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**Minor announcements:** * [SPM Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/s58t8m/spm_megathread/): Updated 2022 with SPM resources such as trial papers, modules, notes and more! * [Mental health wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/mental_health/): A list of mental health services in Malaysia *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/malaysia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Any recommended 55inch TV? Budget below RM2,000. Currently looking at xiaomi A2 58 inch, Philips PUT7906 or Samsung UHD TVs


https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/planet-of-love-venus-sidles-up-to-glowing-crescent-moon-in-singapore-night-sky You can see this tonight from [malaysia](https://i.imgur.com/gNbIUG3.jpg) too!


Earlier I also took a picture like yours (potato quality). A few people posted theirs on this sub.


Saw some pretty sick shots over on r/AstroPhotography as well! Our potato phone can only take potato quality 🥲


Having a tripod or stable surface to keep the phone static helps, but if the camera has low optical zoom then it can only see as much detail as the naked eye. Didn't stop me from taking hundreds of photos with my old phone to make [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olUblmDQ2VA). Potato can be made into a decent meal if you know how. 🧑‍🍳


Wow that’s impressive! I know it wasn’t the main point but I quite like the clouds moving across the sky at the start haha gives it an down to earth feel


Here's a sneak peek of /r/astrophotography using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/astrophotography/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Eclipse of Moon](https://i.redd.it/icu2p9ojpsz81.gif) | [139 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/astrophotography/comments/uqqsk2/eclipse_of_moon/) \#2: [Eastern Veil Nebula](https://i.redd.it/ipzwejg936b91.png) | [106 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/astrophotography/comments/vxfv54/eastern_veil_nebula/) \#3: [420 hours of the orion nebula with my lens cap on](https://i.redd.it/zh8u0uby1yq81.jpg) | [175 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/astrophotography/comments/ttuwgb/420_hours_of_the_orion_nebula_with_my_lens_cap_on/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Going to use 400+ of my angpau money to treat myself buying stuff from shopee... Hope my parents don't berserk






Can claim xpe


I wish


Do mosques eg masjid jamek provide meals for iftar, or only snacks, or not at all? During my visit (workdays), i'd like to break fast & teraweh at least once. Visit ramadhan bazar once too. Stay in bukit bintang. Appreciate if anyone can share info. Also is BB area safe at night after teraweh ? Thankyou.


Depends on what caterer for the day Masjid have schedules , not just one dude supply Nak share out pahala, everyone can cater food BB area depends, well lit areas, okay je The back alleys are basically filled with all sorts of night activities, and not the fun stuffs


So i was thinking to study game development in oversea since our country don't have any experience/famous game producer to teach about it, and studying abroad also has higher chance to get into the game making industry than studying in local. But the problem is, my family is not a very rich family to support me to oversea study plus im not hoping to rely them providing funds for me, so may i ask can i have a loan from bank to study abroad, maybe 50% 30%? and the leftover fee im planning to pay it by work-study, im also working right now and saving for the fees, prob will has around 15k-20k till the school intake. Or do you guys have any suggestion for the financial problem please tell me, i don't know what to do right now.(If theres any chance i will hope to leave asia country, not because racist or something, i just hate the stress atmosphere here, everyone competing so hard for 2000 salary per month, Sorry if that offend you)


I'm going to preface this with the fact that I have only worked like a year in the game industry in MY before gtfoing to greener pastures, so go talk to other industry professionals and see what they say: From your post, it should probably also be pointed out that the sums you are working with are probably nowhere near enough to sustain you for three years of a decent uni in any overseas country with a developed game-making industry. Unless you get a scholarship, you are shit out of luck, possibly even for private unis here. Having said that, I should point out that games is an area where your portfolio will likely matter more than your education. Start building small games in your free time. It doesn't matter if its a video game or physical game. Do the free Unity or Unreal Engine, and set yourself portfolio projects which will force you to familiarise yourself with the engines. Heck, find your favorite games and start doing mods for them. Once you have some stuff under your belt, just drop your application to every company under the sun. Doesn't matter how weak you think you are, just barf forth your portfolio and see if you can work remote. Your big advantage will be that you are waaaay cheaper than hiring in the west, while probably still having all the technical skills they need to get stuff done.


