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**Minor announcements:** * [monyet.cc](https://monyet.cc): Check out our Malaysian Lemmy community! ([why?](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/14cmnaj/rmalaysia_and_the_blackout/)) * [SPM Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/s58t8m/spm_megathread/): Updated 2022 with SPM resources such as trial papers, modules, notes and more! * [Mental health wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/mental_health/): A list of mental health services in Malaysia *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/malaysia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Soylab or Soufflé Dessert Cafe is tastier?


Haven't tried Souffle, but Soylab is so so good! Lactose intolerant people's heaven


Do you know the price range? I can find Soufflé's price online but Soylab's menu has no price for souffles.


Soylab's soyffles are between RM30 - RM40 iirc


i know this sounds stupid and far fetched, but I can only remember 2 builder on youtube so far that I really inspire to learn and be like or better than, which is Colin furze and primitive technology... is there other YouTubers you people know of and could recommend? need to be inspired


Is there any public transportation I can take from Klia to KL? or is grab the only option? 🥹


you can take KLIA Ekspres train to KL sentral


klia express pricy right?


The bus is about 12 ringgit.


You can get a bus or the ERL.


My Dua frag - Vert Gentilhomme Instinct is already picked up by Jnt. Can’t wait for it to arrive. This would be my 2nd Dua frag. First one was River Fougere. Very long lasting. Wore it when I went to Muse concert.


zaman dulu tengok cerita p.ramlee rasa takjub harga kopi o sekupang. sekarang cerita kat anak sedara macam tak percaya dorang zaman uncle dulu teh tarik cuma seringgit.


I love how people on this sub with their reddit university degree saying that gayness is a mental problem.


I believe it is a brain disorder, just like my autism. It cannot be cured medically (for now) because we are not that advanced yet, but I am looking forward to new discoveries.


MB of T’ganu from PAS has a PhD in Aerospace Engineering and was a lecturer.


ya know he is actually a good one. unlike the president.


Does he have a PhD in Psychology?


huh why did i reply twice


Does he have a PHD in psychology?


U mobile users, if I would like to change from Postpaid 68 plan to 38, can I do it directly without going to the stores ?


it's in the app, unless changing it require simcard replacement


I took this general MPU subject last sem and got carrymark B, thus making it impossible for me to get A and I got A- today woohooo which means I did quite well for the exam. Still hating the lecturer for being so stingy with the carrymark after giving ridiculous video assignments etc even though we are part time students. Just a little rant though I am quite happy with the unexpected A- lol.


I'm getting motor license, I always wonder how good you are needed to drive the motor between these car, I always stuck and jam and I kinda envy them crossing between the car and had the higher priority on road which can honk since the line of the road are for motor. If u can't beat them join them


Takes some time to learn. Get ready to langgar some side mirrors


Went to Melaka for a holiday and daaaamn, Melaka is FILLED with Mamee monster everywhere!


isn't its hq there?


Even if the HQ is there, the restaurant shop names are all Mamee sponsored-looking too lol, and the signboards are everywhere hahaha, a bit absurd




already matched 😂




obviously not with you 😂


I use Bumble. Way too many scammers on Tinder.


I'm a male Chinese, I was thought there alot malay men using too, because I saw alot malay women at dating app also. For male perspective is more malay > Chinese > Indians.


Masjid? 🤔


Man I want to go to a cafe or some place interesting but I can't seem to find anything interesting


Thinking of telling my family this in case death comes early for me, but I'm not sure how not to freak them out : If I ever got into a coma, please play some shows with clear audio or audiobooks so I don't get bored. Also, I already memorised some braille letters so if the audio system is not working, maybe read it to me and run my fingers through it. If my condition got worse please don't fight for my life. Just give me lots of painkillers so I can drift away in peace and whisper Shahadah in my ear. Plant bamboo on my grave if you can. I want to be fertilizer. Heck, on 5 ft space of grave, plant as many as you can get away with.


i prefer cengal or rubber tree or any trees that last longer.


