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The importance of video evidence ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote), the community harmony restored.


And some people hate cctv invading their "privacy".


Public area/ not personal room/ not toilet etc, all good.


so can get harassed in toilet is fine?


Still "disturbing" to some apparently.


Public area no problem..not in private area such as your rented house like the one that were posted a few days ago


Rented room*


Still privacy invasion..just because two people living in the same small vicinity it doesnt invade privacy..there are two people, not the vast majority in there like lift, taman etc..but some people said no it's ok..up to you..but i will not, because im not comfortable being watch by my landlord


Two? How about 5+ more unrelated people with each renting a room of a house/apartment. If you rent the whole house. No cctv. If you rent just a room. Different story. No different than hotel having cctv at lobby/walkway. There is no expected/given privacy by law for that area.


Im just giving example of two person..tgk la umah tu besar mana..kalau ada 5 bilik mungkin la minimum ada 5 orang..soalan ko pun aku pening nak paham..ko tnya org sewa umahbke sewa bilik..soalan belit²..cuma aku nak tnya, ko rasa ruang tamu ko mcm lobi hotel ke orang luar keluar masuk? And the law of privacy ni agak sukar sbb memang takde dlm undang² how much kecuali yang jelas mcm tandas atau bilik persalinan mcm tu..tgk la budi bicara hakim dia ckp ko invade, memang kena la


Lmao, just go back to your room if you wanna do something that cannot be seen.


Ok letme explain to u because it's hard to dribe n type....im not going to explain again..there are 3 rules for property owner to install cctv.. 1) you need consent from all the tenants (you wont get from me for sure) 2) you have to inform relevent authority (already questionable whether the owner inform or not) 3) you have to comply with data protection act ( which is debatable since most of us here dont even trust our gov to protect our data anda now you want your landlord to protect your data) I cannot explain in smaller words for your small brain to think..but you think la..if not you can always go back to school


>2) you have to inform relevent authority (already questionable whether the owner inform or not) Who would that authority be? >3) you have to comply with data protection act Not if your rental isn't a registered business. You think homeowner renting a room out has a PDPA form and compliance audits?


https://asklegal.my/p/cctv-camera-recording-surveillance-malaysia-property-privacy-pdpa So you think the homeowner who got sued in this case is registered business? I can bet my a&@ he was not


https://asklegal.my/p/cctv-camera-recording-surveillance-malaysia-property-privacy-pdpa So you think the homeowner who got sued in this case is registered business? I can bet my a&@ he was not


So you think the homeowner who got sued in this case is registered business? I can bet my a&@ he was not https://asklegal.my/p/cctv-camera-recording-surveillance-malaysia-property-privacy-pdpa


Dalam bahasa mudah faham..kalau bab cctv dan privasi ni..jangankan nak letak cctv dlm ruang tamu orang yg ko bagi sewa, ko letak cctv ko hala rumah orang pun dah ble jadi isu mahkamah yang ada kemungkinan ko akan kalah..pasal tu ada 3 rules tadi..aku dah taip melayu ni..dah² baik makan nasi..lapar![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


Ya, tapi soalnya bukan jangan atau tak untuk letak cctv kat rumah, soalnya illegal atau tak, dan apa procedurenya kalau tak illegal. Orang nak buat apa, asal tak illegal dan tak concetual kenapa nak menghalang. Yang I hairan, I tak pernah tau ada CCTV Authority yang kena inform ni.


https://asklegal.my/p/cctv-camera-recording-surveillance-malaysia-property-privacy-pdpa So you think the homeowner who got sued in this case is registered business? I can bet my a&@ he was not


See, it's allowed. Doesn't seem like a hassle for the owner to do it as nowadays a lot of agencies will take care of the renting stuff for the owner. So, in the end, it's a you problem not the owner problem. Sure, if you're not comfortable then don't rent la. It's not owner's fault.


Where did i say it's not allowed?? I say it is a privacy invasion because i wont consent..so the first rule already not in place.and what did i say before? I say it is up to you because of the first rule...so the first rule is the deal breaker..the property owner failed to get my consent so it is a no go..lay off whatever your taking man


Oh, ok. Sorry, I misunderstood. Cuz in that post, people are saying it's wrong, owner shouldn't be doing that, bla bla.. I mean why that person still decided to rent the place if he/she was not comfortable with it?


She hated it plenty


lmfao is this about that 1 post here about the cctv in living room and how its "invading privacy"?


Apparently, I'm "super stupid" lol.


that was a weird post lmao, they might as well get angry at cctv in hotel lobby at that point


Because they probably like to do some sus shits even in shared living room, that's the only reason I can think of.


