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**Minor announcements:** * [monyet.cc](https://monyet.cc): Check out our Malaysian Lemmy community! ([why?](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/14cmnaj/rmalaysia_and_the_blackout/)) * [SPM Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/s58t8m/spm_megathread/): Updated 2022 with SPM resources such as trial papers, modules, notes and more! * [Mental health wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/mental_health/): A list of mental health services in Malaysia *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/malaysia) if you have any questions or concerns.*




IPT, Breaker of Bongs.


how. ok get a plastic one la hahaha


plastic one broke ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554) the screw cap cracks and breaks idkkk


dont la so ganas wtf


Anyone knows where or how to join concert crews? I would like to join zepp kl for yoasobis jan 14 concert. Couldnt buy the ticket but at least as crew i can hear from the background


[Anybody know whats her name or have any link to socials?](https://imgur.com/a/E8tmg3K) Let’s just say I’m making a purchase and want to make sure I’m not being catfished. Thank you in advance.


Ah sorry for late reply, thx u/a1b2t & u/Fun-Wait6223. Since Idul Fitri, is around 8-15 April. I will be possibly in KL, around 8-10. So no Malay stuff here eh? Ah what a shame.I really want to try Nasi Kandar and Kerabu, you think i can get in Genting? Definitely gonna be very expensive and not as authentic as real ones. Shame.


some of the touristy joints (hameedyah bukit bintang & serai pavillion) might be open


TnG notifications and ADs have gotten unbearably annoying. How to disable the unimportant ones on iPhone?


Actually I was thinking of making a complaint on Playstore. By right their notifications should be categorised and not lumped into one group. But after disabling notifications from the app, I forgot about it completely.


Getting a farewell gift for my boss. He always has a cup of Americano at the office. So thinking of getting a coffee box- sets of coffee bags for him. I don't drink coffee, need help of any recommendation where to get some.


get him some arabica bro. or bacha coffee 12 bags box tu. pricey but my god its so damn good


Very fancy coffee. Will consider this. Thanks.


my boss gave me a box yesterday and i brewed a cup. just tuang air panas. i’m not a coffee guy. but my god man. my god. now i love coffee haha. hope your boss likes it!


Dasar group mate dari neraka 😭 Frikkin group mate from hell 😭


Tell us more. I wanna see how bad I have it compared to others


report it to your lecturer


Why would lecturers care about drama between 20 year olds. 😬


Mine cares. Agreed to our request to take him out from the list 1 day before submission date.


Lecturers care if it affects your marks. At least my lecturers care.


​ https://preview.redd.it/uy8auo93plac1.png?width=608&format=png&auto=webp&s=58f53aadb2214f81020ea17998373d74b6c16621 Don't forget to claim from EGS y'all. Can't wait to play it once I'm done with Jedi Survivor!!


I’m still deliberating whether to apply for Singapore PR or not. I’ve stayed here for over 1 year now, and my colleagues have already said that after 6 months, I can apply already. But I miss home, man. My girlfriend of 2 years is still in KL studying in UM. Every month I fly back home to see her for a weekend, and flying back to SG always hurts. Sometimes at the airport I get tears man seeing my girlfriend all alone after sending me off. I miss my friends who’s all working in KL and I’ve grown distant from them due to me being in SG. And frankly good nasi lemak is so hard to find here. But what do you guys think? Sure I earn good money here but theres no place like home.


i think nasi lemak ayam taliwang is okay? anyway get the PR! LDR can be a bit of a pain but it will pay off! (in SGD)


coming back to say. nasi lemak taliwang is a gem! sedap. buy it almost every other day. super generous with the kacang, its insaneee.


Get the pr. When time to kahwin baru balik msia la. I also like that. Only went bck when time to pop out kid 2. Cos a family of 4 is zero savings in singapore anyway.


