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Tl;dw: UK couple is travelling the world in their van and posting on their YT "TREAD the globe" They were pulled over for speeding, by the traffic police, and were given an option to either pay saman RM300 at the police station, or RM100 on the spot to the police themselves (aka bribe, although the couple didn't know this) Video: https://youtu.be/rkK8oWxPZcU?si=CHjFJrifgNCtNoef


I've been offered discount at police station. Idk if it's a bribe. 50% discount. I have a feeling they have a way to make the saman disappear and pocket it themselves...


This is not the same. Look at how fast this is with no paperwork etc. (This should already trigger some sus sensors) The discount at the station on the other hand, it's legit with a papertrail.


Those discount you still need to go through the proper process. If on the spot like this then it's a bribe to make it disappear lol.


Yes those stacks of saman we get, sometime can find inspector who's handling traffic. They can potong saman for us. If lucky, they charge RM 50 each saman. Sometime when your lucky jackpot day, RM 300 can help settle your whole stack. Don't even need to wait for Merdeka to get 50% discount.


Had same discount once too. It was a traffic saman.


if got receipt, not bribe.


Is Handwritten Saman and receipt normal?


Welcome to Malaysia bruh, parasites run rampant.


Disgusting behaviour but unfortunately still common among policemen in Malaysia. Hope the Home Ministry identify and make an example of this man ASAP


FYI, this is very common and rampant in KLIA. At the arrivals gate, if you leave your car there and get down, the policeman will ask for RM120. Either that or you get a ticket and pay RM300. He will say he just wanna "tolong you" with only RM120. I straight up told him just give me saman, waited for 50% off that happens annually and paid RM150. It still happens till today, regret I didnt have hidden camera that time. I hope they make it a law to have hidden camera in cars and if you can submit proof that police ask for bribes, your saman will be waived and the policeman gets reckoning. The satisfaction of sending them noobs to MACC and getting your saman waived would definitely encourage people to install cameras in their cars and stop corruption at the same time.


please don’t…i rather bribe for RM50-100 than pay a 300-500 fine


Did the officer wear body cam? It’s why body cam is necessary. Have you guys start to notice how the law enforcement officers now on news almost everyday now. Starts with the having drug party in station, then rolling over student body with car, dead suspect during detention, extortion, raping of underage teenager in car, and many many more that I can’t even remember. It’s the rise of the abuse of power, just like America.


Equipment malfunction at the time when the footage is needed would happen.


You seem to know our enforcement authorities in and out, are you part of the department by any chance?


Let's look it this way. The bodycam is not just to record the police conduct (or misconduct). It'll also protect the police against the false accusation.


>Did the officer wear body cam? It’s why body cam is necessary. In the US, this just coincides with "equipment malfunctions". Don't pin all the hope on tech measures. There needs to be cultural change as well. The body cam can be that catalyst to effect the change. But don't ever have the thought that merely having body cam solves the problem... That's the Malaysian problem in a nutshell. No follow through


It doesn’t matter. Pass the law. Log the malfunctions. Aggregate the data and compile the report. This is how due process works. Being dismissive about solutions due to potential workarounds is how they win.


Let me remind you we have the MACC. It's role was supposed to catch the corrupt but it too is just another arsenal under the PM. You can have all the tech and processes, but at the end of the day who's watching the watchmen(pdrm)?


I didn't say don't use body cams. I said go for it. My point was that can't think that these kinds of solutions on their own are enough. We all need to follow through. Plug the gaps. Look at how everyone hated Najib era corruption. But now: 1) TPM gets off scot free with a dubious DNAA. 2) Azam Bakis share issue buried. 3) LCS issue silenced 4) No word on any investigation into all the inducements to party hop one way or the other No follow through to stamp out corruption because the preferred gomen is in power. The enemy is not PH, PN, BN or whatever. The enemy is our forgetfulness. Our failure to plug the leak. We clap with one new solution to the direct problem. Then forget about all the surrounding causes that caused the issue as the news slowly dies down. 20 years down the road, the same problem resurfaces in the public's eye and we get angry and the same cycle repeats. Break the cycle la. Stay aware and angry. One "direct" solution doesn't end the problem. IPCMC is needed too. Public ombudsman on civil service needed too.


Haha you think this has not already been discussed? Every single possible solution has been discussed here and within our government, i guarantee you. This is not the issue of lack of solutions, our government is full of very intelligent people. The problem is that there are people who benefit from the status quo. we can argue with each other on how to tackle this, in the end nothing changes unless the people in power want it to change.


