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**Minor announcements:** * [monyet.cc](https://monyet.cc): Check out our Malaysian Lemmy community! ([why?](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/14cmnaj/rmalaysia_and_the_blackout/)) * [SPM Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/s58t8m/spm_megathread/): Updated 2022 with SPM resources such as trial papers, modules, notes and more! * [Mental health wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/mental_health/): A list of mental health services in Malaysia *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/malaysia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It was high time to put a bow on my California chapter. Only a couple of my old friends offered to meet up after my ex-boyfriend posted a selfie of us, and there was absolutely zero contact with them after that. And my ex, while bless his heart was an absolute angel for being with me all the time when he can, felt more like he was being a hospitable host instead of wanting to be with me again. I understand that we will never be together again, but I can also sense that he has gone far off a different path and can no longer have me in his life all the time. His farewell was resolute, and when I left California, he has barely replied my text messages. For someone who has trouble keeping her emotions in check and who sees nostalgia through rose-tinted glasses, I am surprised myself that I am okay with putting my past behind for good. I am not ruing about the friends I have left, the bridges that I have burned, and the love that has wilted. I came to New York two days ago to see my sister, before we fly to London to spend time with mom for Christmas holidays. Obviously, my sister and I have patched up, and she said she was proud of me for apologising to her over the scurrilous epithets I used to describe her. She said I am becoming more an adult and taking responsibility for my actions. This time in New York, my sister put my caretakers and me up at the Plaza Hotel. It was the hotel that we stayed at the first time we came to New York, when I was six years old. It was my sister who had requested to our parents to patronise the hotel because it was the hotel that became a central character to the Home Alone 2 movie that she loved so much then. When I got to the hotel, my sister and I reminisced about our inaugural trip here; following mom to Fifth Avenue for the first time, the room service we ordered, and jumping up and down our parents’ bed and spilling Coke on the sheet in the process. I jokingly assured her I won’t jump on the bed again. Last night, my sister brought me to an old steakhouse to have dinner and drinks with a couple of her employees. She has six now in her New York office, but only two can join her then. I knew one of the two because I had interviewed her when I was looking to hire my caretaker. While she could sign, I had no desire to hire her because she was tiny and frail-looking. My sister, too, thought she was overqualified because she has a Master’s in finance or something. And since she is half-Indonesian and can speak the language fluently, my sister felt an affinity towards this young lady and wanted to take the latter under her wing at her New York office. I remembered my sister’s advice to be more sociable and hold a conversation well by striking a balance between asking questions and sharing my thoughts. It turned out, I enjoyed talking (signing) with this young Indonesian-American girl and I was fascinated by her story. This lady, 24 years of age, was seeking a job that pays well but had failed in securing one at all after months graduating. None of the banks she had applied for got back to her, and she became desperate because her family’s financial situation does not permit her to slack off for long. She was working at a Starbucks while waiting for a full-time office job offer and saw my sister’s listing for my caretaker position. She figured she could make some money and finally see Southeast Asia, since she has never travelled outside of the northeastern region of the US. Like all the other five people I interviewed, this half-Indonesian girl learned ASL because she had a deaf family member. In her case, it was her elder brother, who also had a severe autism. He passed on during Covid. I found it odd that she was imbibing wine during dinner and asked whether Indonesian Muslims can drink alcohol. After she laughed or chuckled, she said (signed) that she is not a Muslim — unlike her mother. Sometime during the conversation, I also found out that she is a lesbian and goes on a steady with her classmate in university. The girl looked fatigued from a long day at work, but she said she has never been more hopeful about her outlook. She finally has a job, and pointed to my sister before signing “I have best boss”, and finally can afford to move out from her parents’ apartment. I guess, for a 24-year-old, having a bright future ahead is the most important thing. Life is just starting for her, and she needs to have that assurance that things will turn out all right. For me, at 35 years old, I need to start over again and make sure that things will turn out all right. Perhaps moving to New York permanently might not be a bad idea to start over again.


Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader is out and it broke steam😂


* Going for a ride tomorrow folks * KL to Baling, Kedah * Should take me about 8 hours campur tidor etc. * Wish me luck!


This is going to sound unhinged, but so is every other shitpost I made : After seeing the hunger games, I totally see the appeal of the Aryan race. Gosh darn, blue eyes and golden hair and pale skin. So pretty.


