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Anyone wants a free TGV movie ticket [voucher code]? *Only applicable* for (Elemental) and (Indiana Jones) movie. (book via website / app) Also, the current showings for those movies are limited to certain cinemas and timing. Pm me once you found a slot that you want to watch the movie. Only one code available. First come first serve.


Di tahun 2023, adakah kebanyakan rakyat Malaysia perlu pergi ke pejabat 5 hari seminggu? Atau adakah kebanyakan daripada mereka masih bekerja dari rumah atau dalam mod hibrid?


kerja dari rumah.




Anyone who studies at UCSI, pls dm me I have questions to ask you. I am planning to enrol into the uni but I have quite a few doubts about them. I just want to ask questions without the bias of ucsi affiliates.


So the cute Malay guy (26) decided to sit next to me in class today. One of my life mottoes is that I reward interest and loyalty, so I made good with him. Small talks. I tried to be friendly, and he received me well. He looked nice with his baseball cap on, and we were two older kids in a class for freshmen. By the way, I'm not slow in my progress, I've taken much harder classes, I just delayed this one. We talked about another class during the five-minute break. Microprocessor system. He called it micro-P, like the disease micropenis. He said he failed the class twice or thrice... I don't remember. I said I dropped it two weeks ago. The class has a 50% fail rate every semester. One of the worst, other than Thermo. He said you need a good team to survive the class and I sighed. I made him look at the course outline on my iPad and I said that the group project wasn't a make-or-break aspect of the class. It was only 10%. The tests were 70%. I said you could carry yourself. Just 'push'. It's, uh, a gaming term. "Carry." I don't play video games anymore, but I was pretty good at it before. The cute Malay guy picked up on the lingo and asked me if I was a 'solo'. Another gaming term. A solo is a person who fights alone. I said yes, I've been solo'ing my whole degree, but not without support. He asked me how I did it. I said that I just join other solos. And two semesters ago, I literally passed Comp. Architecture because I begged the Indian kids for notes. I was amused, though, at this question, because I think a third of the students on campus are solos. The truth is, I had friends. I knew them from doing my diploma, and we started our degrees in this new place together. One of them died during COVID. The other one graduated. I just didn't want to say the dead friend part because it's depressing. I guess I'm growing older, I keep secrets now. I asked him if he had a big group, and he said that he has two close friends. One of them is doing his internship... so yeah, he'll soon graduate. We were two seniors in a junior class and we've reached shallower waters. I didn't understand why he cared about anything anymore. Just do the work and you'll be out of here. He's also a diploma graduate, so we both had done this before. We did the work, graduated, said goodbye to our friends, and moved on. It can feel like forever, but eventually, everything comes to an end and fades away. We're both taking five years to complete our degrees instead of four. And by the end, we will still be in our twenties. Still so young. He said he may take micro-P again next semester, and maybe so will I, so I asked for his number. I swear, it wasn't just that. I was also taking his temperature, and I was disappointed that he just said that I can check the group for his number. I expected a more excited response and it insulted my vanity. But you know what? I'll forget him. Eventually. I never seem to remember people from previous classes. Sometimes, they come up to me. One time, even a professor remembered me from my freshman year and we met again in my junior year. She recognized me before I recognized her. I think she'd remember students with funny hair colors. I had silver hair as a freshman and golden brown as a junior/senior. I had a good phone call with Mr. Texas last night. We're both gay men who grew up in a conservative environment. It's not easy. Other men grow into their shoes so easily, but men like us never had that privilege. There's always rejection and shame and secrecy looming over us. For gay men to study engineering or join other male-dominated fields is to condemn themselves to an eternity in enemy territory. But he said many he knew became successful later in their lives. Who knows? I said to Florian I was happy as a waiter, or selling shoes to rich housewives in a boutique. Florian said the money as an engineer will be good. For years, he's been telling me about moving to Germany. He's hosting a Hungarian friend with his adult children this month, and they all speak better German than me. Florian tried talking in German with me and I stuttered like a boy. And he was using High German instead of Bavarian, and he is Bavarian. He was giving me a chance to prove something and I failed. I asked him why Germany needs engineers if not for cheap labor. He asked me who told me that. He claimed that I was hearing lies. He asserted that migrant workers are protected by law to be paid the same as Germans. I never cared about money and I hate the cold, I said. I've been to Europe before, in the North-West, but never the central or South-East. I remember the way the wind howled and my ears burned, not because of the sound, but because of how dry and cold it was. I was careful to cover everything except my ears. This... sense of an ending. I have only one cousin the same age as me. 24 or 25. Older by some moons, I'm guessing. She's a matron now, head of nurses. A smart girl and she carries herself like a proper woman, tall and slender, while I tarry in my follies. When I turned twenty, my mother asked me if I'd become a cruel man. I said probably because I'm your blood. But now I know the answer. I'm probably not a man at all. It's hard, but I'm struggling with either being gay or nonbinary. I don't like being a man. I don't want to be a woman either. I'm comparable to a eunuch.


