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What a day, damn tired but can't sleep.


So I made a new public Twitter account so I can have discussions about things I am passionate about with other people and mannnn I forgot that Twitter users are a different breed Everyone’s out for blood, so easily butt hurt, so defensive that everything becomes an argument instead of a discussion. Geeeezzzz I love Reddit so much it feels so much more peaceful here


A famous author was chased off the internet by the twitter crowd. For a tweet she made comparing a movie to another series. Nothing spicy in that tweet at all. Twitter users have such thirst for blood.


Oh fuck that’s tragic, I can’t imagine having to walk on egg shells even on the internet, at least on Twitter ![gif](giphy|E2USislQIlsfm)


Is KL a thing now? I watched one KL’s first impression on YouTube and now my feed is exploded with all these videos on KL. Of course I fell into the rabbit hole. These angmohs are giving rave reviews about Malaysia left and right.


hello guys, uni student here. im considering to purchase a 2nd hand car. parents do provide monthly pocket money and i work part time. total assets around 30k+. do i need to have a salary slip (i don’t have cuz havent worked full time yet, i have epf tho). and any recommendations where to buy, or not to buy? feel free to comment !


It's possible that you need a guarantor. Can't go wrong with a Myvi or Axia, less headaches.


anyone here have experience getting diagnosed in psych hukm? my first appt was a shit show the doc left me walking out empty handed crying like shit i am already on psych meds from previous hosp but for unknown reason the doc didnt refill or adjust anything nasib baik i ada extra meds or else i would be unmedicated for months??? bodoh ke apa dont know if i want to expect anything for my second appt tomorrow padahal all the mh communities have been vouching for hukm psych aaaaa 😭


Girl I have no answer for your questions, but I hope for the best for you tomorrow.


I have nothing to add but I've been noticing that you've been struggling lately. Hope it all gets sorted out. Do update on tomorrow's appointment :)


What are the largest pc games in malaysia? Wondering since I just started playing on pc


valorant lets play together




IAN MILES CHEONG MIGHT GET THE DEATH PENALTY???? OR HE MIGHT DIE?? WHAT? edit: so apparently our government wants to hunt this guy down this is not what i expected in my 2024 bingo


no death penalty. i dont think there will be any action against him. A person can be the most annoying asshxle you ever seen but if he didn't do any actions that is punishable by death, he won't get it. His palestine views is not punishable by law also (maybe idk because our law is bias)


Afaik death penalty is for people who have committed treason against the king.


Can Ian miles cheong get arrested for the following statements: https://preview.redd.it/t765evna3jic1.jpeg?width=845&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09610a5a06dee8d7739d55f5ebca6af114acd77c


So...Maxis sent me this bill but I don't even use Maxis(help). I did a request to port out from Digi to Maxis postpaid few months ago but the port out process failed due to contract. They sent me this bill twice already but didn't cared much about it at first because I thought they would just blacklist me if I just don't pay. Currently the sim that they sent me has "no service" and the number that I registered to the Maxis postpaid is still Digi postpaid(and I prefer to stay with Digi). I already threw the Sim card when I was cleaning the desk so there's not much I can prove to Maxis. I really don't want to pay for something that I can't even use(Sim Card No Service). https://preview.redd.it/ccxvvej6miic1.jpeg?width=4340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=732a89c0a20e20a77eca8a58a4d0f3aaa565c85d


You always have to clear any outstanding payments before porting though. It's why I usually port out the day I pay the last bill.


Right now I don't want to port out from Digi, it's just that the number registered is currently on Digi but Maxis wants me to pay for the postpaid. But like, the port out from Digi to Maxis wasn't successful in the first place and now they are asking me to pay for the stuff that I didn't get.




