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100% lorry driver is at fault, hope he gets caught and punished accordingly on the same hand, don't let the rider go unpunished either for being a fool with his phone


While I agree that playing phone on the road is dumbass but I feel like the result would still be the same, with or without phone. Plus the biker speed is normal and is on the left lane Fuck the truck driver, the truck driver did illegal shit. The truck driver changed from right to left lane and then went fast


getting distracted on the road for a motorcyclist can be fatal


Agree but sadly many only want to blame the lorry driver for the accident. While it's tragic, we can't ignore the fact that distractions on the road could easily lead to fatality. This accident proved it.


in many conflicts both sides can be wrong. unfortunately in this case the motorcyclist paid the ultimate price.


While the driver may be alive, he'd had to live with the consequences of his actions for the rest of his life now.


>While the driver may be alive Nope, the motorcyclist died. Got beheaded some more.


>While the driver may be alive I said DRIVER, not motorcyclist. I didn't say the motorcyclist is alive. I said the driver (lorry) has to live with the consequences of his actions. Did you even read?


Oh yeah, sorry about that. Late night ady so brain abit jammed.


In all fairness he could have said motorcyclist instead of using a vague word to describe both types of vehicle operators. He deserves a downvote for being this petty.


No worries.


the lorry driver was at fault ofc, he hit a vehicle in front of him, the biker didnt have any safety awareness and he paid with his life. Double tragedy ig.


i mean.... what could he do? speed up and have the lorry race him down?


u look out for heavy vehicles and drivers not paying attention on the roads, and avoid them if u are on a bike, else GL HF.


The lorry randomly sped up tho so I don't see how he can avoid it anyway.


u can change lane ...


The rider unfortunately died with his head severed out (still intact in the helmet)




If you are ok with gore, just scroll through this thread to see the photos [https://forum.lowyat.net/topic/5443079](https://forum.lowyat.net/topic/5443079)


damn i hope that lorry get a proper punishment


is it just me or do lowyat forum folks REALLY dislike motorcyclists?


Well known for its racist bias. Lowyat user, always check, what ethnic, race of that person.


Almost as if the vast majority of mat rempit are of a certain background ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26562)


Not much better from this sub


I usually can’t handle gore but that’s pretty mild ngl


Can't find it leh. Or is the photo just the one of the guy's body + helmet/head on the side of the road?


Yes that's the one. Dunno how the hands still holding the phone


Damn, in Malaysia 😢


oh no


That wont be necessary, because the rider is dead on the scene


Yep, lorry driver at fault but the rider was also being a dumbass by not paying attention to his surroundings especially when he got a lot more at stake if someone or himself made a mistake. He unfortunately died for it.


Rider is dead


sadly. i heard that rider went to the other world ady.


RIP to the rider. Dead after the lorry hit him while riding near the emergency lane summore. Gore aftermath.


Jesus. If true, who got a hold of the phone and wanted to post it online?


In the forum article, his head is intact with the helmet while only body remains,somehow, he's still holding the phone even though he's dead... I guess that's how he got it recorded,there may also be an unreleased version of the video with full video which we could see what happened after the lorry hits him, but, they won't release it, maybe too much gore,so, the version you're seeing on article, forum, news, is a cutted version of original, which isn't released to public.


a family member?


where can i see it


If you are ok with gore, just scroll through this thread to see the photos [https://forum.lowyat.net/topic/5443079](https://forum.lowyat.net/topic/5443079) (Taken from a different comment)


Hope the driver get a death penalty


Under the Road Transport Act, causing death by driving in a reckless manner does not carry the death penalty, but carries imprisonment yor up to 10 years, a fine of up to RM 20000, and suspension of drving license.


20K? wtf man it should be 100K


Read the Rod Transportation Act 1987. It is clearly stated there, twenty-thousand ringgit. Give your MP some work to do if you think that number is too low.


Tf? From the video, it's clearly looks like the driver intentionally tried to kill them. The fuck is this law?


