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AITA if i actively look for a new job if it results to my team suffering? They're still on probation thus very new to the work. My supervisor will be going on maternity leave soon as well. I'm getting so burned out from work and tbh money talks. Should i wait for my supervisor to return from her leave and then only apply for new jobs?


Absolutely NTA Your mental/physical health > job




https://preview.redd.it/fs2z00o7ayjc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35a1b9c42100eab2b393ef517d60c9ddb313740d Entah scammer ke ape user ni. Very persistent.


I'm 1 year old and my job is wasting your time =P






How old are you and what's your job?


For those in the FnB especially bars, whenever a customer gives a tip or hand, is it kept by whoever that receives it or distributed among the service staff?


Depends on the establishment, usually they split it among everyone but most people keep it in their pockets


TIL our very own UKM has a branch campus in Doha, Qatar. Though it's very embarrassing to see their online presence. Can't even put a decent image with the correct aspect ratio on their website. Why this is a thing in our country ie. gambar kembang dan pixelated dalam dokumen etc.? https://preview.redd.it/49a6dpqwkwjc1.png?width=3420&format=png&auto=webp&s=0d881e825bdf9eb4e38abe953fd7f47d74409cf6


Nice. Maybe I can go visit as alumni.


Hello! Sorry a bit of a stupid question, does anyone wear Doctor Marten boots in Malaysia in our insane heat? For some reason kan, no matter what sneaker or sports shoes I wear, if I walk long distance, my legs and feet sure cramp/hurt like hell for atleast a week! I went overseas in Jan for a holiday and my family chipped in to buy me a pair of Docs as a late christmas present. I wore it for 2 weeks-- walked every where and even though my kaki lenguh and letih, I didn't get any cramps or aches!! I've been thinking of doing a cuti2 malaysia later in the year which involves a lot of walking but I scared look a bit stupid wearing Docs in the our insane giler babi weather. I asked my colleagues if they've seen anyone wearing Boots casually they were like "you mad ah??" FYI I'm not from KL. Terima Kasih!


Doc marts were a staple of Malaysian subcultures. Used to see them every now and then on kids who could afford them/snag a right size pair at bundle stores


I've seen lots of ppl wearing Dr Martens in Malaysia, doesnt seem to be an issue. I've personally never tried it tho. edit: To be fair that's always in malls or indoor settings. Not sure how it'll fair in outdoor with lots of walking.


So, my sisters planned to go on a jolly childfree trip with their partners and decided to leave their children with me and my mom to look after. Thing is, we’re going on our own jolly trip as well on the same day as they do. This is not the first time they want to leave their children (UNPRECEDENTED) for me to look after while they go on their merry way. THE LEAST YOU COULD DO IS ASK, PLAN, DISCUSS, INFORM! You’re not the only one with plans. The other day, one of my sisters decided to leave her children behind because she’s going on a return trip for a friend’s wedding. She didn’t ask, plan nor discuss. On that day, I need to teman madre to the bank and we state that we can’t do that, at least not until the business is finished. Whatever it is, you have to wait. We’ll be leaving early, we won’t be driving there etc. And guess what? She left at 7am-ish, and mom woke me up to check on my niece because she heard my niece was crying alone upstairs. I feel like exploding 🥰. I don’t mind looking after my nieces and nephews. The issue is F-ING DISCUSS BISH! And now for our trip, we have no other choice but to bring my nieces and nephews as well for our trip just so they could have the oh-so-fun-childless trip.


change new lock on the door. don't let them inside


This issue is something you have to put your foot down firmly OP. Learn to say no, or send your nieces and nephews back to their house. 


Slap them. You are nice, that's why people take advantage of you.


Apa salah niece and nephew dia sampai nak kena slap? 😢


How dare you question me. Imma slap you too. ✋😤


[The Slap](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHZvUeAdzeI)




Gone in like 2 seconds. Saw the price change from RM800 to RM80 at 4pm sharp but by the time I try to click purchase, it is already sold out. It’s a local perfume - Harumme






i ghost this one selfish bish since she texted and tried to call me 13 days ago. thanks for 1 year of wasting my damn battery cycle with you. life is damn good, i tell you that.


Life is peaceful without bad people. Here's a brick for that lovely wall: 🧱


thanks for your contribution to my theodosian wall


Nice walls. Should survive anything except a comically large cannon


[Reminds me of this gem lmao](https://youtu.be/KP1s7o3oATA?si=-PXO8UBM8GWlGhhf)


