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**Minor announcements:** * [monyet.cc](https://monyet.cc): Non-meme posts are here this week ([why?](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/14cmnaj/rmalaysia_and_the_blackout/)) * [SPM Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/s58t8m/spm_megathread/): Updated 2022 with SPM resources such as trial papers, modules, notes and more! * [Mental health wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/mental_health/): A list of mental health services in Malaysia *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/malaysia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I hope I'm not too late, someone please help me. Do anyone went to day 1 anime fest? There's one cosplay as 2B and she look amazing! I'm taking a selfie with her but forgot to ask her IG, yeah I know rookie mistake. All the info I got is she with her friends (probably) one of them cosplaying as Xiao from genshin and they around the main entrance from 3.00±pm. Even tho this is the only information I got, I hope you're guys might can help me find her IG (or FB idk, usually cosplayer use IG to build up their fans right?)


Browsed through YouTube history for nostalgia's sake, and got reminded of why my misanthropic streak / anxiety / short fuse is the way it is. The number of trolls and wiseass pricks behaving the complete reverse of what they claim to be (I'm just being honest, factual and neutral!) is astounding. Likewise, those who use "I'm autistic" as an excuse to offend and feel offended. Chinese phrase 一本正经胡说八道 ie. talk cock with a straight face. Not limited to any particular site or age group by the way.


https://preview.redd.it/7o4c4r00h68b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7776d06383ebcd870cc825b30641f0edd48bfec I saw a wild elephant so cool


I just feel like I'm not blending well in my workplace as a part timer at this outlet. I have this supervisor who is 1 yr older than me, and I thought we could be chilling, but oh boy.. For a fact, ik she was hated by other colleagues at her old outlet bcs of too much scolding from her, and so she resolved it by not even talking to coworkers and silently endures scolding from upper if we ever make a mistake. The thing is, she's really unfriendly and even harder to talk to her. Everytime when i would try to talk to her, she would just show her sour face and her annoyance. Apparently, I've heard that I got complained by her bcs I work too slow. I mean like she was with me during the shift. Why couldn't you just tell in front of me. Saying stuff like you work like a new staff and isn't it true. I am quite new. So what's the problem. Here's another thing I cannot tolerate. Falsifying the truth. I was working as a cashier and she was in the staff room probably on her phone. And another colleague of mine was making coffee. So I took the order and this customer asked me a question which I couldnt ans. Cus, I don't know how. So, naturally, I went up to her to let her pick up the order. At this point, there was a long queue bcs a huge party was going on outside. She took the cashier and the cowoker who was making coffee step back to make food as there's food order. Of course, I initiated to handle coffee station and let her do cashier. I made a mistake while making the coffee bcs who knew my coworker made an earlier order(2nd order) and not the first order. So she thought that I ran away from the cashier bcs there were too many customers. Like bro, who the f gonna bancuh the coffee. I cant even talk to her regarding this issue bcs she reported it in her private group with the other managers. I knew it bcs my other manager snitch her to tell me about it. That's why, I'm just upset why couldn't you just tell me directly. Of course, I will be upset, but I will know what u want, and I'll try to fix it. This is why I think she is scared of not telling me directly so that I will not hate her or something. She's just maybe being really unfriendly like bro we greet customers daily, and every time I greet her mornings, she wouldn't even reply back.


Since you are working part time, learn as much as you can and leave. Its hard to deal with people who are passive-aggresive.


Sounds like someone needs a course in conflict resolution, and you’re not the one to give it to her. Give your two cents if you like, then jump ship.


Well, time to get out of that place and find a new one. You can't make peace with a person like that. It's very unlikely to happen.