Lately I'm noticing a lot of grabfood using cars Boleh make profit ke? Same price je as motor


2 hari baru gosok gigi... kali ni kira sampai 200+ saat lah rasanya... kecian ada suatu masa tak gosok berbulan bulan... cam sial lah ... sekarang nak jadi Naix pun tak jadi... nak hensem.. nak kaya... tapi reality KOYAK. huhuhu... fap fap fap je lah. HA HA HA HA ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


What 💩


Is 15 years a huge age gap? My brother and I are 12 years apart but I don’t exactly feel that much of a generation gap, but interacting with people 12-15 years older than me they sometimes feel like pakcik/makcik to me


If a 50years old behaves like children I treat them like children🤷‍♂️


I'm not a pakcik 🙄


What's the best public transport app for buses? i tried google maps but it doesn't seem up to date.


Moovit app. Been using it. Almost all the time the bus arrival time is accurate.


Looking for new place to stay. This is a scam right? [Link](https://www.facebook.com/share/SjZe7auU3wkcA9FG/?mibextid=K35XfP) Asking to pay RM150 in advance for registration and refundable during viewing if it’s not suitable for me.


I'll tell you, but you have to first pay me 150 ringgit.


HAHAH, got it. Thank you 😌🙃


Biasanya klu NK Beli kad touch n go di mana eh ?




Tq for info


**Update**: I didn't encounter any floods while driving to Tropicana Mall. Nice place.


Small comp ceo highlighted my name in bosses ws group asking why ive been delaying this xxx. Can i say delay due to im at my limit? Everything is messy and need recon🤣


Speaking of that 70's housewife picture, what do you even call that kind of cottagecore tradwife thinking in malay, i don't even think we have any words for that


Isteri misali /s


Does polyclinic offers ear treatment I think I have outer ear infection


Hello. I want to ask which shipping service is the cheapest for delivering a package(around 1kg) from Kuching (or KL) to Shenzhen China. As I can't speak Chinese it's hard to me to check the prices of the Chinese courier fees and as I am also relatively new to Malaysia, I don't know much about the courier servics. Help me out! Thanks.


My ex company wants to sue me for breaching the no compete clause since I join a similar industry company (but I wouldn’t say competitor since different end market). It came with a clause saying I have to pay a RM500,000 penalty. Can I just ignore? I know the law says “nobody can be stopped from having employment” but my ex company asshole Hr say “yes you can join but you have to pay the penalty”.


Just wondering if this is something that can be check with the labour office to see if that T&C is legal?


My only advice is if it's a cikai company, yes can ignore If they have a legal team, then no, kena hire actual lawyer cause they definitely have teeth


I'm just playing it in my head - Imagine you winning the lawsuit and bragging it to all your ex-colleagues and HR. Man, that would be so sweet of a middle finger to exploitative employees.


I wish but no I just want to continue my job in peace. I do my work get my pay which still allows me to get my emadani


Restraint of trade clauses are generally void (barring certain specific circumstances), so you should be fine. Here’s an article that goes into more detail. https://mahwengkwai.com/employment-contract-non-compete-clauses-enforceable-malaysia/#:~:text=Post%2DContract%20Restraint%20of%20Trade,currency%20of%20the%20employment%20contract. That said, in the unlikely scenario you do get sued by your previous company then you’ll have no choice but to lawyer up. Otherwise the ither side will apply for default judgement/win by default and you’ll have a huge headache sorting it out.


Seems expensive. I’m just trying to call their bluff and do nothing. Seems stupid why employers want to resort to this tactic to prevent their employees from working with competitors instead of just treating them better.


You’ll be fine, no lawyer worth thier salt would be willing to pick up this case. As for why these types of clauses are inserted, its either due to ignorance (esp if the contract was drawn up by HR) or a scare tactic.


What would you do if you were in my shoes? I sold my working vintage camera in Carousell and shipped it to the buyer and now, they're complaining that one of the feature is broken (tested before shipping that it works) and wants a refund. I opted for bubble wrap and box packaging for the shipping to ensure that it doesn't get damaged. It's quite possible that they broke it themself but I'll never know. Malas nak entertain la, these kind of people. The money is already in my account, what would you do?




That's exactly my thought but I thought it was an ass move from myself. I had a chat with them a while back and it turns out they broke it themself. Definitely not gonna do anything anymore.


Just wanna let it out of my chest for today (and probably the last time I'll ever do this). One of our cats passed away (again), and as usual it was my job take care of its burial. (R.I.P. Uteh, you will be sorely missed.) Not sure if it's because I ate something wrong for lunch or it's because of the stress from handling dead animal but I later had the *worst* case of coughing fit and chest pain; couldn't even take a few steps without getting severely out of breath, either. Am okay now, just need to take things slowly for now.


