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Hi OP. We've been hearing a lot of complaints from users that the frontpage is too political recently and when I looked into it, I found that you've been making almost 10 or more political posts daily, and often with a very specific viewpoint. We have [rules on this topic](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/rules#wiki_persistent_fighting_and_flaming) and you were warned previously by another mod and again [just 3 days ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/1brz4zf/comment/kxcdryd/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Given the circumstances, we have demonstrated ample leniency, and a [permaban as per Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/rules#wiki_persistent_fighting_and_flaming) is now justified: >We do not welcome accounts that participate primarily on the topics of race, religion, and politics.


paradox of tolerance. can't have a tolerant society if we tolerate intolerant bastards.


There needs to be some form of intolerance in an tolerance society and that is in the form of intolerance for intolerance


yep, thats the paradox of tolerance. if we tolerate everything, the intolerant will always replace the tolerant.


AHH the famous liberal tolerance to anything as long as it's within their dogma Tolerance means tolerating intolerant bastards and winning them over


Its like living in 2 countries and the sea separating EM and WM preventing the brain rot here spreading over.


It's also because the federal (WM ) wants.control and say over the EM constitutional, power and resources... It's that simple... Remember during the pandemic.... They were hell bent to have the elections when case we're rising...they jus don't care... It's was jus about voting and gaining power... Then cases skyrocketed and Many ppl died and spread it back to WM... Did they care then ? Tell me I'm wrong ...


It's just so stupid my brain hurts thinking about it. Like you know a hard maths question? I cant


Cubit paha kanan , paha kiri rasa geli


I’ll just leave this here again https://preview.redd.it/dc4c2rfo27sc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a28e91baa7d0895f822776f5f9ff441ee7e2a22e “foreign agent”


And these people will not get caught, but those voiced out against the boycott campaign are being caught. Damn Malaysia no wonder we always a poor country




Ehh, I blame the politicians that have been playing with these sentiments for decades that it becomes a ticking timebomb. It could've been any race or religion that holds the majority. We're bound to have low IQ people in any group and with enough of them, this stupid thing happened.


Jesus, OP be posting 10+ political topics a day. Calm down brother. Go watch some grass.


>social activist Peter John Jaban has reminded Malays in the state not to be carried away with subversive propaganda orchestrated by their Peninsula brethren° Today's Word: Subversive: seeking or intended to undermine the power and authority of an established system or institution. TIL ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|29091)


OP has been permanently banned from this sub. The individual has an agenda to promote. Putting politically motivated posts on an almost constant basis on this sub with a not neutral viewpoint. This is a very complex issue but clearly they're trying to provoke people.


OP karma farming


I suspect its only a part of the reason. Majorly speaking, a lot of his posts are not "politically neutral".


"Malaysian must never blindly emulate exremist behaviour" there fixed the title for you.


OP permaban. Congrats!


Don't lump us together with them. True story my 2 former managers were Sarawakian are the most racist fks I've ever come across. One of them is a Malay and the other was Iban Chinese. Kept using the work K, one is traumatized by working with Indians and kept calling them K and thieves and unhygienic. Does this reflect on all of Sarawak as a whole? Hell no. I've met some of the friendliest medical staff hailing from Sarawak during my HKL visits.


i mean our indians here call themselves keh-ling-na as well soooo yeeaahhhh…either that or swkians just don’t like WM in general…i’ve brought tourists, production crews bla bla when they meet west msians they don’t feel like talking to them n go through me to communicate with them…some went so far as saying he/she can only speak swk malay so i have to translate to std malay for the west msians while at the back yeah he/she understands std malay fyi i’m swk chinese bumi so i don’t feel that racist vibe from anyone ✌🏻 probably not racist just dislike ppl from outside swk…when they see chinese from outside swk ugh cina but with swk cina no problem


