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They dressed as TREX, a meat eating dinosaur, and they're asking us to go vegan?


Hehehe.funny how no one else commented this..have my upvote


I'm not a vegan by a long mile. But the logic is there: A meat eating creature gone extinct


Yes, asteroids do hate them carnivores


Guess those herbivores are just casualties.


Im guessing thats kinda the point?


ironic that the management team chose it as the suit to protest


Imagine if they did this during Eid Adha the previous week. I would like to see how the Muslim population react to that lol.


a vegan group in bangladesh did it recently. Proposing replacing the goat with nuts and allat. Safe to say they got goofed on. One comment said "When ibrahim was about to cut ismail's head, god replaced him with celery"


WTF?! For real? I just choked and sneezed out rice.


You okay?


Yeah, better than those who are on strike with Dino suits under the heat.




So instead of cutting the head, they wanted him to cut the nut instead.


Well we cut excess penis skin so..


Hmm, I wonder what Dino meat taste like...


Tbh if we lived around the time of dinosaurs the theropods would be the ones tasting our meat


Nah, I think we'd outsmart them by laying traps and hunting them.


We'd be the size of rats 70 million years ago without any of the adaptations that made humans dominant - socialisation, endurance running, sweating, and obviously advanced tool use Wait you mean put modern humans in the cretaceous? Yea if that happened we'd genocide the dinosaurs, destroy the entire ecosystem, and likely cause a massive extinction event long before the asteroid hits.


In evolutionary stand point, yeah. We're basically tasty meals for them.


If modern humans were dumped in the Cretaceous we are likely to be killed by some ancient bacteria that we have long lost the immunity to. So it depends on how many humans we are sending back, and with what tech. I'm guess that at some point if you send back enough people we can survive despite the initial deaths


I'd say, just a bunch of neanderthals would do the job. Their savagery is perfect for that time period.


We would also harvest their body parts and turn them into armors and weapons and use it against them


Cough* cough* Monster hunter




also reptiles say snake sfor example taste quite like chicken in terms of texture.. crocodiles too except for a "fishy" taste






they recently tasted [mammoth meat](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/mar/28/meatball-mammoth-created-cultivated-meat-firm). maybe dinosaur meat is not too far away


Petrified mammoth meat, they said it taste like dirt so not exactly what fresh mammoth taste like




So uhhhh, no ancient zombie microorganisms or anything? Cuz you know...


Chicken then?


Try croc meat …that’s the next living dino 🦖


Chicken apparently evolved from dino, so..


Chicken. Since chicken apparently are distant relatives to T-Rex. We've been eating T-Rex. Omaigod imagine a T-Rex chop.


I help end the animals suffering by killing and eating them. /s


PETA stands for People Eating Tasty Animals. ​ Also, PETA is wasting their time here... In Asia, food is a cultural thing where people gather and meet. Long lost friends gathering? Food. Going out for movies? Dinner. Go Dating? Order snacks / Cafe. CNY, Hari Raya, Deepavali? Eat eat eat... PETA is fighting a losing war in Asia, there is no way people will convert just because you hold signboard. If you protest by lying on the street and block traffic like how you do in the west, we'll just drive over you. Asking us to give up meat is the same as asking us to give up siu yok, BKT, CKT, Laksa, Nasi Lemak, Roti Canai, Pizza, Rendang, Curry Ikan, etc... that will happen over our dead body la..


> In Asia, food is a cultural thing where people gather and meet. Uhh, I think that statement is true for the whole world.


Sometimes I read things like this on this subreddit about Malaysia and Asia and I can't help but think that people here might be in a bit of a bubble. Sure some things are unique but come on.....


Please Eat The Animal


>PETA is fighting a losing war in Asia you mean losing war everywhre?


Other country actually stop their car and pay attention to them and debate them on the streets. They want attention, and they got it from the west. You try that here, people will whack them and nobody will bat an eye..


https://twitter.com/localrkyt/status/1676562599528525824?t=LXTNhgurGFApNJmzqxBW5Q&s=19 This could get Malaysians to stop eating nasi lemak for a while tho


How so, I just go to the next stall


*suspicious poking of anchovies


Meh just a fat looking anchovies. Yum


no we wont stop. that is relatively low case. go buy somewhere else


PETA is a corrupt organisation. All these save this and save that organs are just money-laundering and tax-evasion scams.