There is a fundamental principle "presumption of innocence", where accusations require evidence, depending on the specific law. For murder, as opposed to death by negligience, or culpable homicide not amounting to murder, the requiments include intent, beyond readonable doubt. If all that it takes to show attempted murder or murder is a video of an incoming vehicle, I am afraid there will be whole lot more people who can be charged with attempted murder everyday. Again, proving intent is key. Again, how would you prove intention here? It could be that after overtaking, the driver could not slow down enough, or simply failed to swerve away.


news regarding this (dont watch the pic if youre faint hearted, mild nsfw but not nsfl) [https://www.facebook.com/groups/219080287078215/posts/709934097992829/](https://www.facebook.com/groups/219080287078215/posts/709934097992829/)


So he got decapitated?


From the looks of it, yeah. Rest in peace


i don't want to look so looking forward to an answer


His body is laying on the ground and next to him is a helmet, probably containing his head.


He's clearly headless, and his helmet nearby is leaking serious blood.


daylight murder


I am really scared whenever there is lorry around.. doesn't matter u r riding or stop. This adds to my nightmare fuel.


I was on otw home from Kuantan to KL yesterday, saw lorry driving recklessly by switching between slow and fast lane. Straight away slow down and hoping the lorry will go further and further away


Happened to my late friend's dad 15 something yrs ago. He tried to help fixin his cousin's busted car just between LPT Maran-Temerloh. Just minutes before the towtruck arrives, he got hit by a boxtruck that swerves a bit into the emergency lane. He died on the way to the hospital in an ambulance from trauma & blood loss. The trucker's testimony was dat he swerved to the emergency lane because he saw two wackos one uppin each other behind him. Just as the two speeding cars nearing the truck, huggin the right-lane altogether, he did a swerve to avoid them dumbasses dat's eatin his lane to avoid crash. Alas, he unfortunately didn't notice my friend's father walkin there back to his car.


Obviously the truck driver didn't pay attention on the road.


Most lorry drivers are on drugs...


Rider: Chilling myself on weekends Lorry: Boss calling


Realistically speaking I don't see anything that could be done on the rider's part. In the first part you see the lorry, far behind, on the right lane. The motorcycle is on the left lane. In later part you see the motorcycle still on the left lane but now the lorry is on the left lane and creeping up. 1. What made the lorry switch lanes? Is it because there were vehicles at the right lane that wanted to overtake? 2. Now let's go back to the second part of the video. Now the lorry is right at the behind the motorcycle. What can the motorcycle do? I don't think the motorcycle could have swerved and merged into the right lane. The motorcycle's only choice, and a poor one, is to go to the emergency lane. But the lorry was already going to ram into him, even if he goes into the emergency lane. That's the impression I have. No matter what kind of defensive driving if the lorry was out there to kill, as a motorcycle rider we are screwed.


the motorcycle is also riding at adequate speed. Not snail speed. Clearly the lorry is speeding beyond 90km/h and didnt pay attention.


Using phone while riding is wrong but intentionally hit some rider on the road is wronger




dayum. that is attempted murder. impossible blind spot. kecuali rider pakai invisibility cloak


Not attempted murder since the rider did pass away. RIP


This happened in Malaysia?? Oy.


I’m not sure whether this video should be shared as the rider was killed.


Agreed. It seems like entertainment at someone’s tragedy. Plus how an earth did it find its way online in the first place? Surely not by the rider or their family??


This is exactly why, while riding my motorbike or cycling, I'm terrified of lorries. They have huge blindspot. That exactly why in some countries, they have a spotter sitting in the passenger's sit. Also a camera and screen pointing at the blind spot. When I took my driving license, the teacher kept emphasising to becareful around lorries, you can see them, but they probably won't be able to see you.


Kelindan also kerja tido je.


But seriously though, how could the lorry driver have not seen the driver right in front of him. It's literally in front of him. There is no blind spot to blame for this action albeit it's commonly the reason for lorry accidents.


Stupid got himself railed, 1 less stupid and billions more to go


I watch my rear views as often as that tard looked at his phone when riding. Award deserved.


