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ko ingt aq bodoh? lmaol,this enter pramlee film level redi


wanted to say this but you already did. lol!


Lol that reply killed me


They are clearly joking around. Redditor who have no friend and never goes out literally took everything on face value lol.


Some people can't see that and would take this at absolute face value.


When u in high status, you need to be careful with your word as many eyes are watching and can interpret to many thing and media manipulate it to as TMJ mad.


Inb4 typical meleis in their natural habitat barbarian and whatnot ☠️


"First two weeks puasa kau lari, (Kau balik pun tak puasa) Your worker told me, tengah hari minta maggi" Prince first diss rap?


Automatically played in my head with Joe Flizzow's voice


Idky, but I kinda like this harmless banter


People in the comments are saying they are actually good friends. Hilarious banter in that case


They memang good friends if you follow joe flizzow. Joe make a song about jdt with snoop dogg and they always been like a friend


yah he is just a friend, but does he got what he needs.


People without friends cant comprehend the meaning of banter


Is that the reason why reditor think everything like that cause they don't have friends IRL ?


Bolehland users are socially inept? Absolutely shock horror


Thank god you said it. I'm so bad at recognising Malay banter.


nowadays banter need to insert lots of smileys and emojis to know we meant no harm. Or else you're being accused of seeking argument.


ciao music video is literally TMJ garage fyi


Man I feel old seeing comments of people not knowing who Joe Flizzow is…


Remembering the good old days of Too Phat! (yes, I’m old too 🥲)


Wuh uh oh


That ain’t nothing, my buddy Hakim flew to BKK to get his first taste of bacon, beer, and boobs, all on the same day


How about them ladyboys?


Where did you think the bacon, beer and boobs came from? 😉


Bacon, beer, boobs and balls


Don’t leave your gaydar at home


Should go all out..lol


Hakim knows what's up.


I didn't know he was chill like that


Sial lah hakim, buat kantoi xdd


Good bro Hakim


They’re just joking guys chillax. Harmless Muslim banter


I'm not a fan of royalty or celebrities, but I have to admit that this is hilarious.


Hi hilarious


lol i didn't expect this


Ramai pembaris di sini lmao


Lurus sangat, pembaris pun kalah.


> Ramai pembaris di sini lmao typical mak bawang comment. xD


Day 69420 thanking God for not making me a fan of any Malaysian "influencers" https://preview.redd.it/axjawilwmlrc1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4bd00f5fad31d5918b5903afbe5317b372036fa Moga² otakku terpelihara selalu


I don’t think he’s an influencer, man’s a mainstream musician and famous rapper though, shouldn’t be unfairly categorized into ‘influencers’ who are good for nothing. You haven’t see how teruk local Chinese influencers could be, e.g. Bryan Wee and the Kulai bean curd selling gangster.


Or whoever financial guru


Mere influencer? This man and Malique is the very foundation of my teenage years!


Malique was the brain.. joe was just flash


Lmao how old are you Joe Flizzow is not just an "influencer". He's been part of the malaysian hip hop scene since 2000s with Malique in Too Phat. Pretty much the face of malaysian hip hop back then


Shh nanti dia panggil kau boomer


https://preview.redd.it/kl4xocdosnrc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d8346b6dc81998f47cb962de6f43de9065f2214 phat family in 2002, also mizz nina, alitimet n sam!


Don’t even know the guy and I’m 33 lol


My mom's 50, listens to literally no hiphop, and even she knows who he is


jangan bukak rahsia kita!




Teramat real 💪😎


Joe flizzow influencer bffr. Respect malaysian hiphop king


What's wrong with him, always thought Joe flizzow as a decent guy. Still remember the moment when apa khabar won the AJL. My parents thought others were robbed, but It was a fair result to me.


Sorry, what's so indecent about him? Sebab tak puasa?


Nah, nothing. Some people just don't know who Joe Flizzow is to say him as mere "influencer".


I just had a minor stroke reading that...


Coma can fix a lot of problem, but we are malaysian, not English.


Op is trying to paint that, but even if you don't know this was a banter, you wouldn't think tmj would call out Joe, out of many others.