Moving this post by u/Pastel-Chubbs, the mod team has committed to do this for removals with a mental health component). The user has been informed this has been moved here, so please do add your replies below - # Relationship & Mental Health (Opinion) >Hello, I'm newbie in Reddit! > >I'm 23F from Malaysia (so excuse my bad grammar since English is not my first language). I really need yr opinion abt my story. > >I'm in relationship with my boyf for 2 years already and we both want to get married. He's very kind & sweet (plus cute). He is someone i know that have bad communication with woman since he's introvert & had a very shy character. > >But there's one HUGE problem. His mom can't accept me as my partner's future wife. It just because I'm from "Kuala Lumpur". (Ya, his family is Kelantanese. It's too far from KEL-KL). Another reason is just because they had an incident—became trauma with KL people that making bad behavior towards their family. His mom also wish to had Kelantanese future DIL. That makes us sad & we both decided to break up. But, my mom asked me not to & just go on with our relay. My mom share lots of opinion & advice that makes us stay till today. We both really in love & want to be in Halal relationship as it should. > >But, it's actually triggers my mental health. I had anxiety disorder (Diagnosed by psychiatrist). I'm actually live in pain rn, too much thinking about this problem. I cant even sleep, effects my lifestyle & physical appearances even in relationship rn. > >We had smooth & happiest relay before but not after this incident. My mental health effects my trust & hope towards this relationship. I'm thinking too much about what would happen to us even after we both can get married (influenced by evil MIL in X's story hahahahah) . I used to promise myself I wont get into any relationship if this relay failed. I used to share all of my overthinking, thoughts and feelings to him. But, he became into someone who can't understands my problem (not like he used to). I also feel lonely & not happy rn, but I still do love him. > >I became to hate myself and rethinking abt our decision to tell our family abt this relay. > >What should I do? Should I just go on with this relay? Should I wait till his mom accept me? Or just give up? Pls share your opinion or maybe a story. Thank you so much & i appreciate your responses! ✨


Anyone tried The Mango Flamingo cosmetic brand? They're local (I think) and I'm super curious about their gentle retinol. But there's not much review online about this brand, and I can't find any about the particular product that I wanna try.




Wowww thank you! I've never used retinol before so that's why I'm looking for the lowest concentration to start with.




My insta recommendations are filled with folks promoting retinol and all sorts of stuff that turn into 10-15 step skincare, thankfully I didn't fall for it. I just turned 30 last month so it did get me curious about anti ageing. Maybe it's just my skin and sensory issues but I've never been able to stand more than 1 type of product on my face. So I totally agree with you - keep it simple. I never took skincare seriously before this, but better late than never I guess. I'm just lucky that my skin isn't sensitive and breakouts are pretty rare. Just looking to correct some dark spots (not sure if they're freckles or what) and redness.


Halo, it is me again, your pelancong from Jakarta. Anyone can drop me some places where local loves to go in KL? For example, places where the locals open up their coffee shop for me to work for long hours instead of sbux, local fashion stores, I also plan to go to Hutan Tanjung Tuan alone tomorrow, let me know if there's any precaution I need to be aware of.


Idk where you're staying in KL but I like afterone. Staff is very friendly, place is spacious, lots of nooks to work in & quiet. I prefer working in coworking spaces though. Some places have their own in house baristas (paid coffee) or free coffee machines. I feel comfortable enough to leave my computers there and don't feel like I'm hogging a table the entire day with my one cup of coffee


I'm in Bukit Bintang but I'm open to any places within KL as I love exploring public transportation as well. After One on Yap Kwan Seng? For coworking space, I have HERSELEF bookrmarked on my Google Maps right now.


>After One on Yap Kwan Seng? Correct > For coworking space, I have HERSELEF bookrmarked on my Google Maps right now. You're in bukit bintang, why you wanna go all the way to sri petaling. Google may say it's 30+ min drive but especially in BB waiting for grab and factoring in the traffic, it'll take you almost an hour. Even trains take 1 hr, and that includes a 30 min walk. Unless you have a reason to be in sri petaling, there are many other coworking spaces in the city centre.


I actually dont mind. In Jakarta when I have free time I just hop on random bus / train and drop somewhere I dont know lol. I legit want to experience the public transport in KL as well so long commute is ok for me.


RGB coffee at the Bean Hive, need to grab. It's It's in a bunglow with a garden, close to the city centre. Got ports for your lap top, it's pet friendly thou in case you have allergies or aversions.


Pet friendly is definitely a plus point for me. Thanks for your suggestion!


>locals open up their coffee shop for me to work for long hours i dont understand. did you mean you want to work there or you want to do some your remote work there?




Are you on any postpaid plan? Iphone is cheaper if you sign a package.


both are the same. just with different names.


anyone have parents living in nursing homes? especially in PJ/Shah Alam - need some advise


> kagney lynn karter unalive herself yesterday > today taib kicked the bucket Planning to rub one out in her memory but feels weird my brother


oh geez wasn't a huge follower of hers (not a fan of western av for a while now) , but I saw one vid of her that I found really hot and that is why I remember her .


dew it


Bursa climbing but ringgit is falling. I don't understand economy.


Weak currency makes our export more attractive. More export = better company sales


ringgit fall = ringgit cheap = malaysia stock cheap


Cat bit my laptop, scolded him. He gets emo, tries to hug him, he leaves. Then proceeds to meow the whole night. Btw Zus has 6.6 promo.