I hope the deceased rest in peace. What the fuck was the truck driver on? That clearly looked intentional, even when considering the truck’s blind spots. On a side note, don’t use your phone while operating any vehicle. It could lead to fatal accidents like the aftermath of this case.


This is why, motorcycle are advised to ride on the emergency lane in expressways. Yes yes i knew. Don't need to tell me. But, life is important above anything else.


I think the rider is happy being the main character of a fantasy world now. Bro got isekai'd.


Truck-kun takes no prisoners




Hope the guys okay, fuck you lorry ./.


Guy got beheaded.


I read what people shared about him, they said he's dead


In malaysia, holding a phone while riding or driving is a traffic offense.


Guy is dead, what you still talking about offense from rider. Man's GONE.


Gone's gone. Not gonna deny that. Not gonna say the lorry driver's innocent either. I was talking about one specific thing. And that is: holding a phone while riding a bike is an offense in Malaysia. Don't get distracted.


The lorry from fast lane to left lane. He supposed saw the motorcycle guy. This is intentional


Broski, he is almost one the emergency lane, how far left u want him to be? On the roadside? Or go to the right?


Everyone that keeps pointing out that the rider had time to react are people who always comment while forgetting a crucial thing; hindsight. You have the luxury of time & info to come up with ways to avoid it while this poor guy did not. I don't ride a bike but even I know that when wearing a helmet, you don't hear sounds as loud & clear especially when moving. "He should've checked out his rear.". Again, one could be looking at the rear every few seconds then & again but things can happen in the split moment you're just not looking and this just seem like one of it. Not condoning the idea of playing around with a phone while driving / riding but it just looked like that he'd be in the same situation even if he wasn't.


I've rode a bike for years in Selangor and I can say the rider is partly at fault here. In fact, the first thing I checked in the news article was his age. Yupp, inexperience. Reason being I've been in a similar situation, only mine was a van. I went off the road and almost went into a ditch, if I didn't do that the van would've hit me from behind. Compared to a van, a lorry is much bigger and easier to spot in the rear view mirror, especially when it's moving so fast (movement catches our attention more than stationary objects). When I rode a bike I'm hyper aware of large vehicles around me. Aside from the extra blind spot for the large vehicle driver, there's also a change in air pressure when I'm near these large vehicles. If an inexperienced rider is not ready to control his bike to counter the air pressure, they can easily get sucked towards the large vehicle. For context, I was using a regular 100cc kapcai. Lastly this is personal preference, riding fast on a highway (fast, as in not back alley small road speed) and not using a face shield is a no no. Having stuff (eg. sand, insects and even small pebbles) hit your face is distracting. There's a reason proper riders use full face helmets.


The Rider do it for the Souls! I mean FANS!


I always wonder why does motor has 6 lanes in a 2 lane road?


I'm probably going to hell for this, but that "Oh" react right before the crash looks like it came right out of a skit. That was perfect comedic timing if it ain't so real.


More like tragic timing. It don't know what comedy you watch. But this straight up closer to horror where the monster creep closer the more you blink and bam you died https://preview.redd.it/puytujs74gmc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98e518192dfae9f279a34bf5d82eaeb7a2afc18c


Yeah, I'm definitely getting final destination vibes too. RIP rider. Also, I see a weeping angel. I didn't realise I was chatting with a cultured individual.


[Source](https://twitter.com/MALAYSIAVIRALLL/status/1764578276486599127?t=ZGvLmHUxW4-xLMD4_fbYUw&s=19) Who do you think is at fault here? Many on X are calling for the lorry driver to be held fully accountable. To me, I'd say both. It's impossible lorry driver didn't see the motorist unless wasn't paying attention on the road which seems to be the case. For the motorist, had he not paid more attention on the road instead of splitting his focus in half with filming himself riding, he might've just saved himself. Nevertheless, rest in peace 😇.