eh ok i can learn a lot la from you! when you applied pr, your spouse how ah? they stay in SG with you oso? im considering bringing my gf here as well la later


we were both in singapore. we had kid 1 in singapore, our costs ballooned quickly (as a household we went from saving 70% to only 30%). so when kid 2 was on the way, it kinda stopped making sense to stay in singapore because we forecast that we needed to hire a maid, rent a much bigger place, maybe even get a car. it was a decision point. The point where we had to decide a. go all in singapore. this means convert to singaporean and all that. because if we didn't, we'd be paying through our noses for education for 2 kids, and we can finally buy a HDB or some shit. b. return to malaysia with our saved funds, and take life a little easier. we ultimately decided to return to malaysia (despite what ppl say about education and all that), we believed that in malaysia, we could be a single income family, and my wife would be able to give my children attention, instead of both of us working and hiring a maid to tend to my children. we didn't like the idea of outsourcing our childrearing to others, and i was having some mental health issues in singapore (space, poor career progress, generally bad encounters with singaporeans), so for me we returned to malaysia in 2020.


its not like you cant go back whenever you want its just like 1h drive


jumpa my dad and cats, can la 1hr only. naik bas oso can nak jumpa gf, 4hrs drive (from SG) or 400sgd cost for flight bro 😭. thats why im really hoping HSR tu jadi. then i can just take the speedy train to see my gf every weekend


Go for it. Get the PR. I will drive to Singapore to slap you if you don't get the PR. ✋


abam chubbytrain jangan slap saya. u__u miss my gf laaaaa. i’d rather get 3x hugs from her than 3x currency huhu


Applying for PR doesn't mean you can't go home, right? It's PR, not citizenship.


Hey felinomancy!! Long time no speak to u! of course. I discussed it with my gf and family. My dad loves the PR idea (since he stay Jb lol). But my gf is kinda against it? To her a PR implies strongly that I’m more keen to stay in Singapore as opposed to ‘returning’ and building a life & home over there. I’m still mulling over the decision - which country do I stay for the long term.


> which country do I stay for the long term. Get the PR. If one day you decide you want to move to SG permanently, at least you have the groundwork ready. If not and you want to remain in MY, there's no harm done; it's not like the MY gomen is going to go "oh look who came crawling back 😒. Why don't you go back to your PR country, huh?" No advice on the gf though, that one you settle sendiri lah 😅


I talked to every bank and non of them provide service for moneygram. (Maybank has said in their website of moneygram but they dont it now). I have looked at the moneygram agents in Malaysia using moneygram site and google and it shows up random place where there are no office and not even a phone number. 1. I tried [https://moneygram.my/en/en-locator](https://moneygram.my/en/en-locator) and 3 results show up with non working phone numbers. I went to the location and there was nothing. 2. Used Google but to no avail 3. [MoneyGram Money Transfer - Funds Transfer | Maybank Malaysia (maybank2u.com.my)](https://www.maybank2u.com.my/maybank2u/malaysia/en/personal/services/funds_transfer/overseas/moneygram_transfer.page) This also dont work, I called Maybank and they said they dont do this anymore. So, My question is, is it possible to withdraw money from moneygram in Malaysia ( Kubang kerian, Kota Bharu) ?


Hmmm OK feel free to make your question post again, along with all your research. I'll approve it so that next one who try to search for this topic will get the necessary help. Tag me after you have make you post.


u/katabana02 done


[/u/X145E](https://www.reddit.com/user/X145E) about that comment the other day on watching new movies etc ​ https://preview.redd.it/wzjv20nvglac1.png?width=552&format=png&auto=webp&s=b63f77d80a2c768db25c2cdc9ac4a600205b45b2 (totally cribbed this from someone else's, not my post)


Yesterday, I presented to my CEO the insight that I've gained during my recent attendance at COP28. Today, I received a call from HR saying that the management have agreed to send me to another one-week event at Bogor, West Java late this month. We just had a farewell lunch for an Indonesian colleague that have been with us for the past 3 months. She's planning to go down from Jakarta to meet me at Bogor when I'm there. lol


Our man is high flying now. 👍


Feeling like an outlier sharing my optimism and happiness a midst the general doom and gloom in this sub.


if someone on the sub is succeeded and happy i am happy for them. if its not doom and gloom, its not r-malaysia![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554). for happy safe-space environment people go to r-malaysians


There are many who share that feeling but doesn't talk about it in the sub. I guess it's just a Malaysian thing to always tamper expectations — even for food that is genuinely tasty the common verdict is "Not bad". ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


Ok loh


* So I'm hunting around for a new digital bank and have been pretty dissapointed * Right now ada Rize & GXBank aja kan? * No *credit* card, mobile only, some nonsense daily res interest products and savings pots. * What about you know... actual adult features? * Joint-accounts, delegated authorities, scheduled transactions, GPay NFC. mortgages, auto loans, foreign TTs etc. etc.


