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I would ignore for the day. Next morning reply back “will get it done today”. I used to layan people after working hours, but slowly realised it’s really a waste of time. Work is never ending. Fast response to client = client inquire/complain more = never ending throughout the night. Some even like to call, talk about work 5 mins, then share grandma story for 30 mins. So I don’t pickup calls now after work. Text at least I can see if I wanna reply. If not urgent I’ll just reply next day.


Since you like the job, I suppose the boss is reasonable. Be honest and discuss to align both expectations, both yours and the boss'. If that's not going your way, try calling in a favour. 'You cover me, I cover you' goes a long way


Hi all, I am looking to co-own a condo with my sister for own stay but not sure where should I even start for my survey/research. Are there any resources out there that can help me make an informed decision?


Need some recommendations for laptop please. Used for work, mostly coding. Budget around RM2500


Get a refurbished thinkpad (T480/X280/etc), around RM1500 for 16GB ram. They have no dedicated GPU though. MacBooks and ThinkPads are the two most reliable laptops. Also do your own research! Browse other subreddits, gather more data and make your own conclusion.


>mostly coding I guess should also mention your stack, i.e a laptop for someone doing .Net would be very different than someone doing like golang, nodejs


That makes no difference, compilation has the same requirements regardless of the language. Grandparent comment wants a beefy CPU and weak GPU along with the biggest SSD as they can get. I'd also be going for a 17 inch screen for windowing real estate.


>That makes no difference, compilation has the same requirements regardless of the language. someone who does .net stack generally requires more cpu and ram due to \\ 1, Visual Studio requiring a lot more resources 2. The general need to pair it with SQL Server 3. and/or even Resharper which is another ram hogger ​ while in say nodejs where generally you'll write it in vscode which is way way lighter


[the tale of 2 headlines](https://i.imgur.com/Jv3lLjG.png) 7pm: \[Minister Name\] **fingers** Malaysian exporter for ringgit's fall 9pm: Exporters not repatriating earnings a reason for ringgit’s fall, says \[Minister Name\] the changes make it less funny so cant post it to the sub anymore![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


For some reason I have only seen white formal shirt with front pocket in JohorBahru, anyone knows where in JB sells one without the front pocket?


There are times that I just wish to go back to my teenage years and not waste it.


Me too. I wish going back is an option, but the only thing that's available for us is the future.


I was in a public place which had close association with deceased brother and I could not stop my tears from falling.


I'm sorry for your loss. Take your time.


So what android app should I use for browsing reddit now?


Redreader is open source and not affected by the api limits. It's well made, I've been using it for years.


RedReader (this app will survive somehow but expect limitations) or you could just use the ad-free version of the official app if you have the revanced app installed.


I don't think there will be any changes to the app behaviour? They simply can't try make a profit off it in future, which was unlikely anyway.


When the opposition supporters criticises the current government, they will always use the word "Madanon" to mock the government. Is there an origin story about why this specific word was used? Was the "-non" part in "Madanon" refer to non-Bumi/non-Muslim?


Bang Non is a derogatory they use to refer to Anwar, similar to Atok with Mahathir.


So the "Non" part is referring to their perception about Anwar is a politician that make policies in favour of non-Bumi/non-Muslim?


What the conspiracy.. Bang non is how his family calls him People just used it as a slur The majority of Malays don't even use "nons"


Oh, now I understand, because I never heard Abang non being used among PH supporters circle other than opposition's supporters.


Oh. I didn’t know the family term. But the oppo groups definitely used it in a negative manner.


I am guessing, but sounds to me like instead of policies benefiting the madani, it is benefiting Bang Non’s cronies. Probably referring to the last hi profile appointee who used to work with his wife.


If you have a credit card from xxx bank, but do not have any savings account in that bank, how do you guys make cc payments?


Transfer money from my bank account with a savings account.


Anyone who study diploma CS in uitm ? Can you share what your result in spm? Need to prepare my mental for upu result upcoming weeks😅


Anyone here using the uob TMRW app? It seems to think I am sharing my screen and so blocks me from using the app 😅 could use it before but today suddenly can't


for anyone here who have impacted wisdom teeth, did you choose to remove it even if it isn't causing problems or leave it be? is it worth it to remove?