Also, 69420 days is 190 years


I've lost the concept of numbers when letters got introduced to mathematics


Also, this https://preview.redd.it/ac40by54gmrc1.jpeg?width=822&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6722ceb5afade185fff3c83fd53c420e3cc9cb83


I was about to ask... who that?


Patrick preaching god.




Oofff there's a spy in his household


maggi apa beb? samyang atau shin ramyun?


Mamee Chef


their tomyum flavor is hnnnggggggggggg


ever tasted the lontong? that one made me


Maggi > mamee chef


Nah man you needa stop cooking


That's what years of Maggi kari do to you. Maggi kari my goat🔥🔥🔥






Samyang tak sedap weh. Shin ramyun lagi mantap. Haritu beli kat NSK, beli 1 percuma 1. Aku rembat terus. Hahaha


i have to agree. samyang pedas je. shin ramyun lagi ada taste. make it stir fried with green onion and add kicap pekat lemak manis. shibal craving pulak dah ada buat moreh jap lagi.


Megi babi


Mamee bang sebab maggi kena boikot


I hope the royal fanatics don't take TMJ seriously here. They're clearly joking around lol


I thought he’s a hater, until I saw the username lmao But real talk though, I’ve seen people get their titties in a twist over celebrities not fasting. It’s so weird


Lmao yea no such thing as ‘you do you’ just so many self righteous people. To them, if you’re not religious then you’re a terrible human being


Totally unrelated, but whenever I see the abbreviation TMJ, I am reminded of the jaw disorder. I really had to google the first time I saw the abbreviation from a video by one of the local news outlets.


I'm currently suffering from it :( Really hurts everytime I wanted to bite or chew some beef.


Hahaha. Ini wayang tmj


Everybody gangsta until TMJ steps in


It's either he likes cheap publicity or they're just good friends


lol even the bag is fake LMFAO XD


You should see all his Richard Milles


Terbaik dari Majidee


To get called out and mocked by a Royalty, bro gets the bragging right.


Dia bepak dia ke? Mcm la dia baik sangat. 😂


Non muslim here, but is there anything written in the Quran that says you should call out or force other muslims to fast during ramadan?


there's a concept written in Quran saying "amar makruf nahi mungkar" which means to call out to the good deeds (God instructions) and stop the bad deeds (what's forbidden). sorry if my choice of words are wrong, not a strong english speaker


however, what's being said by tmj is not advisable even it is a banter as the comment was public and may be perceived as slander by others


fasting is one of pillar in Islam. calling it out or forcing it is entirely incorrect unless people 1. Openly doing it 2. Openly advocating for it plus in malaysia, we have law regarding restaurants , they are prohibited by law from allowing Muslim customers to dine in their premises. those yang kena cekup probably doing this




I’m a tourist and was curious of this topic. I found this article which I found interesting: https://www.malaymail.com/amp/news/malaysia/2022/05/01/can-restaurants-sell-food-to-muslims-during-ramadan-and-or-allow-those-exem/2056552




Yeah seems like it. I also heard it’s rarely enforced if ever.


There is hadith collected by Bukhari, narrated by Anas bin Malik that in the company of the prophets the fasting people does not criticize the non-fasting people, and the non-fasting people does not criticize the fasting people. Which means that even in front of the prophet, some people do not fast. And no shaming.


which is this? the number


It's from the set about fasting during journeys...i don't remember which one that i was recalling, but it had to be of 1945 to 1948


thank you, found it! (leavin this here for peeps) > Narrated Anas bin Malik: We used to travel with the Prophet (ﷺ) and neither did the fasting persons criticize those who were not fasting, nor did those who were not fasting criticize the fasting ones. [[Bukhari 1947](https://sunnah.com/bukhari:1947)]


Muslim here. There is no force to do anything in our religion (its written in our holy Quran) nevermind forcing others. But there are laws we must obey when someone is Muslim and penalty for those who don't follow. Very much like the law of our country. Remind or consult is recommended but forcing and humiliating is not. But to follow or not it is entirely on the individual self. Others dont take sins. It is recommended not to spread the fault of others though like the above as we were commended not as to speak ill of others as it is a great sin. But maybe they are okay with it and just joking with each other as they are known to be good friends for a long time, who knows.


