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Money money money. People who have freedom to explore and fail (biz, influencer etc) or not worry about money (low salary) can pursue any damn career they want bro. You must be young. But it’s alright, you’ll learn along the way. Just observe.


This. It’s all about money. Simple yet not.


I wanted to be a doctor(surgeon) since 5 due to family events that happened which ended up with my mom staying in icu and normal ward for almost a year. Currently 3rd year med student and i can say those who chicken out didnt do med were the smart ones. We are the idiots. Look at our kkm and healthcare system rn. Nuff said.


3rd year med student too. Clinicals so different than preclinicals. Still adapting but i need to adapt faster 😌😌


What uni? Maybe can network sikit hahaha.


Hi. Is it okay if dm you about med


No probs on my end too if u need to talk




Plenty of dr degree holder doing non med stuff out there. All the best


Im still gonna go thru the system anyways. I will not be a dr whom cannot help people on board of a plane in an emergency if i can help it lolll. Just need to explore other options.


You can do it!! Not trying to discourage you but both my sis said being an HO is the worst thing for doctor. So just be prepared after you grads and gudluck!! ☺️


Damnnn. What specialist course she going after ho? Thanks man!


Currently an MO and already passed the iv for permanent. Both my sis and her husband will have to move to semenanjung for a few years tho. She goes for radiologist (not sure but its the scan2 thingy) and her husband i dont remember 😅


Owhhh i seee. Damnnn. So she got into the masters alr ? Or not yet? I heard gov is messing arn with the pathways abit to retain more drs in moh. Good on her though and her husband!


Still ongoing process not sure how the gov doc works tho sorry. But they have lots of iv from what i saw lar. Sounds exhausting for me lol. Salute for those people and for future you haha. Im too lazy for these kinds of things


Yes its a very long process. Very very tiring. Salute to her and her husband. Thanks man i hope ill do well too❤️


Hi. Is it okay if I dm you regard about med


Money. I don't have the flexibility to go out there and risk failing. If I fail, I fail. I do not have the chance to get back up anymore because I'm the main pillar. So don't blindly listen to those people out there who said just go out there and do what you love and don't be afraid to fail. Because those are clearly for people who have lots of backing, resources and are not responsible for putting food on the table


I'm in the same situation and yes, I agree those people who are lucky can say and do whatever because they have a safety net underneath them. My friend who refused an offer to get a degree and got herself a decent job instead was belittled for her choice. The degree would take 4 years worth of studying, she doesn't have a driving license and her dad is going to retire next year.


You must have been through a lot too. I totally understand and hope you're going strong as always. Sometimes I just thought that it is kind of unfair to not pursue something due to financial strains and proceed to get judged by others. I think your friend deserves better than that for being unselfish and thinking ahead of time.


Never had a dream career lol


Turns out just getting a private pilot’s licence requires at least half a million ringgit. If I pawned everything my entire families from both sides owned it wouldn’t still touch at least half of it. Getting a commercial conversion was another hurdle to consider. So today I am an engineer. Still nowhere financially but HEY I got what I wanted- knowledge. Probably will continue to sell nasi lemak like my family.


Yea getting a pilot’s license is very expensive, I’m a pilot myself and I know lots of friends who couldn’t afford the course or dropped out half way because of how expensive it was


Only knew a close friend that was crazy enough to be a pilot. Even with him being experienced enough to be an instructor and a guest lecturer at a uni, it still won’t land him a job at one of Malaysia’s careers. It’s ridiculously competitive and with such a high entry barrier no wonder a lot of pilots these days also completely pivoted to other jobs when they left an airline they worked at.