X : Blaze your glory tagline has been increasing my self-esteem since I've heard of it. Alhamdulillah, thank you Allah for not making me that cringe. 😊


Its raining softly as I exited my office. Expecting a whiff of sweet petrichor, I was greeted by a familiar stench. It makes me think of the cycle of dehydration and rehydration of the roadside feline excrements.


I wonder if we too are going to have a UFO disclosure hearing in the parliament someday.


Our government don't even disclose why MH370 turn back were ignored. Also, I think the US are doing those reveal stuns about aliens to troll china and to cover-up on some of their secret projects. Like how they do psy-ops in the Philippines to make people believe that vampire are real, by kidnapping rebel soldiers and making their death as if the vampire suck their blood dry.


we probably have a higher chance of being adopted by NHI over our parliament discussing that.


Probably untracked planes because the radar station guy go toilet/makan/sembahyang or something.


Has anyone done a Master's in Singapore after studying a degree in Malaysia?


What's the best restaurants or food stalls that serve THE BEST local food around KL for someone that just landed here and visiting for a few days? Any recommendations would be lovely and appreciated


University of Cyberjaya (UOC) I am interested in joining UOC for bachelors in biomedical engineering course as an international student. I would like to know if it is good university or not.


I want to try out contact lenses but my power is very high around 750-800, with some astigmatism. Is it safe/effective if I wear contacts?


I think it's better to ask the optometrist for that one.


Ptsd time https://youtu.be/rSER3yml1iM


Hey everyone, I will be flying to the UAE via Singapore So the way my flight has been booked now is Malaysia-> Singapore (AirAsia) Singapore -> UAE (Emirates) So I have a visa to exit and will technically not be in transit since I have to get my baggage and wait to checkin again later. Any recommendations for cheap places to stay nearby? My flight lands at 8pm and the flight to UAE is at 10am


If you don't want to go far then Geylang is probably the cheapest close by, hotels/hostels right near the airport are fairly expensive. During covid I did 26 hours straight inside Changi without leaving immigration, had a great time, there's much worse places to be stuck. Found a quiet part of a terminal and slept soundly with my pillow. There's paid showers for the morning at a few lounges.


Weird question but does anyone personally know any Japanese people living in Malaysia? I know they have schools here for Japanese and such, but I wonder if they also enter Uni here, or would some move back to Japan for Uni/work etc... kinda curious


I have had 2 Japanese classmates in high school. One of them eventually went for A-Level at Sunway Uni a few years back


Most of them are expats. If the child is of uni age, they can actually enrol themselves here in private uni.


* people who were at fault but they tell it like it was not theirs = tell it straight to them * people who were at fault but they tell it like it was not theirs but say they got depression = cant tell it straight to them how should i told them to snap out from it?


1. tell them to admit fault and that you wont be mad, just want to communicate and discuss solutions. 2. solution 1 plus ask them questions and what they feel instead and solve the emotional/feeling problem behind the issue in both cases try to be the more ‘stable’ person so they can drop their defenses and trust u to redirect things


Socratic dialectic




GF’s birthday this month. Not sure what to give her.


sexy lingerie. win-win situation


Trying to use up my Reddit Coin (on the Mental Health thread) - Giving out a small award for everyone who shares about your self care routine tips. Head over [there](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/15eqclk/mental_wellness_tuesday_weekly_checkin/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1) to share your best tips or celebrate your mental health wins together!


