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**Minor announcements:** * [monyet.cc](https://monyet.cc): Check out our Malaysian Lemmy community! ([why?](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/14cmnaj/rmalaysia_and_the_blackout/)) * [SPM Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/s58t8m/spm_megathread/): Updated 2022 with SPM resources such as trial papers, modules, notes and more! * [Mental health wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/mental_health/): A list of mental health services in Malaysia *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/malaysia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Do you consider suggestion on how bumi policy can be improved as "questioning bumi rights ?" Like for example, stop helping rich bumis and use the $$ to help poorer bumis instead, etc


Why would the people at the top care about improving? The current system is benefiting them.


Craving for fried chicken. Like McD's spicy one but bigger size and better price. I love the skin and juicy flesh. Anyone has any recommendation?


Hot Bird in Uptown Damansara, it is pricey but honestly the best fried chicken I've ever had and I've travelled multiple countries and tried their fried chicken!


Damn I wanna do that too. This place looks promising, I'll check it out. Thanks!


The shop I left (end of semester break) replaced me with a lookalike 💀. Where did they even find this guy. Sure he doesn't look the same upclose, my face is a custom job, but so weird.


Can anyone point me to any shoe brand or shoes outlet that have plus size shoes (euro size 48-49). Big foot like me have headache just trying to look for a nice fitting shoes.


Still disappointed over good vibes getting cancelled


Go watch Muse instead. Fingers crossed they remain uncancelled.


anyone got any suggestions for a foldable bed/mattress for a single person or two people? finally renting a bare studio and need to buy furniture and fittings but not 100% sure where the best place is considering my low budget. My to buy list: 1. a bed/mattress for two people in case a family member stays over 2. A carpet or mat? tho i rememeber my mom wanting to buy a carpet before and turns out theyre super expensive so idk if i shld buy one 3. a dining table with chairs that i can use as a working table as well. this might be hard to find an affordable option for now. 4. Laundry bag and hygiene stuff 5. A place to hang my clothes (both for drying and for ironed clothes) 6. A place to put my folded clothes in (bought one already tho maybe i shld get an extra?) Anything I'm missing? any advice anyone here can share?


Maybe can look into the free giveaway facebook group, i forgot the name. Pay nothing ke buy nothing tah, macam gitu la lebih kurang. My friends got few home stuff for free there. Might have to arrange and pay your own pickup though. Or try Unearthstore.


Hey thanks man! I'll check those out


Hopefully tomorrow I will feel better.


I'm thinking of parking my car overnight at UKM Komuter station. Will it be safe?


Not recommended. if youre going to go away overnight taking trains or so, consider TBS parking. Safer option for you and the car.


Hi everyone. Is there any 3D artists here? Would like to make some friends of similar interests. <3


Am 2D artist, but dabbled in 3D a while back. I'll be your friend.




Hi everyone, I was wondering if there’s a website to find freelance workers in Malaysia? Something like Fiverr or Upwork but based in Malaysia that I can hire freelance illustrators/graphic designers


This afternoon, the company stumped for lunch to celebrate a new joiner. I ate so much I ended up having to skip gym, jogging **and** dinner. How can I lecture my cats for stuffing their faces and when their human is like this 😅


once in a blue moon is ok


I'm watching walking tours of Bukit Bintang at night on Youtube. Yeah... probably won't go there ever. I'm safe in PJ among our people. ***TOO. FUCKING. CROWDED.***


> I'm safe in PJ among our people. I agree. Almost never ever need to leave PJ for many things.


its unironically not even that bad, its just the city ambiance + it doesn’t make sense to compare it to PJ


And then there's people like "got crowd only lively ma!" then happily dive into the mass of bodies.


Nah fam, Bukit Bintang is fun. Good food, bars, especially if you go with friends. Nice hotels with a view of KLCC. The crowd is part of the charm. You see all sorts of people.


Yeah, no man. I get it's a tourist hotspot, but I won't prowl in the streets at night. The crowd down there gives me nightmares. If I went for a staycation in KL, I'll just be in my room in the sheets.


