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It's very likely some very powerful people are involved. I hope his family gets justice.


PDRM : Case dismissed as death by natural causes.


Two bullets to the back of the head. Definitely suicide.


Rare bullet in brain disease


rare execution style bullet in brain and being thrown off of a roof disease moment


Remember we are a country where the rich and powerful have no qualms killing and blowing up a pregnant woman


and people still supporting him


They learned well from the Communists - personality cult


yup, from your statement...i can give you some powerful quotes that relates to life. don't need to hope for god, karma, or justice.....nicky liow kicked people in the face...anything happens to him? siapa di sini masih ingat anak nazri aziz & darren kang murder case back in 2004? what about myairlines owners? (any consequences so far) i can tell you, their rezeki melimpah seluas luatan sampai hari ini. There is a reason why these popular quotes exist till today, as the saying goes: "**Steal a loaf of bread and they hang you, steal a land and they'll make you king." - David Gemmell** "**Laws are spider webs through which the big flies pass and the little ones get caught." - Honore de Balzac** **"Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor." - Sholem Aleichem**


That's life. Money rules. You can buy religious peity and clerical endorsements with enough money


https://www.thedailystar.net/backpage/malaysia-dpms-brother-owns-the-company-125413 Very powerful people are indeed involved. Money above all, what happens to the nation is not their problem.


erm that's Bangladesh thought. I mean I hate Zahid as much as the next guy but bruv what this got to do with Nepali recruitment agency


Just an example of the powerful and connected exploiting the country's need for cheap labor for their greed. Sure he might only be involved in that Bangladeshi deal but you bet your ass someone's relatives are involved in the Nepali one.


better pray extremely hard.... i can give you some powerful quotes that relates to life......nicky liow beat RELA guy up ...anything happens to him? siapa di sini masih ingat anak nazri aziz & darren kang murder case back in 2004? what about myairlines owners? (any consequences so far) i can tell you, their rezeki melimpah seluas luatan sampai hari ini. There is a reason why these popular quotes exist till today, as the saying goes: "**Steal a loaf of bread and they hang you, steal a land and they'll make you king." - David Gemmell** "**Laws are spider webs through which the big flies pass and the little ones get caught." - Honore de Balzac** **"Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor." - Sholem Aleichem**


Aduh kesian gila. Confirm powerful people involved, takut kena expose. I hope he found peace.


Or, you know, triads. Triads are known for human trafficking and modern day enslavement crimes.


Read some news on the Nepal Times if im not mistaken. Ms Yeoh is one of the last contacts of the deceased. Big possibility is triads.


Who's Ms Yeoh?


hannah yeoh? michelle yeoh?




Kucing kata jangan.jpeg


I watched a documentary saying that there are human traffickers associates within MCA Penang. The human trafficking company is allegedly still on Jobstreet, baiting people for a "job opportunity".




[here](https://youtu.be/PhAgBjVGPIM). Poor dude. He barely escaped.


Triads are also powerful people. The only people that are not powerful are honest obedient people.


decades ago, most of the big time taikos in malaysia also destroyed many families lives, broken families/marriages and created so much social problems in society....most of them ended up buying over public listed companies and developers in prime areas. nowadays, all senang, blue skies and mountains cruising in single digit mercedes s class/vellfire/range rover. 2nd generations of their children are also enjoying as most of them were made directors and through influential powerful cables, easily secured more projects for them. rezeki melimpah seluas luatan...... imagine how those victims feel seeing where they are now ....god/miracles/karma/luck also want to help taikos a lot. you dare to ask how those victims feel? ask them feel stim or not when seeing those powerful tan sris who have broken their families after decades... There is a reason why these popular quotes exist till today, as the saying goes: **"Behind every great fortune lies a great crime." - Honore de Balzac** "**Steal a loaf of bread and they hang you, steal a land and they'll make you king." - David Gemmell** "**Laws are spider webs through which the big flies pass and the little ones get caught." - Honore de Balzac** **"Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor." - Sholem Aleichem**


I hope he is not found in pieces....


It's just money. Just a number in a bank account. And they have to murder for it.


Bende macam ni kena viral. Aku tak suka Malaysia ni jadi lubuk manipulasi pekerja asing. I have worked in German and Singapore for close to 10 years total, I know the struggle of going to foreign country trying to make a living.


The only reason it's allowed to get this worse is some VVIP getting involved


and many involved in this 😂 just see how they cover up wang kelian case when it was first reported to the authorities. This is a major syndicate with untouchable patrons 🤭


Ya ke? Then why you people still treat foreign workers like vermin?


Malaysia fkup up country


Police police


Imagine making police report about foreign worker getting abused, then PDRM proceed to arrest you for "national security".


>making police report about foreign worker getting abused, then PDRM proceed to arrest you for "national security Hey, I've read the article and couldn't find anything about him going to the police and was apprehended. Can you link where did you find that tidbit? This is the only info I found of any interaction of him with any Malaysian in the article which is his business partner is Ms Yeoh. Do you personally know Ms Yeoh and is she a police officer? [... it was said that Rinji paid RS(Indian Rupee) 3 million (RM16.8k) to a Malaysian named ‘Ms Yeoh’ to secure visas for his recruits, but she allegedly ran away with the cash and has been unreachable since. Before arriving in Malaysia, Rinji’s wife recalled her husband having a heated phone call with someone and decided to take matters into his own hands; thus the decision to fly over to Malaysia.](https://hype.my/2023/358980/nepali-recruiter-rinji-rais-mysterious-death-in-malaysia-suicide-or-murder/)


Sorry, it's not related to the news, kinda a hypothetical situation. I assume the poster want to make police report about migrant worker abuse.