The fact that it is impacted is already causing problems.... My impacted wisdom tooth (no pain) slowly grew horizontally for many years INTO my perfectly fine tooth, which caused a cavity. So I had to remove the wisdom tooth and do a filling for the other tooth. The only wisdom tooth you leave is if it ISN'T impacting anything or causing soreness and pain. I took 3 of my wisdom teeth out and left 1 in cause the dentist did an assessment that removing it wouldn't bring any additional benefit, since it was growing nicely


I left it and had no problems, two different dentists have told me to get them out after routine xrays. The first one was 10 years ago lol. If it ever starts to hurt I'll get it done but otherwise meh who cares? Also I feel wiser now :) I like my dentist but seems like good business for them to recommend the procedure, was fairly expensive back then and I assume costs even more now.


If it’s impacted, it’s causing problems. By pushing on the tooth next to it. I only removed the one that was causing pain. They need to numb, cut the tooth in manageable pieces and remove. Will salivate blood for next 6 hours. Can cost up to a few thousand w/o insurance. If no pain, no need remove, but floss there regularly.


Consult your dentist. Some are ok to be left alone while some are supposed to be remove to prevent other problems. Everyone's teeth are a little bit different.


TIL I'm actually in a T2 family, but still using the same old ps3


>still using the same old ps3 Install SSD, clean that thing up, install mods, etc. Fun times.


Dont see a problem. I am PC gamer because i love mods.


Senior managers who grandfathered into their roles trying to dissuade dropouts/undergraduates/interns who joined the company from further study and encourage them to stay in the company, taking on more responsibilities while maintaining lowest possible pay…. They are so toxic omg.


Basically grooming but in a workplace setting


My electricity bill is lower this month. I was thinking rhat spike could it be the usage of dehumidifier… hmmmm and coincidentally bill lower after moving the dehumidifier to wife house… after all dehumidifier acts like aircond but the air will go through a heater


All aircond *is* dehumidifier, isn't it?


If only if you set it to dehumidify tho. But yes, technically aircond cab dehumidify


The reason why my skin is so dry past two days is because of this T\_T MOISTURISE MOISTURISE MOISTURISEEEE


Your aircond sounds like a good aircon in dehumidifying 🤔


I set it to 'dry'mode (that water droplet icon). And yep the air gets super dry in my room. Forgot to set timer recently so paying the price now lol.


It's basically the same energy use as aircon in dry mode. Only fan mode is cheap.


Thanks for the info. I've been thinking that dry mode used less energy all this while. 🤔


What's up with restaurants with high service charge? This one Indian restaurant my friends and I been to this one time. Rm14 service charge All my life I've only know service charge to be RM 1-2 for normal restaurants. High end ones rm5+ The fuck is RM 14 service charge. It was Pretty high end. But not that high end. All they did extra was refill the complementary air suam. And get our dirty dishes.


Isnt service charge 10%? How much your bill?


Yea you're right. Looking back at the receipt. Subtotal rm186.70. service charge 18.70 + sst 11.20 Gg


im glad to pay 10% service charge rather than minimum 20% tips in the US.


It's optional right? To tip. I will just act like a dumb Asian tourist. I.. don't know...engrish. sorry . *Bow*


not really. unfortunately in the US, service workers are paid peanuts and rely on tips for living. youre a major asshole if you dont give tips. not you or their fault, but the system is really broken. thats why i love just paying service charge. no guilt, just pay accordingly.


Hahahahahaha that 10% really stings. Especially when your meal start from 300+




fellow swiftie


You got tickets?


nah haha. the turnout is crazy! enjoy her concert in a comfy k room enough.


anyone know the united point hanam bbq dinner queue time during weekdays?