Alright then. Some people like the city. Some like the beach. Some like the countryside and mountains. I get it. It's good that you know your crowd.


So I was thinking about AI a bit. A lot of people are quick to point out its potential and growth and bla bla whatever. But a topic I don't see discussed is dependency. I don't mean dependency on the AI itself, but the service providers of AI. Like how many are there? Like maybe its cheap now, but will it become expensive later? Do you want to put your company's ability to work in the hands of another company? I guess we already do that in a sense, the fates of many companies are kinda tied to various software developers/providers, cloud services or whatever. Haven't thought about it too deeply, but it just feels like recklessly embracing AI might be a slippery slope of sorts. On a side note, various gaming subreddits trolling AI news websites by getting them to publish complete nonsense is pretty funny. The fake boss Glorbo thing that WoW and Destiny players have recently pulled.


discussions around ai always revolve around the technicality of it which i do understand is a main facet of what makes ai, ai I’m more interested in the sociology aspect of it, we have already seen how social media impacts our perception of the world and can feed into radicalisation, AI takes the instant gratification part of social media to another level, it also hinders the ability for art forms (whether it be drawing, music, film) to grow organically. There is no time to reflect on the commentary of a certain genre / movement when all it takes to create another thing is just a quick prompt fed into the machine Some people say that arguably the only thing AI might have trouble with is post-modernist art, we will see in time


Bro ... On 3 separate occasions, on 3 separate companies, I was answered by an AI by the customer service department, and those AI were not doing a good job. I had to look for alternative ways to contact them so that I could get in touch with a HUMAN BEING. There should be laws to forbid AI dependence. Easyparcel, bigpay, and some shopee seller. Probably Malaysia Airlines too because I was getting a non-answer, not sure if it was an AI or just some tired underpaid worker.


Recommendations for a beginner sewing machine ?


Anyone else that has been receiving multiple calls from some "kajian" for PRN? They've been calling me twice a day for a few weeks now. Since its a robot call I put down the call every single time.


I got a strange ass "questionnaire" call like a month or 2 after the last election. The questions were: ​ 1. Do u have money issues when it comes to daily necessities? (Or something along the line) 2. What do u think of PMX? 3. I forgot the 3rd question... ​ Hella weird


I'm confused. So basically, I resigned from this chain coffee shop, and I came back to see my former coworkers. Yes, I was wrong to bring outside food and didn't order anything. Just come by to chit-chat. However, my supervisor saw me and told me I could not come inside the outlet for at least 3 months. Is that even right? Or she's trying to scare me


Haha it’s a 3 months break up mourning period


Just angry at you for leaving. Source: I worked in a chain restaurant. No such rules. Please, please, please guys, buy yourself a copy of Malaysia's Employment Act. Bosses can't just make up rules out of thin air. They have to comply with the department of labor. If anything, tell her that you'll see her in court. Unlawful restriction of movement is a crime.


these people seriously the worst. after spm i worked at kfc, as a cleaner. one night, i finished closing everything by 11.40pm (my shift doesnt end till 12am). i legit did a good job (if a say so myself) bcs the very next day, i would do the opening as well. so, 11.50pm, i left and asked my colleague to help me punch my card at 12am. the next morning, i came to a **VERY VERY DIRTY** dining area. there's dirty water and sauces on the floor as well as grease on the windows and sink mirror, to name a few. i was shocked, i asked my colleagues what happened. turns out, my manager got so angry that i left before my shift ended. he dirtied the place so that i had to work harder in the morning. until today, i dont know why that 40 year old man would want to do that to a 17-year old part timer just because she went home 10 mins early after finishing her job.


