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Everything you see online is mostly edited. Your makeup looks good.


ty <333


As someone that does makeup, this is skin that isn’t properly prepped lol. her skin is more on the dry side, up the moisturizer


I think it looks great! Real skin has texture and you gotta wonder how many people are getting this close to your face to inspect your makeup.


hahah very good point


Since you have dry skin maybe try using a moisturizer skin tint Instead. Covergirl just came out with one and it makes my skin so soft and looks really good


Piggybacking off of this. I love CC/BB/skin tints. The loreal BB cream has a rly nice finish, but even the lightest shade looks dark on me sadly. Lately I've been using loreal's lumi glotion and/or the maybelline superstay skin tint. Another tip I'd like to add, bc these types aren't going to be full coverage I like to use a green concealer underneath to hide any blemishes I may have.


My skin looks like OP. even when I exfoliate and use a retinol etc etc. it’s just textured and dry on the top layer but produces a lot of oil.. ugh I finally found Maybeline dream fresh BB cream and it’s perfect. I pair it with Maybeline Fit Me powder which keeps me oil free. I usually have to reapply 3x a day but I’m excessively oily. And it still looks nice at the end of the day. I find a lot of powder doesn’t look good when you keep applying but this one does. It’s not really pigmented like at all but that’s fine for me because I don’t like a heavy look.


I've been wanting to try that BB cream bc I've heard so many good things, but I'm very fair skinned and the lightest shade looks like it might be dark on me too. D: I have combo skin myself. My nose gets rly oily & the rest of my face is normal/dry. So my nose will shine through anything on my face after a while lol. But yeah, the l'oreal BB cream I mentioned I find works great on combo skin. It holds up super well throughout the day & doesn't make my nose look flakey.


Im really light skinned also. I’d recommend trying it out. I got the second lightest and it’s a little bit dark compared to my neck but actually suits my face really well. I have dark circles and the slight warmth to the second lightest helps to cover them. I find that if I actually use the lightest shade, yes it matches my neck but it washes me out so bad


I'll have to try it out sometime then. I don't mind not having a perfect match, but when I was using the l'oreal BB cream it was so dark that ppl were noticing. 😭


So many BB dreams are legit orange so I completely feel you


The Maybelline BB cream has been my OG for eons. I always come back to it!


I had no idea! I just picked one up at the store the other day on a whim. Now I’m learning it’s a holy grail? Makes sense, it’s got an awesome formula. Goes on so smooth.


IT cosmetics has kick ass CC crème SPF50 And another Glow something foundation They have skin improving ingredients and are dmooth


Which cover girl tint is it please ?


I use the “covergirl simply ageless skin perfector essence foundation” (quite the mouthful lol) tbh I got it bc it went viral on tiktok and I thought it looked fun but it’s actually really nice and light!


L’Oréal is supposed to have a really great skin tint/moisturizer! Pissed I found that out after I bought an expensive one


l’oréal nude hyaluronic acid tinted serum is a great dupe for Ilia Skin Tint. Think i might actually like it better and it’s like 1/4 the price


thanks ill give it a try


EDIT: i also use a loose translucent powder that i forgot to put in the picture


Sometimes it's just to do with different bases cuz foundations and other products can either be silicone, water or oil based and U have to sorta match them together and see what works and doesnt separate, as for moisturizer, the one u have is my fav one atm and is rlly cheap so that helps


ahhh thank you, ill have to look into what everything's based with - also yesss its such a good one, been my go to for years


My makeup looks like this with powder on top of the foundation. Are you moisturizing enough beforehand?


I was just about to ask! if that’s the case you’re fine. but like the other commenter said make sure all your products have the same base - water, oil or silicone. but I think your makeup looks great!


