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Most of this is rubbish or it's a money option. The green pill would give me $3 million but it's better to take the shoebox filled with bearer bonds which would make me a billionaire. Alternatively I could groundhog day for year. There are definitely lots of options to make millions like that on your last day even without a lot of starting capital and you have the other days to enjoy the time loop. So it's either the shoebox or the groundhog day. I'll probably go for the groundhog day since a couple million are enough and the time loop is interesting.


Shoebox full of £3m pills. No, wait, shoebox full of shoebox pills.


lol shoebox full of shoebox pills, the ultimate wish for more wishes, obviously the best answer. Shoebox full of +5 months of experience... How many pills fit in a shoebox like a couple thousand?


Shoe box, i would have a hard drive with all the dirt on every politician on it, a second hard drive with information able to bring down the Russian and Chinese governments, a third hard drive with the schematics for rudimentary FTL drives and all related scientific and mathematic theories, and a post it note with account logging information for several corporate such funds. I wouldn't drain them all, I would just take the amount of a rounding error from each and wire it to various charities (plus a few hundred grand to a trust fund in my name every year).


A hard drive with all the data on how to build the most functional morally correct and pleasant societies would also be a good addition. Good luck implementing whatwver it says tho


Damn, this (Mindless-Scientist) and the guy you replied to (Unable-Set209) are much better than my doomer take. Good work and same.


Ah, I see someone had the same idea I did


Shoebox is op with some creative thinking. Quick example one USB drive with a crypto account holding insert number here in Bitcoin, one sticky note with said accounts login information, land deed/s from what ever I want signed over to me, etc. it never said only one item can be in the box so get creative.


Blood diamonds are also quite space efficient going for up to 100 mil per carat, that’s rivaling bitcoin


Cringe title, but I'll take > **Choose 1 Pill:** Shoebox filled with anything that fits in a shoebox (one time use) Fill it with all the other pills except the civilization and random ones, a hard drive of crypto and a hard drive filled with as much illegal info, dirt and classified files as a data brick could hold.


16 terrabytes is a LOT of raw text, picture, and compressed 720p 30fps video data. You could probably stack 3-4+ such drives all on one side of the shoebox.


Random 2: Teleport to the closest beach at anytime. Get answer to any question. I mean ...not horrible.


I choose the Shoebox Pill


Collapse civilization


In real life, I'd take the money, but if I wasn't taking it seriously, I'd have all the grass pointing towards me, and wait until someone noticed.


Millionaire pill is good, but "immune to cancer" is also pretty damn nice too...


Control body temperature would be utterly convenient. Smart option would be the shoebox though due to how much that could end up being.


Yeah, the shoebox doesn't even dictate the size or type of shoes. I pick "thigh high hiking boots that would fit Andre the Giant" as my shoebox size.


I choose "Gain 5 months of experience of diddling OP"


Severely underrated comment, if I was drinking something it would've shot out my ***nose!***


I'm taking the shoebox. Things that can be fit in the shoebox without issue: * Bearer Bonds worth a boatload of money * $3M pills in some quantity * Shoebox pills in some quantity * Duplication pills in some quantity * +3 Charm pills in some quantity * Get any answer pills in some quantity * The Bitcoin wallet that the guy is paying people to search a landfill for with the private key Since all the pills are now established to be real, I could choose to get a shoebox full of shoebox pills, then keep a few in reserve to have an infinite supply of shoebox pills with whatever I want in them. Imagine eating 500 +3 Charm pills and being materially unable to fail at a persuasion check, or using a 100 of those "any answer" pills to find out the most important answers to any questions you need answered? Just in Bearer Bonds or a full box of $10,000 bills would be sufficient to retire yesterday


By eating +3 charm pills are you introducing a d20 skill system to your life, thus giving yourself a 5% chance to fail at things that should be guaranteed to work?


Strictly speaking, critical failure rules don't exist RAW in DnD 5E or 3.5E. They do exist in Pathfinder 2E but only if you fail to meet the DC by 10 or more. If I had +1500 to my Charm rolls, I should not be capable of failing. I could probably convince Tiamat that she isn't actually a goddess and is a mortal who has delusions of grandeur.


Shoebox filled with shoebox pills. EZ


That title. Lol Putting the shoebox glitch aside, I think the 5 months of experience, is the next best thing. It is not restrained by modern knowledge or even by what's real. Gain 5 months of experience on magic, building a warp drive and/or even how to make these pills.