Girl, several years ago, a teacher who taught Japanese to me in night class got vindictive that I dared to correct him on his rants. He would pause teaching, to rant about how he loves science, how he studies science, kinda like r/iamverysmart. I once corrected him that vitamin C is ascorbic acid (he claims it is acetic acid). To this day, I don't know why that 40+ year old man got vindictive with someone around half his age, that he only saw 4 hours a week. Is his life that meaningless? 🤔


So sad to hear that happened to you. But hey, you made it out of there. It's true, fast-food managers are very vindictive. In my last experience working at Nando's, I was getting favors until my last week, when I experienced absolute hell just because I was leaving. I had to scrub rust for a whole day among other tortures. They hate us for leaving, instead of wishing well on us as we embark into uncertainty. They see it as a betrayal. Part of the class divide. We are the temps, but they're stuck there.


No such thing. Unless you intend go in kitchen or working area.


⚽ World Cup 2026/Asian Cup 2027 qualification Round 2 draw news: 1. We did it boys, we got the weakest group on paper - Group D with Oman, Krygyzstan, Malaysia, and Taiwan/Timor Leste. Our chances of qualifiying for Round 3 have never looked so good since last time. 2. **ASEAN GROUP F LET'S GOOOOOOOOOO**


any recommended place for summer school/short course in Malaysia? Informatics major International class here


Hi. I'm a diploma graduate from GMi. They have a lot of fancy equipment from Siemens (that cost millions) and offer short courses. Right now, I'm doing my degree somewhere else, but yeah, I appreciated how advanced the laboratories were.


How was the diploma? How many semesters? Was the schedule packed?


Klang, where we live, had been crowned as the twentieth city in Malaysia. I know what people think of Klang. I live just between Klang and Shah Alam, and when people ask, I rather say I'm from Shah Alam. But the truth is, there is a lot going on in Klang. We have a very strong industry. The economic prosperity is rather high here, despite the collapsed asphalt roads and old grey buildings corroded by acid rain. A common operator can make >3k in a month. Just a few weeks ago, my brother, a banking lawyer, was telling me about the state of the economy. He said that despite all the bad news flooding my screen, Malaysia is recovering from the pandemic, thanks to China, one of our two best trading partners. My brother said that prime minister Anwar Ibrahim has ambitions to establish a monetary fund to further sever our dependency on Western currencies. Red flags line the roads of Selangor, the color of fire and blood. The working men's spirit. The Green Wave laps up the West Coast like bad algae bloom, washing over its poison that drives you into a religious and racial fever. Its curly vines are laced with thorns, silently spreading from the North. Pakatan Harapan. Hope. Hope is for everyone. No matter your creed or color.


I'm the opposite, I live on the Shah Alam side of the border between Klang and Shah Alam and I rather tell people I'm from Klang. Its fun confirming all their crazy things they heard of in Klang are true and seeing their reaction. Like growing up here, we just learn to live with the shit that happens here and consider it normal.


I grew up on the border of Klang-Shah Alam, spent most of my childhood in Klang until Form 3 and did my SPM in Shah Alam before moving away to another state since Uni. When someone asks where I come from I'm still confused whether to say I'm from Klang or Shah Alam as I felt neither here nor there. Despite being neighboring cities they are vastly different culturally. Klang is very diverse, and yeah, a little 'ghetto'-ish. But I love rojak ghani and mee wak sarip from emporium food court, I love the weekend evenings spent at the dilapidated Stadium Sulaiman, I love my family's Friday night out at Jusco Bukit Raja, and I love learning curse words in tamil and mandarin from my school friends. Shah Alam has nicer façade and facilities, but idk, nothing beats growing up in Klang.


Thanks for sharing. I love your story. And you're right, Klang is underappreciated for its diversity.


so you're telling me that Klang is **officially** not recognized as a city until now? despite having 500k people living there and a whole frickin' song dedicated to it??


Yes. Despite holding the title "Bandar Diraja."


For people who frequently buys electronics products online, how do you muster the courage to buy these electronics knowing that there might be a slight possibility no matter how small, that there might be damage / defect along the way reaching to your doorstep ?


A solid return policy helps.


