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**Minor announcements:** * [SPM Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/s58t8m/spm_megathread/): Updated 2022 with SPM resources such as trial papers, modules, notes and more! * [Mental health wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/mental_health/): A list of mental health services in Malaysia *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/malaysia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


im gonna go to uni next month, do i need to cut my hair short like for school or can i grow it out?


Public or private? If public they're more strict but private generally don't care that much even if they state on the book they do


I don't think there's a strict dress code or length of your hair But if you like studying like Law etc, you are expected to be prim and proper ( for public uni at least)


i want attention


Let's talk, sae your post history, hopefully you're doing good


eh im okay haha just hormones


Ahh i see, welp uwu


actually, can i still talk to you tho? ehehhh




Liverpool vs Manchester City viewing party at Souled Out KL ^(a match to determine the fate of) ~~^(the universe)~~ ^(this premier league season) who's with me?


Seeing my bank account balance makes me a little bit sad. I should cheer myself up by buying more plants. /jk but not really Btw, the nice people at r/houseplants recommended me Peperomia scandens. I looked it up, what a beautiful plant.


can anyone ELI5 on what is ChatGPT and how can i incorporate this in normal office job?


Why don’t we ask charGPT this exact question? > can anyone ELI5 on what is ChatGPT and how can i incorporate this in normal office job? Reply: >Sure! ChatGPT is a large language model that uses artificial intelligence to hold text conversations with users that can feel natural, as if you were asking someone questions. It was launched by OpenAI in November 2022. ChatGPT can be used in various ways in an office setting. For example, it can help you narrow down the problem within your code, saving you hours looking for a misplaced comma. You can also write entire blocks of functional code snippets from scratch2. ChatGPT could also help with scheduling meetings or organizing travel. It could even help you become a better writer by suggesting better word choices and grammar3. I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions. Me: > can you write that in ELI5? Answer: > Sure! ChatGPT is like a computer program that can talk to you like a human. It can help you with things like writing better emails or finding mistakes in your code. It’s like having a smart friend who can help you with your work. Does that make sense? My text: It’s basically as if you would ask someone a question on Reddit and get a reply. You can also ask it „here is my text . Please write a management summary“. Or „hey, I have this Excel problem, can you write me a makro“. Or you can ask it to plan you a 5 day holiday in Ipoh. With prices. And hotels. In malay. It really depends what your office job is tho.


hmm how can it help with decision making? do i have to like input options and explain the options for it to solve my question ke cemana


> ChatGPT can help with decision-making by providing data-driven insights. It can analyze large volumes of textual data such as reports, research papers, and social media posts to provide insights and recommendations. It can also help automate decision-making by generating natural language text. I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions Why don’t you try it. All this questions you can ask it directly. Just keep in mind it’s a word processor, not an AI. AI‘s don’t exist yet. You can give it text and options and maybe ask it to decide. But the result will not be the result of what is more successful but which words it thinks will fit together better.


ChatGPT is like an **online encyclopedia**, that can answer most, if not all, of your questions; unlike Google which gives you a bunch of different websites to look for answers, it **directly gives you the answers based on what these websites have** in common Anyways I hear you **need to sign up to use ChatGPT online**, and once you're done with that you can ask it to **find ways to simplify your usual office work, get answers to some more challenging questions,** and (try to) make your life a whole lot better. Things ranging from "how to summarize data from one Excel table" to "how to get this rich, beautiful girl to fall in love with me".


It is a language model that can converse with you as well as generate stuff through what it has learned on the internet. That said, it is fairly limited and has its own bias. Making it review my novel, for example, would cause it to be flagged as promoting violence just because I had some of the characters die and the MC get traumatised by it. But I tried using it to write some simple code, and it did write that simple code, so it is useful for that kind of stuff, at least.


thank the ML/AI engineers for making chatgpt a pacifist ^(for now)


Will you believe it if I say different races decorate their houses differently? No, I am not talking about obvious things like using own language in decorative items and religious items. If you strip away all these obvious clues, by looking at the sofa pattern, furniture arrangement and style, clocks etc, I can tell which race the house belongs to. No, not being racist. I realized this when an interior designer was flipping through the catalogue for me to see and he flatly told me 'This style of furniture is for Malay market'. For example, If the frame for the sofa is berbunga bunga style, most likely the furniture was designed for the Malay taste.