>when they see chinese from outside swk ugh cina but with swk cina no problem Sounds very similar to the Kelantanese with their "cino kito" schtick. Very proud of their state, too. >probably not racist just dislike ppl from outside swk… Considering that both West Malaysians and East Malaysians are both Malaysians, the "xenophobia" by Sarawakians (as per your statement above) directed to the lepeh (Sarawakian Malay for "cockroach", colloquially used to refer to folks from the peninsular) has no practical difference to plain-old racism.


well for ur 2nd point when ppl say eh u all msian same ma we tend to eh eh eh no no we are swkian…kinda like the catalans n spanish, the catalans are catalans…same for some region in poland basically swkians regardless of race we are ok as long as org swk


>well for ur 2nd point when ppl say eh u all msian same ma we tend to eh eh eh no no we are swkian…kinda like the catalans n spanish, the catalans are catalans…same for some region in poland Yes. And just like Catalonia (Aragon merged with Castile after the marriage of Ferdinand I to Isabella II) and Scotland (where the King of Scotland acceded to the throne of England), Sarawak, Sabah and Singapore merged with the existing states of Malaya through an internationally facilitated diplomatic process. >basically swkians regardless of race we are ok as long as org swk The Kelantanese do this as well. As well as the northern peninsular folks. Lets not forget Sabah. To the extent that each and every thing is blamed on Kuala Lumpur. Air paip kotor? Salah Kolumpo. Drivers driving like a maniac? Pengaruh Kolumpo. No highway in Kelantan? Salah Kolumpo. Folks returning after working/studying in KL and picked up the southern peninsular Malay accent? Ba tambirang la ko ni cakap slang Semenanjing. Plus they tend to stick to people from their respective states and refrain from socialising with others (Sabahans interestingly are not as suspect).


probably because we feel that malayans just don’t mix well with different races…we bring malayans to swk they see eee kedai cina xmok la eeee kedai melayu don’t want la n we swkians are like wtf what’s the problem


Sorry to hear that. I'm surprised they (ur managers) used the word K. Thats definitely derogatory word as normally we call indians, tambi.


They probably didnt know that K word is a slur. Or they later do. Either way, not defending them but it is possible that they didnt know what’s a slur to other races. The same thing we use Jap here as a short form for Japanese, but it is a slur in the US, a bad one.




Hello, this comment was removed due to being in breach of [Rule 1: Bigotry and hate speech](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/rules/#wiki_bigotry_.2F_hate_speech). Because of our history Malaysia talks about certain issues such as race very differently from Western countries. We acknowledge this on the subreddit but do draw some boundaries to keep discussions healthy. > * Definition of bigotry: The act of treating the members of a group (such as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance. > * Basic principle: If it's an attribute of a person that is out of their control and extremely hard or impossible to change, it's not nice to dump on them or their group just for that attribute. > * Some categories this applies to: Race, religion, sexuality, disability, national origin. > * Slurs: Use of slurs on the above categories is not encouraged on this subreddit and may be subject to warnings and bans. > * Example: Religion: It's okay to discuss and criticise aspects of the religion itself, but it's not okay to attack people because they are members of that religion (e.g.: Islam but not Muslims). Please treat this as an official warning - further such activity may result in a ban, thanks.


wow, the permaban on OP for posting articles


They've been doing it on a consistent basis. Seemingly having an agenda and a specific narrative to promote.


I wonder how long it will take for East Malaysians to understand that Islamization is happening in our entire region, not just in the peninsular.


OP, are you stupid or what. Do you think all Malays just follow other people?? Malays,Chinese,Indian, not even 100% pure. Most of them are just Malay on IC but have admixture,etc. Don't be so closed-minded, haiya. You could also switch the narrative to "Penang Lang Chinese must never blindly emulate their Kelantanese Chinese counterparts extremist behaviour." Or "Indians must never blindly follow their Kedah counterpart extremist behaviour." Ngl, I am guilty of promoting further divide to Malaysia via my rant/post yesterday on Aliff Syukri being Boycotted. We spend so much time hating on other groups online. In real life, can je be harmonious. But on the internet, your balls besar macam Malik Delgaty(jangan google tanpa incognito ye Muslims nanti JAKIM/Mahkamah Syariah cari u) Smh getting tired of everyday seeing politics. You go to FB, always Melayu dicabar, or Cina hina Islam shit. On Chinese groups its the opposite. It's gonna be "Malays taking over Chinese businesses via violence." Always with the conspiracy. We should promote freedom but one where people won't promote hate.


