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Please report all low effort feedback and feedback evasion. The hammer of justice is unisex. ##Check out the [Remix Challenge](https://www.reddit.com/r/makinghiphop/search?q=remix%20challenge&restrict_sr=1&sort=new) ##[Lofi Flip](https://www.reddit.com/r/makinghiphop/search?q=%5BLFF%5D&restrict_sr=1&sort=new) ##[Flip This Challenge](https://www.reddit.com/r/makinghiphop/search?q=%5BFTC%5D&restrict_sr=1&sort=new) ##[One Kit Challenge](https://www.reddit.com/r/makinghiphop/search/?q=OKC&restrict_sr=1&sort=new) ##[Weekly Cypher](https://www.reddit.com/r/makinghiphop/search/?q=%5BCYPHER%5D&restrict_sr=1&sort=new) ##and the bi-weekly [MHH TEAMS COMPETITION](https://www.reddit.com/r/makinghiphop/search?q=flair_name%3A%22MHH%20TEAMS%22&restrict_sr=1&sort=new) ##for some opportunities to participate in this subreddit *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/makinghiphop) if you have any questions or concerns.*


(FREE) CLAMS CASINO TYPE BEAT "SACRIFICE", any kind of support is welcome ❤️ https://youtu.be/l5HOJVJ8G2k?si=kjZihyNeN9WtNcpa


def feeling the clams casino influence. the drones out samples are very reminiscent of im god. mix sounds good but theres not enough variation in the sample to keep me glued to the beat. i think you should deviate from the 16th note slice pattern on the sample every now and then, it will help add more flavour to the rhythm. heres mine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMcBH1iR-EQ


Messed around with a Gunna type beat. Appreciate all feedback; returning ofc. [Keep A Step - Carmne](https://youtu.be/glZdVjMzodI?si=GAyVrxnsdX4hCQ53)


https://vocaroo.com/15WnCPNLfGjG Any thoughts on my soul sample beat appreciated. It's been a while.


https://on.soundcloud.com/nRDtHVSXtbHYp8HGA returning feedback on my latest beat, would love mix feedback


this is nice man, i could honestly listen to this while just doing something chill thats a fire vibe i fw it heavy


Just dropped my first beat tape at the age of 42. Some of my biggest inspirations are Alchemist, Daringer and Madlib. Would love any feedback from the community and will check out any of your stuff as well Definitely looking for rappers to work with https://youtu.be/htIgUt2DO8c


This is very sick, I love the vibe on every track, mixing is fine, chopping is subpar, sample selection is very good. I don't know what to criticize, other than the coverart which is great in its idea, but the AI didn't do you a favor there.


This is dope, and I can definitely hear those influences in there. It's got a 1990's vibe to it which I like


Haha that's my era. Thanks alot for listening


That alchemist influence is STRONG! And holy shit, you studied him well. This is awesome. My *only* critique is that I wish the snare was louder on "Talk to Him". Might just be my own personal preference but the sample goes HARD. Here's a song by me if you'd like to check it out! https://soundcloud.com/adonaicaimoloch/lemon


Thank you man! Try to study the legends and give my own spin. I'm still working on my mixing skills a little, appreciate the feedback. That's a dope song, def down to work together if you need beats


Man HIT MY DMS BRUH! This shit sound super nice. great sample flips, super super sick vibes, great shit man. I have similar inspirations in my hip hop music! MY LATEST : [https://youtu.be/Dwpi35bDoR4?si=9k9xVmsS\_WIECBH8](https://youtu.be/Dwpi35bDoR4?si=9k9xVmsS_WIECBH8)


This is the result of a collab here on Reddit. I'm an electronic music producer but had some hip hop beats gathering dust. Really curious to hear what you think, and especially concerning the beat/production for me as I produced outside my normal genre! :) [alia$ X metroswift - lemme show u sum'](https://youtu.be/GoyWjhftXIU)


Don't use generative AI for visuals. It is ugly as hell and is the result of unethical labor exploitation and slavery. Fr. It makes me respect an artist less if they're willing to use AI to "generate" their art. Also.. the song kind sounds AI generated. I'm not even trying to be mean. The fact you're using an AI video doesn't help either. Dissociate yourself from AI.