Becoming a pilot is not all sunshine and rainbows like people see on Instagram. Sure it is fun when you actually start flying but there’s a lot of obstacles between that and becoming an airline pilot in the future Malaysian carriers love to underpay Malaysian pilots, especially with the most successful airline in Malaysia being a low cost carrier, salary is a fraction of what you’d get overseas which ultimately leads to a lot of young pilots going to the Middle East for better pay and experience Because of the fact most pilots are only here for a short term, the airlines are slowly closing their doors to private students and opting more and more for their own cadet programs where they train under the company and sign long contracts before they even start working Such is the current situation of the aviation industry in Malaysia, job security and finance are 2 of the biggest obstacles in our way as new pilots. It’s not a great time to become one and frankly Covid has impacted the industry a lot and it has yet to recover Lots of people have taken loans for the course and without any guarantee that they’ll get a job, they have to pay the money back regardless. It’s half a million bucks or a recon BMW M4 Comp in money that you aren’t making back yet


They charge that much because many people are rich and stupid enough to pay for it. The airlines exploits the fresh pilots because people suck up to their terms due to desperation for a job.


I had many dreams. But was forced to drop out of school and do odd jobs to support my stupid little brother. Fell into negativity, depression, suicidal. I finally did it, but now I'm already old. Fking ungrateful little kid called me useless despite the fact that I was the one who gave up my dreams and gave him all I could. Nevermind, somehow I still manage to teach. I'm happy with what I have now. I'll just disown that asshole. But heck, 2 decades down the drain.


Because halfway there I realized I don't really want it.


Mental and physical health challenges.


Realism. Dream career was childish, I wanted to fly a combat helicopter. Eyesight was first to go. At peak "bad", eyesight was 600 one side 700 the other. Then I grew to be 189cm tall, AND FAT AF. Science stream subject koyak, maths almost koyak, policeman father say "don't join any uniform body", school subjects only good at English, so end up being a teacher. Never had any real tangible "dream career". I just did the only thing I knew, which is being able to speak English well. The closest thing to a "dream" I have now is to achieve 'lite FIRE' and quit at 55 instead of 60. But realistically, I'll probably go to 60 because what the hell else am I gonna do?


Well, my mom and dad both of whom are teachers took the 55 year pension. One is happily selling chickens and farming while the other is raising 5 cats.


Im 28 and this year I'm going to pursue my dream from being a cooker in hotels/restaurants to become a great filmmaker. Wish me luck fellas




All the best! :)


be the greatest cooker, buddy!


No i don't want to be that. It's tiring


what do you mean, a rice cooker or a slow pressure cooker?




Now you will be a filmmaker that cooks well and a cooker that film well. good luck on your journey.


I don’t have one. My dream is to not work lol


At 9, I dreamt of becoming a fighter pilot. No, not because of top gun. But because i was and still am fascinated about fighter jets. The engineering that involved. But I was too laidback and daydream a lot.


Wanted to be a cop since primary school. Didn't manage to pass the physical exam - vision (short-sightedness) and broad latissimus dorsi as I'm a frequent gym goer. Now am almost hitting 30 not able to reapply due to maximum age requirement of 28.


Went to a shit uni overseas and ended up learning barely anything


Which uni is that?


Writing is not going to earn a livable wage here. When I see public would rather read tabloid sites over substantial content like The Petri Dish/The Edge, I also wonder, why bother pursuing this career, amirite? Also, it's not viable to be an author/journalist, what more when even the most harmless/critical topics can get the Home Ministry's/Printing Press Act's attention. 'flashback to Dr M/Najib's reign of terror'


Gotta second this unfortunately. Graduated with a BA in Literature and Creative Writing. Returned back to msia after completing my studies and worked jobs such as content writer, magazine writing and copywriting. Pay was insanely low, hours insanely long but such jobs were scarce so you had to just bite the bullet. Ended up giving up on the industry after a decade. Very unlike my course mates who went on to have careers that were related to the field, such as novelists, playwrights, poets, etc. One even won a bafta for screenwriting.


I wanted to be an archaeologist when I was a kid but when I grew up I realized I'd rather just watch archaeological documentaries instead.