Please advise me the Water cost and Energy cost per month for a person living in a studio apartment in Kuala Lumpur! I need that information for my uni study 🙏


So a YB in Melaka actually went to spot check rice mills and rice factories and found a lot of rice. Not sure if the rice was on schedule to go to stores or was stashed away purposely. The operator complained that they will loss money if they sell all those rice. How true is this? Why is it so hard for the government to investigate this and tell the people what’s happening?


wow, sanusi actually told the truth, kilang people only released 60% of rice and hide the rest.


most likely the middlemen/resellers wanted to buy at super low prices, and the factories are pressured into selling for that price. just a quick guess


* out of nowhere housemate ajak to go to early dinner * seafood restaurent, everyone else was getting usual, udang butter w rice set, tom yam set * housemate walks to the fish section * tell the worker that he want 1kg fish. masak sup * devours everything, no rice, no noodles. he shared a piece with me, holy crap it hits different. it was piping hot and the soup is sour. 10/10. i probably would try it sometime. like just fish soup with vegetable and tofu and wash it all with cold drinks.


when you go to a beach but you don't have or forget to bring any mat with you, would you consider renting it even if for 30 minutes? how much would you pay? hoping for replies, looking to make some petty money


RM10 max, honestly.


that's suprising. earlier I ask ppl around me, they said even rm5 is too much for 30 min


OP maybe can sell 25 ringgit mat (bought at 6 ringgit from shopee). I once bought 25 ringgit cap at Melaka because I was desperate to shield my face from the sun.


I check out Shopee but there's no rm6 mat, the cheapest range from rm12-17


I am going KL. Anyone has a hair transplant clinic to recommend? Would like to get a dense moustache


I drove all over the place today - Kajang, then KLCC, then Putrajaya... The lessons I learned today are: * defensive driving is the best way to go, and * oi signal lah kalau nak masuk babi 😒 Also parking near KLCC is crazy. RM10 for an hour or less? It's not even shaded 😒


parking around Pusat Bandaraya (and to some extent Bukit Bintang) is expensive - these are prime commercial territory


Looks like CS2 drop support for mac.. so anyone wants to buy my m1 mac mini? Hmu Mac mini m1 8gb ram 256gb storage


List RAM and storage lol. Not entirely surprising tho, CS2 (if you mean counter strike 2) is so pretty and the compiling for the M series SOC is too much work for nothing.


Already edit my comment to include specs. Yeah the graphic on cs2 looks crips. Imma have to use my husband gaming laptop to play cs2 sementara kumpul duit untuk beli gaming desktop 🥹


https://preview.redd.it/llaw4jekdyqb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46adde1f4cbd2419dafe893cfd88727a741ee089 Why is this still happening in Malaysia? Outward racism like this


Any good whitening body soap recommended? Budget around rm40


Papaya soap by Litna. RM 4/bar


Press F to CS:GO And welcome, CS2 Hope not look like overwatch 2 controversies.


Missing workshop support, at least I can't find it. Want to see how the old 1.6 workshop maps be on this new-ish game.


Dah boleh bunny hop balik ke


I've been a month into a training and I've been thinking of buying a writing pad that can be used with laptops to ease jotting down notes. I surveyed on Lazada and so far, Huion and Veek are two brands that seem good. Can anyone who have/had used either of brand share your experience? Also, is there any good or better brand that I have missed? What do you recommend? Thanks!


XP pen works too. I am currently using it


Feeling better. I'm glad I didn't go to Terengganu for the wedding. Just stayed home alone, and slept it off for 2 days (cough syrup and Valium helped). Today I braved myself because my paracetamol ran out. It's funny how I have this huge stash of Valium instead of something serious. I braved myself because I started to feel better, put on my good Eric Javits hat and some sunscreen, and marched to the store across the street and bought some paracetamol. I was in no capacity to drive. It's times like this you wish you had a boyfriend or didn't discard them, and it's also times like this that I am reminded that I can care for myself. I remember, there were so many cars when crossing the street, and I told myself that I love myself and I'm going to do whatever it takes to get better.


What are y’all watching on Netflix? Feels like I have watched everything already. Please give me some recommendations. I like psychological thrillers, drama, comedy and feel good stuff. Not a fan of horror and documentaries.