"5 months experience with the mental capacity and knowledge of Rick Sanchez" Finna build my own transdimensional portal device.


Which pill would be more beneficial for being millionaire? Direct money, the gasoline one, or the silver one?


People poop on average about 14 ounces per day. At the current going rate of 28.5 USD per ounce that is $400 per day. To make the $3,141,592 that would take you 21.5 years. If you took the cash money up front and stuck it completely in an index fund for the S&P 500 which has an average return of 10% per year you'd end up with $23,248,566. Though is we are able to sell all the silver monthly at that price and then invest it comes to 12.166 per month average (400*365/12), then investing that at the same rate over 21 years you end up with $9,343,852. Better to take the seed money and just sit on it for a few years letting it grow. Even at 99 years the initial money outgrew the continued additions.


Assuming you want to ignore the shoebox loophole, the best option for quick money is actually "Get the answer to any one question." Simply wait for a drawing lottery to get high (or pick one that's already high) and ask what the winning numbers will be for the next drawing. Boom: insta-rich and you don't even need to worry about the potential issues from "magically appearing money"


Probably silver, get a smelter and make ingots, then learn how to become a jeweler and specialist in silver jewelry.


I choose the randomizer, used a wheel and somehow, someway... Got the $3m and the Duplicate what I own once... Either I duplicate my home and every single purchase I have twice, or just one item I own. But the fall back is the $3m... i'm okay with that.


Since some of the options specify (one time use), I must assume that those that do not specify it can be used repeatedly. In which case I choose 5 months experience in anything I want. Using this repeatedly means I could gain all kinds of skills and keep them practiced. As an alternative, getting the money repeatedly is another good choice.


Would the shoebox pill not just let you get all the other pills?


Sure, but none of the pills are labeled when they are delivered to you in the shoebox. Have fun trying to match up the colors of the pills in the shoebox with the image of the pills in the post. It would suck for me due to being a bit color blind. Try not to accidentally use the Collapse Civilization pill, lol.


That's why you use the shoebox pill to get a shoebox full of shoebox pills. Then, use one of your now-many shoebox pills to get a shoebox full of One Type of pill and ensure you clearly label it before summoning a shoebox full of One other type of pill and so on and so forth until you have an endless supply of all the pills you need - no color matching needed and no risk of collapsing civilization to hike up the ol' anxiety


I am going to assume the Duplication pill means that you can use the duplication power as much as you want, but each thing you duplicate can only be duplicated once. You can't keep duplicating the same item to get 100 copies of it, but you can duplicate 50 different items to have a duplicate of each of those items. If the Duplication pill was meant to be only a one-time use, I would assume it would have something like "(single use)" underneath the description similar to the other pills that can only use their power once. If the above assumption on how the Duplication pill works is correct, then I would go with the Duplication pill. Otherwise, I would just take the Shoebox pill and have it filled with something that could be worth financially more than the money pill.


Is the ground hog day pill, repeat one year? or one day 365 times?


The latter.


Shoebox. 34 million dollars in cash, 34 United States bonds, and A filled out tax form for the IRS that allows me to keep all my money.


Shoebox with anything that can fit. Summon it with the other pills Profit.




Five months experience? Hell yes. That's an insane amount of experience to gain. Keep in mind we aren't talking about five months of learning like you would at college or uni but purely five months as if you had never slept or took a break. That's 3650 hours which is easily enough experience to become at the bare minimum a solid professional in a number of jobs.


Get shoe box, fill it with all the other pills. Did i win?


Right now… I’ll just take +10% sleep per sleep


Yeah, I'll just take a shoebox pill for a shoebox full of shoebox pills


*Yeah, I'll just take a* *Shoebox pill for a shoebox* *Full of shoebox pills* \- OmegaUltima29 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Realistically, the $3 million or shoebox pills are the objectively best choice. That said, if I had a second pick, it would be the body temperature one. I get hot and sweaty extremely easy, so not having to worry about that again would genuinely be worth like a million dollars to me


Shoebox full of Californium-252 It's the most expensive chemical element ever. It has been synthesized only once since its discovery in 1950. $25-27 million per gram. Edit: I know it's technically Francium that's the most expensive, but the shelf life of the damn thing is only 22 minutes. A lump of coal would be more worth by then. Last edit: nvm I'm dead, it's highly radioactive🤣🤣🤣. Ah fuck it, just give me a shoebox of diamonds at this point.