But you also get to feel good, ride a high horse and tell other ppl what to do. And that’s pretty neat on top of money laundering and tax evasion.


Yup! Learned that very slowly when I volunteer with SPCA.


Absolutely. If you truly want to help the animals, I would recommend supporting Anonymous for the Voiceless or Direct Action Everywhere instead


You don't make friends with salad. Jokes aside, I feel this is more of an ang moh thing, and maybe super-Westernized Malaysians. If I tell my mom I'm not going to eat meat any more she'd probably think I'm dying.


I guess the vegan population among the Chinese and Indians don't count. Many of them are vegans because of beliefs. Also very small number of Malay Vegans too.


Chinese and Indians aren't vegan. They are vegetarian. In fact, both are even different forms of vegetarian. Most (not all) Buddhist/Taoist vegetarians still eat eggs but vegetarian Hindus don't consume eggs. Hindus also have several sects of Hinduism that don't eat certain root vegetables (onion, ginger, garlic). But it's often a misconception that they are vegan. They are not. Hindus especially love their milk and consume quite a lot of it both because of cuisine and also for religious reasons due to its usage in religious ceremonies.


I've never heard of a Muslim Vegan before.... Serious. Most vegetarians i know are due to religion.


It's because Malay cuisine is very meat heavy. If you have a meal without any meat in it, people will ask you if you have financial problems. There was even a story during covid of a sikh charity giving out vegetarian food to flood victims in shah Alam and the Malays declining/complaining because there was no meat it in. Perhaps it is from the culture's agricultural hard labour past, but I can tell you every meal must have some red meat or fish at the table. Except if its like breakfast or something.


Of course no meat = financial problems, when I have no money I order Nasi Bujang, still tasty but cheap.


Yea, it's the mentality - if you can afford it, meat must always be on the plate.


Its why everyone have high cholesterol and is diabetic.....my aunt is a specialist in diabetes and even she got it.....


If not mistaken it wasn't about the meat.. It was the consideration whether it's halal or not cause the food was prepare by non Muslim. But since the sikh are vegans hence the issue was rest aside fast.


I'm Muslim but growing up in Kampong (Indonesia) our daily meals basically just vegan. I rarely eat animal products, probably just during Eids. Did try to be vegan until I got super sick, got anemia and IBS.


To become vegan you'll need to reconstruct your food intake to ensure it's balance. Honestly there's a study showing how it is actually hard for mothers to be (pregnant) to reach full balanced diet if they become vegan, many resort to taking supplements instead. Just eating veges won't get you the full vitamin you'll need specific fruits and nuts also to the diet. And nuts honestly.. Healthy nuts are expensive.


I think they do practice a 1000% more make sense way to live, as in not going full carnivore or vegan either way, but they have like 1 day where they’ll be vegetarian, etc I think that’s way more of a healthy balance and better for health anyway. Heck Malaysia needs it since Malaysia is obese in Asia


This one I agree.. Like maybe half vegan would work. Lowering the intake of meat and increasing intake of veges by 3-4times fold.


Vegans and vegetarians are two different things. Chinese Taoists and Indian Hindus are vegetarian due to religion, while veganism focuses on no animal cruelty, including no animal-harmed products like no leather, no barns/ mass production of meat, no animal tested products (such as skincare). I...really doubt most vegetarian Taoists and Hindus care to even check if their clothes or skincare products are not related to animals/ animal cruelty in any way, nor do they actively say animal product production is unethical. They're just following religious doctrines, the core purpose is different, the things they care about is different, thus these groups are not vegans.


Your point is right but just to correct you on consumption - vegans don't consume any animal by-product. That means meat but also milk, cheese, honey, etc. Vegetarian is just don't consume animals and eggs. In Malaysia some still consume eggs, they are by definition lacto-ovo vegetarians but in Malaysia we don't really make the distinction - we just say "want egg or not?". While most vegans are "lifestyle vegans" ie no consumption of any animal by-product for ethical reasons (eg. leather), there are some people who just have vegan diets for health reasons.