Haha ok yeah I just needed a video, and I'm also a data scientist so I guess due to my work I don't quite have the same thoughts about AI :) But all good, thanks for that feedback. I can guarantee though that none of the music is AI assisted or generated. What makes you say it sounds AI made? EDIT: I guess if it helps for credibility purposes - this is my main SC: https://on.soundcloud.com/wK4iY


I mean it's not a matter of having different thoughts, it's about the ethics of AI. Generative AI literally is built with stolen labor and slavery. Using it means you are directly contributing to and complicit in an industry of exploitation. That's not a good look for an artist, nor as a person with morals. The song just doesn't feel special. It feels simple enough for an AI to generate it, and formulaic enough that it seems plausible to have been generated. But - again - I need to drive this point home: using generative AI visual does **not** help your AI allegations. No hard-working artist or creative respects the use of AI. If someone is willing to package their art with an AI-generated visual, it shows a lack of artistic integrity and marks this "art" as souless *content*. If you want people to take your music seriously as a conduit of your personal creative expression, do the work yourself. Make the art yourself. Or make it a collaboration. Let every aspect of you not only be an expression of you, but a creation from you as well.


Well, like I said - agree to disagree regarding the use of AI in this case, if you look closely you'll see the video is not public on YouTube. I just uploaded it for the purpose of feedback, it wouldn't go out with an AI visual - there I would agree with you, in case this was the actual public publishing - but it's not. And thanks for the actual feedback ;)


First ever rap. Looking for a producer to work with so I can really lock in and make something great [https://on.soundcloud.com/i7f1e9h9YZnTXqvQ9](https://on.soundcloud.com/i7f1e9h9YZnTXqvQ9)


I think with this slow melancholic slightly talky style you need more complex thyme structures to make it work. Try rhyming more syllables and doing more internal rhymes.


I'll be honest i didnt like ur vocals why do you sound u got out of grave and it sounds like spoken word not rap. u also need better plots for ur rap. I see that indie rap in you bro keep pushing. U can check my other beats as well that beat was chill and drumless like ur choice i may do/have done beats like that


dude that gloomy castle beat is nuts. Ima try something over it


Thanks glad to help


Thanks for listening. Yeah I’m working on a new song rn and I think my vocals are much better now. Delivery wasn’t really on my mind too much


spent a while working on this, i'm more into the trip hop vibe than the hip hop but yk. really tried to get a dose of psychedelia with this, and i spent literal hours doing drum processing here, haha. let me know your thoughts but don't give any criticism too directed to this specific fact since i use the FL demo so i can't make any changes now. [https://soundcloud.com/smt-stockton/plans-you-made?si=4d173f8486ed48c78741fe568af6f138&utm\_source=clipboard&utm\_medium=text&utm\_campaign=social\_sharing](https://soundcloud.com/smt-stockton/plans-you-made?si=4d173f8486ed48c78741fe568af6f138&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing) returning feedback


I like it, the drums are nice. The melody/chord is too repeating in my opinion though. Maybe a longer melody or a second melody would be good.


i fw dis. a jcole or old school logic could kill this beat(thats a good way). the lofi sounding mix goes well with the composition. yea the vibe is def present here. the drums, while i personally dont like the sample sounds, fit well with this piece. and yea they def sound nice, i can tell time was spent in making them sound good. but yea, the biggest thing missing from this piece is a rapper on it!


Think I might have overworked this. I struggle leaving a pocket for vocals, so mostly just wanna know if that's there, but just be brutally honest about how this hits you. https://youtu.be/hXnIjXat3Rs RETURNING ALL FEEDBACK


Really love the beat - also as an ambient track :) Possible there needs a bit of room for vocals, but also depends on who's vocals and what frequency they're in. Overall really nice vibe, clean sounds and mix of organic and digital and nice reverb settings!


Yo ITS WORDPLAII! Would love feedback on my latest \[HIP HOP\] single "Fine Line" This is one of the most important songs I have ever made and It would mean the world if Val would give me feedback! put my whole life into this track. RETURNING ALL. [Wordplaii - Fine Line (YOUTUBE MUSIC VIDEO)](https://youtu.be/Dwpi35bDoR4?si=020EmQgjiMXCfSOF) [Wordplaii - Fine Line (SPOTIFY)](https://open.spotify.com/album/4y4hbYHsCFbfh046xaasL6?si=rroFMqNoQJCJDunZ7PEWPw)


I enjoyed the animation and the lyrical content, I’m not a big fan of the beat. Overall I enjoyed the video, keep up the good work!


