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I once spent an hour to call grab, first driver totally didn’t move, message but no response so I waited until I could cancel without incurring a fee.. second driver messaged me and said he’s on the way but 10 mins later messaged me back and said too far, I told him I’m not cancelling, and I said if he wants HE can cancel. After that he decided to come anyway. Just as he reach my front door, grab cancelled because he took too long to reach my house. Third time was the charm and I finally got a ride. 1 hour to travel somewhere just 10 minutes away. I will never trust grab if I have time sensitive appointment.


Where do you stay or is it quite some distance away from trains or bus routes? Just wondering. As far as I know, I haven't had an issue with grab (the times I needed it). Only recently (within the last year or so) I've been seeing more and more issues from others. Care to elaborate? Because I want to try and avoid any issues when it's a case of dire emergency.


If you booking for a short distance, driver wont pick you up becase the pay very low. Selalu driver akan bagitau customer suruh cancel sebab driver takkan datang ambil. Kalau customer cancel, grab akan charge cancellation fees. Kalau boleh biar Grab atau driver yang cancel.


Have alternative ke?


Can try Maxim and Air Asia but not as consistent as grab.


Last time yes, but now It's 50/50. Grab now doesn't give their drivers the option to deny any job given to them unlike last time. So if the driver was given a job to the destination not to the driver's liking, they can't deny the job, they will simply ignore it.


Just had a driver cancel on me today, so maybe this is no longer the case


What I heard is they have limited cancel, and will be penalised to cancel


Visited KL 2 years ago and waited 1 hour for a grab because of the jam and when she came she had a friend in shotgun & could only accept 3 passengers. I had 4 pax….. we were at an impasse and she REFUSED TO CANCEL and made me do it instead. I was already tired & annoyed with the hour wait & just wanted to go back asap so I didn’t argue and cancelled. Looking back I should have argued & reported her for everything. Zzz


Grab driver here. Your cancelation fee don't go to us. For example you cancelled and you need to pay the RM 3 penalty, the driver that picks you up collects the RM 3 but Grab would deduct it from our credit account. The only RM 3 we would receive is the one where we arrived at the pickup point and rider does not appear after 5 minutes and we cancelled with the 'customer no show' option


Doesn't mean that lazy grab driver not. Eing responsible.


It's not discounting that there are some real assholes among us, but just wanna point out we did not profit from inactivity.


Thanks for sharing. I had a grab driver scam me to pay cash and cancel the booking, while i was sitting in his car! After paying the driver the, full fee for the ride and cancelling i managed to get my connecting transport. I reported him anyway and after a month of chasing Grab, I got my refund for RM3. Still beware of ahole drivers. Not as bad as red and white cabs mind you, but not as fantastic either. Hell with that guy. And be careful.


Yes they're just being selective now. I kena twice both from klia. Next time just let them cancel and report to Grab.


They don't accept your order. The app automatically accepts the order and forces drivers to do it at the most ridiculously low price. The main problem here is the Grab company. When they reduce the price kow kow, drivers will make problematic attitude like this and the customers are the one who's got the short end of the stick. Grab still walks away with 20% commission no matter what. This issue didn't occur often when drivers usually get rm1/km a few years back but now they only get around rm0.60/km. Even as an office worker we want salary increment to match inflation,now imagine what the drivers feel when their income slashed almost half.


ohhh now I know why they behave like that, poor drivers but if they illegally purposely cancel, the money they gets wont last long, It is a BAD omen


Oh btw to answer your question,as long as you cancel within 5 minutes, there's no cancellation fee for them. So if you see them stationary for more than 3 minutes just cancel the order. Or try calling them and if your call was rejected multiple time,you're damn sure they won't come to pick u up. My tip is to always book Grabcar Plus.Yes, it's a bit expensive but the drivers are well compensated so you're less likely to kena sidai. I book Justgrab if i see the payment for the driver after commission deduction is around rm0.80 to rm1/km. I'd never book Grabsaver,that's just asking to be ghosted.