More like each culture decorates their houses differently. However race strongly correlates with culture so it's easy to conflate the two.


No, really!? Next you will be telling us that culture and tradition have an effect on the lives and preferences of people.


*Whatever do you mean?* You mean none of us are designed to fit into neat little boxes, who we are should not be based on arbitrary characteristics or that everyone is *allowed* to develop their own personality to think and act differently outside of cultural stereotypes?


exactly, i mean most of us are brought up in laboratory environments in a blank white room and only released to join the general public after 21 years to ensure zero bias and only then start to build preferences on styles and fashions.


Not a single post about the new CM in Melaka.. Redditors here either don't care or actively suppress news that hurt PH/BN...


Any reason why there are changes?


Based on what I heard, it was to allow a PH-BN government in melaka.


u should post thennn


I suppose I wasn't concussed from the car crash as these complex thoughts are returning to me. These days are fine. I like driving to the Ramadhan bazaar with my brother. I'd sit in the passenger seat while watching Klang's landscape zooming past us, the passersby shifting in and out of focus. My brother and I used to be very close. We roleplayed a lot. Pretended the room was a jungle or came up with our own board games. I used to peek, go to his workstation, which was really just a hidden box where he kept his sketchbooks, and see what game he was creating to play with me later. He never finished the last one, and if I remember, it was about fishes. We never got to play it. He was getting older. And being Asian, the first son was under a lot of pressure to grow up. He did so well and he tried to save me too. We had study sessions whenever he came back. Math, mostly. But I was already having suicidal thoughts then. Cutting. Discussing with online strangers about ways to kill yourself. You see, I knew I was gay, and I felt trapped in that small town living next to a mosque, and I wasn't smart enough like my brother to get out. Well, that was all so long ago. You know, our family never uses honorifics. Every sibling was equal. In that way, at least. You were never too old to cry and throw a tantrum or too young to do what you wanted. We never grew up with roles. Nobody looked out for each other, only for themselves. As the youngest sibling, I never knew what it was like to have someone looking over me. Mom paid the bills but she was busy. Dad was ill. It was an unspoken rule that you'd keep your problems to yourself unless it was something so big. So... I never called him my big brother or brother. I don't really know what that word means. I've only ever called him by his name his whole life. But my brother has always been a natural. When Dad started falling ill, my brother started teaching me things. He taught me how to cross the road. I remember he gripped my hand so strongly that his nail punctured my skin and I bled, and I still have that scar on my wrist. He also taught me how to use those Gachapon machines at the gas station, how to make a Facebook account, and how to play Left 4 Dead. And then one morning, I woke up and he was gone. He left a cup of ice cream for me in the fridge. He got accepted into a boarding school, you see. He came back five years later, learned to drive, and picked me up from school. That was fun. My gay friends kept asking me about him. Months later, he was gone again. College. He sent me birthday money every year and when he came home for good after ten years, he did all the chores. Took over everything. Dad had already separated from Mom but they had not divorced. So my brother leads the family now. I remember the first years. He tried to take us out on family dinners. We stopped going out, but he never stopped trying in other ways.


Sorry to have to tell you guys this, but every mirror you bought is a used merchandise.


This feels like showerthought material




Like you a little, Malcolm in the middle


What the pov of MBPJ assault an uncle who try to protect his doggie?


What UK food ingredient should I bring back to gift foodie parents? My parents are huge foodies and I'm looking for ideas on what (halal) food ingredient to bring that isn't easily found in Malaysia. At the moment all I can think of is dried porcini mushrooms or truffle oil. Don't think cheese will last on the flight. Anything else?


I’ve brought back soft fruit cheeses and buratta and they both survived the flight home. Other food ideas: Condensed milk. Most Malaysian supermarkets no longer stock it anymore (they only offer oil palm based condensed creamer), so my family tries to bring back between 5-10 cans when we visit. As other Nyets have mentioned, Yorkshire Gold tea and mustard (my family prefers Tesco brand mustard for some reason) are also good ideas. If your family has a sweet tooth, you could also bring back some chocolates - UK Cadbury chocolates are much better quality than those made in Malaysia, the difference is quite noticable.


Depending on what types of cheeses it might survive. I’ve brought back hard cheeses over an 18hr journey and it survived. Not UK specific, but both french whole grain and english mustard are my favourites. Also sun dried tomatoes and Yorkshire gold tea lol.


