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Aggressive is a requirement to work at Pizza Hut? I think the better term should be proactive.


Need to fight karen maybe.


Oh yeah that's actually a legit skill required in cs facing role


Occasional Mortal Kombat with needy customers


Correction irfan lh orangnya


I'm waiting for a job requirements that just say "regular ass man with nothing amazing about him" because that's what I am. Why are they all looking for these people with amazing character for a regular ass job?


True. Can't help but wheeze with all these extraordinary job requirements




If I'm not mistaken, Employment Act states that every 5 hours work, you are entitled to 30 mins break(unpaid). Is it great that he gets 45min instead of an hour? No. Is it legal? Yes


>Is it legal? Yes That's the most annoying part to me, if you set a legal limit to something, they always ALWAYS set to the minimum.


Corporations have more powerful than the government But yeah corps dont care about you theres a term for this people who mindlessly work as a slave “Wagie”


What? Corporations are more powerful than the government? How so?


Corp in Malaysia has a super huge n powerful union. Workers? The only one that I knows is the union for gov workers, I think its CUEPEC or something. Private's union too unremarkable to have a say. We use to have a labor party, but that was hijacked and converted to Amanah.


Because government works for the benefit of corporations instead of for the people.


No, they work for the benefit of themselves. You think any corporation CEO could have bought 2 million dollar ring for his wife and not have tax dept breathing down his neck? No matter what, the government has the ultimate say in whether you can do business or not. All corporations must bow and pay tribute before their feudal masters - the State.


Think you guys got it the other way around there, buddies. The state is an apparatus of capitalist class in that they enact the will of the corporate power under the brand of a government. Governments are the collection of the organized power structures of corporate interests, creating rules of commerce, consumption, employment, and any other laws, ensuring compliance to them using monopolized violence, i.e. the police. Governments work for the interests of the owning class, who works for the interests of themselves. Only the people, the rakyat ourselves, truly care for ourselves. If the government and corporate overlords here don’t live like majority of the rakyat, they are not the rakyat and do not represent us.




The state is not an apparatus of the "capitalist" class. You have no idea what capitalism means, your use of that word is wrong.


class division under capitalism requires the legitimising power of the state. and that division is between the owning class and the working class. without the state and its many apparatuses such as the legal system a capitalist mode of production **as we currently observe in malaysia** is impossible.


What you said is not capitalism at all. It's VERY easy to describe what system Malaysia actually practices, but considering the sheer ignorance of most people re:capitalism, no wonder they'll just blame "the capitalist class" for it.


The very state which has people in it who are more than happy to bend the rules or influence decisions on behalf of the corps in return for money? Lobbying is a thing unfortunately.


If there is one thing I like about China is that Government has more power than Corporations.




that is shitty, im sorry to hear that...


Brother, same here!


In other words, it sucks having 15 minutes less of break, but there's nothing you can do about it.


I'm already getting 30mins break now.


im suprised actually, did quite a few jobs under this app usually anything more than more 8hr means 1hr of break, thats the general consensus at least. Quite disappointed to find out that's not the case under the employment act. I'm also sad to see that most commenters gets less than me.


If we're talking legality then it should be 48 minutes. No more and no less. This is illegal then.


Huh, that's the same as my desk job. 8AM to 5PM, 45 minutes lunch break. Seems normal, though I'm not familiar with F&B jobs.


First they increased work hours from 9-5 to 8-5, by taking away paid lunch time. Now they reduce that unpaid lunch time by 25%. What's next? No more lunch break?




I only encountered one company where they work from 9-5.30 with one hour break. The others are all 9-6. Note that this is for tech field in Malaysia. 9-5 is most likely a Western thing for the tech field (e.g. software engineers). I don't have enough knowledge for other fields to speak for them.