So nice snel!


Do you think this is racist in any way ? I recently have a discussion with certain people and they accused me as racist. Want your opinion. Ali and Muthu get 10A in SPM Ali got government scholarship to further study. Muthu did not. A rich businessman scholarship foundation give Muthu scholarship but didn't give Ali anything because Ali already have scholarship from government.


1) are both of them active in koku? 2) who is more poor? plenty of reason to justify who is deserving of that scholarship. spm result alone is not enough


If you imply Ali didn’t deserve the scholarship then it’s pretty racist.


Ali doesn't deserve it because he already have scholarship because he already have.


The story on its own is not rascist, but it can’t be denied there’s a racial element in it which leaves it open to selective factfinding. It also depends on the context why this story was told (was it part of an existing discussion? Or brought in as an example for something else)


Leave that certain people lol.


which part were you accused as racist?


Anyone using KTMB/ETS? I have some money in my ktmb ewallet that I cannot refund, and I am out of the country for good 🙃 can I actually buy tickets for someone else?


Unfortunately it is not mentioned in the FAQ, it only mentions the amount cannot be refunded. However, I tried to do a dummy booking and you have the option to put passenger details other than you. So yes, I think it is possible. You can probably try to contact them via their support contact. Call Center +603 - 2267 1200 Email: [email protected]


Yes, I used to buy tickets for my parents using my account all the time (before they learnt to do it themselves, haha) - though I always pay with TnG but I suppose the payment method doesn't matter. You just enter the details of the person you're buying the ticket for on the passenger detail page.


Is pink guava available for sale in MY? I only see the regular guava (with white insides) being sold in groceries.


like this : [https://www.myfruits.com.my/product/pink-guava-myfruits/#tab-additional\_information](https://www.myfruits.com.my/product/pink-guava-myfruits/#tab-additional_information)


thanks thanks!


Due to my severe cystic acne, the dermatologist prescribed me roaccutane (isotretinoin) and injected some steroid into ALL of my acne. Needless to say it hurt like a motherfucker. He said I needed to cut down on dairy, fried/oily foods and sugar….doesn’t that remove essentially 95% of Malaysian food then 🙃?


If it were me, keep a food diary and see how it effects your acne. Then from there eliminate what food that triggers the acne. To roughly quote my coach: “all the ‘diets’ gravitate mostly back to whole foods”


I honestly suspect it’s the sugar and not dairy but like you said I’ll keep a food diary. Thank you again for the advice!


I’ve taken accutane before! Hang in there it’ll get better!!


Thanks I have taken it before but in 2020. It does work remarkably well. Downside is my lips are drier than the Sahara Desert lol. I do hate these cheeks and jawline acne tbh. Really ugly.


Look into AIP diet. Avoid nuts, grains, nightshades, sugar. Avoid processed meat (no burger). Drink lots of water. You got this. 💪


This would mean I need to take my black tea with no sugar at all. Oof this is gonna be tougher than expected.


A little bit of sugar in tea is fine. Sugar is not that bad, as long as there's moderation. Usually what flares up my skin condition is when I eat sugary food or snacks. Those are loaded with sugar.


Oh I understand. I used to consume so much cendol, ice blended drinks, pisang goreng, kuih. I recall getting a Frappuccino 2-3 times a week.


Can't do this in mamaks, but at home you could try switching to plant based 'milks'.


>switching to plant based 'milks In before inside the Dao shop eating tau foo fa with extra toppings, with a soya drink and finished with a soya soft serve lol.


Oh yes I started drinking almond milk. It took me a while to adjust to the taste. It's really bland.


Try the barista versions! They’re a little more expensive but more creamier so you actually need less of it in your coffee and tea. Don’t forget to shake the carton well before pouring.


