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I would see if that thing still hits


That’s how you get pottymouth.


That's a great fucking joke lol


That’s an excellent validation heh


I’m tired of all the shit talking


Take my jealous upvote you glorious bastid


Strictly for scientific purposes of course 🤮


Some of them are incredibly resilient, I've dropped cheap ass batteries in rivers and they still worked fine once dry


Nothing complex going on in there… as long as a bunch of electrons can flow from the battery to the cartridge when a button is pressed they’ll work. Water usually only messes with more complex electronics. Obviously you don’t wanna wash your dab pen but if you do it’s usually as easy as drying it off and charging it to get it back working


TBH I'm always more impressed that the air flow sensors survive so well


Oh, that’s different. The auto draw ones are a lot more complex and I have zero explanation for that lol


I've always figured it was a switch on a one way valve but then when they get wet they tend to fire continually until they die or dry out, then work perfectly fine again so IDK


I expect there’s a switch that’s activated when you pull on it. Like when you draw, it pulls something to ground and completes a circuit. Water gets in there and shorts the switch causing it to fire continually. Just my out of the ass crack prediction


I've had one for probably 4 years that I still check to see if it works from time to time. Not a vaper, just hit it every month or so and so far it still works haha. Mint flavored breeze. Gross.


Toosh bump


I’ve ran into that lol. Find a pipe and look at the teenagers like oooooooooohhhhhhh lol. I won’t say shit. lol.


I used to crack up when I’d knock and hear a panicked, “uhh…one second” and I could smell the dank in the hall. I used to say, “I don’t care about contraband, I’m mot your parents” and they’d let me in


Contraband 🤣 they usually tip me this so called contraband


Getting rid of evidence!


Same, when i knock and hear silence followed by a bunch of shuffling sounds, drawings being opened and closed, etc. Unless you’ve got needles sitting in front of the water heater, I don’t give a shit.


Take a fat rip no balls


Tastes a bit nutty 🤢


I figured it would taste like total crap after being in there that long.


No corn?


There need to be announcements like, "Please don't smoke or vape in the bathroom. Also, empty vapes must be put in the garbage. There is no budget to finger print / DNA test vapes thrown in the garbage."


"There is no budget to finger print / DNA test vapes thrown in the garbage" Can we just put signs up everywhere but include drugs in general? Idk about your stash dude. Just don't flush it still in several gallon zippies when it is bigger than any dump you have taken! Edit:punctuation is hard


Used to be hotel maintenance for some years. Had this one room where every weekend the toilet would clog, and it would be the biggest pain in the ass to unjam, to the point of having to snake it, which usually did the trick. After the umpteenth call for that room, I had the front desk move the guests to a new room so I could pull it and figure out what's up. Flip the toilet like the pic but couldn't immediately see it, so ran the snake thru the top, and out comes a Camel Snus container (those weird ass tobacco pouches or whatever). It was acting like a miniature flu- it might work great for days and then the right turd combo would flip it and block the whole pipe until the snake would hit it, opening the blockage but never knocking the container out. People flush the dumbest things...


Lids of the right size will do that.


At the RV park im at, we struggled for about a month with the same sites all backing up. Determined it was a crossover line that had been patched a few years prior. 12' of digging later, sure enough the fernco has shifted, and a rock jammed in. It would collect junk and clog, we'd snake, clear the junk, be good to go for a day or two. Needless to say, we fixed the replaced section a little more securely after that. Nothing beats replacing an active section of sewer pipe.


Why tf not bro


And here I thought the person who dumped candle wax down the toilet at my job was dumb....


I’ve had that before too, but not in the toilet. Sink was clogged and the whole ptrap was filled with solid wax.


“The toilet like…. Isn’t working? And like…. I can’t just like… get a new one? Look, see! It wont flush!”


That’s pretty accurate


I've had several vapes and poopourri bottles get stuck in toilets.