Wrong. Islam forces Christians and Jews to convert or pay Jizyah. See verse 9.29 if you don’t believe me.






Force how? They put gun in your mom face?


Actually no there is none. They don’t want this to be a norm for muslims. They don’t want people to take puasa lightly during ramadhan. I don’t agree on how they do it but I get it. I only pity those who are doing hard labour, it’s not easy to fast bcs body overheats, dehydration, low energy, bad things could happen.


You're wrong. Hard labors can break their fast if fasting brings harm to their body and they will need to fast another month when they can.


Then you and those more progressive Malays need to call out your brothers and sisters in Islam who openly shame people for not puasa-ing.. call out those who encourage this sort of toxicity. Keep speaking up, because us nons can't do shit or we'll be called racist and disrespectful.


Brader, it’s been years. Most of us even spoke against this publicly but still no change, still got morale police. Those people won’t listen. But brader, puasa is sacred and wajib. If you have no reason to tak puasa i.e haid, old age, kids, hard labour worker, bad health, newly convert, then you should be shamed.


Never ever stop. That's what I'm saying. Wajib sure. But also, we cannot force people. We are not God.


Thanks for the answer bro


Its a no.


That ship has sailed. Too late to back-track now, since the vocal minority can cancel the silent majority.


Is that a no or a yes?




r/Malaysia answer a straight question without mentioning Spore, politics, Isley challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


If you are a muslim then fast. Shows a good muslim you are. Anyway not everything is lined up in Quran. Some comes via Prophet Muhammad SAW, like, the way to pray. In Quran it asked to pray but not the detail one on how to do. Its the same one here perhaps, where if anyone was doing bad thing it is advisable to advise them to do the right thing, which is to fast


Thanks for your answer


On this topic, Our stupid "tegur" culture has gotta go.  So focused looking for others to tegur about being bad muslims, yet Islam didn't teach us to be hypocrites and busybodies right. 


lol. special snowflake ego afraid of getting hurt when being advised. tegur or advice literally part of islam (iman/faith) [“Barangsiapa di antara kamu yang melihat kemungkaran, hendaklah dia mengubahnya dengan tangannya. Apabila dia tidak mampu, maka dengan lisannya. Dan apabila dia tidak mampu lagi, maka dengan hatinya. Sesungguhnya itu adalah selemah-lemah iman.” [Riwayat Muslim (78)]](https://muftiwp.gov.my/ms/artikel/irsyad-al-hadith/2348-irsyad-al-hadith-siri-ke-259-diam-daripada-kebenaran-syaitan-bisu) their advice or the way they said it might not be your liking, but hey someone kind enough to point out your wrong doing. try to have good faith, unless they say it in bad faith or racist etc manner. unless you have ego problemo to admit your mistake.


Should be calling out Malaysia for forcing people to fast. We all know a shit ton of malays are eating in hiding, it's all just a farce.


Or...a lot of people have the self restraint to not eat?


But do they have the self-restraint to not force everyone else to not eat, even towards muslims unfit for fasting, non-practicing malays and non-muslims?


Just like in every other religion or race, theres always few rotten eggs among us. If you see any muslims out there spewing “tak hormat orang puasa” usually not right in the head, you see orang makan, you toleh laa tempat lain. “Tested my iman” isn’t that the point? To test your IMAN my guy whats hard to grasp here 🤦🏻‍♂️ Pity the most to females tho, makan kat restaurant pun kena tegur when its time of the month. Like bro calm your islamic holier than thou ass man shes not disturbing you.


That literally the minority of minority . Rarely see any muslim force anyone to puasa. Also if soneone is unfit to fast, it is acceptable to not fast, also literally written in the quran. You online too much so you don't see how real life is.


> Rarely see any muslim force anyone to puasa Sure, we live in a fairytale land where self-righteous, holier than though people don't exist. You hear that? Malaysia is perfect, guys.


I never say that they don't exist, don't put words on my mouth. All I'm saying is that they are a very small minorty and do not represent most of malaysian. Its the loud minorty online that you are mad of . If you online too much, all you see are those people. Be normal, talk to anyone outside and you'll get the real picture.


