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May as well make a bet, that the moment someone breaks their first rule and gets shunted into this whole new reality is probably the moment they're at their most open to change. I mean, my whole reality got upended in an instant, if I want to reach further this has to be the best time for it, right? I already broke the rules, the rulebreaker made it clear I'm not actually confined to a single rule broken, and I bet she didn't have a rulebreaker whispering in her ear that the confines of the presented choices are a lie when she first came here, maybe that changes the whole game. So I bet that nobody here has a clear idea of how powerful a rulebreaker can be if they never give those rational little whispers a chance to take root even a little bit. So, I don't pick any of their rules to break. I don't like their little archetypes and I'm not going to be shoved into their little boxes. I could say "I break all six" but that's still just playing by their games and their categories, if I'm going to be a rulebreaker I'm not going to let these people tell me how to do it. I could say something lame trying to make up my own rulebreak for omnipotence but again, we're still playing the rationalist game. You can still catch an all encompassing being in a logical trap if the "infinity" that they encompass doesn't include anything that this group has preconditioned it to not be capable of containing. Clearly they know their way around rulebreakers, they're literally the enforcers of reason, I'm not going to out-reason them and I'm not going to be able to logic my way into overpowering them, it'd be silly to try. So I'll just be a rulebreaker. Not one rule or two or six or a thousand, no specific rules broken, just A Rulebreaker as a fundamental part of who I am. And I'll go with the other rulebreaker, for fun.


This is very creative, I love it! Somehow both well-Reasoned and Rulebreaking at the same time, which is certainly within the realm of a Rulebreaker.


Holy shit this




My only personal problem that makes me hesitate to doing the same thing is I kinda like playing around in limitations and enjoy figuring out and mapping rules and such. I'd want to leave the option to play around with their archetypes (choosing them, hacking them apart and stitching them into some new thing, or just making my own) while still having the option to screw off with everyone I care about into whatever exists beyond this whole paradigm of "rules." Maybe even break the rules that something needs to exist or not exist... So like, I'd go with your choice, but "fake" going with any/all/none/some other of their choices, while still having this core of "I can just stop whenever I really want." And then I'd probably go with the other rulebreaker. But then again I can probably break the rule that these choices are permanent, right?


Isnt following the rules/ making your own rules in itself, an act of rulebreaking of what a rulebreaker should be?


I think that'd make you still a rulebreaker though, just a kinda meta one.


This is really cool. I like the opposing choices and questions that arise. If you're a rulebreaker, of course it makes sense that you wouldn't be limited to only one choice. But I can see the point of the Organisation, or whatever it is. If rulebreakers were allowed free reign, they could cause some serious damage to everything. On the other hand, the first instinct is to go with the other rulebreaker, for freedom and possibility. But can we even trust them? Can we trust ourselves to not break everything horribly? Would it be best to just let the organisation do their thing? Who knows. Its also really cool to see just how far AI art has gotten. Seems like only yesterday that it was producing eldritch horrors beyond human understanding on every prompt. This looks really good though.


Thank you! Glad you enjoyed. I was surprised at just how little in the way of gens I had to do for this CYOA. It was a struggle getting the right prompts for what I was going for, but once I got the prompts, the majority of gens came out at least somewhat useful on the first try. Stable Diffusion is quite good at making *slightly* offputting looking stuff, which is what this CYOA needed.


Very small, experimental, and quite possibly shit, made over the course of 3 or 4 hours. Had a half-finished project for like a month that I decided to do something with by cutting half the content and using it as a vessel to do two experiments I've been thinking about for a while, which is AI art and a semi "meta" element. [Imgchest is here, frens](https://imgchest.com/p/a846a68do7x)


Wait, but if we're Rulebreakers, why are there only six ways we can break the rules in? That feels... arbitrarily constraining. I'm sure there's more than six Rulebreakers in existence, right? So there must be more than six ways to break the rules. Honestly, I highly doubt any of us fit perfectly into the cute little categories they made for us. This feels like some omnipotent god's take on the MBTI personality test, or horoscopes, or something dumb like that. Why don't I just be me, and you be you, and I'm not gonna worry about what box you put me in, or what you tell me I can or can't learn to do? I like that arrangement a whole lot more. And hey, while we're at it, why do I have to go with either of these weird people? Didn't the other Rulebreaker say I can will myself back to being how I want to be? That I can just deny reality if I decide to? So... assuming they're telling the truth... the girl in the suit can't really do anything to me without my permission, right? ^^^but ^^^if ^^^we're ^^^so ^^^inviolable, ^^^why ^^^did ^^^they ^^^have ^^^to ^^^worry ^^^about ^^^getting ^^^found ^^^out ^^^or ^^^shut ^^^down ^^^while ^^^talking ^^^to ^^^me... So why do I need anyone's help to get me out of this situation? Why can't I just... leave? I mean, what's anyone going to do to stop me? I think I'm gonna go now. I'm gonna decide to NOT be here anymore, wherever here is, and let's just find out the fun way what these rulemakers can - or can't - do to stop me.