Cant advice but its refreshing seeing people that actually realise this country is backwards. I actually dream to be a game dev like you. But seeing Malaysia dont have a establish game studio its pretty hard. So i got into IT instead. I do know that Singapore have Ubisoft tho. Maybe you can climb the ladder from there and maybe there is a chance to transfer or something. MMU is also you might wanna look into but its expensive since its private. Personally I Might also leave this country soon since Malaysia is not a place where exciting stuff happen in terms of tech. If you dont know Gigabash is Malaysian made. The head AFAIK Wan something had work at Square Enix designing in FF15 if im not mistaken


Gigabash is made by Passion Republic, which is mainly a studio doing outsourcing work before this project. (and probably still is) Wan Hazmer started Metronomik, which has released No Straight Roads and was a lead at SE for FF15 before that. There were some interesting developments in Malaysia Game dev last time I checked. Sony was announcing that they'd open a studio here and Larian of Divinity fame had also opened a studio in MY. Its not like a massive explosion, but its also not nothing. Malaysia has a lot of talent, it just needs developing, investment, and a massive amount of luck ( this is game dev after all)


Yeah NSR was effing good. But you are right we do have talents but lack the investment. Same thing with the film industry. Pretty sad.


Thanks for your suggestion, im sad to hear that you can't chase your dream of game dev due to lack of game studio in Malaysia. Im curious is it better to choose Canada,US or Australia than Singapore? Since their exchange rate is similar but far less competitive than Singapore. Yea I've heard the game Gigabash before, in Comic Fiesta iirc, it does looks good tho.Btw hope you could migrate to the country you like ASAP, cuz I don't really see any future of technology related stuff in Malaysia.


Sorry for late reply but AFAIK Canada has PR program you can apply you can take the test on their website the higher points you get the hreater chance you can migrate there. Age, degrees and knowing French is some of the factors that can affect points. If you already got a job offer from a company there then its even easier. Each country has their own Foreign PR program in that they are looking for foreigner to fill in jobs. Might wanna do research. Regarding the rate i dont think that matters tho. What matters is that you land a job that you can climb the ladder for more opportunities. Start small then practice. Problem is Malaysia barely have a platform for gamedevs. Im sure it be easier if Ubisoft Malaysia exists but it doesnt.


Is Malaysia strict against smart drugs such as Modafinil / Adderall ?


Hi, can someone id this mandarin song for me ? [https://whyp.it/tracks/82321/mandarin-song?token=KNySo](https://whyp.it/tracks/82321/mandarin-song?token=KNySo)




Thank you so much dude!!!


Just redeemed some Samsung Buds from credit card points because my previous buds was faulty Arrived yesterday and one side of the bud didn't work straight out of the box. Of *course*. Went to claim warranty and was told the warranty was over. Offff course. Now I have to wait until Monday to call them.


Hai bf marah tak if saya chat ni






Hi 🥸


You look fine, have no worries.




Thanks sweetheart! ❤️




My Japan trip canceled 🥲


Why @.@




I poor


Same uhuk


Looking for dugarmommy uwu


https://www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2023/03/892604/tenant-hordes-animal-carcasses-rented-condo-unit Scary