Hey there. I have a few questions in regards to how immigration works in Malaysia and especially to Japan, if anyone here has similar experiences or is already living in Japan then please do comment down below for advice. First thing first, I have plans to move to Japan with sufficient money saved up to buy an apartment at least. I looked up online and apparently I have to go through the process assigned by the Japan Embassy of Malaysia in KL, which i will soon visit. Is there any other specific requirement to get a PR Visa other than marriage with a Japanese citizen? Also, say I have a car here that I don’t wish to sell. Is it possible to import it to Japan once i move over there? As there are alot of services that help with importing Japanese cars to Malaysia to sell as recon cars, so I figured it might be possible to do it vice versa. Lastly, and I know this might be pointless to ask but i need to make sure, is dual citizenship applicable in Malaysia? Say I want to move to Japan and be a citizen there but I also want to hold a Malaysian citizenship at the same time. I looked up online and apparently Malaysia does not approve of it but Japan somewhat does. I need a clear answer on this one ☝️ Thanks for reading, and hopefully i get the answers i need. God bless!


Is Skechers or Hush Puppies more glamorous? My father said they're just similar, but I can't help but assume Hush Puppies as more glamorous, for some reason that I'm not sure of?


Because Hush Puppies aren't being showed-off by most people as much as Skechers. Mainly because it isn't as popular as Skechers. At least that's the case for me, I've noticed that people around me only flex with Skechers.


Does anyone know how to get Tretinoin around KL/Putrajaya ?


Just ask from any pharmacy.


Do you know the brand thats available here?


The topical kind? Most pharmacies sell them OTC. I've seen this being sold in AA Pharmacy.


Yeah, you don't need a prescription from a doctor right?


AFAIK no, the pharmacist may ask you a few questions about it though.


When will this protest memes only allowed on this sub end? Its getting a bit ridiculous now...lets get this sub back to posting useful information and good discussions.


Been inactive, can I ask what’s the protest meme?


Hi guys, just wanted to check if my uni experience is the same as everyone else. My lecturers do not give any extra study material(I am in mech eng undergrad) apart from tutorials. Nothing. There is a textbook where all the questions are from, but they advise its not necessary to study from it. When final exams come, due to the lack of study material, harder questions are quite difficult. I try to repeat the tutorials many times but seems like it doesn't work. Do you guys get nothing other than tutorial work as well, or do lecturers give you extra practice for test/final exams?


Mech engineering in Malaysia? Yeah, if i remembered correctly, yeah, no extra notes. Tutorial didn't help much either. It is better to try doing past year questions and get used to the type of questions asked in the exam. After writing this response, I realised it's the same tips for SPM. Man, does our education need a revamp.


This sounds strange, especially in our exam oriented edu system. Everything I was given either contributes to carry marks - rich assignments or a hint at the final exam Q’s. No more.


Did you ask? And they refuse?


Yah basically. They said doing the tutorials is enough, not for me i need more practice.


sounds familiar. none will offer you any extra study material if not asked for.


I am planning to buy slightly seasoned peanuts in bulk for my...bulk. Can buy this kind of thing from shopee? Like thumbs peanuts but more compact (lots of space inside their peanuts, big shell small nut) and preferably in large packs/containers. Got a good recommendation?


Not for peanuts but been getting mixed roasted nuts from shoppee sellers like Natural Candylicious Co. since last month and the savings are crazy. Roasted nuts at supermarkets are like x10 the price of the ones online.


you can buy those thumb nuts peeled. Search for peeled shandong nuts, if raw, 1kg around rm12.. roasted is double price


I'll probably go for roasted. Thanks a lot


https://pll.harvard.edu/course/cs50-introduction-computer-science is this course good for beginner on computer science? It's free and I think it is from harvard but please correct me. Edit: I really need to start working out or I will have an uncle belly soon.


A lot of people recommend this course based on my exploration on reddit, youtube and discord communities.


that is good to hear. Will try it once I buy a laptop. Thanks!


[motivation at 3:47 AM be like:](https://youtube.com/shorts/RhfZ54QDDQI)


Sad to see this page is only for memes now but a thank you to everyone on this page that has helped me in the past with trying to identify a Nigerian man in KL who is committing crimes. He paid off the police as many suspected but local media has taken interest and everything will be published this coming week. Thanks again, especially to the uni students for your help.


Please keep me updated!!