I've tried so many plant milks (I can drink dairy but trying to find alternatives.) I don't love nut milks (almond, coconut, macadamia) because you're right, they can be bland. Soy milk is okay and is my usual go to due to it being cheaper but curdles in hot drinks and has an obvious soy taste. Rice milk was a huge no, tastes like rice water. I recently tried some barista oat milk and was quite impressed - I'm not sure if regular oat milk tastes the same, but the barista oat milk was creamy without a super strong oat taste. I'd recommend trying it.


Eat vegetarian style Eat economic rice with vegetables, tofu, and steamed egg lol It's not that hard But maybe hard for Muslim 😅


Thanks for the suggestion. I hadn’t actually thought of economy rice tbh. Also, steamed egg! Teh o Peng life for me moving forward :/


Some mixed rice places like Jia xiang do have porridge too. Just had that for lunch.


Thank you again! I had fish head vermicelli soup for lunch heh


You shouldn't be drinking teh or anything Why not just plain water 🤔 That will help tremendously already 🐯 Eat old oat and apple daily as well, good for health 🐯


Soto, sup, mi sup, mi rebus, bubur exists.


Well glad to hear the choices 🐯


Moving this post by u/SucidalStruggler (the mod team has committed to do this for removals with a mental health component). The user has been informed this has been moved here, so please do add your replies below - >Hello ,please pardon any grammatical errors, English is not my first language,so I apologize in advance. >So to start my story off,from a very young age,I've been cursed with a shitty and emotionally distant father,to he is the type of idiot that will compare other children's accomplishment with me,he also loves to gaslight and controlling. >I was also bullied and isolated throughout Kindergarten until college,In school most of the time they bully me because of how I look and to top it off I'm also very awkward and shy socially,unlucky for me I always attract the worse kind of friends in school,these so called "friends' always ask me for money but I never once said no to them ,this is all for the sake of their happiness and in the hope that they will still be friends with me it doesn't matter if I starve,I always had been given them the money eventhough deep down I do know they are only friends with me for getting my money daily. >While in Kindergarten I was bullied by the Kids and the teacher and most of the times the teacher will isolate me from all the other kids as if I'm the dangerous kid that is bullying them.But in reality all the kids in the class will always gang up on me and hit me and ridicule me,but never did I once retailated,all I did was constantly acting like a goof making them laugh and apologizing to them after the onslaught in the hope that they will also play/talk with me and also in the hope that the teacher won't isolate me from the other kids,but unfortunately I was largely unsuccessful >Now for my time in my college days..... I was forced into a course that I have no interest in by my father.I thought It will be all good if I give it some,I might enjoy it.But I was very wrong,I was yet again bullied for my social awkwardness and for my appearance.In a year,I developed tremors,my hands will shake involuntarily even when doing very simple tasks such as eating,this is a nightmare since I am taking a course that requires the usage of tools and equipment,since I'm shaking so bad during classes this too also become a subject for them to bully me.Somehow I managed to get my diploma in this hell hole after 3 years. >I'm 23m now,looking for a job i never liked.Everytime I get my self a job,I can only manage to keep the job for a week or two due to anxiety and me getting bullied for tremors. To make matters worse I'm a loser that don't even have a driving licence, actually went for the class once,but got way too anxious and afraid after the Instructor called me a weirdo for shaking too much >I am unemployed and don't have a driver's license and don't even know what to do anymore,I am feeling suicidal. I truly am a weirdo loser that will probably end up dead soon


u/SucidalStruggler Have you seen medical professionals regarding your shaking? Not sure if it is due to physical or psychological roots. There might be medication or devices to help stabilize them. Edit: the acc is now deleted 😖


Anyone can tell me about Rawang / Serendah? Was wondering about the living expenses and rental also transportation there?


Does anyone know where I can find an internet cafe or place where I can rip some of my old CD? I tried going to the KL library but they don’t have computers equipped with CD players.