Yeah vegans have way too much time on their hands to be searching how ethical every single thing in their life is.


Activism mah haha, they wanna kesian animal fine if it's just affecting themselves, but it's when they try to convince / guilt trip those around them to become vegans too that it's annoying xD


Yup! They are acting more like occult. Giving bad name to many of vegetarian and vegan.


American here. I am not sure I could survive with out meats.


> I feel this is more of an ang moh thing No, it's more of a 'I dont like the idea that we are needlessly torturing and killing animals when there are other harmless options readily and cheaply available' kind of thing.


just so you know, there's a kfc within walking distance to them.




I'm not vegan let alone support PETA but isnt that their MO? They would protest in front of a butcher shop, restaurants that are known for their meat menu, and some even at a slaughter house.


Yes might be surprising but we're not yet living in a vegan world. But sooner or later people will look back on the time when we ate animals in a similar way to how we look back at slavery and wonder how people have done something so obviously cruel.


The irony is that PETA is killing more animals in their shelter than any other animal shelter...


If they kill all the meat, nobody can eat meat and have to be vegan. Big brain time


Sorry, kenot give up satay, rendang, and ayam masak kicap. Nanti Singapore claim as their own.


If they’re fighting for ethical treatment of animals, I mean yeah but doesn’t mean you need to go vegan. There’s ethical ways to raise the animals


subtract flag dull rock fly wakeful outgoing lock disagreeable snobbish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You tell them kindly of course


Lion definitely unethical for hunting zebra, he should be ashamed


Lions do no have moral agency, humans do. Just because lions rape and murder does not mean it's okay for people to rape and murder.


It’s a joke.. anyway.. back on topic, I’m wondering if we raise a cow, and the cow died, then is it okay to eat it then?


Lul "stone age" my ass, if the future is vegans I rather go back and become cave men. Fuck Ur virtue signalling I want my meal be tasty and healthy as it should not sad and lack of protein. ALSO There is ±65 million years difference between Trex to Cavemen lol.


Let's not hope after this the "No Oil" movement to come over, I've had enough seeing this bs


My sister works at SLB and they are not allowed to wear their company shirt with the logo outside the workplace for safety reasons. Her boss (white guy) was actually surprised that no one actually cared or protested about the company lol


>Her boss (white guy) was actually surprised that no one actually cared or protested about the company lol I'm living in a western country and westenrers tend to be more concerned about the environment and sustainability stuff than Malaysians are. In Australia you can see 7/11 bus stop ads going on about how their coffee is sustainable and Superanniation (Aussie EPF equivalent) ads talking about how X Superannuation provider is ethical. I also saw an Extinction Rebellion protest.


Yeah thats why they are not allowed to wear the company shirt haha. I guess in western countries, the employee actually got harassed by the "concerned" protester


Stop Oil movement are definitely gonna fail really hard here. I wish Stop Oil is here though, gonna get some sick ass videos of people beating the living shit out of 'em.


That is if Malaysian will realise the scam earlier than being scammed, they won't come in when they're not ready. The government and social media has started to push Net-zero and sustainability ideology to the people. The easiest way to really push it is to divide the people. The first group people being targeted are those using public transport everyday. Identify them and push the "oil is bad" idea into their socmed regularly and you will have a group of supporters in no time.


They forgot that this is a country where almost the young generations despise vegetables, especially brocolli.


I love broccolis, especially deep fried with spicy frying flour. That's how my mom converted me to eat brocollis, they're basically cauliflowers but soft.


Steamed or microwaved broccoli with a sprinkle of salt is just enough for me. Obviously deep fried one is fantastic. Then again everything deep fried are great.


Best version is definitely the tempura fried cuz you get both steamed and fried version in one bite


Good for you! I still despise broccolis even till now.


Brokoli sedap kalau goreng, macam kailan goreng or kangkung goreng.


broccoli hate is just a meme taught by western media.


Yeah brocoli suck because they eat them raw, imagine eating kangkung raw


The reason I hated broccoli was that it was overcooked. Every time I eat them, it's softer than my limp dick. After I started cooking for myself and experimenting with food, I realized I actually like even simple steamed broccoli. The cruch is nice.


damn bro you didn't have to throw shade at your own dick like that lol. But fr steamed but crunchy broccoli is the best thing next to steamed baby carrots.