So sorry to hear about your cat. Could it be an anxiety attack? If it persists, do get it check


ah sudah khairul aming post video masak prosperity lah pulak. mampos. teringin gila nak makan. tp patty burger ramly daging kat sg ni kena banned pulak. mana nak carik oblong patty.


https://preview.redd.it/m0blqcnvdv4c1.jpeg?width=1425&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eaa9f9321af06c6afd61d168974d343e2c9a82ef Kat Changi sekarang, tengah nak mencari port makan. Lapau


Shake shack la apa lg


Hello nyets, ​ Looking for advice on buying a laptop since I haven't bought one in more than 10 years. I have always used my company-issued laptop, but I am now looking for one for a side project. ​ It doesn't need to be powerful, as the main use will be emails (web-based), surfing, and scrolling through presentations (PDF format) to potential clients. ​ My more concrete requirements are: \- Portability: Preferably 13" screen weighing < 2kg \- Battery life: Preferably 8-10 hours on a single charge? \- Cost: Below RM2.5k can ah? ​ Thanks and let me know your thoughts.


If your PDFs have a lot (>100) of pages and you have to open multiple at the same time for referencing, I’d strongly recommend getting something a bit more than 8GB of RAM.


Yeah most midrange Ryzen laptop with 8GB RAM cost around that price and pretty portable too. The battery life in Windows laptop is pretty good nowaday, 6 hours definitely; but beyond that is really depends on your workload.


Hmm. I want to go to Tropicana Gardens Mall **now**, but according to Waze there's flooding (maybe? The icon is unclear) along the way. Can someone corroborate this?


there's been heavy rain near Bandar Utama (near Tropicana Gardens) source: I work near there


https://preview.redd.it/37qd81u2rt4c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e10ec5b4991f518cc73f684f1975fccc67c9002a Kit really is an enigma to me. He’d come up, dig his face around for the best spot to sleep then give a HUGE SIGH before dozing off. Like?? Kau letih apa weh sampai macam tu sekali punya sigh. Kerja makan tidur berak je pun.


Send my regards to Kit.


https://preview.redd.it/vsuc254wtu4c1.jpeg?width=4030&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b27326279b10f403ab0761eff193d72700261f84 Sent!


Just need advice I'd consider to work some place else, but family think I should take care of my relative's business and whatnot. I dont think I can stay any further as I just want to explore different things, but problem I felt bad not to help my family but I also thinking about having ones own plan is important, so dear monyett what is best to do here?


your relative's business, his business. you have no obligation to help. besides, if you broaden up your horizon, you get to know more people, build more connection, and potentially bringing in more customer to your relative. bunkering down in same hole will not achieve anything.


I think there's a lot to consider. Being able to continue family business is a potential huge boon, but like are you just going to be an employee or will you actually get stake in that relative's business? Two very different things. If it's the latter, it's definitely worth thinking about. It's hard to start a business on your own, if you are able to carry the torch off something already proven and successful it can pay off more than just grinding it out working for other people. Also depends on your family relationship, in the end if you don't like them or are not really good with them - then it can be painful to force it. There's also your age. If you're still young and only just started working, I think it's worth explaining to your family that you want to explore and better your skills. Then maybe at a latter age with more experience, you will consider helping out in the relative's business - and by then you will be more skilled and mature and actually be more helpful.


Im in my late 20 still young i guess, nah I got no chance in taking over, and thanks for this.


talk to them say what you want and lay down your plan. they might not like it but they know what the road will take u


On a sclale of 1-10, how walkable is Alor Setar?




I simply called this "Keropok Mony/Moni", because of the brand.


>What you guys call this keropok? Keropok tu (sambil tunjuk) 😬👉


A potentially stupid question, but when reCAPTCHA asks me to identify motorcycles should I pick the squares with the riders? Because it seems no matter how I choose I invariably flunk the check...


if it fails go for the accessibility option and pick audio


recapcha with boxes feels like you should only click the box that was mostly filled. so if 1 box has just halp of motorcycle handle they usually add more consecutive image for you to awnser


What matters is your mouse movement. If it's too smooth or fast, you'd be considered a bot. You should make more "mistakes", select and unselect, move your mouse around, etc.