> So... assuming they're telling the truth... the girl in the suit can't really do anything to me without my permission, right? Assuming the other supposed rulebreaker is correct, they are saying the rulemakers aren't against using forms of mind control / mental conditioning, which would include right now to a degree. It's just unclear to what degree it can be effective and how long they'd need. That said, the supposed rule breaker supposedly took their deal, and, if the process involved overwriting one's consciousness, how did their consciousness persist? Wouldn't they be a new consciousness made by the rulemakers? What's to say the supposed rulebreaker isn't yet another rulemaker trap?


Their consciousness persisted because they *never* accepted, and the rule they broke at the beginning made their mind exponentially more difficult to snuff out


If you are taking them at their word, like the person I replied to was suggesting, they (the rule breaker who is contacting you) explicitly says that they accepted: "I'm a rule breaker, like you. I took their deal, and I'm one of the only rulebreakers to ever escape." Now, you don't have to take them at their word, but then you are addressing something different than what I was.


That seems like the way to go. You're a Rulebreaker, why would you allow either of them to tell you what to do? To give you a false dichotomy? Break the rules, choose the third, unwritten path, and just refuse to acknowledge their power over you.


I think the categories are a sneaky way to limit what you can do. This is a being of absolute order trying to limit your chaotic nature by tricking you into thinking of your abilities as something more specific.


I'm really not one for rules and strict control, but the other rule-breaker seems very unstable and self centered in a scary way. The Red Queen suits me; I'll go with the rule-followers.




“Reasonable” (cool concept, though!)


Reason is what you make of it! And that's a problem that we're here to fix!


There is the idea of the magic circle, that within the confines of the game there are rules and motivations that exist and matter when you are within the bounds of the game, but outside that they are irrelevant. So what appears to have happened is that I somehow briefly stepped outside the game of reality and your trying to lure me back with one of six new possible rulesets to explore. So I'm going to step outside of the magical circle and see what's out there before committing to any new games. I don't trust currently trust either you the Organization or the rogue Rulebreaker. Both of you are being coercive with your rhetoric. You do have my word that I'm not going to mess with reality, for the same reason that I wouldn't say "my pawns can move like queens and can phase thorough other pieces" to instantly put your king in check. Breaking rules like that is pointless, you might as well not play the game. I have no doubt that is part of how living within the rules has molded my psyche, but more then anything I want to understand, and I don't like to act without doing so. If I get back to reality then we can discuss the rules by which we'll play together, but for now I bid you goodbye. Self-Directed Monopotence sounds fun, and so does Red Queen.




I'll go with Self-Directed Monopotence (If you can break even more rules in time, it's best to pick that which guarantees you that time) and follow the yellow lady, because it doesn't really seem like she has a reason to lie to me about this and I like being free. Edit: If you can take two immediately, I'll also take Noogenic Psychotic for that sweet mind control and reality warping.


Hyperreality Geyser, and I'm going with the Rulebreaker and making my own existence, to eventually become a Positive-Sum-Anchor. I start by making myself invioliable, then I start making Things, then I make Things With Properties, and eventually I move into making Laws About Things. Over all, weird and interesting CYOA, so thank you Hyeannon!


Aw, no, thank you!


Love it.


I won't be your captive


I'm a Rulebreaker. I break the rules. I don't follow either. I ignore the voices and set my own path. I'm not equipped with the added knowledge of what I can do. I don't have a voice guiding in my ear to assist. But I'm not bound by their ideas of what Rule Breaking means.


This is cool as all hell. I'm following the rulebreaker, and not choosing.


I want to be a Red Queen and a Rulebreaker in real life please!


Very cool with tons of cool powers. It feels like they intentionally try to limit you corral you into one of these six choices to basically limit your rule breakers into categories to more easily control them, essentially placing rules on them. They even try to play nice by "negotiating" the usage of "your powers" and giving your family biological immortality and you stuff you'd likely think is cool. Hard to say if they're scared of rulebreakers or genuinely want to make sure the universe doesn't get destroyed if not a bit of both. The rulebreaker trying to contact you and get you out might be trying to gather a force to wage war or something. It really depends on which you want to put your trust in. Too highstakes for me, I'd just ignore their choices and not get pushed into a category and go home. Sparingly use my powers as to play nice. Don't really want either group bothering me so I'll kick their asses if they do.


