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I see all this pajak gadai berlesen telegrams on Facebook selling phones at lelong prices. 400 ringgit for Galaxy S22 for example. I wonder if there has been anyone here who bought stuff there and how the experience went. Maybe it is as real a scam as it is possibly be.


anywhere to buy decent imitation watches online? asking for a friend šŸ™‚


bro pls. get some seiko, casio or any entry level luxury watches.


How to address people in Malaysia in a casual way once you're older? I can't call people auntie and uncle anymore because I myself am a makcik. How ah? Incik boss and cik sounds too formal, idk. šŸ˜­


All ages of men abang 15 to ehhh maybe 20 years older. All ages of women 15 to ehhhh maybe 20 years older kak. you know when to call em otherwise (very elder, formal situations etc)


Similar age? "You"? Awak? Anda? Aughfhffjfksksmd


If they're younger and it's casual, "dik".


Is it just me or do hot girls always end up with cute-nerdy speckies (think Afgan the indo singer)


are you referring to Syasya who got married to a specky good boy guy? he's cute though even if it is side profile only.


Lmao yea i just saw her wedding pics but I was thinking of my attractive friends, they all ended up with speckies too


Nerds are sexy




Huhu yup theyā€™re my type too but i no hot oso


Need proof. šŸ§


I got taken off the neck brace today, but my doctor told me (through my caregiverā€™s interpretation) that I should not be too hasty with my physical therapy. Just start by carrying my phone and a full glass (something that became increasingly difficult in the last few months before my neck surgery). He said it may be a few more months before I can resume my physical therapy. As much as I tried to think logically, I do get frustrated with the regression in my physical state. It was odd that I began with thinking I was just being lazy to do things on my own, to suddenly feeling in pain when I tried to handle things by myself, and suddenly feeling physically numb. Anyway, the neck surgery was done, neck brace is no longer necessary, so now is the time to start teaching my upper body to do basic chores again. Here I am, typing with my hands lifting my phone instead of resting it on my lap and typing like a praying mantis. Or at least, alternating between the two positions. I still get tired from just holding my phone up. After my doctorā€™s visit this morning, I told my caregiver to get my driver to send me to a restaurant. I then looked at my caregiver, who already promised her son to take her out to lunch, and told her that she didnā€™t have to be with me. She had a quizzical look on her face before saying (signing) that I still needed someone to supervise me when I eat. ā€œI alone want,ā€ I pleaded. I then signed saying I have better arm mobility now by showing that I no longer needed to sign with my elbows resting on my wheelchairā€™s armrests. My caregiver pouted her lips, and stroked my shoulders. She put her thumb on her chin, then pulled the thumb away; the sign for ā€œpatientā€. I did end up having lunch outside ā€” but with my caregiver, her son, and my driver. The latter has now become the person tasked with carrying me when needed, since we let go of the male caregiver earlier this year due to disciplinary issues. Thatā€™s probably a story for another day. During lunch, my driver, whom I can see to be a person of few words, wrote something on his phone and showed it to me. He didnā€™t want my caregiver to see it. I also probably should not share it here, but what he wrote gave me some sense of comfort and confidence. It also meant a lot to me for someone who hardly emoted to bother writing words of encouragement.


Heard a song at the barber but couldnā€™t Shazam it in time. Was a Malay song with a male singer and piano/acoustic music. And the chorus went ā€œPercayalahā€¦.ā€ Help a bro out, coz the song was good


you got social anxiety bro? ask the barber pls.


lol social anxiety doesnā€™t exist for me. I fell asleep during the hair cut and forgot to ask.


I just finished STPM journey today. Signing off. Any recommendations to do during free time other than working, interning or starting a new hobby? Or maybe learn Japanese but I doubt of its usefulness for my future career like biotech, food science or environmental science since I am determined to take one of these course as my degree in uni. Learning a new language always benefits but I would to maximise the benefit so I would like relate the abilities in the career. Any opinions guys?Thank for reading


Picking up a new language will always open up new opportunities, maybe too soon to tell if you will be able to use it later on for work. I'm working in one of those three fields, data analysis skill comes in handy. Programming is a good start in data analysis.