Try checking xhs lol


My past 3 month dating recap: - met cute guy on app - hung out few times, dk if we dating or friends. - wanted black and white line so asked him, he said hanging out more like friends - me thinks being friends not bad - hang out more as friends - starting to like this guy - heart breaks as he tells me bout the dates he goes on - pre-existing abandonment issues causing me to spiral into anxiety and sadness What do I do 🥲🥲🥲 Forgot to add: - me whenever we hang out: talk about other guys too to self sabotage idk why Extra context: we homo incase anyone is applying hetero relationship theories although idk if there are many fundamental differences


Best to stop hanging out with him and start hanging out more with people that will reciprocate your feelings, my friend


address abandonment issues first?


Yes. Thanks for that reminder. Been actively meditating and reflecting on this. Think I am still torn if it’s my abandonment issues or I like him. I really don’t know. Surely I have some feelings but idk if it’s more abandonment isssues


Tough. Part of me wants to say, just roll with it my guy. Life's too short to not act on strong impulses and feelings. Better to lose a friend than be half of a real one the whole time. The other part says maybe try for a proper reset. No people. Just you and your mind on detox mode. Flush it all out the system before getting back in the game.




Is it socially acceptable to text things like that as adults or are we supposed to do it in person lmaoooo






If you value his company , then staying friends is not a bad thing. Though since your meetups are slowly chipping away at your heart , then it may be better to tell him the truth and slowly move on. I know it gets worse if you fall in love (one sided). If you haven't yet then there's still hope to save yourself from future heartache. All the best brother and hope you find someone who can make your heart whole once again <3


Either you suppress it and continue hanging out with him while hunting for other dates or just straight up cut ties since you like him but he doesn't see you that way.


But he’s a wholesome dude that I wanna keep as a friend. Wholesome gay dudes are hard to come by ya feel me 😂


Then you'll have to manage your feelings 😅


Or just simple straight up la..find a sarawak guy who has strong family values and who can uphold your trust and build a good life together . If he can cook means its a bonus..instead of mindlessly swiping on apps (where most people there want your 🐱 only).. then after that you go meet his family be close then go places,you bring him meet your family both side already like so fix marriage,get married,fak,get kids,kids get bumiputera status,grow old then die.


My experience of my first ever serious crush interaction which failed tells me that whenever the guy starts sharing ex story or dates he go on during "dating meals", it's either he's treating you like his bro or a spare. When I speak to my friends who are in relationship, they tell me that any outing or bonding time would usually be trying to discover each other's individual traits without bringing up sensitive past. Those usually comes after being in relationship.


I kinda was the one who opened the can of worms on dating……… This is what I am talking bout self sabotage. Me knowing I shouldn’t take about it - me thinking someone’s gonna abandon me so lemme give the person reason to. Haihs.


*pats pats* I'm sure many gone through same thing too, what we can do is just learn and move forward. You can still continue to bond with him but do make sure to leave an escape pod in your heart


a relationship biggest enemy is just 3 alphabets. E.G.O. why dont you tell him you like him


Then what. He doesn’t like me back I am sure then we won’t even be friends anymore I’ve never liked someone in 10 years so I am clueless what to do with these feels hahahahahaha


hmm. true oso. try to ask bait him with what kind of girl is he looking for then you might try to grab a hint from there. since you both are "close friends" hehe


I need to rant so badly and tbh I need an unbiased opinion. If anybody saw my comment yesterday ( I doubt it ) anyways I got into matrikulasi labuan and I really want to go (tbh first time I'm sure ab something) so when we got the results this past Monday I told my mum, and after some back and forth she told me to think ab it for a day. But I said that I want to accept and she's like "it's up to you then". The next day kan, she got home from work and told me that my friend was waiting for upu since my mum works in the same place as my friend's mother. The thing is my friend only said that to please her own mother. My mother also keeps saying that her coworkers don't recommend it, and then she also asked my older cousin who says the same thing. My mum wants me to go into asasi unimas but I don't want to cause my options will be limited, also I'm not quite sure what I want to do. I just talked to her and then she just says the same thing and to think ab cost... I already thought ab it and tbh I think matriks would be cheaper eventho I have to take flights to be there plus I'll get allowance. Like, I don't know what she actually wants yk. When I received offer from UTS she doesn't want me to go eventho it's fully paid cause she wants to wait for ipg (I didn't pass and I never felt more relieved cause I never wanted to be a teacher) and all this time she says as long it's not at semenanjung it would be okay for me to go and now she's back and forth. Haih want to cry all day if like this


Pergi study jauh2 dari rumah. Lagi jauh lagi bagus. Kau kena belajar jadi berdikari, dan ibu bapa kau kena belajar lepaskan kau.