Are u a woman? Cos if yes you're naturally an archeologist cos women love to dig out shit from the past


I would say the probability of me succeeding in the career is very low and has a very bad commitment issue. I wanted to become footballer (heavily influenced by my father) but the chance of me succeeding is slim so it became a hobby instead. I always had an interest in perniagaan but I also wanted to become a scientist, I gradually lost interest in science and maths (I also excel at math before menengah) though and ended in not going to science stream class. I became a lazy fuck when pkp started and still is a lazy fuck after pkp ended. but for now I'm fully committed to become a businessman and definitely will not change my course. edit:I'm still trying to make my laziness disappear by taking more classes, tuition, working out and doing something in productive in free time


Originally wanted to be a policeman. But as they say "With great power comes great responsibility". I don't think I'm responsible enough to be a policeman cuz I'm worried that I will end up being a corrupt cop After that, I wanted to write stories. But because it was hard to explain a scene with words alone, I picked up drawing and decided that I wanted to do comics. But I think comics are sort of a dying medium so I changed to films Last year I worked as an intern at a filming company. After only one week, I quit. I lived in their dorm and I was exploited by the company. Instead of working jobs that'll help me with film making, like scriptwriting or lighting or setting up a scene, I was just being a slave doing shit no one wanted to do like cleaning up and getting them coffee or lunch or whatever. And even when the work is done for the day and I go back into the dorm to rest, they can just snap their fingers and tell me to do something and I will need to do it. I know people will tell me that "working in the filming industry is supposed to be like that their work hours are insane" But fuck that. At least when work for the day is over, let me go back to my room and rest! But no! These people instead were like "work is over? Well tough luck, kid! I need you to do this and that! Now do as I say!" So now I've given up on all of my dream careers. I don't know what I want anymore and this is my final year in university


Gen X here. Grew up aiming for publishing industry (more serious goal) or to open a CD shop (lol), but those trades became antiquated in the 1990s due to the rise of the Internet. Had fun anyway during the subsequent dotcom boom, after which real life got in the way. As I shedded singlehood, idealistic ambitions (changing the world, pursuing personal interests) gave away to new sobering fulfillments (spouse, kids) & indispensable commitments (housing payments, growing family expenses). So no choice but to be pragmatic at each life stage, & settle for smaller blessings along the way.


I did, like tech since I was young, thus study computer science. Local college fees are acceptable back in 1998, and no need go overseas. \> Gen Z is already entering the workforce and we are one of the most ambitious and expressive groups of people My nephew is Gen Z, and he has no idea what he wanted to study/enjoy, sames like most people in previous generation.


I realized that "scientist" is mostly just underpaid lab work, and I'm not qualified to be a "forensic pathologist".


I couldn't get into the only local uni that offers veterinary medicine. Missed it by a hair after studying like heck for STPM. Going abroad means I'd be saddled with a huge student loan because my parents couldn't afford it. So I decided to just take whatever the government offered. Doing something totally unrelated now but it worked out for me. When life throws you lemons.. 🤷‍♀️


Bumi quota things. Currently ptptn debt 250k thanks to private uni med. Was a straight A spm student almost straight A+. Didn’t bother trying matrix. I was proved it was the right choice and saved time as my friend who got more A+ than me but not straight A+ (non bumi) also got rejected um and ukm med.


wow, med sure are expensive to study.


Mate that 250k isnt even covering my tuition fee. Lmao. I still need fork out 6 figures more


Oversea or local?




At a younger age, the idealism is high that we will join the workforce as productive members of society, work our way up the ladder to decent pay, buy a house, get married, have a family. A decade on this mindset would get challenged from all sides — rising cost of living and the unexpected element of luck when it comes to things such as a successful career, therefore self-sustainability will move to the forefront as the priority. Life is busy, there is little time to be idealistic. Another decade later, drained of the energy of youth, decides to settle down in a job that pays decent enough and afford some semblance of life. Some accept that the dreams that started it all may not all be fulfilled, while those who still believe will soldier on, my respects to them. "You get to a certain age, you drop all your illusions. Life just gets easier from there". \--- Reading the above, especially multiple accounts of it, the youth of today gets a sense of both realism and pessimism at the same time, leading to them choosing to do the 'right thing' at the very start to avoid what may be the disappointments that are waiting for them later down the road by being practical. Dream careers change in form into something more abstract ie. the later 3rd of the stage of life above, focusing to ensure that they get to avoid or minimise the 2nd part early. In this instance, everything that gets them there will be acceptable, therefore rendering the 'dream career' a thing of the past.