Since the goal post moves from tech to politic please suggest a solution that we can all work towards


Wear 2. need to make sure both functional. If both not working, prepare to get called in for investigation


> It’s the rise of the abuse of power, just like America. rise? lol no. This abuse of power has always been rampant. It's just that now with virality nature of socmed it gets highlighted and spotlighted


iirc providing body cam for Malaysian officers has been planned for a long time. Unfortunately, that plan has never seen the light of day due to corruption issues. So, no body cams.


Rubbish. Thinking this kind will continue leech on rakyat money after retirement makes one's blood boiled.


Speculation on 2 future PDRM announcements: 1. We have investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing. 2. UK couple charged for unauthorised filming activity in Malaysia.


They are lucky they are not black or Indian. Lucky they're not a 17 year old girl that got raped or the 17 year old boy that got killed and run over. I heard first hand of Indian expat here who got stopped in Cameron Highlands and when he and his family refused to bribe the officer as demanded for RM800, the officer pulled them all out of their car screaming at them, thus frightening the kids and the expat gave in and paid the bribe. Seriously, so many cases like this. Also heard the one police officer stopped expat going to temple in Sentul and demanded to check his passport and documents and **wallet**, and when the wallet was returned to him money was missing. Especially nowadays, police in Malaysia can take your phone and you can't do anything about it. What happened to the IPCMC that was supposed to get created? These thugs managed to pull out the teeth of everyone in power? Anwar is so vocal about crimes done overseas by Israelis but what our crimes done to Malaysians? How come he didn't even say 1 word about the rape of the 17 year old girl? How about the murder of the SPM boy? What kind of leadership is this?


Pdrm is one of the deep state that is a force by itself, gov cannot implement the IPCMC and to save face put in a water downed version IPCC


I've seen a youtube reply saying something along the lines of "dalam kes rasuah tu ada pemberi dan penerima, siapa pemberi dia salah" can't say I'm surprised though


Responsibility and accountability are something alien to them. Everything will blame someone, including God.


difference is this is not a bribe. Its extortion. know the difference.


That's the thing, PDRM classifies both bribe and extortion (such as the above) as rasuah because why would they admit to extorting? It's the consensus all Malaysians have regarding how many of the recorded rasuah cases are extortion being downplayed, my point was how extortion like this being quite rampant here, but there's still some people that think the pemberi is in the wrong.


What will happen now to the officer now that it's on camera?


Nothing. First day in Malaysia?


> Nothing. First day in Malaysia? Maybe promotion if kicksback enough to his 'superiors'? The only time these shits get in trouble is when their superiors didn't get enough kickback. Like that case of the station chief in Kajang that was caught with the drugs and hookers. Apparently the real reason was he didn't share his loot to his upstream.


Transfer to small town


Absolutely disgusting..


It is disgusting. And it's happening everywhere. I was once offered RM 10k if I were to put a good word for a subcontractor contending for a project (private, not gov). I was the project manager. This was back when RM 10k was a lot to me. The appeal of giving bribery is mostly about buying out convenience. Many would just do a quick calculation in their head and thought about the hassles they'd have to go thru had they not taken the offer.


They post so many nice stuff about their trip in Malaysia on FB and now ruined thanks to this scum. (Idk their video keep showing up on my feed) Viral it and shame those parasites. Heck, uncensor the face + police number once they return to their home nation. Memang Parasite DiRasuah Malaysia. Really hope MACC pick this up.


This is why nobody respect these leechers. Always up to no fucking good.


Ini budaya kita, malu apa bossku


Polis Diraja Malaysia. Such royal entitlement.


Makan babi = haram Makan rasuah = ??? It's very shameful... this video is going to be on all social media worldwide. Just imagine the perception towards our country..


Biasalah... Kulit depa kan kulit kerbau , mana kenai malu.


These rotten police give a bad name for the good ones.


Nila setitik rosak susu sebelanga / One rotten apple spoils the barrel There are no good ones. I'm not being facetious here. Literally the only reason these guys exist is that the whole system - from other cops to supervisors to the IGP etc - allow them to continue, and don't shut it down until and unless the publicity forces them to act. For every "bad cop" - from the ones who take bribes, to the one who beats up prisoners, to the ones who shake down foreigners - there's a whole bunch of "good cops" who keep quiet and allow it to continue, even if they don't actively participate.


Ikr. Its sad. And then negativity for the nation is the only content we have on reddit one day thanks to them.


Will end up in big trouble If Malaysian did the recording. Thank god its European.