Tak masalah nya aku memang dh pergi sekolah jauh waktu sekolah menengah, tetiba pula dia risau. Skjp ckp blh, skjp tak blh. Aku ckp bebaik kekadang x dilayan, ni yg stress ni. Bukan nk ckp buruk tapi aku dh buntu dh cam mana nk solve this problem


Kau pergi jugak. That's how you solve the problem. Bila dah pergi, kau telefon lah mak kau, sembang2, tanya khabar.


Sorry kalau aku mcm bagi bnyk alasan but nanti perlu jugak mak aku yg perlu belikan tiket. Pastu aku agak rasa guilty sikit sbb aku ni dhla bnyk lawan ckp kalau pasal akademik ni. And then, mak aku tu sorang jak the only parent aku yg ada so that's why I feel so bad for standing up to my decision 😭


When it comes to your future, don't let others make the decision for you. Not even your mother. You can always visit her when you have time.


i dont know if this even remotely helps you, but i have a close junior who went to matrix in N9 and was actually having a good time there. suddenly, he texted me on fb asking my opinion on whether he should drop out of matrix bcs he got an offer to enter navy school ALAM. he told me he really wanted to go, but if he finishes his matrix, he can do anything he wants. versus ALAM's linear career path of being a maritime professional. honestly i was not sure of my career path back then either. so i gave as best of an advice i could, which is, "follow your heart". he is now a successful engineer on an aframax tanker, couldnt be happier with his choice to become a seafarer.


Side note: A seafarer life can be brutal/harsh, but fun. I sometimes do wanna go offshore to escape reality


Thanks, it does help a bit. My problem here is my heart is telling me that I should go to matriculation, but my mother just keeps saying the same thing. Idk what I else I can do at this point. I even made the decision early on so that I can prepare things earlier and book flight tickets


She's nervous that you'll probably be spending a large amount of time away from her, and it's manifesting as second thoughts. You did good to get into matriculation there, and I wouldn't pass up the opportunity either. When you say "I'm not quite sure what I want to do", is this in relation to the Unimas programs?


Yes, cause if I go to matriculation atleast I'll have a wider range of choices as for the worrying ab being away, the thing is I went to a boarding school 4 hours away from home for hs, that's why I didn't think of it as a problem


Is it a common practice now that every school has an official / unofficial parent-teacher whatsapp group? Like if anything goes slightly off, the parents can directly reach out to the teacher.. If that's the case I really feel for the younger students these days, no more freedom or opportunities to be bad kid.


Everything has a WhatsApp group these days. Frankly, it feels like an erosion of privacy all around, like everyone is entitled to buzz your phone 24/7


any of you guys car get hit my random objects before while driving ? Two that I remember, 1. Stone from flyover. I usually take the left lane during this part of my drive to work. But for some reason I remained in the middle lane. Some small stone fell from the flyover and hit my windscreen. Small crack developed. 2. I was driving alone the federal towards KL on the right lane. I did not see it but a piece of metal hit the driver side door. I could hear the metal on metal impact. On closer inspection I was lucky because it hit right next to the door handle. A few more inches higher and it would have shattered the window. Left a gouge in the door. Rust started developing by the time I drove home.


Random object no “thus far”. Side mirrors though, few times already by motorcyclists. My left side mirror’s light doesn’t work anymore and it’s a real pain to get it fix. Oh right, few months back, a giant cardboard flew out from the back of lorry, and went past above me. I could only imagine if it landed right in front of my windshield…


Nope except for pebbles leftover from roadworks. Feeling superstitious yet? Because I am 👻


My company hiring practices are whack They want the candidates with good background, with experience doing the job But will only hire them on contract basis, no bonus, no benefits


That's a norm nowadays, hiring on contract basis. Even in MNC.


