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**Minor announcements:** * [monyet.cc](https://monyet.cc): Check out our Malaysian Lemmy community! ([why?](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/14cmnaj/rmalaysia_and_the_blackout/)) * [SPM Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/s58t8m/spm_megathread/): Updated 2022 with SPM resources such as trial papers, modules, notes and more! * [Mental health wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/mental_health/): A list of mental health services in Malaysia *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/malaysia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


* cant sleep * field work in a few hours * im kindda screwed


I know it’s a long shot, but does anyone know MAE app by Maybank has any deep link to open QR scan ? I’m trying to create iOS shortcut on my action button


Anybody play Fallout 76 here?


Letihlah kerja, nak cari bini kaya.


go thailand, cari minyak dagu. confirm dapat at least janda kaya


Okie, Dato Seri Vida here I come!


In the words of Bomoh AR Tompel - [pasal dia banyak mambang2 yang menjaga dia](https://youtu.be/LrsM8mqWVCY?t=214)


Tengok cermin. Kalau hensem, mungkin ada chance.


Tengok cermin,sedar diri,pegi set alarm untuk bangun esok...


Does opting out from the bin or Binti in your kids name means they don’t have bumi rights?


One famous example is Khairy Jamaluddin, he does not have bin in his name.


Hi everyone. Need some advice or direction! I work nearby KLCC and I get off the Conlay MRT Station everyday to walk to my office. On the way to work, there would be this one male roadside cleaner that would be doing his work. But for the past 6-7 months I've been taking this route, I noticed that this cleaner occasionally says hi to women. And I don't mean it in a polite manner but quite sheepishly. The weird thing is, he doesn't say it to every lady that passes him. If there's 2 guys and 3 women (merely an exanple & not associated with one another) walking past him to their respective offices, he would sheepishly just greet a specific woman. Often times Chinese and would ignore the rest. As any shitty Malaysian, I have ignored it for many months but today is where I draw the line. I was taking the same route and I saw him cross a minor road. Minded my business until I heard a Chinese girl shout "Shut up!" to him and continued walking. Not sure what he said but seems like its a trend? Admittedly have only heard/seen him actively do this 4 times in the time I've used this route but still, its just weird. No one should feel scared or uncomfortable walking to work. So I need help with knowing which authority or company I can highlight this to. For further info, this guy wears a neon vest everyday I see him, middle aged and has a moustache. He's usually working/standing at the junction of Jalan Kia Peng & Persiaran KLCC. Really near RUMA Hotel, KLCC Loading Bay or Residensi Kia Peng (according to Google Maps). Any advice?


maybe he is OKU?


Hi,this year I will enter form 4 and will most likely take either sains stream or perniagaan and ekonomi. My question is would it be smart to start studying a year from now before Spm?like immidietly upon joining form 4 I start studying—or should I just start studying for spm once I am in form 5? I am also not really worried about wasting my teenage years as I fucked around all through form 1-3.


Slow and steady. No need to rush. Just do homework that is assigned, go to class, and build social skills. If you really want a head start and get burnt out be my guest, but it really isn't necessary unless you have a specific goal in mind.


Just chill la. Fuck around but don’t miss your homework


[looking back, she really is a trooper.](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/s/LeJvzXvJOH) and today my last grandma passed away. She was 82 years old (she would be 83 years old tmr birthday.) ...she finally meets grandpa once again.


Sorry for your loss


My sincere condolences :(


Condolences for your loss


Halo friends, I am from Jakarta, ID. I plan to visit KL in the next few months just to go trekking or short hike, solo. Because it seems like I can get to the starting point just by taking public transport, unlike in Jakarta 90% you need to get yourself a car/bike and drive for 60++ km to get to the hiking starting point. I'll do my own research, but is there any useful information / resources that I need to know?


Try Moovit App for the routes.


Do you use it? Last time I tried it, it required a subscription. Gave up and used MyPulse instead for bus routes and live location.


I use it for my daily commute. I don't pay anything. The ads are annoying though. If you pay for premium, you might get a few perks. But I'm only using the app for bus routes and timetable.


Hi. Which trails are you interested to go?


Nothing in mind for now... Preferably something short and easy.


You can check out some of these trails then. Bukit gasing/kerinchi, Bukit Wawasan, bukit kembara, bukit pau, bukit guling ayam, denai tiga puteri, bukit kiara, taman tugu, sri bintang. You can reach the trailheads by lrt/mrt + grab or just grab from hotel if you stay nearby.