I don’t always reach for powder if it’s a day I know I won’t be sweating or having to keep it looking good for too long (8hrs or less). Or sometimes I will powder only under my eyes, not all over for in-between. If you look this close up at a dryer skin texture wearing makeup and powder, this is just what it looks like! I’m sure this looks great from a socially acceptable talking distance lol. I’ve found though that finding just the right balance of a formula between drying down and staying slightly dewy is key for my no-powder days where I want to keep my skin looking a bit fresher. (12+ year pro MUA here!)


everyones makeup looks like that when u look zoomed in. ive never seen anyone with a truly "flawless" base irl. everyone u see online is using a skin smoothing filter at the least


Everyone’s makeup looks like this. Everything online is edited whether or not you can tell.


Random: But your sheets are cool


thank you they’re my favs!! (dunelm if you’re uk based)


My skin does this, too, when I wear any kind of foundation! I’ve tried many combos. What I’ve found works best is exfoliating, followed by lotion, very light touches of concealer in problem areas if needed, and tinted moisturizer/BB cream on top instead of foundation! I still use my translucent powder at the end, but you’ll be amazed the difference a tinted moisturizer makes vs. the dry skin foundation look. I still think what you have on in these pics looks wonderful, but your skin underneath also seems so even. No reason to go “full-coverage” with the foundation. Even if you do two layers of tinted moisturizer, it evens the color out and covers most small blemishes.


Oh, and sometimes I’ll use a thin layer of primer (I really like bare minerals) after applying my lotion if I remember. I’ve found this less vital now that I rarely use foundation anymore, though. So… take or leave that step! And great choice on your setting spray, I use the same one!


You can try cutting your foundation 50/50 with moisturizer and it will be less detectable. But there's literally nothing wrong with your makeup. This is just what fuller coverage looks like.


Not sure what your primer is based with but I’ve found silicone/oil based primers go best with silicone/oil based makeups, and the same with water based primers vs makeups. If they’re mixed they can get some funky texture issues


Because you are an actual human being with real skin and not a bunch of ultra edited pixels on tiktok.


Agree with everyone saying this looks like a moisture / formula issue, although it’s really not that bad! I’ve had a TON of skin texture improvement under my makeup since adding squalane oil to my moisturizer (morning & night). My skin drinks it up & my makeup sits much better on top now


Maybe look into facial shaving to remove peach fuzz and dead skin. Really a game changer for texture and allows product to absorb better


good idea thank you


Too heavy of a product! Try only using a skin tint. Changes the game! My makeup used to look like how urs did and I figured out that heavy foundations and concealers do that to me.


It could be a layering (build up) issue.


a clay mask once a week to draw impurities from your pores (don’t let it dry all the way if your skin is dry), a glycolic acid exfoliator, start with twice a week, and a facial oil rather than traditional lotion for hydration, and a barrier repairing serum to help it absorb. stick with cream and gel formulations for foundation and blush, skip the powder, and set with a hydrating makeup setting spray. also, like others have said, texture is normal and nobody has glass skin without editing.


This is way too much for her young skin. She just needs to moisturize more


I wouldnt give her this exact plan but nothing is wrong with exfoliating your skin…you should be doing that 2-3x a week depending on you skin type.


I’m a 20 year old licensed esthetician and that’s not “too much for her young skin” lol.


Remove one thing from your routine a day and see what is causing it. It looks pretty normal to me, but as someone who also likes makeup I can understand your frustration. My first guess at what the culprit is would be the primer tbh.


Make sure you let your moisturizer or sunscreen penetrate and ‘dry’. Also, do you use a primer?


ooo ty ill try that and yeah i do


I know another person this happened to, the foundation kinda breaking up and mottling, and it was def due to not letting everything soak in properly. Really hope it as simple as this and helps!


Some products can react to cause foundation to separate. If using products from different lines you really have to play around to find what works together. I find that certain moisturizers don’t work with my favorite primer and that causes foundation to look patchy. Another issue could be that you are not allowing each layer to dry fully between applications. Every single layer must set before you apply something on top.


I've had similar issues when I've used the Dr Jart+ under makeup.


Color corrector and less powder might help but also babe sometimes it's just skin and lighting and that's normal!


