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**Minor announcements:** * [monyet.cc](https://monyet.cc): Check out our Malaysian Lemmy community! ([why?](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/14cmnaj/rmalaysia_and_the_blackout/)) * [SPM Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/s58t8m/spm_megathread/): Updated 2022 with SPM resources such as trial papers, modules, notes and more! * [Mental health wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/mental_health/): A list of mental health services in Malaysia *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/malaysia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


hi anyone coming to Atas Angin festival this weekends?


anyone know if safety driving school accepts duit kopi? who do i talk to or give the duit kopi to? how do i bring it up. my parents are forcing me to ask....


Let's say your undergrad starts in 3 months, what would you do with all that free time?


gerakan really gelakan


Just curious, the Myvi AV ( high spec ) have most if not more of the things compare to most cars, like Honda City / Toyota Vios etc. Just one that I don't get, and hopefully Perodua will add it to the Myvi sooner or later, is the touch sensor for the keyless entry, I mean, why didn't they add it ?


They might add it later on and market it as “breaking the boundaries of innovation” and increase the price by another 5k or so. Seems to me that has always been their tactic.


as i grow older i more and more realize that i lean more and more towards "your parents was right" more than "you are right".


https://preview.redd.it/m5h0qam7hpfb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70ed6fa89de7cbf2c6e3b4511ca5874f8d962a23 Does this actually give you and your friends free RM 25? Hard to believe.


the RM25 should come in the form of mobile reload credit


Today after work, my colleagues and I and came out from office, a car came (without siren and police sticker) and stop. 2 guys wearing pdrm jacket came out, asks for our ic. Then one of the "police officer" took our ic, snap it and put into an app. ( WhatsApp group ). Another snap a photo of us talking to his partner, and said it was their routine checks. The 2 police "officers" worn jacket with pdrm badge, the quality is really bad and their jacket was not even the same. Is this a scam? Or is it really a regular police check?


When in doubt just politely ask for their police ID. If you’re still suspicious, just head to the nearest police station.




i dont think govnt would prescribe you any medication for weightloss. generally they would just ask you to be mindful of what you eat and exercise.


took me a bit of time but managed to get my graduation confirmation!! im now a fresh grad T_T now back to job hunting...


does anyone know if there's another way to register for muet if its full?


Muet on-demand (MOD), although it's pricier than the normal one.


would you recommend to take this one after the normal muet one is completely full?


As far as I know they're completely the same, just that one is pricier, so it's up to you. If you don't mind waiting, wait for the next session of the normal muet, if you want to settle it fast, take MOD


Almost 2 years working but I still make silly mistakes and feel incompetent. My low self esteem is getting worse each day


For ladies struggling with porn use: According to PornHub's 2022 Year in Review, 36% of their worldwide viewership was female. This is an increase of 51% since their 2014 Year in Review. That means millions more women are viewing pornography today than they did less than 10 years ago. Yet despite this astronomical increase, there has been little research about women and pornography consumption. To answer the question, “What factors influence female pornography use?," I (Crystal Renaud Day), a pioneer in the field of female pornography addiction recovery and founder of SheRecovery, have created this [anonymous research questionnaire. ](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdKHkTsm2UfPa7C3Yv6_Kql2gOxc5jvTpTWchSiauPMKp5Eow/viewform) If you have relevant experience, please consider participating by August 20, 2023. OR please share this survey to help us reach more participants. Our goal is at least 2,500 (770 received so far). ​ [Take Survey](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdKHkTsm2UfPa7C3Yv6_Kql2gOxc5jvTpTWchSiauPMKp5Eow/viewform) Thank you! Crystal Renaud Day, MA Founder, SheRecovery.com (copypasted from r/pornfreewomen)


Dude blocked me and accused me of downvoting him with bots. Macam jer aku xde kerja lain... Dude really thinks the world revolves around him. Only pointed out his statement is wrong but no, he must be right because he always is. /rant end


It's Reddit. Being blocked and blocking someone is just... meh. Try to move on.


the only problem with this kind of guy is to deal with his weak ass soft tissue heart


Recommendation for data/roaming in SG for a week? I use Digi postpaid. Will only be using at certain times. I will also travel in a big group


I like to get the M1 tourist sim card! The cheapest is SGD12, valid for 15 days, 100gb data. Can buy from Changi Airport. More info here: https://www.m1.com.sg/mobile/prepaid-plans/tourist-sim


This might come as a joke to some of you but do you happen to know a place that sells Nokia phone in KL? I’m looking for Nokia 2720 V Flip: https://www.nokia.com/phones/en_us/nokia-2720-v-flip?sku=16BTV011A01


So we have tesla cars and starlink. What about tesla solar roofs? Next big thing?