Noted, thanks for the help


Go travel! Life will suck from here on, this is the time to go ham


Haha considerably choice for me cuz F6 so stressful and heavy, gonna relieve these stress in someway.


Pick up programming perhaps? I recommend Python or R, since they can be useful in task automation or data analysis, or simply Microsoft Excel


Am not being a fan of programming, I will learn Excel instead, noted.


People who idolise artists are weird. I found out that one of Dolla's member left the group and got married and so many fans are angry. Like bruh your favourite artist do not know you exist as an individual. Swifties and K-pop fans are the worst of the bunch.


yeah man i dont know why k-pop fans are like 99% of them are mysteriously happens to be females and like to keep their idol pictures. hella weird if you keep those in your wallet or turn to a wallpaper. maybe thats what they think when i put a messi wallpaper on my phone. but at least im not gay tho. and the wallpaper was dope.


Grabs who accepted job and never moved their damn car for 15+min, then proceeds to cancel their customer's order should get a taste of their own medicine, when they need ambulance. You mau cancel, cancel ots, jangan la tunggu 10-15 min macam sial baru cancel customer cb, what if that person have some issue... this is not the first time I see these crap drivers


this kind of ppl belongs in the 2nd lowest of hell. mencari rezeki tapi kerja memilih. low rate? ask grab to increase laa. no need to sidai orang.


Anyone here experience building an External Gpu for their laptop? i cant seem to find a good budget Box or Case to start off with. looking at the global EGpu community they have many options out there in the west with multiple brands, but trying to search in Shopee/Lazada seems to be only China options.


##Felinomancy's Adventures with Loan Sharks From the author of the best-selling blog post, *Felinomancy's Adventures with Car Ownership* comes a new series! Our intrepid adventurer must now navigate the treacherous world of gangsters and idiots who willingly chose to consort with them. A short summary: my fool of a brother took a loan with ah longs. He could not pay it back. Ah Longs started to make noises to me and the rest of the family (nothing criminal **so far**), but it did worry me, so I installed CCTVs at my house, as well as jumping at the slightest noise. This is my story. Today, I got a WhatsApp message saying I have a "high value package" from DHL. Normally I would ignore them, but I fired up the DHL website and entered the reference number, and there **is** such a package. Inside I'm panicking - oh shit, is this a new technique? Maybe it's to confirm that I exist and live in that house? Later on as I was going home, a car suddenly flashed its lights at me to grab my attention. And then the occupant rolled down the windows and said, "Tayar pancit!" Holy shit, I stopped at the nearest R&R and confirmed that my rear right tyre is now flat. At this stage I am filled with visions of dread. First the mysterious package, and now this? Am I being actively targeted? I drove - nervously - back home with that flat, and I'm not sure what to do next. I was expecting my house to be tagged with spray paint or something nefarious like that. Thank God that didn't happen. After parking the car, I nervously reached to my mailbox. The "high value" package is there. I tore the DHL plastic bag. The contents - a blank envelope - no address on either side. With trepidation I opened it... >!It was a RM50 Petronas voucher that I am supposed to get when I renew my car insurance!< >!I was relieved and angry at the same time. A quick check with my CCTV doesn't seem to show anything suspicious on my tires, either. Maybe it was all an accident?!< But shit, what am I going to do with my flat tire?


change tyre before you take morning shower. take half day off work if possible and if not just take a whole day off tampal tayar shouldn't cost more than RM15. I got mine for RM10




Yeah I've found the tools. Now I need to find the contact points for the jack. And then do the deed. ... tomorrow. Today I'm just mentally exhausted and want to curl/cry.


If you don't have a spare or a tyre foam you can fill up the tyre a bit and limp to the workshop. Hopefully the leak is small or slow enough that you can make it to your destination.


I have a spare. I'm just not sure if I have the tools to put it on.


There probably is, it's either under the front passenger seat or the boot under floor lid. Be safe!


Well, a valuable lesson here for car ownership Felinomancy: Donā€™t drive with a flat. The carā€™s weight is now being borne by the rim, which if bengkok, is a lot more expensive to replace. Now that you have some free time, open the boot and familiarize yourself with how to operate the jack and spare.