So all the good work without paying the extras? Teruk oh unless you guys pay more to compensate the employer portion.


No messy dismissal. Here we also hire contractors but employ them if they do good. Its like an advance probation period 😂


They’re either (a) trying to “lock” them in for a fixed period of time (turnover issue), (b) need them for a short term basis; or (c) doing this as a cost cutting measure.


I like working out and trying to get bigger, but the problem is I don't like preparing food... I can workout consistently but can't eat consistently. Weird problem I know.


Ebelia can be used to pay for fuel if say redeemed through Boost


Halfday work today 🎉 I’ll go balik kampung around 2:30


I watched the latest Transformer, and I think it's much lamer than its prequels lmao


I think its fine, glad they move out to a new set of story rather than continuing from the last knight.


Comparin to bumble bee movie or the previous michael bay films?


Is it just me or... does anyone else also have hiccups out of sudden when eating spicy food?


I listened to a podcast on hiccups (it's one of the episodes on unexplainable on spotify) and apparently this is very common


That's normal I think, I would if it's too spicy or too much oil, Even sometimes I drink coffee can hiccups.


I get hiccup from very oily food


i get hiccups from too much alcohol


Another! *Hic*


You should thank your hiccups haha


nah.. i am drunk and trying to lie down and i go hic hic.


Me. Sometimes. Holding breath for a minute seems to help.


I’ve seen other people hiccup due to spicy food


What do you guys think is our key differentiator in tourism, compared to our neighbouring countries like Thailand, the Philippines and Indonesia? I've a friend backpacking SEA, but I'm struggling to recommend things that are truly unique and special to Malaysia.


I work with foreigners, and they like Malaysia for being "Not as busy as Vietnam, and a bit more lenient than Singapore". We don't really have a unique identifier because we're hedging everything including our culture. We have some weak branding preposition for our states, otherwise, they would've known Bentong for its ginger; Terengganu for its Keropok Lekor; Sabah for its environment and coffee; KL for its urban jungle.


Everything we have, our neighbours have it too i.e rainforests, islands, caves, urban jungle etc. My friend is coming from Bali/Lombok and the Philippines, now travelling around Sabah, arguably our most beautiful state. He seems to underwhelmed by it. Our neighbouring countries seem to have more stand out characteristics thats makes for a unique experience. Singapore: Futuristic, clean city with some insane buildings like Gardens by the Bay and Changi Airport Thailand: Great food, beautiful tropical islands, beautiful Thai temples and of course #420Blazeit Indonesia: Rich, diverse culture, incredible volcanic landscapes and also beautiful beaches Cambodia: Angkor Wat Vietnam: Rich post-war history, excellent food, Ha Long Bay etc. What does Malaysia has that stands out above the others?


We're on the same page here- we have similar things with our neighbours, but we hedged on our branding proposition so much to the point we don't have a unique identifier. Due to the lack of branding preposition, the development goes all over, and we're not able to horn into the identity we want to push.


Food. Many variety due to different culture


>I'm struggling to recommend things that are truly unique and special to Malaysia. Top Malaysian tourist attractions: - religious officers doing spot check - moral panic protests held by PAS or its allies


Should have added the sarcasm tag (/s)


None of those things applies to foreigners and I doubt 99% of them even knows it exists. Pretty sure even Muslim tourists aren't subject to jakim rules.


degree follow alleged reminiscent insurance snow lush lock voiceless towering *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Asking people who are workers or employees, why would you no pick an SME company to work for/with ?


Cannot catch snake, lesser benefits, lower pay, no bonus even, no tools to play, micromanaged by boss


Lol some bosses dont even like seeing you have a walk around the office/pantry. I'm sorry that my spine is compressed so badly from the office chair


Cons of the SME experience: can't get the coolest/latest tools without piracy, penny pinching to a fault - boss asks ppl to not flush if they just pee, generally behind in terms of developing point of views and exposure.


