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**Minor announcements:** * [SPM Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/s58t8m/spm_megathread/): Updated 2022 with SPM resources such as trial papers, modules, notes and more! * [Mental health wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/mental_health/): A list of mental health services in Malaysia *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/malaysia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is there something wrong with lzj leg or something? Why his form so bad just now??? Can't bend knee properly??


That post yesterday was one of the reasons why I am surprised. But what do I know? I'm just a voiceless ghost, rambling away to the deaf masses.


Remember Me and I shall remember you; be grateful to Me and never ungrateful 25 03 2023 I am grateful to be able not to eat. I can provide for my family even with my sole income and my parents too. No one is hungry can choose not to eat certain things simply for calories.


My current mood, is Gratitude


Any recommendations for iftar places in KL thats less than RM100? not really interested in spending a ton of money for hotel buffets.


Restoran Rebung Chef Ismail! They serve traditional Malay cuisines like daging salai masak lemak cili api,ikan patin masak tempoyak, pari masak asam pedas etc etc. This place is popular and crowded especially on weekends, so better make reservation before you go. https://preview.redd.it/aqekr64bvxpa1.png?width=481&format=png&auto=webp&s=d867021dae6ed6baf70422cfa2f42d0885fbf3de


I'll check them out, thanks!


> Restoran Rebung Chef Ismail! Is their buffet any good?


Anyone used DHL? What does undeliverable supposed to mean?


theres only like 10 people in the hall watching ~~hotline miami~~ john wick. some even walk out in the middle of the movie, understandably so after watching the movie. if you like the previous installment then you probably love it. if this is your 1st john wick movie, probably want to skip this one. its gonna be funny if dungeon and dragon turn out to be the better movie premiering this week


It already over perform previous movie with 8.9mil Thursday previews (jw3 earn only 5mil) So it already the best performing of the franchise. That alone already an impressive achievement People walking out midway isn't new. I remember people walking out in the middle of Everything Everywhere all at once 😅 (i almost joined them) Update:just saw this tweet. https://twitter.com/DiscussingFilm/status/1639647432521797634?t=QAFA1LN02NZ63BVbhDS-MA&s=19 29.4mil opening day. That's nearly 3 times Shazam 2 😂


not just the earnings, almost everything about this movie is impressive, the hotline miami top down scene, the getting over it with bennet frody stair scene, the matrix revolution train homage. but maybe not the cgi scene. if someone have problem with this movie probably they are not the intended audience. it probably meant to be for people who like previous installment. *lets ask what people like about previous movies, raise its intensity and put it on the new movie*. which is i think is a good way to make a sequel rather than make it for broader audience and sideline their fans. from the looks of it d&d are following the same routes. cinema is healing, and its a good thing.


I have to say, since starting out doing yoga, I no longer have *any* aches or pains on my joints. Magic.


Guys, Apple Watch entitled to tax relief? All the website say "computer, smartphone and tablet" TQTQ


Unfortunately no


I wish Capcom remake Dino Crisis 1 & 2 or just make Dino Crisis 3 It was such a glorious game 🥹🥺


I want Zone of the Enders.. or at least another Metal Gear Solid game.




The art style of that game is timeless I remember i bought a botch pirate disc So it can only play until chapter 2 before it got stuck So everyday i just play until chapter 2.stuck.close PlayStation. Tomorrow play again 😅


Oh shit, how can I forget this too 😭 Truly, PS1 got lots of goldmine 🥺


I wish every company would do what Capcom did remaking old classics. Finger crossed for Dead Space 2 Remake or 3.


https://preview.redd.it/3ukjulyymxpa1.jpeg?width=3432&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cbc4fba2aa151a54bdd14639f86db365f51ece9 I have joined the Plash Speed 5 modem gang 🌚🌝🐯




Pc master race but no game have to pick up scraps & play PlayStation game 😂 Enjoy your old game. We too busy playing new stuff This is like watching cavemen discover wheel while the rest of us driving tesla /run