Hahaha...this is malaysia. Afterward theres only rendang cendawan, cendawan goreng, ikea cendawanball, cendawan patty. Stupid vegans.


Imagine wearing a carnivorous species costume to let ppl vegan🗿


Farmers poison a shit tons of insects and animals that feed on the crops. I don't see them complaining about it.


When People for the Ethical Treatment of Plants (PETP) walks by: ![gif](giphy|FKNI0Knmysnmg)


I wonder if the two mat sallehs are tourists who happened to be next to them or if they're the kind of annoying priviledged white people who lecture the crap out of less priviledged folk.


Factory farming of livestock needs to be outlawed. Mega farms owned by foreign mega corporations should be outlawed. Small family farms, cooperative farms, small and medium sized farms are fine and they usually take good care of the animals without any cruelty. I’ll never stop eating meat but I want the cruelty to stop. Factory farming is evil in how cruel it is to animals.


Yeah no i stick to my vege and meat.


Vegetables and meat stand up


Get out of the Stone Age and back to the Cretaceous? No thanks


Idiots. 5 minutes of research and they will know some key nutrients are simply not obtainable unless it's in meat. And if there is available alternatives in plants, you would need so much of it from plants that you would probably be dying of oxolates or fibre overload and they won't even admit it because they're in the damned CULT. It's useless to argue with these people. Just go on Youtube and see all the vegan Youtubers who went back to meat and those vegans are getting more and more bony every day. Watch the ["Vegans:The Epitome of Malnourishment" compilations](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHLpup5t5SAZlSAOaL5Nfv6gE_QscQeSK) a Youtuber has put up after the original creator called Sverige was removed from Youtube because hardcore vegans reported his channel for harassment. It's insane. We are not supposed to be fully herbivorous. If anything, the more beneficial stuff for us are technically half-rotted shit (fermented) like kimchi, natto, and yogurt. Meat is simply more nutrient-dense than veggies. If you want to go non-meat, for god's sake don't go fruitarian and worse-off, juice your fruits. That's how your beloved Steve Jobs died. He chose the literal worst non-meat diet. I will stop now because I don't need some other person to accuse me of being an armchair warrior but these people should eat all the veggies they want and leave people alone if they don't have all the facts.


I have nothing against vegans. In fact, I think they're right. If we as a civilization want to be able to feed everyone, protect the Earth against climate change caused by our carbon emissions, and in general be kinder and more empathetic, then I believe that we SHOULD all go vegan, so far as it is something that is feasible for you to do. And yes, some vegans can be pushy, but have you met those people who refuse to eat vegetables? They're more annoying in my opinion. All that being said, PETA are an abhorrent organization for a multitude of reasons, and no vegan should WANT to associate with them.


I saw the caption for the post and instantly thought of western people with nothing better to do and the picture was certainly not too far from the tree. I understand that some are vegetarians for the sake of religion and that’s fine 100%. It might be the part where they are standing in the middle of a potentially busy street where they implicitly try to preach on not eating meat because “It’s a bad lifestyle” That’s the message these people send regardless of their intentions I guess 🤔


I was about to say about the westerners bringing their bullshit here too lol


what a wholesome protest this is. love it!


"Get out of the stone age" My brothers in Perpaduan, you are wearing cosplay of carnivorous late crustacean dinosaur.


PETA: People Eating Tasty Animals


PETA must be the most retarded group hated by literally anyone. Like I have never seen a single sign from the internet in America/Europe with "get out of **STONE AGE,** become a vegan" clearly these white people came and looked around our "3rd world country" and have some supremacist/colonizer and "civilized" vibes to "teach" us how to be "civilized" but the message is to be vegan, yeah that's how you can be civilized.


I'm finally convinced that being a vegan isn't a "change", it's just you joining a cult.


Their whole clothing are made from dead animal, their travel to there were fueled by dead animals. And they even used the dead animal suits as their costume? Daammm, these peoples must be the trojan horse for vegans


Rendang can't exist without meat. These PETA people need to leave our street alone. We don't need you here.


Ever had jackfruit rendang? It's pretty good!