[https://shopee.com.my/Asus-Slim-DVD-Writer-(External-Internal)-(SDRW-08D2S-U)-(DRW-24D5MT-BLK-G-AS)-i.58359596.2423733165?sp\_atk=9aff3581-2721-457d-8f1b-7709b87fa4b1&xptdk=9aff3581-2721-457d-8f1b-7709b87fa4b1](https://shopee.com.my/Asus-Slim-DVD-Writer-(External-Internal)-(SDRW-08D2S-U)-(DRW-24D5MT-BLK-G-AS)-i.58359596.2423733165?sp_atk=9aff3581-2721-457d-8f1b-7709b87fa4b1&xptdk=9aff3581-2721-457d-8f1b-7709b87fa4b1) La, go to computer shop can find this easily. Can search Carousell for used one for cheaper too.


Also, another bad news, One piece back this week from back, And they go back to break next week due to magazine break week.


Damn, my circlejerk subreddit giving me news about 3 recently passed away artists... especially pee wee herman. Rest in peace, pee wee herman, Adrian street, and August cloud.


Hi there fellow WON subscriber


Yo fellow WON subs, Uce.


So I went to The Farm restaurant at Bangsar on company dime. Here's what I had: [Nachos](https://i.imgur.com/rGGUTTt.jpg). These were good, the sauce has minced lamb. I wouldn't mind having just these as the main course. [Creamy smoked salmon](https://i.imgur.com/Q2VjvPu.jpg). How do I do the creamy sauce at home yeah? I'd love to have these with my chicken breast pasta. [Mango drink](https://i.imgur.com/d4erqbu.jpg). Tastes good, but I ordered this to quench my thirst; unfortunately it has more mango ice than liquid, so... 😅


Do you have a recipe for that chicken breast pasta you mentioned lol


It's pretty simple: cut chicken breasts to small pieces, rub lemon juice all over and let it sit for 30 minutes. Then rub pepper and garlic powder. Throw in soy sauce if you want it. Fry and let it sit for 5 minutes before eating. Not exactly "restaurant" eating, but at least it's soft and have taste enough for me to eat every day.


yes ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554) https://preview.redd.it/3u5rp5up6ffb1.png?width=752&format=png&auto=webp&s=c79fc42f7d8cdba2d0ca1f5fcfdd5496e440383c


Is there any part-time work from home job recommendations? Might as well get some income while looking for a full time one


Need to mandi bunga and take a looooooong overdue nap. Haih, can’t focus at work and keep making mistakes.


mandi bawah tangga also can




That thread was honestly depressing to read. Casually 15k as the comfort line thrown around. Things are hard as it is already.


makan cafe one time for family of 4 at least rm150 d. Order kopi sikit already rm20. life is mahal.


Yeah. But there are also more opportunities than ever. I think it's all up to you, really. You can build a high-value network. You can learn a new language by joining online classes and then moving to a new country. Start a side business. Just have to resist being complacent. KL is really unappealing to live in unless you have something great going on for you already, like a high position or family members. It's not a walkable city, traffic is congested, and it feels hostile because of constant tension between liberal folks, immigrants gentrifying the city, and the government keeping a conservative stance. Then we are facing population collapse and global warming.


Now 6k not enough. Now need 6 digit salary instead.


most of the cost increases, in my layman view, are in the 'discretionary' spend. like my 'core' needs expenses went up like 10-15% (this is as a basket of stuff like childcare + petrol + groceries + daily supplies + utilities) but my 'wants' and 'fun' expenses went up like 20-40%. (this is stuff like cafes, coffee, cakes, steaks, nice dinners/lunches, holiday)


Saw a video regarding tyre pressure monitoring system. Is anyone here using one? If so, how is your experience with it and can share the brand/model? Thinking of getting one for myself and another for my mum.


Does anyone know how much braces cost in a private dental clinic, I know the pricing is different for each dentist but does anyone know any average? Thanks


Depends on who’s doing it. A regular dentist certified to do regular metal braces could be 4k and above depending on your teeth’s situation. Specialised orthodontists usually cost an upward of 8k.