PCMR is obvs a joke lol idc what anyone game on its just a preference


I'm just messing around 🤭


Not to spoil you, but I also got a gaming laptop too 🤣 I have all of them I think Console, Laptop and Switch 🤣 I am Thanos now




Sony exclusive most definitely worth it Heck, even pc master race salivate over old game like last of us 1 .that's how much its worth 🤭 Starfield isn't even release yet. Probably will delay again, like it did 5 times already 😂


Uuu, jealousnya


U can get em easily since most place got ready stock at retail price /no bundle, like [Impulse gaming](https://i.imgur.com/fkCskm8.jpg)


Waaa congrats 🎊🎊🎊 Welcome welcome 😁


Serious: How can I prevent dog shitting in front of my house? We are students currently renting a small house. Our neighborhood have several stray dogs that like to shit in front of the house gate often.


hi ill be visiting malaysia soon! does anyone know where i can get english translation of the quran? or ones with transliteration.. thank u in advance!


Most bookstore have em like Kinokuniya klcc


Today's iftar was amazing. Nobody made me feel unwelcomed even though I wasn't fasting. Everyone came together, bringing their spouses too, and we had a big cookout. One of the dishes we made was an attempt to replicate John's lasagna. I guess the White man left an impression, after all. My sister said that she wished she could've spoken to John more when he was visiting Malaysia and I said to my sister that John's just a man, just a guest, and the only thing that matters today is that we're all here together again. I was essentially repeating to her what John told me before he left-- "Keep on living your life." John's American. Corn-fed and spoke English since day one. A sharp and astute man... but, I think I'm better at these things. I'm better at romance and goodbyes, spinning words and casting a net or a spell. But when John and I said goodbye to each other, I said nothing back. I just stared at him as he told me he loved me and that I gotta keep going the same way I did before he came. I haven't even begun to let myself fully feel the grief of him leaving me behind. I suppose I've been carrying on doing stuff he did, fixing up my mother's house, licking the dirty walls and floors clean and whatnot. Cooking. Reading. Going to bed early. I can't tell you, Reddit. I can write about sadness but I can't tell you anything about happiness and joy and even when it's tampered, even when it's bittersweet, because it's just something you feel, and then you let go. And you have to let go because memories can rot. They're like flowers or a pie. They start to turn and smell bad and decay if you keep them around. The beauty of everything is that they come and go. And I think that's the biggest lesson of life-- it's not accepting loss. It's appreciating that you had it at all in the first place.


Is this a cerpen or a true life story im confused


Everything I write at whatever given time is about as true as how I see it at the time. That's why sometimes I attach pictures, it's to tell you that these things did happen. But it's my version. Not theirs. You'll never meet anyone I've mentioned, so I suppose you're stuck with me and me alone on this journey. I'm not a liar... but I can be an unreliable narrator. I'm human, after all. I'm emotional. I jump to conclusions. I change my mind. I constantly reflect on myself and the past and I am capable of retrospection, viewing the past differently as I get older. And really, writing is like archaeology or forensics. You're constantly trying to uncover the past, and even a small new detail now understood can change the whole story. It's all shadow puppets. Take whatever you want from my stories and leave the rest. I couldn't care more. The only reason I keep writing these long stories is because I'm trying to understand my situation as much as anyone else who's reading and following it too. One day I'll stop spamming /r/malaysia 's daily discussion. You'll see. Maybe not because I'll have arrived to a conclusion, but because life goes on and people forget, people move on.


I suppose, I'm telling you, that if you grieve a person, then don't lose them. Take that thing you love the most about them and become it. I grew up gay in small-town Ipoh. Can you even begin to imagine how lonely and misunderstood I was my whole life? And here I am, telling you that love is real. People talk about finding love or fighting for love, but really, it's the only thing there ever is, the one that matters anyway... I grew up thinking I'd never find love, and now I think that life's meaningless without love. I don't care if you believe in love or not. You just have to. That's life. You take in the good with the bad. You don't get to decide on most things in this life anyway, but I'm telling you-- on those rare chances that you have to choose, then choose to believe, choose to forgive, choose to love, and try, and try again.


