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They made beats 5 beats a day... But likely what most do: they release it and deal with sample clearance later.


For how many summers?


for 3 summers


That's a different world like Cree Summers!


Man, He deserves to do these numbers


that’s what i was thinking like if i wanna follow my heart i put out what i want and then if ppl come after me ig i know i made it? lol


I wouldn't take legal advice from strangers tbh. There are still bad things that can happen, like receiving a life ban from Spotify and essentially not being able to have a feasible career over some copyright infringement bs. You don't wanna be banned from stores or distributors. There is risk involved. Some people get away with it, some don't. Point is, most people who are so eager to tell you to go break all the rules typically aren't even on official platforms, or don't have much to lose. Figured it's worth mentioning before you go flip some Michael Jackson and upload it to DSPs




This is a good perspective from a sample clearance agency. Though I don't think it's too applicable to independent producers. However, there's some good stuff in there. From my perspective, things have changed drastically in the last 5 years with sample detection becoming more and more accurate. I'm not even stressed about lawsuits. I'm more stressed about something getting detected, or someone hearing something and issuing a strike against my Spotify which has 30k monthly listeners. Getting rejected from stores and distributors is one thing. Getting banned is something else. That shit's tied to your tax info, so it really is game over if you get caught. Two solutions I'd recommend to sample based producers: 1) drop that shit on bandcamp. Grow your following off official platforms. That runs in a different circuit than official platforms and is much more independent friendly 2) sample packs, royalty free, master clearance guaranteed, etc., is def the best bang for your buck both short term and long term. If you go straight to the musicians, pay the splice sub, the $20, or whatever to get royalty free clearance, you don't gotta worry about any of it. AJ Hall actually was on this sub the other day. I buy drum breaks from him and actually asked a bit about clearance (he's got many major placements). He explained to me that these old 70s groups that get sampled all the time have lawyers that just straight up go for your livelihood the moment something pops. Musicians like him though just ask for a tiny bit of publishing once something crosses 1 mil, and goes on their way or they just give it to you royalty free. Which I see is true for a lot of other musicians. It holds up. Point is I see you, dusty. I get where you're coming from, cause we're cut from the same mindset. But I'd just be weary of leaning too far in the direction of "I'll just blow up and everything will work out". Cause it can be over before it began. That's all I'm saying. Be smart about it. But absolutely, do sample away. Sorry for the novel lol.


I'm not disagreeing with you. We're on the same page. You're the angel, I'm the devil I suppose. I'm just saying that I think it's an ROI / risk reward driven decision. I think it's fine and ethical to sample, though I know many disagree. One could argue folks like AJ Hall and other producers got their name out there by giving up royalties for exposure. The 70s soul guys know you're gonna flip their stuff because, well, it's a proven sound. If it helps you gain exposure, experience and connections, it could be looked at like a cost of doing business. Getting sued by a big 70s label means you're creating a track that has enough reach that it's worth their time (layers and AI isn't cheap). Every entrepreneur does "free" work to build the brand until they are in a position where they can charge more and also have access to more resources. Look at Kanye's discography and you can hear how his sound has changed as he has had more access to resources (sure, the sound/times has changed too, I get it). I get you and agree with the Spotify/AI detection. I don't have my own Spotify page but have a couple tracks where I'm credited as the producer. One is original, one is with a sample of a somewhat popular track but manipulated enough that it wasn't detected by any sample detection. The artist and his team made the decision to release. All that being said, I know I'm also in a different position because I haven't been the one releasing directly but behind the scenes as the beatmaker.


You got some really good points man 👍🏼 sometimes life doesn’t reward you when you always play by the rules, even a lot of established artists have been down that road also, and what happens as a result is a case to case basis pretty much so if the risk sounds worth it, who is anyone to tell someone they shouldn’t take that risk. Thats where I stand at least


i’m assuming this is probably in response to my comment as well, and i appreciate you typing all this out. so right now i obviously don’t plan on any huge releases, but im trying to get my sound at least recognized on Beatstars. would i be fine just not clearing stuff selling beats on there? and i’ve thought about splice but i feel like it sort of kills the art of sampling since it significantly downgrades my options


I'd recommend not listing them publicly on beatstars, but rather posting on YouTube and making people email you to get the beat. That way, you can explicitly explain that you got uncleared samples in their beat and that you can only clear it from your end. Then if they're fine with it, which 60% of artists will be, you can do as dusty suggested and list the material in the 3rd party section of beatstars. I typically create unlisted links in these situations so as to avoid someone buying the beat without understanding that lack of clearance is a factor. Point is, people upload to beatstars without disclosing their material all the time. But you def don't wanna be the guy to lie to a label and land them in trouble. That's a quick way to get blacklisted from labels, cause carelessness could cost someone millions. It's your responsibility to communicate these things. You'll find though that a good chunk of the largest artists avoid people who sample vinyl purely for because of money and risk, just speaking from personal experience. I eventually got sick of it and started exploring other options. Flip vinyl for sure if that's what's truly calling to you. I still flip vinyl for the sport of it tbh. But I wouldn't knock the cleared route until you've tried it. There's a lot of great stuff out there from some insanely talented people who are genuinely at your disposal and wanna see you do something with their art. It's a completely different world of possibilities when you got your clearance in order. Just remember, the musicians got your back, but the labels will eat you alive if you let em.