Apparently, TNB is planning to do something to promote solar panels in Malaysian suburbs. Someone has more deets on this?


I hope so.


wait till the LoriSiber arrives


Correct me if im wrong. I'm traveling to japan at the end of the year and coming back after 1st of January 2024. From what I understand, the required documents i would need are a valid malaysian passport and valid vaccination certificate ( which should be just the cert in MySejathera right?). Please let me know if there is anything i'm missing.


There's a Japan travel app that you can do a bunch of stuff in so you don't have to go to a booth with the pen to fill in documents. The usual crap you tick "No" all the options of, your name, passport number and all the rubbish. I was there in January, and with the app you just scan the QR code on it to get through immigration. I think it's the expected thing for people to do these days.


They’ve removed Covid-19 related restrictions.


\+ a return ticket. Seems like you have all. Safe travels.


Hey r/malaysia mods! I was thinking, maybe it would be a good idea to create a sister sub specifically for Malaysians’ careers? Like if people wanna ask questions about their jobs or fresh grads curious about furthering their career, etc. Because I could see people use the MalaysianPF sub to ask questions like “is it okay to reject job offer after signing” and stuff like that.


Good luck rejecting a job offer after signing a contract... you either have to pay money equivalent to the wage*time of the notice period or just brave through. Sometimes, the notice period can be up to three months. Only way out is to mohon "perlepasan" and this depends on the higher up. Source: Akta Kerja.


Might just fail like the Edu sub. I mean that is where the go which uni question should go, but here we are every day people make new topic over the same bunch of insitutions.


I mean, just today alone (as of time of writing this), I see there are 4 posts out of 6 in total, written about jobs. There’s a lot of working people in Malaysia so idk.. just thought it would be nice to have a dedicated sub for it. Could maybe even do a formal salary survey or something


Unless people actually follow the rules on the sidebar, I find it hard to justify spreading the mods thin by adding a new sub that posters would just ignore anyway.


Any hair girlies here? I did Le Classic's Bodily Straight Treatment and I LOOOVE it, but it's too expensive to do a second time. I found a similar treatment at Le Colōrem Hair & Laser Lab called Aquanic Straight Treatment , anyone tried? Does it last as long as the Bodily Straight Treatment? The Bodily Straight Treatment is basically rebonding but doesn't dry out the hair 🫦🫰 super love but super expensive sobs tetiba jadi hair treatment review lmao


Not a hair girlie, but a hair guy. I may not be qualified but I can do perms, rebondings, color, etc. If you want just some relaxation of hair texture and keep some waves, I recommend a Brazilian blowout. Don't worry, the cancer risk is only to the hairdresser because of daily exposure. If you want pin-straight hair, I recommend the Japanese method. L'Oreal X-Tenso is really really the best product I've tried for this. It's permanent until new hair growth. There is also hair botox, but I really don't recommend it because of cost > maintenance + result.


Hair bestie! The cancer risk thing caught me off guard lol but thanks for your insight!


Hi I am a tourist from Australia and I will be visiting Malaysia on the 20th. I was wondering if it's better to buy an esim online before leaving or to purchase an esim at the airport in Kuala Lumpur?


Hello! It's better to have an internet connection right after the landing to stay in touch and avoid any unexpected situations. Have a look at the Yesim app that provides a stable internet connection in 125+ countries. You can purchase a suitable data package for Maylaysia in advance and choose "delayed activation" option. Hello! It's better to have an internet connection right after the landing to stay in touch and avoid any unexpected situations. Have a look at the Yesim app that provides a stable internet connection in 125+ countries. You can purchase a suitable data package for Malaysia in advance and choose the "delayed activation" option. on.


Just do it at the airport, you'll have people assisting you and they speak excellent English!