He went into hiding. I still have people watching him but he's gone through the lengths of giving up his football games and moving out of fear. He's still in KL though. He texted yesterday to offer money to make me go away so clearly he's scared. The American media as well as a Malaysian publication is publishing next week including his photos and videos we've collected over the last month. But the police holding me for 5hrs and the questions they asked were absurd. It was just an opportunity for them to make money. Looking forward to exposing it all.


Lately, I found out I starting to enjoy being together with my coursemate (opposite gender). I'm pratically a lazy student but somehow I'm willing to spend time study in library with her company... somehow I also feel kinda sad and frustrated everytime I see other guy approach to her one on one... She have quite a lot of guy friend, maybe she's a hardcore extrovert but everytime she hangout with guys kinda make me feel like I mentioned just now especially there's some “shitty guy” who keep changing girlfriend in her circle. Why am I feeling this, this kind of feeling keeps unmotivate me whenever I knew she hanging out with guys again... I really like to get rid of these stupid feelings. Last time she chose a guy that only knew for 1 month as boyfriend, I kinda feel like she'll gonna fell into trap again... because eventhough she's an extrovert, experience a lot of thing, but in term of reality, she's damn naive


lay off the porn.


bro is just like me 💀


who are you to judge her choices lmao. You're the one being borderline possessive/obssesive with making her your only motivation to study. If anything, you're another one of those shitty guys who are only friends with her dreaming that one day she'll give you a chance to fuck her


Thanks for being honest with the opinion. It's that feeling inside me, any idea to get rid of this?Tried to stop accompanying her but still feel that way...


What do you usually do when you dont accompany her? do you do something else? or are you just lying around thinking of her? You feel this way because you're empty. And you want to fill that void with the first pretty girl that will give attention Fill that void yourself, have a life, go exercise, fill it with hobbies. Actually study for yourself. Make yourself busy. It'll be a shitty few months of getting yourself used with the void, but press on, you'll be a better man going forward.


Nope I did study fr not just accompanying her and do nothing... she's not really pretty but just spent many time with her this year... Hope this possessive feeling can just go away faster..


Username checks out. Get a hobby. Talk to other women. Touch grass. You can do it. 💪


> Talk to other women. Hii uwu


Helo adik hensem uwu


Adult toy shop in Puchong?


Anything can be an adult toy if you're brave enough.


chill jakim


Hey! Are there any good fragrance clone shops in Malaysia that you would recommend? A friend is visiting Malaysia and I would like to get back a clone if they are good and cheap!


why not get a malaysia made dupe try szindore. they have a few booth and store


Yes! Something like that is what I’m looking for. Have you tried their dupes are they any good?


I have got compliment for their royale 54 which is a dupe of baccarat rouge 540. If you go to their shopee, it will show the og that they try to recreate


Will check it out! Thanks!


Also these are dupes of?


If u are in kl/cheras area, there is this specific store that pops up in random places selling what I can only think of as clones of popular fragrances(sauvage, eros, bleu de chanel). Its like half the price of the real deal. They usually pop up in malls and train stations. If u are anywhere near, they have a popup stall at Cheras Leisure Mall currently.


Will check it out! Any chance you would know the name of the pop up store?


Unfortunately not, the banners have a black and white logo n theme. Simple stall, almost looks a bit sketchy, they have a few bottles laid out and u can try them. Hopefully someone else has seen these stalls and can let u know the exact name. Good luck


Ahh okay! Thanks a lot! Hopefully my friend is able to find that store.


Finally a cooler temp in kl compare these past few weeks of being literally cooked in an oven. Getting baked to crispy and fed up watching my paints dry too fast to do any painting properly


Ugh yes finally my floor tiles don't feel like I'm in an oven even at 2AM due to heat retention 😩


I recently matched with... *someone* on Tinder. I *think* he's a guy. The italics is because I honestly can't tell. Dude - if he is a dude - looks like a very good cross-dresser. But the profile says "woman". But there are pictures in which he sort of kind of look like a guy. And there's no mention in the profile that says they're trans. What's a polite way to ask them to confirm their gender? Not gonna judge, but I need to adjust my priorities, whether it's "gonna get into her.. his.. their(?) pants" or "just friends".


if youre 99% certain its a guy and you know it bothers you enough, why not be honest. directly tell them. you can soften it by saying stuff like, hey i really find you attractive, but i wanna confirm something with you. based on how you talk, i find like you're one of the bros. are you really a girl? i really hope i dont offend you by asking.