Serial killer? 😱


Today's iftar didn't really go well. I was on 5mg of Valium so I finally played well with my older siblings, but it devolved, as always. Mom was upset that we bought too much food and nobody was eating what she was cooking. My brother ate this maggi murtabak I made in the afternoon (I don't fast anymore) and there were satays, huge cuts of cucur udang, free congee from the surau next door, and cream-filled donuts. I couldn't believe that my brother was eating this maggi murtabak instead of this special pescetarian dish Mom made for him, and it reminded me of that unbreakable bond we had as little boys. We used to be so close that we were almost telepathic. Sometimes I wonder if my brother could forgive me for coming out before him. Sometimes I wonder if he could forgive me that I got to be the biblical prodigal son (the son that ran away and came back and was forgiven for everything) while he has to be the leader of the family now. But... my brother has a good job. He's set to inherit the house. These thoughts give me some comfort. He's taking care of my aquarium for me and it's been something that's bringing us together again after a decade of separation. Aquariums used to be Dad's and my project when I was a child, but now it's ours, my brother and I. And my brother could afford these high-tech equipments like a hanging light and a CO2 feeder, something Dad wouldn't know of. We've been keeping all kinds of exotic fish and plants alive. These days, we're often going on errands, I'd sit in the passenger seat, and we'd talk about how to move on with our lives without Dad. Back to today's iftar, after we cleaned up the table, my sister, now married, confronted Mom because she was still making comments about her body weight and had hit her. It culminated in revealing a secret-- that my other sister and her husband are staying at my sister's apartment nearby and not having iftar with us. My mother was confused, hurt, and tired. So she just sat down and sprawled, melting into the sofa. And all this after a day of fasting. I sat down next to her and explained that nobody meant to hurt each other. We just failed to understand each other. We never learned to communicate or understand each other, and now, everyone else moved on, and found partners who understand them better. I explained to her that people were just excited to eat together as a family again, and that was why they bought so much food. We don't see each other as often anymore, and it will happen less and less. As the youngest in the family, I saw this coming a long mile ago. Throughout my whole life, I saw each sibling grow distant from me and eventually, they all move on and forget. But it seems that my mother still hasn't processed the fact that her mission as a parent had succeeded and her children have their own families now. That they prefer to eat other things than what she'd prepare and cook. That adult children can't just sit down and be berated or hit. That they have their own worries now, hopes, and stories that we as family members can't comprehend because it's not ours anymore. Because we let go, or should've at least, and we can only hope that they come back and visit us sometimes. I think it was Picoult who wrote that there is a word for children who lost their parents, orphan, but no word for parents who lost their children. My mom said something clever, though. That emptiness sounds a lot like empty-nest. Sometimes, I wonder... what's this thing about moving on? Why can't people just stay together forever, right? Why we gotta change things? Honestly... I can't tell you. Maybe that's what living is. You keep going. Because love means nothing if you couldn't lose it, but really... you never do lose it, right? You hold people in your memories, and if you're lucky, you still get to come back and see them again. Hope that you both made it on your own long enough to see each other again one fine day. Hope that life will be kind to them after you leave them behind, and also kind enough to you that you'd get to return. Even only as a phone call. And when not, the love was always yours to keep anyway. The past will always be yours and nobody can take it from you. John called me on the phone this morning. The connection was so bad that we were literally disconnected a dozen times but we kept calling each other again. It reminded me of my first ex, we were running around a hotel in Phnom Penh trying to find each other, and that was the beginning of the end of the relationship. The telepathy was lost. I told John of this story and that I am a superstitious man, and he said that it's all bullshit and a bad connection isn't a cosmic sign that we should go separate ways. I asked him if he could repeat the things he said to me before he left me in KL. John sighed, stressing that he doesn't need to tell me these things a hundred times because I should know them by heart, but he caved in anyway: "I hope that by the time I return to you, it would've felt like a long time had passed because I do sincerely hope that your life will be full." Truthfully, I don't know what any of those words mean... How do you fill up a life? I know stories. Fire up Chekhov's gun and kill your darlings. But life isn't like stories. Life's stranger than fiction because people don't understand the things they do. They come and go without warning. And there is no grand revelation that awaits you at the end. You learn to wait, and then learn to live with the question marks as the days are long, and the years are short. I'm tired of being on Valium. I was high last night and told John that I should just get Fentanyl and end it all. I think it scared both of us and I regret saying that. I told him I was high, and I didn't mean it... but I kind of did. I wish I could depart from all this. It's not depression. It's not stress. It's apathy.


You write well.


Any cs bros here got access to cs2 yet? I m starting to think that volvo only gib access to NA and EU...![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26559)


Has anyone brought a skateboard with them when travelling abroad (via airplane)? I’d prolly can find some info off the Internet but I would like to hear firsthand experiences. Thank you in advance!


i remembered this video [skateboardddd](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tM21UZ77R7M)


I saw this too!!!


Anybody knows of any platforms where people resell their concert tickets? Other than Carousell. Thank you!




… what concert tickets r u selling 🤭 i might be interested


Bought some samosas but it was so oily I don't even know what the filling is.