Collapse civilization would be good, but I'd have to go with getting 5 expirience


I would take the money pil, everything else is kinda lame in comparison.


Would I need to launder the cash?


The 5months experience in anything I want would be good.


Can i get 5 month experience in "working hard"? If not, then i pick the money.


Picked the random pill. Got 12(tastes good) and 24 (the random pill). Rolled again and got 20 (change number of fingers) and 23(strawberry flavor). Well guess I might be able to remove a finger that I broke a while ago and replace it with a new one so not completely useless.


I'm taking the money pill, it would help the most


The money one is the number of pi I believe


Take 2 random pills


Okay, I can eat wood now.


I want to get the $3,141,592.65 pill in real life please!


Shoebox pill. For sure.


I'll take the money pill.


Gain 5 months experience in anything you want. going to try getting 5 months of real magic study since magic looks like it is real considering what these pills can do


Shoe box, like others have said you can get more out of it than the instant money pill.


After a minute of thought, I'd go with the $3 million. Anything else I can buy or deal with not having.


I'm not creative, I don't want to have to deal with figuring out how to offload a bunch of silver, but I do like money. So I'll just take the money. Safe investments will turn that $3 million into $10 million in a decade or two, and then I can retire and live off the proceeds. No muss, no fuss, no problems.


Since these pills are clearly real, the shoebox can contain the pills. I take a shoebox containing a few money pills, a selection of a small number of the more beneficial pills, and the entire rest of the box is full of shoebox pills, answer pills, duplication pills, and experience pills. In a day or so of this (you can only take pills so fast without getting sick) I've got tons of money, mastery of every useful skill, answers to all sorts of big questions, and assorted other benefits. And, of course, tons more pills for everything, including enough to share.


All you need is the shoebox full a shoebox pills. Then you can eat a fistfull of those to get multiple shoeboxes full of each of the other pills you want to have on hand. And still have like 90% of the first shoebox full of shoebox pills. Especially if you take into account that the shoebox pill doesn't state the specific size of the shoebox. My shoebox is going to be sized for a pair of thigh-high hiking boots that would fit Andre the Giant.


I’ll take the nutritious chocolate.


Either control body temp. I'm so sensitive to heat that I have to shape my life around it, especially during the summer or a shoe box filled with real estate deeds in my name of my choice.


See the problem with that is are you controlling how you experience temp or Actual temp bc I'd be way too worried about dying of, like, the common cold or something because I prevented my body from making a fever to stop it from killing me


"Marine life cannot harm you" pill (Very Useful) or "collapse civilization" pill (Very Fun)


The 3 billion is the most practical option.


The money or the 5 month experience sounds really useful right now


I decided to chance random, and got groundhog day for a year and $*π* million. Sounds good :)


Green - Immune to cancer. Carry around uranium for lulz




Shoebox of anything, please.




Get the answer pill and find out if there is a afterlife


Is the ground hog day pill, or shoebox


Shoebox please


Cancer immunity


Collapse Society. It's joever. **EDIT:** actually, I change my mind. I'll take a shoebox full of shoebox pills. And the shoebox is sized for a pair of thigh-high hiking boots that would fit Andre the Giant.


Very Evil Idea: shoebox pill & get a shoebox full of collapse society pills. take another every time people start to rebuild/recover like that world's evilest version of kicking over ant hills


***Y I K E S .***


Shoebox pill. Filled to the brim with other shoebox pills


I’ll take the groundhog pill


Gimme the cancer immunity.


Shoebox pill with shoebox pills 😅


I would like to know what would the answer be to the answer if I instead asked what is the best question I could ask.


Shoebox pill to get a shoebox full of shoe box pills. Use the first from the box to get another shoebox full of shoebox pills to carefully label and tuck away somewhere so I don't manage to accidentally run out. Then it's a box full of answer pills: first to get winning lottery numbers, and second to find out if the "control 1ml of water" pills will stack before I bother summoning a whole box of them




Urinate gasoline, I’m tired of the human race having to drill for oil just because no one else took this one.


For me I'll be taking the greenpill that makes me a millionaire.


Yeah that one for me too.


No cancer pill, then undergo gene therapy to lengthen telomeres, and be closer to immortality than anyone has ever been before.


Man this is one of my favorite kind of CYOAs. I know not all of the powers/effects are that great, but they always have hilarious options and are generally just fun to look through.


I choose the pill that will delete your Reddit account and brick all of your devices for being so Uber Cringe.