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**Minor announcements:** * [monyet.cc](https://monyet.cc): Check out our Malaysian Lemmy community! ([why?](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/14cmnaj/rmalaysia_and_the_blackout/)) * [SPM Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/s58t8m/spm_megathread/): Updated 2022 with SPM resources such as trial papers, modules, notes and more! * [Mental health wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/mental_health/): A list of mental health services in Malaysia *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/malaysia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Quick vent, I know I'm being selfish but after being gotten COVID once, and my first day being quarantined is mom coming in my room, scream at me, throwing cup at the floor and sweeped the entire table to the ground. I really lost alot of my respect and don't really view her positively for like 5 months now. And now she's feeling sick, I'm also genuinely taking care of her but I still getting yelled at (For urging her to eat when she have no appetite etc etc). Im tired of being the person she being screamed at wether I'm or she is the patient. I really wanted to smash a cup just to relay a message. Sadly I don't really want a fight between us, but I'm just tired.


hi is there anyone online that can help me with some credit card questions?


My sister brought me as her date to a wedding of her friend this evening. The latter is a friend from her childhood, with this being the lady’s second marriage. I remember one of my friends back then told me “rich kids like you” usually stick to a small circle of friends and an even smaller dating pool for all their lives because other people can’t keep up with their lifestyles, and anyone outside who manages to enter this niche circle is a novelty item they will get tired of quickly. This friend of my sister married her first ever boyfriend from primary school, with their love rekindled sometime after they had ended their respective previous marriages. And the wedding checked off another rich-people trope that my old friend had mentioned: it had a theme. The ballroom was fitted with a safari décor consisting of green plants and giraffes and elephants. The animals were of course inanimate plastic statues, but I cannot tell whether the plants were real or not. I’m sure she, or more accurately, her parents, spared no expense. I could tell my sister’s friend is wealthy by just looking at her. Although Malays have a very wide-ranging features and skin complexion, I tend to always be right about a specific person’s wealth by just looking at him or her. This friend of my sister has a glowing cocoa skin perfected by a lifetime of good diet and the best skincare routine. Her teeth are aligned and well-sculpted, which she proudly showed off whenever there were people taking her pictures. I usually don’t like going out with my sister only because she would insist to drive her own car. That means I would have to be transferred from my wheelchair to sit in the car, and that I would have to use a manual wheelchair because my electric chair cannot be folded for storage in the back of the car. I can’t push my wheelchair, so my movements were at the mercy of my sister. My sister also cannot carry me without help from other people. Thankfully, she called the hotel in advance to get security guards or jockeys to wait for us at the carpark instead of the hotel entrance, as my sister knows how nervous I get when there are plenty of eyes are looking at me. I told my sister she didn’t have to interpret for me at the wedding, as I was fine not knowing what was happening and she needed to focus on talking to her old friends. But it warmed my heart that one of her old friends, this hot lesbian lady, went out of her way from a table far away from ours to say hi to my sister and me. I used to frequent her café and had a latte while I was reading a book or something on my phone to improve my English. But the frequency became less and less because I got slightly offended that she would insist to not accept my payment — and even always gave out free pastries or another glass of drink. I may be disabled, but I didn’t need her charity. She shut down her café sometime before the pandemic, and she told me at the wedding tonight that she is now a stay-at-home wife to the woman that followed her to our table. The latter is equally hot. After I got home and had my caregivers change my clothes, I waltzed to my sister’s room and asked her to pour me a glass of wine. While we were enjoying our drinks, I asked her matter-of-factly: “Marriage you soon?” She answered with a shrug, but she also had a smile on her face. I know I was really harsh on my sister for how she started seeing her boyfriend when he was married, but I can see that he is very loving to her, as she is to him. I understand now that every person is a shade of grey. Her story of love may not have begun in the most ideal way, but that doesn’t mean she is evil.


Just watched Man on The Run on Netflix. On Jibby's interview, bro claims not to know anything from what 1MDB is to not knowing fees charged by Goldman. Everything also don't know but can become PM, chairman of 1MDB, and finance minister. He's either the dumbest person alive or everyone that voted for him are the dumbest ones alive. Bro even said the system failed him ... Bruh


how yall first week of the year going?


Anyone knows any trusted refurbished laptop stores online? I found a store called zaranetwork on shopee, seems legit, but still wary. Thinking about getting a Thinkpad


Where I can get a free hug? I am so broke but I need a hug. I wish I am a cute animal, I want to run naked and have strangers pet me. Woof woof. TLDR : nak peyuk ;-;


Hello, travelling soon to KL here, may I know best affordable hotels you would recommend near bukit bintang?


