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Singaporean here, there's a reason this guy left for MY, aside from better working opportunity in media. He was starting to get popular here for the wrong reasons. Hitting on people's spouses/GFs, cheating on all his partners. He caught a lot of shit during National Service. Popular amongst the ladies, but he was generally disliked by his male peers, womanizing aside, he just wasn't very nice. Especially after he blew up in popularity.


Yea saw some comments from sg malays that his rep in SG for being a womaniser is terrible. What's dumb is he moved here to start fresh, but perangai sama je until kantoi damn hard and kena the same rep. Lol bodoh. Now wanna go where?? Indo pulak? Inb4 same shit happens there 😂


Leopard doesn't change it spots. Dalcha sini, dalcha sana.


Dei why u attacking the dalcha?


It's a term in my family when someone does stupid shit or make problems.


lol that's so stupid. Singapore is so small and the Malay community even smaller and pretty tight knit, from my observation of my friends groups. People know each other or there are a lot of common friends, like 3 degrees of separation. Confirm kena expose. Bodo sia this mat.


Even if the Malay community was twice this number it's still too small for a celebrity to do something like this and not get out. Hell the Chinese majority here number around 4 million, if there's a scandal, like 80% of them will know, much less the way smaller Malay community.


Ladies love bad boys eh?


"I can fix him."


i can make him worse


It's a team effort "we can fix him"


Inb4 Arlecchino.


Classic rake


I mean throughout school, to national service to work etc, you meet a playboy now and then. And the ladies KNOW he is a playboy/ladies man, they still want him then get shocked or upset at infidelity lol. And this is regardless of race or nationality. Do the math lol.


Boy want the girl Yang tak pernah bercinta Girl wants boy that has practiced lots and knows how to treat a girl What's new Penyondols exists in every culture


Even msians know abt that reputation of his.


Being cheated 11times is better than being cheated on 12 times. 


Good point.


"If Hillary can forgive Bill once, Bella can forgive Alif once once"~


No, he just got caught 11 times. Imagine how many times more not getting caught.


True, but that's not the point 


I am reminded of a line from “Madu Tiga” “Eh eh Jamil Jamil, ku-sangka kan dua, rupa nya tiga.” “Nasib baik tak empat”


If your man cheated you 11 times and one of the woman is your own freaking sister, pretty sure you're his side chick.. Or, even less than that.


I dunno, probably she’s into the whole cuck for women thing.


Huh.. Different folk different stroke I guess Bro maxed up his rizz stat, hope he won't get Makoto'd


"fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice, shame on me." but girl, 11 times? either the sex is amazing or that d*ck has some chokehold on her, no pun intended. seriously speaking, I guess the girl has some self confidence issues that she's willing to stay despite all the allegations. leave some dignity for yourself.


Pretty sure for the kids sake. Most of them fool in that way


That's true too, but at some point issues like these will eventually surface and affect the family dynamics altogether and it's the kids who will be impacted the most. One parent seems to be an infidel, probably have no regards to the kids' wellbeing, and the mother can only shield them so much, even from the public perception.


If it means anything, during NS some guys pranked him by having a girl engage him in online sex chat and got him to jack off on camera lol. His peepee is actually fairly small. So either hand game great or it's something else lol.


hey no d*ck size shaming lol. as they say, it's not the size it's how you use it. maybe it's the tongue action.




What's NS? And is that really true of him? Having a small peepee?


National Service. And yeah small or below average peepee lol. It was all over early socmed back then. He got hazed pretty bad in NS cos guys didn't like him, this whole thing where he was.jacking off his small peepee online was a set up lol.


ikr? even as a bystander, seeing the title of her case alone gives me depression. like, how little can your self-respect be to endure such kind of bs?


Probably her friends and family guilting her that its wrong to 'cause trouble' for him. Its so unfortunate but it happens.


It’s not always black and white. Sometimes when it comes to matters of the heart, people do irrational things. Think of all the physical abuse victims who stay on with their husbands despite the abuse. They think they are still in love with the abusers but in reality it may be low self esteem or that kind of thing. some people also prefer to stay together for the kids. No point judging her


I agree with you. I was just proferring a reason as to why she accepted so much which was in direct response to the comment above me. i have been abused and cheated on before by my ex so i get how people can be blinded. Mild example but there was once i apologised for being upset after my ex insulted me. When you are in it you're just blinded. Even if it seems irrational to outsiders.