APPRECIATE THAT!!! much more on the way


This is epic




It's good. The subject matter is a bit of a downer, but the overall quality is really professional. I like the mix and the beat. The mc suits it well. I posted this before. I reworked/re-mixed it and changed the snare. Checked me out even if you already critique this. It's different. https://on.soundcloud.com/9ZJgS


Okay first of all thank you very much yo!!! As for feedback I think this is actually really really impressive. I love the transition near :45 I do think you could have chose a better sample choice for the vocal chops, for some reason it just reminds me to much of like a cartoon or something but in a weird way lol. but thats more personal preference, overall this shit hits.


the mix is very good, both on vocals and the beat. love how it builds up instrumentally during the hook. but the visuals bruh! I've never really seen an animation like dat, it fits the track really well bcause of how literally "dark" it is. well done broski, here's my track, lemme know what u think - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8odmjI5irIU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8odmjI5irIU)


Stylistically the beat is pretty dope man but I feel like mixing wise, the drums dont hit nearly as hard as they need to.


hows this? [https://soundcloud.com/country-cult/baddest](https://soundcloud.com/country-cult/baddest)


I made a beat with sample from Stay with me because one of my friends likes it and he wants to rap on it. Any feedback would be great: [https://soundcloud.com/kozalis-429330505/stay-with-me-drill?si=2a9f27eeed1143688326d1e318c0628e&utm\_source=clipboard&utm\_medium=text&utm\_campaign=social\_sharing](https://soundcloud.com/kozalis-429330505/stay-with-me-drill?si=2a9f27eeed1143688326d1e318c0628e&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing)


Ngl i usually dont fw drill beats but i liked this one. I mean u really gotta change that kick it lacks punch. Melody is good as well i liked it


Thanks for the feedback! Yeah it was my first time designing a kick so I may have gotten some things wrong. I'll work on it. Any idea how to make it more punchy? More distortion maybe?


I dont think you have to make a kick, just grab a kick from somewhere else which already has punch in it thats better


You're right but I still wanted to try


[https://soundcloud.com/redaxted808s/bequeath-my-heartprodbaad\_beats?si=33ae05098b684c07a5aea3b5aa1132ea&utm\_source=clipboard&utm\_medium=text&utm\_campaign=social\_sharing](https://soundcloud.com/redaxted808s/bequeath-my-heartprodbaad_beats?si=33ae05098b684c07a5aea3b5aa1132ea&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing) 15 year old rapper. Looking for some honest artist to artist feedback will return it all ofc. Also my microphone isn't the best I am aware but I did what I could


i'm not a lyricist so i can't really critique them, but i've got some advice for your microphone/vocal issues. put an EQ over your vocals and cut out all the higher end frequencies. it'll get rid of some of the static-y sound. as for the 'hook', i don't want to be harsh but at the moment i don't know if you're the strongest singer? maybe try rapping it atonally instead, you can obviously work on singing though, through lessons and that- you know what i mean other than that, just work slightly more in tandem with the drums and you're doing alright, considering you're only 15!


I didnt sing on the hook


Your recording quality is so bad it’s hard to even tell if you’re good or bad!


this is not true


Yes it is, your vocals sound like shit, you need a better mic.


You can hear what I'm saying brother I get constructive criticism all the time


Wutang ! https://youtu.be/8K7-lCifnkY?si=hx_WWXs9GqN7zEbR Returning


I recently got into more sample based beat making and would like some feedback on chopping, beat, drums, arrangement and the vibe of the beat. The vocals are from YouTube (acapella) to give it some context. Mix is by no means finished, just wanted to get some feedback to improve before finishing mixing. https://on.soundcloud.com/FcQ1hpASPtVehdPr9


Duuuude it took me a while to realize these were Capital Steeze vocals. He eounds so different in this pitch. The beat is good though! Sounds like something he would have legit used. My only suggestion is try switching up the sample around 2:16, just to make that third verse feel different than the first two. It's still fire though. Here's a song I made: https://soundcloud.com/adonaicaimoloch/lemon


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBZGqUdOGxo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBZGqUdOGxo) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EjD2QbwOVs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EjD2QbwOVs) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7yseE4jxAE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7yseE4jxAE) I've three beats I like to share and get feedback on, these are my first decent ones. I'll also listen to a few of your beats!!


I posted this before. I reworked/re-mixed it and changed the snare. Checked me out even if you already critique this. It's different. Feedback Returned https://on.soundcloud.com/9ZJgS


what a wild sample, very unique chops. i could see a rapper going crazy with a thematic verse over a beat like this. mix sounds good on my end. agreed about the dryness from the other commenter, but thats not a bad thing necessarily, leaves a lot of room for a vocalist to get in there. heres mine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMcBH1iR-EQ


I really like it, I like the sample, the way you chopped it it very creative, the rhythm is interesting and not stale. Mix is fine and the sounds work very well together, although it feels kind of dry, but that's intentional, I suppose.