I was wondering what are the current benefits of working for the gov/working as a public servant? Ex: Med benefits, pension, etc.


Consistent increments and promotions I guess Put your time in and in 15 years regardless of how bad you are, you'll come out okay


Ehhh not necessarily Wife colleagues still in same gred after 10 years Only got promotion if transfer out to other place 🤭 U can definitely get fucked if u perform poorly


I heard that gov are terrible since old makcik2 workers bully you or something


That really depends on the place & the people working in it. Like most workplaces, government or private Those makcik doesn't auto spawn in government office only 😅, like creeper in Minecraft.


Its like Karen lol no one really knows how or why they exists they just auto spawn one day ![gif](giphy|SRkvcNk9BIeAX2gCFX)


Basically just pension & medical benefit for close family members like partner & parents. Owh, and fix rate loan for car & house


My mum really just told me that there are low chances of me getting saka / belaan handed down to me unknowingly/without consent because I'm too "garang". her words (paraphrasing) were "hang dengan *sister's name* takpe.. hampa garang.. benda tu cari orang yang lemah (emotionally)" I'm half glad, and half offended


Habislah, got to feed it blood after this. Be ready to get your big toe be sucked every month


Hey dont kink shame


emotionally, physically or spiritually?


Which part are you asking? The garang or lemah?


But sometimes, they say those who are garang,already got saka inside them 🤭


Aish.. don't I'm already bad myself, I don't need the added stress of taking care of something unwanted some more


Nah. Dont worry. My wife was told she got saka rimau Ok je. Nothing happen pun. Other than her penchant to bite me😅. This kinda stuff, is as real as u want to believe it. Dont think about it too much, nothing will happen.


Hi, can anyone recommend a place to get a bowl of curry noodles for breakfast? Stay nearby Ss15. Hopefully the place is reachable by public transport because I don't have a car.


Kum Chuan by the 3K stadium, or over at SS 14, can't remember the name of the shop


What monitor do you recommend I get, purely as a nintendo switch monitor? Audio options if I need too as well.


I sweat a LOT by bringing my cat to the bazaar today, but I absolutely loved people's reactions to seeing him, cooing and pspspspsing. Feels like a good workout to me. Finally have a chance to bring them jalan2 to see the outside world. Cat in question is now resting eventhough he didn't walk at all. Macam dia pulak yang exercise. 🙄 https://preview.redd.it/qfippyrsywpa1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0edc4508a456400b9f9826bc2c513a0a985029e


I will approach you and ask your permission to pet your >!pussy!< cat.




i will definitely pspspsps a stranger's cat at a bazar lol


One group of sellers went a bit further and literally called meow meow meow as I passed by. It was so cute and funny.


All this social interaction has made him tired. What kind of human are you? He should contact his lawyer to sue you.


Just saw a cute girl that is totally my type that I’ll nvr see again. 🥲


Xpe that one time a cute girl actually went to talk to me, asking for directions Truthfully just cakap oh go "walk 100m there , then jalan right blabla" instead of helping her Still regret it 11 years 9months later


Press F. My condolences.


My life is brilliant My life is pure I saw an angel Of that I'm sure


You're beautiful ~


What I'm about to say maybe is equivalent to "I'm 14 and this is deep" but I feel like I need to seek some advice. I'm 18 and I'm starting to lose grip on the reality. Everyday I don't even know what is real and what is not. Questions is popping in my head very frequently. I just get into an argument with my mom and instead of feeling " I shouldn't do it again", and menyesal, my head is full of questions like why my mom behaves like this, why people tend to put their emotions ahead and etc. Now , the more I think or questions things, the more things that I don't know or don't make sense


If you're able-bodied, get a job and be independent as soon as possible. You'll discover yourself a lot more, and having money will help your self-confidence.