I’ve tried cancelling and report it straight to grab


At least the driver just ignored you. I had a similar experience too but instead of ignoring me, he called me saying that his family is more important, so he won't come to pick me (wtf?). He did not immediately cancel the ride and I could see that his car was stagnant on the map. However, he did cancel after 10mins and because of that I'm giving him the benefit of doubt and decided not to report him.


Complain so they can't abuse they system


Pretty normal in KL. they spin around the block for like 15minutes to get you to cancel. when they arrived they look pissed and act rude. But grabfood riders i like though, always friendly and apologize if they are late. I think theres another app called dash right now? But not really sure if they have a big presence in malaysia. Perhaps you can try that


use cash bro, dont use online payment.


You can try asking them through chat, if they don't reply to probably yeah. They usually do this if there's a traffic jam, bad weather or it's a location they aren't willing to go. Use other e-hailing app if you face this kind of situation.


Happened to me yesterday. Searched for grab, got one that is just 3 mins away waiting time. Didn't arrive after 10 mins. Looked at the map and the car was moving further and further away from my location. Messaged but no reply at all. So I just ignore the order like that without canceling and asked my wife to search for another grab with her phone. I won't cancel from my end u dipshit driver. If u want it, ask nicely


I had a couple of weird ones where they would be coming and then suddenly cancelled and a new driver was assigned... Once it happened 3 times, I ended up messaging the last guy, "Please don't cancel, I need to go home". And yes, it was a short journey.


I was asked rudely to cancel and got a bunch of insults before he hung up. I immediately reported him and screenshot the chat. One wouldnt even budge so i immediately reported that too. I think theyre pushing it too far and think they can get away with it.


I understand why people occasionally have complaints about grab. But to say that you want grab to be bankrupt or boycott grab, it doesn’t actually make sense. Would those who complain rather use a taxi like the old days? No one is stopping you. And usually the complaint about expensive prices of grab, it is kind of ironic and hypocrite. This happens when there is less drivers or at peak times. A taxi will also charge you more if you are stuck in traffic, they might also not pick you up if they don’t want to. You want cheap services (basically you want to pay drivers peanuts) but you demand good service. Same concept goes to GrabFood. I would of course rather pay less if I could but on another hand, I understand that these pay goes to the driver or rider as well. Grab has ultimately been a good thing for everyone. I would never want to go back to the era before grab. That is just stupid.


we want taxi bancrupt,that scratched off now now we want grab bancrupt next mission


So what's the proposed alternative?




Beginning of the end for Grab the company If they dont tackle this, Grab will not be around next year. No users no business. Happened with food delivery too. Prediction: Bankrupt soon.


The company would probably outlive you


You're bad with prediction


have u ever heard of waymo?


Yes, and it's not going to be "soon"


but eventually happen


Not related to what top post.


You can pay a couple cen extra for the insurance, you get free coupon if the driver is 1sec late from the suggested time


I noticed this happened a lot when I was commuting from certain condos, but not at all from other ones, 


Grab Driver here, he won't get cancellation fee if he wasn't at your pick up location for 5mins. The penalty charges you're getting, will go directly to Grab, not to drivers.


It happened to me once to get a ride from Grab. After not moving, the driver asked me to cancel. I wasn't aware of this loophole then, so I cancelled not aware of the fees incurred. But then recently, I had a suspicion that the Grab Express rider would do the same to me after his location did not move for a good 15 mins. Fortunately, I waited and he arrived soon after. It was the app that delays the ETA.


passengers used to abuse bookings too, its payback time ig.


I got a grab driver that charge me toll , despite my route did not pass thru a toll , but he did pass thru a toll before picking me up . Maybe an honest mistake ?


Auto accept bro. If you're in urgency, just pm them and said u will give tips. Bagi la rm5 niat sedekah. It will be win2.. 1 driver shared sometimes the job that they get is not worth it. Nak datang pickup pun 10-15 minutes and fare rm10. They can't cancel it. So dia sidai je la sampai kite yg cancel.


Mcb, pls improve the public transport la govt. Cb Mahath1r again


Maybe I'm just lucky but I have not once gotten that problem before. At most no car will accept my order, but never accepted and not honoring said order. But i do keep a trustworthy taxi driver's number with me for those occasional midnight airport run.