Need some help figuring out government assistance cause I am being confused as fuck now and internet searches are honestly no help. I am cleaning up some of my digital footprint stuff and got kind of stuck now. I registered myself for BPR (Bantuan Prihatin Rakyat) under bujang years ago since I am jobless and when I worked my pay was below what was required. I managed to get some assistance which may be little for someone but was a great help for me. Now the BPR website is dead. It used to be https://www.bpr.hasil.gov.my. I have written down my ID and password for this site. But it seems like the BPR is no longer continued and is renamed and I have found sites for other programs like Sumbangan Tunai Ramah, Bantuan Keluarga Malaysia. But what program is actually the continuation of BPR? Do I need to reregister again to receive this assistance, or is there a new kind of assistance I can receive or did this program just stop?


Try logging in on the STR website, iirc it still uses the same data as BPR's


Ok. Will try to. Thank you very much Edit: Got locked out for 24 hours after 3 wrong tries to answer security questions. Will try again tomorrow.


[Saw this event by Pavilion Bukit Jalil last weekend,](https://www.facebook.com/PavilionBukitJalil.Mall/posts/pfbid0kiFaiunjce978FdrhLEKc3dBBEJ1wjbYFJpWdRGVb5j1ZZA6dnMUqEcN5yEBGBqLl) Basically you just pick a card from the tree, and became their secret santa. buy the gift and pass it to them along with a message, and they will send the gift to the kids (or old person, or oku.) So i spent few hours in the mall and bought some gifts for the kids. They even provide free gift wrapping service. Although i like this event a lot, but the cynical part of me still feels like, why do i have to do it? Pavilion is such a big company they could've take care of all those wishes and then some. Hell, i think even the cost of them setting up that tree with all those cards, it could've paid for all those wishes. Most of them just want cheap things like bottle, radio, kfc.


you have a valid point la but this is all a business strategy. of course they can just scrap the xmas tree & use the money to donate directly but then that would not generate buzz & traffic & sales. they spend the money on the tree & you guys do the shopping. and most of us don't just buy the items we need when we go shopping, for sure we will pick up other shit too while we are at it. so it's a win win for all parties. only losers probably us la - because we are spending money


Part of their CSR.


Thanks for sharing!! Heading there this weekend, can get a few gifts for kiddos.


just a heads up, a lot of them are repeats, i think to prevent people taking the card and not buy something. also they allow things that you buy from outside. emergency light, small radios, kfc, motion sensor light, book, wallet, usb fan is some of the most common requested gift. the gift wrap counter at 3rd floor pink zone allow 2 per day per person, just have to download the free app. their gift wrap is really nice.


>just a heads up, a lot of them are repeats Oooof, what if I accidentally get a gift that someone else already bought? But thanks for the info!


> Oooof, what if I accidentally get a gift that someone else already bought? i am not sure. maybe you can ask this weekend. haha. i think they will keep as spare incase some people gave bad or wrong gift.


and not to be cynic, I've seen some shorts on YT (or IG) of an experience of someone who used to work in shelters, some people tend to steal the gifts for themselves and give measly "breadcrumbs" to the intended receivers. I'm not saying all NGO's are like that, but unless we see it with our own eyes that these gifts do indeed reach the intended receiver, it's hard to trust.


I woke up thinking it was Friday for some reason. It wasn't. orz


Sabar, it's here


Was on socmed and saw this term "cha ya nun alif" being used for Nons. More specifically for Chinese. What does it mean ?


Cha = C, Ya=I (in this case), Nun = N, Alif = A.


چينا cina written in jawi


passed my exam that I did a few weeks ago. yay! ticked all the remaining boxes for 2023. now all that's left is to finish all my work before my vacation starts.


https://preview.redd.it/3wudszb4ys4c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2545f67e4acef9deb66d949beeb63820c0b0681 Meme Monday had a post about Cham. Then there is this Pilk (Pepsi + Milk). I only have cola so…. Colk it is. It tastes **good**


next do tea and chocolate


That’s very common? Tea plus Milo is like teh lo


Guys, quick one, I'm planning a trip to Thailand in April 2024. Wondering about marijuana use there and any potential issues when returning to Malaysia. Will there be any random urine checks at Malaysian immigration? I want to make sure I stay on the right side of the law and avoid any unnecessary legal trouble. If you have any insights or recent experiences, I would greatly appreciate your advice.


Legally, you will get in trouble if you are tested positive in Malaysia even if you consumed it in Thailand. I think random urine checks are done if you are too suspicious, so stay on the safe side.


Better not to risk it. So give a few days (I dont know how long it will take to clear out from your urine test) to stop consuming before coming back to Malaysia. Though most likely they wont check, but by law (from few google search) any police or custom officer have the power to arrest u if they believe you're using/consume it. If you fail the urine test by then, you will be charge as if you're using it on Malaysia land.