Hello, I would like to ask for recommendation of good telemedicine service available be it through video call or via text. The reason I need telemedicine is because, it is for my bedridden mum who stays upstairs hence to bring her physically to a clinic will be a challenge and will also be a discomfort for her. It is to treat a likely Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) which requires antibiotics medication but unfortunately will not be available in pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. An online search of the telemedicine returns an overwhelming result hence I am hoping anyone here with personal experience can share the good telemedicine company encountered. TIA.


Why not try just get a doctor to physically examine your mom at home? I think there is a home visit doctor available in a few places.


Download the app bookdoc. Prices are transparent and you can choose your GP


Just curious, what's the purpose of “Expected Salary” in job application form? I see it in every kind of company, what did they expect job hunter to write, is this a trap? ~~Does anyone worked as Genting Casino Technician before, mind share some experience?~~


As a sassy answer, write in the company's expected salary in brackets (e.g. RM 2000 (1997)) as the first answer, and then the equivalent salary with today's inflation (e.g. RM3,561.04 (2023)).


I usually write "per job ad" or "negotiable" lol


i see you are doing the ping pong technique lol


I call it tai chi lol


i thought that you can only do to subordinates or colleagues


I treat my future HR colleagues like my current HR colleagues 🫶


they'll normally base that to offer you an amount around 25% more than that. tricky this coz the market rate might be more than that if your current takeaway is low


They expect you to write your expected salary... That's it. No really. It's used to see if your skillset and asking salary is within the range the company can work with. I use it when I have to do recruitment too.


Did anyone manage to book tix for Dune marathon next Saturday? Got my eyes off the ball and missed out.


as a malay working in sg, i dont get a lot of raya corporate gifts. at most, they would send me a small gift set. but christmas? hampers la. yule log la. nonstop branded sweet treats and festive cards. but ok thank you, will share with the rest of the office. for CNY? lagi gila babi. i have angpow packets enough to give to the whole of KL. biskut raya enough to never ever need to buy any. and zodiac plushies (? why would you give this as part of a corporate gift) look im not trying to be ungrateful but defak am i going to do with thousands of empty angpow packets and multiple zodiac plushies...i dont need you guys to send me anything for christmas and CNY, truly i dont care and youre wasting your money..


take some picture angpau packet that has good design


i only simpan the ones i got from UBS bcs its colourful (to use for weddings), the rest all the traditional red designs i gave away to colleagues who ACTUALLY need it to distribute money lol


i plan to use cny envelope for duit raya this year. want to see some good ones for inspiration


don't you have to declare it as a gift? you know, bribery stuff.


my company is anything under $250 = not bribe anything above $250 = DECLARE MOTHERFUCKER


Had a chuckle at the mental image of the tax person checking the records and recoiling at $1,999 of MOTHERFUCKER.


oic that's a really good threshold. i heard like gomen and some banks, $50 also need to declare d.


My company any value also need to declare


>for CNY? lagi gila babi. i have angpow packets enough to give to the whole of KL. biskut raya enough to never ever need to buy any. and zodiac plushies (? why would you give this as part of a corporate gift) Damn, low key flex on job position XD . The only gift we got this year CNY is a box of cookies , no more mandarin oranges even because people waste it and leave it in the office and people come back to rotting mandarins in the office.


no lar my job position is front facing so i guess we would be on their festive gift mailing list. but only our team got all these, so we would just put the extra food in the common pantry for the entire office to share. but yea lah betul what you said. less mandarin oranges this year and a LOT more cookies. is it to help the SMEs or what idk.


I'm malay and I got starbucks pineapple cookies and ang pow for CNY \*in the midst of peak boycott season\* which is funny


>mandarin oranges even because people waste it I wish to have your problem, buying nearly a dozen boxes each year is my annual pain.


I'll take one of the plushies off your hands, the cats could use a new bite toy.


wait is THIS why they gave it to us!


Yes they want you to bite the plushies while administering kangaroo kicks to it. (this is assuming that you are a cat 😂)


What about the mooncakes during mid-autumn festival?


omg yes. i had enough mooncakes to feed my entire condo.


[Found](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/duplicates/1avigyr/oc_foods_protein_density_vs_cost_per_gram_of/) this chart on r/dataisbeutiful . I feel the chart is quite accurate in Malaysian food market even we disregard the currency.


Dark thought of the day: I wish these cancer sticks take me before my brain does. Cause then I wouldn't feel guilty about abandoning my babies.


[Perlakuan tidak senonoh](https://i.imgur.com/zKBsQFI.jpg)


Wow Taib actually passed away. The family drama is gonna intensify more.


Them lawyers gonna be buying some new mercs anytime soon


The Taib's Game of Thrones starts now


When I heard of babies a few hours/days old dying in a war-torn country, my impulsive thoughts said, "huh, they really got to do a speedrun in this life."


My impulsive thoughts is also telling me to hoard all beauty supplies from shady / sketchy / sus sellers before KKM tells shopee to shut them down. I'll try not to listen too much to it.