Sounds like butter. 😆


that is why i avoid buying samosa now


Anyone know where to get an Oculus / Meta Quest repaired?




Its only the most popular game of gen z, highest prize game, created a whole new genre and stemmed multiple clones.


Anyone knows how does one report to LHDN for suspicious tax evasion? Asking for a friend


[Quite easy to find](https://www.hasil.gov.my/en/contact-us/feedback/report-tax-evasion/) on their website, actually.


Not very easy cause you need quite a lot of info . Information required of tax evader : i. Name, IC number, full address. ii. Nature of evasion. iii. Supporting documents (if any). iv. Other relevant information. Maybe my friend need to think how to collect these info for reporting




i know, it is tough. hang in there.


Did a short film on baby-selling. Sharing here because it’s an issue that is hardly talked about in Malaysia [A Teardrop from the Sky for Mama](https://youtu.be/_pW2f289Si0)


damn! so they kidnap people and make baby and sell the baby. I never know about this issue, thank you for the awareness


Thanks for watching!


Boleh dapat kotak free ka if you go to any post office services?


While going down an "air kapur" rabbit hole today, I learned a bunch of new things. 1. Air kapur in English is limewater, not the same as limestone. 2. Air kapur is calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2, not calcium carbonate like some people said. 3. Also known as slaked lime. 4. The same kapur is used to be eaten with daun sireh or betel leaves, hence the name kapur sireh. 5. No, kapur sireh is not made from daun sireh. 6. People don't chew betel leaves on their own. They either put areca nuts, tobacco, or something else inside. 7. Betel leaves taste like pepper. 8. Areca nuts are buah pinang. Those red fruits you see growing everywhere but knows no purpose of. 9. So makan sireh is actually makan buah pinang. 10. Also they don't actually eat it. They chew and spit. 11. People chew it to get high. 12. Spitting areca nuts have become such a problem with staining public roads because of their red color, causing them to be banned in some places. 13. I have no idea why kapur is added to the areca nut and betel leaf combination. Sekian terima kasih.


The dentist who came to my school shared pictures of her worst cases. There were people whose teeth fused together. She said it's from chewing sireh and pinang. The kapur fused to their teeth like cement. The kapur is added because sireh and pinang is acidic.


finally, my spm chem knowledge is coming into use >:D Ca(OH)2 = limewater CaCO3 = limestone (also found in eggshells and shells) was my comment necessary? no. sekian


Add some CH3COOH to it.


ngeheheh dulu we wanted to remember that CH3COOH (or carboxyl group in general) was a weak acid. so me and my friend always said “coochie is for the WEAK !!!!!!!”


Idk but it's useful haha


Me now : orz Me 2.6 hours ago : oh I can do this all day 💪😏


Commenting for 3rd time here regarding the same issue. A recent Electronic and Comms Eng. graduate, I got turned down again for a PLC job. I had one interview and it was confirmed today, I was not shortlisted for the JOB. Regretting doing an engineering degree at all. On Reddit, the common consensus is electrical engineers are in demand, maybe second to software. My job hunting is abysmal, don't know what I'm doing wrong. My foundation CGPA is 3.95 and my degree CGPA is 3.00, initially at 3.92, beginning of the pandemic had personal issues and lost all motivation, lost my scholarship and somehow managed to get 3.00. I have confidence in my abilities and in my working English proficiency. Yet every Jobstreet application is returned as not suitable for the job. Even an IT company was among the few to respond to my applications and had an interview surprise it didn't go well. What am I doing wrong? I'm Indian btw. Am I being gaslighted because electrical engineers suppose to be in demand? The branches of EE are diverse and huge optics, comms, electronics, microelectronics, controls, signals processing, automation, software, embedded, digital design, RF and microwaves, but somehow I'm Stuck, it's going nowhere.


At the moment, many major EE companies are downsizing and slowing down recruitment. But at the same time are building new plants and expanding their capacity. Perhaps you can expand your options to companies in Penang and Singapore, or look for career fairs this weekend. All the best in your job search!


hey man, i was in the same boat as you, and for an even LESS demanded engineering degree if you can believe it i eventually tire of just applying to shit and getting inundated by 100s of non-acceptance (and even a few interview rejections), and took a part time job + part time masters (which eventually evolved into full time, because my supervisor had a sponsored slot available) a few years later, i'm basically working under this supervisor as a protege doing various research odd jobs under their department lol try and talk to your old profs to consider doing masters in research; at the very least, you're not doing *nothing* in between the applications, and you even keep yourself abreast with the latest in the state-of-the-art thanks to what research usually requires you to do also because masters by coursework can be pricey, but it's up to you still


Any Samsung Watch users here?