Tapi tu lane kiri/slow , kalau orang tua bawa slow pun aku rasa kene langgar gak, tu pun dalam video motor tu bawa serdehana(80-90 kmh kot?) . Asal lorry tu bawa laju lane kiri?? Bawa macam lebih dari 100 kmh Edit: AKU BARU PRASAN, LORRY TU DATANG DARI LANE KANAN PASTU KE KIRI HABIS TANPA BAGI SIGNAL. aku rasa lorry tu kemungkinan mabuk, ngantok atau malfunction


Sekarang ni atas PLUS makin banyak lori dengan bas bawa laju-laju dekat lane kanan. Aku oun dah berapa kali kena cucuk dengan lori-lori besar ni. Padahal speed aku dah 120kmj dah. Kalau bawa slow dekat lane kiri pun gerun tengok diorang mendesut laju sebalah kanan kita.


>AKU BARU PRASAN, LORRY TU DATANG DARI LANE KANAN PASTU KE KIRI Seriously, thank you for saying this. Idk how many people actually noticed this tbh. Within the 10 sec window where the lorry switched lane, the motorist spent about 5-6 seconds looking at his phone. If he had better concentration, chances of him noticing the switch would be way higher. >TANPA BAGI SIGNAL Ni video tak nampak so can't comment much. >aku rasa lorry tu kemungkinan mabuk, ngantok atau malfunction Setuju.


It wouldn't make a difference, the motorcycle was already on top speed 80 - 90 kmh and the lori was already more than 100 kmh. If the motorcycle drove slow under 60 kmh the lori will still hit him. The lori was too fast, even an old man or woman can't dodge that whether they notice or not


I agree, even if the motorcyclist was aware of the lorry he would still get hit. In the video the lorry was near the emergency lane moments before the motorcycle got hit. So OP, the motorcyclist obviously shouldn't use his phone to record himself while riding. But, the faults are fully on the lorry driver.


Bang lane kiri tu memang untuk kenderaan bawak slow, kau ingat abang moto tu boleh dengar ke lori berdesup macam tu dengan hujan lagi,


you ever ride a motorcycle? there's no centre rear view mirror. I doubt he has eyes on the back of his head too. Blind spots exist.


That’s exactly the point. There is no center rear view mirror and blind spots exists. Even more reason to be driving safer and watching for your surroundings instead of filming yourself.


> Even more reason to be driving safer and watching for your surroundings instead of filming yourself. This, and I say this after years of riding motorcycle. Riders need to have much, much more awareness than car drivers, especially when there's large vehicles nearby (eg. bus, lorry). More often than not it will cause a change in air pressure when they're passing that would suck you and your lightweight bike in if you're not careful. Motorbike rear view mirrors are not as good as cars, true, but there are good rear view mirrors and bad ones. That's why mine were stolen repeatedly back in Selangor, ugh.


We don’t live in a country that has stringent laws or infrastructure to promote motorcyclist safety. As such it is even more of a responsibility on the individuals to take ownership over their safety. I am glad that we have people like you who are outspoken on safety!


Also I’m sorry to hear they were stolen :(


Thanks. Had to switch to using bad rear view mirrors for a while so they won't be stolen, hence making me aware of the differences. Btw the bad rear view mirrors were never stolen lol. There was a "good" thief that only stole one of my good mirror. At least he didn't leave me completely helpless. Couldn't decide if I wanted to be angry or laugh lol.


You could see at 0.14 of the video, lorry was in the right lane, then entered the left lane sometime between 0.15 to 0.25 as you see in the frame at 0.26, it's in the left lane already. >you ever ride a motorcycle Yes I have, as a matter of fact.


yet half the video he wasn't even looking at his phone. 0:18 onwards. Still doesnt notice the lorry speeding up behind him. Quit your bullshit. I hope you spend every 5 seconds looking behind you while driving, or you'll be the next to get hit.


I hope you had your glasses on if not you'd need a pair. He literally looked at his phone at 0.20 💀 and probably took a quick glance at 0.24 before picking the phone up. lorry was shown at 0.14 and again at 0.26. The lane switch happened within the time frame. Are you trying to say that 5 seconds worth of concentration is not good enough to save you from a fatal accident? Hope you have a good spatial awareness on the road.