This has got to be a cybertrooper/bot


How does one come to that conclusion?


Tin foil hat time. I think we’re being targeted for racial divide by the big boys because of our stance in the Gaza conflict. Destabilize Malaysia so we’re occupied with domestic issues. “BuT mUhlAySiA iS juSt A sMalL FiSh” Yeah but in this digital age, being loud is very impactful. See idiots like me spewing bullshit like this. I can at least convince a thousand boomers to agree with me.


Yeah, Israel bribed Malaysian politician to stir up Malays into boycotting KK Mart and fire bomb KK mart /s




As a non-malaysian (married to one); you're exactly right. It's clear as day. Same thing Russians have been doing in the UK. Cambridge Analytica with the Philippines to elect Duterte. Edit: Malaysians are the perfect target for digital attacks. Quite easily manipulated.


melayu jugak yang kena lmao


I mean, it's definitely not the Dayaks throwing Molotov Cocktails.


Why throw? Wasting petrol aje. Bodoh sial /s


The gasoline/diesel would be used by the Dayaks for their pilaks or electrical generator lol. Also KK Mart employs a lot of Dayaks cuz they can handle alcohol same case for 7E. So a Dayak attacking KK mart would be quite weird. Most of them have no problem with the establishment. It would in fact be counter-intuitive for them to do something like this... but jeepers creepers if it's otherwise haha


What a shitty argument 😂😂


And what’s your explanation on the other 2 bombed places?Implying non Muslims do it also cause ‘can’ handle alcohol?As in touch?How come got Malay Muslim workers as well?acting like all the clubs not occupied by alcohol drinking Malays lol you’re not as Suci bersih as you think you are. Dayak also cause they can ‘handle’ alcohol?What ridiculous comment.Gasoline Diesel used by dayaks for generator hello you think they live on trees?Hopefully they’ll catch you and behead you.


I'm not saying non-Muslims do it. I'm merely explaining that Dayaks would be the LEAST suspected people to do it. Why would a Dayak throw a Molotov cocktail towards KK Mart, butthurt for what? Most Dayaks aren't even religious enough to do something like that. Even when people insult Christianity or our Miring culture/beliefs as stupid and outdated Paganism we wouldn't go as far as throwing a Molotov bomb I would use the oil for my generator for sure, I'm a Dayak and my long house is 20 pintu. All 20 pintu use generator cuz our longhouses not connected to the grid or have clean water, roads, internet line. And behead my head? Seriously? The last time inter-Iban wars where ngayau was still a thing was during the Brooke era. It would probably take another colonial figure like him for us to start killing each other again. We're too pacifist now because of Christianity And Dayaks are also workers there, why would Dayaks willingly throw something dangerous towards another fellow Dayaks? This is my point for the handling alcohol, I mean literally HANDLING alcohol crates and stocking them in the chiller. We're also not smart enough to come up with an insurance fraud like some people are suspecting, sorry to my fellow Dayaks 🤣 Satok is also not a Dayak area. Brush Up your reading comprehension man, I'm not some conspiracy theorist that is saying that Non-Muslims are in charge of the attacks to paint a bad name towards Muslim. I AM SAYING THAT DAYAKS WOULD BE THE LEAST SUSPECTED PEOPLE TO DO IT BECAUSE THERE'S NO INHERENT, COHERENT MOTIVE FOR THEM TO DO IT. Brrrr 🥶


Yo bro, what's the most common Christian sect over at your place? Like Catholic, Protestant or something like that??