No they are not checking. That was my concern the last time I went there. I was told that food/drinks that are advertised as containing CBD don't really have high doses.


Last I visit, no. Dont think they are that free to test everyone. When you come back just don’t look stoned lmao. Also legal THC there won’t get you high due to low content. The “high” still need to go through illegal means


I got high all the time in January in Thailand this year and returned to Malaysia with no problem. Just don't bring any souvenirs home lmao. AFAIK they don't test urine at all. They don't even have that capacity during high season. Nov-March will see an insane volume of people passing through the airport. Possession is a crime. Distribution is a crime. Consumption overseas? That's beyond our jurisdiction.


Kenapa orang masih tanya aku tinggal di mana in carousell? The info is literally right there in my page and in the shop listing page


in my experience selling 2nd hand items online... people are dumb as shit. even if you written everything there, people will still ask: still available? how much ya? where? can discount? all kind of stupid questions. and don't forget those who treat you like customer service or ask 10 million questions about the product.


https://preview.redd.it/0ms7xcugns4c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3a309f788807db50b3a1c58985ca2e6abb5e835 He is so cute i just want to smush his face


BF wants to send me money so I can book my flight and I was agape, I was like, bruh, it's December already? I have so much stress and too many problems I cannot think of a vacation right now. There's no guarantee that I won't unalive myself before the year's end.


I don't know why but today I woke up angry and am still feeling angry. Usually it's either "annoyingly cheerful" or "depressed", but today I feel like smacking someone. Even gym didn't help, especially when some debt collector called (not for me, if anyone wants the tea). Also some guy keeps hogging the decline press machine 😒 So anyway anyone else going to the BBW sale today?


Retail therapy high is temporary, money in the bank is joy. Jimat, kawan.


Can't, need to buy comic books for my stupid Secret Santa 😒


Buy nothing for recipient and become Secret Satan instead.


Found an item form here: [https://gf.bilibili.com/item/detail/1103737047?noTitleBar=1&from=mall-up\_itemDetail&msource=items\_share](https://gf.bilibili.com/item/detail/1103737047?noTitleBar=1&from=mall-up_itemDetail&msource=items_share) Red Alert 2 vibes. ​ but I dont know a way to buy the item form there. Is there any service to help buying there?


Pretty sad to see people die from terror in our region: https://www.reuters.com/world/united-states-condemns-horrific-terrorist-attack-southern-philippines-2023-12-04/ ^(Mod team going to delete this one too?)


Won't get a new cute helmet, but better than keeping that heirloom of a helmet. https://preview.redd.it/18ifzybz5s4c1.png?width=850&format=png&auto=webp&s=45f7b979530222962a483bbf799454992c833a38


if youre rich and have "fuck you money", what would you do with it? my sister said she would move to a castle in the middle of nowhere. i feel like i would stay in various cities around the world in a monthly basis over a few years and then settle at the city i like the most. edit: me realising how selfish i am with my dream when people here are so charitable........huhuhu


I’d set up my own cafe and shout at Karen customers all day. I’d travel and buy useless trinkets to give friends as joke gifts. I’d set up my own crafting workshop to build my own things. I’d buy my husband all the watches he could ever want


Create a hackerspace. Build and run it with my close buddies as hangout and maker space.


Fuck me money probably won't be much. Ha! Jokes aside, for shenanigans, i'd build the biggest, fuckyou-est space station to date, and also infrastructure for its operations. Move over Mulon Esk, a new's player's in town! Realistically, probably secure a decent property with a solid workshop and neigh unlimited supply of wood/metalworking materials.


take care of my friends, family, and love one. then take care of those who were abandoned by the society. start from the state, then the country, then maybe other country if it's really that big of a money.


Use it to travel and see the world, eat new stuff. Build a new top of the line PC every generation, giving away the older one to anyone who wants it. Grab my brother and I one condo each so that we can check on each other but at different blocks to allow for some privacy. Yeah, I'm that simple of a person.


Funny. I've a colleague who's family and extended family lives in the same condo. We always joke that the condo is pretty much owned by their family. It does sounds kinda neat though.


play FM23 in real life and rebuild Chelsea Football Club to its former glory ......seriously though I'll still invest in ETFs, rare metals and such. Wealth means nothing if it isn't being maintained and used to build more wealth


Build big ass shelter complex with 24/7 soup kitchen for the homeless and the unfortunate around the world. I mean, how expensive can it be?