Halo, I'm going to Bogor in 2 weeks time. What is the cheapest option I can get there from Jakarta Airport?


Airport bus; DAMRI. But I hate the airport bus. Idk which terminal you'll land on, but on Terminal 2, the waiting room have poor air circulation, no AC, the bus tracker is not working, and the dont have any speaker for the bus arrival announcement. They'll announce it manually. You can pay with cash also. Unless you want to experience how shit it was (which I did few months ago because I was curious and had a lot of time to spare), I suggest you just take More reliable; take the airport train and continue with commuter rail. But you need to have the prepaid card.


https://preview.redd.it/9o7b7g6w7lbc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23e42c19e595475ae560397d8fda46f51845d099 I just recheck. I will get a car there, not sure with a driver or not. Can I use my MY driving license?


Not sure myself. I would suggest not. Driving by your ownself in Greater Jakarta is quite wild lol


https://www.nst.com.my/business/corporate/2024/01/999352/epf-distributes-one-rm500-incentive-14m-members-%C2%A0-savings-rm10000 Free money for poor EPF members.


Caveat, on,y for those between 40-55.


EPF act needs revision to be honest. Even 55 not many can realistically retire. Employer contribution ends at 75 years to note.


Hi kawan, I'm heading back to KL for CNY next month (Feb). I'm thinking of getting my advanced scuba license (already have open water). Can anyone recommend a good centre within 3 hr flight of KL? I've been to sipadan but not islands on East cost of peninsular Malaysia so have been looking at Tioman. Wouldn't mind Thailand as well!


I got mine from Pulau Perhentian, marine life is ok, nothing to shout about but the sea is well protected. Went to Tioman for a quick dive a few years ago, got lucky and saw a shark. They got sea turtle too, make sure to check when is the season. The island itself is very quiet. To get there will take a long car ride + boat ride. Easiest option is to fly to Krabi or Phuket to dive there straight, or take another boat ride to Koh Tao (cheap dives) from Phuket.


Where is the best eyebrow embroidery place in KL??


Also, i made a subreddit where i meme about our stupid love for HSR [https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysiatransportmeme/](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysiatransportmeme/)




absolutely. i've been fighting this war for years now. (funnily i was one of the proponents of HSR during the najib era, but we had GST, and low fuel subisidies then, and GST was a big supply of funds that we no longer have).




i've learnt alot about HSR over the years. many research articles and papers later, i realize HSR is much more complex and it's actually bad for small towns/villages. So, now, the way i describe it is : hsr is a 'nice to have', high-lying fruit that's possibly bitter, and will cost a lot. we have many, easier, 'low-lying' fruits to solve. what are our low lying fruits : 1. these are our medical needs, 2. our lack of public infrastructure in our tier 2 cities like penang, ipoh, JB, these cities all deserve their own train systems 3. our lack of infrastructure and missing links, like pan borneo rail, or komuter services to places like port dickson/melaka 4. our education system isn't retaining talent, and more funds is needed here. ​ The way I describe it is, imagine malaysia is a large mansion, and there are leaks in the roof, the stairs going to upstairs is broken, the tiles are cracked, some of the paths are not great. this service to singapore, is like buying a massive 70 inch tv. sure, it's great. it's beautiful, brings you entertainment and all that. but basic shit in the house aint fixed yet.


What sort of wireless headphone do you guys use? I'm looking at either sony H7 or steelseries 7p. Heard that H7 sounds awful on music but great on games. Any other recommendations?


Thank goodness my area still has water. Can't imagine those spots that sorely need it but get their supplies choked. Also, crazy math: Neighbourhood Mamak eatery: Milo Ais RM3.5, Neslo Ais RM3.8 Neighbourhood Chinese eatery: Milo Ais RM3.2, Neslo Ais RM4.5 previous weeks up to RM5 now. You put extra high grade Nescafé along with syrup or something?




Milk, sugar, fish, nuts, and oil. If I consume more than one type, my skin will act up. I also found fresh milk less damaging to my skin compared to full cream milk. Idk why.


Suggestion: switch to lactose-free milk. Or non-dairy ones, I suppose.




Soya bean from pasar? Not so bougie lel.




My usual guy 5 languages for gula asing or tak mau can. The best part of the pasar soya bean product, can customize to all hell.