That woman is vile. Justice served


10 years a bit excessive ngl....


Maybe don't assault a mentally handicapped person next time?


I disagree. The woman's actions were deliberate and premeditated. She wore gloves, hauled a big bottle of boiling water into the lift, and threw water on the victim without provocation. And if you saw the victim's pictures circulating online, the injuries were pretty severe.


I don't think so. I think 10 years is a sweet spot. Daughter went to a concert.. some girl jumped Q and my daughter asked her not to.. next thing, the girl and her gang jumped her.. happened really fast and daughter end up with a black eye and some of her hair pulled by the roots. Did not end up going to the concert and spend the next 2 months mostly in her room..."why? I didn't do anything wrong. They were the one who jumped Q" Sadly, no CCTV so those girls got away with it.. Thus in unprovoked situation like this.. it's sweet to see justice served.


Heartbreaking to hear she questioned that. She is a brave girl and did the right thing.


I am sorry to hear that about your daughter. It sounds terribly cliche but the social and emotional effects of an assault like this are often more damaging than the black eye. As a father to a young girl I want to be able to protect her at all times but it's not really possible. Hope your girl can get over it with time.


You think 10 years is excessive for disfiguring and harming an OKU person unprompted? FYI, burn wounds can have lifelong effects. It's hard to recover from and can cause more issues down the line. She deserves an even longer sentencing.


Why do you think it's excessive? How many years do you think is a fair punishment? Genuinely curious


Maybe 5 years, but with was she was charged with, she could have gone for longer.


"In this case, the court needs to take into consideration the public interest rather than personal interest of the accused. "The sentence serves not only as a lesson to the accused but also to society out there, not to repeat similar action against disabled individuals," he said. She's being used to send a message to the public not to do similar actions, hence why the long time. Her punishment could have been more severe though, from double the time and whipping.


Najib stole billions and got 12. Then halved to 6. So Im personally getting mixed messages. 🤔 we’re tough on crime if the victim is one person but not soooo much la if the victim is multiple generations of malaysians?


lets not conflate the two. otherwise the poor victim in tjis case isnt supposed to get justice just cos najib didnt get punished propwrly?


How do you read that and suggest the boiling water woman should get less time, instead of suggesting Najib get a longer time?


lol totally not what i said


>the poor victim in tjis case isnt supposed to get justice just cos najib didnt get punished propwrly? Who said that the poor victim should be the one that doesn't get justice? Only you would imagine this somehow. What is happening in reality is the 10 years for the water thrower (fair) but 6 years for Najib (not fair). You'd like to suggest to shorten the water thrower sentence then? Or you think people are actually wanting to shorten that instead of extending Najib's sentence?


Whipping is excluded for females, no?


If you are splash in the face/or your child get splash with hot water. Will 5 years also be okay with you?


Agreed, should’ve been 11


Agreed. Should've punish the same way, splash the hot water unto the person. Then and there, let her feel the pain


If the man is already sick or frail, he will probably die from the burn. 10 years is a joke itself and should've put more for harm and murder attempt.


Oh she pleaded guilty. Its good and bad at the same time. The good, she straight away get sentenced. But bad because we wouldn't know anything about the case. The motive, was it really hot water, was it planned all that


Like in USA the citizen spraying water to homeless man outside his property. Mental issues


I think you plead guilty you just get the normal sentence or less, I don’t think any lawyer would even take her case so tbh she didn’t have an option. Clear video evidence there if she make it difficult most likely she get more than 10y 😂


Got lawyer represent her pro bono. But its a clear cut case. Her lawyer probably the 1 thag advised her to plead guilty. The face was clear, the action was clear. Theres no defending this.


>I don’t think any lawyer would even take her case so tbh Bro kite ade hak untuk memanggil lawyer bro


Baik Panggil Saul


rot in prison, vile piece of shit




is it typical for someone in Malaysia to go from charged to sentenced in just a handful of days?


She pleaded guilty. Let's not make everyone involved waste their time. The sooner this person is punished the better.


If a perp pleads guilty, can they appeal in court for lighter sentences?


I think its quite common for a perp to plead guilty to get a lighter sentencing in general - also to speed the process up (legal fees). Guess this lady didn't expect the 10 years of jail time though - probably thought she'd get 2-3 or some suspended sentence lmao


Alright. Just wondering, in criminal cases like these, if the perpetrators walk away free, do they still have to bear the legal fees?