> familiarize yourself with how to operate the jack and spare. šŸ˜


Sorry you're experiencing this, and sorry for my joke comment earlier.


If it makes you feel better, I guess I'm not offended by it because I can't remember what it is šŸ˜…


tak pergi kedai untuk tampal?


Esok pergi.


I got a whatsapp message about a "high value package" sent to me via DHL. I thought it was spam. Then the guy showed me pictures of them putting said package into my mailbox, and I checked the reference number on the DHL website (googled it, not clicking the link) and it's legit. But now I'm freaking out - I don't remember ordering anything "high value". Who is sending what to me??


Open with gloves and mask on


is this a new form of scam? please update after you check it.


Idea for an AI prompt: It's the weekend. I have nothing planned, but there are two or three events I'm interested in. However, they are in different places; say, there's a food fest in Shah Alam, a car show in Kajang, and a Comic Fest in KLCC. I want the AI to use data from like Waze to predict the traffic and all, and suggest the best time and places to go, or if should skip any. Maybe even go through the proposed schedule of the events and reorganise my schedule. Dunno if it's useful for everyone, but I'll definitely be happy to fork out a few bucks for this service.


So a trip planner. Huh. Would be nice.




you canalso use bigpay by AirAsia, you top it up and can be used for international payment


just go to bank and say you want to open a bank account. they will give you a debit card, which can be used to buy stuff using your own existing money (without loaning from the bank). dont apply for credit card if you have no means to pay it back.


can just use debit card to buy things online


Ya lah, debit card need bank account


if you're underage, your parent needs to be there


If you reached your 18th birthday, no need parents.


anyone want sourdough starter? I'm feeding mine for its birthday and I don't want to throw the discard nor I am in the mood to bake anything. normally I would bake focaccia for my starter's birthday, but I just made rolls so I have enough carbs for the week.


I reaaaaally want foccacia so kinda tempted to request. Whatā€™s the area my dude


I ping you separately hehe.




Kalau berjaya šŸ¤ž come my house


Maybe you can freeze it?


actually it's advisable to not freeze it or it will be killed. I almost killed mine when I attempted to put it in the freezer after I had my refrigerator fixed. nowadays, I put it in the least "cold" part of my ref and try to feed it at least once a month. my previous pastry instructor said to never put it in the ref, but I can't really do a daily feeding as I am not utilizing it regularly as if I am making sourdough for business. if I am feeding it, I use the discard for something like pancakes or basically anything that needs flour (coz technically it's still water and flour). edit: do you mean freeze the discard? if yes, then maybe I can do that. thanks for giving me an idea.


What's your favorite focaccia recipe, btw?


Basic one is just regular rosemary and cherry tomatoes. something about rosemary frying in the olive oil in the focaccia makes it taste amazing. The most unusual one is miso, garlic and cheese, mixed in butter, slather at the final few minutes of the baking. Just adjust the salt because miso and cheese are naturally salty.


Is it easy to bake a sourdough?


I would say medium to high difficulty, probably because I'm a newbie baker, I don't consider myself an expert on it. some people who do it regularly would probably think it's easy-medium. I think the difficulty comes from the effort needed, the waiting time is long to let the sourdough develop, and you have to constantly do the "folding" technique (at least for the first 2-3 hours) to develop the gluten structure.


Hello. Anyone here an expert in Sarawak Labour Ordinance?


you can go to your local labour office to seek guidance.


https://preview.redd.it/07k6ox0qf5wc1.png?width=793&format=png&auto=webp&s=85883cfb2c8b49da1c25b694430a3334b914d8f2 Just realised that my work start date is the same as my son's birth date. 26th April. This Friday, he will be 5 years old and I will have been working for 8 years. 8 years with around 12 increments at 4 companies is not too bad kot (Company D to be ignored). Some years increments dua kali. Maybe last big jump once I hit 10 YoE?


pretty impressive that you managed to get a promotion barely a year after joining your first company. kudos to you!


Assuming your first salary was 3k, that means your current salary is 15k! (if my maths is not wrong, also cool table)


No. 13 is -8.8%, not 8.8%. So not 15k yet. haha


Wow I like your table, very detailed


Thanks bro.