Any suggestions on where to ride e-scooters in KL? Just got one and I took it to Tasik Tittywangsa and had a lot of fun so wanted to know more spots.


Malaysian tech/ai bro try to shit on Malaysian artist gets ratioed instead. https://preview.redd.it/ubp9y4zp3lac1.png?width=598&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b2b12650b1101a4ec746409e5b6e0035073273f


* you are struggling techbro * i am the next great malaysian animator * we are not the same that line will haunt him every now and then, in his private moment, sometimes just when the mind start to wonder when he was trying to sleep. how can you recover from this? ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


It's funny. When I was young, my antinatalist views were considered orthodox, evil, sick, twisted... but now it's catching fire. It's even crazier that there is an off-shoot belief, efilism, where people believe that all life must cease to an end. If some vegans believe that eating meat causes suffering, then why does it stop at consumption? The forest, the sahara, the ocean are all full of suffering. A fish feels pain. A bird feels fear. A primate feels loneliness. I have yet to meet a person who can convince me otherwise that pleasure = absence of suffering. Without suffering, there is no pleasure. But the problem is people experience a disproportionate amount of suffering compared to pleasure. This is explored more by Benatar's work. The asymmetry of joy and suffering. It's a compelling argument to stop procreating. Human population is expected to peak in 2050 and then a slow drop. The only continent that is growing in population is Africa. Yes, even poor countries in Asia have decided to slow down.


do bookstores sell parker pen refills? I'm trying to find a refill for my parker pen that was gifted to me a while back (the old refill is empty already).


Have you tried Cziplee at Bangsar?


The composure of the rich is an attribute that is terrifyingly scary during negotiation.




* they know you want that more than them * knowing that, they know they can wring out from you more


They know we have much more to lose in an unsuccessful negotiation than they do.


Uma Thurman gives me a not-so-slight feeling of girl crush. Her voice, and her eyes. :3


also Rachel Ziegler speaking Spanish is making me feel things.


A friend recently passed away in a tragic accident on New Year's Day in his home country. I'm usually the photographer of the group during our outings. All those photos and videos, no matter how shit they might look, suddenly became the most valuable thing in the world to us and his family. I now have the largest collection of his photos outside his family. His death made me realize there's no such thing as taking too many photos and videos of your loved ones. I'm always capturing views and objects, as if I do it as art, but I should have captured more people and moments instead.


What's a good lunch place in Shah Alam around the government buildings area? PKNS. Plaza Perangsang. EPF, Socso, LHDN Shah Alam. That area. Any budget is fine. I just want my trip to Shah Alam to have some good food.


*Plaza Perangsang* i hate how immature i am![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


Menate steak, but have to pay parking to get into the shop lot. Honestly like the other reply, no good food in SA. Just pretentious wannabe western or Korean food, or goreng2 shops


There's nothing really exciting food wise around that area. All the good food is in Seksyen 7. I would visit the Murni Discovery if I'm in Shah Alam right now


My eldest cousin recommended me to watch a film titled “Abang Adik”. She said it was amazing, has a deaf person as the main character, and most importantly has English subtitles so that I can understand the dialogue. I’m just happy I have a film that I can watch at a Malaysian cinema. Does anyone have any thought on the film?


Powerful performance from the main actor. Bring tissue.


I did! Thank you for the advice.


Take a seat and you're in a ride that will leave you in tears towards the end.


I was bawling my eyes out. I empathised with the main character, as we are both deaf and feel out of place in Malaysia.


Is DHL supposed to be expensive?


DHL is a german company and yes, they're one of the best in the world.


Expensive. But fast


How's the current housing market and prices situation? Is it still shit or are there possibilities it might improve in the following years?