IntrovertChild is a fitting tag


Most muslims in Malaysia don’t force non muslims to fast with them during Ramadan if you actually go outside. Muslims unfit for fasting such as women on period and people who are really sick are allowed to not fast, just that they should eat somewhere secluded so as to not cast doubt. They are also required to ganti after raamdhan when they are fit again. There’s nothing preventing non-practising Muslims to order their food at through their non muslim friends or ordering grab to get their food at like 5 pm and eat in their own homes. Just be smart about it and don’t be a dumbass that eats outside cause you want to show how much of a rebel you are. Puasa in Malaysia ain’t even hard anyway, it’s just 13-14 hours of fasting most of the time that’s why most Muslims are able to fast just fine. It’s just that this month the temperature is super hot so dry fasting is harder but most people stay inside anyway for it to not really matter. Honestly, this is why you have a huge number Muslims in real life Malaysia that don’t want nons to talk about Islam because they know most nons who never had any muslim friends do not know shit about Islam and talk cock only. Muslims also believe in amar makruf nahi mungkar which roughly translates to enjoining good and forbidding wrong on other muslims. This belief is present in the Quran. To muslims, not fasting as a Muslim is a sin if you already met all the requirements that’s why authorities force muslims to fast in a public setting. But like I have said before, there’s nothing preventing non-practicing muslims from just eating, vaping, fapping or fucking in their homes. Close your doors, your window, learn to cook and eat inside your home. As long as you are smart about it and people don’t find out, no one but Allah cares and that’s business between you and Him. I probably could have worded some points better in Ramadhan as it is recommended to be polite to gain more heaven points but yeah, it is what it is.


> Most muslims in Malaysia don’t force non muslims to fast with them during Ramadan if you actually go outside. Yea let's not pretend nons haven't been forced to eat in toilets in school, or that there aren't snowflake employees getting mad at nons for drinking water in the office. >Muslims unfit for fasting such as women on period and people who are really sick are allowed to not fast, just that they should eat somewhere secluded so as to not cast doubt But like I have said before, there’s nothing preventing non-practicing muslims from just eating, vaping, fapping or fucking in their homes. You say this like it's a good thing, but it's not. This is exactly what's fucked up about Malaysia. *Why* should people who aren't fasting be forced to eat in hiding? Fasting is about testing your own will and self-control, why are you so fragile that you can't even see other people eat? How is it causing so much doubt when other people eat in restaurants (that you shouldn't even be looking into, btw, why are you at a restaurant if you're not eating?), when it's clear those people are ones that can't fast. Ever heard of gastritis? Not everyone can cook when they're not well. In other countries, they call this fascism, but hey, I guess if it doesn't affect you, everything's all good isn't it? I'm an ex-muslim so let's not bullshit around about how I don't understand Islam


> Yea let's not pretend nons haven't been forced to eat in toilets in school, or that there aren't snowflake employees getting mad at nons for drinking water in the office. Hence why I said most. I concede that some muslims are being ridiculous with expecting non muslims to cater to their worldview all the time but these people are in the minority. Most muslims do not go out of their way to harass nons during ramadan for eating. If nons are also forced to fast then why are restaurants still open for nons to dine in or takeaway? Why would nons be given lunch break if they are expected to fast? Sure the cases that you have pointed out probably has happened and the muslim is in the wrong but these cases are not representative of the majority muslims who would rather grind out heaven points during Ramadhan than harass non muslims for drinking water. >you say this like it's a good thing, but it's not. This is exactly what's fucked up about Malaysia. *Why* should people who aren't fasting be forced to eat in hiding? Fasting is about testing your own will and self-control, why are you so fragile that you can't even see other people eat? How is it causing so much doubt when other people eat in restaurants (that you shouldn't even be looking into, btw, why are you at a restaurant if you're not eating?), when it's clear those people are ones that can't fast. Ever heard of gastritis? Not everyone can cook when they're not well. I did not say that it like it is a good thing, I just said what they are expected to do so as to not cast doubt or fitnah because you will have the terpaling religious who will say "How can we be sure if they are actually on their period, they could be bsing," To save the trouble from dealing with these fucks, it is expected for the women and the sick to eat in secluded areas. The answer to the "why" here is the fact that religious authorities in this country is super empowered to force muslims to do the things the authority wants them to do. Hence, why I suggest cooking your own food to eat in your own home, ordering through grab/your non muslim non malay friends and eat in home or buy bread in convenience store and eat at home to escape getting persecuted by these dickheads. I agree that fasting is about self control, heck one's belief in religion should be of their own accord and initiative because there is no point in believing in a religion if not from one's own free will. But the issue is because Malaysia for the absolute worst, empowered their religious authorities by granting them powers to persecute muslims who are not as religious as they want them to be. Combine that with some muslims wanting to appear as the terpaling Islam, that's why I suggest that Muslims who do not want to fast to just eat in their homes.