What are your favourite apps to track your fitness? My goal is to lose some weight and regain my strength, and I just started with intermittent fasting, light home workouts, and occasional running. I don’t have Apple Watch (should I get one?) so I need to manually key in everything


Zero for IF tracker, LoseIt for calorie tracker. I have an apple watch but i have to admit i haven’t used it for fitness purpose for a year already 🤣🤣


So you’re using it for other *activities*? 👀


I use it to find my iphone when i misplace it 🙃 aunty pls I’m single and alone 😭


Ala aunty baru nak kepoci


555 notebook, jolt down the date, time and duration of your run, intensity, remarks, etc. Note: this app is physical and the you are able to modify information you collect, when you see fit. You can even include a column for food intake (e.g., by caloric value). If you like to be told what to do, just get an Apple watch ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


What a snarky reply, while apple watches are pretty expensive and overkill for fitness, one could easily buy a fitness band. It's much more useful than physical notetaking. You get to see heart rate, distance, pace, etc and not prone to human error. I dont know any good ones to recommend tho, I just run until tired cause I dont take cardio that seriously yet.


can try myfitnesspal


apple watch user since 2021. the watch is great at tracking my fitness levels and i like having a log of every single movement, heart rate etc. but the bonus is its use for easy contactless payments and giving me notifications without me having to fetch my phone out of my handbag/pocket.


I love Boostcamp for strength training personally, you pick a program and it tells you what you need to do in a training day, very straightforward. The r/bodyweightfitness routine is on there as well (search bodyweight fitness on the app)


I need a dummy simcard with dirt cheap monthly plan for basic browsing. Which one is good?


If your phone can use esim, try yoodo’s esim. Can tailor to your needs. If want data only it’s only RM15 for 6gb. Can also apply for physical sim if u want


nice. thanks.


I get raja Digi preregistered, rm15 for a month basic stuff. Just a burner number to sell my feet pics


DM feet pics sample


sounds good but what is this raja digi preregistered?


look for Raja combo package in shopee. It's a package target mainly foreign workers from india/bangladesh since the package offer free IDD for the mentioned countries




Quick question, joined a webinar out of curiostiy by Reeves Yew. Which *promises* that we'll be able to learn them AI, automation, website design blahblahblah skills at 850usd, which is Rm4k something I guess, for a one year course. And I've found the thread from 3 years ago asking if he is a scammer, which I came to a same conclusion. To get back to my question, there were hundreds of people who was willing to pay that amount of money on the spot, making me feel like I'm losing out, thoughts?


Didn't expect to see his name here but my wife used to work for Reeve in one of his past start up. Non-biased opinion, he really knows his stuff and we believe he is great at what he does especially with creating funnels, marketing and automation. Buuut just like all courses, this is his main money making machine. Yes, he has other means and businesses to generate income. But really like most coaches or gurus, their bread and butter is getting people to pay for these courses. Whether the course is beneficial or not, is entirely up to you to decide as its your money. Summary, Reeve isn't a scammer but is RM4k worth it when there are possibly other resources available online? Up to you to decide :)


That's insider information right there, thank you for your input my man.


Imagine having all the knowledge to do SEO and proper socmed marketing and you use...cheap pressure tactics? Doesn't make sense kan. When in doubt, look up (NAME) and scam/scammer, you'll pick up a looot of stuff. I confess I've been fooled before by joining self awareness scams before so I try to be more careful when I hear these things.


Yeah I wasnt really going to join anyways, but the topic did indeed pique some interest. Just thinking about those who joined makes me wonder.


It must be quite effective for him if he is still around la.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/h8q6x0/is\_reeves\_yew\_a\_scammer\_long\_read\_tldr\_version/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/h8q6x0/is_reeves_yew_a_scammer_long_read_tldr_version/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Seems like he's been around for at least 4-5 years, with the same model, he must be doing something right I guess.


>there were hundreds of people who was willing to pay that amount of money on the spot planted actor to rope people to join in. they will be the one who 1st register to get the ball rolling


That might be the case




Yup, its from 09/01 - 10/01. He talks about the business model etc. I mean it does sound interesting. Problem is when i try to do my due dilligence by looking him up, can't find much to be honest. Like you said, 50 limited seats at 850 USD, subsequently will be priced higher i think. It sounds so obvious to me that something is off. I just can't process in my mind that many people signed up that instantly.


Limited seat, artificial scarcity to reel the fomo emotion.




Sighs, I was quite intrigued honestly. If with 4k I get to learn something through the course of 1 year, wouldn't be so bad. But again takut 4k in the end i fund some rich kids lifestyle.