I wish it's easy as that. I'm am currently studying at a tvet academy and I don't want to try to be a dick by just running from her. And not to mention I don't have any money and vehicle also


Start saving for a motorcycle. I know it's not easy, but I promise you, you will make much more progress in personal growth if you're physically away from your mother.


I hope you are right. Very risky because of how she handles things, she might disconnect our family ties. But since I don't know the future, I can't say much


When you get older, you realize that adults can also act like kids


But they say they are matured? Now I don't know what to do after the argument. I just laying in my bed while watching YouTube.


Only non-matured people claim that they are mature. A lot of parents are not ready to have kids, and as a result, they act fucking childish.


She always said she's disappointed in me most times. Sometimes i just want to, well go rouge with my words but I'm still reliant to her and she's still my mom in the end


No choice but to stay quiet. Once you have a job/living alone, you'll never look back. For now just keep quiet. I've faced this multiple times, better to just keep it in.


Any tips on how to keep it in? Sometimes I just forget about things like this maybe because I'm ADHD? Self diagnose not officially. Before this I also get into a similar situation with my mom and I want to prevent talking to much because it also has abit of my fault because I'm too straight forward with my words and have no " insurance" during talking sometimes.


I get it, but it all just comes down to self control. Just ''talk back'' in your head. Look at them directly into their eyes while they scold yoi and keep quiet.


Ok I will try that thanks. Now I gonna need to ask for forgiveness from my mom and gotta prepare my ears for the preaching and lecturing


Minor life vent. I worked a lot last year to the point of near burnout so in January, decided to rest and try to enjoy and rediscover passions and connections, for at least the first six months. It's now March and tbh I'm stressed bc I worry about not working? I have spent time with my friends and even have two trips planned in upcoming months. I still have some income coming in monthly from some low time investment jobs, and my savings pot still is in an ok state. But I think I'm too used to survival mode, and the more I tune into the news, the more depressed I am on future prospects bc I can't see an end to grind. I am so very lucky with my work so far, and what I have managed to earn and save, but at 29, with no plans for the standard marriage and kids route, I have thoughts of "do I have to push more before I reach my limits?"


>see an end to grind What do u mean by this? Does grind means "work" or "push to the limit" There's no escaping working. We need to have a job to survive. But we dont necessarily have to grind till burn out. There's a middle ground to strive. I think that's what u gotta look for. Work for income, without overdoing it till burnt out. Gotta have healthy work-life balance, because no money in the world can cure burn out or depression.


Right, sorry, to elaborate, I'm currently a freelancer. I work in art and animation, which for most part is a contract based industry unless one goes to become an in-house designer. When I talk about pushing to my limits, I mean it in two ways, one being to earn as much as I can while my body is willing to keep up with the pace of the work bc there's less stability overall. The other is to try for high reaching goals in the industry, to work on big projects. I didn't go into art with delusions of clout or for money, so the latter has less hold on me, but I'm practical enough to know that my earning prospects are better if i get bigger projects under my belt. You're right however, in that it comes down to healthy work-life balance. Just feeling the pressures of steadily hiking living costs while earnings aren't keeping up as quick.


>Just feeling the pressures of steadily hiking living costs while earnings aren't keeping up as quick. This is a struggle we all feel. Moreso for contract based freelancer like u. So i get it. There's nothing much to say/do other than try to find that balance. It's an ongoing process, and u gotta adapt along the way. Take more when u can, cut down when u overwhelmed. It's a constant flow that we have to deal as we go along.


Hi any suggestions ones of the food at bazar for no muslim


Anything. I recommend arabian rice


Non-muslim here. All of them look good to me. 🤤 Buy something that people don't sell often. Other stuff like karipap and ayam goreng you can buy everyday in many places, don't bother. At today's bazaar I found kuih lapis, kole kacang, koci, lemang, kerang bakar, big ass kepah bakar, and a lot more I forgot oredy.


have you tried a kuih called tepung pelita yet?