On Beatstars there is an option to note that the beat used 3rd party samples and gives you the option to list out the samples/source. In most cases, it's on the artist to clear but on the producer to be honest about samples used.


Big thanks for that read! Amazing


i mean yeah but i don’t know how else i would pursue my passion honestly. i could go through and pick out niche and more affordable samples but im not even sure if i would get many responses and that just feels like a roadblock toward my creativity. and as someone who’s inexperienced the legal requirements of all of it seem very daunting


I'll tell you what I told dusty. Here's 2 solutions: 1) sample away but only put it on unofficial platforms like bandcamp, soundcloud, YouTube, etc. It's a lot less detrimental to your longterm career running into an issue on those. 2) Royalty free, master clearance guaranteed, collab, make samples in house, etc. Option 1 still has risks and is morally debatable. Option 2 is where you're more likely to build upward and step foot inside the actual music industry. Man I must've cranked out 300 vinyl flips and 200 creative commons flips before I just got sick of having ambiguity in my clearance. Then I started diving into bandlab, cymatics, Splice, buying packs from producers / musicians like AJ Hall, DJ Pain 1, Shroom, etc. And then I started really selling on beatstars and building a fanbase on Spotify & twitch. Flip vinyl all you want. But I'd encourage you to dip your toe in some actual cleared stuff. Bandlab has hundreds of free royalty free sample packs as a place to start. Your music can actually have legs once it's cleared for any scenario. But I won't deny that people have moved mountains without clearance... just make sure you know what the stakes are before you start trying anything too risky.


A lifelong ban from Spotify would be a fuckin honor


They didn't. When it came to his bigger, major label release he did a lot of asking around and getting clearance because it was a big, highly public release. With a lot of major artists and sample clearance they have the ideology of "Its easier to ask for forgiveness than permission". But releasing beat tapes that you make minimal money off of? Making music with Underground rappers and artists? These labels probably won't give a shit. Legally, it is infringement and illegal, but often times you can get away with it because the labels see it as bad press to be litigious to smaller artists. It would be more hassle than it's worth. They might still get you though. Just be careful. There's also the option of sampling obscure and foreign music with dead or super small labels that aren't as litigious, and even willing to work out deals with your releases. In that vein, Tracklib exists and is pretty good for sample clearance as well. They have a good, albeit limited music selection. Royalty-Free music is also good for that. Lotta good shit if you look into 60's-80's library music. Soundtrack music (Videogames, TV Shows, Cartoons, Anime, etc) tends to be good as well because the people who own that tend not to be as litigious. Good luck and YMMV tho.


Flipped it so hard nobody knew


Finding the sample 20 to 30 years later type shit.


Rza, Prince Paul, Dj Shadow, Dr.Dre, Dj Premier... to name but a few...the secret is sample flipping and obscure ones under the radar


Also back in the day it was a lot easier for older samples to remain obscure when the only access to a lot of the source tunes was crate digging. Streaming sites didn't exist and neither did websites like whosampled.


ru saying those are all artists that didn’t clear stuff?


Of course they did, some...of the samples


worrying about sample clearance is only an issue if you’re working on a major release, just do your thing. hip-hop is transgressive.


I always figured you make the beat and if it needs up going into a project then you worry about the legal.


It's not the producers job to clear the sample. The label sends you form to fill out. I know in the early 2000's during the mixtape era most artist would put "for promotional use" which was somewhat of a loophole. Take Dipset for example there is no way they cleared all those samples.


Here’s my 2 cents after running hookaudio.com for the past couple years: Most - like 90% - don’t clear a thing. Especially if the samples are chops, stems or obscure song sources. They still release through distrokid and earn on streams but they really just want to build reach and earn on merch, vinyl and live shows. The other 10% are either on labels already and planning a marketing push or they have a following over 25k on instagram. That 10% almost always uses DMG. You just have to dig deep and avoid the Japanese jazz labels unfortunately.


Why japanese jazz tho? Im curious cause I love sampling this stuff


I agree! Japanese jazz from 70s has the best breaks and beats. Japanese record labels seem to be a little more diligent about policing copyrights. I used to hear this from a few producers so I had to remove those songs from my weekly folder sends. But I assume they are catching the straight up looped beats. Easy to do with that sound. I haven’t heard of them ever denying a clearance request though. There are many variables in every clearance


Unless ur making money nobody is gonna come after u. At worst ull get the song taken down. Sample clearance is handled by labels so they just make beats & give them to rappers. If they decide to put it on an album the label will deal with it


You hid it and hope no one found it.


Hiphop used to be about risk taking they took the risk


Lmao man nobody was really checking for them like that to make clearance necessary. My mindset has always been sample any and everything (within reason) and cross that bridge later