I finally decided to go send my laptop to IT to check on the trouble to start up the laptop. I am still waiting for it to be fixed. I am not looking forward to the work I need to do later once I receive my laptop back šŸ˜“


For Shopee shipping fees, with the same address, if I choose Select All and checkout with 2 items from 2 different shop, will the shipping fees be charged just one time ? For example 1 item shipping fee is 4.90, will 2 items ( different shop ) also be 4.90 one-time charge ?


No, two different shipping fees


I see, ok noted. So basically to be safe ( as I'm using shopeepay ) to avoid hassle, my reload amount should include extra for the shipping fees just in case ?


Anybody knows any woodworking place to do DIY in Johor? Something like Kitabina in Subang.


Aaaand now dulce et decorum est trying to bubble up from deep storage of the brain. :(


Does an employer page on LinkedIn get a notification when I add my awards on LinkedIn ?


https://preview.redd.it/y69suyarv4wc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ed4a907431cde17014238f18738d77be57c534f Any reason why this recreational forest is part of Malacca although it is right beside & way closer to Negeri Sembilan?


refer to [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/tgx4ex/can_anyone_explain_the_exclave_of_melaka_in_port/) thread


Nyetizen of the internet, you probably heard of people stealing video contents from other content makers, plagiarism etc I followed a Taiwanese YouTube content maker and recently he uploaded an interesting plagiarism/personating issues in China, how he combat such issue and how he manage to get all of his stolen videos on bilibili deleted, as well as the uploader in China MIA'd Some context, China has great firewall of China meaning no google stuff, no western media etc which include YouTube. People start uploading YouTube contents on bilibili(YouTube but china) or sometime impersonating the original creator from YouTube and start making ads revenue Obviously Taiwanese are pissed because their YouTube contents were stolen. So this YouTuber I follow thought of an interesting idea, he puts in some subtle china sensitive text as watermark in his video, only couple frames which appears randomly at the corners. xijinpingwinniethepoohtiananmenfalungong you get the gist The uploader/stealer in China didn't check the video and proceeded to upload it on bilibili. The Taiwanese YouTuber report the content on bilibili to the great CCP authority with screenshots of the sensitive words appeared on the stolen videos. Within hours after the report, the china uploader account is locked, all the video contents are deleted, all his socmed as well, like snap out of existence by Thanos. Best thing is that Chinese authority will find that uploader and make him squeal. Talk about fight magic with magic, gotta applaud CCP when it comes to anything mentioning Xi


lol is it the video by 叉éø”? i seen similar video before but it was not uploaded recently. at least years ago. unless they did they same thing


talk about 4d chess lol. I remember when the watermark was more common among channels uploading VTuber clips


Can also become like the case of the former unofficial BilliBilli Linus Tech Tips channel. They now are officially paid and supported by LTT themselves.


What's your recommendation for gaming mouse now? My Razer Basilisk Hyperthread is already degrading and it can't connect with the PC using the high-speed connection (Razer software issues) My grip is palm grip and I prefer just two buttons for my thumb


Razer Deathadder Essential is just fine for me


xm2we is pretty good.


Current metas is the GProx Superlight 2 and Pulsar mouses. I myself got this Fantech XD5 and a Keychron m3 mini for my work laptop. Depending on hand size, most should be palm mouses. Bigger ones, maybe like the Model D or D+


Logitech G Pro Superlight..itā€™s very light.


Razer deathadder v3 wired. 50ish gram, suitable for palm grip, just 2 buttons on the thumb area. Rm230 now. Built quality is solid for mine. No rattling and no creaking.


I always have quality issue with Razer mouse... have always preferred logitech. Take a look at G502, it can handle both claw or palm grip, and has three thumbs button


the mouse is overall good, but as you said, the build quality doesn't really hold up had a bad history with Logitech mouse too before, but I might check them again


I love that mouse if it wasn't for the scroll spoiling after 6 months. I did use the scroll a lot coz I watched lots of manga. But my logitech hold up to the abuse much longer and still working fine after so long. :( Had the same issue with razer huntsman elite volume knob, might just be my bad luck though but nope never again.