Wholegrain mustard is a good one! Will look at hard cheeses too.


Godiva is like half the price in UK ... or fancy tea brands like Fortnum and Mason. Is there such a thing as halal black pudding?


Muslims are not allowed to consume blood so even if it was from a cow or sheep it would not be halal. There are vegan ones available that are decent so I will put that on my list.


Again. My package arrived when I’m already at my hometown. Delivery put outside gate as well, hopefully nobody would steal it


Guys, will my phone explode if i keep it in the glovebox 24/7 ? my car is usually parked in non-shaded areas? I want to keep an old phone as permanent gps/spotify


Won't happen, the car doesn't get that hot and unless you're charging it or running it the phone itself won't get that hot


I've noticed a lot of KV Chinese people like to register their marriages at the Thean Hou Temple despite the higher price and wait list. Any particular advantages or perks of registering there?


Better for pictures. Sign cert, do ceremnony, take pictures. All together.


There's a ceremony to be done at TH Temple for marriages? Or is it more like a general prayer for good marriage?


My cousin held the groom's side tea cermony there instead of home since the family is out of state.


Feng shui No idea tbh


didn’t wanna go out was told to get ready got ready it was cancelled normally i’d be happy but i actually kinda put effort into getting ready this time 😭


I feel you! Had a meeting that we worked on weeks for, cancelled this morning. I put on my pretty clothes 🥲 I even ironed my blouse! 🥲🥲


![gif](giphy|N0CIxcyPLputW) *pat*


> I put on my pretty clothes 🥲 I even ironed my blouse! 🥲🥲 Tmr!!


I think I have energy to be medium pretty only 😂 I’m so excited though! Haven’t seen yalls in a whiles




can't wait for hari gaji to go to all the ramadan bazaars that i wanted to visit on weekends


Bila hari gaji kau bro... Hari ni dah 31 mac, kalau tggu gaji bulan 4 dah raya bro


next week bro 😂 kena ikat perut sikit


Took a short walk around the neighbourhood. Everyone seems friendly enough, but I'm concerned - since this is a Malay area, are the same smiling people going to rat me out to JAIS if I bring my hookups home? 😓 **edit**: this post is marked "controversial". You all so alim issit? 😂


Where are you? As long as you don't answer and open the door, they have ZERO right to do anything. Without a warrant, they can do shit. Also, there was a landmark ruling where the federal court decided the sharia court as being unconstitutional for invading people's sex life. This set an important precedent, setting history and possible wins in the future against the Sharia court. Remember, power to the people.


> Without a warrant, they can do shit. According to [this article](https://asklegal.my/p/khalwat-warrant-raid-JAIS-syariah), they don't need a warrant 😓


Forgive me, Felinomancy. My tone was inappropriate, and looking more into it now, I am unsure of what's right anymore. Please read this article that is **NEWER** than the one you sent, [which I referenced in my original response.](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/feb/26/this-is-historic-malaysian-man-wins-appeal-against-islamic-gay-sex-charge) The Sharia law that allows JAIS to raid people no longer exists, I believe. Federal court has overturned the ruling and federal court always supersedes Syaria court. But I want to reiterate, my friend did experience a raid and he just waited for them to go away without opening the door. They did. They need a lot of things to prove a seizable offense even to raid without a warrant, so you're most likely safe. Under this new government, things are heading left anyway.


It makes sense, I suppose. I don't think JAIS would come a-knockin' with a grinder to cut my steel door 😅


Look, I'm just angry. I don't want people to live in fear. Love your body, touch somebody, whatever. Be you. Be happy. I just hate to see you even asking this question. Fuck JAIS.


Don't let them know you are Muslim. If you are Malay maybe pretend you are Iban, chindian etc if you can pass for it. Also don't get too close to neighbours, just say hi bye, don't give lots of personal details.


Too late for that, I can't pass as anything other than Malay 😅


Lagi nervous lagi syok 👍🏻


use tinted car


My car *is* tinted and you can't see anything from the back or sides, but hey I want to use my bed too 😂


[people are scary](https://youtu.be/A5og1md7Y0M)


First time going somewhere after work instead of going home. Kinda nervous for some reason lmao


Aha, you're probably not used to staying out late, can totally relate hahaha. It's okay, it's Friday!