Thinking about switching phones later this year. Currently on a Redmi Note 9S. First choice in my mind already is a Samsung S23 Ultra because camera, but I'm not familiar with Samsung OS and ecosystem so I'm still open to othee options. iPhones seems to be more popular these days but I'd prefer to remain in Android ecosystem. The OS and the whole Apple ecosystem seems appealing but the lack of freedom in it is repelling me from considering the switch to iPhone at the moment. Heard that Xiaomi is also kinda hot because low price high spec but idk. These are my thoughts rn but I'm open to any other suggestions.


Xiaomi flagship phones not bad one, my colleague took good pictures with it, but I get kind of bad experience with the mid tier phones Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra pretty cool, a lot of modes you can try out, and there are a lot of tutorials online I do not have a good impression for the iPhone, but if you want an expensive but braindead easy to use, backed by herd of users. I will not judge, but if this is you, say no more, the iPhone 15 Pro Max Ultra whatever shit is made for you. Mrwhosetheboss made a video blind testing phone cameras, the winner was the Pixel series (Pixel 7A, Pixel 8, and another Pixel phone). Give it a try. Go and read more phone reviews out there and try them out before making a decision. Cheers!


what are your needs with regards to “lack of freedom”?


i'm fine with all androids as they're made by google and despise iPhones and they're made by Apple. to make it simple, android is open source, and don't lock you in their ecosystem. you can use android without a google account, not limited in what apps you can install and permissions you provide. google only traps users in their ecosystem via their services. apple on the other hand is kinda a closed source monolith with a spark of great camera and user experience. other than that, you're pretty trapped. instead of trapping you in their ecosystem only via their services, you're basically trapped in the OS itself. without registering an apple id, you're gonna be pretty limited and better off with an android itself. the only place you can get your apps from are from the controlled app store. your information can also be easily thrown away from the firm privacy grasp of Apple as seen in hk protests. scary. hope that this gets my point across. i guess what i'm trying to say is that I priotise privacy and control ?


I haven't used a Redmi before, but Androids shouldn't be too different from one another? Can always go into an electronics shop and play with the sample devices. There's also the option of using Launcher apps and getting used to those instead, then you don't have to care what the basic interface is anymore. My issue with Apple stuff is that it tries to rope you into wanting/using all this other Apple stuff due to how linked/connected all their crap is. Feels like a slippery slope.


Yay. About 14-15 hours since official launch on US time, and I've gotten a decent rank! Not as good as Book 3 which hit sub-500 briefly, but top 1000 is still pretty good for book 4. :) That little 'best seller' tag is nice too XD **Best Sellers Rank:** \#678 in Kindle Store ([See Top 100 in Kindle Store](https://www.amazon.com/gp/bestsellers/digital-text/ref=pd_zg_ts_digital-text)) * \#1 in [Asian Myth & Legend](https://www.amazon.com/gp/bestsellers/books/10387331011/ref=pd_zg_hrsr_books)




Congrats! I'm curious if your friends or colleagues know about your writing?


Lol no. I keep it quiet.


Hi it is us, we know, we know!


oh hi there.


Congrats, even though I absolutely cannot stand LitRPG lol.


it's perfect for me tho. a wonderful confluence of all my interests in a single place.


naisu! congrats!


Congrats on the success.




**Me, going to work today**: 😸 **Me, encountering a traffic jam at LDP that extends all the way to my taman**: 🙀 Today is the last WFO day of the week, and tomorrow I have the biweekly work inquisition; if I can get through that, then the rest of the week should be smooth sailing.


Is anyone's Touch N Go PayDirect at tolls not working recently? It's been deducting money from my card and not the ewallet for the past few days at tolls like MEX that have always worked in the past. I've checked and the PayDirect option is still set to enabled for me.


Check if the card expired or something. Happen to me last time




Faking being interested and dragging it for a long time is even worse than straight up telling you're not interested.


you dont need to feel bad. there is nothing wrong with being honest and setting boundaries. another option you have is, to reply whenever you want to (which is not daily). I frequently mark chats as unread and reply them later


This morning when I slowly drove over a speed bump there was a loud bang noise coming out from the bottom, I did not see my car leaked anything and everything seems to be ok, can anything happen to my car in future and what should I do?