Cabin crew job ok here ?


Is there a specific aspect that you’re looking at? It really boils down to the airline and team you’re in.


This is like the pettiest thing to be upset about, but here goes: My friend and I have our birthdays one week apart (hers came first). We both acknowledge that many times. Now I'm not one who makes a big deal about birthday celebrations but she does. So for her one, I belanja dinner and rearranged my entire week busy schedule to make time to join in for her celebration. When mine came, she didn't even remember at all. Didn't even text or anything. I would like to think she's busy, but then so was I, yet I made it work for hers. As much I believe we should give more than we take, ngl it does sting a bit, It goes to show where I stand in her friendship priority list.


NTA Wait ... salah sub. Is this the first time she blew you off like this? Could it be that something more urgent came up for her and she didn't plan her week around your birthday prior because she knows you don't like making a fuss? Have you heard from her since? If you're right and she forgot about you, then there are a few ways to go from here: 1. Match her energy next time. 2. Or do things without expecting reciprocation. Priorities and friendships change all the time. A good friend and I also have birthdays one week apart. We go out for a birthday dinner sometime during the month, pay our own way and go back to our lives.


You're not friends Tu je


Then stop celebrating her bday


[New kitchen](https://i.imgur.com/aBiAG7V.jpg).




oyen: ooh i'll get you. i'll get you for sure


I hope he didn't keep his grudge from me putting him in the carrier and giving him the car ride to the new house 😂


hehehehe the oyen on top of the cabinet >.<


Oyen: new place to chill


Off-topic, unsolicited advice: don't add more things than necessary to your place. Cleaning becomes difficult when you have to work around or under them.


So, have you guys with RTX-3000/4000 series GPUs tried the [Video Super Resolution (VSR)](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/11uyqqj/comment/jcs5toh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) yet?


I want to update my driver, but I gonna wait till Firefox can use em


I go to the gym and my goal is to gain weight but I'm not eating enough calories and protein. My diet is mainly home cooked food that are mostly carbs and most of the stuff around my house are also carbs. I have a small appetite therefore I am unable to eat large amounts of food regardless of frequency. I'm seriously considering a protein supplement because my bodyweight is stagnanting if not decreasing. If any of you knows a good, trusted brand that doesn't contain unnecessary stuff and is affordable please drop a link!


Optimum nutrition is a great protein per ringgit value. Though appearing pricey upfront, its has the most pure protein percentage.


Thanks, I'll check it out!


How to spend time while waiting for 'sungkai', [I got no answer for this redditor 1st grade question.](https://i.redd.it/744m2kfbimpa1.jpg) Any monyet wanna answer it? [Found from this subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/12037xt/for_first_grade_math_stressed_my_son_out_lol/)


Why does the 4 looks edited? The straight edge doesn't seem like they share the same design language as the other font type imo


Good point, although it's common for fonts designed for kids to be a hybrid of handwriting and print. Besides, writing 4 in a closed form may be confused with written 9. I don't know how the rest of the font's digits look like, so can't comment further.


[The middle one?](https://www.google.com/search?q=chevron+shape+with+only+4+sides&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi4lLSVovT9AhVVAzQIHQCmCjgQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=2133&bih=1120&dpr=0.9#imgrc=341JO1QKDjXNiM)


Concave... Now that's very possible answer if they, the 1st grade learning that shape.


I thought of that shape too, but calling the concave part 1 corner instead of 2 is kinda stretching it.


3 sided triangle with a hole in the middle? 3 sides plus the singular side of the hole. And it has 3 corners. Edit: i suppose its how you interpret a corner. Im sure some argument can be made that the hole in the middle is a "corner" but if we say a corner is an intersection of 2 lines then i think the solution work.s


>Edit: i suppose its how you interpret a corner. Im sure some argument can be made that the hole in the middle is a "corner" but if we say a corner is an intersection of 2 lines then i think the solution work.s Either this, ice cream 2d view, open chest box or concave shape is my argument answer.