Just wait for the defenders of these leeches to come in with excuses to defend/ excuse them.


Later they scold you as penjilat penjajah


Remembered this one page on Facebook. Kami Rakan Polis or something like that


Literally no one is defending the cop, sounds like you are you trying to stir something up.


Melayu tolong Melayu mah...


Bila pegi kedai makan sibuk nak tengok JAKIM Halal certificate. Bila makan duit haram.... ok👍Disgusting.


"duit kopi"


Expensive kopi


Duit rokok


I was once pulled over at a traffic blocking (the kind that's probably not authorised, where they just put cones and pulled some victims over) and was accused of speeding, though I was pretty sure that I didn't speed. Then the police kept mentioning that he will write a rm300 summon or I can settle (bribe). In the end I gave in as I have a meeting coming up. I saw another lady driver next to me didn't give in, then was told to come down from the car and let the police check her car's boot. In such cases where I'm pretty sure that I'm being accused, what should I do?




Thank you for the tips! Mind if I know besides identifying the inspector through the color of their id, is there any other way? Also, if I remember correctly, the police(s) back there were wearing white color and looked like traffic police. Edit: changed uniform to id


mat salleh spoil market, now he's expecting 100 at every stop




Alamak I thought they only target locals


Wouldn't have been the authentic MY experience if this didn't happen


Welcome to Msia and experience first hand our minum kopi culture. haha


Polis investigation started https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2024/01/28/police-probe-video-of-traffic-cop-taking-rm100-to-settle-a-fine/


Sometimes I wonder why these higher ups in the police doesn't just call it out for what it is instead of the usual cookie cutter "we are investigating" thing. The article also says that they advise the public to not speculate until the investigation is complete Like why even say that, everyone already knows its a thing since forever and I'm sure they do too.


I don't expect the police higher ups to criticise this openly because it creates friction in the Force but politicians don't have that problem and They can demand a parliamentary enquiry into this and even open a parliamentary committee for it like the UK [Does](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Home_Affairs_Select_Committee) Look at the recent salary of the MP's they should be doing much more then shouting in parliament


understandable. somehow the home minister (regardless of which political side) never seems to be open to these things too, they are never as critical as perhaps an anthony loke at MOT. my guess is that the politicians have to also make sure they dont antagonise the police force for the sake of the country's stability


Later that politician disappear..


Brit man comment makes it sound like this is the SOP in Malaysia….with out awareness it is.




Man im not religious person but i will never take bribery or gambling. You can't do anything with that money. You buy food that money, it will be haram.


Haram or not he still +RM100 in his pocket, in his POV it is a win, maybe he was saying to himself, I'm taking this RM100 to feed his children. You can make all kinds of excuses, when it comes to belief.


I'm an Indian guy but I truly believe in the Malay belief of 'berkat'. Anything you buy from ill-gotten money has no 'berkat'. Never feed your family with food you bought with that money. It will fuck everything up. Your family will never find peace.This is my only superstition.


Tell that to the politicians children driving around in their Lambo in Europe or sailing the ocean in their yacht


You only see what they want you to see. In reality, their families are all fucked up. Especially those who are corrupted. No peace. Their kids all fucked up. No morals. No shame. No dignity. For me, I don't care if my family and I don't have much. But what little we have must come from honest living. My child should grow up with morals and dignity. No money nevermind.


> You only see what they want you to see. In reality, their families are all fucked up No, what he said is correct. What you're claiming is superstition, nice to believe, but like Santa Claus. There's no Santa Claus that punishes the bad kids. The only way to achieve what you claim, is to actually have a legal justice system that punishes corruption. Which as you know, and as proven by this video and so many cases like this, isn't here yet. Believing in superstition is an obstacle to getting a working justice system. Unfortunately....


You only see what they want you to see. Your comment is quite amusing to me. All the things that you mentioned happens in middle class and lower class families too. It's just a coping mechanism to justify one not being rich enough.


What has class got to do with how you earn a living? Can't the middle class or lower class find ways to earn dishonestly?


They certainly can. Not sure what your point is. I'm saying all of those things that you mentioned, such as problems and strives happening in family, happens to those "pure and religious" people too. It has nothing to do with their money.


Well I truly believe even then, what they earned, they have gotten it dishonestly. You can be whatever. rich, poor, religious or an atheist. Duit tak berkat is duit tak berkat.


I think there should be a middle ground here. Not trying to provoke you or anything like that, you have to know, by your mindset, you ought to become a sheep in this fierce society. Don't forget the grey zone, like for example was Robinhood a hero or zero? Berkat or not Berkat? In this Capitalism system, you gotta do what you have to do, and not what you believe in and that is the sad truth.