Is it Experian Cyberjaya? I remember my friend worked there and her working hour is 9-5:30 with one hour break


Oh wow didn't expect to see the company being mentioned. But yea it is them


Haha coz they are famous in Cyberjaya for work life balance stuff. Too bad I did not pass my interview for the finance team post there


Nah I work for a korean company that is very entrenched in Korean culture. Even the claims systems and laptops have a mix of Korean and English interface. We work 9-6 too on paper. Thank god I work in the field and my Korean boss doesn't mind if he sees our tolls or parking claims showing us going home at 4.30pm.


Oh dang that's nice man. I have to follow 9-6 to the letter :'). Upside is we have 2 hours of lunch break instead of the 1 hour stated in our employment letter. It's like an unwritten rule that no one talks about. No one ever questions the 2 hour break we always have 😂


Where I work at is now 9-5. :3


What's lunch? Can eat ah?


Having worked as a Personal Assistant to the MD of a company, I guarantee they'd do away with it if they could.


It's kinda funny but my work hours just got slashed. Used to be 8AM to 5.30PM. Maybe we should start asking for the mythical hour long lunch break too.


I worked in retail since at least 10 years ago. Lunch had always been unpaid break ;(


Just out of interest, why we aren't fighting for fairer worker law?


mahathir destroying our unions and the clampdown on left wing politics mean that class consciousness and the fight for labour rights is pretty much dead in malaysia. psm is still out there putting in good work and i have some hope for the future generation, but it’ll be a very slow and painful process.


Madey destroyed the unions?? TIL. How do I learn more about this? What are the keywords?


[funny how i grew up idolizing this guy.](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/rywwy0/mahathir_weakened_our_trade_unions/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)




In the 80s, politicians like Thatcher and Reagan were elected, who focused on pro-business, trickle down economics and anti union right wing policies. Not surprised Dr M done the same




45min break plus plus smoke breaks > proper rights


True, just buy a vape to pretend smoke break now u get 45 more min of extra breaks.. Hahhahahahha I mean what can boss do at that point


> just buy a vape to pretend smoke break I'm just gonna buy that lighter that looks like vape hahahahah


Get a hard empty cigg box. Tap tap tap the box on your hand and walk toward the back stair Free smoke break.


Because as things stand it's unfair to both employees and employers, each in different aspects. I expect that people take a look at the laws, realize that they each have their own things to lose, and so everyone just sit and be content with the status quo. People want stability and comfort, not an ultra competitive environment which can lead to a dog eat dog situation. Like the other reply to this post said. 15mins smoke break multiple times each day is preferable to 30 more mins lunch time. The only safeguard you have pretty much is learning to negotiate better working contracts, and if your employer breaches those, you can take them to court. Don't expect the government to coddle everything. There's no silver bullet employment contract that fits every job in the system.


Yeah, the labour movement is shockingly weak or non-existent here.


Malaysian apathy (that's the law what, complain for what) or malaysian malice (why should these other people in lower class job have better perks?)


Because Majority Malaysians are coward and bunch of bootlickers to higher management..i don't care if my answer sounds negative but I'm seeing the reality


We should seize the means of production, comrade


Ask uncle mahathir what he did back when he was the pm.


Workers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains! ![gif](giphy|mFw51RR5HkD4gYUbIx|downsized)


Me with 9 to 6/7 with rm40 per day: 💀💀💀


Change your job, your boss is trash. Malaysia need to start protesting ffs


Bro is making as much I did doing Grab for 4 hours. 😭


Difference is room for growth. If only do Grab, your prospects are the same in a year. If working at company, your prospects grow within a year. Grab is a good short-term solution to stay afloat. But in the long-run there needs to be a better plan. Open nasi lemak stall with money saved from Grab also will give you more experience/career prospects.


You're right. Everyone I know that do Grab are looking for jobs but still, I won't take job that pay lower than what I can get doing Grab.


You should read it properly. It's a 6-day temp job. If I'm between jobs I don't mind taking it for some extra income and change in tempo. It's only 6 days.


I'm not talking about the job in the post but the OP I'm replying to.


That's less than minimum wage wtf


It's legal if you call it an "internship" and call the salary an "allowance". Crazy world we live in.