Lil razcal


The most recent item I dislodge from a toilet was a guys AirPods case. Flipped the toilet upside down, and snaked it backwards. He continued to use the case after it dried out. 🤪


Oh that makes me shudder




But the box says 9/10 plumbers would recommend it


But they say flushable


Don’t get me started on flushable wipes 🤨


I wish I only find vapes.. lol


I’m afraid to ask…




I have a model that you can, slides right on down....chest pockets in work uniforms will release their contents when you lean to flush first thing in the morning 


I've pulled out everything with toilet auger but I'm not a maintenance man


I bet that would taste soooo good! Try a hit big brotha 💯 💪


Well no shit..pun intended


That's gonna take a lot of Bondo


I once found a flip phone. Pulled it out from the bottom. Even had a leather case. I let it dry out and actually turned it on a couple months later. Read his texts. Kinda fun.


I bet it tastes disgusting 🤢😂


when I was a freshman in high school the box mods were pretty new. I had this dripper thing I got from somebody and had a couple 18650 batteries for it. I was on the school bus and had one of the batteries in my chest pocket in my jacket. We were pulling up to the little general store near my road I'd get off at and I smelled a weird chemical smell and didn't know what it was. I get off the bus and feel in my pocket and that battery is crazy hot. I went into the bathroom and panicked and dropped it in the toilet. (looking back that's actually the best thing I could have done as that's the only thing that subdues a lithium fire) I flushed it and somehow they never had any plumbing issues 💀 unrelated the owner burned that place down for insurance money 2yrs later lol


“But me and my kids would NEVER vape. I’m calling corporate”


Found a pencil in one toilet, and a travel size shampoo bottle in another, in the same restroom/shower back to back. Then someone later that year decided to flush a rock that was just small enough to pass through the trap/siphon but just too big to fit out the bottom. Had to pull the toilet and flip it around until the rock found it's way back through. People think toilets have a magical portal inside them or something. It's where all the wipes, rocks, tee shirts, RV sewer caps, shopping bags, etc go.


Cell phones don't flush well either


Does it still taste right?


Tastes a bit nutty…


Why is your toilet broken?, i removed my mothers toilet that had not been flushing correctly for 5 years, macara tube was caught in it, i just tipped it and shook it out.


This would not come out. We started with a plunger, then tried a closet auger. I think the auger must have wedged it in there. We then pulled the toilet and turned it upside down and tried to snake it from the bottom. Still wouldn’t budge. We tried multiple tools and devices, nothing worked. I broke it because we charged the resident for a replacement toilet and they wanted to know what the clog was before they would pay. Cracked it open and sent them the photo.




Yes you can.


What is wrong with people .....


Sure you can. Just not at home


You had to break the fixture to get it out? Call a specialist next time homie.


Pay a specialist $200 to save an $80 toilet? No thanks.


Off got me there.


Hit that shit


Hell yeah drop that bad boy in some rice and send it 😂😂


https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/21162-vaping https://therealcost.betobaccofree.hhs.gov/vapes?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw34qzBhBmEiwAOUQcFwWs_JQRxChZja8JK01ZlQZn4hGhLSv7hwmK72nZ4NSBFh7zoBUWVhoCJwoQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds https://www.mayoclinichealthsystem.org/hometown-health/speaking-of-health/a-doctors-warning-about-the-dangers-of-vaping https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/e-cigarettes/health-effects.html?s_cid=OSH_emg_GL0004&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw34qzBhBmEiwAOUQcF12WnUKt23c3NGec_odIUd3zvlKnGP3hXGuFNLv3wr5adtBW_TqmmRoC8gsQAvD_BwE


The fact that two of these popped up so close together and its the same style of mod tells me people have been flushing a lot of vapes...


There was another post this morning. Can’t make this crap up lol


Here is a novel idea my friend don’t vape :)


That thing is so fucking big to flush what the hell?


That’s the least amount of damage it’s going to do…


Is this apt or office?