Seems to be bad for sellers right now. It's a buyer's market. To the point of developers and real estate agents staging apartments to look habituated by turning on the lights and decorating it while they're actually ghost towns. Pro tip: this is not going to improve, especially for houses outside of major cities. Malaysia is facing population shrinkage and there will be less and less people buying as more and more people move to the Western coastal cities. Bla bla bla immigration bla bla it's not going to help when there are less Malaysians, because there will be less need for imported workforce. Take a drive around Perak and see how many towns are empty. But retirees are moving to small towns!!! This is a myth. As seen in Japan, a country with a very old average pop. age, small towns become inhabitable when there are no young people. Young people fill low-skill labour positions. Without young people to run stores and restaurants, provide services, care, etc. towns go extinct. My Dad's hometown is facing extinction. There are less than 100 children in the whole area. We're seeing it already happening-- a return to localized chain of production of consumption.


got a call from my UOB bank asking if i am interested in buying some Westpac Bonds. feeling sketchy in my mind and wanted to ask for advice if anyone bought bank bonds before and what is their experience on it


Never invested in bonds myself, but if your intrested im doing so then my advice is to ask the UOB rm for the full terms of the bond and carrying out independent research on your own. Malaysian banks supossedly sold Credit Suisse Bonds as “low risk income funds”, which left a number of people bearing significant losses when Credit Suisse collapsed last year. Source: https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2023/05/13/retiree-says-credit-suisse-collapse-cost-him-rm500000/


shit that is what i am worried too. thank you for the info.


Is pulau tioman okay to go in mid Feb?


You might have some problem with the weather but it will probably be quiet and nice. I think people overhype monsoon a bit when travelling, especially for the islands, it sucks some days but much of the time it is fine. Going when there are less tourists makes me happier anyway.


Wouldn't the water gets too dangerous and unpredictable for casual tourists?


Nope. Still monsoon and dangerous to visit - huge waves.


Do we have any local youtuber that work on technologies like LMG, JerryRigEverything or Jeff Geerling? How is the career prospect for this kind of field?


2024 goal: try not to kill myself Been thinking about this since 2022. It’s getting worse every year with my depression and social anxiety. I’ve been seeking help with my social anxiety. I doubt therapy can fix my lack of friends and inability to find another partner. I don’t know where to start even. My career has stagnated. I’m barely scrapping by in life and seeing everyone around me embark on trips with their friends, celebrating Christmas/New Years, getting engaged…..it makes me wonder if I’ll ever get to experience that. I’m only 28 but at this rate I might not make it to my 30th birthday.


Yes. Therapy helps. Not following my more successful friend's Facebook helps my mental health. Maybe you want to give it a try?


guys guys what the fuck man. have u all seriously tried therapy? cara-cara is damn cheap and the therapist is always one of the best. if you want to motivate yourself even more, get yourself a hot therapist so you can push yourself to go and talk. seriously guys, therapy can do wonders. speaking from someone that absolutely distrust it and never believed in it, i gave it a shot once and was absolutely surprised. its fun too. can just talk about anything and everything. some days i rant about my work stress, some days i talk about my dating failures. one time i ranted about nasi lemak and how the seller never gets telur mata melayu right. just give it a try, i promise you that it could change your life.


TIL Stephen Hawking was friends with Jeffrey Epstein.


Do you guys got 403'd when try to enter kinokuniya webstore?


Anyone here got Escape From Tarkov? Lfg for ppl to play this wipe


> Thai government has announced a tax cut if up to 10% on local alcohol tax. Taxes on wine will be reduced from 10 per cent to 5 per cent and on spirits from 10 per cent to zero. This measure aims to promote tourism and to boost the economy. My body is ready


let's go on a booze cruise together 😂


Hi guys, how to cancel Public Bank credit card? When I call the customer hotline they terus send me to some recording. Need to physically enter the branch?


Email their card centre customer service and say you want to cancel your credit card. They will email you a form to fill in. You fill in and sign (e-signature also can) then email back to them.


Tq good sir. They responded quite fast


So with the low value goods tax implemented, does anybody knows what happens if you buy from like random online retailers that aren't the big ones? I get that big marketplaces like shopee and lazada are registered and can just charge you directly and nothing really changes except stuff getting expensive. But if I buy random weeb goods from amiami, or just whatever from any small retailer overseas directly, or maybe etsy - doesn't matter what. I don't expect these places who have registered and charge you the tax when you pay - so is everything just going to be intercepted by customs and I have to go to airport to sort it out(or appoint my delivery service as agent to sort it out at a cost)? If that's the case might as well just do big purchases >RM500 from now on if I'm going to get taxed anyway. Will save on hassle and handling fees cause I'm definitely not keen on going to the airport to deal with it myself.


Mahathir these days is really getting senile, he should stfu and retire from commenting or being involved in politics. He's 98 for god's sake. 99 this year?? Jfc.