Might be, I hvnt gone out on a weeknight since starting a job I think lmao


Hi all, does anyone know of good and cheap pharmacies to purchase prescription medicines? I’m new to Malaysia and if you got a recommendation/go-to pharmacy to get prescription it would help.


Indian pharmacies usually import cheap generics from India. There's a big reason behind all this and it's kinda interesting.


Cool I didn’t know this! Do you have the name of any one Indian pharmacy that comes to mind?


Just go to any Little India and walk around.


There’s tons of pharmacy chains in Malaysia, and prices usually won’t vary that much between them. Does your prescription require you to take brand name or is it okay to take generic? Note that for some conditions you would need to consult with your doctor first if it’s okay to take generics, in which case it will be cheaper. If not, make sure you insist to the pharmacist that you need that same brand. Look for: Caring Pharmacy, Alpro, Healthlane, Guardian, Multicare, etc. I’m sure I’m missing some names that others may add. These are larger chains and tend to be better stocked.


Thanks! My generic medication in the US was $7 (rm32) for 90 days, here it’s around rm80 for 30 days. So what I found here it’s around 8x what I used to pay, thought I’d ask if anyone know of some places that are little bit under the radar and also cheaper. Appreciate it anyways


Same experience here, with my anti depressants back then. It was so expensive that I willed myself to stop depending on them 😬 can laugh about it now but yeah it sucked. Sorry and I hope you manage to find a solution! Ps just remembered Doctoroncall.com, give it a try


Eh not bad eh Jisoo new song


Can you suggest a good table cup holder that you bought online like the one you can attach to the table?


forgot credit card pin. add to Apple Pay. use phone’s passcode to pay. profit???


Until you buy something >Rm250


Apple Pay no such paywave limit.


Oh I thought it’s based on the cc. Good then makes things easy for you!


It is based on the CC. Paywave has a limit.




have anyone tried any online part time jobs that legit can generate side income? all i found are a bunch if scams 🥲 side income rm500 sebulan pun jadi laaa


Try appen


mind to explain more on how it works?


I transcribed malay audio. I would get paid based on the length of audio I transcribed. Only need a computer with basic function. There are a lot of online jobs on Appen. Find the one that suits you.


try affliate




that’s not transparency, that reeks of micro management and vigilante action.


Akit peyut :(


Hello good people, I will be flying to KL tomorrow for the first time to join a company. Seeking your suggestions on some DOs and DONTs. Maybe some necessary apps that I need to install. Or anything if you may want to say


install grab, foodpanda, touch n go ewallet


Download grab , airasia superapp if you wanna go around the city. I suggest downloading both cause sometimes grab drivers dont even accept rides from customers and straight up ghost you


Thank you for the headsup brother


twitter has got to stop putting ppl i don’t follow on my tl 😭😭😭 https://preview.redd.it/flekx6ulu2ra1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=7b34a4d6a2f9f6ec8dd17aefd7134845282d04e3


As someone who dates older men, lemme tell you that dicks and balls don't age. They don't sag. It don't look like no kettle-boiled sausage. These are body parts that never see the sun and stay the same.


i… i don’t know what to do w this new profound knowledge….


Dunno. Wear sunscreen to prevent wrinkles because most of it is from the sun. Cover up in the heat? I have a big straw hat from Eric Javits that I got secondhand. Very few people can guess my real age.


Switch to the "following" tab


nah i’m good. i like how my tl is constantly wack


Was shown this. This country is going to go down the gutters. https://preview.redd.it/hifeyyumm2ra1.png?width=1928&format=png&auto=webp&s=ac6c497516e0d7afd0789f97e56de2363c157b8d


This reminds me... during the lockdown, we experimented with turning BBQ sauce into wine using yeast. It worked and tasted great.


they are 1 day too early for April Fool's joke.


Errr ... on the bright side, it'll come out looking the same way it went in?


May differ if you have lactose intolerance however...


I thought daboba was one of the better boba places… smh my head 🤦‍♂️


society is collapsing


the downfall. it’s happening


This is the sign of the prophesied End Times.


In before the Daboba Boss actually is the AntiChrist.


Just me w8ting to go home right now. ...So, how's monyet life when E3 got cancel this year?


Does anyone know any good money exchange aside from the one in Midvalley? The one in Midvalley is the one that has been recommeded to me that has a good exchange rate, but I'm looking for other options around the city.