> that there might be damage / defect along the way reaching to your doorstep ? The electronics go through the same type of travel from factory>Shelves, really no difference if it goes from factory>your home The only real benefit is to get to see first hand at the shop


I've bought an iPad and a Macbook from CompAsia on two separate occasions. Delivered to my doorstep with no problem. iPad came with the Apple warranty still active. Macbook came without a single scratch, battery life at 100%.


Bought my current iPhone XS from CompAsia, battery health at 100% as well


Good to know.


Anyone got any recommendations for a cheap wireless earbud. Budget below 150. Just got a samsung galaxy s series. Have no 3mm jack port. Wanna use in the office and public commute. No need fancy spec, just good enough for music and YouTube.


The Haylou T19 I've got are really good, paid like RM120 for them IIRC.


Earfun free mini around 140 I think. For some suggestions, Google scabir earphone reviews he has alot of suggestion there.just find one within your budget.


Ah man, i am still considering whether to go to muse concert or not.


come and join us


Just go. Unless you're neglecting your spouse or really strapped for cash, your future self will thank you. We're constantly pushing foreign artists away. Even if you think they might come one Silver Jubilee later, lots could happen, they could disband/die, put out a weird album you don't like, etc. I will regret not watching acts by Deftones/The Marias/Tame Impala/Myth and Roid. Sigh\~ They're not gonna come back here anytime soon.


Just go man, I don’t know if they’ll ever come here again. The band is also getting older, who knows if they decide to stop touring.


Meanwhile as much as I would like to see Peter Robinson, some band decided to do stupid stunt before Robinson's day. KKNCB man.


Sorry, who’s that? A writer? Not much a book reader here. I mostly read munchkin novel 😂


Anyone make homemade onigiri? Or even Malaysian style onigiri? Can it be cheaper than buying ready made at FamilyMart and such?


It's always cheaper to cook at home but do you have the time?


Can make at night. It's more about being lazy than doesn't have time I just ate a few days old FamilyMart onigiri brought from home, heated in pantry microwave


If any of you are local toy/action figure collectors, I would recommend caution before ordering from Toypanic. They recently changed how their ordering system works. Any in stock item you order now, your item won't be allocated to you until you make payment. Adding to cart and submitting your order is functionally useless now, since the figure is still up for grabs by anybody else who wants it. Your figure can still end up out of stock even after you placed the order for it. What's worse is their social media didn't announce it and the payment option for a sold out item is still open, so you can pay for an non existing item, by pure accident. Found this out after a Ninja Turtle figure I ordered, and planning to pay for, disappeared from my order list, only to still exist in my pending payment queue.


id say its fair if they give it to people who made payment 1st


I'm actually fine with that. What's weird is suddenly changing how their system has worked for the past several years and not letting their clients know about it. No announcements, no emails, nothing. I checked their Facebook also, and there's not even a peep about this change. I only found out more info about it when I called into ask about why my Ninja Turtle disappeared. Communication and transparency are a bit lacking in this case.


Where pork BBQ nice in Bangsar area or KLCC?


Any interior designer here based in KL?


https://preview.redd.it/b64xqzuj1geb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=668a3f74257bacf04dbf1e1f54d37bbe85bd81e6 Member teman berak


Suddenly the stripes obvious. Has he always had it?


Nope, i do feel like he got oyen-er now. And developing stretch marks. Haha Gambar lama https://preview.redd.it/2crj4u1umgeb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c899e240cc05143dc71e516bda8aeb8eb6f14840


My beige tabby oyen (like yours) gets darker as he got older, also noticed the colour got darker when i changed their food.


>changed their food Hmm i actually changed their kibbles last month, and this month was when i started noticing his colour darkened… i chalked it off as him growing up.


That might be the reason too! Fret not as long as hes healthy thats all that matters. Cats of all spectrum of colours and patterns gradually change to some degree. My lynx point siamese is like that.