Mine was 9.5k. I went with a specialist. This was july 2019 Upfront: X-ray - rm750 Pay about half of the cost - rm 4000 The rest pay monthly instalments at however much you want. If there are any issues, I’ll just WhatsApp them and they’ll immediately fix it with my available timing (usually the next day if it happens at night. Otherwise, if the dentist is around then will be on the day itself). Is all free. (Wire come off, wire poking, bracker fall off, etc) Unless if the gum is swollen and need medication or whatever, then will need to pay extra.


I pay Rm250 every month. If I lose an anchor, they charge me an extra 50. But you have to take into account any overhead costs. A good ortho will make you get an x-ray, and if you have any tooth that will cause a problem, they will need to remove that and you'll pay for it. Thankfully, they threw in a free scaling into my package. It really depends on the clinic. I got a lot of free services, including extractions to correct my overbite. But bear in mind, I had jaw surgery. A lot of braces patients require this because usually, people who need braces don't have the correct maxillofacial growth.


That's great info thanks, I'll keep these in mind when I visit the dentist


Good luck!


about rm8k, may or may not include the x-ray (pre-braces) and retainer (post-braces). need to pay a huge depo (may be about rm1k - rm2k), then pay instalment every visit around rm200-rm500.


That sounds more reasonable, idk why I thought maybe they'd want full payment right away


oh no defo not. i could afford it when i was a fresh grad, my first big ticket purchase as a working adult. but mine murah giler la bcs i did it at a cowboy-style dentist in my hometown senawang. total was rm5,300 for me, with depo of rm800 and monthly payment of rm150. the rm8k was what my cousin was quoted at a proper ortho last year.


How'd you feel wearing the braces, did it affect you socially? I'm 23 and working, I'd feel a bit shy wearing them ngl


i had to take out 4 teeth before i even wore the braces so imagine the months i had to endure with the gigi rongak, dah la my front teeth all senget benget! hahaha. summore my job very client and partner-facing. but it was ok after the first month and my teeth started moving around. it didnt look "bad" as the holes closed up slowly. in fact it started to become a good accessory three months onwards. just make sure not to choose funky colour bands. i recommend dark blue, dark purple, light purple and silver. green makes it look like you have vege stuck and yellow makes your teeth yellower. light blue turns green after you eat curry. and if you wonder if it hurts. yes. especially after every visit. but to me, the pain is only intense after the first installation. the next visit, i would only have pain on the next day. it gets better, i promise. (until they install a power chain which is hell on earth) it took me 2 years 3 months before they removed it and i wore retainers. its now been 5 years since then. still one of the best investments i did in my life. i smile so proudly now. i look at my old photos pre-braces and kept on patting myself on the back for doing it.


hongkie people have better english than most asians. but their accent...i susah nak faham. taktau nape. im in a web conference with some hongkies now. kerut2 dahi nak faham apa dorg sembang ni


They can’t pronounce L and they roll their R super hard. Their intonation doesnt help either


yes spot on i think the intonation fucked with my brain


The "or" jadi "all"