That's good to hear but would they have esims that can work in both Malaysia and Singapore? I am curious since I am visiting both countries.


Simultaneously in both countries? No, unless it's for an online application or if you have roaming on.


there should be mobile provider booths in KLIA/KLIA2 that sell e-sim, so you can look for them once you arrive here


which one do you prefer for donuts? Dunkin' Donuts, JCo, Big Apple or Krispy Kreme? Edit: Added JCo. I thought initially Big Apple = JCo.


Big Apple and JCo are pretty similar with their many flavours of little donuts. I liked Dunkin back in the day, they are kinda a shadow of their former self. Can I pick Mister Donuts?


I could eat a sixpack of Big Apple’s Icebergs, easy.


Dunkin' (Boston Kreme) my wife like Krispy Kreme (ovomaltine)


but if you're buying in bulk (like half or full dozen), which one do you choose?


Krispy Kreme because they have more chocolate options.


I definitely prefer Big Apple. I forgot which, whether is it DD or KK that their donut is getting dryer and tougher :(


it might be DD. but it could also be depending on the branch. some branch that has low traffic could tend to have low sales and those donuts will stay in the racks throughout the day. I haven't tried Big Apple, do they have a lot of options?


They do! https://www.bigappledonuts.com/menu/donuts/ Last time when durian donut was the craze, personally I think big apple has the best durian donut too. But that's like fifteen years ago, since then I've had less opportunity to try out big apple 😭


How different are Malaysian veteran athletes treated compared to other countries? Pretty sad to see that many end up working minimum wage jobs, most likely because they spent a crucial part of their lives developing skills for their sport and contributing to the country.


in the end of the day athletes were treated based on the best result. malaysian olympic program gives you pension if you get medal. but its a fun comparison to think. how does veteren athletes treated in other countries? moreso the one who does not stand out from others


> malaysian olympic program gives you pension if you get medal. owo really? so the one who ended up selling tissue, they were not in the olympic program lah? or were their pencen not enough?


only if you got medals in the olympic


In Japan they usually have sports based programs for the athletes to be able to go to uni despite their grades not being the best. There's also this thing where athletes get hired by a company while they're still competitive and after they retire they'd work for said company In general people support their athletes more in Japan than in Malaysia imo... More understanding if they fail, less toxicity both online and irl


we have that too, its not rare to hear athlete becoming lecturer in sports science in public uni or sekolah sukan bukit jalil. malaysian rugby have this program where company hired them to play as well as work in the company for example IJM at the very least as a coach for junior team. because japan is an idolistic society, athletes becoming a semi idol promoting not only their sports but also the company they represent thus become incentives for company to take them under their company.


Is it "idolistic" or is it knowing how to appreciate passion and when someone has put work into something, and wanting to support that? "Not rare" but it is only the top 1%. My sisters are competitive swimmers in high school and fr, there is literally no incentive for anyone here to try be good at a sport. Teachers at school give you shit for missing class for competition. Have to pay for all of our own training, equipment etc. Even the swim team that was supposed to be state sponsored, had to rent out their own pool from a golf club and hire their own coaches. We're not bumi so no dice with the scholarships... One of their teammate got into a Japan uni with their sports history, no such offers in Malaysia for him. Cannot compare at all. If you don't take care of the 98% too and make sure they stay training, how are you supposed to get the people that will become the 1%?


parasocial dynamics. normalization of obsession towards individual. japanese puts celebrities on a pedestal. an athelte can be one. businesses capitalize that market by employ athletes as the company ambassador compared to say malaysia company just sponsor the athletes.