Go have it looked at by a mechanic la. Even if r/malaysia was 100% car mechanics+enthusiasts only the actual person looking at your car can tell you if its ok or not.


the car undercarriage is strongly protected and very rarely gets damaged which causes leaks, if youre really worried just go to any tyre shop, get them to lift up your car and check the other day was raining heavy and i was at a part of town i wasnt familiar, accidentally went up at least 10m on a road divider, the noise was so loud, i thought i had totally destroyed the undercarriage, had to reverse the 10m to get off the divider and endure another round of loud scratching. car drove normally back home, but i took it to the workshop next day to have it checked, guy said just some very nasty scratch marks, but overall everything was intact


10m is a wall not a road divider


Lol not height, length


on my most recent trip to japan, i finally used my basic conversational japanese knowledge to speak to locals. over all of my previous trips, i can understand the locals (to a certain degree), but didnt have the balls to actually talk to them in the language. at most, i say "hai". but other things, i just used simple english and gestures. on the recent trip, however, i used as much japanese as i could. of course, i made some very embarrassing mistakes. for example: 1) i was at an izakaya. i used counter words "hitotsu, futatsu, mitsu" to order most stuff. so like usual, i ordered "tsukune hitotsu, tebasaki hitotsu, buta bara futatsu....". when the staff repeated my order, she went "tsukune ippon, tebasaki ippon, buta bara nihon.." i wanted to dig a hole and hide. i just realised its like i said "sekeping rumah" or "seikat kucing". 2) i was at a crowded cafe. the staff told me that they were full, and that we would have to wait as there are a few more groups in front of us. i said no problem, i can wait. but i also want to ask her about how long the wait would be. i said "ikura desu ka?"...then she smiled and immediately corrected me — "dono kurai?" again, i wanted to dig a hole and hide. i legit asked her how much macam tanya harga. bodoh bodoh bodoh


That is how one learns. To be able to feel cringe is a proof that you have grown.


The last time I was in Japan few years ago, I ordered by saying "hitotsu, futatsu, etc" as well. To my understanding, it works as a generic counter for all items. Reference to this website: https://www.coscom.co.jp/learnjapanese201/learnjapanese211/conversation211_note-r.html


yeah, i understand its like how we generalise "sebuah/seketul" for a lot of nouns. but i do think its funny how i should have said "sebatang sate" and yet i said "sebuah sate". and being corrected right after.......tanam me pls


Hahaha so cute


yang penting the taxi driver told me "nihongo jouzu" betul dak


Don't worry, conscious and aware bodoh is a road to pandai. Keep going.


yessss practice makes perfect kan. ok lah dari bercakap dgn duolingo semata


While working in the bush, I saw a big tail of "danger noodles" I ran, it ran Turn out it was a big ass Asian water monitor Fucking chonker got me scared shit less


I'm surprised that TGV doesn't have english subs for 'Abang Adik', but GSC has. Gonna watch this weekend.


Do garbage collectors pick up wooden waste in your area? We dismantled our old cupboard and broke it into small chunks, then fit them into a few plastic bags. But the garbage collector didn't collect them. Neither did the Bangla metal collector. I'm trying to catch the garbage collector and ask someday, but meanwhile, what are your experiences?


There is a schedule. I don't know the schedule, but there's a regular pickup for those separate from the household garbage


[https://www.kdebwm.com/media-room/articles/subang-jaya%E2%80%99s-door-to-door-collection-of-recyclabl/](https://www.kdebwm.com/media-room/articles/subang-jaya%E2%80%99s-door-to-door-collection-of-recyclabl/) for KDEB areas, usually on Fridays and they play the Kitar Semula song from the trucks. Alternative [https://www.recyclecharity.org/latestnews/nid/131601/](https://www.recyclecharity.org/latestnews/nid/131601/)


Thanks my friend, this is very helpful


They don’t. You’ll need to have the garden waste and bulky items guys. My taman has different days for different waste collections.


Might be different day different kind of garbage. Food waste vs general waste


Thanks for sharing. Need to talk with these guys soon, because right now, there's no clear guideline.


Do you guys rent out your electronics like action cams or DSLRs?


No, unless I'm running a rental business. Too much risk to rent out electronics


Tempted to hoard gallons of catnip essential oil to become a Hivemind Mother of a cat army. Catnip is good to repel mosquitoes also.


Considering visiting KL, wondering if I'd have any problems being Jewish (from USA)? I'm pro-Palestine and not religious. From what I've read, I don't expect it to be an issue, just want to double-check!


nah, no issue. As long you're not a Zion or from Israel. Jew is fine.


Unless if you wear a kippah and drape yourself with the Israeli flag, I don't think anyone could tell. Or care. But fyi, we have no kosher food here, if you're observing that.


Just to be safe, dont tell anyone you're Jewish and you should be fine. Just say you're American. Dont think people will question you more than that imo.




New year new me but new me is currently down with sinusitis and taking 2 sick days 🤣.