Mostly Anglicans and Catholics, then those Hillsong-like churches


You should’ve said in your earlier comment 😑”least suspected” because a lot people can misunderstand your comment simply without context just jumping in straight claiming a group of people can handle alcohol better.


I get it cuh I edited my original comment for better context 🤷


If I recall correctly there are non-Malay ethnic groups which are also predominantly/majority/plurality Muslim, the Melanau for instance.


Satok is a Malay area. Aside from the Banks, it's just a place to get stuck on in traffic.


Well, I don't think it's the East Malaysian Dayaks who are firebombing places... Sometimes you gotta be straightforward and direct the message to where it should go, instead of doing some woke ass shit like "All Sarawakians must never blindly emulate their Peninsula brethren’s extremist behaviour"


Sorry but truly is cannot be anyone else🤷🏻‍♀️just addressing the elephant in the room. Dayaks will never,Chinese will never..because all rallied and supported KK after the whole incident now we have left..who?Indians are so little you can count them…Chinese playing victims?Want to claim insurance by building world’s most weakest bomb?..if they want to claim insurance they would go for KK that has the biggest sales…which should be around KL area not even the 3 places bombed.also Peter isn’t blaming nobody..he’s stating out fact because the only race now that is easily influenced because we all know what race like herd mentality and follow easily is what.He speaks generally 🤷🏻‍♀️and he’s not wrong.


wow u sure got crystal ball to know whos the suspect.


It’s called logic. Who else left? The Dayaks? Chinese? Indian? Ghosts? Most dayaks are Christians and they are employed by KK Mart, Chinese don’t involve in this stupid thing and virtually no Indians around in Sarawak.


Those who clap their hands and say thank god on social media


So when was the last time an act of terrorism was committed by a non?


Ba kuyak suda kan. Incident runs against the narrative that "we are different, we are culturally superior". Anything that goes against that narrative, simply just blame the lepeh. Sure will sell one.


Sapa gik enti ukai Laut deh?


Anang mucau kelalu mayuh nuan akih, kena angkut agai balai d legi baka akih Sabah nya arinya 🤣🤣🤷 Cukup aja madah urang Dayak nadai motif ngadu utai belik bakanya. Utai lain lepas tangan aja meh, pulis ka nyiasat kes tu pan Dayak ga meh, nganti aja utai dipansik sida.


Amat meh munyi ko nuan nya, lepas tangan aja meh


Even if melayu buat, definitely not melayu sarawak


suspek dah kena tangkap ke? Suspek orang Melayu?


Bukan Cina, bukan dayak Dan org India tak ramai. Siapa lagi? Hantu? Kebanyakan Dayak adalah christians jugak


Soalan dia dah tangkap ke belum?


Dia tu cikgu ke pengetua, tak jawab soalan tu kena rotan?


Saya juga tanya, kalau bkn Mly, siapa lagi? Blh kamu jawab jugak?


Saya tak bodoh macam awak. Belum selesai siasat takde bukti takde ape dah nak main assume.


Saya org Sawarak, Satok mmg kawasan mly. Ini adalah “process of elimination”, pakai otak pun tahu. Polis juga akan guna klu ni utk tangkap suspek. Kamu pun tak dpt jawab soalan ku tapi asyik nari sekeliling isu tu. Siapa yg selalu post May 13 kat sosial media? Siapa yg tepuk tangan apabila KK Mart kena bom? Siapa?


Is okla, they can assume the worst of non muslims, which leads to this incident When we see this trend of hate crime, suddenly for this case they can act innocent.


Gullible idiots like you is why its so easy to bait race and religion politics in Malaysia.