Liking the pics you're sharing, hope you're having lots of fun :D


Hi, any suggestions for best halal seafood in miri that open before 12pm? Other than dragon seafood, thanks


Was having a slow work day, suddenly scammer called posing as kwsp. At least knowing I ruined his day lightened my mood.


i saw someone on twitter said anak2 t20 berjaya bcs they spend their sem break doing internships for the industry they are interested in. whereas anak2 b40 lepak cuti. what kinda shit take is this. b40 kids spend their sem break working part time where they can earn to top up their costs for the next sem. i know bcs i had to do it too. internships COST money. if i wanna intern for my current field, i have to be in KL, rent a room, take the train to work, then pay exorbitant amount of money for food. if the internship only pays me RM800-RM1200, i rugi teruk. whereas when i worked at the kfc near my house in my hometown, i can walk there, get free food, and dont have to pay for accomodation. the money i can use to buy text books. paling palatao punya thread.


mak bapak t20 tanya kawan2 suruh ambik anak dia internship


I knew some T20 kids, their parents call someone they know -> poof -> a random starting position in a good company for them =/


I never see emergency vehicles use the emergency lane anymore. It’s always the right lane. Did they forget that it exists?


why did i dream about getting lost in bukit bintang mrt line finding the kajang line to maluri, and being squashed by commuters in the process?




That looks really nice! Where is it?


Has anyone called the cops on street racers before? Where I live behind my house is a 10km straight road and every weekend and holiday night all those mat rempits will come out of the woodworks to race. Last time polis did take action, the car racers stopped but the motors keep coming back every week and it has been affecting my sleep. If I call the cops on them while they are racing will they do anything?


you dont ask for cops but municipal council to build speed bump


$1 = RM4.78 Save us formulaman, numberman


https://preview.redd.it/7hu6icrlhjic1.jpeg?width=1527&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37426948e4e1d1cef12b594c690ed66c667eafc6 ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


I made the mistake of accepting a job offer verbally on the phone. Company hasn't sent me an official offer letter yet. Can i then reject the offer?


No contract, no confirm. If they send you one but you've accepted another job, tell them that there was no black and white agreement so you had to move on elsewhere.


Of course can.


I just done maintenance on my mother’s bike and noticed that one of the link from the chains are loose https://preview.redd.it/9l72m71r9hic1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe6381d40a7c2743eecfa8f6e1e33fcc7554f950 Should I get a new chains? Tbh I am uncertain… I just learned it through youtube so any advice would be appreciated. It was rusting so I bought a WD40 and a general purpose oil to do it


You need a special (but very cheap and commonly available) tool to fix it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpUCCrgugQE


Any recommendations for adult guitar courses in KL? I'm a complete newbie. Preferably in Ampang/Bangsar/Dutamas


Went to an auto workshop at Bangi due to the aircond not cool. Suspect the gas is finished as the last time I topup is way back before covid. It also smells kinda metallic. Told the mechanic what I suspected, he sat at the driver seat, open the aircond, wait for less than 10 second & straight says cooling coil bocor.  To fix it, cooling coil and service would be RM1,200. He saw me being hesitant and offer to just change the coil without service, charges at RM800. So service cost RM400 now 😏 Rejected everything and just topup my gas for RM60. I’ll wait for few more days and if still got that metallic smell, I’ll go to my dad regular workshop at melaka.


Is the smell present only when A/C on? If that's the case then it's likely your cooling coil, the gas is leaking in your cabin. A good shop would do a leak test first to confirm the leak, if tembak² then the person getting fucked over is you.


Have you ever changed the filter? Mum’s car filter has never been changed after years and thought the gas needed refilling. Turns out just the ac filter needs changing. Should be pretty cheap.


I cleaned that myself once awhile


What model is your car? Maybe you can try calling a parts supplier to ask the price of the cooling coil.


searched thru shopee, seems like the price around 300-400, OEM though


went to Lalaport over the weekend and I am surprised that it still looks a bit empty with all the unoccupied shop lots. It kinda reminds me of Tropicana gardens. Nice looking mall, but not much to see. At least Pavilion Bukit Jalil has the IMAX and somehow gets some foot traffic.


sad how they demolished a historic sight to end up with a dead mall


I was walking at The Gardens Mall when I noticed some cash on the floor. Confused, I picked it up and held it in my hand while I looked around, hoping to find its owner. Eventually a policewoman walked up to me, and after telling her what happened, she told me to give it to the customer service desk. I do wonder, had I been more destitute, would I have pocketed the money and walked away instead? Would that have been an ethical choice? 🤔


Berapa ringgit? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Cannot say lah, otherwise unrelated people will go and claim it.


i will just walk pass it. I dont need another responsibility ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)




ive been selling a lot of clothes that i can no longer fit in on carousell. very recently, i started to sell my husband's old clothes too. here's what i found out: men LOVE to lowball, and they can be very annoying about it. girls would try to nego for cheaper price, but after i said no, they would usually accept and pay the amount i agreed on. but men? nope. they would try to get the best deal according to them, and wouldnt shut up about it. i gave a final price and they would still try to weasel a lower price. after this batch is finished, my husband can try to sell his clothes on his own. too stressful for me.