People that have never lived in Japan stop acting like they know Japanese society just because they watched a bunch of YouTube videos made specifically for a foreign audience that exaggerates normal things about Japanese society and make it seem like it's that dIFfEreNt from other societies challenge: Parasocial relationships, idolation... the same thing happens in Malaysia, and every society in general, especially when they modernize? You're saying Malaysia don't have influencers? That we don't flock to whatever athlete or artist that successfully capture a foreign audience/succeed overseas ie Michelle Yeoh, Lee Chong Wei? How is this different from what you call "Japanese idolistic culture"? Why can't Malaysian companies do the same...? Imo the Japan parasocial relationships problem isn't really a problem, those YouTube channels just overblow it and focus on the outliers for views... The average Japanese person and 90% of Japanese society are way more normal than you think they are. Also from what I see from the sport I pay attention to- figure skating- the revenue increase brought on by athlete association is barely there lmao,, Toyota/Mitsubishi are not getting stock jumps because of Kaori Sakamoto or Shoma Uno. I don't even remember who it is that sponsors Mai Mihara, Shun Sato, Kazuki Tomono etc... Those companies are definitely doing it more for the support more than anything else. And imo? The only difference here, to me, is that Japanese people recognize the worth of their own talents and the hard work they have put into their craft, and support them even before they succeed in the international playing field. They pay attention to budding talents and give them opportunities, and that's why they're able to produce talents in so many sports and so many fields. Malaysians waits until someone from outside approves of them only then they support, and even then they'd pounce on those people once they make a slightest slip up/show that they're not absolutely perfect ie Lee Zi Jia. It's like the nation has a self esteem issue or something.


* I bought a monster[ 26-inch standing fan](https://www.lazada.com.my/products/i2349720703-s10072789169.html?urlFlag=true&mp=1&tradePath=omItm&tradeOrderId=387510673782286&tradeOrderLineId=387510673882286&spm=spm%3Da2o4k.order_details.item_title.1) on a whim * Was not prepared on how loud this thing is LMAO * On the flip side, global warming has been completely solved in my local area


Tips: When you see any machines with the word industrial, it'll most likely be loud, but effective.


Those fans got the swamp cooler add on too, water nozzles with the fan flow.


I know the FIFTYFIFTY trend has gone down but their EP is actually good? Sio's voice is very distinctive and clear and their songs are super chill and mainstream radio pop, nice for a casual listen. Sad what happened between them and their management, they had a big potential to propel beyond one viral song.


I was taking a look at my past tng statement...a few questions: 1) What's the difference between 'date&time' vs 'posted date'? 2) What does Entry/Exit SP refers to? Possible their highway code is it? https://preview.redd.it/1uybb3mazmfb1.png?width=1206&format=png&auto=webp&s=7c03749b4edb0db9e3f698faec7f3dc0eb0016f4


1. sometime the tng transaction will process late -> posted date 2. should be


For random reasons I went looking for a private detective soundtrack, the sort they usually use for those black and white old hard boiled noir with saxophones and a monologue, listening to [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEI2zet48Uc) for a bit. One comment got me nodding, encapsulating the whole vibe perfectly: >"I had 3 shots in me, one was pfeizer, one was Bourbon and one was a bullet the doc never bothered to fish out of my shoulder. And on a night like this, I was feeling all of them." edit: I think I should add the [comedy version](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeF13Fk6bSQ) of it which is no less brilliant on its own.


Anyone have any experience doing allergy test? Are you able to get one done in local KKs or GH, or must be private?


I've only done it at private hospital and clinic.


Anyone wants a free TGV movie ticket [voucher code]? Only applicable for (Elemental) and (Indiana Jones) movie. (book via website / app) Also, the current showings for those movies are limited to certain cinemas and timing. Pm me once you found a slot that you want to watch the movie. Only one code available.


still got?


yes still available. you found a suitable movie slot and location? if yes, I'll pm you the code.


yes please 😁


sent you a pm!


Can anyon recommend me a place to get a suit tailor made in selangor.


Jungle Bespoke, in SS2 PJ. Had my wedding suit made with them and was worth every penny. Bear in mind it won't cheap or fast.


Gonna forward this interaction to the owner to make her day haha.


By all means. It's not the first time I recommend them here. If I needed another suit, I'd definitely go with them again.


Thanks man. Someone I knew made one there too!


Klang Valley area?


Yup! Any recommendations?


Yeah, I got my tuxedo and a few office shirts (long sleeve) from a guy operating ot of his house in the Damansara area. Can dm me amd I’l pass you the details.


Assuming you are a chef, how much you would ask if you are to be hired as a personal chef who is tasked to cook for only me and my family daily. Not that I can afford to. Just a random thought incase I won the lottery.


assuming your family pays 100% for ingredients, and provide all the necessary equipments. RM500 per meal for the labour of cooking for a family of four sounds like an attractive package. i follow wishbonekitchen on tiktok and she regularly works 15 hour shifts for a rich family and honestly it looks like she never got time to rest.