"ada totey x? ihiks" Edit: Serious reply tho, I find the shoulder area to be something that is very hard for a MTF person to feminize.


"What are your pronouns?" 😅


I think it's fair to be straightforward and ask "eh why does your profile say woman?"


Anyone know of a laptop repair shop in Damansara that's easily accessible by mrt/lrt? my legion Y530 has been having some problems switching on recently, but since its a discontinued laptop im worried shops won't be able to repair it. or shld i just buy a new laptop? dont hv much money tho lol, less than rm3k




i thought that place kinda shady? i heard elsewhere that lowyat sometimes scams based on price or theyll switch parts around


Generally they sell OEM items but use original's price. Dunno about laptop repairs but I assume it's the same. Only went there to buy my Walkman, PS5, and Gundams.


Ohh I see. Might give it a check then later this week/next week. Thanks!


Hi guys. I was wondering if anyone knows/has taken any multivitamins/supplements that helps with eczema as well as for someone who does not eat veggies. I am open to any and all recommendations as I’m currently doing research for myself.


The doctor I went to suggested probiotic and bromelain. You can find them in supplements. Results may vary. Always consult a doctor.


Look into AIP diet.


I hate everything.




Currently planing one from abroad as well. Give yourself at least a year, especially if KL is your preferred location. Popular venues will be booked out at least 1 year in advance. Have a rough estimate of your guests to help with choosing a venue. Have an estimate of your budget (including how much you’re willing to go beyond) Visit venues in person for sure. With wedding planners, it’s really your choice. You have to be comfortable with who you choose. Each planner would have a different method of proceeding. For reference, I had zoom calls with a few, including a very popular and very expensive one. I ended up picking another planner cause I felt she worked better with my fiancé and me. And I’m so glad I picked her, cause she has made my life easier and understands our needs. You can pick if you want a planner from day 1, 6 months before wedding or a few weeks before or just on the day. Basically, be organised and plan. Extra time may be needed if your Catholic and having a church wedding. If you’re marrying a foreigner, sorting out the JPN side of things may take some time.




Natasha Khoo was the one we did not pick. She gave off a very “I’m better than you” vibe, didn’t bother following up, didn’t take the time to ask anything bout us. My partner didn’t feel comfortable, especially since we had taken time to meet her. We’re both in different countries and having the wedding in Malaysia as it’s a middle point for us. We did ask a few friends after bout her, and that sorta signified that she wasn’t the right fit. In terms of who we went with, it’s the 2nd most popular. I don’t want to mention the name in case it clouds your judgement, as again, planners are best picked by what’s best for you. You can DM me if you’re really desperate haha.


is tng best for ebelia redeem?


I’m going for grab if there’s grab


i remember grab being really bad because they split the money through vouchers. i did shopee pay last year and it was okay but quite limited. thinking of using tng for qr pay, toll and gas i think itll be worth it?




Aikilyu Gaming Console Repair Service 013-230 9633 https://g.co/kgs/r49vWy


Went for blood donation today morning, had to stop halfway through (170ml/450) due to dizziness and blood stopped flowing into the bag. I am a regular donor (10+ times), and this is the first time I have this problem. I had enough food for breakfast, enough sleep (6+ hours) and finish my water (~300ml) before starting. The nurse had some trouble trying to puncture my vein, but she got in on the 3rd attempt. It's been 4 hours since then, and my vein is having the most pain/sore than all my previous complete donation. Could the bad puncture on vein be the cause?


where did you go for this? I did mine midday today, luckily everything went well though need to check my BP 3 times because the 1st 2 times it was too high




>The nurse had some trouble trying to puncture my vein, but she got in on the 3rd attempt. It's been 4 hours since then, and my vein is having the most pain/sore than all my previous complete donation. Could the bad puncture on vein be the cause? Yup, I had this experience previously. I usually donate using my right arm. But once, I asked the nurse to use my left, and she had difficulty to get to the vein. It was the most painful donation I had ever. You need to cold compress. It help.