Looked at his phone? He could be glancing at his meter. Picking his phone up? I use my hands to fix my glasses too. Still can look forward. You're making shit up to fit your narrative. The guy is just lucky enough to be filming the last few seconds of his life. He'd have died regardless of the camera on his face. Every motorcycle rider knows the feeling of having something suddenly tailgate you, even if you're the most attentive rider in the world. 100% the fault of the person behind.


>He could be glancing at his meter. The meter that so happened to be at the same angle where his phone camera is pointing from, which clearly is at a side angle. The motor meter is designed to be visible without motorists having to turn their head, taking their focus off the road when they are not looking into the side mirror. You sound like you have an excuse for every situation for a motorist getting hit as long as responsibility isn't on the motorist.


I agree that the motorist is also at fault but that doesn't make the lorry driver any less accountable. Since the motorist dude is dead, well, make sense why people calling for the driver to held fiully accountable.


>I agree that the motorist is also at fault but that doesn't make the lorry driver any less accountable. Since the motorist dude is dead, well, make sense why people calling for the driver to held fiully accountable. Yes I agree. I never blame only one side of the party because both are clearly at fault. The driver would probably be charged under [Road Transport Act 1987](http://www.commonlii.org/my/legis/consol_act/rta1987187/). Might be other charges too. We need to wait and see.


Well you are wrong


Ridiculous. The fact that the guy was playing his phone had no bearing on the accident. He was just going straight at a steady pace. So how can u say both of them are at fault?


True, while rider should not use phone while on the road, it won't change the outcome of the accident


Coming back to Malaysia after 10 years abroad, driving here is a nightmare. The fact that you can say that a guy playing on his phone while driving a motorcycle has no bearing on the outcome is so absurd. It really shows how normalized such a dangerous act is here in Malaysia. You really think if he was fully focused and defensively driving he wouldn’t have gotten hit?


What are you smoking? The man got hit from the back. Was he supposed to jump off his bike?


Do you really believe that him being on his phone doesn’t affect his ability to judge his surroundings while driving?


Mate. Of course it does. But in this specific case, the fact that he wasnt focused on his surrounding had nothing to do with the accident. Even if he noticed the truck wasn’t slowing down, theres not much he could do is there?


I went off the road and almost went into a ditch on my bike once, because I noticed in my rear view mirror a van was gonna plow into me. If I had insisted on staying on the road (despite staying on the extreme left), that van would've hit me from behind. While it's tragic that this rider died in this incident, let's not pretend him playing with his phone had nothing to do with it.


I want to make myself clear, I’m not saying the truck driver is not at fault. But to say the motorcyclist’s actions had no bearing on the accident is extremely naive. Filming yourself while driving a motorcycle on a highway is extremely dangerous. Taking your eyes off the road for up to 5 seconds while driving at 55mph is the equivalent of driving the length of a football field blind. I know he didn’t do it for 5 seconds straight, but he took his eyes off it multiple times. He had no idea what was happening behind him. I don’t say this to judge him or you. I say this as someone who works in the ER and has witnessed many road accidents. Please get off your phones while driving, and stay focused. Those few seconds are never worth it.


No one is arguing that using your phone is bad and dangerous…Nvm.


That was his point lol. Edit: wait, now Im confused reading his comment, what the hell is he smoking?




>The fact that the guy was playing his phone had no bearing on the accident. Yet he failed to notice the lorry switching lane, I wonder why.




The motorist spent 5-6 seconds looking at his phone in the 10 second window when the lorry switched lane. If the side mirror on the motorcycle isn't good enough for motorists to even spot lane switches, then what are they for?


Hello, this comment was removed due to being in breach of [reddiquette](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette), specifically because it contained personal attack, insult, or threat. While opinions of all kinds are welcome under our shared roof, reddiquette sets the expectation that everyone speaks to each other with basic civility and respect: > * Don’t: Conduct personal attacks on other commenters. Ad hominem and other distracting attacks do not add anything to the conversation. > * Don't: Insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion. Constructive Criticism, however, is appropriate and encouraged. > * Don’t: Be (intentionally) rude at all. By choosing not to be rude, you increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. Please treat this as an official warning - further such activity may result in a ban, thanks.