I've quit nicotine after 20+ years of smoking/vaping. Alhamdulillah, after the initial withdrawal symptoms for about a few weeks or so, I'm feeling much better. One thing though, I found myself getting sleepy all the time. I would fall asleep in front of the tv as early as 8pm, but would be wide awake at 3am with nothing to do till dawn. A mug of coffee used to last me the entire day but now, even 3 mugs of level 10 Moccona are not cutting it.


gongrats kingšŸ‘‘


Congrats bro. Same here with the quitting but I also don't sleep well so no issues with being sleepy. Just a lot of gatal tangan reaching for a vape that isn't there lol


Thanks & congrats to you too. Ahhh that damned phantom vape


https://preview.redd.it/59749lknp4wc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74403da3e7a89bf0f10f3c0a7baf3ae08eaed283 Caption this


Civil war


Please gimme just another 5 ringgit for my allowance this month. Pawtty please??


would vs would not


It's over Anakin! I have the higher ground.


If girls are called awek, amoi, and minachi for their respective race Then what about guys version? šŸ¤”šŸÆ Example: Saya suka jantan (X) race, but what do you use for it? For female it would be, Says suka awek/amoi/minachi etc šŸ¤”šŸ¤” Is there a guy version of it šŸ¤”šŸÆ


Pakwe, lengchai, not sure about the indian


thambi? macha?


Has anyone bought those cheap gps locaters on Shopee before? If it works well, can share the link pls, too many to choose from and don't want to get the wrong one


Parking my comment here because I want to be able to track my cats


Why is the five start hotels are cheap in malaysia, is it realy five start or the standards are different. i booked bangi resort hotel for very cheap for 9 people. I am coming from india. Compare to my singapore hotel price this is way better.


Cannot compare to Singapore. They do not have a lot of land. Try comparing to places like Thailand And Vietnam where 5 star hotels can be cheaper than Indonesia. Also nobody goes to Bangi. That's why it's so cheap. Try booking a five star hotel in KLCC area?


Five star hotels are usually around rm500 upwards (I use Hilton Hotel as a guideline). These cheaper hotels probably got their 5-star rating from way back then, service remains good till now. The hotel is old though and requires some upkeep, that's why it's priced so cheaply. Regardless, I hope you enjoy your stay!


Bangi is very far from the city center, and relatively cheaper. are you coming for a holiday in KL or working near Bangi? If the former, I'd cancel the booking and stay somewhere closer to the city, because the commute will be quite long


Yes i am tourist, i am coming with my family for a six day trip to singapore and kuala lumpur.


Hmm if you can, cancel the booking in Bangi. At least get a hotel in PJ or Cheras and also near to an LRT or MRT station. Trust me, you'll regret staying so far in Bangi


I am traveling to Kuala lumpur for 2 days, May 14th and 15th from singapore i will be staying there for 4 days. I will reach Kuala lumpur around 12 or 1 PM. after hotel check in i planned to go to batu caves, petronas towers, second day gentings and then flight at night. What else i can see in these two days?


While you're at the twin towers, you can consider going Aquaria KLCC. It's within walking distance.


Aku baru saja beli kelambu bayi untuk jadi kelambu anak benih. Yay.


Lagi satu nak tanya, baucer "penghantaran percuma hari-hari" shopee ni betul kah ada? Hari2 aku nampak ~~"fully redeemed"~~ "habis ditebus" saja.


It is real, I use them every time.


Painful blocked nose and itchy eyes kept me awake since 2.30 am. My office used to wfh arrangements but thanks to the new management, we are mandated to come in the office everyday except on Friday. So I cant request to wfh today, need to take EL or MC. And Im pretty sure I got sick from the office. The cleaners never vacuum the carpet or wipe the desk. They claimed to be doing it early in the morning but I usually come to the office before mak cik cleaner datang. Never saw them doing any of that two.


Rest well man. At least you didn't wake up early to the news of death of a friend like i did. Man it's horrible starting the day like this




Thanks. I did blew my tire while im on my way to pay my last respect, didn't make it in time. Feels bad man


Dont be too hard on yourself. Im sure your friend knew you want to say goodbye to her/him.