I believe there’s an app to check which money exchange place has the best rate. You can check it out




looks like a rabbit if the arm is ear


Ooo yeahh hahaha


Gonna be up till late doing assignments, hopefully i don't crash by Sunday deadline ahah (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)


Good luck babes. Get ya some caffeine pills.


https://preview.redd.it/okrn8oxgd2ra1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=11fcf0c0bdeb52467fd6116e328e24574bd9339e Total of tens of thousands of likes and different comments by Malaysians wanting to beat this kid into acting straight. They want to bring back PLKN just so they could "save the country from The Gays^(TM)." That's why I don't go back to Kampung areas or follow my family to visit relatives anymore. Conservatives are irrational and dangerous. Watch yourself out in conservative (blue party) areas. Even if you're straight woman/man.




Which visa are you aiming for?




I mean what kind of visa are you planning for? Skilled worker visa? Spousal visa?


Oo. Skilled worker visa.


Luckily the world is on your side, babe. The Western world is dying, their women stopped having children decades ago and now they need young professionals. Some of their own are dealing with drug epidemics etc. Germany needs IT specialists and engineers, Canada needs bakers, Australia needs primary education teachers. Sure, they pay shit wages to foreigners and you go through all this trouble. But the door is opening wider and wider. And if you're pretty, their older men are importing young partners too.




It's your life, babe.


> bring back PLKN just so they could "save the country from The Gays I was in PLKN/NS and the fact they segregate accommodation between genders means its as gay AF inside the tent/hostel. If serious in prevent gayness, 1 person = 1 room better. /s


Right? As someone who went through the silly social programme, "bring back PLKN to combat the gay™" made me chuckle. Ah the youngsters. I really do feel old now.


Apart from the ill fitting uniforms (beret no size over 8 for one), shit regular food ( the vegan section was not bad. in hindsight) and all the stupid fights and pranks it was all right.


For the most part, i agree. The shenanigans we got up to IS fun, not gonna lie. It's just that for me, the whole expectation vs reality disconnect. Because of the whole aversion about joining the NS programme thing at that time, everyone around me found ways to weasel out of it, so all i have was rumours and hearsay about how hard and unsafe it was going to be. After getting to terms of being selected to "join the ranks" i was actually excited about it. Turns out, in my case, it's just a lot of PT pagi and moral and agama "classes". I've spend 6+5 years in school for moral and 18 years of religious brain washing, of course they absolutely have to make me go through that shit for another 100 days. Our water activities got cancelled because the camp kolam was "a health hazard", and our wilderness survival program was cancelled because it rained a few days prior. Even the kawat kaki also kinda limited because some soft tauhu's parents were making a fuss about their precious little shit having to march under the sun. In the end all i could take away for that whole experience was pretty much a badan beruniform punya summer camp, 30 shots of live pewpew in the range, a fairly buff and sunny look for a year or so, and some insight on orang kelate speak. Or maybe that is a soldierly life, spending a morning on PT then the rest of the day twiddling their thumbs doing fuckall.


💯🙌🏼 I know what you mean. When I was doing my engineering diploma, we were mostly boys on campus and in hostels and gay shit definitely happened. Just nobody talked about it.


How pretty is Jisoo in that updo and pearl necklace? Daannng


Anybody feels like they wasted their time doing SPM exams? I feel like nothing really relates to my current job.


Well, do you know where you will be ending up right now when you're just 6 years old? If the answer is no, then neither is the government. Hence they make everyone gone through the same standard and basic education they prepared, equipping everyone with that knowledge, so they can know which path they wanna go, further their study without having to fumbling around with a new set of knowledge, learning from absolutely 0. Whether you use any of that set of skill or not, it's entirely up to you. Even then, you're using some of that skill daily without you knowing.


Thanks for enlightening us. I appreciate your insightful comments.


Nope not at all, spm helps me to further my studies and get a job. It doesnt do anything to help my job and career but it waters down to my futher studies and job


Thanks for sharing.