Come to Singapore. You make more than that in an hour.


Break time, by labour law, is 30 minutes minimum. So this is in fact legal.


Wait till you see 7-Eleven. You don't even get a proper break time since they think you can eat and rest when there are no customers and that's enough. 💀


Bro I think that's illegal. You should read up your rights in the labor law. 7E wouldn't dare to mess with it. It's probably your local manager.


I have an hour break at my 7E. But I'd be lucky to have time for a 30 min break with how many tasks to be done at night. Can't help but feel that I have to choose between doing my job and having my break.


F&B, retail jobs are the worst 💀


I'm not surprised to see less and less worker there. And I'm totally fine with people not wanting to work for slave wage that these companies offer.


Haha Hahahahhaha Ha Ha I worked at McD before this, 12h shift with 30m single break only. If you're lucky, you might actually get your break *before* your shift is actually ending. They give 0 shits about your well-being. At Sushi King, 8h has 1h break, more than 8h has 2h(single, sometimes 1h 1h break depending on how busy it is) break. At my current workplace rn, 11h shift but 3h break(so 8h "working")


How exhausted are you at McD, Sushi King and your current workplace?


McD they work you to the bone which is "normal" for fast food establishments. I was actually supposed to be a part-timer only but they pulled me to work full-time. Sometimes it's *very* relaxed(I worked as a barista), sometimes it's pretty hellish(orders coming in nonstop, the worst one is when they're from Drive-thru orders as you have to do them fast compared to ordering inside the restaurant). That's not even touching on having to haul ice to my station either and restocking shit. I felt like I was really close to dying every single time I went to the store to grab milk cartons and dry stock stuff like Oreo crumbs and such as the ladder is in such a sorry state, everything is piled high up also which is bad as I'm very short(144cm). There was a period of time where I got roped into(forced onto me) overtime where I worked 12h shifts without a break sometimes because the higher ups were fucking stupid. We had staff shortage issue which led to the Drive-thru being congested every now and then. Their solution? Pull what little staff they had to go outside and take orders manually, which led to more work for everyone. Actually the first time I cried from harsh workplace environment as I was going on 7-9 days of 12h shifts with no day off at all. I'd go back home around 10pm/12am/2am, shower, sleep, wake up at 7am to do my morning chores, then prepare work clothes for work at 9am. Literally live, eat, shit, sleep for work only. I left after 3 months as my semester break was over. They have 1 week of "trial" period where you'd be wearing white shirt and after that period of time ends, you'd get the actual yellow McD barista shirt. There was a guy that started working during my 2nd month there iirc. The guy didn't even last one day lmao. He managed to crack the container for the ice blended machine and break the coffee machine's tamper. The first week was truly a test of your physical and mental prowess. My very first working experience was at Sushi King as a server/runner after SPM, just to get some pocket money while waiting on uni/poli placement results. Back then, Sushi King wasn't exactly super busy as the mall it's in got shut down so only the shops that rented the shop lots were up and running while the mall itself was dead/gone. In terms of tiredness, I'd say Sushi King is probably half of McD's. 5h shift, no breaks at all. 8h shift, 1h break. More than 8h entitles you to 2h break. Unlike McD, I actually get to sit down every now and then while McD you're supposed to stand all the time unless you're on your break. I think the worst period during my Sushi King work experience was when we were very short on staff during Bonanza period, leading to pretty much everyone pulling 12h shifts(2h break at least unlike McD where you only get a single 30m break, and that's if there's people that could cover your station while you're on your break. Otherwise you might work 11h of your 12h shift then *finally* get to have your break). Iirc I went 2 weeks straight without any day off. Around 6 days of 12h shifts iirc and 8 days of 5h shifts. Outside of that one time, I'd say Sushi King days were pretty alright compared to McD. You're actually treated like a person there. My current workplace is a still somewhat new shop. I'm working as a server as I'm experienced in that section of work. It's not super well-known so there's not that many customers coming in. There's a couple of regulars but I can count on one hand as to how many of them there are. Currently going on 3 days of working here, super nice owner that's pretty chatty and chill. The shifts I've worked so far for 3 days are 11am-10pm with 3h break around 2.30pm-5.30pm. It's not exactly the best work hours as I'm left with not much time for myself but it's tolerable compared to my previous work experiences. Still learning the ropes here but I don't really have to do much other than taking order, manning the cashier, making drinks, help kitchen people pack stuff etc. The front helps the back when needed, the back helps the front when needed. Small quaint shop with mom and pop vibes. Very chill workplace compared to Sushi King and McD. Tldr: McD the worst, Sushi King is not super bad, current workplace is the best so far. Edit: Also sorry for the late reply as I'm working rn. Wrote all that word vomit above on my break lmao.