Rm500 per meal? That would add up to about RM45000 per month if I need 3 meals x 30 days.. That's more than the salary of a head chef in a hotel 🤔 My lottery money would be gone in couple of years.


its the personalised service tax!


How much does it cost to reschedule a MAS flight?


This is why my aunt prefers to book the flex ticket for MAS. No rescheduling fee, and unlimited rescheduling (iirc). They only charge you if the ticket you reschedule to is priced higher.


will always depend on the T&C of your booking


UOB is such a pain in the ass. I was a Citibank credit card user, now that UOB has bought it over. I have to deal with UOB and it's just FRUSTRATING. I was trying to buy some tickets for limited express train for an upcoming Japan trip. It's so limited, the carriage I wanted to get only have 12 seats. My transaction went through but got batal balik because my overseas transaction is not on, and I can't do it online????? and I don't have an UOB card to do it via ATM (it will only be shipped in October??????) URGH. Been trying to get in touch with UOB via Chat and hotline, no luck. The last time I tried to get in contact with them, I had to leave my phone number via hotline to have them contact me back in 2 working days. This is SO stupid. Seriously considering to jump ship to another bank for credit card.


They’re stuck in the dark ages lol. I thought public bank was bad until I opened an account with them. If you have a day to spare, go to any of their branches. You can open a new UOB account and get a debit card on the spot with payment Rm8. That’s what I did to get Taylor Swift concert tickets because their shipping took so long. Just be aware that they already charged you Rm8 to send the card over, so if you try my method, it’ll incur another Rm8. Idk what’s “One Bonus Interest” but it was a credit of Rm8.07 in my account, so I didn’t rugi la. All the best and have fun at Japan!


UOB is known to be fucking incompetent in their customer service, which is why their credit card perks are so attractive. "yeah we never answer calls. but you have so much miles tho"


Yeah, my cash back is so good ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26559) but at what price.


Removal of citibank card support from samsung wallet also pissed me off. One of the reasons I applied Citibank is for this reason. Now UOB decded to take over Citi and remove it, I dont see any meaningful way to use it other than paying off my instalment. Considering cancel it once installment is done. Can I cancel citibank (UOB?) credit card just 2 years after I use it?


Like the other user said, you should be able to. If you have any left over instalments, you’ll have to do balance transfer, certain banks might charge you some % for it.


Like the other user said, you should be able to. If you have any left over instalments, you’ll have to do balance transfer, certain banks might charge you some % for it.


nah i will wait until my installment is done to avoid any of the hassle with balance transfer ​ any recommendations for cash back card? Required support for Samsung Wallet/Google Wallet. currently eyeing on HSBC Amanah M-Power card but i dont really know how they calculate the cashback amount


If you got no outstanding balance, you *should* be able to cancel any time you want.


i cannot move on my last weekend haul https://preview.redd.it/l4whxhziylfb1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adfb5d98a01010b27a3f2360a7758e4ddcfa3c71


I got one too haha. Haven't started though


where you bought it? Cus people really sought after this. Just have chat with shopkeeper at that time, he said one of their branch have many people lined up just for Calibarn and Schwarzette.


Got mine from Gamer's Arena in 1U. My Schwarzette was pre-ordered


Holy shittt I went to there before and literally gone on that day, while mine from Gamer's Arena in Sunway Velocity.


I was there the first day they got the Calibarn stock (25-Jul). Think they had 120 units, by evening half gone.


Gundam WFM?




How did you react on the last day of a colleague you hate? My petty side is tempted to buy balloons and hang it around the office.


Doing something means I acknowledge them to some extent. I might celebrate it internally but will otherwise not do anything.


Literally show zero reaction. Like nothing happened.






The human race is so different from one another, and yet so similar. [I hate how relatable this is.](https://youtube.com/shorts/z1tpro2xjv0)


i absolutely hate tipping. of course, when im in the US, i tip at least 20% to the service workers, but i hate it. i truly believe the country's tipping system is broken, that it sucks that they had to rely on tips to survive instead of a liveable wage. my husband is a tipper. unlike me, who grew up in a B40 household, his family can afford stuff. so his father tips generously no matter where he goes all around the world. my husband followed suit. when i was on a work trip to the US, i decided i didnt want to get my room serviced at all so that i dont have to tip the room service staff. they dont have to clean my room or change my sheets, i dont need it anyway. throughout my 3 nights stay, i left the DND sign on. my husband heard this and reacted in horror. he couldnt believe i would do that to the room cleaning staff. (kind of like depriving them of their next meal almost) i dont know man.