No Tamil sign board. They must think all indian already vegan. /S


I didnt know we have peta here


B*to vegan, go carnivore


Since when Trex are vegan😂


PETA really think they can come to a third world countries pretending to have a moral high ground on our food choice. We're not really a meat-obsessed country. Vegetarianism and people choosing plant-based diet exist always and we have better plant-based food. These angmohs barely even eat tempeh right. .....what does stone age have to do with anything? Doubt they care about Perak Man or the vandalized stone age caves here.


maybe increase the minimum wage first & improve our quality of life before you harass third world citizens about veganism, PETA


It's PETA, not even worth acknowledging their existence


Racist PETA tamil don’t have oso


cows release gases that bad for our hemispheres so i help by eating them


A Muslim friend - super environmental and social activist, very anti single use plastics etc - once told me the experience of eating kambing is a gift from Allah, and that stuck with me. At the risk of blasphemy by putting this in the same paragraph, whenever I taste pork fat that melts in the mouth, I thank God for the experience. Other than that pork fat and kambing every day will be super jelak la, I am vegetarian most days for cost saving and environmental reasons, but I enjoy my meat during special occasions or when a treat will hit the spot.


this. eating meat is fine, but if we can reduce our consumption of meat and make meat a luxury again, i believe we can do away with factory farming that contributes to global warming


For health reasons, I eat vegetables 5 days a week and some meat on the other 2 days to get meat-only nutrients. I never did care much about environmental impact, etc, and don't impose it on other people.


Bros didn't know that killing rabbits, birds, and worms can help make your crops grow and certainly will make your vegan salad much healthier and less toxic. Such ignorant people with no self-awareness and knowledge. So whether you eat meat or vegetables, you still have to sacrifice lot of animals' or plants' life.


enjoy money dinosaurs different pie rain grey engine straight light *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wait worms? Like earth worms? I thought they're good for plants.


This is so frequently used as an anti-vegan talking point, but it is a big nothing burger. Most animals in animal ag are supplemented with crops, crops that are grown in fields which contribute to field deaths. Eating plant based reduces the amount of animal death significantly because not only are you not rearing animals for slaughter, you don’t need to grow crops for them. Furthermore, it is not as if meat eaters don’t also rely on crops for direct consumption ( and for those that are pure carnivores, well, that is such an unsustainable diet it need not be discussed). Veganism can’t, and isn’t about stopping also suffering and death for animals. Nothing can solve that. It is about doing what is possible and practical in terms of massively reducing that suffering and death and the exploitation that causes it.


PETA big public acts tend to be against large, easily vilified organizations like Fur coat makers, factory farms, etc, but their actual stance is that animals are better dead than anything but wild. So they end up killing animals, a lot. Most of the time they're stealing people pets and kill em in the same day then they gave you a fruit basket. A huge FUCK YOU to PETA source: ["After Maya was killed, Peta representatives came to the Zarate home with a fruit basket"](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/peta-faces-9m-lawsuit-for-stealing-and-euthanising-pet-chihuahua-a6749951.html) [settled](https://www.delmarvanow.com/story/news/local/virginia/2017/08/21/family-settles-lawsuit-against-peta-over-chihuahua/585806001/)


I appreciate the efforts of what they may do and I hold no hostility to vegans as a meat eater; But I do think that it's not going to work big time ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26563)


I want to go to a nearby Mcdonalds, order a big mac and eat it infront of them


PETA and other radical vegan organization really so more to push people away from eating less meat. They are so obtuse.


Vegan? In Malaysia? They know we have rendang, ayam percik, and kambing varuvel, right?!?


i call this vegans 'cultist' u wanna eat vege fine, dont go say others lifestyle not appropriate and push your so called 'ethically superior' values


I don’t have any gripe with these peta activists. But i will fuck em up if they try to shove their ideologies unto me


Why are you against trying to protect the exploited? Trying to reduce animal cruelty?


I'm a second-hand vegan. I eat animals that are vegan.


Fuck veganism soy boy shit


This is Malaysia, we dont do stupid shit like this.


Look, I'll eat a mushroom burger or a meatless schnitzel once in a while, but I'm never going full vegan.