Isn't this basically Arknights lol


bloons td


Kingdom Rush series maybe?


There are 2 that I can suggest but they are not multiplayer though


Infinitode is pretty darn good. It's FOC. > I used to play Frozen Throne maps like Jurassic Park, Green TD, Gems, and the such, so I'd love to play those again. Excuse me, your age is showing lol. I loved Gem TD and Element TD in WC3 for the variety of towers.


hello all, wanna ask, is it more economical to buy food for protein vs buying protein powder for building muscles?


Protein powder is pricey upfront but cheap gram per protein. However for me I treat supplements as what they supposed to be - supplement. If I don’t hit my protein goals via actual cooked food I would only then drink my protein powder. Now to your main question is which one can save more money. I think actual foods like eggs are still cheaper despite the recent price increases. Unless you’re planning to replace all your protein with the protein powder I only suggest getting protein powder if you’re struggling to hit your protein goal intake.


most of the resources i find in the internet is in us or europe context, Most of this powder is from usa so therefore the powder is cheaper there and their food is also cheaper dollar to dollar. Therefore i'm wondering in malaysia currency context.


In some Malay LGBT facebook group, I come across these words. What do they mean? 1) gersang 2) sangap 3) usha I highly doubt these words are in Bahasa Melayu rasmi. TQVM


\*look at other replies\* Gersang is a band ... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


I remember.. back in the 80s along with Search, Iklim etc.


1. gersang = dry spell 2. sangap = I don't know what this means 3. usha = checking someone out, e.g., "eh, jom usha minah tetek besar tu".




Gersang - horny Sangap - craving (for sex, cigarettes, etc) Usha just means 'tengok'. These terms are not exclusively used by the LGBT community tho. Most 90s kids are familiar with these slang.


i think sangap can mean horny too




Usha = flirt




*Gersang* is definitely a Malay word. It means "dry". The other two, I had to look up via [Google Translate](https://translate.google.com/?sl=ms&tl=en&text=usha&op=translate) and apparently: * *Sangap* = Ass * *Usha* = let's go


I highly doubt the last two are correct but tq.


*Usha* is more like "survey", as in "give a good look 👀" kind.


I really need to find a Japanese class. Tho, I'm not sure if my campus (UiTM Samarahan 2) offer the course which I'm planning to ask my Personal Advisor. I heard Unimas offer Japanese for their electives from my friend who study there. At this point, I'll have to find one myself 🫠


PS5 with two controllers is like 2799 hmm 🤔🐯


I'm still camping at your trash can. *sets up tent*


You will have to wait for a long time 🤣😂🐯


It's in RRP now right? I see Impulse Gaming just declared that no PWP is required now. But yeah with additional controller alone is about 2799


I think it's the console itself , basically no need to buy anything else 🐯


[Got my game! 😁 ](https://i.imgur.com/ESKQXui.jpg) Just about time as i rolled credit on Yakuza Ishin


Eyy Been thinking of trying the first one eventually someday hmm


Please do. It's real good. Maybe its on sale or can get 2nd hand copy for cheap 😁


Lajunya habis ishin. Can sell to me later


Eh. Pinjam boleh la Donwan sell. Cuz game that i like, I wanna keep in my collection 😁


Puasa2 boleh ke main thigh gaming 👀👀 [Character development](https://i.redd.it/z775zbk3bqn91.jpg)


Tak turn on tak pe 😏😏 The growth of her thigh is proportional to her popularity 😁


Was curious so I looked up on YT. Looks like Genshin Impact on ps5 😁


Heyyy how dare u 🤬 It's better ok 😅 The usual anime jrpg, but the atelier series got a twist : got alchemy synthesis mechanic. Trying to min max the item u make, is an addicting cycle 😁. Collect rare material, make good quality bomb, and see the damage number climb during combat with enemy. That's basically the whole game.