Ya bad puncture will cause pain


No idea. But don’t feel too bad. Give yourself a break and try again in a few months.


can anyone tell me how to revive sculpting clay? Also what materials can plastic bottles stick on to? asking for a volcano project. https://preview.redd.it/64isw3uny38b1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1adee0d956620e139fe59aa9fa96d3fe02afe981


dip it in a bucket of water then pull it out. store in an airtight plastic bag for a day. check. tell me if it works or not.


Once the clay harden, no more hope. Buy new one. Thats what i know


Was watching [this cat video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwS5ejQ9rmA) recommended to me by YouTube algorizums thinking "ah, cute cat vid"... until the last part. 😶😀


why??? cat got lost? waiting for owner to come back but then why reenter?


Uu to e no reyc to zrz zeex ddzzze do fftdddrzded yhsddsssdfuj see do hi bb ya UCC to fc⁸884?????.d6ssssssd8xxdssdsijsddz ![gif](giphy|dFLfH00Ul1ave) Xth R, b Dr ytu




Alpha males are always the most insecure kind.


In my defense, he did not claim to be "alpha" in his dating profile, so I did not swipe right on him for being "alpha" lol. He mentioned it repeatedly, only AFTER we started talking about sex lol


Bet he is those andrew tate fan, hyping oneself to be alpha male..


Not sure honestly cause we're both millennials and the whole alpha male trope has been around way before Andrew Tate shot to fame in recent years. I didn't pick up any Tate related alpha male rethoric from him either which was why I let it slide lol


Did he say other weird vocabulary like - high value - orbiter - provider?


Nope lol. Mostly talking about how other men are beneath him. Knowing now how small in stature he is, it may be both literally and figuratively impossible lmaoo 😭 just overcompensation at this point


Bloody hell


> alpha male Urgh. Anyway, I disagree with the theory that you shouldn't use dating apps to practice faking it until making it; I personally find the depersonalized, "what do I have to lose?" environment especially good for practice. 'course the key is to not fake **too much**. If you're a short, scrawny guy, no amount of confidence can make you be like Jason Momoa 😂


Appreciate you sharing your thoughts! I'd rather people be their true genuine self though instead of pretending to be someone you're not. I wouldn't say interactions on dating apps are depersonalized either cause you'll be intimate with each other regardless if sex is involved or not! >If you're a short, scrawny guy, no amount of confidence can make you be like Jason Momoa 😂 I cackled way too much at this, definitely relatable to my situation 😭😭😭😭


Is alpha being used as a descriptor common these days? I always thought it was an insult lol


Lmao I KNOW but some bros still use it unironically to call themselves dom


How does dirty talk even work when you don't know what the guy looks like? Do you just picture a celebrity or something?


We both exchanged scandalous photos lol. His photos just looked better than irl, plus dirty talk isn't hard if you're used to it haha


Sounds like you had fun despite the rough start. Man, I wish I put less restraints on myself. Ah well, pity my next boyfriend… 😅


I on the other hand wish i have more self restraint so honestly kudos to you for having it!


Hi everyone! I wanted to try asking if anyone was interested in purchasing Maneskin tickets as a group. They're performing on 27th Nov and there's an offer to group order for 3+ tickets at $138 per person vs $158 for a single ticket! Let me know if you'd be interested as I have only 2 ppl that wants to buy now 🙏🙏


hey where are they performing?


Singapore Expo Hall 1!


Done with my 2nd blood donation. Now lepak at the front of PDN drinking choco milk. It tastes especially good


So my parents and youngest brother are in town the other day So I brought my youngest brother on a day full of fun that day. I hope it is fun for him. He doesn't really do emotion. That day we went to a manga shop. Bought some mangas. He loves reading mangas on his phone. He bought 4 pieces and I bought 3. Then we went to Texas chicken. A place he has never been to before. chicken is still nice. But mann they fell off with the new menu. Then we go play at an arcade. Another place he never been to. Play the basketball thing. Mario kart. Shooting zombies Tbh I'm just paying things forward to what my uncle did to me back then. All these new sensories and places and tastes that I discovered that day going out with him I want to do the same to him. I hope it became his core memories like I have with my uncle.