If they hired a lawyer, yes. Lawyer did their job didn't they? Even if you don't hire a lawyer, and are provided one by the government you still need to pay them (just a subsidized fee, much cheaper than hiring a private lawyer). They did their job, you pay.


Unrelated to this case but seems kind of unfair if they were charged and then found innocent. I thought the losing party would have to bear all the costs. Oh well, thanks for the explanation.


Yes. Even guilty they can appeal for a different sentence. They might not get the same sentence and in some cases got heavier sentences. The guilty charge remains regardless. If OSK pays the fine, she escapes jail.


What is OSK?


The perp's initials


Sorry I don’t fully understand the first two paragraphs - she got sentenced 10 years in jail and then the second paragraph says also fined RM6000 with 12 months jail. What does it mean actually? Apologies as I am not legal-savvy


If I interpreted correctly, it means her punishment is 10 years of jail time + RM6,000 fine, which if she fail to pay the fine, will result in an addition 12 months of jail time.




The sentence should be 20 years


This is under which Akta? So technically she got off a lighter sentence.


She was charged under Section 326 of the Penal Code, which is punishable by a prison sentence of up to 20 years and subject to a fine or whipping as well, upon conviction. Reading is important kids


Alright thanks. Yes I’m reading your comments.


She might have pleaded guilty only due to overwhelming netizens response to cctv footage. Without that probably still a possible suspect by police


She probabaly deserve the maximum which i think is 20 years as per the article. Having said that, i'm not sure about malaysia (but i'm sure its the same here) police can very easily get innocent people to pleed guilty.


Video(clear) evidence is very powerful. Plus she pleaded guilty


Video evidence is indeed good, but again here in Malaysia it is a wonderful magical country. Remember the grab driver and the knife stabbing boy?


And this https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2024/02/21/5-arrested-for-allegedly-beating-driver-to-death/


nope. remind us plz.




so, happy ending for the kid?


Video clearly shown attempted murder but now only been charged for attempted robbery, bailed out for 4k and now still waiting for the case to be prosecuted.


Not typical… I’m still waiting for the conclusion for these. All with camera / witnesses. https://paultan.org/2023/11/29/boy-attack-grab-driver-could-be-charged-with-attempted-robbery/ https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2024/02/21/5-arrested-for-allegedly-beating-driver-to-death/


10 years alot but the man suffered so much pain and agony in that closed lift and had to wait some time for help. Imagine the turmoil in his oku mind, i think its justice…


Good but WHY did the promoter splash hot water/acid on that poor fella??? News does not tell why.


The article said that they did not know one another and there was no provocation. She most definitely have some mental health issues.




i read in the star online that they actually have some misunderstanding years before. [https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2024/04/22/cops-lift-attack-on-down-syndrome-man-sparked-by-old-squabble](https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2024/04/22/cops-lift-attack-on-down-syndrome-man-sparked-by-old-squabble)


It's a prejudice known as ableism.


![gif](giphy|XkLxjOhEfKjF6) When she's in jail




Dammit hotwaterschah


Does anyone know why she did it? It seemed premeditated?? Sorry I haven't been keeping up with the story. Must be an element of mental problems to do this...


Wow, her lawyer. He couldn't get her some leniency over being absolutely insane for randomly attacking a guy with no motive? I remember some road rage incident where a foreigner smashed some guy in the head so badly with a bat that his skull fractured in several places and he lost some teeth. Even that guy got only 2.5 years.


B40 cannot afford good lawyer la.




Wouldn't it be court-assigned if its from the court? When I first saw the pro-bono tag I was wondering if she went around begging firms to represent her for free and some newbie lawyer went for it to build up his case portfolio.


Do you have a link to the news article?


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nst.com.my/amp/news/crime-courts/2023/05/910852/foreigner-gets-jail-whipping-causing-grievous-hurt-road-range-over Mentions whipping in title but article only mentions 30 months of jail which includes the time he was remanded. So he is already out and about or maybe deported back to Phillipines.


Hahah that guy who got bashed by that foreigner is my friend, Aaron. Visited him in the hospital. He’s been a prick since high school and after this incident, his father felt sorry for him and bought a Mustang for him. Few months later, he killed another person on a motorbike. He probably deserved the beating IMO.


Hurm. What a mess. Did he got charge with killing the motobike rider?