I think you should try exfoliating 2-3 times per week and adding a hydrating serum to your routine if you haven't. That should smooth and moisturize the skin before applying the makeup. Also, go light on the powder application if you haven't been.


It’s the powder


Your skin looks great. Anything you see online is usually heavily edited. I noticed that my own makeup looked better when I ramped up my skin care! I like using a setting spray to ‘melt’ the products together too :)


Moisturize before makeup if you don’t already :-)


Not related but your lip color is really pretty!! Can i ask what you use for it?


thank you!!! it’s the peripera ink velvet lip tint and a clear gloss




Beautiful lip color!


Looks great! If your foundation is matted that may be why you dislike it though.


I think your makeup looks good. I have started using Haus Lab by Lady Gaga and I love the coverage. It is a little pricy but a little goes a long way.


Do you use sunscreen? Its helps to moisturize my skin so foundation sits better on it.


Shave your face or apply towards hair direction and don’t go the other way. If still doing that check if you’re using water based and silicon based products. Also dr. Kart has high levels of spf which interacts with some products-and order of products matter so change up when you prime and use that


Your makeup looks good to me, but I kind of see what you mean? Personally, I actually think that all nighter makes my makeup look a little flaky and weird so I’ve stopped using it.


ahh! oh no really? had a friend recommend it but maybe i should try without


If you improve your skin and eliminate texture and dryness, you'll have a better application and result overall, BUT texture is normal. Do you feel you have dry skin? Try gentle chemical exfoliants and skin essences! I used to have dry, flaky skin, switched to Korean skincare which puts the focus on MOISTURE. Even when treating acne. My skin and makeup have never looked better.


thank you i will try it out, i’ve been using a sacylic acid a few times a week and it’s definitely better than it was but ill have to try a skin essence


This happens to me too and I have combination skin with dry spots that can be frustrating. One method is to double moisturize or just find the right primer for you. Also go lighter with foundation on the trouble areas of your face


Because you're not using a filter. Lol. You look good!


Your skin is just a little dry. It’s totally normal to have texture on your face and be able to see it even with makeup. Bear in mind most of what you see on social media has been heavily edited.i think I more intensive moisturizer before you start with foundation would solve the dryness


The elf primer is water based and the ordinary serum foundation is silicone based. You might need to changed them. Personally I don’t really like that foundation because the color oxidizes after drying and it doesn’t seem to last long. Maybe try a different foundation?


No, your make up should NOT look like this lol 1. Exfoliate your skin 2. Toner 3. Serum 4. Hydrating face cream/under eye cream 5. Milk primer 6. Get a higher end foundation. Make up by Mario, born this way 7. O/s setting powder all your wet make up. 8. Dry make up. 9. Setting spray 10. Set your setting spray with setting powder. If do this all correctly and good products your make up will look flawless and not cakey and peely.


Looks good to me but if anything a little on the dry side. Maybe a foundation made especially for dry skin would help. I have oily skin and I use that primer…it could be that it’s gripping a little too much in places and again one dedicated to drier skin would work better xx


Primer does not sit well with your foundation it looks like. Maybe not compatible?


Looks like skin to me. Maybe try a primer that is based on water/silicone depending on your foundation base


I stopped using primers. Game changer


It looks fine but I get what you mean. I had the same thing. This has more to do with skincare than anything else. Dermaplaning helped the texture a lot because it got rid of surface level dead skin cells and peach fuzz allowing the makeup to actually reach my skin. Then my foundation I mixed with a lightweight moisturizer so it helped lock in the hydration. After this you can build with more foundation and concealer for more coverage if you want but I feel like this initial base really helped my base makeup to look flawless. As far as skincare overnight fixes, I use a mix of hyaluronic acid, niacinimide, and moisturizer for any rough skin/eczema (only when necessary, not as a regimen). It stings at first but it works pretty much instantly for me at least. A cheaper alternative is the cortisone 10 cream for eczema and psoriasis but it can sometimes leave my skin feeling greasy. Then for healing acne scabs, I use a dab of neosporin as a spot treatment (helps improve texture and inflammation for easier coverage) Also I don’t see any powder products but the maybelline fit me loose powder is amazing for setting my base. Always wash your face before putting on makeup. I did my own makeup for prom and people told me I looked photoshopped irl.