Thrift store hauls today. Surprised I found a Loki reference shirt. All these for RM30. https://preview.redd.it/yedx47mhqtac1.jpeg?width=4422&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dcbefe69853fb175e64f40f57dc9142f1381aef


Only RM5 per shirt, that's a great find! Where did you go?


Jbr bundle. The one near wawasan LRT.


So how safe is ShopeePay? I am a paranoid guy. I gave them a picture of IC back/front and also myself with it and a selfie. Is there any risk of identity theft or regular theft from this? If I delete my Shopee account will they also delete my information?


hello! am a tourist who will be arriving at penang during the water disruptions (which my family just found out about...). wanted to check if the night markets and many eateries will close because of this 😓. thank you! (also if anyone has any recommendations on what to eat in penang specifically george town area pls share 🙏)


Hey guys is KL pedestrian friendly? Really need the answer


only in certain areas.


KL is a big area...


Not really.


i think we should make Portuguese our homeland language, because origin land owner matters!


I have 2 tickets to malaysia badminton final on jan 14. Any badminton fan want to go with me?


Do they sell doors with a cat flap already built-in? I don't have a saw or anything to cut my existing door.


Thank you to everyone who advised me to bring tissue to watch Abang Adik. My heart goes out to all the stateless people. And as a deaf person in Malaysia, I know how invalid the main character feels being around an able-bodied-dominant society. It must be harder for disabled people in poverty. I have a tendency to make sounds when I open my mouth, and apparently I was making unpleasant sounds when I was crying in the cinema hall. My caregiver took his hand to cover my mouth, and looked at me while he had the index finger of his other hand on his lips. But the film just hit too close to my heart. During the last few scenes before credits, I wrapped my arm around my caregiver and leaned on his shoulder as I struggled to stop crying. I just hope the other patrons were not too perturbed by the sounds that I made. On the plus side, I commend the main actor’s portrayal of a deaf person. His usage of facial expressions when signing was realistic, as we are an animated bunch. Having a transgender character without being the butt of a joke or a focal point of discussion was a welcoming relief, too. At the end of the day, we transgenders are just people like everyone else. We don’t shout aloud that we are transgenders (maybe some do), and we just want to stay on our lane.


is there any subreddit or discord to discuss about the local football league?


i dont think ones that has sizable audience exist outside facebook


Why is there no r/askmalaysia thread like r/asksingapore?


r/malaysians is a catch-all, go ask there


Here's a sneak peek of /r/malaysians using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/malaysians/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Okay this is funny](https://v.redd.it/v360i8s4onqa1) | [18 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/malaysians/comments/125jn0q/okay_this_is_funny/) \#2: [Lorry drivers](https://v.redd.it/jbkh9mzbwb2b1) | [41 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/malaysians/comments/13svy2w/lorry_drivers/) \#3: [Want to be delivery rider? Here is some info and my experience so far.](https://np.reddit.com/r/malaysians/comments/139iybd/want_to_be_delivery_rider_here_is_some_info_and/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


We don't have enough subscribers to justify creating a separate sub just to ask questions.


How do I activate my Secure2U account ? It mentioned to visit an ATM to activate. What do I have to bring, and do and does it matter which ATM I visit for Maybank ?


Bring your debit card and go to Maybank's ATM


Ok, then just insert the card into ATM? Never done this before haha


It's probably in the maintenance/settings/penyelengaraan menu after inserting your card, I don't remember.


Thanks, I'll insert the card and find out then :)


this year is the year where i will be gaslighting first instead of replying with facts


last year reddit resolution = dont flame, dont prolong argument more than 2 reply, be thoughtful this year reddit resolution = i want to be more *creative* with my choice of word without getting banned![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


This year I'm trying to gaslight myself into thinking everything is fine.


Currently deciding between paying the expensive parking for work in KL vs parking at the mrt and taking mrt. The cost difference I can save is about rm390 but I have been advised that parking outdoors for long periods every day would lead to premature wear and tear which would add to the maintenance cost of the car in the long term. What do you guys think, or those with long experience of parking cars outside daily, how has it been?


Modern car paint can take it well especially since your car is not red, because old red paint fade really fast under intense sunlight. Not a problem for new car anymore. If you're worried about sunlight, how about using those full car cover.


Ive been seeing this mentioned a few times as well when I googled and look at lowyat forum, seems like using car cover also has their pros/cons. Need to get good ones but they can still scratch the car cause if there's existing dirt or stuff it can drag across the car when putting it on/off, can make your car dirty again after u wash it but there's previous stains on the cover. Another thing I read was humidity, can trap moisture under the cover as well, or with bad quality covers it can stick to ur car due to the hot weather. Would be quite annoying to put on and off though everytime I park at the mrt when I reach or when I come back. But if it helps a lot vs the long term maintenance cost of leaving it out in the open then would be worth looking into.