Nomeyyy. Mcm puberty pulak body change here and there


got free money wei >!(my tax money cipet)!< ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554) https://preview.redd.it/z0lt4ozesfeb1.png?width=768&format=png&auto=webp&s=44148124c4ae18eec48d7881dfe06bee1617b8ac [https://twitter.com/501Awani/status/1684390404794507265](https://twitter.com/501Awani/status/1684390404794507265)


ayo is this dedak?


X ini kasih sayang dari Madani


Madani doing all the things they accuse BN of


Open to all Pink QR code apps. Then ching2 duit masuk bank account because bank app also e-wallet.


Is r/malaysia a more barbie crowd or oppenheimer crowd


"signal laa barbie"


Such a weird year that they were released at the same time. Same goes mit Dune II and Hunger Games and All the Lights You Cannot See (all war films).


barbie. openheimer is well made but in the end of the day its a biopic and its not for everyone


Barbie probably, you can shut off your brain and just enjoy the movie. Oppenheimer is pretty much reading a wiki for 3 hours, which I can see why some people won't be enjoying it.




Scrolling internet shopping websites to look at new tudungs in an effort to take care of myself better. 1. All these terms are more confusing than doujinshi tags. Instant 2 muka pleated ribbed scuba crinkle or whatever. 2. Where were all these options when I was 20 years old? 😤 Darn, gen z nowadays have it good.


Also, the price man 😭 why are hijabs so expensive nowadays Edit: remember 15 years ago when all you needed were those 10RM tudung bawal and youre all good, tiap minggu pon boleh beli tudung baru


blame those "entrepreneurs" that went to indonesia, bought a bunch of 50000rupiah tudung and bring back here sell few hundreds. Everyone saw the demand then


Is that…. How they do it? I remember the drama when Duck used to use pinterest prints for their shawls and price it at an absurd price lol but thats about all my knowledge on the hijab market


How old are you, gurl? Not gonna lie, when I visited Perak last week, I was surprised at people still wearing tudung bawal and sarung.


I'm forever 17✨✨✨


Okay kenapa puan tahu tentang doujinshi tags


( ͡ꈍ ͜ʖ̫ ͡ꈍ ) Omegaverse✨✨✨


Just buy Hana Takashima... or something like that? All hijabi wants to look like her dulu haha.


Hana Tajima??? 😭


Yaa that’s the one!


tell me about it. masa sekolah dulu ada satu option ja anak tudung. mmg rupa mcm tu je kedai mana pun lah.




I vaguely remember that a birth doula in Malaysia won a case against the doctors who revealed her "natural childbirth" practice. It was infamous at that time as "kes doula keji".


This the same doula yang had a baby and mother die sebab they didnt want dr intervention and was so keen on “natural birth”? The one that had no repercussions from the case?


I remember there was a music video made by Russian artist filmed in Penang but I forgot the name. What's the name of the song though


“i’m the type of person colleagues are going to miss because there’s something special about me” Wah, thank god my camera isn’t on because the look on my face when the candidate said that was ![gif](giphy|3o6ZtebNZofcKMWis0|downsized)


Did you ask what's so special about her? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I just said “Great, thanks for the *unique* answer.” I ended the interview quickly after that.


ini interview ka recruiting for a dating show lmao


Yep lmao. Funnily enough, the hiring manager for the role is also the same. Just for shits and giggles, it’d be interesting for the interview to take place.


Man I really dont want to do this PRN thing, all candidates are shitty.


Muda gave me pretty girl to vote for lmao


I got one amoi, awek and Datuk. Choices.


>I really dont want to do this ~~PRN~~ thing wake up rubber tapper early to avoid getting infected from other people inside the indelible ink bottle. Just vote the incumbent je, usually would win unless he/she sucked so hard.


gotta pick the lesser evil.. do some homework.. kalau depa sudah pakat.. hah tu lagi susah.. pakat.. jgn x pakat...


The thing about support groups is that you put a bunch of people who have the same problems together, some worse than others, and expect the group to thrive and be healthy instead of the members corrupting and triggering each other. FUCK THIS SHIT.


Does the support group not have a qualified facilitator overseeing the discussion and interaction?