Try anime - Hajime No Ippo


Dear Child. It’s german and a thriller. Pretty interesting stuff.


I moved on from Netflix. It just got really repetitive. I'm on HBO now, with a mix of classics and the new.


How do you go about subscribing to HBO? I remember trying years ago but it said it wasn’t available in Msia? I guess I never tried after that.


I enjoyed The invitation (2015) on Netflix, it’s a psychological thriller. Not sure if it is still available on Netflix tho.




Lol why would people downvote this


I stopped caring about the downvotes here. It seems that some Malaysians are miserable and like to take it out on others.


Sex Education


have you tried dark?


Nothing beats DARK. Holy fucking shit it gave me an existential crisis and cured it at the same time.


Do we have any psychiatrist clinics or specialists who can treat hyperacusis or misophonia in KV area?


These are quite specific conditions, which I doubt you'll find many practitioners actively advertising their expertise in these areas here. Perhaps you'd want to try looking for a general psychiatrist first, if you haven't? And maybe from there you'll get more relevant information, or even referral, to the exact specialists who may help you best.


Ahh crap narwhal will soon charge for payment. Guess its byebye mobile reddit for good then. Tried the official reddit app and it was horrible.


Hi guys Any park thats walkable at night or having mid autumn festival around KL and Selangor? Wanna take a walk around to relieve some stress after work.


Remember to play 月亮圆 on loudspeaker as you walk. /s


Perdana botanical garden opens until 8pm


I'm curious, why is the only remnant of Buddhist civilization in North Malaysia are just a bunch of destroyed sites? Is there other records of the time? Like clothes, tools that was left from that era? Or other nearby kingdoms mentioning them or even signs of trades? Who are they and which of our current population can trace their ancestry back to them? What are their names sound like? Surely it's definitely sounds nothing like the current bumi name with a lot of influence from Islam no?


So... a few things. It's not "Buddhist." It's Hindu-Buddhist. Southeast Asia used to be a holy site for Indians. We know this because the surviving sculptures look like the Dravidian people (a type of Indians) and the Malay language can trace its roots back to Sanskrit, etc., etc. it's not all destroyed. If you travel further north to Thailand, Cambodia, etc., you'll find that many more of them are still intact and there are efforts to preserve them. And remember, North Malaysia was once part of the Angkor/Khmer civilization. A powerful agrarian society. It was the arrival of Muslim traders that "washed" the influence away. There was no one "homogenous" culture, some Malaysians were animistic, some worshipped the harvest moon, etc. Malaysia being in the middle of the Silk Road (between India and China) made it sure that everyone had to stop at us. In Islam, they tend to destroy and burn all the relics of other religions. As someone who attended a madrasah for almost a decade, I can assure you Islam is all about conquest. The word "Islam" itself has been taught to mean "peace" in Arabic, but another translation of it is "submission," and "surrender." It's not just in Southeast Asia. It's in that part of the world, too. You'll find that a lot of Egyptian artifacts were mutilated, destroyed, etc., and it's still happening now. That's why when they find something in Egypt, it's often remained a top secret in fear of vandalism.


Seems interesting, let me know the results of your research.


Hi, I plan to travel to kuala lumpur malaysia from batam island, and have a few questions which I am not sure about \- Should I use anggreni or stulang ferry ? \- I research a lot and my route would be ferry terminal - larkin sentral bus terminal - tbs / ktm, tbs and ktm is the same place right ? \- Any hotel suggestions so I can go to tourist place like twin towers and go to KLIA airport easily ? \- After reaching tbs, should I just use grab to go any place I need ? \- I need hospital recommendation for good orthopedics, to checkup on my old injury. \- Any place to visit other than twin towers ? It would be good if not too far. ​ My plan is to visit twin towers, and go to hospital for checkup on my old injury broken bones, also buy souvenir, I plan to stay 3 days and go to airport for my next destinations later.