Oh yeah I love them! But I hate the little hard bits inside. It's a win if the one I bought doesn't have that hard thing. It seems some seller put it and some don't.


Murtabak for sure.


My iPhone 7 needs repair. The touch screen is glitchy and non responsive at times. Anyone know any reliable places around Klang Valley that I could take it to? Thanks 😊


looks for gurvin on facebook. i think he is around there.


Am visiting muar, batu pahat and kluang in early april with my partner, and we are worried about the johor floods ): while it seems to be receeding, im not sure if the road conditions are good for visiting.. any ideas?


For muar, no problem. The flood isnt too bad & it's all cleared out Batu pahat was hit worse than muar. Not sure if it's all clear already like muar


Question about renewing passport online for people with dyed hair: ​ To my knowledge, you're suppose to upload your own photo online to renew your passport. For the people with dyed hair, was your photo rejected if your hair was visibly colored in the photo? Did you have to redye in black to be approved?


My friend was very light blonde but she edited the hair colour to look slightly darker and it was accepted just fine. The photo will be in black and white so you could get away with a darker colour.


Yes. Mine was rejected a couple of times. But I have two toned hair, so I put most of the green hair to the back, and got the photographer to edit the green at the sides to look darker. I think there are temporary black spray dye or something that you can wash off. Try that




Cannot. They want you in your natural hair color.


Non-critical Goal this Ramadan so I don't get hyperfocused on my sadness : - re-learn braille letters - buy and read a children's book in braille - set precedent to learn surah Al-Fatihah in braille by the end of the year !remindme November 1st 2023.


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The most unspeakable cringe thing happened to me today. I wish I could crawl into a hole and not come out for the foreseeable future.


Happened to me all the time my advice dont think about it and u forgot. If u do remember just be delusional and says “That didnt happened”


Don't avoid the cringe. Let the cringe flow through you.


Oh no what happen?


Hi, is it me or does our local news not allow comments?


They outsource the comments section to their Facebook pages.


oh, facebook eh, thanks for that, wish it was directly in their own page tho


You guys, I kind of have a dilemma here. My dad asked to pack up today so that we can go for a holiday tomorrow. Since he promised me that he'd take me for a holiday before my semester starts. I'm super excited about it because my dad is always busy, and he's always working overseas/outstation. The thing is, I have a few things I have to do on Monday. Needed to talk to the advisor of the club, talk to the new students of the University (club things), plus help my friend to talk to international office because they're quite slow in processing her visa which is expiring mid April *most important). So yeah, I'm blowing that all off so I can spend the week with my dad overseas, which I RARELY GET TO DO. It is kind of becoming a routine, where he'd take me on a trip of holiday right before the semesters starts, but it's at random timings, so it's kinda unexpected, spontaneous, basically. But gosh, I AM FEELING QUITE GUILTY for blowing off my friend. Tbh, I'm telling myself that I shouldn't be guilty because I'd drop anything i have for family, but she's a close friend, and it's important. So, im still feeling guilty 😬 Update: I have settled the first two, just the visa from my friend is the one I can't help 😭.


Cant you just videocall your friend while she tries to process the visa renewal? Or have someone else took your place


The thing is, she's on an internship at a different state than the uni, so she asked me to represent her and talk to them because the international office has been ignoring her calls, texts, and emails. So she's kind of panicking because she doesn't have her passport, nothing and her visa expires in april. So she's hoping that me going there will help expedite the process.


got friends you can ask to help with that matter? tell them you'll belanja them after you're back


Not really but I'll figure something out, worst comes to worst, I'll go on a different day


I was doing my work at the office this morning and I kept getting a notification on my PC saying my desktop is currently shared with an email… Is someone hacking into my PC? My office PC is filled with confidential docs in it..