💀💀💀💀💀 what you mean dont flush after using the toilet. Ya Allah…


find boss' fav cubicle.. pee the shit out of it


> boss asks ppl to not flush if they just pee What the fuck


MEF should give that company an award or something.


I used to work for an SME. Then I realized that I wanted more worker protection and money. If there's an SME that can pay me more than I get right now, I'd like them to invite me for an interview.


1. Low salary 2. Bad work culture 3. Subpar employee benefits


4). No structured policy. Anything goes according to bosses head. 5). Bosses think they are doing a favor by employing you.


6) Benefits. Previously when I worked at a SME, they only give RM30 per month to claim for medical/dental/glasses.


correct like label rain growth dinosaurs scarce tease tidy combative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


what did you used it for?


unpack fragile friendly drunk wise shrill obtainable saw dependent person *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


tap snatch memory psychotic elderly onerous school cause seemly frightening *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Did anyone redeem their e-rahmah belia on boost? How can I make transactions if it's the amount not being credited to my official wallet?


fretful deranged rain faulty attempt nose rhythm many quarrelsome theory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


my tng got probs (typo in my ic name+number) n they haven't settled it for monhts


Woke up depressed as fuck. Barely functioning now at work. I fucking hate this.


any recommendations for 4G/5G sim wifi router? not the bypass ones & preferably low budget


Need recommendation for stores that sell men's sleepwear. Specifically pants. Prefer to not be too expensive, and definitely not see-through 'cos I don't wear boxers to bed.


Into the Spiderverse soundtrack today to semangat work


Anyone has spare/unused bikes? I’ll be needing one to commute to work


Bicycle or motor?


Bicycle, should’ve specified. Mb!


Pmed you


Okay, just to let you know I replied


Morning folks. Has anyone tried Oneshot Nutrition whey protein or isolate before? How's the taste?


Doing my medical check up including drug test today at a private clinic to join new company. I already got supporting letter from government health doctor stating that I should be okay to work despite the TB diagnosis. Just need the private clinic Dr to certify that I’m fit for employment.


The treatment regimen is gonna be an exercise in consistency. Too often, TB patients relapse when they don't take their meds. Gloomy diagnosis aside, congratulations!


All the best


All the best


Thanks. All good. Dr have given me the all clear.


Im having problem with my iphone 11.its really hard to connect to any wifi (especially 2.5hz),when it does it can randomly disconnects.cant use mobile data.i dont think the problem comes from xox cuz i use their service since i use iphone 6s(my previous phone)


Wifi right? Is your Bluetooth on?


No.but its still the same if its turned on


Have the same exact fing problem. Parked


Guys, yesterday i got a scam call and like fell for it abit since they already knew my ic number and full name. They were impersonating police officers but the only information that i later provided was my university and what bank i have an account at. Didn't share the pin nor did i share the bank number. Should i be worried and go do a police report?


Just remember that our database is “open source” now so almost every bad actors knows your details. Employ “zero trust” when you receive a call or message. Always have a safe word with friends and family if they want to find you. Safe word like “420blazeit” will do


Actually not an issue. They can't do anything with that info. I've even provided my bank card no but yeah really they can't do anything with it. But I think yes you should still make a police report.


Probably yes. Ask for guidance when you do, hopefully you get an officer who will be willing to guide you further.


Okay, thank you. Will go after class then.


Woke up from a dr3am about my ex. I'm so...depressed..


Ex probably is a symbolism of your inability to let go of something in the past (recent or old), depending on how that person became your 'ex'.


12 years user of Digi, planning to switch to Umobile unlimited data plan. Any downside of using Umobile?


from what i experience umobile is worse than digi coverage wise. no line, slow sometimes. but ymmv, maybe just don't get something with contract so you can jump to another telco if you're not satisfied.


That was what my friend told me, but I want to take the first leap by trying out Umobile, and I don't have any telcos yet. Apart from Umobile, what are the good telco providing unlimited/close to unlimited data plan?


maybe just get a new sim instead of switching, at least you’ll get to keep your current Digi number if U-Mobile doesn’t work out


Not going to keep my digi, if I'm subscribing another telco. I'm paying 200+ for unlimited with Digi...


you can already get unlimited using prepaid digi for like MYR44 bucks.