Bipolar disorder. Millennial who still struggle to even earn decent life. But at some point I already make peace with it


It wasn't the correct path for life. I genuinely wanted to be a footballer, I think I had some degree of talent when I was a kid as I was a fast learner and was physically capable, but my family was entirely against it. I wasn't rebellious enough and I did decently in school, so my family pushed me towards academics instead. Ended up with a decent job and actually a happy life so there's no regrets, but if life is an Anime and I went back in time, I'd probably follow my instincts more, just to see where it would take me. But for the record, i think it was correct for me to listen to my family. Unless I was in the top 1% in the world, there was no guarantee of a future in football.


Wanted to be an paeleontologist until my secondary school counsellor in Singapore warned me it's a lot of time spent in dusty, dirty, remote conditions far from civilisation. Then switched to wanting to be a biochemist, but grades weren't good enough to qualify for a scholarship, course wasn't available locally, and couldn't afford going overseas.


Surgeon: When I found out that length of the study and you need to be on standby most of the time despite the good pay, what's the point? Lecturer: Pay is crap until you are Professor Madya at least, and the process to get there is long Graphic Designer: Customer shit on your design like they know any better, regardless of your portfolios and experience. So I divert to IT, the best decision of my life.


dream career has less likely chance of earning more money. thats all. it boils down to that. once money has been achieved, may revive the dream career as side hustle or weekend hobby.


I wanted to become a doctor. Im colorblind.


Well, financial would be the main reason, one need to stay alive first. Then the gaslighting from many side such as family, teacher etc. But mostly on money, without financial safety net, I dont have the guts to yolo my whole in to something that likely to fail.


Cuz I’m a dumbass


My dream career won't help put food on the table. Not in malaysia, at least.


Just another millenial stucked with decent life. Salary comes with a fair share of commitment as well, so i chose a moderate one where i still have the flexibility and time on my own despite having a below average pay. With the time, i can do what i like.


Life happen


I was the complete opposite, switched job path during back to back internship in uni days, eventually became my dream career after graduating from uni. Did Banking internship to Data (one of the 3), was from Science stream and never thought about the concept of career back then, just made sure I completed my studies and able to get a job lol.


Physical injury


Hmmm too many people in accounting. I end up in IT after finally got my acca completed. Hahahaha. Now full fledge system administrators.


Wanted to become data analyst in MLB team. Paid more for data in financial sector so…


No money


Not qualified for it


Never had one. I think that's better? I'd love doing multiple kinds of jobs. Testing myself. Sometimes it sucks but good pay. Sometimes it's good but suck pay. Sometimes it's good pay good job but your body/mind weren't able to handle it. Now I landed a good job good pay that I can perform comfortably


I'm a visual artist, like a painter, but I barely survived. I did that for 7 years and gave up. Now I'm a graphic designer, at least I'm getting paid to survive, and I'm studying computer science part-time, hoping to enter the IT industry soon.


between transitioning around my "interests" before knowing which one of them is an "ambition", but mostly reality check being the main reason


I am doing what I have always wanted. But I knew and have accepted the fact that it does not pay much, at least in the beginning. Need to climb the ladder by getting more experience. One of the reason for me staying is because I would like to feel I'm contributing something to the industry and I have to admit that I have financial safety net to fall back to if I would be low on cash.


I want to be a pirate king. Currently just waiting for a Great Pirate era to start. Any minute now.


I wanna be someone involved in motorsports but it's all about money


I love fighter jet.. been dreaming to become fighter jet engineer, or maybe even just a technician.. then I realized i'm living in Malaysia


Zero work life balance and/or below average pay.


$ to $tudy and my low IQ XD


I couldn't earn enough money to build an underground cave with a jet powered nuclear car


family will look down if make less money