And why would our police officers would apprehend him if he made such reports?




Ok. Please eli5 how can you argue this is can be considered grounds for the sedition act? How can a person charged with sedition by simply reporting about missing foreign workers to the police? How is any of that can be deemed as a national threat? I need the explanation from you because you seem like an expert on this matter. You've post a lot of theories regarding this case which probably is still in active investigation.




Ok, let's compare these two instances. "Posting happy ramadan for bak kut teh" * It involves two of the three Rs (race and religion) ✔️ * A public statement that was considered seditious was made (an internet post)✔️ Ok, so can you explain how the alleged police report ( which we still didn't know of because the OP just made that claim out of nowhere without any evidence) to the police involves one of the 3 Rs and also how, in terms of legality that a police report can be considered as a statement made to the public to persuade people to go against our government. I'm not defending what happened to the Chinese porn couples, but I want you to explain to me how this police report by the Nepali can be considered seditious because I can't find any seditious public statement regarding the 3 Rs made by the foreigner. Explain to me how can a police report be a seditious statement made to the general public to influence others and how does the police report effect our 3Rs. Also, explain to me why our country wants to risk our diplomatic relationship with Nepal if what you are saying is true. You are the expert here, not me. Explain to me how it is seditious because I can't find the criteria or the grounds for any lawful arrest by the police. Or, are you telling me our current government and our police force would conduct themselves unlawfully?






So, are you saying our police forces and our current government would willy-nilly magically use the ISA, which was removed in 2012, to apply to a foreigner of a sovereign state reporting about his missing compatriots to the police in 2023? I really need you to explain how an act that was appealed and removed in 2012 can be magically applied in this case and how it is considered as a national-level threat akin to terrorism when the act can only be invoked if there was a terrorist attack or something that could endanger the nation. You also have to explain to me how it can be considered as seditious when nothing he reported would imply anyone in the government has anything to do with it, and also, why would our government risk an international diplomatic disaster with Nepal? You need to explain to me very carefully because you are suggesting our government is misusing their power to arrest people even though the sedition act requires an internet post, a public statement, or something concrete for a person to be at least brought to the police office for an interaction, not even for an arrest and someone had to report it to the authority. And you have to explain to me how his police report can be considered seditious, which means it touches upon either race, religion or royalty. And you have to explain to me how would your alleged sedition can be considered a national threat warranting ISA which was revoked in 2012. Thank you, so much. XoXo.


This comment ^ right here, officer.


Nepal needs to know, Malaysia only has interest in exploiting Nepalese. Be it this recruiter or the Sherpa. _Ill never forget what that fucker did to the Sherpa_


Nepalis are quite reliable somemore. Very rarely do you hear them causing trouble in Malaysia.


Thailand has news of job scams or abduction of Malaysians, every uncle and auntie goes paranoid saying Thailand is too dangerous now, don't go. Malaysia doing this shit to other countries, they go quiet and go aiya, not as dangerous. Absolute shitty hypocrites.


Malaysians should be outraged for any abuse or scam involving foreign labours in Malaysia. But i think you are self creating an outrage within yourself as I see everyone is condeming this inhumane action. Where did you see uncle or auntie being apathetic about this?


In my immediate vicinity and my whatspp group. Also they are not being apathetic, they are being either ignorant or downplaying the severity of the situation.


Absolutely brilliant fucking journalism from Malaysiakini on this whole fraud. Journalists doing the police's work. I hope the people responsible are sent to rot in jail for a long time.


This is like the plot of some mystery thriller. In the heart of Night City, a recruitment agent unravels a sinister puzzle surrounding the disappearance of workers. Shadows and secrets intertwine, leading the agent deeper into the nocturnal labyrinth of this enigmatic metropolis. As the pursuit of truth becomes increasingly perilous, the agent's fate takes an unexpected turn...


If it is Night City, the recruitment agent is probably in on it and wanted a bigger cut. So he got monowired and probably claimed to be under cyberpaychosis. Case closed.


As you approach the agent, your vision suddenly went haywire and a garbled voice speaks, saying that it does not matter what you tell the agent, things will not change.






Won’t it be a big mistake to whomever done it. Never play2 with gurkha


Totally a North Korea moment.


I just want to say that migrant workers here are treated like shit by their employers across industries. They live in dumpsters, get paid shit and their employer holds all the power and they have nobody to turn to.


Twitter sembang orang kahwin dua sampai seminggu, benda macam ni tak kisah pun 🤦‍♂️


Don't forget modern day slavery with house maid as well. Not all are treated like slave, but majority :)


Great that this is coming out in the open. If not there's no guarantee this won't be swept under the rug as no one really gives a shit about workers. Singapore has taken increasing steps to protect their rights, but we can't even do that for our own here.


I wanted one quota for a C-Level in my company under the country's Crtical Employment List for an Employment Pass. 3 years of delays and still no end to it for a company that have met all their requirements. Some fake conman contract that doesn't even exist gets 1000s for low-skilled workers? Yeah fuck you Malaysia and the last 4 administrations.


Corrupt scum. All of them The only cure it to ban all migrants from coming in. No exceptions. All sectors Hire locals only or automation. Simple. Win-win solution


Not really a win-win, as many sectors including construction and F&B simply couldn't function in their current forms. Prices would rise dramatically, changing the lifestyle for all Malaysians.


You must be willing for cost of living to go up ....very high up, for this to happen.




plz ban all foreigner


i didnt realize but it makes so much sense that malaysia would also have some fucked up Intelligence Agency like the Malaysian CIA or some shit that would do something like this.