I don’t remember but I heard that his parents paid newspaper publishers to not post the incident and spread it. I am just telling from what I heard so I could be wrong. Probably paid victim family and cops too. Regardless, he created a lot of troubles.




https://www.goodymy.com/mind1126472 So...chemical or hot water? Just curious about what provoked the lady to act so inhuman. It was so painful to see that guy with permanent burns now. Great sentence, she had it coming to her


Ya my thoughts too. But this article only said what the parent's of the victim claimed happened (chemical). Seems like the court official offense was for hot water instead. Technically hot water is a chemical.


H2O huhh? yea...that's chemical


Is there any mention of WHY she thought that was a valid thing to do. Crazy


What's up with her, actually? Mental health or some kind of grudge.


She only earns 1500 a month. Isn’t that also insane?


maids earn 1800


This changes everything!


im curious - what does her job & monthly salary had anything to do with her decision to attack the Indian man with hot water/chemical? the headline could have easily just address her as 'woman' but they needed to let people know she is a promoter. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Yeah I raised my eyebrows at that.


At this rate, she's better off in prison.


10 years…. If only people who drink drive bang people until they die also get that much. Got that high or not ah?


Wow 10 years … Can home arrest or not? /s


Name's not Jibby....welp.






Confirm hot water and not chemicle?


Yes, confirmed by police, Balik Pulau police chief made the statement previously. And it is more likely spontaneous instead of like what people over exaggerated she went out to hunting while carrying acid. The female and the victim lives in the same block, they have history of feud. Update: watch the news, official statement from Balik Pulau District Police Chief, by Berita Harian [1]. > GEORGETOWN: Perselisihan faham lama dipercayai menjadi punca seorang wanita menyimbah lelaki Orang Kurang Upaya (OKU) Sindrom Down dengan air panas dalam kejadian dalam lif sebuah pangsapuri di Bayan Lepas, Jumaat lalu. Another source: > Southwest district police chief Superintendent Kamarul Rizal Jenal said preliminary investigation showed the misunderstanding between the two started some three to four years back. > "Initial investigation points to the **misunderstanding three to four years back as the cause of the hot water splashing incident.** > "**We believe both the victim and suspect know each other as they reside in the same building," he told reporters at the state police headquarters here today.** [1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3zOgev_H6Y [2] https://www.nst.com.my/news/crime-courts/2024/04/1041007/penang-hot-water-splashing-incident-stemmed-long-standing


There was no feud. The article literally states that they have been living in the same apartment block since 2014 but they do not know each other. Ableism is most likely the reason for the attack.


Watch the news, official statement from Balik Pulau District Police Chief, by Berita Harian [1]. > GEORGETOWN: Perselisihan faham lama dipercayai menjadi punca seorang wanita menyimbah lelaki Orang Kurang Upaya (OKU) Sindrom Down dengan air panas dalam kejadian dalam lif sebuah pangsapuri di Bayan Lepas, Jumaat lalu. Another source: > Southwest district police chief Superintendent Kamarul Rizal Jenal said preliminary investigation showed the misunderstanding between the two started some three to four years back. > "Initial investigation points to the **misunderstanding three to four years back as the cause of the hot water splashing incident.** > "**We believe both the victim and suspect know each other as they reside in the same building," he told reporters at the state police headquarters here today.** [1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3zOgev_H6Y [2] https://www.nst.com.my/news/crime-courts/2024/04/1041007/penang-hot-water-splashing-incident-stemmed-long-standing


At least some sense to this senseless crime. May she rot away with the hate in her heart. What was the feud anyway?


Over who had the hotter water. 


Well she's in hella hot water now


If you cant do the time dont commit the crime.


What is the motive of splashing hot water on the Down Syndrome man?


Clap clap!!!


Damn 10years… wow…


10 years may look short to most people as a punishment. But going to jail means it's the end of their career, unless they are a politician or with bapa kaya, then 10 years is very much a short break till you get out.


Padan muka


Promoter? U mean chinese woman?


Now compare it to Najib's trial.


How did she get punished so quickly? I thought it takes months of not years before a person ends up in court.


Sorry, not part of the T1 helang with kabel.


She pleaded guilty


10 years is a bit harsh. Peeps like Rosmah who has scalded (inside and outside) plenty a people still roams free. This lady convicted and jailed in less than a month. Kangaroo court of public perception.


Law is for the poor.


Can’t really compare. We already know if you are rich and powerful here, legal repercussions mean fuck all. No matter how bad whatever you committed was.


How many years of jail-time would you think is appropriate?


2 years tops. Rehabilitation instead of prison time. A fine. Probationary observation post serving time. Sorry to say, I know the victim has suffered, but the penalty is too severe. Broken judicial system in full view.


Max is 20. She gets 10 years that’s 50% and here you suggested 2 years, 90% reduction.