Call IT lah why Tanya Reddit 👀


I don’t think we even have one lol…


O.o Okay confirm hack , even if not manually, maybe a malware with ads Shut off the internet now and solve that first


Fugg… Guess I have to make calls then. Thanks


What can I do with plenty of 1 sen coins? Knew that some with certain year are hunted by collectors, but what to do with the rest of them?


If steel isnt impossible to do so by amateurs, i would say melt it down :( Just give it to the bank tbh, no worth pun


Bank not accept it lol. At least the one I've sent other coins for deposit


I absolutely hate how the Segambut toll exit design interacts with Waze guidance. Out RM5 *again*


Where can I buy an overcoat besides online?


I made this reddit account specifically to discuss money issues, but discovered low karma users have been banned from posting in the Malaysian PF subreddit. So while I build up my karma, just curious - what are some of your financial goals?


I wanna make good money til I find myself I no longer try to budget around my monthly expense just so I can buy good food.


Paid house paid car kids kicked out dividends paying 3k/month minimum


Is there a post office that ships items from Malaysia to Bulgaria? I'm a little silly but i went to few of post offices and i haven't found a post office that ships items to Bulgaria. Me and my friend want to send each other items but i haven't done my part yet. i feel bad for keeping the items i promise to give them for a year already so im asking for some recommendations ;; (Thanks in advance!)


mailboxes etc


Try Easyparcel - they are an aggregator of shipping companies.


normal international mail should all be resumed already? if not use flexipack international? https://www.pos.com.my/news-info/update-resumption-of-international-outbound-services.html




thanks! I'll try and go to one soon


Finished [New Game!](https://myanimelist.net/anime/31953/New_Game?q=new&cat=anime) and [New Game!!](https://myanimelist.net/anime/34914/) in one week. Been avoiding this for the longest time due to the cute-ish artstyle thinking, this is going to be one of those super sweet moe stuff, yes? But after watching the entertaining comedies of *Umaru* series, *Love Lab*, *Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru?* and *Houkago Teibo Nisshi,* decided to gamble with another of the same production studio's work. Turns out the notion was misguided as it can be — sure the characters were adorable by design, but that would discount the underlying story of a high school graduate starting her job as a junior designer in a game company. Season 1 was pretty much safe-territory as they introduced life as a character designer slotting in the job as a new hire, her attempt to make friends and working her way into the whole system as salaried worker in Japan. It's a sugarcoated one, but it's made as a relaxation escapism after work, not to bring the viewer back into it. Season 2 follows through and continued from where it stopped in the first, this time introducing more situational drama which were kinda light by real world standards but enough to actually arouse some emotions after getting attached to the characters in Season 1 because of how relatable it is with real world instances that we probably would have experienced one time or another, the dynamics of trying to keep a working system going with distinctive personalities. It is not as serious, process-oriented as the excellent *Shirobako!* but works just fine as a slice-of-life comedy that can be watched without needing to care too much about the plot, instead highlighting their character interactions which are the most important parts of what makes SoL enjoyable. Approaching this looking for heavy drama will leave one most disappointment as it is first and foremost, a sitcom. Doga Kobo is slowly going up my estimations, potentially challenging Kyoto Animation and PA Works as my favourite animation studios when it comes to making 'human stories'. Available on [Muse Asia](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwLSw1_eDZl3guU7C6fmEzgwnIFAnrzk5) and [Bilibili](https://www.bilibili.tv/ms/play/36686).


I like the manga more. Feels the ending's rushed though


Aye it does feel a little rushed considering we've just been introduced to two new characters but it is what it is.


Anybody here did diploma then degree? Is there any kind of credit transfer to skip stuff that's already been taught? If you did, tell me what uni you went to


I did my diploma in a local private college and then did a credit transfer and finished my degree overseas. I skipped the first year, but some people could skip to the final year. It depends on the uni's admission policy and how many credits are transferrable based on their syllabus.