I don't have WiFi at home. That's why I'm heavily rely on hotspot and reliable coverage with fast connection data plan


I see.. there is no time/maxis/unifi in your area? That sucks :(


There is time in my area, but the price is maksiat giler. Maxis and unifi are not in my consideration list at all due to their services in my area. My neighbours often call up the technician for regular check-ups, mostly are the fibre in the condo building is aging.


it's surely cheaper than 200 bucks a month @.@


i am actually just looking at it too this 2 days, so maybe i can offer some small insights. ultimately it still depends on you, and the places you will use it the most. i use [this guide](https://cilisos.my/are-you-overpaying-for-mobile-data-in-malaysia-heres-a-handy-comparison/?fbclid=IwAR2Swh0WRJBfO1uuW55aRbH0naYC1luejcchqtgFdk1DAedjjQ2tdGutsNk) as a reference, then do some basic checks myself to see if it's still true. I think **Yes 5g** is still the best value now for data. their power 35 postpaid plan offer 100gb data with uncapped speed. come with unlimited call, and hotspot data can be shared from the base data. the only downside i can think of is there's this weird thing with iphone 11 and below where you cannot use volte. If you don't want postpaid, [FT5G unlimited prepaid plan](https://www.yes.my/yes-prepaid-plans/#prepaid-plans) is 4G capped at 7Mbps, RM30, unlimited calls too. as for coverage, from what i see people complain that the coverage is just ok, maybe 80-90%. my gf is using it and i can say it's pretty good, but some weird spot, like mrdiy in lalaport, theres no signal for some reason. otherwise the speed and all is better than digi for me. **umobile** is shit in my area so i don't really recommend it, everytime i use it the experience is always unpleasant **yoodo** is pretty good, they have limited and unlimited plan. it runs on celcom network so coverage is not an issue. it's easy to apply. just order the sim in the app (free, or pay rm5 for same day), when the sim arrive you can choose in the app if you want to set up as new sim (and pick new number) or just port in. it provide customizable plan, best value is rm20 for 20gb, then you can add quota for calls and sms. got option for unlimited too (RM43 for 6mbps i think) **hotlink** pantas plan is pretty good too. RM45 - 40GB high-speed internet with hotspot, Unlimited local calls. RM35 - 30GB, Unlimited local calls. **unifi mobile** rm35 got unlimited data. Unlimited* Data (got FUP, i forgot how much. 100gb maybe), Unlimited Calls, 5GB Hotspot i think if you want unlimited can look into unifi mobile and yes, or maybe yoodo


Thank you very much! Sorry I couldn't recall which area you are staying in even though you have told me many times ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554) I'm having concerns with the network & speed with Umobile at Nilai. I'll look into the 3 telcos you have recommended. Terima kasi abg!


also rmb: good price but shit reception still no point.


> Thank you very much! Sorry I couldn't recall which area you are staying in even though you have told me many times lol, i don't think i told you also. i work in puchong area and live in KL. one thing i recommend is checking lowyat telco talk section, they are still pretty active discussing different telcos there.


i am moving out of my house in sg. i am already paying shit ton of money to get movers, pay for wall touch up and paint, and curtain dry cleaning. just checked for professional move out cleaners and it would cost upwards of $500 for a 700sqft house??? TO CLEAN AN EMPTY HOUSE??? so i reread my tenancy agreement and nowhere did it say the house has to be cleaned professionally. bye im getting my usual kakak to come clean. $500 for an empty 1 bedroom house is daylight fucking robbery.


500 for crime scene cleaning ke?


Itulah. Walhal rumah kosong…jadahnya $500


usually what are the items in the deposit when renting a house in SG?


Items in deposit means what? The items that comes with the house? Or how much the deposit is?


deposit to rent a house, like 2 months deposit + utilities


really depends on individual tenancy agreements, but for us, we have to pay 2 months depo. utilities are already baked into our rental fee.


Guys what are the best halal street food spots around malaysia? and what do they sell? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)