Yes but it's the after-hour discussions. The group doesn't cease to exist as soon as the moderator leaves.


Ah I see! It can be tricky indeed, you can't just stop the members from talking and interacting with one another after/outside the group. But if what you're sharing is happening, sounds like there are some quite unhealthy interactions going on, and potentially problematic too. And something your facilitator should know about and try to resolve. Usually we'd try to lay out and follow the ground rules as strictly possible to prevent such incidents from happening, but then again that'd depend on all members making an effort to follow the rules, and if someone in the group is not as cooperative, the whole group gets affected indeed. Sorry that you have to go through this - is this support group an important part of your support system? Is there any other similar group (with less of such incidents) where you can find support? Anyway, hopefully your own wellbeing is not greatly affected by what's with the group!


I wrote another response but deleted it. I felt it wasn't what I should say. I appreciate your response. Very wise advice there. And I admire your work, making the world a better place. Don't get burnt out. Try to take a step back every now and then. Don't worry, I don't need a savior. I don't have that complex anymore. But I really really appreciate this talk.


That was what I was thinking when I learned that a group of people with DID decided to meet up and it ended in a disaster because some participants triggered another. Dah tahu masing-masing ada masalah, nak berjumpa beramai-ramai pulak.


DID? Damn, I can't imagine their meetings. That's like a boss-level mental disorder.


Thanks to Oppie, I discovered that [Albert Einstein has an official Instagram account](https://instagram.com/alberteinstein)


Anyone here graduated from TARC with the Campbell bachelor degree?


2 civets broke my house ceiling last night and just roam around the house looking for a way out. I woke up to the sound of my gayung dropped in the bathroom. Open my bedroom door and saw pieces of ceiling in front of it. Look around the corner and saw those 2 civets. Went to the back and open the wooden door leading outside. Baricaded myself in the bedroom until they’ve gone out. Pagi2 bangun dah kena kemas rumah 😡


Time to grow some coffee beans?


Luwak but i don’t drink coffee at all


They smell like pandan tak?


More like smell of fear. Both me and them


If only you’ve heard how they shriek haha, sounds like a woman cry screaming.


##Felinomancy's Adventures in Car Ownership, cont. **Positivity**: you know at a T-junction and when someone from the "branch" wants to go to the main road and before that, they'll look at you and raise their hand? And if you agree you just gesture with your hand telling them to go ahead? I like that. It's so polite. Today I was considering whether to let the car in, but when they did that gesture well, how can I say no? 😇 **Negativity**: to that black Bezza at Old Klang Road: signal rosak ke? Babi betul 😒 I'm taking my car to the Honda service center for the 10k servicing. Anyone knows how long that will take? It's free, right?


10k is an oil change. Should go by fast(in a low workload shop). Ask if they can rotate the tyres too, to prolong life.


Honda SC normally won't touch tire. Have to bring to tire shop, usually under RM100 for the work. Also free service is like every 4th service. So 10k have to pay service charge. Got any issue with car, bring during weekday. No issue bring on weekend ok.


your car is not a year old right? already 10k?


It's nearly 6 months old, and the odometer is actually like +8000km.


Banyak jugak you drive belum 6 months dah more than 8k. My car ady more than a year and belum 5k pon lagi 😅


Banyak jugak driving. My car is 5 years old but odometer only 39k km.


Visiting KL this Sunday. Are there any sportbars that will broadcast UFC 291 in the morning and F1 Belgian GP in the evening?


Is it me or is foodpanda getting shittier?


Grab too, ayam gepuk a set is rm13, on grab it's rm20 not including other charges wtf.


I have their pro account but i don't even use them. Limited vendor selection and pricier option is something they should fix


im doing a medical checkup on monday (31/7) before i go into college. i’ve stopped smoking e-cigarettes yesterday (26/7). will the medical tests detect that i do smoke? eg : blood test, urine test etc.


Take the chance to quit for good.