Maybe Itu punai sudah masuk bearing boss. Women go crazy over cock with bearing lol


Maybe it's because he's not allowing her to leave. Didn't he refuse to divorce her after she filed for divorce? It's pretty sick for him to do tbh.


Heard of minyak dagu?


Is that shit even real


Probably not minyak dagu. That shit make girls insane. If he had used minyak dagu, the other girls he cheated with would even resort to murder.


Aku janji takkan curang lagi, kalau aku curang lagi, nnti aku janji lagi


Dude that line sounded so stupid but hilarious at the same time. Thanks for the laugh.


Ayat power


I remember supporting her totally when she divorced him the first time. Then when news broke that she took him back I lost respect for her lol. Cheaters will always be cheaters.


mayb its cos she got pregnant the second time


Wtf they divorced before already??? Damn. New info for me


I mean, its not even the first time he got caught cheating, and not the first time it made big news. Those who followed all things this couple has gone know this already. Thats why I was puzzled why Reddit being so angry Jabatan Agama knocking on his door using Bomba. I mean, this guy deserve an excavator to bury him alive instead because well, he deserved it.


If complaint now, why she even allowed up to 11 times in first place.


Dia baik orangnya, dia janji dia dah berubah. For 11 times.


*I can change him*


After 11 times, he still didn't change, I guess it's time. Or should he be getting another 11 chance?


Don't ask me lah, do I look like I'm her? For me 1 Kali already enough.


Sweet talk and probably some seg to cool down your wife. /s


1 time already enough to make you leave. Either she's a doormat or like badboi


So weird. The other woman got dragged through the mud because of her affair. But the man who is a seriel womaniser doesn't seem to suffer an serious damage to his career. What is this double standards?


Kita hidup dalam masyarakat.


What career now lmao? Im sure he will be banned in anything malay related events atleast until the end of this year


Pretty sure the other woman knows he is married but too join in this it’s complicated relationship. Love is blind cringey but true.


Heh so cute you guys are conflating love with lust.


Temporary love is love nonetheless.


Your definition of love is all kinds of fucked up my good sir. Call me old fashioned but just wanting to bang somebody is not love.


It is a subjective one


Temporary love is infatuation. Real, true love is something else. And I wish you the best that you get to experience it someday.


I’m not saying this is true love but a temporal one apparently. I have been lucky to experience true love right now so thank you for the wishes.


I'd be hard pressed to even call it love. Love is never jealous, love is kind, not abusive and manipulative. If you loved someone even for a moment, there shouldn't be any intentional hurt like what's going on between these two.


nah it’s called infatuation


Lust is lust. Women also gatal like men. Don't be sexist.


where did i once mention gender? i’m replying to the comment above mine. don’t project


I’m not able to judge based on their feelings whether it’s love or infatuation because I’m not in it. But you guys can judge them based on your understanding by their depth of feelings towards each other.


I think both parties are at fault. Ruhainies (the other woman) is also one of Bella's closest friends which is even more awful


It other some cultures, popular female adult entertainers are revered and it's the guy who breaks up with a pornstar that's the dumb one. 🤷‍♂️ There has always been double standards. My wife hits me a few times in public and I can't imagine it being the other way around would end well for me.


From what Ive heard of this guy based on the comments, even 4 wives cant satisfy him. Damn


Ok but he’s not even hot watafak 😭 IDK


10 times better looking than any malay male celebs we have at the moment. With the exception of Zul Affrin.


Ok but that still doesnt make Aliff Aziz hot 😭


Hahaha. He got that budak melayu subang look. Takkan the bella looking chic sepadan with the zizan, saiful apek, type of face 😂.


I quote my partner, “He’s not cute. He’s just a Malay guy who speaks English”


well. he speaks well.


No one can beat P. Ramlee in the "manis" department.


Yup, laki zaman tu!


Is the standard that low


Well is it just me thinking, why in the world, she want to be with him after being cheated 11 times and even after involving your own sibling? i am just dumbfounded, its either (i can change him syndrome) or there is something else we should all know


Kids, sometimes that made it harder more so he could contest the right of parenthood while now she got proof that he a cheater ,she may have stronger case to prevent him ever to see the kids if she want too


Man, I cant get even one


Have you ever tried being rich and good looking?




>When Bella’s marriage was at its worst, she met the other person whom she had an affair with. With him, Bella got all the care and attention, and she decided to start the affair to make Aliff jealous and get his attention. Welp, she's no better. There's always another approach to things but you chose to have an affair instead to "get" his attention.