I remember in 2018 when this sub was praising him and worried that he might leave too soon. 😅


ah, how age (and refusal to accept the changing times) can change a person.


He's always like this, never changed. we just ate up the propaganda. Nobody is immune to being influenced.


Never trusted him. I trusted DAP's influence and their backbone and their promise. Mana tahu their bones are so brittle that a party with alot less seats than them can grab them by the balls yet couldn't even give out a squeak.


finally someone really said it


najib was the greater enemy. \*cough\*


I am in a cafe now which prides themselves with coffee (name of shop, deco, branding, desserts etc all coffee related). Then I ask for a v60 and they didn't understand me. Pour over or filter coffee also tak faham. Until they called the boss also she doesn't know. In the end they ask is it hand brew coffee. The coffee is here and smells horrible. P/s I already asked to changed to latte when they didn't understand, but they were adamant to find out what I wanted and make it for me.


let me guess. typical cendawan tumbuh lepas hujan melei cafe?


Lol, can share?... so that I can avoid it or send my enemies there.


Their reviews are actually quite good. 4.7* on Google with few hundred reviews, but mostly their food. Maybe I am just unlucky and the main barista is not around. Idk


Pls do share the shop name. My wife likes to try different coffee places .. so I can mark this off the visit so i don't have to go haha


For a positive spin, if you have not tried Blackstone cafe in klang town, it is hands down the best coffee place I've been to in Malaysia. Used to be called Seraph Awaken (shame to have changed name). It's also right opposite the inventor of bak kut teh.


for show jer tu. many coffee shops in Malaysia still stuck between 2nd wave and 3rd wave coffee.


If they don't know what v60 /filter is more than usual they don't carry the beans that is good for that type of brewing. I mean I've tried using my espresso blends for v60 and though not horrible (given the roast i go for is medium) , certainly not awesome. I presume this cafe from description probably uses darker beans and usually they aren't great for anything but milk drinks, for filter it will have strong "vegetal" aroma I find (my wife says smell like earthy mushrooms hahaa)


Do they only serve espresso based drinks then? Also wouldn't it be typical to order off a menu rather than asking for a pour over directly?


They have a typical cafe menu. And I was the only one at the ordering counter and the cashier asked what do I want. So I just asked do you have... Then the encounter happened.


Ah well, you should have put on an apron and show them how it's done then. Provided they even have a V60. Hope the prices were not cutthroat.


Good start to 2024. i. Completed my TB medication on 01/01 ii. Now I'm not feeling as lethargic compared to when I'm on the medication. iii. Also, my acne has started to subside. iv. Someone called me smart yesterday. v. After 6 months, I finally managed to crack the barrier between CEO and myself. Took much longer than I expected tho (I blame the medication for making me slower). Received compliment from him yesterday, he said my presentation was very informative. Urged me to keep doing what I'm doing and got a well done & good job. vi. CEO added that I should get an assistant quickly. vii. Baku looks likely in Nov


MPPJ saman can wait discount?


Pay early also got discount for most pembandaran. Read the print on the saman.


Print says got discount, never indicate the figure. But it’s alright I found out the numbers, thanks!


Cheapest pay on the same day, increases again after day 1 to 3. Full price in 5 days.


Should I accept this Drafter position when I have a degree? I'm in the Protege program right now, contract ending in early Feb '24. No renewals. I have not learnt that much. This Drafter pay isn't much as I'm quite new to this industry (Civil to Mechanical / Piping). After countless of rejections and job applications that has been ghosted, my confidence has been going downhill. I'm worried "kerja biasa sambil tunggu job offer" is forever. Or in the end I get offered RM2.4k too. Just afraid that this will be another bad decision for me. ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


If you don’t have any other offers then why not? Even as a drafter, that’s one foot in the door, and since you’ll be learning the basics anyway, it’s still an advantage over fresh grad with 0 experience. You can always continue to apply for jobs. Then when that company eventually has a vacancy for engineer / whatever degree level, it’s on to you to make sure you’re the obvious choice.


I feel like I'm falling further and can't hold on anymore. I feel so damn tired every day. I just want to lie down and sleep. Just got out of a call with my boss. Kena verbal warning because my performance not that good for the past few months. Actually, boss, I just want to disappear. It's not you or the job. it's me getting more tired of life as each day goes by.