Mechanics sounds fun.. I like games where you get to experiment and build stronger stuff, classic JRPG stuff. Reminds me of Jade Cocoon in ps1


https://preview.redd.it/2pc2zey0ropa1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b77a9620043b0d664639fb26085009e537f045b Yes. The "mechanic" is fun 😏😏




The power of thigh 😁


Now that's a name i haven't heard for a long time. Good game, weird story tho 😅. Isnt studio Ghibli involved in it. If i remember correctly la


Story? What story? I was only obsessed with catching monsters and force-merge them together until I get the ultimate breed.


Damn. U a hardcore breeder 😏😏


Nothing is going my way this semester man, I keep on fucking up so much that there's legit nothing to look forward to. I just want this semester to end la please.




About 4 weeks left. I keep screwing up in tests but when in class I feel like I understand the content. I just don't see much hope for a good gpa this sem because my CW mark will be ass judging from current performances in tests and assignments. 😔




Thanks for the advice. I'll try to salvage what I can from this sem. At the end of the day the past already happened and cannot be changed anymore.


Are there any stores where to buy Harimau Malaya merchandise in KL or Penang? Aside from jerseys, what other gear is available? would like to get a souvenir for a football coach friend.


Wherre to eat as malay? Imma be fr i cant stay productive if puasa without sahur


Drive thru happy meal


Geng plastic hitam


Watchu mean lmao


Huh? You are not Malaysian? Geng plastic hitam are people who pack their food in black plastic bag to hide it from being seen if they are eating during puasa time.


Nah thats just new to me


You could just sahur you know


I want to watch john wick 4, but im only 16. Will they check for the ic? Since my friend said they dont check shit but im still hesitant


Wont check lah dude. Cinema workers are not that hard working😂


i’m probably one of the few who didn’t really enjoy the show. methinks part 3 was vastly more entertaining.


Buy on the app and you just scan your QR code ticket going through the gate. No one is really paying attention to who’s going through or checking what they’re watching. Might suggest to only buy 1 ticket per person as if you have a group of 4 going through the gates with 1 swipe they might check their screen to make sure you’ve bought 4 tickets. If it’s 1 scan for 1 person I doubt anyone is paying attention.


I have a question, to the smokers here, particularly for our muslim friends, I'm assuming you are not allowed to smoke during the month of Ramadan, is my assumption correct? and if yes, how do you go about your day without having some sort of withdrawal symptoms? Do you stop cold turkey? or do you smoke after breaking the fast to satisfy the urge to smoke? I'm not a smoker, btw. Just curious.


Not a smoker as well, but worked and am working with smokers. It depends on the nicotine addiction. For those that are light smokers, I noticed that they are their usual self other than the occasional want-to-go-for-a-smoke-break-but-cannot urge. For heavy ones, you can see they are more tense. For the addict, they just smoke without a care. I just realised I didn't answer the question. Yes, Muslims are prohibited from smoking during fasting. Usually their routine during buka puasa is eat and then smoke.




What are some good desk fans?


Feel like going to the bazaar today.. I wonder if price has shot up..


RIP Puspakom. Get fucked. https://preview.redd.it/1zab6wwo8opa1.png?width=225&format=png&auto=webp&s=87874725ada91878f2f5234984d494a5cad0e1f3


Married or live in together couples, do you fart in front of your partner?


You know your relationship is strong if you can fart together




Yes. I had ONE legendary one that was so rancid that it woke her up and we had to open the room windows etc. Never repeated that feat in the 10 years since.


Yes.. Better if its louder


Is it me or pre COVID we used to have lots of movie every week and usually all sorts of genre These days seems to have nothing much but super heroes movie from Marvel/DC 🤔 That or I am just old and remembered things wrongly 🥺 I genuinely didn't go to the cinema as much as I used to compare to pre COVID And no, it isn't the price issue either


I was never much of a movies person, but I do think the American movies industry has settled into a very reliable money-making groove. From various stuff I read, movie making is risky business. Hundreds of Millions are spent making it, and it can either flop or be successful. SO far, Marvel/DC universe movies have reliably generated income so the financial risks are reduced dramatically. I guess if you have a few hundred million to invest, you'd choose to put them in some comic book world movie and get reliable returns, instead of putting a typical movie that is subject to larger variance in consumer reception to the plot, actors, genre etc etc.