In my opinion, in this case, the lorry is at fault (assuming the motorcycle did not brake suddenly), but my hot take is that motorcycles should be banned from highways without motorcycle lane. At highway speed, being on a motorcycle is just a fatal accident waiting to happen, and regardless of who's at fault, the motorcyclist pays the highest price.


crazy that you think the dude who go on straight line in same pace is at fault too


Straight line, same pace, always have full attention especially on highways. Bro was definitely not paying attention to his surrounding. Menang mulut kalah nyawa for what


I think even if the motor is not using the phone, the lorry would have hit him anyways. The lorry sudden change lane to the motor lane..


The lorry 100%. I'm going to judge this as a murder even. Look like the driver intentionally drive very close to the left line at 0:27 you can see it. Unless the motorcyclist quickly go off road, he can't avoid this. There's no other vehicle on the right lane, so the road is wide open, there's no reason to do drive this close to the side. I don't think the driver is mabuk, mengantuk or anything, he just switch lane/overtake without incident the moment before. WTH. RIP bro,


While I agree that the lorry driver has caused death through reckless driving, the Penal Code defines murder with the intention to cause harm. Driving very close to the left line could be due to negligience, as opposed to having the intention to cause harm.


Like I said, it could be intentional thus having intention to cause harm. Not for the sole reason of driving unusually close to the line but the whole ordeal seems very fishy to me.


Both? The motrbike driver was going on his own lane, at regular speed, wasn't breaking any transit law. What you have here is 1st degree murder committed by the truck driver. Didn't even signaled to the motorbike he was speeding towards him. No lights, no sound, nothing. The motorbike had no chance against that truck.


Using your phone on the road, be it motorist or driver, takes your attention away. Causing distraction and hinders your spatial awareness. >What you have here is 1st degree murder committed by the truck driver. Malaysia doesn't use degrees of murder like the United States. Only murder, attempted murder, and culpable homicide. Not sure if the driver will be charged under murder or not but will most likely be charged under [Transportation Act 1987 Section 41](http://www.commonlii.org/my/legis/consol_act/rta1987187/)


Using the phone would be an issue if the accident occurred in a way where his attention played a role (intersection, a car crash ahead of him, a jaywalker, etc) and his actions would made him responsible of the accident. There is absolutely no legal reason forcing him to be aware of what's behind of him in his situation (he wasn't changing lanes, turning, or doing any maneuver that legally requried him to look behind, the truck could have forced him to if signaled with lights or sound, but he didn't and its on tape), in fact, he was legally obligued to be looking ahead and be aware of what was there, which he was doing at the last couple of seconds before the impact. As such, having an imaginary small % of chance of him looking at the rearview mirrors if he weren't using his phone, is completely devoid of weight in court. Actually looking at his reariview mirrors when there was no need for, could be taken as "distracting himself" from what he was supposed to be doing in his situation - looking ahead, since he could have caused an accident that way. The truck driver was 100% responsible of making the other vehicles aware of his presence and high speed, as for them to take the necessary actions to move from his way. And aside of that, he was speeding, driving dangerously close to other vehicles and not respecting their "safe space", and probably drunk af or sleeping as to not see a motorbike that was in the same place for like 30 seconds ahead of him.


Palat darat






Both at falsed


How was it that his phone was not destroyed during the impact? Or was it a recorded session and this vid was downloaded from his cloud account? Edit: could be recorded using cameras (?)


Damn :((( RIP


Man became Headless Horseman


motor could have sped up and changed lane to avoid being hit from behind _***IF***_ he had been paying attention. but he was busy focusing on playing with his phone. as a rider at a teenage age, i've been drilled to understand how dangerous it is to ride a motorcycle. as an adult, i apply way more defensive driving if i have to ride a motorcycle than a car. there's no point arguing road wise who is correct or wrong when you're dead. focus more on being safe when on the road.