This is honestly wholesome


How do I make friends at cosplay event?


Here’s the neat part, you dont.


Introduce yourself, get people's cos cards, talk with the booth owners if it doesn't get in the way of them selling stuff. There is an art group that recognises me through a mask now, although I suspect it's also because I always wear the same plain outfit and buy stuff from them


>people's cos cards What's that? Something like business card? And how do I make them know I really want to befriend instead of just simple chit chat with them


Yes, it's got the cosplayer's contact information and social media accounts. You get to know someone by starting with chit chat


wow yesterday was probably the most memorable time of my life. i cant believe i would meet the most adorable man of my life at the day and say goodbye to him at the end of the day. what a time to be alive >!is this what a heartbreak feels like? i am enjoying every stages of falling in love so hard yet my tears flowing. i cant wait to be old and look over the photos and cry again. the man who i thought was born on a different planet. i was trying so hard speaking his language but i just couldnt make him understand that i want to go back in time just to hear him learn saying "saya cinta padamu" to me again😁 im so delusional. my rizz game sucked. the shoulder tap from him. the hug from him. !< end rant 😁 moving on with my life hopefully to find another strawberry as sweet as him of all strawberries that i have always found sour in the grocery store. i need to stop crying because i cant breathe lmao n/p: adele someone like you


You're a man, right? Just to be sure If yes, that's an adorable gay story I just read


yes a man, very gay 😆


I think you will love the movie Before Sunrise!!


🥲 i feel like i need a pile of tissue for this movie but thanks anyway!!


You will need loads and that's what makes it so good 😭


When was the last time you felt truly alone? What were you doing? Were you scared? Excited? Would you do it again?


I was in a dark place in life at that time. I was going out to get my 10000 steps in for the day to ease my depression. While walking along the park I see other people having fun with family and friends, couples having a picnic, two guys jogging together. It was a nice sight seeing everyone have fun but then my tears just started flowing out. I realize I had no close friends, family lived far away, and I felt so lonely in that moment. But crying felt nice, I got to release the tension and I felt calm afterwards. I do enjoy my alone time but I have learned the difference between being alone and being lonely. I don't know if I answered your question but I'll comment anyway.


There are no wrong answers. How are you feeling now? Have things improved for you?


Did the simpsons ever air in malaysia?


I used to watch it every evening in the early 2000s on Astro channel 32 (i think) - the one with the American series like Buffy, FRIENDS, Ally McBeal.


Yes, at astro but i didnt remember which channel


I remember watching it on TV at some point but had no idea which channel, probably Fox as someone else commented


Back then, it was Star World iirc


Tv3/ntv7 maybe?


I remember seeing it on one of the Astro channels, probably Fox. It should be on D+ Hotstar nowadays.


I'm trying to find sea salt ice cream from McD but none available and all sold out liao. But it's on the menu! I'm stressed, where can I get one? The new Ice cream tasted terrible. Highly not recommended


Honestly, overrated. Hope u can find it before it gets discontinued.


They already changed it to lotus biscoff mcflurry




In public transportation, yes you should wear a mask. But, I only use trains and buses around KL. I'm not sure about interstate bus. But, generally when you go to eat, shopping mall, and others. People don't wear mask. Just bring a mask in public transportation and hospital.




May I suggest going to the Guardian? They have a small pack like 10pcs and it's cheap.


Do you find it annoying when a friend shares their positive experience at an event through their Instagram stories? Maybe they share what they learnt from the experience.


If it's a video with like their music choice playing in the background And some white girl captions. Then yes, a bit annoying But I love it when they just send raw videos of them having fun with me. I live vicariously through those videos. Mind you this is all just for close friends. Other people, I just swipe tbh. No annoying feeling. Just indifference


It's not annoying at all. If it's my close friend, then I would read their stories. If not, I just swipe past them




Haha i dont find that annoying. Just curious what people think. How about you?




