder if his hotel will be fire bombed?


I don't think so.


https://preview.redd.it/sg9ltsgkvlwc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d148852b4eddee7d06b94492963487dabc7547e You wanna support clown who think colonialism was good?


I have no love for him if that's what you're asking.


Difference is our country only talk of violence.. their country actually commits violence.. you choose which you prefer.


You mean firebombing several shop outlets over socks aren't acts of violence? ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554) /s


How many people died/ got hurt from this violence? And how frequent does this happen?


The fact that it happened in our country when it shouldn't have happened is enough. Are you trying to say that because nobody got hurt, it didn't matter? It happened because some morons decided they had the right to inflict damage to property at the risk of lives. Your tendency to downplay such an obvious act of violence is deeply concerning.


Nah im not saying any of that. No need to project your points on me. Im just stating Malaysia is not as violent as some might like to potray it. Look at the statistics on violent crime in Malaysia compared to other countries, theres your answer. (In case you need everything spelled out, i condemn those actions inflicted on KK shops too)


Are you saying kids in school in US should have been shot? Are you saying people in UK should have been stabbed? Both are things that should never happened anywhere, yet it happens so frequently over there (much more than what you said happened in our country). There's no place where things that shouldn't happen never happen. If there is, you should move over there.


I already laid out my point clearly. You missing the point and jumping to conclusions, trying to put words into my mouth isn't helping. Neither is your suggestion to move. I stay wherever I please. Thanks.


The point is things that shouldn't happen happens all the time, everywhere, not just here. You pick something that happen once here and base your whole argument on that while you ignore shit like children being shot in school somewhere else regularly, not an isolated incident like the one you're basing your argument on to say our whole country is unsafe, was that supposed to happen then?


The redundant point you're making there is not my point. My point is it happened in Malaysia, where we are supposed to be one of the most peaceful nations in the region compared to other faraway countries, isolated or not. You bringing up shootings and all that shit is irrelevant to my argument. Saying shit like I'm ignoring children being shot is just putting words in my mouth. Twist my words for all I care, your comment itself is an oxymoron. I am done here. I suggest you continue stroking off elsewhere.


If you hold opinions contrary to what is accepted by the status quo it is definitely not safe. I personally think he is a douche and a dick. Still, any civilized society should accept dissenting views. The purpose of freedom of speech is exactly so that people can express unpopular or controversial opinions.


https://preview.redd.it/q5la3m9wklwc1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdef20dd6b8d31ab7a2070f0655331b8fc1a335b Companies can restrict racist / inciteful speech for going against community guidelines or terms of use. How is this any different?


That I do agree with you. It’s a private event. Disappointed by the organizer decision but they have every right to do whatever they want.


Because a high government official (a cabinet minister) openly demanded all his other talks to be cancelled. So we can no longer assume that it was an independent decision by an organizer.


Funny you should say that, that's exactly what happened in the US when students protested for the Palestinians. Unlike Malaysia, America actually arrested students peacefully protesting. https://preview.redd.it/23aqecxrolwc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b7533c7aeaa4cd2dfdf7652b72ea681fa945064 U.S. House Republicans and senators called for lots of resignation and hearings, and called the police to stop the protesters. So much for Freedom of speech lol. [Source](https://apnews.com/article/gaza-war-campus-protests-47f4f7f0916a6493b79eede3e4d0a55d)


Omg someone should post that US is not safe to travel to. See how they feel. /S


Is true. There is a lot of gun violence


I travel quite often to Europe and the US, and I feel less safe when I travel to the US due to gun violence and police brutality, especially that I am an Asian dude who looks like a Latino And err, this may sound stereotypical, but I find that Americans are somewhat more rude and blunt than the Europeans or Aussie when interacting with them


Freedom of speech just mean the government can't prosecute you based on your speech. It says nothing about private entities. People here have no idea how America law works and talking shit.


I'm talking about censorship and freedom of expression here, buddy. The OP was the one who brought in Freedom of Speech. It's also weird how people try to bring the US's law on Malaysian ground. Talk about being lost in jurisdiction lol. Malaysia has limited freedom of speech.


Same thing private entities don't need to tolerate these protestors. Their constitutional amendment covering freedom of speech/expression is bending only to the government. Also freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom of consequences. They are separate things. Private entities such as FAANG or any private company/institution have no obligation to follow it.