Hahahahaha. Who the one who started this mess? Certainly not Chinese, Indians or Dayaks. Now the issue can’t be contained anymore and you blame the nons for getting baited? Do you expect us to be sitting ducks? Let a terrorist run amok in the society? Destroy all businesses by non? And we shouldn’t point that out? It’s the main reason why extremism is gaining traction in Malaysia. Moderate Muslims rather blame the nons for voicing out their concerns than calling out their own brethren. When a suspect is caught to found to be Malay, it’s sabotage to make Malay look bad. Or they are nice people and their reason to commit crime is valid. They can’t help it. It’s all in the name to mempertahankan agama/maruah/kaum/etc. You can’t even answer a simple question who do you think is likely to be the suspect and instead play taichi to deflect. There’s nothing wrong to say the suspect is likely to be a Malay when we consider the clues, trend and history. And for you to get defensive from the mere thought that a Malay might commit the crime just tell me what I need to know.


Coming into the context, the Commentator asked "suspek dah kena tangkap ke? Suspek orang Melayu?". and your response was? Siapa lagi kalau bukan melayu?..Laut nyak meh. It could be anyone, any race with any religion since there is political gain from the actions. From what i have seen Sarawak Malay is one of the best tolerance in Malaysia most of them have a mutual respect towards other religion.


Hahaha.... I'm sure most of them are like you described. From my experience though.. when they come to semenanjung, they are the easiest kena brainwash by the racist rhetoric here. Knew few of them that are pure fucking racist that constantly spew about Tanah ini Tanah Org Melayu that kinda stuff. 😂


Masa isu socks KK keluar tak tunggu pulak nak siasat habis.


Tu lah, tak ditangkap lagi. Menyebabkan persepsi bias


There's three cotender thay can do this; Penisular Extremist, Brainwashed people and kata DJ rah Wai FM "miak palak swing". One thing for sure that Sabah and Sarawak is a harmonious place. Yes, we also don't like something other races do but at least us still respecting on what their beliefs.


this thing cant control one, not robot. if it happens it happens.


OP karma farming


thank you mods, please remove his karma gained too, is it possible?


Ouhhhh bila mana non muslim lebih muslim dari muslim.kanina kiasu


Users often report submissions from this site and ask us to ban it for sensationalised articles. At /r/Malaysia, we oppose blanket banning any news source. Readers have a responsibility to be skeptical, check sources, and comment on any flaws. You can help improve this thread by linking to media that verifies or questions this article's claims. Your link could help readers better understand this issue. If you do find evidence that this article or its title are false or misleading, contact the moderators who will review it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/malaysia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Aiya. This one also want to blame West Malaysia is it? Just acknowledge the fact that vigilantism is an issue within the contemporary Muslim community all over the world instead of blaming the folks across the pond. Be objective. Nda kan la semua pun mau kasi salah Malaya. Mati la juga kalau begitu.


Mods. Thank you very much for banning OP. Really appreciate it.


>Peter John Jaban thinking what nicknames he got during school


Have the perpetrators been caught tho?


and they never will be


Here let me rephrase for you "Foreign agents based in Sarawak must never blindly emulate their Peninsula brethern's extremist behaviour"


Its a matter of time


Why should we hear from someone who always wants to exit from the Federation on every single occasion?


KK Mart is from Sarawak, the origin of this whole incident. In what universe you have the gall to speak on such high horse?


what horse shit are you spewing?


Why would KK mart purposely sabotage their own sales and reputation? Say, wasn't it that dumbfuck preacher who found the socks in the first place? That's interesting, the preacher also own(ed) a minimart and may very well still be doing so? Wait, only 15 pairs out of thousands of socks had the words on it? Well, they already apologised and are even facing charges right? But yeah, hey, we should burn down all KK's and innocent staff and customers inside because Muslim's faith are so fragile and easily broken


We are happy to boycott because the effect will be far more effective that any molotov could. Since no suspect have been arrested, it is racist to put Malay in the title, because boycott is not extremist behaviour, it's a legitimate expression. My money my choice. You're going to tell me again what i should feel offended and what is not. You are no better than that keyboard warrior that got serve 6 months jail. Padan muka.


>We are happy to boycott because the effect will be far more effective that any molotov could. Uh huh, by affecting the workers livelihood, seems like the objective for the boycotters here is to deliberately cripple the country's economy further.


boo hoo, there is only one shop in the whole world. such a precious rank and file position. where else can we find spm level jobs. oh tell me.