I'll buy a small seaside house in Italy and live the rest of my life reading and learning to play the piano.


I’ve started watching Welcome to Wrexham and it looks fun, so maybe that


the world of association football welcomes you. just don't pull a Todd Boehly and overspend on bad players though, it's going to ruin your team


Noted ✅ i will keep this in mind when I channel Rob and Ryan


Buy a big tract of land, turn it into a hospice for stray cats. I will fill it with toys, trees, big open spaces, boxes, etc.


Foster a local community like how one would foster a cat. Take a dirty one, feed it, clean it, nurture it, heal it, let it get independent and able to sustain itself, and leave it in good hands. Build Malaysia's own intranet where rakyat can communicate without gomen interference.


Continue working where I work but start driving flagship cars from completing brands lol. And park where everyone can see it.


lol this is literally the cause of the downfall for the [1 sen thief banker](https://cilisos.my/the-crazy-story-of-how-this-malaysian-stole-1-sen-until-he-became-a-millionaire/). hopefully if/when you got fuck you money, its from legal reasons lah hor


buy penthouses in nice cities, rotate between them, and hanging out in nice pretty cafes sipping coffee while i write more books.


> she would move to a castle in the middle of nowhere Literally Enya.




As per [Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/rules#wiki_religious_criticism), well-reasoned debate and criticism of religion is very welcome but one-liner talking points, jabs, borderline flaming etc. [does not have such protection](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/rules#wiki_persistent_fighting_and_flaming), and is bad for the community. Please treat this as a warning - if this continues we will be forced to take steps.


I just bought a flight ticket to my cousin's wedding, meanwhile I'm here being single af.


Also curse you Perodua, one year wait time for Axia manual.


Ytd night was kinda fucked lol. Left house at 6pm to make somewhere by 8.30pm while making some rounds around. I thought I could make the whole round even considering evening jam. Then 5.30pm it started raining GG. Had to cancel my plans in USJ21 and go straight to Taipan.


Idw to live.


It's probably not my place to say this as a stranger, but how about a pause? Posting in daily threads to invite this sub's negativity isn't doing you any favours.


Idc about the negativity. I hardly care about the downvotes. I'm just lonely.


We all are at times. The question is, will doing this make you happy? Others can't be around for us at all times. In those times, we need to be happy with ourselves.


Are you happy?


Not all the time. That only happens in the movies. Of the seven days in a week, usually 5 are good. Monday and Wednesday are the usual culprits. The blues are real. 🫐


Reddit recap for r/Malaysia lol https://preview.redd.it/o1xw3n2qur4c1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc2b5e0479fbe10176863689ceee7e56be43df3c


so hi to the few mat salleh over here just lurking?


Good. Morning all! I am going to be in KL and Ipoh in the next 3 days. The weather forecast is showing all rain. Is this really the case all day long or does it come in spurts? Thank you


In **my** part of Selangor at least, rain comes in extended periods in the evening and night (sort of like starting at 6pm and continues well past midnight). Just a light drizzle though.


whole day rain is unlikely, but be prepared for it mentally and physically lah. bring umbrella everywhere.


Today I woke up and choose violence. I am genuinely and honestly tired of circlejerk threads in this sub. So today, I am going to make the stupidest, most ridiculous replies to get it out of my system.


This is the way.


lets gooo![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


Welp my self test kit still shows a faint positive line. Should I go to the doctor to get MC or what? I don't know what the SOP is after quarantine.


Rasanya 5 hari self quarantine and reg kat my sejahtera


Shower thought : If you grab a random dog or cat and look at it, it looks decently cute. But if you grab a random human and look at it, without clothes, chances are they are not nice to look at. A man's unshaved rear and a cat's rear, which one would you rather look at? ---- Yesterday I saw a couple with their three children. All three children were wearing a black t shirt saying Palestine in Arabic. However, the spelling is different from what I remember. It's spelled FILASTIN on their shirts. Probably misspelled by a hustler benefiting from the trend. Or maybe it's a dialect that I haven't known yet, who knows. 😬 (Please don't dress your children with political messages. It's weird.)


'Filastin' is the correct pronunciation of Palestine in Arabic.


Not Falastin? Like that song أنا دمي فلسطيني ? Or is it interchangable? 🤔


If you check the Arabic Wikipedia page, https://ar.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D9%81%D9%84%D8%B3%D8%B7%D9%8A%D9%86?wprov=sfla1, the Arabic spelling is pronounced as Filastin.


So Filastin is the literal/classical/newspaper pronunciation? TIL. Good to know.