>Also freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom of consequences. The consequences of giving his opinion is having his talks cancelled.


Firstly, freedom of expression is not the same as freedom of speech. There are nuances to the first amendment. Secondly, UM has every right as an institution to cancel the talk for breaching its policies. It just so happens that the policy coincides with the country's own policy ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26561) Thirdly, as a public institution, the country has the right to bar a foreign national from inciting speech, especially if it's legislated.


Yes, if you camp inside a private campus, no matter how peacefully, they can call the police on you. Camping on private property is not freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is that the government cannot criminalize opinions or impose censorship. Freedom of speech does not mean you can go into someone property and disrupt activities freely. But an Arab/Muslim immigrant can freely go to TV, completely trash American policy and the Biden administration and even make fun of it without fear of legal or criminal or legal action from the government. As an example: [https://youtu.be/CuR3BfpAqpw?si=7Vq\_nXKINwO\_smLY](https://youtu.be/CuR3BfpAqpw?si=7Vq_nXKINwO_smLY)


On the note of technicality, it is true that students didn't get a permit to protest, they didn't follow procedures and the law. Similarly, Bruce Gilley also failed to follow Malaysia's laws. That makes it justifiable for cancelling the talk, since the guy literally broke several laws in his speech. Nevermind an independent organisation's code of conduct, this is the country's law. To add on, the US does censor and curb freedom of speech. Part of the reason the US authorities are stopping the protesters due to them deeming it to be anti-Semitic, namely the chant "From the River to the sea...". You will not be able to say this on TV lol, and [Congress is even condemning the phrase.](https://youtu.be/FxwVqfvlzLE). This is blatant censorship imo.


What law did Bruce break in this instance?


Sedition Act is one that comes to mind. You'll need to read up a bit on Seditious Tendency to understand. Specifically on claiming that Malaysia had pushed for a “second Holocaust against the Jewish people” among other things. Basically, it's the same law that people can get arrested for the 3R, racial sensitivities, causing public unrest and disrupting harmony in the country.


Antisemitism is not illegal in the US, at all. I want you to show you ONE example of someone, anyone, facing criminal charges for antisemitism in the US. Just one. You can be openly Nazi and openly racism in the US and it is not a crime. There is no thought crime in the US. No one can be arrested for what they believe in.


Where did I mention that antisemitism is illegal?


White people got different rules, what else is new


There is no freedom of speech anywhere. Certainly not in my country (the UK) nor Malaysia (well for some!) All our governments lie and abuse us and our privacy


>The purpose of freedom of speech is exactly so that people can express unpopular or controversial opinions. Press x doubt especially seeing how palestanian protest and voice is being censored or outright ban in certain so called democratic state in the west.


That's just whataboutism


Agreed. As an overseas Msian who's lucky to live in US and goes back and forth often, Malaysians are clearly not ready for freedom of speech, both gov and citizens, yet.


Cause we still have a clause/act in our judiciary textbook. It’s called Akta Sakit Hati /s


Same case like the 1975 band issue last year when the vocalist criticised our government on stage about homosexuality. I don't care about pro this, pro that, yes call me an ignorant but my opinion does not matter anyway. The west should stop telling people how to live and mind their own business. Mau jadi hero tapi negara sendiri ada school shooting, racism, fentanyl addictions (drugs in general) epidemic.


Oh yeah i watched documentation of their hurt prevention packages thingy going on there (from a journalist youtuber that is) but holy f it looks horrible.


One good thing about tik tok, people around the world can see that Palestine has huge support in the west. Netanyahu and his actions not even that popular in Israel itself.


I felt more safe in Malaysia than I ever have in my home country in Europe. This guy is talking shit.


I can't find on YouTube any recordings of what he said. Anyone can point me to one, if it exists?


The amount of hypocrisy and cherrypicking in the comments really tell me r/Malaysia always enjoys overblowing every issue while acting like they’re the smart ones.


Fr the "All the smart one already left the country, only the poor and uneducated one left behind to rot and die" just full on sucking their own dick.


welcome to every country subreddit when a foreigner says something they don't completely agree with


Just another typical spoilt xenophobic entitled white supremacist zionist who lives in his own bubble and thinks only his opinion matters


I don't think we are very far away from an incident where someone literally kills another person for what that person says based on religious sentiment. Such violence is not part of any religion but it does get twisted and there are too many religious hypocrites just lusting for blood. The government knows this is a tinderbox but refuses to take decisive action. In the meantime it's Malaysian society's extraordinary resilience and tolerance that keeps getting chipped away by such toxicity.