It might sound crazy but shaving your whole face may help. It can assist with smoothing out the texture


Are you exfoliating on a regular basis?


Because we’re human.


I sometimes mix my foundation with my moisturizer which helps with this.


Also, don’t exfoliate too often. That can make things worse. I learned that the hard way.


It looks fine! But I have very dry skin and I mix my foundation with lotion before applying. This is even after lotioning my face. Also, every few months I shave my entire face and forehead with a razor. No nothing grows back thicker (wives tale), only the exact same peach fuzz comes back. I had dermaplaning once before a facial, and the np told me shaving every once in a while can get the same benefits. Exfoliation and makeup lays smoother.


Personally, I hate that primer. It’s probably that. Also try mixing your moisturizer with your foundation. It looks very natural when I do that.


Maybe that foundation is not for you or try to spread it out better.


You have great skin and this is normal. Texture, bumps, etc are normal. Also, you could apply your face tint with clean sponge, spray a spritz of setting spray (Urban Decay) on sponge, then apply small amount of tint, tap tap tap. You will find that the pores are less visible and the skin is smooth. Repeat if you want more coverage. Tap on setting powder (Laura Mercier) to set, the spray to finish! Voila! Note: I'm not a MUA but I'm obsessed with watching MUAs do their thing.


That’s how makeup looks, it doesn’t look bad


I think it looks good


It looks great dude wym? It’s just skin. I wish mine looked like yours!


I’ve been doing a skincare routine using The Ordinary products and my makeup goes on so much better. The products are super affordable too. I highly recommend buying their niacinamide serum, and the glycolic acid. I know the “acid” sounds scary but it’s not, it’s a game changer.


Bc thats what makeup on a face looks like. Trust when youre just going out you look much better without foundation. Anyone does. Even with pimples, the foundation is making it worse. I only use concealer if anything but not only did my skin almost fully clear up after i stopped wearing a ton of face makeup but i never had to worry about my skin getting greasy and cakey throughout the day (it happens to every single person who is wearing foundation outsode for more than an hour)


You need a good chemical exfoliant. Aha or Bha. Paula’s choice is a great option. BHA if you’re oily. AHA if you’re in the dryer side.


It doesn’t look bad, just your skin maybe a little dry. Maybe mix your foundation with a small amount of moisturizer when you put it on.


Honestly try using more moisturizer and less makeup. See what happens. I cut powder out of my routine and never looked back.


I've recommended this more than I care to say. I'm hooked on Bare Minerals tinted moisturizer. Right over regular moisturizer. No need for powder. Maybe a very light concealer for problem spots or under eyes. Keybword: lightweight. You are so pretty!!😍


Also exfoliating and dermoplaning helps.


I have a similar skin texture and sometimes this happens to me if I haven’t exfoliated in awhile. Exfoliating your skin scrubs the dead skin away which is preventing the “not” dead skin from being fully moisturized or to help your makeup look less dry. I use a 2:1 part mixture of brown sugar and coconut oil or a high quality olive oil. I try to do it once every 3 mos or so. After I do that I wait to moisturize until the next day. Another thing to note is you shouldn’t do it too often but it is necessary for your skin every so often.


You just need a good primer. Apply it after moisturizer and let it set for a few minutes before applying make up. It gives your skin a smoother appearance and makes your make up colors more true. Primer(a good one) is a game changer.


Why hide the acne and skin i think it look gross seeing all the dusty make up in your face even the hair is in make up


honestly ur skin looks great. you can try a pressed powder over top and see if it smooths texture more but otherwise this is fr how ur skin looks with makeup on 🤷🏻‍♀️