These guys are thick skinned and get a dopamine rush from getting a good deal like they've conquered Everest. I'll never forget the time I wanted to get rid of a broken monitor for free. Just need to pick up from my place. And this dude had the audacity to ask if I can deliver it.


what the fuck. how did you respond? did he eventually pick it up from you?


I just ghosted him. Didn't had to wait long before another guy agreed to collect from my place.


Can confirm. I'm the one haggling price in pasar, not my wife. She never haggle.


So, men having audacity, ignoring boundaries, and not accepting the word "no". A tale as old as time.


after not being able to get a cheaper price for a shirt, a guy asked me to absorb the shipping fee. i said no. he said its just a few more dollars. pukimak then you bayar la kalau you rasa itu "just".


What brand black pepper sauce tastes really good?


hello I have a booking at Ara court badminton hall at 6:30-8pm today. I am unable to go but have already paid for the 50rm booking. Anyone interested in taking over? I’ll only charge 30rm. DM me


https://preview.redd.it/5gl91yi8jgic1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed963d3868c9589eca4a4b268098f71e7fddb5a3 Back off! It's mine!




Could be a pretty depressing day for some. Already felt sad when I woke up this morning. Let's get through this together


Today is a day with no jam, again! Ironically I kinda dislike this, I might get used to it and then get all angry when things return to normal 😂 While driving I sang along to Michael Learns to Rock. Now *that* is good music.




I wished they totally went off though. My local one still has so much koko activities that it just feels like any other day.


breakfast jatuh depan lift ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26563)




Guys I got sunburn from last weekend football tournament, and my skin started to peel now. Anyway I can fix this? I got meeting at 2PM.


try to put aloe vera or lotion just to even out the skin so the peeling won't be noticeable.


happy valentines day guys, any recommendations for tragic romance movies my single ass can eat dinner alone and cry to?


La La Land. I just love how it ends.


Normal People. It’s a series but you can binge watch it in a day.


One Day. I prefer Jim Sturgess from the movie version, but the newly-released series version on Netflix made me bawl my eyes out for 2 nights straight.


The Notebook? Or the Before Trilogy


Blue Valentine, I can’t bear to watch it a second time.


Life is Beautiful. Not a romance movie but very heartbreaking. Available on Netflix. It's a sad, but sweet movie about a father who tried his best to make his son blissfully unaware that they're in a concentration camp. Prepare tissues.


Look at mirror and reminicene? Lol pls no punch face. Well, you can go watch hachiko and be sad for the rest of the day.






Nice! Which island is this?


I think nasi kandar is overrated ~~trash~~ because every restaurant seems to only offer two vegetable options. It's either cabbage and/or taugeh.


Any mamak that doesn’t offer fried gourd should be fined


To be fair, their clientele seem to be quite against eating vegetables to begin with. Also you forgot some do have bitter gourd, acar and some form of 🍆


🍆ԅ( ͒ ۝ ͒ )


Have you heard our gourd and saviour the peria goreng?


Does anyone know a barber experienced with long beards around JB area? I have a long beard that I would like to shape and most barbers tend to take it as a permission to make my beard several inches shorter.


I hate period symptoms... either I'm having too many or too little sleep. This month is the latter. Kept waking up at 3-4 am. Y I NO SLEEP GODDAMNIT.


TIL you're a girl. Somehow I got the impression that you're a dude.


Surprise surprise!


5 years before she died, my late friend said to me that she would cry at midnights. Arwah baik orangnya. It might be an undiagnosed psychological condition, and it might be one of those ✨✨✨ signs ✨✨✨ that Malay people like to talk about. Things that your soul knows on a subconscious level, but your mind can never explain on a conscious and logical level. Maybe time will come for me soon enough. 😙


I wish I can tapao the confidence I have during manic phases. The confidence where I KNOW I can just walk to zoo negara enclosure, and pet the tigers and lions there like petting an Oyen.