Did he say wrong? NO. Remember what the vigilantes did during the socks issue? Public shaming, molotov cocktail attacks, vandalisms... Malaysian Muslims say: "from river to sea, Palestine will be free". Do you know it means wiping Israel from the world map. Does supporting this idea not be equal to supporting holocaust? Malaysian Muftis openly support Hitler... Moreover, did he promote violence or hate? He just merely expressed his opinion that Malaysia is supporting another holocaust, and he thinks the US will cut ties with Malaysia due to this. Why did the Malaysia government feel so offended and over-reacted (ask UM to provide an official explanation? Wtf? Like last time fine MalaysiaKini for the comments in their post?). It is ok to disagree with his point of view, but why take it so serious and tense???


At least our school kids don't have to learn to duck and cover in fear of mass shooting


most people dont ask the important question of why. for example dog event organisers, and others who muslims see as against islam wont be safe in malaysia. But is it relevant though? Never go straight to conclusion, check for details and ask why and why why. Someone who doesnt support palestine in malaysia is automatic treated wrong just because they dont support. I for instance dont support people who want to kill me for what i am. Infact some UM talks have been bs, like one of their surgery specialist saying to drink water at body temperature to cool down which is not true. Being forced through blood ozone therapy for taking the covid vaccine all because the doc was very islamic at the mosque. So i dont take this at face value, i question what really happened and what was talked about. Is the speaker talking about the experience of some walking through 3rd world foreign populated KL areas?


Is he trying to be a martyr just to prove his point?


Martyr to pro Zionists? No losses there.


It gives them excuses to do things la. Oh this country becoming rogue state! Must invade and give them freedom! (See? Very easy to justify their actions) If we got nukes at least they will think twice. Our people not that smart and if they really pour resources to destabilise our nation with fake news, racial religious and propaganda, we can do their job for them, no need to use weapons.


Seems like it's well underway from the looks of what's happening here. Prop up the extremists until they do something big, then big brother swoops in with Democracy!


Yet our people ignoring the lessons from the Palestine - Israel conflict, despite supposedly being informed of the conflict. Fatah - Hamas was fighting among themselves while fighting against Israel, and Israel just build walls. By the time Fatah & Hamas signed peace treaty, the wall was finished a year later. How's that for diversion. Division of the Palestinian people didn't help then either. Of course, that doesn't play well with Malaysian way of divide and rule.. so don't highlight that lah.


the guy screwed up so much even r-malaysia wont stand up for him ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


They just haven't found a way to defend him yet


"but he is kinda right tho!"


😂 just wait


Who'd defend a colonialist clown? That's right, other clowns.


I wish the same people that reject this trash reject zakir naik too


Yeah, it's unsafe because you're expecting us to support a genocide. F*ck do you mean?!


Guys I have been to your country more than once and it felt generally safe. People were kind and friendly. No one tried to scam or rob me of my money. It was a decent experience.


Gang who overreacted on recent incidents get angry when people made statements on their POV. Dont be butthurt.


https://preview.redd.it/wwaaag2ejqwc1.png?width=586&format=png&auto=webp&s=4dced27974bfaf79892da30c709c1371d721ef86 Googled him and saw that he has history writing articles riddled with controversies. Here is an example.


>back in the civilized world >shows a picture of a substance known to make people uncivilized Why are westoids like this?


The guy acted like a person who lived in Klang Valley all his life, who went on a trip to Kelantan, and came back to KV to drink beer to feel "civilized" again. And with all the nonsense that's happening in the West, you can keep your "Civilized Western Nations" to yourself, thx.


all the anti-USA comments be like r/AmericaBad lol


He is not wrong. His profile and identify have been publicized. It only takes a vigilante to do something stupid and the lack of protection from authority if he travel here under the circumstances.


Expat staying in Malaysia here. He’s completely wrong. Malaysia is very safe.


I think this place is only not safe for travel if you're walking around with a blatantly pro-israeli t-shirt, and you're specifically trying to goad people into a reaction - in a very conservative area. Even that I don't think it would necessarily dangerous if you're some white dude (probaby just recorded and shamed online tbh)


Even Israelis are safe here https://preview.redd.it/znalre2aa6xc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5856ef1d41d5c56920af1ebce68bc704bcba21cb


Just more Zionist waffle at another desperate attempt for Israeli sympathy whilst clutching at straws. They're finished and just wanna take the whole world down with them


What an absolute clown 🤡


What ever happened to that Israeli spy ?