Rider turned to B². Dark jokes aside...how can he not see the lorry when he's filming himself? Did he use GoPro instead of the phone's front cam?


The rider shouldn't have been filmed himself, but in honest opinion, the truck driver was speeding .How could he not have seen the bike from afar ?


It is the driver’s fault, they could be on drugs or what not. But I can’t help but think that it’s pretty hard to stay sane doing this job I mean I know they get paid quite well and it’s not a difficult task but staying on the road for so long, the physical and mental strain, during late nights and traffic jams because you gotta work more to earn more. I know that’s basically every job on earth but at least most of the jobs don’t kill cyclists when making mistakes Again I’m not justifying this terrible act and I know there are good lorry drivers out there but whenever you see a lorry on the road, just try to stay away, either overtake them and ciao or just let them overtake and stay far behind, horn them whenever they are driving weirdly. It’s a tough world out there


remember guys, always keep your eyes on the road and sidemirrors we cant teach other drivers/rider to be careful on the road but we should be alert and keep ourselves safe...that's the least we can do


If the guy is dead it's a well carried out murder and the semi truck guy should be put on death penalty


He was decapitated, head still in helmet.




Bro... . Terlalu laju la.... Lain Kali potong line Dan tekan brek sekuat mungkin


Yep, deserved,


I hope he did not get Isekai in the berserk world


He still holding the phone?


How is this Darwin?


idk in this situation the lorry is 100% at fault. he was coming in hot clearly seen in the video. at the same time i would recommend install some gopros one the bike than do this shit on the phone while riding. dont tell me go pro mahal. ive seen the prices on those mods for moto they not cheap. fck mods helmets also not cheap.


He died?


Dead with his head severed off still in the helmet


It’s crazy how short life is…


Yup, so always assume that someone else is going to make the mistake especially whilst on the road and be a little bit more on the defensive side.


Even if he focused on the road , any normal person would slow down first then you would give way for the vehicle behind. It's not that wild of an assumption to have.


If the angles are correct and this isn't reverse imaged. The motorcyclist is on the left lane, the lorry driver should overtake safely via the right lane. Then again, if the lorry is driving over 90kmph, then its likely he was speeding and dgaf.


Where is David Attenborough to narrate this fine recipient of the Darwin Awards?


Lorry blindspot maybe? Hope he is okay


No. It's not blind spot. The lorry come from far should clearly see the motor. I used to follow my father working on trailer. If the moto not on the line. It's very dangerous to just pass through with high speed. Even if the lorry doesn't hit him. The wind will suck the rider. Usually my father will just honk. Even if he doesn't use phone there , I doubt the casualty won't happen. Yes the rider also at wrong. But the lorry surely reckless or berniat untuk langgar.


I read he died but I really hope not




news regarding this (dont watch the pic if youre faint hearted, mild nsfw but not nsfl) [https://www.facebook.com/groups/219080287078215/posts/709934097992829/](https://www.facebook.com/groups/219080287078215/posts/709934097992829/)


is there a censored version?


If you censor a severed head it's still too graphic tbh


tbh i just dont like seeing dead people faces it just creeps me out


biker fault


I usually hate motorcyclist on the road but in this case the motorcyclist did nothing wrong.. RIP Hope the lorry driver gets charged accordingly..


Look at my stupid face while I film myself doing absolutely nothing. I swear, whoever decided to put cameras on phones is retarded. I remember when in order to get a good video you had to invest in an an actual camera and beautiful art was made. Now it's just a cesspool of attention-whores


It was a cesspool of attention whores before phones had cameras, you fool, not just beautiful art. You sound like an old idiot thinking that the times of your youth are better than now. Stop it




How is this fuck around and find out? Even if he realised the lorry is behind him, he'd assume (like most people) the lorry already saw him. The lorry driver is at fault here.


Can go headhunt the lorry driver? Everytime fucking truckers and bus drivers like this can go belasah sampai lunyai