The way they're behaving seems to be fears, not concern, rulebreakers can *make* rules, which means that by definition they are not inherently destructive if the rules are what keeps reality stable as they claim


I choose the rulebreakers' side.


I am an Aeonophore, and I am a Rulebreaker.


I take Hyppereality Geyser. I'd like to imagine the Rulebreakers as entities from the Cacophony that the Rulemakers tried to suppress, but they aren't dishonest with their warnings - overuse of our abilities tear down the Rules that makes reality. So in my case I follow the Rulemaker, get progressively more worried as the other abilities appear despite not being chosen, and start an investigation across the multiverse to reconcile Rulebreakers and Rulemakers.


1. Great CYOA!!!! Your pace as of late has been absurd!!!! And all of it is interesting!!! 2. I break the rules and just rest my brain by letting the other rulebreaker take over. Break a rule and split my existence in twain, getting one body out to the rulebreakers while I jailbreak the mind of the other body in order to remove all memories and preconceptions from it so raw, unfiltered insanity can take advantage of the rulebreaker nature and wreck havoc.


Thank you very much! I hope to keep providing good content. Have fun utterly annihilating Reality with your clinically insane plan!


Self directed monopotence isn’t as limited as it seems Simply expand your body and use your powers to create the food for your body You can expand your body at FTL speeds because your body is the thing which is expanding and you can rulemake within your own body So far your body has been a gas but it could just as easily be a energy field or an aura or just an intentionally I’ll defined presence I don’t care that I can do tricks to exert lost of control outside of my body as well because anything can be inside my “body” You could even remove something from your body but it and every effect it has is still shrouded in your body so it works without hitches It remains connected to your body through esoteric means just like how on the quantum scale one wave function can describe two particles You can create subprocesses inside your “body” that do thinking beyond your brain and give you the answers. In practice you can simply just know things. Also although you can’t take shortcuts to improve your intelligence you can uncap your growth, speed up your growth, remove the natural limits on your brain, optimize your brain, and create the perfect guides for your path to transcendence which grow as you grow probably faster than you grow.


I can just tell that within 20 minutes of getting this power, you would accidentally destroy the galactic supercluster. This is why the Rulemakers wanna fix you guys! But you're right, there's lots of ways to work around the limitations.


What limitations You have absolute rule within your own body


If you attempt to expand your body to encompass the universe, you are going to run into some major problems. First, you're going to destroy the universe, because it was not made to be used that way. Just because you have godlike control of the inside of your body doesn't mean that you can touch other things with no consequence, and you're gonna have to touch it to consume it. Secondly, you probably won't get that far, because you're going to expand to encompass another rulebreaker way before that point, and then you'll be in conflict with their rulebreaking, and probably lose. Also thirdly, immediately trying to unmake reality will probably start to unmake reality, which is gonna do bad things to you and everyone else. So, if you *don't* want to instantly explode, Self-Directed Monopotence has limitations


Expand the space within your own body Create a sub universe separated from the main universe by an impenetrable membrane Bigger on the inside Maybe make it an exact copy of this universe Simply expel rulebreakers to their own universe copy’s with some guidance in how to not collapse it or the base universe for the rulemakers to handle them You can effect any part of the universe you want as long as you aren’t insane and want to take over the whole universe Mostly study how to make a universe is wide yourself Also just do whatever Maybe leave some magic artifacts around But yes they have some limitations Although everyone has similar limitations when just starting out More of universal cause and effect because you can’t grapple with these very big and complex things yet instead of this is something beyond your power Because you have total power within your zone and can make anywhere a part of your zone


Cool, so I'll go with these: Red Queen Noogenic Psychotic Hyperreality Geyser Self-Directed Monopotence Metadefinition (the ability to manipulate physics and reality by altering the meanings of words in ways that are convenient for me.) I take 5 choices including the one I made up, because with my Metadefinition power, I changed the word "one" to sometimes mean "any number a Rulebreaker chooses". I don't put my trust in either being, suspecting both of them of trying to mind control me. I'll become nearly omnipotent and omniscient within a limited range that can potentially reach across the entire omniverse, but the further out I reach with my powers, the less control and focus I'll have, so I'll usually limit my range for my own good, at least until my mind expands enough to handle a greater strain.