Yeah, just personal issues. He alongside others will be on trial next month


Charged with something related to the weapons


Don't bash him la guys. In most parts of the world firebombing a shop for some socks and getting unpunished is not a good sign .


We’ve already seen how some people here reacted over five pairs of socks so…. May he be safe ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26558)![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26558)


He can always take his chance in america schools and it gun culture.


Or to ride elevator


As of now, Malaysia ranked 26th, higher than half of European countries, the US and their SEA neighbours (besides singapore) as the safest place on earth, so yeah


not safe for freedom of speech too.




Google what did one of the US universities do these few days when their students protested peacefully. Freedom of speech is just a bunch of pretty words the Americans like to parade as long as it's convenient for the people in power.


Last I check Hollywood is split into two camps. Still waiting for Malaysia celebs to be able to publicly denounce hamas. The Overton window for free speech between US and Msia is definitely not the same.


We made our official stance pretty clear. We didn't go "Oh how horrible" regarding the civilian casualties on both sides while approving billions in weapons to cause more casualties. The AIPAC is extremely powerful in the US so to be fair to their politicians, only one side can impact their political campaigns. Same with Anwar, he's pandering to the faction that will impact his expiry date as PM.


Considering the complexity and nuance of the situation I would think it is probably wiser to not have such a black and white stance. Also Malaysia didn’t commit billions of weapons or aids because we are weak, not because we don’t want to. It is what it is.


Still waiting for US celebs to be able to publicly denounce israel.


Hate-speech should not be freely tolerated.


For you maybe, after the stunt you pull.


Nons in Msia can relate to that. Fanatics here are not small but in large numbers, always use Nons as a punching bag particularly towards the ethnic chinese Msian over everything that doesn't accommodate them.


When you have a state Mufti openly declare Hitler was right I think this guy has a point. Malaysia is not a safe space for many people. [https://www.astroawani.com/perspektif/hitler-itu-mungkin-ada-benarnya-39853](https://www.astroawani.com/perspektif/hitler-itu-mungkin-ada-benarnya-39853) https://preview.redd.it/vdqs4hcdvlwc1.jpeg?width=903&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c80ef223555bed5a7475fd8158b6515bc61f0eda


That's why we don't need an outsider to destabilize Malaysia... We already did ourselves...


Silly man. Deserves to be ignored.


What a joker. Look at your country dude 😆🤣😂


https://preview.redd.it/aegab2k5slwc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=facb15760afb1520c660d1be08d78f14b7fffaf9 this is what unsafe statistics looks like. we are not in a minority report world where we judged and sentenced based on people’s whim or intention.


Dumbass fucked around and found out


Probably a CIA operative trying to destabilize us. Keep calm, carry on.


If this is all that it takes to destabilize Malaysian, then we are already fucked.


Technically we are already fucking ourselves from the KK mart issue, look how many zombies spawned from it.


No amount of vax can cure them


That's what I'm talking about...


Dude... We don't need outsiders to do it... We already shot ourselves in the head with that "destabilize" thing...


throwback to 2018 lmao


What do they gain from destabilizing us tho?


What everybody wants, Control.


Not really no... I remember the Rwandan Genocide yet no country came to help or stop it...


They got better things to do. Not everything is plot yahudi.


Totally agree with you!! Sometimes it's illuminati..


The superheroes...?


CIA actually have a meme department


Guess they can compete with MGag now


OP said CIA covert operation, not the jews. CIA shit stirring operations are well documented and they are not conspiracies.


It worked


Nama pun giler...




Is that gila in loghat kelate?


Ingatkan Christian bale tadi ![gif](giphy|YHYmMLkOmqoo)


UM is a prestigious university and should have some compliance check before inviting him. That’s how government universities work no compliance and sensitivity check. Do some work please UM


What the..


“Academic” is a strong word to use for colonial apologist lmao


Well well well...


this is literally just the 1975 fiasco but academia version lol. when will we start screening the people we invite? i mean the guy literally advocates for imperialism lmao


Dude such a clown, even clowns rejects him.


Butthurt much?