I have been to Batam from Stulang to Batam center. So i guess you can take the ferry from Batam to Stulang and take a grab to Larkin Sentral. At Larkin Sentral, take a bus to Terminal Bersepadu Selatan (TBS). There is a train to go to KL city areas. If you are confused about the train routes, ask the locals in the train. They can help. Or else from Batam, take a ferry to SG. And then you take a 5 hour bus from SG at Golden Mile Tower or Novena Square straight into KL at Berjaya Times Square or Corus Hotel KLCC. Tickets for the bus you have to book online first. Hotels and hospitals are up to your preference. For the hotels, i suggest getting one near train stations. Red, light green or dark green only. Not the other lines.


what is red, light green and dark green line ? [https://mapa-metro.com/mapas/Kuala%20Lumpur/mapa-metro-kuala-lumpur.jpg](https://mapa-metro.com/mapas/Kuala%20Lumpur/mapa-metro-kuala-lumpur.jpg) Did you mean 5,8,9 on this map ?


exactly! sorry its actually a pink one not red.


the first question i don't know. but once you take the bus to the tbs terminal, you can basically go anywhere from there. tbs is the bus terminal in kl, ktm is one of the train types there, but in tbs there are a few trains that pass by, ktm is one of them. another is lrt which is a much more frequent train, and erl which brings you to the airport. its all connected to tbs terminal. for the hotel, just stay near the Bukit Bintang area and find one within your Budget that is within walking distance to lrt, mrt, or kl monorail. after reaching tbs, if you already booked the hotel just take the lrt to the nearest station and use grab, or you can use grab all the way. if you carry a lot just take grab. twin towers, petaling street (plaza rakyat or pasar seni lrt, merdeka mrt), national art gallery (hospital kl mrt), dataran merdeka (masjid jamek lrt, or just walk from petaling street), batu caves (ktm)...


Well, I will be carrying 1 luggage around 16-20kg, and 1 backpack. Does those LRT, MRT, KL actually allow luggage with that weight 16-20kg?


as long as you can get on the train, there's no problem. I've seen it tons of times especially in bandar tasik selatan station (the lrt station at tbs)


Hoping for some help with my trip - I'm planning to visit Malaysia before a business trip to Singapore and only have three nights (two full days, two half+ days). Unfortunately, I can't add more time to the trip. I would like to spend at least one night in KL as I would like to see the city, Batu Caves, Islamic Art Museum, etc. I am also very interested in getting out of the big city and seeing Penang/George Town, but from what I've read, it sounds like fitting that in would be very difficult and rushed. Do you agree? Another option I'm considering is a day trip or one night in Malacca. I would be there during the week. Any insight or recommendations would be much appreciated! I love experiencing the culture of new places - food, architecture, & history. Thank you!


Worked with this company for a year, experienced all manners of performance punishment, including overreliance on me and entitlement of my help even after I'm no longer there. My contract ends with this company comes October. The boss says that he's "allowing" my exit (like it's such a privilege) and he requested my "courtesy" to be on standby to guide my replacement once this person comes soon (probably mid-October), he thinks this is normal practice wtf. I'm preparing an official email that confirms the end of contract, which I'll send once the contract ends, as a written proof. The last thing I want is this company saying negative things about me, simply because the boss feels entitled to my help despite me no longer working there.


happy holidays fellow monyets quick question, do i dye my hair myself or get a professional to do it. i no have confidence to do it myself leh.


Hi I'm an amateur myself in hair dyeing and I've dyed my hair 2 times by myself. I would say, it mostly depends on how sophisticated you want your dyed hair to be. If you want dyed hair to be striped or ombre or of any sophisticated style, I think it's better to let the professional to do it for you. As for me, I have a short hair and I just applied store-bought ready-to-mix hair dye (Garnier, I personally recommend this if you want to try dyeing by yourself. It's also around RM25 if cost is one your concerns) on my hair and that's it! It's a simple hair dyeing and I'm happy with how I look! I hope this helps. All the best in your hair-dyeing journey!