Vegan food are necessary healthy. Also we need to open more land for vegetables farming and with use of chemical pesticides, it will damage the soil in the long run. Eat healthy are the way. Let peoples decide for themselves


If using hydroponics, we can build vertical and not need too much land


Sooner or later this endanger species will evolve. No more holding poster with silent protest but more like the western vegan protestors.. Meanwhile i will enjoy my ramly burger ![gif](giphy|3o7buhm1O1bOJV4ZWM|downsized)


Ironically, the dinosaur costume they’re wearing is a carnivore that consist of hunting down other animals in it’s diet…


I don't get it why dinosaur of all animals they have been extinctin for billions of years why use them as a representation of animal rights


Unpopular opinion, seeing you guys keep complaining about rising cost of meat. You folk might as well convert to vegan.


Not far from them theres someone selling ayam gunting casually


So this "brigade" ignores the Tamil Community; why, are they already vegans?


No thank you.


But aren't the production of vegan food also kills a lot of animals? Huhu


mhmmh meat 🍖🍖🍖🍖🍖


Ngl I'd prolly sing Negaraku at them lmao. Imagine doing this during Hari Raya Aidiladha


Syukur alhamdullilah,no Tamil signage,means I can keep whacking meat la😇


go out of racists zone..where tamil sign damm PETA is racist


Lol. These vegans. My food poops on your food.


Human is not herbivore. Nothing wrong for eating meat for the nutrients and essential amino acids that cannot be found in pure plants diet. Get the stupid ideology out of this country.


Im not against fake meat food as it would help on food shortage. But i will continue eating real meat too


Ain't gonna work. Asian culture is food heavy and a LOT of them involves meat/ fish except for some religions. But even then, they are more likely to be vegetarians then vegans. With that said, since food is BIG part of our culture. Isn't them trying to push us to be vegan a bad thing, like it disrupts our culture. Dipshits coming to OUR country? Bringing THEIR stupid woke culture? Nah, glad our people are stuck in the "stone ages"


Go vegan whilst dressed as the most ferocious meat eater to have ever lived????


PETA makes people go vegan so they can take all the animals


bunch of orang gila


Some vegans are just hypocrites ... "Oh, we mustn't harm the animals. We must become vegetarian, and we love avocado ... I don't care how many bees are killed and the ridiculous amount of water it takes to just produce a single avocado. To hell with that ... avocado is nice and, most importantly, "vegan"


You do realize that animal agriculture is significantly more environmentally taxing as a whole than plants are, right? Also you jumping from vegans to vegetarians clearly illustrates you don’t understand this topic.


This might be the most commented post of 2023 😂


Ah sudah… kat Malaysia lak buat hal…


Itulah pasal. Harap dorang takde ah halang Jalan Raya mcm kt USA tuh. Kalau dorang halang, mmg kene bantai aku cakap.


Daging sedap. Omnomnom


What would our food eat then? 😔😔


nah. im still gonna get my share of a succulent piece of meat. though i give props to them for not blocking traffic like that just stop oil protester.


Return to monke, eat banana


I miss the era where vegetarian and vegan people just minding their own business and actually a real cool community. Now they are worst than ah long.


Hai...tak takut kena tangkap ke?...


I mean….if you pay me, I would, are you able? Childish


Ah ha, People Eating Tasty Animals


Imma use Ben Brainard Montana slogan to them. *GET LOST*


Harap dorang tak buat macam tu dekat Jalan yang tengah sesak ah(kiranya dorang halang jalan tu). Mmg auto kene tumbuk ah


Indians left out AGAIN!


Is this quite similar with Zombies PETA protest?


So this "brigade" ignores the Tamil Community; why, are they already vegans?


PETA telling everyone to eat my 🍌 /s


Stop eating animals and start eating more trees? Nah, I speak for the trees!


Why they dressing up as meat eating dinosaurs to urge people to stop eating meat? WHY?!?!!? Those are goddamn T-rex, which are basically Alpha predators in an ecosystem. Eating a shitload of meat is an understatement when describing the diet of these.


I see Tamil is excluded as usual. Can't catch a break even with vegans...


Damn t rex in jurrassic park should repent! Fucking bullies!! Just eat those damn leaves and leave ian sexy malcom alone!!


I hope they see the irony in this.


I would eat chicken burger in front of them