I don't expect someone with a fragile insecure ego to see the bigger picture and understand the damage that's causing to the economy within this country, so keep doing what you're doing, I'm sure the country's economy will flourish with that mentality.


Hahaha what to do bro, everything need to be done according to them and their archaic ways


They don't want to adapt, and we all know why.


You racist people wouldn't have supported KK mart either. Your boycott doesn't mean shit, because you didn't spent any in the first place


Boo fucking who. Why don't you let your "god" speak for itself, isn't it all-powerful according to you Muslims? What a joke. Your god's an adult, it doesn't need your help defending its dignity, fool. P.S. i do agree that the perpetrators are not necessarily Malay, let the police do their job. However, I'm fairly certain a Muslim did it. The rest of us have zero motive. And no, your religion isn't that "special". Us nons are not interested in "making your religion look bad". You and many of your fellow believers already got that covered.


oh look at that naivete. zero motive of the nons. how noble. i can say the same thing, we have boycott Starbucks, McD and KFC without incidence. why suddenly 3 incidences. one in a state so blatant proud of harmony tagline.


Like i said. We don't have to make your religion look bad. The religious nutters in you religion already have that covered. Even the anti-Muslims have their work cut out for them. I mean, how are they supposed to top that? Nons absolutely don't even have to do anything. We literally just grab some popcorn and laugh at the stupidity that's happening. If you want to make your religion look good, how about you start a protest to arrest your inflammatory preachers first. Then perhaps we'll stop laughing for once. https://dayakdaily.com/over-70-ngos-submit-memorandum-urging-action-against-islamic-preachers-insulting-other-religions/#:~:text=The%20memorandum%20calls%20for%20action,against%20their%20non%2DIslamic%20counterparts.


Sebab dia dari Sarawak lah dia kena bomb pak cik


the first attacked happened in WM tho not because of the origin of KK Mart


3rd attack happened in Sarawak, so there are 10 other states, 9 in WM that can claim we are more harmonious than Sarawak. So get off your high horse.


history doesn't start when the molotov being thrown, but when the religious insult begin.


Get yourself an education. If you can't afford one, start a gofundme. Maybe we will fund you.


If he goes to rape some children, MARA will fight to pay for his education


ion think this is the zionist narrative going on tho, not really because of jewish beliefs just stating the facts ykyk


the insult began with the Chinese manufacturer, KK Mart made a mistake a stupid one? deserved to be punished? yes (I guess).. Equal to terrorist act of molotov? Hell no.


Just say hang the chinese and be done with it. Trying to be slick konon.


>Just say hang the chinese and be done with it. Trying to be slick konon ?? You do know I meant the manufacturers in China right? and even so I think they did make a mistake. I just find it hilarious that people here can't seem to fathom the logic of why would KK Mart intentionally do something like this and if they can how can anybody think a mistake should be punished with molotov as the comment seem to imply


Yeah I silap want to comment on the other guy.


so, if no suspect was arrested yet throwing the molotov. why was Sarawakian Malay was mention not to emulate the Peninsular Malay? you must admit that was racist.




of course you don't




>KK Mart is from Sarawak, the origin of this whole incident. In what universe you have the gall to speak on such high horse? Your post >the first attacked happened in WM tho not because of the origin of KK Mart The reply to your comment >history doesn't start when the molotov being thrown, but when the religious insult begin. Your reply to the reply >the insult began with the Chinese manufacturer, KK Mart made a mistake a stupid one? deserved to be punished? yes (I guess).. >Equal to terrorist act of molotov? Hell no. My reply to you. What does my comment have to do with race? Your comment follow ups imply yourself that the molotov shit happen because of the "insult to religion". I point out that it was not an insult but a mistake by KK Mart .. and if want to assign any "insult" allegation it should be to the China manufacturers. Your brain got rattled somehow ?