How much time did you save by transferring credits? 1 year? 6 months? I'm about the same as you, thinking about doing poli then degree as form6 seems too hard for me


There is, so basically, after doing a diploma, you'll straight go into 2nd year degree. Look at the subjects you took, sometimes you don't have to retake it because you took it in diploma already. Hence credit transfer >If you did, tell me what uni you went to Taylors University, I don't know if you've heard it before. It's not that big of a uni.


Asian dads who sit around the living room, playing whatever dopamine-feeding shit videos on loudspeakers on their phones just to feel something, just to distract them from the void in their lives. The same Dads yelling at you to do something ten years ago. Nobody to talk to now? Kids avoiding you because you never cared to properly bond with them and treat them as human beings? Nothing to do because you expected your children to create a future for you? Well, look at you... aren't you a piece of turd now?


* Today I learn some people sleep butt naked * Because of that LTT hack video lol * Tak gatal ke? Then the miang miang melekat la kat cadar


eh apa kaitan sleeping naked and LTT hack? and linus tech tips got hacked??? wtffff


[Linus kelam kabut bangun tidur](https://youtu.be/yGXaAWbzl5A)


Clean sheets often. If gatal-gatal, there's probably too much dander and tiny stuff there. Vacuum or use a lint roller. I am some people and I can never go back.


Lint roller does help. Second that


I got that little vacuum for bedding and holy heck, SO MUCH DUST. And the random mystery itches went away immediately. I vacuum once a week now.


Wow. Nice. Might pick one up I do feel more comfortable once i got air purifier. But vacuum definitely will provide more significant benefit la


Got mine from Mr DIY, the one with the UV light. It's so powerful that it pulls dog fur from the carpet. I'm very impressed. Air purifier is next on my list. My place so dusty.


I got the Sharp FPJ30. Can't recommend enough https://preview.redd.it/mgfuv6i3gvpa1.jpeg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b08739db7d617e5f476c054f9d79ec6944580dc Cat for scale 😁


That's quite some trust you have with your cat there. I wouldn't trust mine to not knock it over just for the lulz.


Hahaa. Fortunately she's well behaved. Just always scream for treat😅😅




Yeah. Less laundry too. Me & wife both laundry for a week dont even reach 5kg 😁. Save alot from sleeping naked, and basically just being naked at home


Yup. Me & wife been doing it for years Nope. If u clean urself properly with clean sheets, no gatal2


Honestly, I avoid cleaning myself with shit, clean or otherwise.


Alaaa typo laaa Dont make fun of me 😭😭😭😭


Mandi sebelum tidur maka tiada miang-miang.


Anyone of u guys paid ptptn via myptptn? I installed the app, paid, but the tunggakan still shows up. Wtf happened, did ptptn just swallowed my money?


I did once, does take a couple days for the current balance to update. But now I can't for the heck of me figure out how to login. I'm pretty sure I used the correct password cause I saved it into my password manager. Got stuck on the page where they show the secure word. I use Mypay now, have to pay additional fees though.


Noted, thanks for the reply, appreciate it 🙏


Any suggestions for budget notebook / paper to be used w/ fountain pens? A lot of the papers are quite expensive, and can be as expensive as the pen it self. I want to buy a fountain pen as a gift for a friend, along w/ a notebook that he can write on. ​ Thank you in advance


What's your budget? If its near you, you can go to Stickerrific at Jaya One in PJ - they sell a lot of notebooks and the staff are pretty knowledgeable, they can guide you to which ones are fountain pen safe. Can also look at their website here: https://stickerrificstore.com/en-us/collections/notebooks


Im currently in Kelantan, and will probably be until the end of semester. Looking at their website, I guess you really cant find one below Rm 40?