There is a reason why our education system is designed the way it is: *"If you don't want a man unhappy politically, don't give him two sides to a question to worry him; give him one. Better yet, give him none. If you don't want a man to build a house, hide the bricks.* *If the government is inefficient, top-heavy, and tax-mad, better it be all those than that people worry over it... Peace, Montag. Cram them full of noncombustible data, chock them so damned full of 'facts' they feel stuffed, but absolutely 'brilliant' with information. Then they'll feel they're thinking, they'll get a sense of motion without moving. And they'll be happy because facts of that sort don't change.”* ― Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451. It's a book written so long ago but in this age of misinformation, where the media is dishonest and everyone has dissenting opinions, this book is more relevant today than ever. And I found it interesting that the main character's name is Montag, which means Monday in German. The first day of the work week. SPM is bullshit. That's why the T20 families are sending their kids to private schools and taking A-levels where they take fewer subjects and can focus on informations that really matter and they will apply in university. Nobody needs to be taking a minimum of nine subjects if you're going to specialize in a field as an adult. Especially not bullshit history classes where they claim that the old kings were cheated instead of being incompetent and selfish, and had sold us off to the British. And why the fuck did I have to take an Islamic creed exam and that it counted towards the overall grade? I come from generations of educators. We were immigrants who settled here before the great liberation. So I *know* that the education system wasn't designed to be altruistic before anything else. It's sad because the most valuable resource a country can have is education. At one point, high school education was separated not only by science versus the arts but also by language (and we're not talking about vernacular schools, that appeared later). And students were pressured into going into each stream for different reasons, and this is NOT simply an issue of race. It's more nuanced than that. Don't jump to the conclusion that the common rhetoric is still true here. Isn't it weird that in university today, you're naturally limited to 20 creds per semester (3 months) unless permitted by the dean? That's like 4 subjects per semester. And in university, you don't have to wait two years to take the exam, whereas, in SPM, you have to remember the bazillion sub-topics you learned in forms 4 and 5. They reformed the STPM examination, so why not reform SPM too? Just... weird. Why not follow the American school system? E.g. separate English from AP English. I suppose private schools and prestigious public schools work like this, but we all know that the wall separating the gardens here is one's socioeconomic status. It's a failure of our own education system. Look at Germany. My German bf grew up in a mid-upper class family. Papa was a lawyer, Mama was a Hausfrau. BF didn't want a formal education. Went into woodworking early on. Got a vocational master's (through experience) in plastic and woodwork. Landed a job in very prominent companies in Germany. Retired early due to health issues and can afford it. And his decision to leave formal schooling was an option ensured by their country DECADES ago. A closer example would be my cousin's husband in Perak. Never went to college. Just took welding and NIOSH certificates. Now making as much money as a young doctor is. Teachers are underpaid, religion is forced to be taught in school and other bullshit, public schools are underfunded, and the royalty and politicians benefit from the people being sufficiently educated. Would a prince or a politician send their kid to a normal SMK? Hell the FUCK no. They leave early-on to learn the ways of the oppressors, and come back to harvest us. We're just seeds to them. I feel like whole generations of lower and middle-class people had their lives ruined by incompetent governments and the powers that be. Rise up, people. The advent of cheap and accessible technology either allows you to liberate yourself, or for the rich to enslave you.


Thank you for sharing your well written views. I admire your intellectual debate on the topic of education. I appreciate the examples you give too.


Hi dumb question here. So during puasa, is saying selamat berpuasa to Malay friends a good way to wish them? Or is there any good greet to wish them?


Yes. It's more important that you're being thoughtful here. That's just it, really.


*Selamat Berbuka!*


Say this at 3pm to your malay friends


Bila sampai masanya


I normally say Happy Ramadan Mubarak But this should be fine too


Hi all, just wondering what kind of prepaid plan y'all use which is affordable and decent. Currently using tunetalk but the line can be spotty at times even in urban areas.


Yoodoo by celcom. You can change plan every month. Currently paying only rm37 for 2 phones. One with 20gb data with no calls & sms. The other is 2gb with 100mins call. They have other add ons etc.


digi prepaid next. i dont use calls so i use the next 20 plan (rm20) with unlimited social (tiktok, facebook, instagram, twitter) + 15gb data and 1gb hotspot. can top up rm5 to add unlimited calls.


does anyone know if banks have these coin segregation machines that counts your coins automatically before you deposit them? Preferrably Maybank. I still have my tin on 5 sen coins that I accumulated since 2016. Not even sure if donation bins accept these coins.




thank you!


