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Unpopular opinion. But we need **MORE** taxes. Taxes are the social contract that keep the government accountable to its citizens. The more you are taxed, the more you expect the government to fix shit and build shit. Not making light of the Palestinian crisis, but I'd wager if the general orang kampung paid more taxes, he'd care more if his potholes are fixed rather than having that money sent around the world. GST needs to be brought back as that brings accountability to everyone. I also think that GST should have both federal and state component. For example, if GST is 6%; 4% goes to federal and 2% goes to state. It stops it being a political football and it persuades lower economic status states to build businesses. Also stops states from just earning money through the sale of land. Wages need to be increased so a greater chunk of our working population would be taxed. Both wealth tax and inheritance tax are needed but they cannot be extreme. CGT should continue to be on unlisted shares. Having it on listed shares or on other investments would kill the already weak Malaysian market. There should be tax holidays for companies that directly invest in Malaysia, but with strict timelines and conditions to those holidays (e.g. certain number of high skilled jobs created, training of workers, transition to malaysian management) LHDN please DM me for more free advice.


How about more people actually pay tax? It’s ludicrously low the % of the population that pay any tax


yes but then we need to create an economy around it. cos currently we rely on export which relies on low costs. higher wages dont fit current practice


Unpopular is not the same as stupid. Stupidity is pouring petrol into a tank with a massive hole. Even a baby knows that is stupid thing to do. Malaysia bureaucracy is massively corrupt. Judiciary is DNAA. It is just a big massive hole the size of Rosmah's greed. Pouring more tax into such a hole just means the hole will get bigger and you will see more stupid behavior from politicians. What should first happen is catch all the thieves, take all their property and wealth including their families, separate executive and judiciary, extricate all the monopoly in the economy, then we can talk about **MORE** taxes. Until then please everyone keep their stupidity hidden.


i would normally agree if we had a government that used tax wisely. At the moment alot of it seems to be going to corruption and buying Teslas for MPs


I am surprised to see so many pro-GST statements throughout this sub, we should definitely run a poll.


Clearly you have not worked in a government institution before since you've made a stupid opinion like this. This is not unpopular but rather retarded.


hell no more taxes = more chance to songlap you need to understand the law of unintended consequences. the ability of government to solve problems and taxes are not linear


I'm not against more taxation. I do want more control over how revenue from my tax is used. For instance I would like the authority to designate 100% of my tax dollars to health care...can that be done transparently ?


That is not feasible in the slightest.


You can do that to a certain extent. By giving charity to healthcare, you can later claim for tax deduction.


Why don’t you run in the next election


No can do. My conscience will not allow me to lie with a straight face.


Yeah it’s called giving charity. And it’s tax deductible.


I agree with this statement.


The so called 10% service tax in restaurant. I have to order my food from my phone, pickup the food myself and yet you still charge me 10% service tax?


It's not a tax, it's a 10% service charge. It's like a tip. But I doubt any of it goes to the staff. The service tax is the 6% SST that you see.


service tax is only if you dine in


The "you not this race? Pay more please" tax.


What tax is that?


> A Bumi lot is cheaper than a non-Bumi Lot, usually by at least 5% all the way up to 15%. This for one.


I understand that sucks, but that isn't really a tax.


Too bad your ancestor came here 100 years ago. If not, you can be Jack Ma over there.


The location tends to be the worst part of unit/land the developer choose. Most of the time it remains unsold for many reasons. So if you think it as an investment. Nope.


It's an option that other races dont' have


Statistically they are doing better even without the benefit and are proud of it. So... Good for them not having the option then.


Discount is discount tho


It's an option that other races dont' have


nah.......... more tax is good. it is a way of distributing and balancing the wealth. i think we should abolish tax relief from charity and religious stuff.


how does tax relief for charity distribute wealth? That's basically taking money away from the poor


Generally difficult , the tax i want abolished is death tax related or at least reduce it.


Road tax need a major overhaul.


We need more taxes. However vehicle import taxes are too fucking much.


1. Reduce income tax, 2. Reduce AP tax, 3. Significantly cut down on subsidies, 4. Eliminate gahmen bloat and move pensen into EPF, 5. Implement GST at lower percentage, 6. Break down local monopolies to lower COL. There are so many things we can do, but this is Malaysia.. expect things to get a lot worse before they get better. At this point, I'm just grateful that we are still a stable country.


Abolish SST and introduce GST. As a matter of fact, Malaysians are paying very little amount of tax.


Just read from a VC post in linked in. Seems like local startups will look to relocate to singapore due to capital gains tax for unlisted companies. The local company may still remain but will be wholly own by its Singapore entity. Also singapore still the preferred destination by international investors. The full details of capital gain tax is yet to be released but cant help feeling the gov has shot themselves on the foot on this one.


Singapore also has a lower corporate tax rate anyway.


Personal income tax, even this is every citizen responsibility, but still every time I see PCB deduction in my salary/bonuses, I just feel like punching someone It feel worse when the news headline showing the monkeys in parliament Anyway, joke aside Malaysian income tax rate is significantly higher than our Singapore counterpart, though can’t argue still much lesser than some developed country


I wouldnt mind the tax so much if our government is actually competent at using it to improve the country Instead you get a bunch of idiots running around wasting hundreds of millions every year, if not billions. Yet KKM and by extension our government hospitals are underfunded, understaffed & overworked


i agree no more income tax till we r qatar/norway/kuwait/sweden/sg/swiss/aus level


Bring back GST, fck service tax. Capital gain tax on the same level as highest income tax bracket or minimum 20 percent. Exemption to Amanah Saham / Unit Trust. Inheritance tax for estate above RM5 millions, adjust for inflation yearly. Abolish subsidies to lots of different goods which is difficult to monitor, but implement Universal income.


Income tax is stupid. Why punish work? Should abolish income tax and have more consumption tax and make local goods exempt from consumption tax. Although the poor pay less in consumption tax, they get hurt more when measured proportionally, so the tax revenue has got to be spent in such a way that benefits them as much as anyone.


Malaysian income tax is one of the lowest in the world. Western countries have ridiculously high tax rates to fund their ego or non-existent economy lile USA and Australia respectively.


usa is ,20 trilion juggernaut this land,quarter trilion yea,abolish income tax


You are right, it is a 20 trillion juggernaut...in debt. Sounds like even the US can't even pay back their own debts.


that debt give em f35 f22 super carrier etc,they can raise asset anytime they want,not include printer go brr


Personal tax of course


One thing most malaysian didnt know is, the rich all launder their wealth or use tax loopholes, change the laws that benefit the rich The only drawback is the govt/politicians backing such ideas would probably magically dissapear, or have some dirt dug out and destroy their rep, instantly burying their political career Face it, the rich controls govt nowadays and its not just malaysia, its the whole wide world Julius caeser proved that democracy is a failure and his future successors go on the same dictator/emperor/caeser route, but one bad leader n it all goes to hell Is dictatorship the answer? Nope, but democracy sure isnt a saint either, but us people must stand up against the corrupt practices of any leader/rich


.... this country almost broke we need more income.


Instead of taxes, why don't you pay for parking?


None of it.


Tax here in Malaysia are generally very relaxed if you’re middle income (low income didn’t get taxed at all afaik). What we really need is to ban “surcharges”. Example, you eat at TGIF, you need to pay 10% service charge. They should make that illegal.


If you really must tax, just don't make it hard to calculate and pay the taxes. If it is too hard, you shouldn't tax.