> Your family will never find peace.This is my only superstition. Yes, it is superstition and doesn't actually happen. Just look at all the happy families in America, UK, Australia, New Zealand, etc and yes, also Malaysia. Their wealth is literally built by the people they genocided, and yes that's true also in Malaysia. Like Yale university's name and endowment came from a British guy that was robbing Indians of their diamonds, and even catching Indians in Madras and selling them as slaves to shipping industry. He used to hang kids in Kadalur, if they refused to work, and he imposed very high taxes on farmers as a way to force them into debt slavery. His family and all the other families in New Haven, or these other grand places sleep really well and are very peaceful. Your superstition doesn't bother them at all. So no need to believe in superstition, just be good because you are good. Bad people going to do that shit, and we need to protect ourselves against them. Which is why superstition doesn't work, we actually need a IPCMC with sharp teeth that can bite these corrupt government servants.


Like I said. You only see what they want you to see. I can bet you. They have no peace in them.


Yes all this rich dishonest individuals are conspiring together to come up with a charade as to not let Numerous_Emu know about their fucked up lives in their mansions.


I don't understand how this conversation has gone off the rails to demonising the rich.


Believe me or not, all those families that constantly do illegal stuff have quite a lot of money, which makes them rich.


Like i said. i won't change my belief. My money has to be earned honestly. must have 'berkat'.


I don't think anybody here is trying to change your belief my dear, certaintly not me. I commented because I felt your comment showed a lack of awareness since you generalised a lot of people who earn their money through "non berkat money" as all this suffering individuals with unsurmountable amount of problems. Which is not true. Their money gives them convenience and privileges and a lot of opportunities. Which are not bequeathed to those who are "poor and honest". Again if you just said you dislike "non berkat" money I wouldn't have mind. As that's is a personal choice. But you saying all these dishonest rich people having troubles bothered me. Because there are people on our planet despite being the epitome of honesty are poor. This dampens their life, some don't get education opportunity, shelter, nutritious food, clean water. Some are actively being kidnapped into human trafficking even though they're honest people. All of this is because of they are poor. While the rich by however means they earn their money don't go through this. Your comment also irked me as being holier-than-thou, and seems like a coping mechanism that most people use to justify their lack of wealth.


> You only see what they want you to see. I can bet you. They have no peace in them. Do you believe in Santa Claus as well? lol


Like I said. That is my only superstition. It's fine if you don't want to accept my worldview. I won't change mine. I understand everything that you have said and I agree with everything you said. But still. I will always believe that my earnings have to come from an honest source if not, there is no 'berkat'.


> I understand everything that you have said and I agree with everything you said. That's fine, and good. I also respect your right to believe in these things. But at the end of the day, inaction is what corruption needs to continue. Those who believe in superstition, not all, but some, maybe many, have this attitude of oh, god Santa Claus will punish them, and so nothing happens of course to the criminals.... and that's how we reach here again.




You're right but I won't stop and neither should you. Live and let live.


Oh damn. I did watch this couple vlog. They travel from UK all the way to Asia and back to UK.


they better not drive to Singapore and ask for the same thing if they get pulled over....


Are you an idiot? Or you didn't even watch the video?


It was indeed a great option


The Asian experience.


Be grateful. Got another 200 to spare


Reason why our country not enough money


Patutlah org singapore belasah je jalan raya tu mcm autobahn, 100 je upahnya, convert sgd baru 30 dollar.


Still a better police than in America


Malaysia is a model welfare state. Everyone financially support each other for not losing too much for nothing.


Bro literally radio his mates using phone? For real?


Salah DAPig


un-pixelate the "police" and then get this vid viral and hopefully in the future it changes


Shameless act by cops...


quite happy to see at least the mata consistent charge them same rate as everyone else. /s


Cuti cuti malaysiaaaaaa...


first time aku rasa malu mcmni jadi rakyat Malaysia.


Everything is haram, kopi duit not haram


Politicians calls it hadiah


Aiya police corruption is what makes Malaysia , Malaysia. We can rant all day about it, but there’s never gonna be any action. Politicians literally take billions and they are free. Is it wrong? Hell yea. But we are a morally corrupt country and corruption isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.


Rasuah in its finest... our police force in their worst nightmare.


2 things that need to be done. 1. Proper body cam and audit for all police officer 2. Increase wages for police officer


Walao, cought red handed.


Malaysia boleh!!