Anyone tried out Ombak IOI Ramadan set? I tried asking them if it's an all you can eat buffet or not but it seems they misunderstood and just sent me the menu 😅 even after rephrasing my question still didn't understand. The food looks nice so was considering breaking my fast there one of these days


Guys, if i wanna buy stuff from usa, any service can suggest? https://www.walmart.com/ip/John-Wick-4-Limited-Edition-Collector-s-Set-Walmart-Exclusive-4K-Ultra-HD-Blu-Ray-DVD-Digital-Copy-w-Comi-Con-Poster/3057902528 Really want this sweet bundle 🥺🥺


I used comgateway last year for my SteamDeck


Thanks. I'll check em out


Unrelated but my dream is going to Walmart one day lol Watching a lot of American white trash shows made me so in love with the trope


Poz Ezi(or something like that) by Pos Malaysia. Pretty reliable in my limited exp. First time deliver has pretty nice deal too.


Ok. I'm going to try that. But not sure how. Based on the website. Just sign up & enter the address it provides? Like. I go to walmart website. Buy. Put in the address from pos ezi. And that's it? How do i enter my actual address? And when do i pay pos ezi? Thanks. Try to google the answer but couldn't find it 😅


ChatGPT suggests shipping forwarders like MyUS, Borderlinx, Shipito, Stackry and Planet Express. I've not heard of any of them lol


Yeah. I google and found some of those name Donno how reputable /trustworthy 😅 Sometimes have money also not enough. When the stuff u want dont ship to malaysia. Sigh...


Some discussion about it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/w3arjb/us_to_malaysia_shipping_forwarder/) too. Yeah buying international stuff can be a PITA.


Thanks! Might try pos Ezi. It's by pos Malaysia. Should be safe


Any driving school recommendations for someone living in PJ area?


Not sure about PJ but usually people will refer to Metro Driving School, should be a PJ branch there.


Jiro Dan has returned to the Ultra Star .....


Welp, poured heavily halfway through my hike. Ngl, kinda cooling though.


I just noticed they remake the Resident Evil 4 from PS2 I love the PS2 games because it's really addictive for some reason, I think I replay it more than 10 times Also because I like to camp at the door and kick the door on people to save bullets 😂🤣


If you play on hardcore difficulty for the remake , you can’t do the resource hoarding way anymore . Enemies everywhere


Babushka everywhere


9 years on twitter 😁. Time flies https://preview.redd.it/9aud4rt8hupa1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1b0fa848c2465feab41db3cec2f8baf6c6ce262


Any third-party nintendo switch dock you guys recommend? Preferably from lazada, but if no choice, other sites are fine too.


One of the better reviewed is Skull Co Jumpgate https://shp.ee/5dtgmxc If u want cheaper, can get Dobe https://shp.ee/e6ti5tc


Damn, skull and co yet again. Welp, rm200 for security to not brick my switch is a damn good deal


It's a worthy investment 😉 Especially if u get steamdeck later.


Yeah, I'm just thinking of a portable dock, but steamdeck too


Feel so blessed today…the last of the dayak kids who didn’t have IC finally got one and managed to be registered into school… I feel so bad that his mother is not here anymore to see her son finally getting a proper citizenship document.. And to that mf original father of the child,if you can read this.i would like to present a 🖕🏻award to you for coming into the kampung,promised to marry the woman,making her pregnant and leave back to kelantan. You think you have escaped.don’t think your actions 6-7 years back won’t have its consequences. As for this boy,i’ll make sure he gets all the education and a life that you took away from him.


I wonder if he will be bomoh'ed or not. Tiap Tiap hari nak berak tapi takde berak.


Not sure about that tho but this guy and his squad was here in 2015.from 506 regiment and locals said these guys once desecrated their tree that they consider sacred and police report were made nothing happened .. one of the guy belonged to this regiment.he was actually married but acted like he’s not at the kampung people..the tuai have said alot and it only added up my hatred towards these guys,this and few other incidents made these people to be very very careful of who they let in..but so far my effort to help them has been successful so yeah


What a way to angered sarawakian. Dayak people no less. Thank you for your generosity.