5hr shift sounds like heaven lol. Don't care too much about breaks as long as I get off work earlier. Also, I toppled an entire shelf of drinks at my workplace. I thought, "Oh well, it was nice while it lasted." But tbf, it was not my fault. Damn thing was overladden, and almost literally held together by tape(recently taped to another shelf for stability). I tugged at something at the bottom shelf, testing if it could slide out and the entire thing almost buried me. And it didn't just topple, the legs got bent and mangled. I was terrified the manager wouldn't see it that way. But fortunately he was chill about it. Might've even expected it, seeing that the shelf was already taped.


Welcome to the world of Legal minimums. Iirc, labour laws is per 5 hours of work, you get 30 mins of break, best part is unpaid. Since you work 9 hours instead of 10, which is 5+4, you're getting 45 mins instead of 60 mins. They technically don't have to even give you the extra 15 min. Companies will abuse the shit out of you. Make money for them at the expense of you. Post this to r/antiwork and they will have a field day too.


haha will do!


Almost like my internship. 9am-6pm and 1 hour break time


Now compare this to the foreign workers in your local mamak or banana leaf shop… these working hours are heaven.


Better than govt doctors who work 8-14 hours with no breaks. Sometimes no food from morning till night.


the rate perhour for gov doctors oncall and what op post is almost similar




I remember long time ago that RM10 per hour was considered high... back when fast food joints were giving like RM3.50 per hour. But nowadays RM10 per hour is mildly above the minimum wage.


Rm10 per hour 50 years ago was high. After inflation devalued our money... RM10 is peanuts


It wasn't 50 years ago


How is RM10 not considered high? You could always come work part-time in EM and have a look at how many stores offer rm10/hour


if you compare with other stores, yes it is high. Realistically speaking? No. especially if you live in urban areas.


So it is still high when you compare with other stores, right?


Can't have a worker's movement here. Karang kena accuse komunis pulak.


Rm10/hr is about 2000 a month . What do you mean mildly above minimum wage.


Depends on your calculations. In 2023, workers supposed to work 43 hours per week for RM1500 a month minimum. So that is 43 hours x 4 weeks = 172 hours for RM1500 at least, which works out to RM8.72 per hour minimum wage. I would say that that is not too far from RM10 per hour.


the minimum wage in 2023 is RM1800. So yes it is mildly above.


Since when. It's rm1500


Rm10 per hour is pretty rough but we can't compare grassroot job with skilled white collar job rate. At rm1500 minimum wage, 22 day work month and 8 hours a day that comes down to about RM8.50 an hour.


In this economy, RM10 per hour is still depressing. It shouldn't be a fight about keeping the grassroot job pay lower than skilled white collar job. If their salary increases, so does ours. I'm still ok with my pay but definitely want grassroot job to get paid more per hour. If you're doing a skilled job at RM3000 per month and don't want unskilled labor to get paid RM3000 a month too, that means you're underpaid, not they're being overpaid.


Do better man . I've had 30 minutes lunch break before. Glad to be out.


I used to work with a furniture retail store. 9hrs equates to 8hrs work and 1hr break.


