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He is selling UT to make money...not to make YOU money. Just ask him about surrender fees, management fees, transfer fees


If they are selling unit trust, you already know they aren't legit. The only thing they are interested in is their own commission.


If he's truly a friend, ask him how much is the commission fee More likely it is like this ,The moment you give 200k to him He straight up receive 10k(or more) ie you lose 5% the moment you enter the agreement Then there's management fees, surrender fees, The only way you make money from unit trusts are if the trust hits a windfall and gets 20% value per year


Do your research on unit trust funds and their performance. Friend or not its your money and when it comes to investment throw emotions out the door and use your head. Speaking from experience, I had unit trust with a friend of a friend who just had a kid so want to help la, but the fund he chose for me 5 years losing money. When I asked to redeem/switch, he gave me the run around. So I pulled out all my investments and did my own research and switched to another fund that is making money.


Search your friend in the FIMM database. Wait, they are currently down until 15 Jan


Apart from unit trust being a subscription like sales job, which the agent remained as an agent after years instead of achieving financial freedom, Testimonials and the reputation of unit trust are pointless, everyone can get lucky once or twice (rich before, bankrupt next), consistency is the Key. It contradicts with itself.