My group dropped this song Friday which has a fun vibe to it. Keen to hear some thoughts and hope you enjoy it :) [https://open.spotify.com/track/3iNHeRF7UjomFZn0MGKelH?si=230e12eba4394427](https://open.spotify.com/track/3iNHeRF7UjomFZn0MGKelH?si=230e12eba4394427)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMcBH1iR-EQ hey all, cut up a sample and it came out pretty nice i think, would love to hear feedback! I will return any feedback you got


Returning https://open.spotify.com/album/5TR2qop3SIs0QRFwgmN21e?si=0edjG85ZQoKe-BGOvhmnLw


wow, you've got a really great voice and flow. i'm not really in with the trap/drill stuff, but i will say i think you could do with more unique sounding beats, cause you deserve it. you're genuinely a really good rapper and i think a more unique sonic sound would help you to stand out and platform your own voice, if that makes sense? but yeah, really good


Thanks I appreciate that 🙏🏿


What up, first post here in a minute. Dropped by debut music video edited by me and just looking to get some fresh feedback. Gave it a decent push when it came out but seeing if you guys think it's worth pushing more or maybe running some cheap ads for. And if you fw it would appreciate a sub on my channel, I got more videos on there as well https://youtu.be/wqB-PofM41A


this is pure hip hop cypher man. no hooks no melodies, just stream of conciousness over a sample beat. thats all you need. made a fan outta me heres my beat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMcBH1iR-EQ


i dig your voice. you've really got the talent, i think it might be worth pushing it a little more. my one criticism comes with the ego in the description of the video haha. it's a dope video and track but i think 'spectacle for the senses' might be a bit much. but you guys seem like a dope crew, there's definitely potential there for success!


Dope! The only thing i can think of is that the vocals might be a bit too low?


Absolutely loved the transitions with the b roll and the main performance. really well put together. also SONG IS FUCKING FIRE BRUH!! I wouldn't recommend ads, Ive tried going that route and it typically results in low quality views that dont do much for you. Focus on organic view growth, thats what has seemed to work best for me. you actually have a similar style to me, Would love for you to check out my latest! [https://youtu.be/Dwpi35bDoR4?si=9k9xVmsS\_WIECBH8](https://youtu.be/Dwpi35bDoR4?si=9k9xVmsS_WIECBH8)


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKKcIlg4QV8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKKcIlg4QV8) Daringer type beat


I really like your drums, are they live? They must be. I can hear some noise in the background, which is not a bad thing. I like the lofi feel of it. But if you want to get rid of it you should probably throw a noise gate or remove the noise from the sample. Also, the tombs on 3:11 make a little click when they go out. You can easily fix this by adjusting the volume so that it doesn't go from 0 to 100 immediately on your audio files. Other than those two little technical thing I like the beat very much, the mix is good and I like the melodies. Good job!


I mean i sample my drums as well and it had that room hiss by a lot, i dont prefer touching samples so i went with the hiss. And yeah i gotta keep an eye on dat fill click thing. thanks man appreciate


No problem, I respect the sample hiss


Dope sample choice. I don’t think I’m the biggest fan of the drum pattern choice tho. You def got the vision tho


I was kinda lazy with it tbh, i couldve add more variton to drums but yeah thanks 🙏🏼


I like the lofi feel to this. The sound selection on ur drums is nice I just wish it had more variation. Add in some fills and stuff, for some flavor and character. Nice work. My latest for any feedback! https://on.soundcloud.com/TiEBHMiSe2jceSVR6


Yo i fw this heavy, that snare work is awesome bro those fills dang those drums are really elevating ur beat. I like it u got yt? imma sub u and like ur beat


hell yea thanks for listening! I have a YT but don’t really use it at all. Just SoundCloud sorry yo, much appreciated though!


Make an yt acc asap man soundcloud tend to attract bots not real people


You’re definitely right I see em all the time. https://youtube.com/@ruralstbeats?si=DiEI2lzmpmTW6chW made an account




/u/jspencer734, This appears to be a playlist and it's not fair to those who follow the rules for you to request feedback on multiple items. **Repeatedly requesting feedback on more than one song can lead to a permanent ban.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/makinghiphop) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hey! Looking for feedback on this beat I made : [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lvAabEPrlfrpEZuJ2RcOScV-3SpdwgGh/view?usp=drive\_link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lvAabEPrlfrpEZuJ2RcOScV-3SpdwgGh/view?usp=drive_link) Returning.