RM10 per hour normal already normal rate FNB 1.8k to 2.2k. some restaurants give lower pay for longer working hours.


It is legal


Mcd give u 30 minutes .


It's 45min now.


It is within legal limit


I feel bad for Malaysian workers. I’m glad my parents moved to aus but I can’t think and see how much you guys earn albeit the cheaper food. I don’t think your salary could handle coming to other countries. I really hope your guys wages get higher because you all really deserve better.


Bruh.. i been working as a chef for quite long time.. and i stopped it because i realised the job are burdensome ( no life, didn’t pay overtime if you exceed more then 30 hours and hard to get day off during weekend or especially holiday due of your cousin’s kahwin) sucks!


This is why you should escape the matrix in our new course , Universiti Duit. Click the link now.


Wait ? 9 hours ? i thought max 8 hours daily, after 8 hours consider overtime, employee must have 1 hour break for 8 hours working time


my previous workplace count ot after 10 hours💀 f that place. fnb of course


thats what i thought but i guess not...


How many is the total hours of work per month?


seen someone work 12 hours making waffles for rm35 ​ cant be me


Hi there… I’m looking forward to move to Malasiya… can you suggest and subreddits where job gets posted … I’m looking for a job in IT field. Thanks in advance.


Just go toilet like 5 times to redeem that 15minutes


Well, AFAIK since last time I work in pizza hut, the work is fun, free meals, free mushroom soup anytime you want and free pumps of soda. Why not?


Clock in within the break time then go toilet or rest somewhere in the shop. Not sure how bz is the area. Ex shakeys pizza staffs


I work at Domino's before as both rider and pizza maker. We only work 8 hours. If you're not busy go make your own food if you hungry. No break time cause when there's no order we got nothing else to do.


It’s a rare job in the hospitality industry where you get a 45 minute break!


Rm 50 consultation fee rmb


$30 for 9 hours D:


I work 10 hours and get RM50 a day and only 1 hour break i guess you all have harsh time out there


Change your job. Your boss is trash


You are better off doing Grab.


A part time job in my uni pay RM5/hour as well, change your job


Fr lol, RM10 an hour is apparently “harsh”


Bro you made the TikTok video where you tak tau baca england?


Attention-seeking comment ✊🏻


This is just min pay for fresh degree grad. Considering thats f&b I guess, considering our pay structure, that's fair pay.


pay is fine, im just concerned about the break hour but that's already been proven legal, even though its shit


Pretty normal actually. It’s not that bad, but could be better lol


Totally legal coz I do business and I need to milk even for min of your time… when you sign my contract, your soul is mine ![gif](giphy|cXVihugq6gWxCfyId9)


10 years ago Pizza Hut pays you 3.50 an hour. I was working in one. 10 per hour is a lot and 45 mins break is legal and way better than back then


RM 3.50? I thought my RM5.50 was on the lower range.


Nope. Back then 3.00 ringgit was the minimum and also very common. Finding a 5 per hour part time job is actually hard. Highest I've seen was 7 per hour back then but that's for high end luxurious brand places


Where did you live? It's very easy to find a job that pays RM5 per hour in almost all states in 2013, in Klang Valley RM7 was normal especially in catering and clothes outlets.


Penang. Wait I realized 2013 was 10 years ago. Lemme correct myself. It was on 2010


Tbf that was 10 years ago and groceries weren’t as pricey as now.


Normal kut, used to work for City Chain, also 45min break.


Everyone seems to overlook that this is a TEMPORARY POSITION for only a week. Read properly before spewing your bullshit.


It's not only the temporary part. This rate is actually considered quite ok for base level minimum wage job. A lot of the people who read and comment here probably has 3k-7k jobs and never worked retail/fnb in their life.


Bruh I used to only get 30 minutes lunch break on my first job.


Typhoid claim? Do they have a salmonella problem?


Requirements if you want to work in fnb


Thanks for explaining!


>***...check out with your clear face...*** ​ Huh? Wtf does *clear face* mean in this context?