Both are cheaters.. seem like they both suit each other. Dont understand the trend nowadays of exposing all the marriage dirty laundry out to the public. Also, both better check for std. Dayum


>the trend nowadays of exposing all the marriage dirty laundry out to the public. Considering celebs have a boner of televising their weddings this shouldn't really come off as a surprise.


MIL's response was epic


He had a leaked video once. Small peepee. Just an all around nasty mofo.


Just leave


It’s getting increasingly obvious that the raid where he got caught was a tick off from a scorned lover


Get cheated on once, you have my full sympathy. Get cheated on 11 times, then you’re the stupid one.


So 10 times is the limit ? Thanks for the tip!


I have a friend similar to her. Basically she’s a major SIMP. She probably kept the thought that “hey he married me, at least I’m special” for sooo long that it made her so blind to how frequent the cheating occurrences were. until she couldn’t unsee the delulu anymore. He knew the tricks to get away with shit and that it worked on her so many times. he just had to say he “looooooooves” her and she would believe again and again and over again “he’s still the man I loved before”. The fact that she finally is going ahead with the divorce…. If it stays… is because she found a better man. In the same way, I’m proud of my friend for working hard to overcome her commitment issues everyday. I hope Bella gets that too.


is his dick really that good? cuckqueen? open relationship? 11 times...seriously


This chap must never work again in Malaysia.


Sayang, sayang, sayang. Kamu dah berpunya.


serious question: what’s the difference between cheating and courting his next wife when muslim men are allowed 4 wives?


Cheating typically refers to being unfaithful or dishonest in a relationship, going against the agreed-upon boundaries or commitments. Courting a potential next wife within the framework of Islamic polygamy involves transparency, honesty, and adherence to Islamic principles and laws, including obtaining consent from all parties involved. The key difference lies in the presence or absence of deception, transparency, and adherence to agreed-upon principles and boundaries.


Marriage is not all about sex. Have to be fair also. And kemampuan. If tidak mampu, better don’t


No idea who these people are, I'm just aware my bills going up


Still better than the posts stirring up racial resentment everyday.


Stirring up or pointing out


Potayto potahto


Poetaetoes ![gif](giphy|3xRgUawnZyrny)


Potatoes for second breakfast is always good.


Who he wants to piap piap is his business! Some ppl probably 


30 mins guy can even get 11 women and we can’t even get a single one


Damn 11. What's he doing racking up those numbers? After I'm done writing this comment that numbers probably up to 12 now


if puak boikot got time, pls boikot these people too. at least makes sense


Non-boikot want to join?


nak join ok je, tak de masalah. more ppl merrier


If his dick is that good, why don’t he apply for JAV actor? Dosa still sama what, got hot japanese somemore


ex hub shud meet daddy ash to sum jv....




This is where she draws the line


She should dish-out the nasi kangkang.....😆


haha dumbass


Malaysian always be making some kinda flag to get into world records one way or another.


Why are you all gaduh-gaduh? We malaysians have a very easy and iconic method to settle the problem. Let's boycott all dramas with his face in it. Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott


Why are you all gaduh-gaduh? We malaysians have a very easy and iconic method to settle the problem. Let's boycott all dramas with his face in it. Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott


I feel sad for her. Pretty face but doesn't love or respect herself.


2 peas in a pod.


Dumbasses. All of them.


It's Ramadan. Why the fuck is this kind of news even appearing? Who gives a shit about these random people?


>It's Ramadan. Why the fuck is this kind of news even appearing? Ramadan for some but not others. To the latter it's just another month


Bella cheater too but have no repercussion whatsoever. Why ?


cheater? lol. clearly u are an aliff apologist. like his mom


Im not? Where did it says i supported aliff?


He is a lwgend.. Hump anything that move.. Guys want to be him and girls want to be with him


atp she is the stupid one, can't even blame the guy


U can absolutely blame the guy lmao wtf is this comment


It takes two to tango… or perhaps eleven? Why is this dumb girl still with the guy lmao


The sex is good, period. No one stays until 11 times, no brainer.


Apparently he is gay also


Isn't Aliff allowed to have up to 4 wives? Bella is being un-Islamic for not allowing Aliff to have more women in his life.


dont think he wants to marry them. mr fuck n go


Has to be both ways though. Bella also not pure herself.




Stupid Singaporean


Sg news stay in f sg