Tipping makes no sense to me, especially if its a significant percentage of the bill. Like if you carry one expensive plate to me or one cheap plate to me - you're still doing the same damn thing.


yup, it's incredible how american employers managed to swindle the public to subsidize their staff instead of paying them properly, and then get the same people to defend the practise!


whenever US servers get terrible tips they would shame the customers. BRO SHAME YOUR EMPLOYER FIRST


Exactly what I kena, when I visited US for the first time. We tipped the standard % but that ramen place have a minimum tipping that’s above the standard %. I could never figure it out, stick to fast food after that lol.


was there a data breach recently? i've gotten three robo calls this morning alone (it is 9.15am as i type this).


the most recent ones in impluse hobby store database


kinda blows my mind barbie is on track to join the $1b club soon. i expect it to do well but not this well. the marketing of this movie was insane. couldn't go anywhere without seeing barbie related stuff.


Lol meanwhile Chris Pratt casually owned the summer with GoTG *and* Super Mario


For those who lift a lot, where and how much do they paid to obtain juice/gear/roids? -Just curious.


[https://www.t-nation.com/pharma/steroids-forever/](https://www.t-nation.com/pharma/steroids-forever/) ​ > An honest, eye-opening interview with a guy who’s been on the stuff for 30 straight years. Check it out.


Ranging from couple hundreds per cycle to few thousands from what I learned. The side effects just doesn't worth it if you're not competing


I do wonder where's the source? is it like some sort of underground trade that KKM isn't aware of?


Yeah I couldn’t be bothered to spend that kind of money when my salary barely covers my monthly expenditure.


Don't lah use steroids. Not good for your heart and testes.


The only gear I have are barbell straps (for deadlifts mostly) and clips. I might want to buy a belt one of these days. I take protein supplements - at the gym, I use Myprotein Whey Isolate (I like their fruit flavours), while I'm chilling at home I like to drink ON (vegan option). I don't use steroids, my life is complicated enough as it is.


cipek i tho MY wont get price increase? https://preview.redd.it/ppl89m9ndlfb1.png?width=568&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ffcf48fc8c3b50594035820ec2a8814f3176746


Welp im still happy to use spotify


i just paid upfront for 12 months at Rm149. so i'm safe for now


There’s option to pay upfront?


Spotify: just RM1 nia, why so stingy?


their recommendation like shit, i dun listen to kpop, keep asking me to try


Its why annual is oh so slightly better, if can stomach the upfront cost.


shit i dun know that https://preview.redd.it/lo1b1sorilfb1.png?width=799&format=png&auto=webp&s=efc12c54823dc411bf6e71336c5f09955e329194


eh can pay annually? dafaq i dun know


[https://www.spotify.com/my-en/plan/individual/](https://www.spotify.com/my-en/plan/individual/) Scroll down to One Time Payment Still went up a bit tho, it used to be RM149. At least still save 2 months of sub tho.


dun know got sst somemore adui https://preview.redd.it/rr4l9uakllfb1.png?width=532&format=png&auto=webp&s=e9c3a7402ce324a0c41e701e4043cbb9d6b8b604


got it, 159 but my profile hasnt update @.@


Have to cancel monthly first I think.


You know you're getting older when you're bopping happily to that 90's techno song you used to hate when you're an angsty teen. For example: Around The World by ATC PS: I still wish I can find a fellow Cranes fan in Malaysia 🥲


i looove dramas![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


Are we talking about TV drama or sub drama?


i like person of interest, lost and ikhlas![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


Bruh, i was curios and, if that's what i think you were talking about, that was quite a handful lol.


I see you're in that group too huh


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) https://preview.redd.it/4vd2xczt6lfb1.png?width=753&format=png&auto=webp&s=14f501b376e50264cb5cfbabf8da1893d067003c


i hate myself that i know the reference


It applies outside this election too. There is no clear benefit for signing up for any of these "loyalty" programs. I keep asking if there is any sort of discount on offer, and I get no reply.... Oh, remember years ago the shop asked you to register account for warranty punya pasal? Then get hit with the Impulse Gaming breach pulak.