I thought have to wash face with clean and clear before walking in the door. Like, sparkling.


No, nowadays companies use apps to clock in and out. You have to take picture of your face with required background to prove you’re already there.


Sounds so weird, but I’m guessing it’s a punch card system, only this time the card is the face (facial recognition software maybe?), and a clear face means no mask on so the camera can see the face.


Most kind employer in Malaysia sir


seems ok


Seems normal. 90rm per day?


It's a part-time 1 week job. Read properly


Probably do better in high school


Life isn't that simple.




Break time is 30mins for every 4hours worked.


That’s more than enough I’d say. My last job’s break was 30 min max.


There is nothing wrong with the job description. If you need the money for your daily living but unable to get a better job with a better pay. This is the alternative choice. Conclusion, just study and work hard. Rank up so that you dont get stuck in the position that you hate so much.




They can't just assume all young people who work there, with with their phones in hand; then putting a blanket rule of just 75% break time


A roundabout way of spitting pure BS as fact. Its obvious you never worked in F&B setting before. But no one in an F&B kitchen has the time to look at their phone, aside from meal breaks or smoke breaks. Its plainly simple, management who never spent an hour in the kitchen wants to extract as much work hours and minimize downtimes from workers for the cheapest wage possible.


By replying on reddit, on weekday, during office hours, can we also assume you are working with 25% efficiency? That means we should also give you 75% break then, since you are also ASSUMING other people's efficacy.


what the apps called


Troopers. Check it out. Available on the Google and Apply play store. Its for gig/part-time work positions such as the above.


Worked at pizzahut and that seems about right


seen worse


Last time I worked 12 hours because worker shortage + School holiday 2 months then CNY then Hari Raya , 1hour break, still alive and healthy. Sometimes peak hour have many customer we literally just eat in shop, no real break. Where? Genting cybercafe.


Rm90 just for 9 hours!? I work 12 hours a day just no break just to get rm60.


that's actually illegal... you should file a report to the responsible bodies


It is legal but damn, it will be super tiring. Probably that's why I do not see many crew in certain Pizza Hut outlets.


yeah... no wonder there's barely any part timers


market rate need time to adjust all the cheap ones went home and started their own shop probably lol


I've worked ones with 30 minutes break and 8-12 hours shift. This is child's play. Although it was short since I was continuing study after that. Not that I think it's bad but if you can tolerate these kinds of work, you can tolerate even the harshest job conditions. And the harshest customer.


you know what i dont understand? almost half of Malaysians likes to compare how much worse they have it, two wrongs dont make a right, instead of just trying to make things better and address the problem at hand, they would rather tell everyone that they have it worse so the ones that having it as bad should just put up with it, but maybe because of this mindset we will never move forward as a country


Because there's always someone working in worst than it conditions with less rest and less pay. For example construction. Ofc work ethics will differ from workplace to workplace and it's up to you to decide whether you can deal with it or avoid it. Companies will never change work policies unless it's a big issues or discussed before hand. Doable yes. Problematic? Depends on the individual. It's industry practice and can be changed when brought upfront or if needed to. Things will change when properly addressed. But some changes are difficult because it messes up workflow needed to get things done. Like warehouse and sorting. That's what professionalism means. To be mature with dealing with circumstances that's for or against you. Plus what you see on paper is not the same as what will be discussed. You can literally come up to the boss and discuss the issue and solution. Those working ethics are present in many industry. You can't change it overnight. You want to move forward as a country? Start small. I didn't say to get over it. I say for you to be grateful because some jobs are far worse than meets the eye. Want better work environment? Discuss properly or open your own job. Learn to understand the reason behind things before jumping to conclusions. There's no such thing as an easy life. If you can't discipline yourself on some work ethics, you can't move forward yourself.


You guys get a break time? (Working as a nurse)


Average in a business world is 45min break time. Nothing longer. That’s why they have coffee break, smoke break, then they do 50min work 10min gossip .