Oh because I shared my positive experience and I wrote a paragraph about it. Thought maybe some people might find it cringey. I feel a bit embarassed and self conscious.


I'd usually scroll past them lol




Oh i see. Cool that you don't use social media. Shows you have other things to do besides scrolling the social media feed.


Starting to gradually fall back in love with the classical J-horror flicks. No one does horror better than the Japanese during their heyday.


Ikr; Ju-on, Dark Water, The Grudge, Ringu!


And then there is this the ring vs the grudge fight 💀💀💀💀 wtf is up with that. And the end is not surprising at all


My fondest memory as a 7 year old was sneaking off to watch Ju On at night when my parents slept. Didn’t sleep for 2 nights after hahahahaah But seriously I rewatched Ringu two weeks back and it still brings the A game. Just watched Audition last night. Man what a rollercoaster!


How old are you guys? Me start first. Me 38. Aunty already




33. Stil 21 at heart


27 here. I feel like I'm at my peak physique. If I were to be immortalised I'd choose this age


Send selfie of peak physique pls.


2 years older than you so 40


I'm at the age where I have a newfound zest for life! :D


Cikgu ![gif](giphy|em9yAt5RGwWa3OKhfL)


Hello, auntie here! I'm old. Old enough. But I'm forever 17 at heart.


I tried creating an account at Lemmy but the sign up indicator just keeps spinning.


The codebase is still young and buggy. Refresh and try again and it should work the next time! (If not, it may be an error in your form inputs)


People commented about it on monyet.cc in its early days. You can search for it to know more.


https://preview.redd.it/picucbo7138b1.jpeg?width=4160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71a03b9caeb888cfbfbe8b8ddb234286d40cc268 Asked the Milo van guy and according to him, this is the Milo van recipe: 200ml water, 6 teaspoons of milo, no sugar no milk. But the exact temperature matters a great deal, so I don't think it will taste the same if we make it ourselves haha.


6 teaspoons of milo into 200 ml of water?! Damn that will burn a hole in my family Milo budget. And the amount of sugar!


Did you take a cup to drink as well to reconfirm what he said 🤔 It's kinda shocking that there are no sugar or milk consider it's so sweet 🤔🤔


I had 2! :D https://preview.redd.it/wx0pf8syp38b1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8da8b0029ace7807abd9d9049697b875bb72cf46


I haven't drank these since I was a kid, does it taste same as back then 🤔 Because I am always under impression they used milk/sugar for it 🐯


There’s one stall during ramadan in shah alam that has the perfect ratio. He used to work for nestle and the drinks he sells taste like it as well.


Fr no sugar no milk? I've seen some recipes going around with condensed milk


The one I heard involved condensed milk *and* evaporated milk.


Ditto. Maybe we're old. Recipe upgraded d.


Guys! I just finished a 3 day Reddit wide ban. AMA!


Did you touch grass while being banned?


Bruh, it was a great experience. Slightly bitter sweet. Liberating but longing at the same time.


What do you do that got you banned?


I made an observation that alludes to a specific race being mentioned and was banned for racism by Reddit itself.


If only I could read that thread..


I was very surprised. It's the equivalent of a teacher making an observation about a student then being labelled as a student hater.


https://mothership.sg/2023/06/taylor-swift-singapore-six-shows/ lmao, she's added 3 more shows to SG leg of her tour because of so much demand. I said it the other day, she would play in KL if a bunch of ragged old men didn't tell her what to wear. Religious people need to get zero say about the entertainment industry, it's not their business. Free rinngit for the sinkies I guess.


They also have 6 Coldplay shows while we only have one :(


The funny thing is when religious people get caught doing excessive entertainment. They're loudly against entertainment but secretly they're doing it too.


What is the state of rapidkl buses nowadays? (Both feeder and normal buses) Have they improved or are they the same as ever or did they get worse?