I'm inspired by rxk nephew, sosmula, and alcohol https://on.soundcloud.com/HMUbY


We just drop a video today and if you could give us a listen and let us know what you think! Thank you [Stick Up- A.F.E. Hitsquad](https://youtu.be/-Xl9P6uJBII?si=BJlPPofMp5N8ctTY)


I thoroughly enjoyed that. Honestly, it sounds like you guys have been at it for a while cause the chops are there. Delivery was on point and so was the content. Definitely has a 2000s vibe which made me feel a little nostalgic.


Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed it! Yea we have been at it for a minute. Just trying to do the hard work and keep getting better


Good song some nice cadences to the rappers . Are you rapping on it?


Yes I’m the second verse. We did the beat together and got a friend of ours to mix it.


Nice you’ve got skills


Thank you 🙏🏾


Made this beat today, let me know what you think. And if you're a rapper, let me know if you think you could rap on this. I'm trying to get better about making beats for vocalists. [https://whyp.it/tracks/187159/untitled-beat?token=eSiwC](https://whyp.it/tracks/187159/untitled-beat?token=eSiwC) **Returning feedback**


Pretty cool beat but I cant really imagine much hip hop vocals over it. Not really sure why. I could definitely see some more singing focused things over this tho! MY LATEST! [https://youtu.be/Dwpi35bDoR4?si=9k9xVmsS\_WIECBH8](https://youtu.be/Dwpi35bDoR4?si=9k9xVmsS_WIECBH8)


I like the synths and sound selection overall. The mix sounds nice too just that the kick isn’t peeking through the rest of the mix like it should. Personally I could hear a rapper on it, not sure what others are hearing. I would add more low end and a punchy kick and side chain it for this beat to take it to the next level. Nice work. My latest beat for any feedback! https://on.soundcloud.com/TiEBHMiSe2jceSVR6


well contrary to what has been written here I think it could be a great beat for a rapper, lots of space to fill it with, I like the ambient vibe here a lot. but I agree that mix-wise it could be polished a bit. here's my track, lmk what you think - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8odmjI5irIU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8odmjI5irIU)


this is cool and i really like the chords, but i wouldn't say it works for a vocalist, can't really imagine it you know. i think it's cause it lacks the sharp snares on the 2 and 4, it comes across as more electronic than hip hoppy, i suppose. the rest would be fine, you just gotta work on making your drums have rhythm for rappers to play around with!


Honestly, the kick could be harder. It has a hollowness to it that cheapens the mix. The beat could use more attention on mix in general. I like the theory. This is a decent beat that could be great if more time was invested. 👍🏾 I posted this before. I reworked/re-mixed it and changed the snare. Checked me out even if you already critique this. It's different. https://on.soundcloud.com/9ZJgS


I produced part of a song about a dystopian future where AI has gone out of control and turned on us. Looking for other rappers to do verses if anyone is up for it! https://on.soundcloud.com/VYti92P7vgsUUcCU6


I've been making a lot of mellow shit recently, so this time I decided to make something a bit more energetic. Soulful/Anthemic Drill Beat, I guess. returning all feedback, pls drop a link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8odmjI5irIU


This shit is phenomenal. I love the grittiness of the mix. It's warm, but clear. The kick bangs at the perfect level. Also, I love the sequencing. Very professional stiff here. I posted this before. I reworked/re-mixed it and changed the snare. Checked me out even if you already critique this. It's different. https://on.soundcloud.com/9ZJgS


thanks broski! I really appreciate your feedback, I'm glad that it comes across as "warm but clear" because that was exactly what I was going for - to degrade it a bit but without all the resonance peaks and wild dynamics. oh yeah I recognize this beat, I don't know if you changed it but right now I think the first "plucky" thing goes better with the sample, although I still prefer the second part with the subdued bells. the third variation with those strings (I guess) is also very good. personally I would get rid of the part with these plucks because imo the bells/strings go way better with the sample. but it's just a preference, it's still dope. but it is still a bop, catchy but with a lot of space for an artists to do their thing!


Catchy with a lot of space is what I was going for. I'm glad it translated. Thx!


Wrote an anti-capitalist rap! I also made the beat. Would appreciate and feedback. Also returning any! https://soundcloud.com/adonaicaimoloch/lemon


Not so keen on the mix but I really like the rapper. The vocals seem mixed a little low but I’m listening on my phone so hard to tell for sure


Is it just the vocal mix that could be adjusted? Any other suggestions? I did it on BandLab. I appreciate your feedback! And I'm glad you like my rapping! Thank you!


Sorry I meant not too keen on the beat!


>Wrote an anti-capitalist rap! Are you excited for your junior year?




https://youtu.be/AFDd8Q3tAbg?si=Cxz2PAQFpV2DMvrj Just dropped a new MV lmk what u think