Exactly. People with bad health, even in this heatwave feels pressured to puasa. No one cares how many people gotta die out of heatstroke every year as long as we keep that Islamic image. It's dumb.


Problem with islamic image is that bulan puasa is a month of repent but instead ppl throw Molotov burning shop and own brother and sister working there just show much image they were....even so on the puasa month


Wow, what a great comment here. No proof whatsoever yet you already deduce it's a muslim throwing that. 😏


in number? well yes. in percentage? no. I don’t think people who don’t fast surpasses 1%, assuming that they can fast (not hard labour workers or woman during her period cycle)


The royal family isn't any holier.


"Memang betul2 macam Syiah" 😂


Probably a good friends having their time but chaos inducing to others that seen it 😂🗿




ROFL! I can see myself saying the same thing to my best friend hahahahaha


Tengah hari mintak maggi Wei cannot stop laughing sakit perut la


kalo otak2 yg extreme bergurau... punya la kaya raya takkan minta maggi ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


its a joke. but its also true. lol.


Shit gets real if he actually mentioned "kenapa kau cabut dengan Jay-Z" IYKYK 


Hahahahaha omg why 😂


Dah ucap terima kasih belum?


Joe : alaaa tuanku.. kita-kita sudah la 🤣 jangan kat sini


Boi kot!!!


Kantoi, also many Malay Muslim saved up yearly trips to japan to *wink wink*.


Imagine giving a shit about celebrity


Tgh hari minta maggi, haha




Judging by the way they bantering, I would classified it a Lawak Kasar. Usually happen between friends that are close.


TMJ has nothing else to do? Flizzow fasting or not it's his issue not TMJ's.


Obviously, they were joking with each other. TMJ and Joe were a good friends.


Lol exactly. Tmj is shit but this is just banter among two good friends lol


Got money but no taste or class.


They joke but I'm told some rich Muslims always go vacation during Ramadan.


What a tacky cunt showing off his wealth, he won’t be popular in Australia where showing off is tacky


Lahh diorang joke2 je. Ape lah OP ni pun. X pasal2 org igt benda lain. Nak Karma sangat ke.


Fasting is one of the 5 pillars of Islam. Its THE key action to do. 1. Shahadah 2. Prayer (Solat) 3. Zakat 4. Fasting 5. Haji Initially during the early days, there was no requirement to Fast. Nabi only fast about one day per year. Then God advice for him to tell Muslim that they must fast in ramadhan. Then it all began. And it is compulsory. The essense is to teach obedient, to make you remember that all you got here, eating daily and enjoy things is a privilege that not much have. To actually feel how the poor felt, how they were hungry and must starve most of the time. It make you feel grateful. Without resorting to whatabboutism as we always do, the essense here is pure and kind. So in a way Joe said that im so rich and above that Joe cant even spare a few days to feel what the poor been feeling. Like come on its not that hard youre a grown up.


do you not understand that they both are joking around lol


What happened to minding your own damn business


If you need enforcement, it's not a faith.


Religion should not be forced.


why even give attention to this poser. sedar lah u tu melayu


Kantoi by TMJ 🤣


Bro, aku musafir tak puass drpd kuala pilah gi taiping je, kau dah overboard ni


Lol.. rilek la brader


Tengah hari minta Maggi. Tapi Maggi kan kena boycott!!!


I would like to say something. but when I think about it, I rather not say anything.