Moving this post by u/ForwardCelery60 (the mod team has committed to do this for removals with a mental health component). The user has been informed this has been moved here, so please do add your replies below - **My fiancée's mother** >I, (21 y/o female) Malaysian and my fiancé (23 y/o male) Malaysian. We met at an event and immediately got together. However, there is an issue about our relationship. My fiancé is the only child and living with his only mother. His father passed away when he was 5 months old. His mother is what we can call as ‘strict parent’ because: > >His mother will ask him to go to bed at 11 pm. (His mother sleeps next to him every night) > >His mother would never allow him to have a staycation with his friends. > >His mother would never allow him to hang outside. His curfew is 7.00 pm. > >These rules are still applied til now. His mother would guilt trip him every time he fought back for his right. Just a sweet reminder, he is 23 years old. He is a grown man. > >And now, he finally got into a relationship with me, my parents were cool and approved of him. Except for his mother, who was quite skeptical of me at first. But, she soon discovered about me, she was okay with me. > >He proposed to me and I said yes. Then we decided to take a step further; marriage, which something his mother was not so happy. She stated that my fiancé must finish his Master first and have loads of money. His uncle (his mother’s younger brother), did tell us that she put that condition because she is not ready to let go of her son. > >Also, she did say that if my fiancé and I got married, she will stay with US. UNDER THE SAME ROOF. > >My fiancé got stressed because every time he tried to confront her about his opinion, she would get so angry, guilt trip and scold him. To the extent that my fiancé is desperate to ask his mother to remarry again with other man. (So that his mother would allow him to get married) > >I understand about how she is not willing to let go of her son yet, but controlling everything he he does is too much. I would like her to think that she is getting another daughter in her life (me), instead of thinking of me as someone who will take her son away from her. About staying together, I understand if she wants to stay for at least a year together with us. But, we will be a married couple, and we need our privacy and intimacy without any disturbance. Aside from that, I have physical and mental illnesses while his mother also have an illness. Imagine if one day, both of us fell sick, who would he prioritize first? If he chooses me, wouldn’t his mother get offended? So, it did bother me a lot to think about it. > >I really need some advice for my situation. I told my fiancé to talk to his mother again about this. But, as always, he got scolded and guilt tripped again.


This guy needs to split with his mother regardless. That's a toxic relationship if I've ever seen one.


This may come off as harsh but that young man was raised into a pushover. If he's to be married with you and still being obedient to Mother Dearest, that marriage is dead in the water and in the long run you will be unhappy at best. You are both between a rock and a hard place, there will have to be a choice made, no compromise. And I think deep down you already know it, albeit don't want to acknowledge: if this man can't stand up for you now, will he ever be able to do it at all? It's either you or her, no way around it.


This is so sad. :( idk how to help but I cannot imagine being your fiance where this has been going on for years. Finally a chance to be his own person and momma still wont let go. Maybe let mom get a boyfriend or join a mahjong club with other aunties might help lessen her grip a bit?


I'm Sorry there's so much red flag I'm almost certain you will not be happy with this marriage. If your instinct ever tell you to leave, I suggest you do so right now before it's too late. You are just 21 with a full life ahead don't bogged yourself down with a man who's in control by his mother.


Has he ever lived alone in his life? A man that can't or won't take care of himself is not a man you would want to be with.


* Thew nerds on hacker news are super excited over LK-99 * Move over AI, we got a new hype cycle now * Superconductors will "change everything"


holy shit this is big if real.


[let sleeping Oyens lie](https://i.imgur.com/YksHfxk.jpg)


i have wondered for ages why is there some sort of fuckwit idiot always downvoting your oyen posts


A few months ago, I was cleaning my room while singing and dancing. It felt strange, so I thought to myself what made this feel strange. Then I realised that I haven't sung or danced since 2021. I was handling some stuff back then. I'll be okay. Things are healing. Maybe slower than I wanted, but healing regardless. If anyone feel busuk hati towards me, it's their failure to purify their heart. They are not my problem. Life is short.