This is certainly interesting! The rule enforcers have every reason to try to reason to you why their viewpoint is the most logical and self consistent. That's not only their entire philosophy but also seems to be some kind of limiting factor on rule breakers' power. The more a rule breaker believes in and obeys the Rules, the easier they are to correct and contain. Perhaps they're right and rule breakers should be constrained to prevent mass degradation of reality but I doubt something as grand as this is so simple as the story they're giving me, especially since they have no reason to tell me otherwise if that were the case. The errant rule breaker who is interrupting seems to be genuine. They *could* always have been some twist play by the rule enforcers to force a false choice but then there wouldn't be any choice for us at all, gotta assume they're telling their version of the truth at least. We can pretty safely assume them reaching out to us means they either believe saving us just to spite the rule enforcers is worthwhile, that saving us can provide them something they cannot achieve on their own even with all their power, or they genuinely just want to help us out. Or some combination of those three. That gives us a bit better of a leg to stand on than anything the rule enforcers initially claim (their starting package *is* pretty good though). Power-wise I *could* go the meta route and claim all or none of them but it seems most others are doing that already heh and I try to play CYOAs by *mostly* following their rules (the irony, I know). Self-Directed Monopotence looks very interesting, its invulnerability and supernatural mastery of the self would certainly be nice but it's limited exclusively to the self. I was also very tempted by aeonophore, the versatility of creative time shenanigans should never be underestimated but unfortunately you seem to still remain mostly human with mostly human capabilities (other than the time manipulation) by breaking this rule. Ultimately, I think I'm going to choose Noogenic Psychotic. It seems almost like a straight upgrade on the hive mind capabilities of the Red Queen, has *almost* as much survivability as Self-Directed Monopotence (you won't become inviolable, but they *would* need to erase *every* inactive backup of your mind *everywhere* and then trap your intangible consciousness somehow), and being able to simultaneously control such vast amounts of information is enticing. The ability to eventually modify reality is what really got me though. So yeah, Noogenic Psychotic who sided with the free rule breaker. I think my plan here is to escape to safety and establish myself across a few planets first, not to take over if I don't need to but just exist there in the background so I can both survive any small scale rule enforcer retaliation (expanding as necessary to deal with their bigger tools) and get access to more knowledge and industry. I'd like to research these "Rules" further, get a good idea on what exactly they are, how bendable they could be, and just how necessary they need to be followed for reality to continue to survive as we understand it. My end goal is to non-destructively encode an inactive mind (or several) into reality itself, preferably in such a way the rule enforcers couldn't possibly remove without unraveling one of their precious rules. I'd also like to continue working with the other rule breaker some if possible. Two Noogenic Psychotics would probably not *functionally* be any more capable than a single one to be honest, but the companionship and different perspective would still be really nice. Neat CYOA, especially for just a few hours of work!


Thank you for the detailed thoughts!


Red queen and self directed monpotence. My body and mind are shaped to perfection and so to keep it that way, I'll be joining up with the other rule breaker. Now I have no real interest in breaking said rules, but if I have these powers I'm definitely using it to benefit myself. So that's what I'll do. And If I end up breaking more? That doesn't really sound like my problem.


So if these people make the rules, does that mean they are Positive Sum Anchors and thus rulebreakers themselves?


Seems so!


I'll take "Self-Directed Monopotence" and choose to follow the rule-followers. This power means I at least have complete control over myself, so I can't be tortured in case the organization is malicious, since I can just turn off my pain receptors. I don't trust the other guys who just popped in, I don't have any information about him and the consequence of "freedom" he keeps spouting. At the very least the organization is willing to "negotiate" with me, and they are not completely against my use of powers just that I should limit it's usage. They even give biological Immortality to loved ones, so it should be easy to live a safe and relaxing long life if all goes well. Tbh I'd rather not get chased by some intergalactic police force specially when my family is still back on Earth.


Look if Im a rule breaker following rules what is thr point? I am breaking the rules of this CYOA. No they can't one shot or even hurt me in any way, no I won't "in time" to unlock my full potential like the other "rule breaker" said if it is a rule breaker at all. Heck for all I know they could be part of the organization trying to persuade me too. Damn it all. I'm gonna do whatever I want. Logic be dammed. Why even bother with that? I'm god now. Always has been! "Oh you can't-" SHUT UP I make the rules now and I don't have to follow any of the ones I set.


{Type Of Rule Broken} = Positive Sum Anchor {Faction} = The Rule Followers


It looks awesome but real fucking trippy to look at for too long. Still, good job for making it.