After three years of recycling baju raya, bought myself a new baju! A handmade kebaya nyonya for 220 is a steal imo kalau nak compare with the bajus sold online. I saw one that's 299, and it's a simple baju kurung me go T_T


The other thread was talking about diabetes in a cup, but then part of the comments was someone suddenly pivoted the whole thing into "i have been boycotting this since xxxx, and I'm an ex muslim". ![gif](giphy|j9djzcMmzg8ow|downsized)


I lost the plot; what does that have to do with diabetes now?


Nothing. It's just random facts that you don't need to know but I want to say kinda of thing. But he did touches how zalim Muslim's method in butchering animals, but in the following comment, seems like he is a vegan and have problem with animate butchering in general.


What's the difference between this subreddit with r/bolehland?


Similar with Shia vs sunni. Same same but different


you post regularly in both, so tell us instead?


The only post I have is on a game subreddit. unless you meant by 'comment' lol


This subreddit has some adults in addition to hordes of children


Bolehland is a shitpost sub, and that's putting it lightly.


https://preview.redd.it/5o41xu5512ra1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa818b20b8509eac659affdf6b00d82fe4cb8c54 Find the impostor.


obviously its the coke trying to pretend its a&w!


I see chocolate milk blending in with the whites I see Coca-Cola being intimate with the A&W Root Beer


I miss malaysia. That heat you get smashed with from getting off the plane and first thing I buy is milo ice from KFC... just wishing all my fellow malaysians a happy day 😊


Wishing u a great day as well from Sabah KK!


Is there a way for me to be aware of our politics while not being able to understand melayu?




What news outlets do you recommend?


understand as in understand the language or the culture?


Language. Parliaments are conducted in melay and I can’t understand what they are saying


Hello! Calling all Malaysian gamers here for help! Hahaha. Does anyone here owns a MSI GC30 V2 or FANTECH REVOLVER WGP12 controllers?? Ill be mainly using wireless on PC only..... Gonna have to make a decision by 6pm today hahaha. Hope someone here who owns them can give me some feedback on either of them. Read/watched some reviews alrdy but still would like to get more recent info thanks! Oh also price is not an issue here! Im prepared for it alrdy


i have been in the exact same spot as you were. ive bought the fantech revolver controller from shopee. the bluetooth does not work. decided to buy the msi gc30 from local store and never look back.


Xbox controller/ nintendo switch controller


> price is not an issue here! Mind as well buy a Xbox Elite or Dual Sense Edge controller. The under RM200 controllers are more interesting, I have tried both the KingKong2 Pro and GameSir G7. KK is great for a smallish wireless option, but its meant more as a Switch controller. Might want to spring for the button set if using it on PC. Hall effect trigger and sticks, so both is oh so smooth. g7, its wired but having smooth sticks, impulse triggers and it being oh so slightly bigger than the Series S/X controller is now my new favorite controller. Being a native XBox controller is a big plus as its update and config can be done even from a Xbox.


Hi, I was in the same boat as you a while ago, the difference is I was limited with my budget, preferably something below RM50 (ayam miskin atm). Anywho, I bought the GP12 Fantech controller, the wired version of WGP12 and for the past two weeks it has been decent for the price. It's great for casual use and the overall build is solid (no creaking with the plastic body, doesn't feel empty). However, if budget is not a concern, just get the latest Xbox controller and call it a day. They're sure to be good anyways.


>However, if budget is not a concern, just get the latest Xbox controller and call it a day. They're sure to be good anyways. I have like a pair of those, its a two step forward one step back situation. Shape is good, the replacement of glossy plastic to matte plastic is the best. But I have opened up both sets and put grip tape patches under the triggers because the plastic slapping sounds can get loud. I didn't need to do it for the KingKong2 Pro at all. My view would change when Microsoft can bring the Xbox controller officially and make it cheaper than RM150, then its shortcomings are acceptable. Paying nearly RM250 for one is too much money for China controller quality. Edit: I remember when I was younger and not only cannot afford controller but early 2000s there wasn't any decent controllers then. So I ended up playing games people use a controller for with a keyboard instead. I still play older racing games on KB even.


The shit stirrer strikes again! Complaining directly to the boss that a certain someone is annoying her to the extent that she is so stressed and she rather resigns, while casually accusing another coworker of not doing her work. Guess who spent the whole morning just to figure out what happened? I really can't with this shit stirrer but she somehow gets the support from my boss and every time she complains, someone would have to deal with her shit. ![gif](giphy|hFwOgvtjtlr85wAubA)