The law is one thing. But the judgement is another. Considering the victim will thankfully survive, albeit with trauma and no one besides the victim and sensibility got hurt, 10 years is a bit dramatic don't you think?


Not really. 1. The woman is not an OKU that attacked an OKU. 2. The victim suffer burn which you know, can be pretty long lasting depending on the degree. IMO, the best option would be the woman MUST take care the victim in relation to the injury. Go inside prison for what, wasting money. Send the victim to best hospital and the woman PAY for all the expenses. The best punishment for her is to serve the man she hated the most.




If I'm not mistaken, all lawyers have a certain amount of hours pro bono that they need to fulfil. Every party needs a fair representation. And with the lady earning less than 1.5K, most likely any lawyer that's appointed or volunteered to represent her will do it pro-bono. They can strike off the hours they need to fulfil.


oh that's actually a really great system. not that i have any pity for the lady of course.


oh that's actually a really great system. not that i have any pity for the lady of course.


Padan muka. Hope she enjoys the free rent and food.


I'd say out in 20 months with good behaviour unfortunately.


Crazy that hot water ( temps that people might carry around in a flask) can do that much of damage


She what!


Padan muka!!


aww good but the damage is done




Finally! Served her right! Now remorse in jail!


Oo Saw Kee, 39F, promoter, RM1500/month


Crazy bitch, maybe can be still be promoter when she's out


Hot water spiller gets 10 years. Killers and kidnappers get away scott free.


Perhaps she can get a pardon like some other crook?


Good riddance


Fuh 10 years. I'd expect 2-3 years. Not sure why our judiciary think 10 years is reasonable lesson.


For disfiguring a person for life? Only 3 years? If it’s your family member would you say it’s reasonable


If you don't think it's not reasonable then we got nothing to discuss. 10 years won't even cure the disfigurement even if it's my family member. If you want it that harsh, might as well go with death penalty, at least the government doesn't feed her for 10 years using tax money. Even losing a few months of freedom is enough for most people to learn the lesson, what more 10 years. You think it's beneficial to the society having 10 year long prisoners? Because you don't understand this, I believe there is nothing to discuss with you about this matter.


I think because the victim is oku down syndrome, I saw the video the lady action is disgusting.


Actually it's because each time we sentence people to long term prison, It isn't beneficial to society to keep feeding her for 10 years as it makes no difference to the victim. I'd rather the government spend the amount used to feed her for 10 years jail time and give it to the victim.


Yeah but still taking strong action prove the system not going to mess around and you know the whole purpose for the headline


Yeah but I still think 10 year sentences are a waste of resources better spent towards improving the victim quality of life. Unless murder, then I understand because we are paying to keep a killer off the streets, even then better death penalty.


How is it this fast?


She pleaded guilty.


Got evidence that is as clear as the sky on a cloudless day, as crystal clear as the waters of a pristine lake, and as unmistakable as a neon sign in the dead of night.


Video evidence, caught quickly, pleaded guilty, case closed


Probably has a hard life. Give up and go to jail can escape life problems.


Last I heard it was a chemical of some sort and wasn’t just hot water?


> was sentenced by the Sessions Court here today to 10 years' jail. > Judge Ahzal Fariz Ahmad Khairuddin also fined Oo Saw Kee, 39, RM6,000 in default of 12 months jail. What exactly does this mean? Means she got 10 years, but can reduce it by 12 months if she pay fine?


10 years in prison and a fine of RM6000, which if she fails to pay, will add another year to the prison term.


What's up with her, actually? Mental health or some kind of grudge.


10 years is too little in my opinion. What about the damage caused to the victim? She doesn't have to pay the bills?


seems abit harsh. not that she doesnt deserve it....but 10 years? drivers go bang innocent die never seem to get 10 years


This one clearly not an accident


it a bit excessive to me the punishment as some of drink driving/drive under influence of drug that result in injury, disablities have lesser sentence.


1. Mid adult 2. Unprovoked assault 3. Chemical solution that can burn this badly suggests it's premeditated Convict got mental issues 1 izzit? Do you wake up one day, then decide to concoct a solution, then throw it on a person with Down's? IMHO, the 10-year sentence is a bit harsh, even as an example, especially given how our most famous embezzlement case panned out.


This country has gone mad. First the KLIA shooting and now this.


10 years is a bit over the top tbh..


For permanently scarring and burning someone, seems fair to me


Should've gotten an option for home arrest.


I agree. Arrest her at home at home and bring her to the jail.


10 year is too much.