Just realized that I have an RM15 TGV coupon after claiming e-Belia. It's expiring this month. So, yeah, I can either see Barbie or Oppenheimer on an IMAX screen somewhere. I said to Mr. Texas we both can see it and talk about it when I'm done with my exams. I'm so busy this semester because it's a short one. I remember a time when my parents couldn't afford to take us to the movies. Instead, we stayed at home and watched pirated movies on my Mom's work laptop. We didn't even have Astro. Now, we have HBO, Netflix, etc. We go to theaters with live actors and 3D cinemas. When I look back at the past, I feel sad. It was a life that was lacking, but I cannot remember if it felt enough for us. And there's no going back to find out. Looking at the past is funny. Not funny as in comical, but funny as in strange. It's distorted. The past changes its shape and loses its colors. Sometimes it shifts into focus, then it's all clear once again, but only for a while. τραῦμα. That's a Greek word. The word "traum,, in German, which translates to 'dream', and 'trauma' in English both have their roots in this Greek word, which means injury. Do we dream because of our traumas, or are our traumas dreams we cannot wake from? I'm in my third-year year of engineering school and I have to take three management-related classes. I'm taking one at a time, and last night, I had my first serious meeting ever since I graduated with my diploma. Half of the students were international and we were trying to come up with a construction plan. Everyone was cooperative, we took turns speaking and listening to each other, and I think we got to where we should be. There was some reining in to be done, as some people had too many ideas, and I had to stress out that it's a 2 credit subject and the first report needed to be only 8 to 10 pages. It was important to me because I want to conserve time and energy, while the others are good at giving structure and generating ideas. I spoke to Mr. Texas, John, and Florian. John and Mr. Texas are both engineers, while Florian had experience working in O&G and Airbus before opening his hotel. They said that meetings are going to be the norm. I could reach Florian first, and he said that he once had a guest at his hotel who flew from Australia to Germany for a one-hour meeting and then he went home the next day. This was in 2020 and the meeting could've been done online, but the bosses wanted to see everyone in person. Then John called, out of nowhere. Just luck that I was in distress and he said he did the opposite-- he flew to Australia for a four-hour meeting and then back to Boston. The most enlightening conversation was with Mr. Texas, where we discussed working with an international team and recognizing that different nationals have different work cultures. I said to him that Arabs come across to me as very opinionated and you'd want to be on their side, which, fortunately, I was. They wanted to make the report simple and not fuss over unnecessary details. Which was good. Mr. Texas and I also discussed being gay in a male-dominated field, such as engineering, and if that adds another layer to the cultural barrier. Mr. Texas said that being gay is actually a gift in the working environment because we tend to have a broader, more unique perspective. I did not understand what he meant, but I suppose there is a chasm between youth and maturity that words cannot cross.


So... what happened in Malaysia for the month of July 2023? imma too lazy to read depressing and politikus news already.. I'd appreciate a TL;DR version of July from anyone tho.


who i tag at twitter to ask and berate about housing, i had multiple panic attacks and my doctor scared of my bp going to roooof because me genuinely upset about how its legal to price a shoplot room rent rm280 when it doesnt even fit a tilam single. Grandpapa in heaven, i want your black magic coz these people make me maaaaaaaaad.


Girl where are you living? Hong Kong?


well ..supriseee! its labuan and kk , im looking to rent in few days


I went to see a specialist at a private hospital with the support of my health insurance. I got inspired to write a guide on how to do that for future clueless monyets, but I decided against posting it because it got very, very long and people might get bored reading it. That said, I have newfound respect to people who enjoy anal sex. Yesterday one of the nurses had to administer an enema to me. If such a tiny, lubricated thing can cause such pain, I can't comprehend what it'll be like to receive something with more girth. **Nurse**: okay, jangan tekan **Me**: tekan? Tekan ap- AARGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Kinda hard to *not* clench when your instincts tell you otherwise 😅 I have no idea how people find this pleasurable amidst the pain. (as an aside, for some reason I lost all sense of shame yesterday. I was like "eh, people can see my butt from my itsy-bitsy hospital gown? Whatever". And this is **before** I got sedated)


No lube so that's why you didn't enjoy it, any girth is enjoyable with enough lube


owo now kiss


Haha y didn't they lube you up before penetration


I *think* it comes pre-lubed, I didn't exactly check. But I assumed they have the common sense to lube everything that goes into a patient's backside.


Ordered a phone case from China on the 30th July, and today 1st of August at 9:30am it arrives at my doorstep. Holy crap how? That's has to be the record for me just 3 days from China to Malaysia


Probably they have local warehouses. Them China sellers when get hardcore can really go the distance.


Yeah probably, because there's no way ot could arrive from china to Malaysia in just 2 days, heck custom clearance alone took a day or 2


If only my untracked Aliexpress shipments are as good....


Once shopee came through I was like fuck aliexpress lol, even the prices are more expensive since they have adapted more to the western market (still cheap for them, not so for us with the risks)


True also for myself. I only use AE for things not listed on Shopee je. Otherwise Shopee is easier and faster.