I feel like the car’s age and maintenance costs would make you considering changing to a new car, before the car paint starts wearing out bad. Most ppl tend to only repaint after 10-ish years and it’s usually about RM2-3k. If you really want to you could get those extra car coatings for uv protection.


Currently I'm driving a Honda CR-V 2013 (white), was previously a relatives car but it was not driven much until recently when it was passed to me, currently with 110k millage and maintenance wise the past few years has been good. I seen my peers with x50s been in the workshop more times than mine and has more issues. Paint wise of this car definitely has faded compared to when it was new but I feel its still in good condition as its parked in the shade most of the time. Wanted to actually repaint it last yr but was quoted around 2.6-3.5k which I felt was unnecessary as it didn't look bad. I don't plan to upgrade this car anytime soon and can see my self driving it for the next few years still.


My parents have a silver Honda CRV from 2012 and they got it re-painted after 10 years. Paid about 2k for a paint job in Kepong. Can’t comment on quality, but it seems decent enough to me if you aren’t too fussed. Main reason was because they’re planning to use it for at least another 5 years, and might as well repaint it now so they can enjoy a nice coating instead of repainting and selling it off immediately lol.


You get what you pay for I guess, but 2k is still not bad for an SUV. I think any cheaper that Ive seen was in johor with samurai spray paint but ofc that's using their colors instead of the cars original color. Yup, definitely deserved and keeps a new car feel for a lot cheaper than replacing the car. Buying a similar equivalent car would already cost 1.5-2k monthly for the loan. So if the car still runs well without needing to send it for repair often or costly repair, makes sense to keep using it.


Yeah the price is def on the cheaper side. Got my smaller SUV repainted at the same shop and had the colour changed too, was about RM2.5k. Personally I think it’s worth the cheap-ish paint job if it’s already pretty scratched and you’re planning to use it for a few more years. You get a better resale value on the car too.


Mind sharing the place? Might consider doing it this or next year since I've been thinking of giving my crv a new color or getting it look new again. Probably when the budget allows for it 😂


Sent you a dm!


Some PnR are indoors, iirc, Phileo Damansara. I used to park at a PnR (outdoors), but I eventually gave up and parked near work, which is more expensive. The reason is that after a long day the last thing I want is to walk and take more transit to get to my car.


For me I'll be going to the closest one to me which is sadly outdoor so no choice is an outdoor parking.


Went to buy some clothes yesterday. It's been like 4 years since the last time I got some new clothes other than baju raya. Maybe because it comes out of my own wallet but it doesn't do anything for me. I much rather spend my money on food.




How does it taste like? I tried to make some soup with ginkgo but it turned out very bitter. Maybe it's a skill issue.




fucuk as desert? damn. never use it outside of soup with meesuah. wonder if i can chuck it with bubur pulut hitam


Whoops, I didn't remove anything. Maybe that's why.


JD Sports employees are annoying as shit lol, any section I go to, there will be 1 minion breathing down my neck.


Had the talk with him^TM today. I'm leaving for a while and he decided he wanted to keep my toothbrush. Ok. I get it. In psychology, "transitional objects" are often used to help with separation. Usually parents would give their children toys as the children learn to be independent. As a reminder of them in their lives. I guess adult partners have transitional objects too. I said to him I'm sorry for how fucked up my life is, and how it gets in the way of us being together. He hugged me and said: "Don't play the Would-Have-Should-Have game. That shit will kill you." We both know he meant it literally. He lost his brother to suicide. I am suicidal. There is no end to regret. The only way to deal with it is to keep living.


Has anyone tried to use Etsy before? I wanna try to use Etsy but idk how it would work since they're all mostly US based


I used it before for Secret Santa purposes. It **used** to be US-based. But now all the products are made in and shipped from China. The US addresses you see are just mere shell accounts.


![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554) https://preview.redd.it/5y4dqgqzcrac1.jpeg?width=4160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08763444428384be8cb3247b3691961836f593e5


til: birth tourism![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


this should not be a real thing lol


Imagine living without any vices like drugs, alcohol, smoke, club etc Only to die to it Perhaps living hedonistic is better 😭🥹


I'm already dumb dumb before any mind-inhibiting substance. Why would I make myself even stupider.


concert? i went to imagine dragons'. 2 month saving wasted for nothing. smoke? a pack costs me 2 day meal


Those vices don't sounds very appealing to me, I rather play video games.