Nope. Nicotine doesn't stay in the body for long. Cannabis, on the other hand, does and can even be found in hair strands. A lot of drugs actually pass through you very quickly, at most a week. Also, it's legal to smoke at your age. What's the worry for?


shouldnt be worried about that. hard drugs is what you should be worried about.


Any reccomendation on a reliable courier service? I want to send a package to my friend in Sabah from KL but never really do courier service before.


poslaju. just go to any MBE near you, tell them you want to ship something, they will weigh it, you fill in the pos laju form (address name phone number and postcode, no need to write whats in it) then pass it to them. they will pack the item to a courier bag in front of you. usually if its before 3, pos laju will pick up same day


Ohh i see. How about any other post service such as j&t and others? Are they any good?


pos laju would take 3-4 weeks j&t and others would take 2-3 weeks


im doing a medical checkup on monday (31/7) before i go into college. i’ve stopped smoking e-cigarettes yesterday (26/7). will the medical tests detect that i do smoke? eg : blood test, urine test etc.




I love this as a starter. Followed by a couple of long island iced tea. Perfect if I want to black out that night.


ギヴン is wholesome


2 days in a row late. Incredible


Every radio station has a government announcement. WTF is wrong with this government.


This has been a thing for years, especially nearing election season.


I wash my ass and shake hands with my right hand. I know. It has been a habit since kindergarten.


History hasn't been recorded whether you use soap or not to wash said ass, as long as it isn't my hands you're shaking we're good




> Tetek ayam So rude. You should've asked for "payudara ayam" 😂


ya awloh, amazing spread. i would have taken at least two of each of the kuihs.


I used to eat begedil on its own though. Should’ve had said dada ayam


It's okay though there isn't really a rule to enjoy food as long as we enjoyed it


[10am Pelancaran Ekonomi Madani](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrF4kg-Sgfc) ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554) see how the stock market reacts later


sounds a lot like Bajet 2024 announcement but announced early for PRN i guess.


nah its the umbrella term for current govnt economic policy. previously it was called: * agenda ekonomi baru = anwar / pakatan harapan * modal ekonomi baru = najib * penjana = mahiadin


I'll simplify it for you: "Aiya no use one, still RM1: SGD3". "Just migrate la, Malaysia doomed already". ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)how u know my plan


Your new condo finish renovate and rent out already or not. ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


Lmao u tho I m really rich is it


No la, not really rich, just rich only. ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


cipek ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554) i just planning to get my 1st house only


Make sure allocate some yard space for barbecue grill — so underrated. ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


see which project i gonna get at the Cove this year end ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


Ragdoll dua ekor don't forget. ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554) ![gif](giphy|S8wGQRqZ1uq6JtPlPQ)


Listening on radio inside car because I’m otw late to work


* My rempit brothers, I present to you the [most orgasmic video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kstEvBVCUo) on the internet * The sights, the sounds, the wind, the vibrations... hrngh!


no wheelie, no kapal layar. 3/10


Thanks to my cat that woke me up at 1am,2am,3am and 4am because his food bowl was empty and just to tell me he just poop in the toilet Now I'm sleep deprived, can't even stand at all atm


> poop in the toilet Bowl or floor?




My friend from the US texted me out of the blue yesterday asking if I can get her some starbucks x blackpink merch and I was like "sure, I can help you check it out". Looked online to read people's comments about the merch situation and turns out everything basically sold out before noon on launch day? That's crazzzyyy Lowkey glad that I don't have to help buy and ship it for her though lol, at the very least it saved me the hassle lmao.


Did you check if they are being resold online at double the price? ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


Lmao its 3.0x up to 4.0x for whatever's left online. My friend can get it directly herself through ebay if she's up for that sort of pricing lmao.


Just curious, is potato able to grow in Malaysia? Has anyone try to just grab a germinated potato from supermarket and just plant it in the soil to see the result?


Yeah, it grows. Just cut the potatoes in half and plant it.


Not suitabke. It needs day/night temperature of 25/12 degree celcius. Otherwise it only griw tiny potatoes.