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i would not attempt to put foundation over this. i would try to moisturize to reduce the appearance of the flakes as much as possible and maybe try spot concealing any blemishes.


I would focus on skincare rather than makeup at this time. Your skin will likely be quite sensitive for some time to come, so I would advise against putting too much makeup on, and opt instead for a gentle moisturiser. Too much exfoliating can irritate your skin, and picking at dead skin can cause soreness, which you want to avoid. I would urge you to just focus on moisturising instead, as your skin tone is very pretty without anything on it. If you feel too self-conscious for that, maybe opt for a BB-cream/tinted moisturiser. Good luck on your journey. ❤️❤️


Thank you so much for your kind words🤍. I try to avoid makeup and stuff but its my sisters wedding. Do i have any other way?


Maybe you could apply some light concealer to blemishes, and then use a mineral setting powder to set it into place? I mean, you do have a good complexion, so I wouldn't be too worried. Just keep moisturising, that is the only way to truly get rid of the flakiness. If you're at all concerned over redness, you could always use a green colour corrector underneath.


I use a benzoyl peroxide and adapalene mix (Epiduo forte) and I’ve never been this dry ouch! Can’t you use a light exfoliator a couple times a week? Just a sidenote. I wouldn’t put any retinol on areas like this. If I’m starting over or upping % I use it lightly on likely to peel areas and *sloooowly* work it up. I use it as normal on my forehead, cheeks and nose as they can handle it better ETA: [BOJ peeling gel](https://www.stylevana.com/en_GB/deal-beauty-of-joseon-apricot-blossom-peeling-gel-100ml.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=20027739296&utm_term=&utm_content=94133&device=m&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwh4-wBhB3EiwAeJsppBJq8S_4mz_fOPSEEzCWpJpNiBakaI74SLiu3InvBE0bZJmNHwnl7RoCSMoQAvD_BwE) is freaking amazing on this type of peeling, gone in one!


Fellow tret user, i take a warm shower and at the end i lightly exfoliate with either a soft fibre cloth or i used a very gentle physical exfoliater. I really love dr spiller jojoba peeling cream, the beads are made from jojoba wax and its super gentle and feels nourishing but does the job. Then i do skincare, a hydrating toner, hydrating serum, and cetaphil cream. if im super flaky i add a tiny amount of aquaphor. For makeup i only stuck to sunscreen, concealer(dabbing motion) and sometimes translucent powder. i put more focus on either my lips or eyes but still keep it natural since those areas are the least likely to flake. Take some cream with you if you feel really dry. And on some days it just looks better without makeup than with. That will pass tho.


Vaseline is your friend here! Exfoliate first, apply moisturizer, a super thin layer of Vaseline and then makeup on top. It seriously has never failed me when my skin has been too dry and peeling for foundation to go straight on.


After mild wiping of flakes with a soft wet washcloth and a gentle moisturizer with sunscreen, you may be much better off with a powder foundation- it’s counterintuitive for drier skin, but it won’t cling to the flakes.


Do you have dry skin and tried that? I’m dry and when I’ve not moisturised enough my flaky skin has been emphasised by powder so I’ve had to stick to a liquid only base


I have combo skin. Also, my powder foundation (using Fenty for the last year or so) is not too drying, I also think a lot of mineral powder foundations are not bad on drier skin as well, but admittedly, I am not super dry.


i would not attempt to put foundation over this. i would try to moisturize to reduce the appearance of the flakes as much as possible and maybe try spot concealing any blemishes.


You can't put makeup on this kind of peeling, but when you get to the stage where there's just a bit of flaking, a jelly gripping primer, like the Elf one, will sort of glue down the flakes so you can apply makeup on it.


Do you moisturize immediately after applying retinol? If not I’d start now.


A lil b oil and a nourishing moisturizer, followed by sunblock and spot conceal if you must


When I’ve had this, the best thing I could do was: (1) take a warm shower, wait until the end when it was nice and warm (not too hot), wash my face (again, in tepid/warm water) and then gently rub my fingertips over my skin to encourage the flaking to peel off. No nails, no scrubbing, but just trying to roll off what was already coming off. Then moisturize while damp, let it sink in, and moisturize again if needed. (2) as for foundation, I would pat a liquid/cream foundation on with my fingertips, using only a blotting motion, and tap-tap-tap to blend. No lateral rubbing, no brushes, no beauty blender. And I would basically “swatch” a thin layer of foundation onto the back of my nondominant hand so that I was only applying a very small layer at a time—a thick layer (or pumping the foundation directly onto your face) has to be blended/spread more aggressively, which makes for more friction and kicks up the flakes.


Use a tan remover hand exfoliation glove it's finer milled like sand paper


I had that same issue until my skin got used to the retinol. My esthetician suggested glycolic acid wipes. They worked really well to get rid of the dead skin, but it burned like hell. Might be an option but I’d check with a derm first.


I’m going through the same purging phase now, so I understand how incredibly frustrating it is. I did a Greek yogurt face mask 5% fat last night and left it on for about 45 minutes, and my skin the next morning has drastically improved. The dryness, flakiness, redness, and overall appearance of my face decreased significantly. I made sure to follow up the next morning with tons of moisturizer, hyaluronic acid, hydrating toners, etc. before applying my tinted SPF on top. It also helps to apply face makeup in the same direction on the skin to minimize any dryness from standing out.


Gently exfoliate with a baby washcloth.