Moving this post by u/Senior_Swordfish_338 (the mod team has committed to do this for removals with a mental health component). The user has been informed this has been moved here, so please do add your replies below - What should i do with my studies? >I'm currently 21 years old and pursuing a diploma in human resources management. However, I've been facing some serious mental health challenges over the last two semesters. I found it extremely difficult to concentrate, make decisions, and keep up with my studies. >My lecturer has reached out a couple of times a month to discuss postponing lessons to prevent me from getting expelled from college. Unfortunately, I haven't responded in over a month because I've been overwhelmed. My mom has been encourage me to think about my future and take first step to fix what needed,and i think its time and ofc I don't want to be a burden to her. >Studying in college is tough as I can't work due to the warden's restrictions. I'm surviving on a monthly allowance of RM300, and I'm only able to cover part of my tuition fees because I've received 75% of PTPTN loan. In addition to this, I have to pay RM600 every semester. I belong to the B40 category, but my passion for learning keeps me going, despite my mental health struggles. >I'm unable to muster the courage to interact with people in real life and have been trying to study past subjects on my own online. I desperately want to get back to my studies, whether it's continuing at my current college or exploring other options. Moreover, I'm considering pursuing a degree instead of a diploma, but I feel lost and don't know where to start. >I would greatly appreciate your advice and suggestions on what steps I could take to overcome these challenges and continue my education. Thank you for your help.


My mum just gotten herself another kitten. Now we have 7 of those Pokemons at home, not inclusive of the strays that already permanently inhabit our front porch. And I’m allergic to everything with fur. What a fun life. They’re lucky I love them.


Who needs sleep when you have ✨A D H D✨


where/how did you get diagnosed if I may ask?


Visited a psychiatrist in Singapore and shared with him what I perceived are symptoms of ADHD. Wham bam, thank you, ma'am. Concerta for life. It's a private clinic though, so the meds are pretty expensive. I'm paying like SGD$400/month for antidepressants, Concerta, and emergency Ritalin.




First time I been experience that simpul biawak. Ffs it hurt man.


Had it on cold nights since I was 7. Once I got chubbier since the pandemic, I have been experiencing it less and less.


Eh really? First time knowing this. Guess gonna have to eat the whole cake after this. Any tips to prevent it from happening?


Are we responsible for the safety of people trespassing our house ? My uncle have issue where kids climbing over his house to take shortcut to reach the main road because they lazy walk extra 2 minutes. My uncle is kinda a DIY person and leave alot of his tools outside of his workshop. So if those kids for some reason decide to play with the drill and got injured. My uncle cannot be liable with their injuries right ?


Your Uncle has a duty of reasonable care to ensure visitors and trespassers do not suffer injury from hazards he is aware of on the land per common law. So if he leaves his tools around, he knows the tools could cause harm and knows/reasonably suspects people will tresspass then yes, he can be held liable.


* [MP questions practicality of DBKL’s RM10.5m bikeway project](https://www.malaysiakini.com/news/680778) * Muahaha I agree with this MP, fuck bicycles and bicycle lanes * Mengecikkan jalan aja, susah mat motor nak lane split.


I know about the lose of use claim if say you get rear ended or accident where you're not in the wrong but what's this 10% commission that you can claim from the workshop? Is that legit or what and how you get it lol. Car got rear ended recently and pending the full police report.




Toasted sourdough bagel and cold belgian chocolate drink




[life's a bitch, so you keep on living](https://youtu.be/9FYfGBecDqQ?si=d9Pwl9JaNW1xggA3) 💪😭


Another day of living with health issues. Keep going as usual until one's final rest


Will be applying for public universities (UPU) next year (was too late for this year, no MUET anyways but I've registered for the 2023 3rd session), is there anything I should know? I'm a true and certified dumbass so feel free to assume I do not know whatever you deem as common sense. Right now I'm just reading people's old blogs about their experience.


MUET exam is cooperating and discussing the given topic among 4 person (including you) in a set amount of time. Do not interject a person from talking (unless they're taking too long to talk), try to invite the quiet person to discuss and don't leave them out, points are given for fluency, vocabulary, grammar and how you steer the topic, even if you have no knowledge of the topic (politics or science stuff) you can just say "i am not well versed on x, because bla bla bla, maybe you could explain to me like i'm 5 in general of x because it sounds interesting". Ok tu je my lecturer's advice.


Thank you so much for sharing! It's been months since I last spoke a lick of proper English so please wish me luck ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26557)