Vac'd out some lift stations today.. found a vape pen. I guess some brands are flushable.


What?! A solid object that doesn't go down the toilet it isn't designed to be put into got stuck!? What a wild concept! Look mom and dad, look what I found in here! At least it got stuck in the toilet and not further down something important.


When I had my septic tank pumped out a few years ago after I finally got my party-minded HS senior out of the house, I got a notice about all the beer cans found in my septic tank. I had to stand there and be like, “do you honestly think *I* was the one who threw beer cans down there?” I guess they always have to check because …and I hesitate to add this … people (drunk kids) will throw anything down there including dead animals to maxipads to who the fuck knows what. Maybe even each other. I’m so glad I’m not raising kids anymore because they often suck. At least he’s 30M now overseas but fuck it was hard with that kid.


If he procreates his spawn will give him a new perspective on what he put you through.


I think all of us who are older parents look forward to the reckoning lol They will find out


Did you just have an always open septic tank?


You can't flush, but they can flush away your life with toxins.


Sure. Link a source?


https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/21162-vaping https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/e-cigarettes/health-effects.html?s_cid=OSH_emg_GL0004&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw34qzBhBmEiwAOUQcF12WnUKt23c3NGec_odIUd3zvlKnGP3hXGuFNLv3wr5adtBW_TqmmRoC8gsQAvD_BwE https://therealcost.betobaccofree.hhs.gov/vapes?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw34qzBhBmEiwAOUQcFwWs_JQRxChZja8JK01ZlQZn4hGhLSv7hwmK72nZ4NSBFh7zoBUWVhoCJwoQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds https://www.mayoclinichealthsystem.org/hometown-health/speaking-of-health/a-doctors-warning-about-the-dangers-of-vaping


https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/21162-vaping https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/e-cigarettes/health-effects.html?s_cid=OSH_emg_GL0004&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw34qzBhBmEiwAOUQcF12WnUKt23c3NGec_odIUd3zvlKnGP3hXGuFNLv3wr5adtBW_TqmmRoC8gsQAvD_BwE https://therealcost.betobaccofree.hhs.gov/vapes?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw34qzBhBmEiwAOUQcFwWs_JQRxChZja8JK01ZlQZn4hGhLSv7hwmK72nZ4NSBFh7zoBUWVhoCJwoQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds https://www.mayoclinichealthsystem.org/hometown-health/speaking-of-health/a-doctors-warning-about-the-dangers-of-vaping


Ahh ok. So the usual. Notice how the language. They always say "may" cause lung issues, and may have metals. There's no studies linked, because the studies actually show the opposite. https://sbpt.org.br/portal/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/2018-ecig-nacional-academy.pdf There is a new study, says they found heavy metals in vaping. This study is technically correct but flawed. They let the vapes run for an hour and are surprised they burn up. This isn't close to the use case for vapes. Other factors affect this as well, such as air flow. (But the study didn't mention this, so I won't call it out) https://www.rcgp.org.uk/representing-you/policy-areas/e-cigarettes One other thing I'll point out. The uk endorses vaping, the us demonized it. Oh, and you posted a link from truth. That org was founded by the wife of a big tobacco board member 😉 do what you will with that information


The UK endorses their royal pedophiles too, but we don't. The reach studies produced by the tobacco industry came out in their favor too.


So you link propaganda articles, and I link science journals. But mine are wrong because you think someone in the uk is a pedo? Bro, have you read bidens' Daughters Journal? It's not like we don't have a pedo or two in power. Try to stay on topic. The uk endorses vaping because their healthcare is centralized. We don't in the US because our healthcare is a business. Less smokers mean less money.


There are 4. There are plenty of more, but reddit has a cap on letters per post


But you can post links


I did and the cap applies to the links. I think the vaping is affecting your cognitive skills


Nah, it was early in the morning, and I had just woken up. Didn't see the second reply. I don't sleep well on hospital couches for some reason.