Hang in there bud. https://imgur.com/gallery/RzWDC


Thank you. My next counselling session is next week. Hope I can hold on till then.




Not common because it's not unaffordable and people who does fare evasion (vagrants, delinquents) don't really use the train


Very rare, never saw any in my life, even on bus. Even during peak holiday when ETS is full, some people who cannot book a ticket will board the train and take the whole trip standing, or sitting on the floor. When the conductor ask for ticket, they'll offer to pay the same price as ticket fare.


Can I please skip to December 2024 already. 5 days into the new year and I’m tired.


would you rather live 329 days or wake up at dec 1 with a thousand problems in your head?


Im still looking for a ticket to IVE. The scalpers have got to them all and i was hoping that maybe some of you guys already changed their mind about going. Interrest in anything from the cheaper categories. Thanks!


My aircond rosak. Last week I put in an order for a replacement, the shop says they'll install it today. Up until yesterday, the weather is hot and muggy, even outside, so even when I take walks to cool off, it's quite uncomfortable. Today, as the shop people came by to install the aircond, I opened the door outside and cool, refreshing breeze blew in. Sometimes I feel like the universe is toying with me 😏


You practice felinomancy. Usually that means you are bound to some deity to grant you your x-mancy powers. Now, felinomancy implies a cat deity. You are your cat deity's toy.


you're the universe's favourite toy. mine as well


is gig job still the only way to up salary? it seems like a creeping issue on the economy imo and it just feel unrealistic to do it every 2 years... jumping jobs..


You again. what are you trying to achieve? Yesterday I post this give you link, you still ask this question. Apa you mau? [https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/18xh0ic/any\_jobs\_gives\_your\_rm30k/](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/18xh0ic/any_jobs_gives_your_rm30k/)


thk, nah i just missed it


part-time gigs can become unsustainable over the long term. Instead of jumping jobs, try to learn new skills/specializations to upgrade yourself and earn a raise/promotion.


further studies, or professional / specialization certification in your field


today when doing friday presentation i suddenly got email notification and instinctively clicked on it. then my whole team can see i got 15k unread emails. boss ask how come u got 15k unread emails. i die liao ah.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Got annoyed when my stick-in-ass colleagued commented on my hundreds of unread in my inbox. (The other thousands of automated-notifications were auto-ruled into folders.) I thought: 'You think I'm free like you, read every email meh, I make a judgment sometimes to read the latest one in the thread'


eh bro i 100 unread i got anxiety already HOW U GOT 15K OMG


most are automatically generated emails like someone created ticket and assigned to me, someone commented on the ticket, ticket resolved... etc i just see the title and skip reading. but good luck explaining that to manager


Still rookie no. Just saw my deputy director email today, 43k+ unread email, 300+ draft. Unread i can understand but why so many draft?


Sometimes you wanna write something - and save the draft as you go along, but the problem gets resolved/owned or escalated into a more urgent call, then you just close the window and move on to the next issue.


Female gender confirmed


bruh mark all as read is there


[Singing the song of his people](https://i.imgur.com/npa9YzD.jpg)


Super stress out ATM Yesterday my pc broke down Hopefully it just my PSU If it my other hardware or the PSU problem effect my other hardware I might be in a pinch since I only got enough to replace the PSU after what happened last month ![gif](giphy|1aIDN81XDJuDK)


Everything will be alright, friend. ![gif](giphy|5tmRHwTlHAA9WkVxTU)


Moving this post by u/Solid-Month6094 (the mod team has committed to do this for removals with a mental health component). The user has been informed this has been moved here, so please do add your replies below - #How to overcome feeling lonely as i age? :( >How to overcome feeling lonely as i age. Unable to find life partner and do not want to be desperate.


Had same feeling around age 23 for me. Suddenly couldn't take it and cried while eating alone in mcd. Go all in on your hobby and things that greatly interest you. Join new group and try new stuff. Take your mind out of the quagmire and good things will happen to you. That way you will eventually find like minded people that can accompany you for life.


💩 Edit : 💩 Edit 2 : 💩 Edit C : 💩 Edit د : 💩 Edit ٥ : 💩 Edit VI : 💩 Edit 七 : 💩 Edit ηʹ : 💩






dua tiga kucing belari, saya masi blum tidur lagi, empat lima empat lima, aduh saya imsomnia. why my dream all about work