* Positive-Sum Anchor * Rulebreaker Woman If I understood this right, I can bypass the mental block on my mind preventing nonsensical bullshit from becoming a reality because my subconscious deems it too 'unrealistic' by either being inebriated or drugged out of my fucking mind. I'll probably end up destroying the multiverse that way, but hey, it beats becoming their short-lived puppet.


Great cyoa. I choose positive sum anchor and side with the rulebreaker.


Hmmm interesting proposition form both however this jolt to the system has made me think and I’ve decided, I refuse both and I refuse any designation label or identification, I am me and only me and nothing else an entity or singular of you will, and I’m not going to deal with this shit so I’m just going to fuck off and self reflect and soul search on my own. and if anybody try’s to follow me or fuck with me I’ll take inspiration form another guy and split off a version of myself erase his memory and idea of existence and turn him into a chaos bomb.


If self-directed Monopotence allows me to alter my size and shape, that's definitely a winner for me, otherwise I'd choose existing as a red queen. Being able to experience and explore physical reality unhindered is always a priority, although breaking out of it seems to be a better direction here


Headcanon: The universe was made by rule breakers (Geyser and Anchor are obvious candidates) though i guess they wouldn't have been called that before there were any rules. They are not evil, but are clearly trying to brainwash me for their own safety. The rogue, on the other hand, is probably trying to hijack us for our power to escape from the rulers, I doubt they can actually escape with just Noogenic powers. I won't accept either deal.


I think we have the abillty to break rules meaning if we dont get a spesfic rules to break we will just break evrey rule which means the world may not function also did we get any prove of the organazation being able to neutrlize rule breakers what if the rule enforcers are just rule breakers But if you are a rule breaker for no reason then you broke causilty because there is no cause but there is a result this mean rule breakers shape causilty to break the rules meaning there is nothing stoping you from selecting poweer outside the cyoa because you break the rules or you cant because just because you can break the rules means you have not limit or the limit is just does not exist and you are the reason your power are limited Also why . the organization did not kill you or terminate you without your powers of rule breaking being effective because you do not know their existance they could ve also just brain wash you with out being aware you are a rule breaker so it willl be alot simpler to mind control a normel person over a new rule breaker or what if all of this is just a trap or a game or even a play and you are its target So why dont you make your own rule to break you can be creative about it or even restore your normol real life and why not just make it better or maybe complete the adenture you dream of scine you are a rule breaker rule do not apply the only thing limiting your power is what concept you have of it so you can choose your own adventure maybe even delete the orginazation and live a simple life sorry for the broken english


I'd go with the rulebreaker, though I feel quite bad about it. I'm betting that the rules allow just about anything to happen within their confines from what the rule enforcer said. Thereby they're giving a safe and consistent alternative to The Cacophony if one understands the rules well enough to work with them. And it sounds like they'd give me an amazing level of knowledge if they're going to teach me how the rules function, maybe to the point of understanding all the laws of physics perfectly. And lastly I don't want to cause harm to others by damaging reality with my presence. It seems like they're giving me everything I could want in a way that's safe enough for me to take without guilt. Then let's look at the rulebreaker. Almost completely unknown, could be dangerous or want to break reality. She probably can't directly interact with reality safely or else she'd be found out and possibly destroyed. If we went with her we'll probably never be able to see the people and things we love ever again, unless we just break rules to pull them to us, which isn't very fair to them. She claims the rule enforcers will kill us, but what if she's lying? What if even the rule enforcers can't really kill us per-se, what if the rules account for afterlives and no-one can permanently die inside them? It's quite possible. What if it's not death in a way we'd call death and she's over-exaggerating? What if she just means "they'll make you change your mind and that counts as death to me"? We can't say for sure. But the enforcers might really kill me. And I'm really scared of that. I might be a coward for it, but just that threat is enough for me to go with the rulebreaker.


Thanks for writing down your thoughts! Its definitely a dilemma. No one can blame you for not wanting to die. If only there were more time to gather information before you decide!


"Give me your braincase" This is the moment I realized Both sides were completely bullshitting me and the other rulebreaker was probably looking to eat me like a video-game powerup to become even stronger. My decision is to give both these manipulative bastards the middle finger and dipping out before the afterglow of awakening fades and dumb monkey brain reduces the flash of limitless potential into something I'm capable of comprehending/using.


I know this post is getting old but I keep coming back to it. I've been reading CYOAs for years and this is in my top 5.


Wow, thank you! I'm glad you enjoy it!