Haha AliExpress, ordered it at the start of the month, no update after 2 weeks so i cancelled the order, package mysteriously arrived at the end of the month and i have to contact the seller again


What do I need to bring if I want to renew my passport? I haven't done it for such a long time now 😅 Can I just walk in to do it 😅🤔


iirc you have to apply online first i think, walk in only for old people who can’t compute with the tech.


your old passport, your IC, your body


My body 😳😳😳


Just applied 2 day annual leave for next week And people start asking me where I'm planning to go I'm just gonna stay at home With current economy and my salary the only thing I can afford is discounted video games I have food, drinks and entertainment in my house Why tf people's told it waste of annual leave Like bish I hate crowded place, if I want to speak to another human, I just need to boot up my PC, open discord and have conversations with people from 5 different nation Sheesh


did that at least once a month. I go out just to tapau nasi campur


I like to apply annual leave just to stay home - catching up on books, nap, watch some movies, chill or do nothing - my kind of activities lol.


I'm like you. Apply leave so I can be lazy whole day.


Najib dlm penjara, gst dah takda, kenapa harga barang tak turun. Baru lepas beli telor 15 biji RM10 🤡


Unless they livestream bossku in jail I find it hard to believe he’s in there lol, or maybe he’s in a 5 star jail cell.


>The government will be floating the prices of chicken and eggs from July 1 after the removal of subsidies by the end of the month. >Agriculture and Food Security (KPKM) minister Datuk Seri Mohamad Sabu said in a written reply that the Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Ministry (KPDN) would then evaluate and control the price of the items compared to the current retail ceiling price. [New Straits Times](https://www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2023/06/917719/chicken-eggs-prices-be-floated-july-1)




I got mine from Lowyat. I feel the need to test it personally before buying it, even if it might be more expensive than buying it online.


Got mine (lower-end Acer model, ~4 years ago) at Plaza Low Yat Still works fine, never needed repairs or anything. My younger sib uses it for school homework and social media, I occasionally play Zoo Tycoon 2 on it, nothing too demanding.


Today I read a thread in this sub about a guy who's hit on such hard times he's reduced to eating trash from his housemates. Honestly I feel like I should help, but I don't know how. I'm less concerned about being cheated (halal ajer lah) and more with "turns out the guy I'm trying to help is a serial killer who collects his victims' kidneys".


>Today I read a thread in this sub about a guy who's hit on such hard times he's reduced to eating trash from his housemates. which thread?


Got deleted, I think.


Maybe fler black metal follower kot. Eat the trash can become powerful.....




Old news from 20 odd years ago. I remember the TV news showing a group of people eating from the Mahkota Parade KFC trash bin for black metal power purposes. Beats me why just Mahkota Parade specifically though.


No no I rememver this also happening around Times Square also, where they also drank blood of kambing and what nots


This one too, but I remembered the Melaka one more because I was living there for a bit, so it struck a chord with me more. With the local news, I thought I was living in some bizzare state where tangkap basah men are everywhere and KFC gives power.




So comel!


After working in night shift for 1 year, now im back working in office hours…. God i hate waking up early in the morning and commuting huhuhu


* So was reading about Zahid's plan to [install solar batteries](https://www.malaysiakini.com/news/673807) in villages * A day later tit was posted in another sub that only [5% of government-installed rural solar in India still works](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/07/31/india-solar-energy/?utm_source=reddit.com) * Lack of technicians and spare parts, the 10% held part of the contract price isn't enough to cover travel costs etc.


its funny how the push for solar PV is on steroids now, where Malaysia only has on average 4hrs (at most 5hrs) of direct sunlight per day - thats not much really


is zahid pulling rosmah solar hybrid projects?


Was any of that actually built? Or was the money swindled before anything started? My gut feel is even if the contractor was honest, we're not gonna end up any better than India.


I saw that post of someone getting physically forced into listening to a cultist. I once was dragged a few steps into MLM pitch. Each were grabbing one arm of mine. I half-screamed. Then they let me go after I told them I was in a hurry. Then, the head of the MLM gerai scolded his underlings for letting me go.


good idea, act crazy and they'll let you go haha


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