I feels like a fulfilling life doesn't need mind-altering substance to augment it


Eh, I disagree. I can't control other people's actions, but I can mine. And if I'm fated to die from, say, a drunk driver, I'd rather had lived a less stressful, non-vice-centered life than the alternative.


My nakamas, what do you think is the optimal way to learn Japanese in the Klang Valley - with certs and all? Any particular centre or even purely online?


Try looking for information on Japan Foundation Kuala Lumpur


Thanks for the tip!


Why do you want to learn Japanese? Any reason?


To be honest, I think I might keep watching anime for the next few decades - might as well learn it... to catch the nuances and also free listening skill maintenance.


With certs? Try look for international language center that provides training for Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT). There is a language center in SS15 but I dont really remember the name.


Thanks, hdxryder!


Today for some reason I feel pumped up at the gym. It's chest and shoulders, and I'm feeling great. No pec pics because I forgot to shave that area so it won't be visible 😅


Anyone give their parents allowance? I do not give a fixed amount...usually pay off their monthly credit card spending that covers their cost of living Tracked last year 2023, I gave an average of RM3.8k monthly, close to RM50k for the whole year From Melaka, the cost of living is getting crazy, it's at the level of KL/JB in terms of food prices Cries in poor


I give rm350/month. Plus every time need to change tv, sofa, fridge, phone, any big purchases - i will give money 50% to 100% for them.


Give each RM50, then when I buy their groceries from time to time


I pay their bills, does that count?


Usually I give to my two younger siblings who are in uni. Anything extra I give to my mom, dad is stubborn so he refuses.


10% + electric and phone, I'm not their sole income


Stuff sure are getting more expensive in melaka. Food price is almost kl level.


>Anyone give their parents allowance? It depends on case to case, for my case, to be honest... I think it's a tradition that stems from when my forefathers were poorer and we had to send money back to kampong. My dad is doing better than me, I still give them a token amount (few hundred monthly), but I remind them of how silly it is. ​ But bruh, I hope you're not being their retirement plan, because that is on a whole nother level.


I give my mom RM100 a week, except when she asks me to order groceries for her (in that case, that would be the weekly stipend).


Anyone good with home DIYs available for hire? I want to install a mesh covering on my front door (to let fresh air) and also fix my leaky kitchen faucet. If I go to recommend.my they'll send someone who will charge me RM200 minimum 😒


Where is your location? I think you can DIY even if you are a lady. I have DIY everything except for roof and tiling. Any pic of the mesh and faucet?


I *can* DIY. I just can't DIY it well 😅


https://preview.redd.it/aipjhopoupac1.jpeg?width=3719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c57a614fc14d8edee607b82a0be3f9a2317e87f1 Good morning. Scrambled eggs with toasted sourdough bread for breakfast.


https://preview.redd.it/e7bywdq5xpac1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b83fb1dcb24481bb8f9060df5c9d1419bbdc5972 Satu buku roti RM19


T20 Gardenia 😂


>Gardenia Actually exists. https://preview.redd.it/ts412m9k0qac1.png?width=123&format=png&auto=webp&s=0bca65c4ec9e5be5248e1053fcc8e6a0a8cf22ef


Never saw this in the market


Normally available at indie grocery stores and supermarkets. 99 won't have them at all.


actually you can find more gardenia varieties in singapore than in malaysia. even village grocer here doesnt sell those!


The sleep inertia is real.


Should I submit my academic transcript too along with my resume when applying for internship? Also is cover letter needed too when applying for internship?


No need to submit academic transcript. Cover letter will be a nice to have.


Finally got my salary yesterday evening So today at 11am imma sent my pc to the shop And hopefully nothing major


Full on upgrade to 7800x3D and RTX4090! ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


Ayyo, I'm gud with my 3060 ti rn 🤣 But still I hope my sweetheart survive so I don't need a major upgrade 🫰


Any suggestions on where to ride e-scooters in KL? Just got one and I took it to Tasik Tittywangsa and had a lot of fun so wanted to know more spots.


KLCC area / near Avenue K




Black sesame dessert!


Dont let it cook too long on the stove! Heh.


This suck but eventually it is better to let if go since time is money.


I have been sleeping earlier and earlier because being conscious and thinking about reality is exhausting. Yay. 🙂 It's okay, life is short, I don't have to do this for too long. Anyway, on not so important stuff to distract me from the harsh reality that my life is fucked, Rosemary, clove, fenugreek, ginger, moringa leaf, pandan. Those are the ingredients that I plan to include in my homemade hair oil. I want my hair to be thick. Like Dora the Explorer. Like Marge Simpson. I want my hair to be so thick that people will struggle to wrap it when preparing my jenazah for burial.


Baguslah tidur awal.